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E LL mm Fu ra E d Og s I pr IN

2 & 3 OctOber 2012 | british museum | lOndOn OndOn

InvestHedge H dge Hedge g

FORUM 2012

The pursuit of performance

the investhedge Forum is a unique hedge fund conference, bringing together more than 350 hedge funds, institutional investors and funds of hedge funds. it will tackle a variety of investor-related topics and examine how investors are investing in and buying hedge funds.

KEyNOtE spEaKErs
damE amELIa chILcOtt FawcEtt Chairman, Hedge Fund Standards Board martIN KLLstrm Portfolio manager responsible for hedge fund investments, AP1 ash wILLIams Executive director and CIO, Florida State Board of Administration
Main sponsors:

See inside for more details >

Associate sponsors:

asset management

BOOK ONLINE at or call +44

(0)20 7779 7222

The investhedge Forum 2012

Where is the hedge fund world going? Are funds of funds heading for extinction? And are the consultants ready to take the reins of guiding pension funds towards appropriate levels of hedge fund investments?
Under the theme The Pursuit of Performance, this years InvestHedge Forum will aim to answer these questions and raise far more, with expert speakers ready to discuss the topics close to the hearts of hedge funds and their investors. As more investors buy hedge funds directly, the two-day event will explore how they can do this, how funds of funds are adapting and, more importantly, how they can continue to harness the performance they need to fund future liabilities. There will be in-depth panel discussions with both hedge funds and their investors to uncover what it is that investors want and what is on offer for them to achieve their goals. Performance is still paramount, but today so is due diligence, risk management, transparency and how hedge funds are delivered. Reinforcing the importance of the investor and the increasing collaborative endeavours between allocators and their advisors, the Forum will include keynote speeches from two end-investors: Ash Williams from Florida State Board of Administration and Martin Kllstrm from AP1. The event will be of relevance to all hedge fund allocators wanting to know where the performance opportunities of tomorrow are coming from as well as hedge funds wanting to meet and learn from their potential future investors. I look forward to seeing you in October.

niki natarajan editor, InvestHedge

More than 350 delegates are expected to attend the investhedge Forum
Companies registered to attend so far, include:
Aquila Capital Arden Asset Management ARK Aurum Research Aviva Investors Bluebay Asset Management BNP Paribas Securities Services BNY Mellon Alternative Investment Services Brifor Cairn Capital Cazenove Capital Pension Trustees Cornerman De Putron Fund Management Dhandsa Family Office Diversified Global Asset Management Duet Asset Management Federal Street Partners FRM FX Concepts and P&NP Finance IMQ Investment Management J.P. Morgan Asset Management UK Kuwait Fund LDF Advisers LGT Capital Partners LNG Capital Lord North Street Marfin Capital Partners Merrill Lynch International MN Oxford Martin School Pamplona Capital Management Parker Lloyd Group Passport Capital Europe PCE Investors Pensato Capital Pension Fund Service Platinum Partners Capital Poseidon SA Prisma Capital Partners Private Advisors Protg Partners REEC Family Office Revere Capital Advisors Rothschild Family Office Sabre Fund Management SkyBridge Capital South Yorkshire Pensions Authority SSARIS Advisors Thalia SA Universities Superannuation Scheme Walcot Partners Wells Fargo Global Fund Services West Midlands Pension Fund

InvestHedge Forum 2012 | 2 & 3 October 2012 | British Museum | London

Absolute ucits conference 2012

InvestHedge Forum delegates can also attend the Absolute ucits conference, which will run concurrently with the Forum on 3 October from 11.00.


The conference will explore the alternative UCITS hedge fund industry today particularly how it will grow and what it will look like over the next decade. With the sector expected to grow to assets of $1.5 trillion by 2020, the Absolute ucits conference will bring together leading industry speakers to examine how changing regulation, investor demand and market sentiment is enabling the alternative UCITS market to grow. sessions will include: What are the advantages of institutional and retail investors allocating to alternative UCITS? What are the advantages of institutional and retail investors allocating to alternative UCITS? How to attract assets into alternative UCITS. Are platforms the solution? Or is a new distribution model needed? The future: Alternative UCITS and the onshore hedge fund industry in 2020.

buy one ticket get one free If your firm lists performance

data in the HedgeFund Intelligence database, register yourself and bring a colleague for free!

15% subscriber discount If you subscribe to InvestHedge, EuroHedge, AsiaHedge, Absolute UCITS or AR Magazine, you will receive 15% off the standard rates. 10% AimA member discount end investors register for free!

register today:
Call +44 (0)20 7779 7222 Email: Online:

Pre-event networking

Once you have registered for the InvestHedge Forum, you will be invited to join the private event networking group on LinkedIn. You will receive regular updates and find out who else is attending the Forum.

Business type breakdown of attendees

Other industry professionals 2% Funds of funds, end investors and consultants 42% Service providers 19%

Other industry professionals Service providers Hedge funds FoF investors

Hedge funds 37%

*Source: based on attendance at the InvestHedge Forum the in September 2011 *Source: based on attendance atheldInvestHedge Forum held in September 2011
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day one: Tuesday 2 October 2012
09.30 10.15

registration, breakfast and introduction revealed: the secrets of making macro work
Has transparency and political intervention taken the edge off global macro, or are there managers out there still able to find pockets of performance? How do they do it? Whats the story in Europe, who will be the next to fall and will they ever be allowed to fail? Who is in charge politicians, regulators or the financial centres and will the PIIGS ever fly again? What are the strategies for exploring stressed and distressed opportunities in Europe and beyond? Speakers: Steven Bell, GLC; Tim Bond, Odey Asset Management; Ben Funk, Liongate Capital Management; George Papamarkakis, North Asset Management


lies, damned lies & statistics: the truth about performance

A pension fund that invested in a fund of hedge funds in 2008 is going to believe that the performance has been appalling, but is that the full picture? How have the other asset classes performed? Did the fund buy protection or performance? Is the portfolio benchmarked correctly? Are the hedge funds in the right part of the portfolio? Over time do the investments look better? Is it about timing? What do investors really want? How can hedge funds be used properly to maximise performance? Speakers: Robert Kosowski, Imperial College London; Roxanne Martino, Aurora Investment Management; Ian Prideaux, Grosvenor Estate; Mike Weston, DMGT Pensions. Moderator: Niki Natarajan, InvestHedge

11.45 12.15

coffee break Keynote speaker: martin Kllstrm AP1

Martin is the portfolio manager responsible for hedge fund investments ($1.6 billion) at AP1. AP1 manages $35 billion worth of assets and is part of the Swedish state pension system. Martin has researched hedge funds in different capacities for close to 10 years. Prior to heading up the hedge fund portfolio, he was responsible for the private equity portfolio at AP1 with fund commitments of $1.8 billion. Introduced by Tom Raber, Alvine Capital


Returns may have been tepid in recent years (post-2008) but when the equity markets have tanked, commodity trading advisors and other quant strategies have generally been among the best at preserving capital and delivering returns such as most recently in May 2012. Will these strategies continue to be best at delivering non-correlated returns? Speakers include: Ewan Kirk, Cantab Capital Partners; Bernd Scherer, FTC Capital; Mikael Stenbom, RPM Risk & Portfolio Management; Thomas Weber, LGT Capital Partners. Moderator: James Skeggs, Newedge

ctAs & quant strategies: the ultimate must-have for non-correlated returns?

Day one: Programme

13.45 15.00

Amelia is the chairman of the Hedge Fund Standards Board in London. She is also chairman of the Guardian Media Group plc in London, a non-executive director of State Street Corporation in Boston, Massachusetts and a non-executive director of Investment AB Kinnevik in Stockholm. Between 2007 and 2010, Amelia was chairman of Pensions First, a financial services and systems solutions business.

Keynote speaker: dame Amelia chilcott Fawcett hedge Fund standards board


is risk management and transparency killing performance?

Institutional investors are doing everything they can not to get burned. They want all the risk management and transparency they can get, and the managed account industry is thriving because of this fear. But is this fear killing the golden performance goose? Can investors have it all? Speakers: Hilmi nver, Notz Stucki; Luke Ellis, FRM; Pierre Sequier, Exane Asset Management; Julian Shaw, Permal

InvestHedge Forum 2012 | 2 & 3 October 2012 | British Museum | London


The world talks about doing due diligence, but what does good due diligence look like? How can investors know how to distinguish between firms that know what they are looking for legally and operationally, and those that just say they do? Is the drive to cut fees, going to see corners cut in due diligence? And will investors get what they pay for only to find out when it is too late? Speakers: Roxanne Martino, Aurora Investment Management; Anne Marie Morley, Aurora Investment Management; David Kuenzi, Aurora Investment Management; Scott Schweighauser, Aurora Investment Management

Workshop digging beyond the obvious: the art and science of due diligence

16.30 17.00

coffee break long/short equity: is it no longer working? Who has the ideas that still make it compelling?
Recent years have been very difficult for long/short equity strategies, with returns generally being low to nonexistent over the past five years, and with rising correlation to markets leading many investors to lose faith in the ability of the strategy to deliver in such a macro-driven market. But some managers have still been able to deliver strong positive returns during this period and this panel will feature some of them, who will talk about how they have been achieving such returns, as well as the opportunities they see and their strategies for the future. Speakers: Leonard Charlton, Dalton Strategic Partnership; Russell Clark, Horseman Capital Management; Fehim Sever, Marshall Wace; Rick Sopher, LCF Edmond de Rothschild Asset Management Moderator: William Donzeiser, RBS Today, multi-manager investing is more than just picking managers. As the direct versus indirect debate rages on, it is key that investors understand how to make the most of their managers to win the performance stakes. How is value added through strategic and tactical asset allocation? And which comes first the strategy or the manager? Speakers include: Christian Howells, Aberdeen Asset Management; Andrew McCaffery, Aberdeen Asset Management; Subhra Tripathy, Aberdeen Asset Management The main reason most investors that can are moving to consultant driven direct investments is that they want to cut costs. But is moving to the direct model really saving that much? Is service, due diligence, monitoring being compromised and are there conflicts? What will happen in three years time when portfolios are reviewed? As consultants are increasingly being hired as outsourced CIOs is there a way to harness the due diligence power of funds of funds and with the access and expertise of the consultants? How much does all this actually cost the pension fund? And who gets the blame when things go wrong? Speakers: Steve Charlton, NEPC; Damien Loveday, Towers Watson; Maarten Nederlof, PAAMCO; Alexandre Col, Banque Prive Edmond de Rothschild. Moderator: Niki Natarajan, InvestHedge Including a private viewing of shakespeare: staging the world The British Museum is staging a major exhibition on the world of Shakespeare, in collaboration with the Royal Shakespeare Company. The exhibition provides a unique insight into the emerging role of London as a world city, seen through the innovative perspective of Shakespeares plays.


Workshop Portfolio alchemy: how to mix the perfect portfolio


consultants: trojan horse or modern day saviour?

18.30 cocktail reception in the Enlightenment Gallery

Day one: Programme

Image adapted from an engraved portrait of Shakespeare by Martin Droeshout from the Third Folio of 16631664. The Trustees of the British Museum

The programme is provisional. Please visit for updates

day two: Wednesday 3 October 2012
8.30 09.00

doors open and breakfast

To some investors, hedge funds are all tarred with the same brush and treated the same way. But sophisticated hedge fund investing is about mixing different and complimentary managers, in different sizes, at different times and most importantly for different reasons; are the newer direct investors missing out on the performance potential of some less obvious strategies? Speakers include: Robert Gardner, Redington Partners; Pierre-Olivier Masmejean, Omega Asset Management; Anne Richards, Aberdeen Asset Management. Moderator: Niki Natarajan, InvestHedge

the art of hedge fund investing: Where do hedge funds fit in?


Keynote speaker: Ash Williams Florida state board of Administration

Ash is the executive director and CIO of the Florida State Board of Administration. The SBA manages assets under broad investment authority granted by the boards trustees. The trustees are Floridas governor, chief financial officer, and attorney general. Among the over $150 billion in assets under management are those of the Florida Retirement System Trust Fund.

10.30 11.00

coffee break investhedge FOrum | credit and distressed: the epicentre of hedge fund returns for an era of deleveraging?
With the after-shocks of the financial crisis continuing to reverberate amid the ongoing crisis for banks in the eurozone, it seems to be only a matter of time before an avalanche of distressed credit comes to the market especially in Europe. But will this finally provide the cascade of opportunity for hedge funds that has been predicted ever since 2008 and when will it start to happen? A panel of managers and investors in the credit markets discuss the outlook. Speakers: Loic Fery, Chenavari Investment Manager; David Nazar, Ironshield Capital Management; Mark Unferth, CQS; Paul Schwarz, Lighthouse Partners


Day two: Programme

The negative interest rate environment has brought challenges to many investors meaning that alpha is crucial. For many institutional investors, unable to access offshore hedging strategies, they have to access hedge fund strategies via a UCITS or onshore structure. Also retail investors who are thinking beyond cash, equities and bonds to build their portfolios will turn to alternative investments for capital protection, alpha and diversification. This session will explore the implications for investors of all types. Speakers include: Tim Haywood, GAM; Ian Heslop, Old Mutual Asset Managers; Julien Tizot, AG2R La Mondiale

AbsOlute ucits cOnFerence | What are the advantages of institutional and retail investors allocating to alternative ucits?


Global macro gets mixed reviews largely because the managers in this particular space are many and very varied in the strategies and assets they work with. Deciding to allocate to global macro is only the first step to making sure this strategy allocation enhances the portfolio rather than turns against it. Understanding the nuances of this diverse universe that falls under the global macro umbrella is as important as knowing how, where and when to blend this strategy and its managers in the overall portfolio. Speakers: Randall Dillard, Liongate Capital Management; Ash Williams, Florida State Board of Administration; Andrea Pederzolli, Mangusta Risk Management. Moderator: Tim Ng, Clearbrook

investhedge FOrum | Workshop global macro at work: gearing up for global uncertainty

InvestHedge Forum 2012 | 2 & 3 October 2012 | British Museum | London


volatile and risk-on/risk-off markets mean that equities have lost some of their appeal. How are asset managers responding to this challenge? Will strategies that dont need to be domiciled offshore come onshore? This session will discuss the latest strategy developments. Speakers: Steeve Brument, Dexia Asset Management; Andrew Dollery, Newedge; Michele Gesualdi, Kairos Capital; David Nikodem, Exane Asset Management; Thomas Sandell, Sandell Asset Management Europe

AbsOlute ucits cOnFerence | Who has the best strategy ideas for alternative ucits today? What is the impact of markets, regulation or the ucits wrapper itself?

12.30 13.45

Will the increased use of customised portfolios by institutional investors, mean the death of funds of funds? Or will customised portfolios become the new structure for funds of funds to operate in? How can investors partner with funds of hedge funds to maximise the potential and performance of their overall portfolios? How is performance measured and compared? Speakers include: Robert Howie, Mercer; Alexandre Pini, Banque Prive Edmond de Rothschild

investhedge FOrum | Workshop Are customised portfolios the 21st century funds of funds?


Raising capital for funds was easier for asset managers prior to the global financial crisis. Since then, the traditional distribution models have been challenged by a number of factors. This session will explore distribution models and the best way to raise assets in todays highly challenging market conditions. Speakers include: Adrian Harris, Renaissance Asset Managers; Andrew Main, Stratton Street Capital

AbsOlute ucits cOnFerence | how to attract assets into alternative ucits. Are platforms the solution? Or is a new distribution model needed?


Day two: Programme

In the hedge fund and more specifically the funds of funds industry, M&A is gathering pace. The bid to buy assets has grown exponentially, but are buyers buying value? Are the groups that are for sale just shells that will see the assets flow out once the deal is done? Is there really a viable M&A market in hedge funds and funds of funds, or is the business too personality driven? Speakers include: Jon Little, Northill Capital

investhedge FOrum | survivAl OF the biggest: the WAy OF m&A

14.30 AbsOlute ucits cOnFerence | the future: Alternative ucits and the onshore hedge fund industry
The sector has a lot of opportunities to grow due to convergence between the hedge fund and traditional asset management industries, more investors will demand that the funds they invest in are domiciled locally, which will mean more esoteric strategies will be available to onshore institutional and retail investors. This session will attempt to paint a picture of what the alternative UCITS and onshore hedging industry will look like over the next decade. Speakers include: Fabian Dori, 1741; Lucy Frew, Gide Loyrette Nouel; Filippo Stefanini, Eurizon Capital

in 2020

15.15 Close
The programme is provisional. Please visit for updates

Main sponsors

Associate sponsors

asset management

The InvestHedge Forum is renowned for its top-level managers and investors. More than 60 leading industry figures will participate on panels and present keynote speeches. Speakers confirmed so far include:

Anne richards, chief investment officer and head of Aberdeen Solutions Andrew mccaffery, global head of hedge funds

Alexandre col, head of investment fund department Alexandre Pini, portfolio manager

christian howells, product specialist

ewan Kirk, chief investment officer

subhra tripathy, head of portfolio construction and quantitative strategies thomas raber, managing director

loic Fery, founder and managing partner

tim ng, managing director

martin Kllstrm, portfolio manager

mark unferth, head of distressed debt and co-portfolio manager leonard charlton, partner

roxanne m. martino, partner, president and chief executive officer scott c. schweighauser, partner and chief investment officer Anne marie morley, partner and managing director

mike Weston, chief investment officer

Pierre sequier, chief executive officer

asset management
david e. Kuenzi, director of risk management Ash Williams, executive director and CIO

InvestHedge Forum 2012 | 2 & 3 October 2012 | British Museum | London

bernd scherer, chief investment officer

robert howie, European head of the alternatives boutique steve charlton, director of consulting services

steven bell, portfolio manager

ian Prideaux, CIO

James skeggs, head of research

Amelia Fawcett, chairman

george Papamarkakis, co-founder, managing partner and chief investment officer Jon little, partner

russell clark, partner and fund manager

robert Kosowski, associate professor

hilmi nver, partner and head of alternative investments tim bond, strategist

david nazar, founder and managing partner

rick sopher, managing director

Pierre-Olivier masmejean, chief investment officer

Paul schwarz, managing director, head of credit strategies ben Funk, managing director and head of research randall dillard, chief investment officer

maarten nederlof, managing director and head of portfolio solutions Julian shaw, head of risk management

William donzeiser, head of equity prime services and index trading, Americas robert gardner, co-chief executive

luke ellis, CEO and CIO

Andrea Pederzolli, director

RPM Risk & Portfolio Management AB

mikael stenbom, CEO and majority owner

Fehim sever, partner

damien loveday, global head of hedge fund research

3 OCtOBEr, 2012
British Museum, London 18.45 - 22.00

Awards 2012


This year the InvestHedge Awards will be held at the British Museum, London on the evening of 3 October. The Awards will bring together more than 300 guests to celebrate long-term performance of funds of hedge funds globally. The Awards will open with a drinks reception in the Egyptian Sculpture Gallery. A fabulous opportunity to network in one of the museums most beautiful galleries. Guests can view the many exhibits, including the worldfamous Rosetta Stone which provided the key to the modern understanding of Egyptian hieroglyphs. The gala dinner and awards ceremony will take place in the Queen Elizabeth II Great Court. Designed by Foster and Partners, it is the largest covered public square in Europe with a spectacular glass roof covering the space and the world-famous Reading Room at its centre.

The Rosetta Stone. The Trustees of the British Museum

Official After-Party
the House of St Barnabas 22.00 - 01.00

Less than six minutes walk from the British Museum, guests are invited to continue the celebrations in this beautiful 18th Century, Grade I listed property in the heart of Soho, which boasts one of the finest Rococo interiors in London. The house was first built in 1746 and retains many of its original features. In 1854 the House of St Barnabas took over the property. The charity has been supporting people affected by homelessness for over 160 years. It has been suggested that the rooms and gardens of the house were the imagined lodgings of Dr Manette and Lucy in Charles Dickens A Tale of Two Cities. Please note, a ticket to the InvestHedge Forum will not give you access to the InvestHedge Awards dinner or after party.

To book your table, call

US: Sumehr Sondhi: +1 212 224 3275 UK: Ian Sanderson: +44 (0)20 7779 7354

Investhedge awards 2012 Nominations

The InvestHedge Awards recognise long-term performance of funds of hedge funds globally. Book a table at the InvestHedge Awards and receive 10 tickets to the InvestHedge Forum (asset management firms only).
The nominations below are based on 5-year performance to June 2012. Final nominations will be announced online based on 60 months of performance data. Nominations are subject to submitting a strategy allocation sheet for June 2012.
ArbitrAge 5 yeArs Aberdeen Orbita Capital Return Strategy Benchmark Plus Instit. Partners Real Alpha Fund Bodleian Partners Edmond de Rothschild Prifund Alpha Uncorrelated SSARIS Multi-Manager Relative value Strategy William Blair Green Terrain Fund AsiA & emerging mArKets strAtegies 5 yeArs Penjing Asia Market Independent Fund Persistent Edge Asia Partners Master Fund Persistent Edge China Partners SAIL Asia Pacific Managers Seg. Portfolio Fund Wolver Hill Japan Multi-Strategy Offshore Fund cOmmOdities & nAturAl resOurces 5 yeArs Aurelian Global Resources Opus Commodities Fund Pinnacle Natural Resources Uni-Hedge Commodity Alpha Fixed incOme & credit 5 yeArs GHF Sicav Fixed Income Lighthouse Credit Opportunities Fund Opus Fixed Income Fund Permal Fixed Income Holdings mAnAged Futures 5 yeArs ACL Alternative Fund Bornhoff Group Multi-Manager Program Crown Managed Futures Lighthouse Managed Futures Fund glObAl mAcrO 5 yeArs Blackpoint Global Trading Centennial Global Macro Fund GAM Trading Iv SSARIS Global Macro & CTA Strategy Trading Capital Holdings gms $100m-$500m 5 yeArs Balestra Spectrum Partners Culross Global Fund Double Eagle Capital Ace Fund HDF Multi Reactive Class Pluscios Diversified Core SkyBridge Legion Strategies gms $500m-$1bn 5 yeArs Aurora Global Opportunities Aurum Isis Fund Cube Global Multi-Strategy fund SAIL Topaz Fund SkyBridge Multi-Adviser Hedge Fund Portfolios gms >$1bn 5 yeArs Corbin Pinehurst Partners DGAM Diversified Strategies Fund EnTrust Capital Diversified Fund Magnitude International Prisma Spectrum Fund SSARIS Multi-Manager Absolute Return Strategy us strAtegies 5 yeArs Magnitude US Partners New Providence Associates Sire Partners van Biema value Fund voyager Partners 10 yeAr $500m-$1bn Aurora Global Opportunities Aurum Isis Fund Edmond de Rothschild Prifund Alpha Uncorrelated Private Advisors Stable value Fund Signet Global Fixed Income Fund Stenham Quadrant Portfolio 10 yeAr $1bn + Alternative Investments Institutional Master Fund Archstone Partners Corbin Pinehurst Partners GAM Trading II Permal Fixed Income Holdings Protg Partners SSARIS Multi-Manager Absolute Return Strategy 20 yeAr >$500m Archstone Partners Aurora Limited Partnership Corbin The Overlook Performance Fund Haussmann Holdings Leveraged Capital Holdings Permal Macro Holdings Stenham Universal Portfolio cOnsultAnt 5 yeArs Aksia Albourne Cliffwater Mercers NEPC Rv Kuhns institutiOnAl hedge Fund 5 yeArs BlackRock Brevan Howard Bridgewater Mariner institutiOnAl FOhF 5 yeArs Blackstone Alternative Asset Management Entrust Capital Fauchier Partners Goldman Sachs Asset Management K2 Advisors Pacific Alternative Asset Management Co. Prisma Capital Partners Rock Creek Group grOuP OF the yeAr 5 yeArs Entrust Capital Magnitude Capital Persistent Asset Management Prisma Capital Partners SSARIS Advisors AbsOlute FOhF 5 yeArs To be announced on the night

For more information and to book your table, please contact:

CAll +44 (0)20 7779 7354

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FORUM 2012
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15% subscriber discount

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10% AIMA member discount

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Payment must be received before the event in order to secure your place. Registrations received within 2 weeks of the event must be paid by credit card. VAT number If you are based in the EU please provide your VAT number. I would like to pay by invoice. Bank transfer details will be on your invoice. I would like to pay by credit card. Please submit this booking form to us, and then call +44 (0)20 7779 7350 to give your credit card details.

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