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AIMS To enable beginner students to acquire skills in speaking, understanding, reading (and writing) basic Russian. Students completing 12 sessions successfully will have an introduction to the Russian language which will enable them to continue their studies of the language at the next level, on their own or in a group. INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES Specific Russian language skills: Students will, at the end of the 3 months, show a good grasp of the basic vocabulary and grammatical structures covered, and will be able to understand and communicate basic factual information in Russian, will be able to introduce themselves and talk about a range of topics, such as their family, home and interests.

Language learning skills:

Students will gain exposure to a different phonetic system and non-Latin based alphabet. In addition to language classes, students are encouraged to consolidate their own learning by using available learning materials, in a variety of media (press, internet, books and audio). Personal and key skills: Students will develop at a different pace. They will learn to communicate at a basic level in Russian, and will gain experience in working in pairs at solving basic linguistic tasks. LEARNING/TEACHING METHODS Language classes (1 hour per week), in which students will work both individually and in small groups, bringing any prior experience of foreign language learning to bear on the process of learning Russian. ASSIGNMENTS Regular coursework, including grammar and translation exercises, vocabulary tests (gap filling) ASSESSMENT AND FEEDBACK Assessed coursework, peer group assessment, short test in week 5, consolidating test in week 12 SYLLABUS PLAN (INDICATIVE) Essential learning Alphabet , pronunciation, start reading Home and environment (describing places) Colours and shapes Eating In and Out Stock take + working in pairs Weather, seasons Time and date National holidays / having fun Shopping Interests and Hobbies Holiday activities Services (doctor, post office) Additional learning (h/w) Self, Family, Friends nationalities/languages More descriptions (people) Demonstratives (this, that) short test More descriptions Daily routines Expressing likes and dislikes Money Sports Sightseeing Transport Grammar basic nouns/pronouns (I, you, he/she, my, her) negation (not, don't), asking questions Intro to adj gender (he/she) Gender and singular/plural nouns Cases (nominative, genitive) Numbers Cases cont (accusative) comparisons (bigger, more beautiful) More on numbers More on verbs Revision Revision / wrap up /quiz

Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Lesson 5 Lesson 6 Lesson 7 Lesson 8 Lesson 9 Lesson 10 Lesson 11 Lesson 12


INDICATIVE BASIC READING LIST Nick Brown, New Penguin Russian Course (London: Penguin, 1996) Borras, F. M. and R. F. Christian, Russian Syntax: Aspects of Modern Russian Syntax and Vocabulary (Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1971) Falla, Paul, Boris Unbegaun, and Marcus Wheeler, eds., The Oxford Russian Dictionary, Revised Edition, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000) Offord, Derek, Using Russian: a Guide to Contemporary Usage (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996) Ozhegov, S. I., Slovar' russkogo iazyka (Moscow: Russkii iazyk, 1991) a Mono-lingual Russian dictionary Electronic multi-lingual dictionary Web-based decoder (type in Russian or convert) Wade, Terence A Comprehensive Russian Grammar (Oxford: Blackwell, 2000) Wade, Terence, A Russian Grammar Workbook (Oxford: Blackwell, 1997) Cruise, Edwina, English Grammar for Students of Russian (The Olivia and Hill Press, 1993) Additional materials: Russnet - Nezavisimaya gazeta - Argumenty i fakty - Itogi - Izvestiia - Kommersant - Komsomolskay pravda - Russia Today - Gazety i zhurnaly On-line periodicals Russian TV on line -

VOCABULARY To be provided on the first lesson. CONTACT xxx

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