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Department of Information Technology NAC Test Part B 1) A computer assisted method for the recording and analyzing of existing

g or hypothetical systems is A.Data transmission B.Data flow C.Data capture D.Data processing E. None of the above 2) A computer program that converts assembly language to machine language is A.Compiler B.Interpreter C.Assembler D.Comparator E. None of the above 3) The time required for the fetching and execution of one simple machine instruction is A.Delay time B.CPU cycle C.Real time D.Seek time E. None of the above

4) A name applied by Intel corp. to high speed MOS technology is called A.HDLC B.LAP C.HMOS D.SDLC E. None of the above

5) A common boundary between two systems is called

A.Interdiction B.Interface C.Surface D.None of the above 6) A technique used by codes to convert an analog signal into a digital bit stream is known as A.Pulse code modulation B.Pulse stretcher C.Query processing D.Queue management E. None of the above 7) A hybrid computer uses a _____ to convert digital signals from a computer into analog signals. A.Modulator B.Demodulator C.Modem D.Decoder E. None of the above 8) A hard disk is divided into tracks which are further subdivided into: A.clusters B.sectors C.vectors D.heads E. None of the above 9) Which standard govern parallel communications? A.RS232 B.RS-232a C.CAT 5 D.IEEE 1284 E. None of the above 10) A system program that combines the separately compiled modules of a program into a form suitable for execution

A.assembler B.linking loader C.cross compiler D.load and go E. None of the above 11) Addressing structure A.defines the fundamental method of determining effective operand addresses are variations in the use of fundamental addressing structures, or some associated actions B. which are related to addressing. performs indicated operations on two fast registers of the machine and leave the result in C. one of the registers. D.all of the above E. None of the above 12) The Memory Buffer Register (MBR) is a hardware memory device which denotes the location of the current instruction being executed. is a group of electrical circuits (hardware), that performs the intent of instructions B. fetched from memory. C.contains the address of the memory location that is to be read from or stored into. contains a copy of the designated memory location specified by the MAR after a "read" D. or the new contents of the memory prior to a "write". E. None of the above A. 13) The Memory Address Register is a hardware memory device which denotes the location of the current instruction being executed. is a group of electrical circuits (hardware), that performs the intent of instructions B. fetched from memory. C.contains the address of the memory location that is to be read from or stored into. contains a copy of the designated memory location specified by the MAR after a "read" D. or the new contents of the memory prior to a "write". E. None of the above A.

14) Which of the following are(is) Language Processor(s)

A.assembles B.compilers C.interpreters D.All of the above E. None of the above 15) Which of the following is a block device A.mouse B.printer C.terminals D.disk E. None of the above 16) Advantage(s) of using assembly language rather than machine language is (are): A.It is mnemonic and easy to read. B.Addresses any symbolic, not absolute C.Introduction of data to program is easier D.all of the above E. None of the above 17) Which of the following is not a logical data-base structure? A.tree B.relational D.chain E. All of the above 18) Which of the following is a database administrator's function? A.database design B.backing up the database C.performance monitoring D.user coordination E. All of the above

19) In SQL, which command(s) is(are) used to enable/disable a database trigger?

A.MODIFY USER B.CHANGE USER C.ALTER USER D.All of the above E. None of the above 20) A race condition occurs when A.Two concurrent activities interact to cause a processing error B.two users of the DBMS are interacting with different files at the same time C.both (a) and (b) D.All of the above E. None of the above 21) Which of the following is a serious problem of file management systems? A.difficult to update B.lack of data independence redundancy D.program dependence E. All of the above 22) A compound key made up a several pieces of information B.uniquely identifies an item in a list C.both (a) and (b) a combination of each unique key E. None of the above
23) Which statements are use to UNLOCK the user? A.) B.) C.) D.) Alter user Scott account lock; Modified user Scott account unlock; Alter user Scott account unlock; Alter user Scott unlock

24) For which two constraints are indexes created when the constraint is added?

A.) B.) C.) D.) E.)

Check Unique Not null Primary key Foreign key

25) In an E-R diagram attributes are represented by A) B) C) D) rectangle. Square. Ellipse. Triangle.

26) Which one of the following statements is false? A) The data dictionary is normally maintained by the database administrator. B) Data elements in the database can be modified by changing the data dictionary. C) The data dictionary contains the name and description of each data element. D) The data dictionary is a tool used exclusively by the database administrator.

27) A C++ program contains a function with the header int function(double d, char c). Which of the following function headers could be used within the same program? A.char function(double d, char c) function(int d, char c) C.both (a) and (b) D.neither (a) nor (b)

28) Which of the following statements is false?

A.A function is a block of code that performs a specific task Functions allow programmers to break large and complex problems into small and B. manageable tasks C.Functions allow programmers to use existing code to perform common tasks D.Functions can be called, or invoked, only once in a program E. Programmer-defined functions can be either value-returning or void 29) If you create an instantiation of a class template with an int, and then create a second instantiation with a double, then must precede each function call with the word int or double B.once a function is used as one type, it becomes unavailable for use with the other type C.there is no difference in the procedure to call a member function cannot perform this operation in C++ 30) Which of the following is(are) invalid string constant(s)? A.'7.15 pm' B."i like e" C."7.3el2" D."1234el2" E. None of the above 31) Assume a program contains a void function named displayName, which requires no formal parameters. Which of the following is a correct function prototype for this function? A.displayName; B.displayName(void); C.void displayName; D.void displayName(); E. void displayName(none); 32) A class Stockltems has four data members and three function members. You define 50 objects as members of the class. Which is true? A.Only one copy of each of the tnree functions exists B.Only one copy of each of the four data members exists C.Both (a) and (b) are true D.Neither (a) nor (b) is true 33) A major advantage of inheritance is

A.reducing the time it takes to create new objects B.not having to think about how objects will be used C.reducing the amount of memory required to execute a progrma D.enabling people who have not studied programming to create useful applications 34) When a break statement is used in a loop, the control skips the rest of the statements in the loop after it and jumps the last lines in the program the next statement written after the body of the loop the first statement in the body of the loop D.All. of the above E. None of the above 35) If a class object is thrown with a throw statement, then a subsequent catch block has a usable match if the type of the catch argument is_________ A.a parent class of the thrown class B.a child class of the thrown class C.either (a) or (b) D.neither (a) nor (b) 36) The 'continue' statement is used to permit two different expressions to appear in situations where only one expression would ordinarily be used B.terminate loops or to exit from a switch alter the normal sequence of program execution by transferring control to some other C. part of the program D.All of the above E. None of the above A. 37) The software used to drive microprocessor-based systems is called: A.assembly language B.firmware C.machine language code D.BASIC interpreter instructions 38) The register in the 8085A that is used to keep track of the memory address of the next op-code to be run in the program is the:

A.stack pointer B.program counter C.instruction pointer D.accumulator 39) A register in the microprocessor that keeps track of the answer or results of any arithmetic or logic operation is the: A.stack pointer B.program counter C.instruction pointer D.accumulator 40) Which bus is a bidirectional bus? A.address bus bus C.address bus and data bus D.none of the above 41) A microprocessor with the necessary support circuits will include at least two memory ICs: ROM or EPROM, and a RAM. A.True B.False

42) Conversion from assembly language to machine language can be done by the programmer through a process called hand assembly. A.True B.False

43) If a signal passing through a gate is inhibited by sending a low into one of the inputs, and the output is HIGH, the gate is a(n): A.AND C.NOR B.NAND D.OR

44) The logic gate that will have HIGH or "1" at its output when any one of its inputs is HIGH is a(n): A.OR gate

B.AND gate C.NOR gate D.NOT gate 45) How many truth table entries are necessary for a four-input circuit? A.4 C.12 46) A NAND gate has: A.LOW inputs and a LOW output B.HIGH inputs and a HIGH output C.LOW inputs and a HIGH output D.None of the these 47) What will be the output of the program?
public class Foo { public static void main(String[] args) { try { return; } finally { System.out.println( "Finally" ); } } }

B.8 D.16

A.Finally B.Compilation fails. C.The code runs with no output. D.An exception is thrown at runtime.

48) What will be the output of the program?

public class X

public static void main(String [] args) { try { badMethod(); System.out.print("A"); } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.print("B"); } finally { System.out.print("C"); } System.out.print("D"); } public static void badMethod() { throw new Error(); /* Line 22 */ }

A.ABCD B.Compilation fails. C.C is printed before exiting with an error message. D.BC is printed before exiting with an error message.
49) public class MyProgram { public static void throwit() { throw new RuntimeException(); } public static void main(String args[]) { try { System.out.println("Hello world "); throwit(); System.out.println("Done with try block "); } finally { System.out.println("Finally executing "); } } }

which answer most closely indicates the behavior of the program? A.The program will not compile. B.The program will print Hello world, then will print that a RuntimeException has

occurred, then will print Done with try block, and then will print Finally executing. The program will print Hello world, then will print that a RuntimeException has C. occurred, and then will print Finally executing. The program will print Hello world, then will print Finally executing, then will print that D. a RuntimeException has occurred. 50) What will be the output of the program? #include<stdio.h> int main()
{ enum color{red, green, blue}; typedef enum color mycolor; mycolor m = red; printf("%d", m); return 0;

A.1 C.2 51) Point out the error in the following code?
typedef struct { int data; NODEPTR link; }*NODEPTR;


A.Error: in *NODEPTR B.Error: typedef cannot be used until it is defined C.No error D.None of above 52) How many times the program will print "PSNACET" ?
#include<stdio.h> int main() { printf("PSNACET); main(); return 0; }

A.Infinite times C.65535 times 53) Point out the error in the program

B.32767 times D.Till stack overflows

#include<stdio.h> int f(int a) { a > 20? return(10): return(20); } int main() { int f(int); int b; b = f(20); printf("%d\n", b); return 0; }

A.Error: Prototype declaration B.No error C.Error: return statement cannot be used with conditional operators D.None of above 54) What will be the output of the program ?
#include<stdio.h> int main() { union a { int i; char ch[2]; }; union a u;[0]=3;[1]=2; printf("%d, %d, %d\n",[0],[1], u.i); return 0; }

A.3, 2, 515 C.3, 2, 5 55) Point out the error in the program?

B.515, 2, 3 D.515, 515, 4

int main() { struct a { float category:5; char scheme:4; }; printf("size=%d", sizeof(struct a)); return 0; }

A.Error: invalid structure member in printf B.Error in this float category:5; statement

C.No error D.None of above

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