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POULTRY AND HATCHERY FARMING (4116) Poultry farms are increasing steadily.

Many government agencies are encouraging poultry farming and even short term training courses are organised regularly. Such farms have generated considerable employment opportunities in semi urban and rural areas. Marketing of poultry birds is expensive and death of birds during transit is the main bottleneck. This compels most of the poultry farms to concentrate on nearby markets even if it means less prices. Instead, if these birds are processed after dressing and packed in tins then transportation is easier, shelf life of the product goes up and the product is more hygienic. Cost Estimation Land & Building (Area 15 Acres) Rs. 1.70 Cr. Plant & Machinery Rs. 53 Lacs W.C. for 1 Months Rs. 27 Lacs Total Capital Investment Rs. 2.70 Cr. Rate of Return 43% Break Even Point 52%

ALOEVERA JUICE AND GEL (1001) Aleo barbadensis, popularly known as Aleo Vera originated in the warm, dry climates of Africa. However, because of its wide adaptability as well as its importance as medicinal plants, it is well distributed. The virtues of the plant have been recorded by many great civilizations, from those of Persia and Egypt in the middle east, to those of Greece and Italy in Europe, to those of India and the African continent. The plant is widely known in Asia and the Pacific and is found in the folklore of the Japanese, the Philippines and the Hawaiians. The Spanish used Aleo and carried it with them to their new worldcolonies in South America and the Caribbean .It is reported to grow wild on islands of Cyprus,Carary Cape, Cape Verde and arid tract of India . Aleo can substitute synthetic ingredient used in cosmetic industry very competitively and is finding increasing use in the ever growing consumer product segment as medicinal plants, vegetables, pickle purposes etc, has inspired growers for commercial cultivation in many parts of the world. The gel produced from its mature leaves is used in cosmetic industry for the preparation of shampoo, face creams and moisturizing agents. Cost Estimation Plant Capacity 3,60,000 Ltr Juice 1,62,000 Ltr Gel Land & Building (Area 1 Acre) Rs. 1 Cr. Plant & Machinery Rs. 33 Lacs W.C. for 2 Months Rs. 1.03 Lacs Total Capital Investment Rs. 2.55 Cr. Rate of Return 159% Break Even Point 16%

DOOR HINGES (MILD STEEL & STAINLESS STEEL) (0987) Hinges have extensive applications in joining doors, windows and similar other structures requiring a movement of one flank with respect to a fixed frame. In housing, the door flanks can have an angular movement with respect to the door frames of wood or steel or aluminium. Its function is to joint one part to the other. Versatile of operation of hinges have played a great role mechanisation and modernisation in present mechanised life. Hinges are extensively used in safes, almirahs, boxes of all sizes, machines covers etc. Mild steel is extensively being used for manufacturing hinges for all purposes but brass, S.S. and Aluminium hinges have also been manufactured because of their respective properties, uses and applications. Though the manufacturing process is same for all materials of hinges yet some balancing equipments are needed to be added with the main machineries when material changes. Cost Estimation Land & Building (Area 500 Sq.Mt.) Rs. 58 Lacs Plant & Machinery Rs. 13 Lacs W.C. for 3 Months Rs. 42 Lacs Total Capital Investment Rs. 1.18 Cr. Rate of Return 39% Break Even Point 52%

STEEL FABRICATION (0955) Steel fabrication, when used as an Industrial Term, applied to building of machines, structures, process equipment for chemical, fertilizers sector by cutting, shaping and assembling components made from raw materials small businesses that specialize in steel are called steel fabrication workshops, steel fabrication is a value added process that involves the construction of machines and structures from various raw material. A fabrication shops will on a job, usually based on the engineering drawings and if awarded the contract will built the product. A steel fabrication work shop consists of a shed and all facilities for fabricating all kinds of universal steel. It includes, steel shearing, punching forming, welding, rolling, sand blasting, plasma cutting and painting. Now we take the case of manufactuing of industrial fan of dia 1000mm Arial tube type fan. Cost Estimation Land & Building (Area 2000 Sq.Mt.) Rs. 1.56 Cr. Plant & Machinery Rs. 1.02 Cr. W.C. for 3 Months Rs. 3.76 Cr. Total Capital Investment Rs. 6.40 Cr. Rate of Return 85% Break Even Point 30%

POLYALUMINIUM CHLORIDE (1018) Aluminium chloride hydroxide [1327-41-9], [10284-64-7], Alcl (OH)2 [14215-15-7], AlCl2(OH), produts, commonly known as polyaluminium chlorides (PAC), are used for a wide variety of industrial applications. Other names for PAC are basic aluminium chloride, polybasic aluminium chloride, aluminium hydroxychloride, aluminium oxychloride, and aluminium chlorohydrate. The presence of polymeric, aluminium-containing cations, the distribution of which can differ greatly, typifies PAC products. Although the formation of polynuclear aluminium species in solution has been studied for over a centary, there is still much controversy concerning aluminium polymerization reactions and the resulting product compositions. Polyaluminium chloride is a partially hydrolyzed aluminium chloride solution, which may incorporate a small amount of sulphate, has been introduced in Japan, England and Australia as an alternative to alum. Cost Estimation Plant Capacity 2 MT./Day Land & Building (Area 1000 Sq.Mt.) Rs. 42 Lacs Plant & Machinery Rs. 52 Lacs W.C. for 3 Months Rs. 1.13 Cr. Total Capital Investment Rs. 2.17 Cr. Rate of Return 25% Break Even Point 48%

AYURVEDIC/HERBAL PHARMACY (0423) Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha, Emchi (Tibetan) and Prakrtika Cikitsa (Naturopathy) are the various traditional systems of medicine still prevalent in India. The word Ayurveda is composed of two Sanskrit terms, viz., ayus meaning life and veda meaning the knowledge and taken together, it means the Science of Life. However, in a limited sense, it is always used to imply the Science of Medicine. Caraka has defined agurveda as the Science through the help of which one can obtain knowledge about the useful and harmful types of life (hita and ahita ayus), happy and miserable types of life, things which are useful and harmful for such types of life, the span of life as well as the very nature of life. Cost Estimation Plant Capacity 184 Nos./Day Land & Building (Area 1000 Rs. 30 Lacs Plant & Machinery Rs. 9 Lacs W.C. for 3 Months Rs. 13 Lacs Total Capital Investment Rs. 53 Lacs Rate of Return 30% Break Even Point 60%

ALCOHOL FROM POTATOES (0665) The term alcohol was first applied to the spirits of wine, ethyle alcohol, and now it refers to a series of substances with similar characteristics. Ethyl alcohol is the active constitutent of all intoxicating liquors obtained by the fermentation of saccharine materials. It is present in the form of esters in severals volatile oils. It is now-a-days prepared in immense quantity, cheifly by fermentation, and finds numerous industrial uses, and is also being sed as a motor fuel. Pure ethyl alcoho, C2H6 (C2H5OH), is known as absolute alcohol. Technically the alcohol is known as Grain Alcohol because it is manufactured from starchy grains. Cost Estimation Plant Capacity 50 KLs/Day Land & Building (Area 20 Acres) Rs. 16.62 Cr. Plant & Machinery Rs. 26.02 Cr. W.C. for 1 Month Rs. 1.28 Cr. Total Capital Investment Rs. 45.33 Cr. Rate of Return 73% Break Even Point 31%

CORN FLAKES (0401) Corn flakes being one of most nutritious foods and is consumed as breakfast food not only in India but-elsewhere in the world. Basically, it is prepared from maize, this is the main raw material. Flavours, like sugar or salt, are also added. Maize, the main raw material, is itself a corn grain. India is predominantly an agricultural country. Due to the progressive increase in farm produce a need has been felt to develop more agrobased food processing industries to make gainful utilisation of the raw material resources and to provide remunerative prices to the growers. Maize is one of the important commercial food-grains grown abundantly in our country. The maize is processed for the manufacture of oil, flour, starch, liquid glucose, dextrose etc. Besides pop-corn, another snack foods made from maize, maize is also used for the manufacture of corn flakes. Roasted corn flakes are generally used as breakfast good with milk. Raw corn flakes are used by the liquor manufacturing units for manufacturing of beer. Fried corn flakes are also served as snack foods. Cost Estimation Plant Capacity 1 Ton./Day Land & Building (Area 2000 Sq.Mt.) Rs. 73 Lacs Plant & Machinery Rs. 13 Lacs W.C. for 2 Months Rs. 19 Lacs Total Capital Investment Rs. 1.11 Cr. Rate of Return 40% Break Even Point 47%

STORAGE BATTERY (0960) Prior to go ahead first one can think as what is a Battery. Battery is a device to change the chemical energy in electrical energy through chemical reaction. It consist of two plates i.e. Cathode & Anode & electrolyte. During the reaction with the plates (electrodes) this electrolyte produces the electrons on the negative electrode which goes to positive electrode (anode) via-outer load circuit. One can ask a question as when the cathode after reacting with electrolyte produces the electron i.e. means the reaction will continue whether the battery is in operation will continue whether the battery is in operation or not means there is a loss of energy but it is not in actual practice as the electron produced during off period remains there on the electrode & prevent the further chemical reaction.

Cost Estimation Plant Capacity Land & Building (Area 1000 Sq.Mt.) Plant & Machinery W.C. for 3 Months Total Capital Investment Rate of Return Break Even Point 200 Nos./Day 78 Lacs 74 Lacs 6.29 Cr. 7.97 Cr. 63% 28%


Lead-Acid Battery comprises number of cells in a container. These cells contain positive (PbO2) and negative (Pb) electrodes or plates separators to keep the plate apart, and sulphuric acid electrolyte. The electtrochemical system is highly reversible and sulphuric acid electrolyte. The electrochhemical system is highly reversible and can be discharged and charge repeatedly before failure of some sort causes the chargocyde to be impractical.

Cost Estimation Plant Capacity Land & Building (Area 800 Sq.Mt.) Plant & Machinery W.C. for 2 Months Total Capital Investment Rate of Return Break Even Point 0.20 MT./Day 47 Lacs 19 Lacs 25 Lacs 97 Lacs 19% 70%

LED BULB (0664) Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) small colored lights available in any electronics store are ubiquitous in modern society. They are the indicator lights on our stereos, automobile dashboards, and microwave ovens. Numeric displays on clock radios, digital watches, and calculators are composed of bars of LEDs. LEDs also find applications in telecommunications for short range optical signal transmission such as TV remote controls. They have even found their way into jewelry and clothing witness sun visors with a series of blinking colored lights adorning the brim. The inventors of the LED had no idea of the revolutionary item they were creating. They were trying to make lasers, but on the way they discovered a substitute for the light bulb.

Cost Estimation Plant Capacity Land & Building (Area 400 Sq.Mt.) Plant & Machinery W.C. for 1 Month Total Capital Investment Rate of Return Break Even Point 5000 Pcs./Day 20 Lacs 4 Lacs 3 Lacs 36 Lacs 37% 58%

SOLAR CELLS (0603) As the name, itself suggests solar cell is made from two words, solar & cell. Cell means the device to provide the direct current power supply & Solar means the device operated by the energy received from sun. The Solar Cell is the device which, converts the light energy into the electric energy.

Cost Estimation Plant Capacity Land & Building (Area 2000 Sq.Mt.) Plant & Machinery W.C. for 3 Months Total Capital Investment Rate of Return Break Even Point 10000 Nos. /Day 78 Lacs 39 Lacs 2.27 Cr. 3.58 Cr. 47% 38%

I. V.FLUID (0575) Intra venous fluids, in general are used as I.V drips for patients in nursing homes and hospitals suffering from acute dehydration or considerable debilitating conditions. These I.V fluids replanish the body fluids. Though a number of I.V fluids are there, generally three types of I.V fluids are used in hospitals as I.V drips. Cost Estimation Plant Capacity Land & Building (Area 1000 Sq.Mt.) Plant & Machinery W.C. for 3 Months Total Capital Investment Rate of Return Break Even Point 4500 Btl/Day 76 Lacs 78 Lacs 45 Lacs 2.20 Cr. 31% 59%

DISPOSABLE PLASTIC SYRINGES (STERILISED) (0781) This project proposes to install entire equipments needed for an integrated Disposable syringe plant. This means that the project aims at mfg. all the components of a syringe within the plant and assemble them into a complete syringe for sale under ifs own reliable brand name. To make its product economical, the project doesnot intand to import seemless extrunded tubes of miniature diameters which happen to be quite expensive. This project propose to cold extrude the stainless steel tubes and draw them in colod condition to reduce the tube diameter to the required sizes. The required composition of S.S. billits will be procured indigenously for cold extrusion to produce stainless steel miniature tubes for use as raw material to produce injection-needles used in syringes. Of tubes, out of its own productions S.S. the unit will make properly processed needles and starilize then for hygeinic uses. The other components of a disposable syringe are: Barrel, piston & hub. The barrels one made of sterilized plasftic of specified grade by injection moulding process, followed by finishing operations, calibration and re-sterilization piston is the part of a syrange which reciprocates into the barrel barrel bore for filling the liquid medicine into the barrel, through the needle & hub hole which is concentric & centrally locased, and also to inject the medicine drawn into the syringe for infuion into the patients's body. Like barrel, the piston is also made out of specified grade of plastic by injection moulding process.

Cost Estimation Plant Capacity Land & Building (Area 12000 Sq.Mt.) Plant & Machinery W.C. for 3 Months Total Capital Investment Rate of Return Break Even Point 60000 Nos./Day 6.59 Cr. 6.39 Cr. 5.79 Cr. 20.63 Cr. 15% 70%

TMT STEEL BARS (0555) Thermo mechanically treated (TMT) steel, can be described as a new-generation-high-strength steel having superior properties such as weldability, strength, ductility and tensility, which meet the highest international quality standards.

Cost Estimation Plant Capacity Land & Building (Area 1 Acre) Plant & Machinery W.C. for 3 Months Total Capital Investment Rate of Return Break Even Point 15 MT./Day 1.03 Cr. 85 Lacs 2.80 Cr. 5.02 Cr. 40% 51%

COLD STORAGE (0677) India is a large country producing variety of fruits and vegetables. The range includes fruits like mangoes, banana, papaya, orange, mosambi, grapes, pineapple, watermelon etc. and vegetables like potatoes, onions and number of green vegetables including lady finger brinjal, cabbage, peas, chillies and so on.

Cost Estimation Plant Capacity Land & Building (Area 3000 Sq.Mt.) Plant & Machinery W.C. for 1 Month Total Capital Investment Rate of Return Break Even Point 1500 MT. 70 Lacs 73 Lacs 1.34 Lac 1.50 Cr. 13% 70%

BAKERY UNIT (0552) Pastries, Rusks, Bread, Cakes, Toffies etc. comes under the bakery product. Now the advancement of age age food habits of the ready-made food. Most of all the bakery items are under the category of ready-made food. Now school going children are like to have the items like parties cakes, breads etc. for their tiffin use office going peoples like to take breads and parties products, in our daily break fast table also take. The share of bakery products even daily wages laborers also habiterated to spend their lunch by taking bread or like that baking product. By the large utilities of baking products in our life takes part the programme of progress of bakery unit itself.

Cost Estimation Plant Capacity 99540 Kg. Bread & Burgar Bun 120000 Kg Pastry Products 9000 Kg.Biscuits, 30000 Kg Pastes 123570 Kg Toff 2 Cr. 18 Lacs 44 Lacs 2.64 Cr. 33% 45%

Land & Building (Area 4000 Sq.Mt.) Plant & Machinery W.C. for 3 Months Total Capital Investment Rate of Return Break Even Point

AUTOMATIC BISCUIT MAKING PLANT (0682) Around the world Biscuits is the principal food and provides more nutrients than any other single food source. The value of grain in the world used for human consumption is over 2,3 times of the value of the world iron and steel production. Although only 14% of the grain in the world is handled through international channels, cereal grains make up more than half of all the goods in overseas trade. Cost Estimation Plant Capacity Land & Building (Area 800 Sq.Mt.) Plant & Machinery W.C. for 3 Months Total Capital Investment Rate of Return Break Even Point 5 MT./Day 47 Lacs 72 Lacs 2.14 Cr. 3.49 Cr. 80% 40%

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