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Lil Billboards 3 Month Contract

By accepting this internet contract LiL Billboards LLC and the proposed public location (as specified in this internet form) are agreeing to the following terms as they will be described below from the time this contract is accepted to June 30th 2013. We are scheduled to go live on April 1st, thus the title 3 Month Contract. All starred items are further specified within the online form that this contract is in. In addition please refer to content throughout the site for clarification on unfamiliar terms and concepts.

Important Definitions:
Cycle Time: The amount of time it takes for the display to make a full rotation through all the video, photo, & audio files on it. This Cycle Time may range from 3 minutes to 30 minutes and will be determined by LiL Billboards for each machine. Tipping Point: The amount of money in pre-orders that must be received in order to guarantee the registered location will receive the respective LiL Billboard. This does not necessarily mean the deal wont go through if the tipping point is not reached, but in that circumstance it will be at the full discretion of Lil Billboards. Referral Cut: The amount of money that a referrer of a location can look forward to when the equipment is installed in participating locations.

Lil Billboards LLC agrees to:

1. Distribute their digital sign(s) at specified location agreed to by participating location(s) (as shown in video tour*) for the entire duration of the contract for free as long as the respective sign generates over the designated tipping point in its pre-order phase. 2. Determine the appropriate cycle time for each digital sign as relative to functionality and location. 3. Allocate 50% of the digital signs cycle time to participating location for personal use (Unless otherwise specified*), as long as they do not sell this time or use this time to advertise other businesses or business locations. Promoting products that are sold from the participating location is considered valid for personal use. Advertising another business location you may own, even if it is under the same entity name, is not considered valid.

4. Allocate 33.3% of the digital signs cycle time for paid advertising purchased through unless otherwise indicated in the form*. This is the portion that participating locations will be financially compensated for. 5. Allocate 16.7% of the digital signs cycle time for the use of Lil Billboards and other entities that Lil Billboards may have financial or emotional interest in. This may include free advertising from promotions, and advertising that is purchased on a cost per acquisition model. If for any reason the time allocated for personal use or paid advertising is not used then that time will be allocated for this use. 6. Consistently update prices to reflect optimum price point. 7. Drive traffic to digital signs thereby helping to insure the highest equilibrium price and revenue for participating location. 8. Place a 1st Filter on inappropriate ads as agreed to by the participating location*. 9. Forward all proposed ads after 1st filter is applied to participating location for acceptance or refusal. 10.Service or replace digital sign in case of breakage that is determined to not be at the abuse or negligence of the participating location. 11.Pay revenue forward to participating location in the following prescribed way. a. The designated tipping point costs will be collected by LiL Billboards entirely until they have been met in full. For instance if the location registers for three signs with the tipping point cost of $200 each LiL Billboards will retain 100% of the first $600 of services rendered. (This is money that comes from advertisers, not participating locations! We do this to keep Tipping Point Costs low and thereby increase your likelihood of receiving your signs) b. After the machine has been successfully installed and we have collected the tipping point costs we will pay 40% of all revenue generated on locations Lil Billboards to participating location within the first 14 days of the month following the month that the service was rendered. (This is after the ad has played, not when it was initially purchased). c. We will increase the 40% of revenue shared with participating location to a 50% revenue share upon the condition that the registered participating location refers 2 other participating locations to us who register for and successfully receive LiL Billboards in their location. (See the Refer a Friend portion of the website for important instructions on how to qualify to receive this increased revenue share.)

i. Revenue is considered all monies received from purchasing time on the participating locations signs minus paypal or other transactional fees. 12.Give charitable donations as specified in part a and b in the form of 10% of the money that comes from the tipping point value for successfully installed Lil Billboards. a. Reserve 10% of the tipping point value revenue generated from selling time on participation locations digital signs during the pre-order phase before April 26th 2012 for The USU Huntsman Scholar Build a School in India Fundraiser. This is in connection with the Charitable Organization Effect International. b. Reserve 10% of revenue generated from selling time on participating locations digital signs prior to the tipping point being reached after April 26th 2012 for a scholarship fund with the college* specified by the participating location. This scholarship will be given to students for the 2013 spring and/or fall school semesters. 13.In a case where it is not prudent to place a Lil Billboard due to insufficient preorders Lil Billboards will refund monies or credit (advertisers choice) to advertisers. In this circumstance, the 10% charitable donation and the referral cut will not be recognized.

Participating Location agrees to:

1. Keep the digital sign located in the agreed upon location (As shown in the Video Tour*) for the duration of the contract. 2. Keep the digital sign turned on during operation hours during the duration of the contract as well as Sunday night and Monday morning for necessary updates. 3. Keep the digital sign connected to wifi internet at all hours of operation, Sunday nights, and Monday mornings. If it is impossible to keep it connected at all times ensure that it is connected Sunday nights and Monday mornings. 4. Exercise their right to reject or accept proposed advertisements at their digital signs. This process may be through email, facebook, or integrated into the website. Ads uploaded for approval will be sent to the participating location early Saturday morning. Failure to accept or deny proposed ads before the following Monday at 12:01 A.M. will result in the automatic acceptance of them. 5. Pay tipping point price for a replacement if a digital sign is found to be damaged, broken, or stolen due to the locations negligence or abuse.

6. If a digital sign is stolen or damaged by a patron the participating location is expected to make reasonable attempts to ascertain the perpetrator and recover the digital sign. 7. Not place the digital signs in temperatures below freezing. Doing so will be considered neglect. 8. Be responsible for paying the energy costs associated with running the machine. This includes energy fees from plugging the digital signs into the wall, charging the batteries for cordless digital signs, or purchasing batteries to replace ones in disposable-battery operated digital signs. This also includes any renovations the participating location may opt to do in preparation of receiving LiL Billboards. 9. After 2 months the business may exercise its right to request to renew its contract with LiLBiLLBoards for an additional 3 6 months. 10.Will install the machine in their location with phone support from LiL Billboards. 11.Will take upon them liability in the case that someone is injured from a sign in their location. 12.Affirms all information provided on the form with which this contract accompanies is true and accurate. Reasonable suspicion of inaccurate foot traffic estimation* and untruthful reporting of who referred you to this website may result in revocation of this contract and litigation on the part of advertisers or referrers hurt by negligent or untruthful information.

Other Important Contractual Details:

Launch Day is scheduled for April 1st 2013. Installations of machines may begin as early as February 1st 2013. If you are selected for a beta test, installations may begin as early as December 1st 2012. Participants that are selected for this will be compensated in the same fashion as described above. (After enough service revenue has been collected to hit the Tipping Points they will receive 40% - 50% of revenue dependent on what they qualify for.) It is highly recommended that you place a backlink to on your company website and YouTube Video. Doing this will very likely result in increased traffic, and therefore increased profit to your location Lil Billboards reserves the right to offer special sales, promotions, and programs in order to facilitate growth and drive traffic to Lil Billboards and participating locations digital signs. This may include free advertising. The revenue share is the amount of money received after all appropriate discounts,

rewards, and fees are taken into account. In effect it is actual cash received for time on particular machines. If due to our suppliers being out of stock or for any other reason we cannot provide the exact requested model we reserve the right to use a different model of similar design and size. If none of similar design are reasonably available we will use a black model of similar size. If your digital sign(s) do not sell enough in pre-orders as to meet the tipping point cost Lil Billboards LLC reserves the right to rescind this contract in relation to specific signs not able to meet this criterion. Lil Billboards may also choose to go through with the contract and install the machines even if they have not yet met the tipping point. In either case Lil Billboards will keep 100% of the revenue generated on the signs until all the respective tipping points for that location have been reached. If for any other reason Lil Billboards reserves the right to rescind this contract prior to the installation of the digital sign(s). The participating location may rescind this contract at anytime for a fee equal to the amount of advertising that has been pre-purchased but not yet rendered. (This is necessary to prevent people from taking unfair advantage of our 200% No-Risk Guarantee.) Any advertisement found to be libelous, fraudulent, or in any other way illegal the advertiser will be the sole responsible party as specified in the terms and conditions they accept before purchasing from our website. All digital signs distributed remain the property of Lil Billboards LLC. Revision Clause -- Lil Billboards LLC reserves the right to revise this contract at any time . However, if we do we will notify the participating locations through email. The location may choose to rescind the contract (for no cost) at this point for probable cause up to 30 days after email. Mediation Clause Both the Participating Location and Lil Bill Boards LLC agree to see a mutual mediator if either party decides to seek formal litigation.

By writing your name under the digital signature heading in the form below you agree to and accept this contract in its entirety.

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