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An Unsupervised Approach for Boundary Detection of Colored Natural Scenes

This work proposes a new unsupervised method for boundary detection in colored natural scenes, consisting of two-stage sequential processes of integration.

The first stage performs region extraction, where two different techniques measure the color-texture homogeneity in a region-growing method and they are combined by two different control algorithms. One control algorithm is based on a local property and the other is based on a global statistical property (the shape of the power spectrum of the image being analyzed). One homogeneity measure is the J-value and the second is a multifractal descriptor.

In the second integration, edge information is extracted by a classical method, and integrated with region information. This process eliminates false boundaries in the region-map, guided by the edge-map, and reduces the noise in the edge-map as well, now guided by the region-map, thus taking advantage of their complementary nature. It integrates the two maps into a single final result, enhancing the coincident information of both maps. Each phase of integration improves, progressively, the detection of the boundaries.


Papers: 1) Komati, K. S., Salles, E. O. T., e Sarcinelli-Filho, M. (2009). Fractal-JSEG: JSEG using an homogeneity measurement based on local fractal descriptor. Em Nonato, L. G. e Scharcanski, J., editors, Proceedings of the Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing, 22nd SIBGRAPI, p. 253260. 2) Komati, K. S., Salles, E. O. T., e Sarcinelli-Filho, M. (2010). Unsupervised color image segmentation based on local fractal descriptor. Em Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing (IWSSIP 2010), volume 1, p. 243246. 3) Komati, K. S., Salles, E. O. T., e Sarcinelli-Filho, M. (2010). Unsupervised color image segmentation based on local fractal descriptor an J-images. In: Proceedings of the IEEE ICIT 2010 International Conference on Industrial Technology, volume 1, p. 303308. 4) Komati, K. S., Samatelo, J. L. A., Salles, E. O. T., e Sarcinelli Filho, M. (2011). A strategy for boundary detection combining region and edge information. Em Lewiner, T. e Torres, R., editors, Proceedings of the 24th Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing (SIBGRAPI 2011). 5) Komati, K. S., Salles, E. O., e Sarcinelli-Filho, M. (2011). KSS: Using region and edge maps to detect image boundaries. Computing in Science and Engineering, 13:4652. 6) Komati, K. S., Salles, E. O., e Sarcinelli-Filho, M. (2011). Two-level strategy for image boundary detection. in: International conference on computer vision theory and appli-cations. In: Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP 2011), p. 181 186. 7) Komati, K., Salles, E. O. T., e Filho, M. S. (2011). Um sistema bio-inspirado para deteco de contornos em imagens coloridas. Em Anais do X Simpsio Brasileiro de Automao Inteligente (SBAI 2011), p. 791796, Universidade Federal de So Joo del-Rei. 8) KOMATI, K. S. ; SALLES, E. O. T. ; SARCINELLI FILHO, M. . A Bio-Inspired System for Boundary Detection in Color Natural Scenes. In: 12th International Conference Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA 2012), 2012, Salvador. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2012. v. 7334. p. 739-752.

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