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Maria Carla Beatriz Castilla

Renato Corona

Standard TODAY
Vol. XXVI No. 169 18 Pages, 3 Sections P18.00 Friday, August 31, 2012

My familys persecution continues. This too will come to pass Corona

Corona, kin face tax-evasion raps

BIR computes total tax liability at P150m
By Rey E. Requejo, Joyce Pangco Paares, Maricel V. Cruz and Macon Ramos-Araneta

THE Bureau of Internal Revenue on Thursday filed tax-evasion charges worth P150.68 million against impeached Chief Justice Renato Corona, his daughter Maria Carla Beatriz C. Castillo, and son-in-law Constantino Castillo III allegedly for not paying taxes in 2003, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2008 and 2010.
Hand signals. Internal Revenue Commissioner Kim Henares gestures as she explains the tax evasion case against former Supreme Court Chief Justice Renato Corona and members of his family. DANNY PATA

The bureau said Corona alone, who was removed from office on May 29 by the Senate sitting as an impeachment court for not declaring all his income, owed at least P120.5 million in taxes. Internal Revenue Commissioner Kim Henares said she was confident her agency would win its case against the Coronas at the Justice Department. We are sure of winning this case because we have strong evidence against them, Henares told reporters. She dismissed speculation that the case was politically motivated. Next page

European Political expediency to rule DILG race lawmakers By Maricel V. Cruz weigh in on RH bill
By Sara D. Fabunan
EUROPEAN parliamentarians on a five-day study tour of the Philippines said Thursday the country needed a reproductive health law so that Filipinos can have better access to health services. In a pree briefing, Member of Parliament Ricardo Baptista Leite of Portugal said such a law would give people true information with which to make informed choices. Leite and four other lawmakers from Cyprus, Lithuania, Sweden and the United Kingdom visited poor communities in Navotas, North Bay Boulevard South and Smokey Mountain in Tondo, Manila. Leite, who comes from a pre
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PRESIDENT Benigno Aquino III is poised to appoint Transportation Secretary Manuel Roxas II as head of the Interior and Local Government to fill the vacancy left by Jesse Robredo, who died in a plane crash on Aug. 18, a reliable source said Thursday. Speaking on condition of anonymity, the source added that Cavite Rep. Joseph Emilio Abaya will take Roxass place in the Transportation Department. The appointment of Roxas, the Liberal Party president, would enable the administration to keep a firm grip on local government units in time for the 2013

mid-term elections, the source said. Senator Panfilo Lacson, an ally of the President who was tipped as a likely candidate for the Local Government post because of his police experience, was reportedly dropped from the list because he is not a member of the ruling party. Senator Lacson was being considered, but concerns for [controlling] the local governments are more important than police matters, the source said. Lacson on Thursday said he ha received no offer from the Palace to take over the post. House leaders had earlier said that Robredos replacement should come from the Liberal Party. Next page Roxas

Palace orders immigration officers fired

By Joyce Pangco Paares and Vito Barcelo
MALACAANG said on Thursday that it wants the immigration employees who allegedly aided Palawan Gov. Joel Reyes and his brother, Coron Mayor Mario Reyes, escape the country sacked and charged administratively. These people should be removed from office because we are now in the right path, presidential spokesman Edwin Lacierda said. We will not countenance any efforts to undermine the policies, the programs, advocacies of our President and of this administration, he added. This is certainly an anomaly and thats being investigated right now. Once their guilt is proven, they should really face the proper administrative sanctions, Lacierda said. The Bureau of Immigration has already relieved airport immigration employees Wesley Gutierrez and Rodel Udarbe, who were implicated by
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THE Supreme Courts chief justice and associate justices have made public their statement of assets, liabilities and net worth for 2011, dumping their policy of not disclosing their assets that had been standing for more than 20 years. Chief Justice Maria Lourdes Serenos statement for 2011 showed she had a net worth of P18,029,575.51, with her total assets amounting to P19,271,778.85 and her liability amounting to P1,242,203.34. The asset statement of the countrys first female chief justice Justice showed she had three houses in Filinvest East in Cainta, Cavite and Davao worth P9.175 million that she had bought before she was appointed to her post this month. Just last year, she bought a piece of land in Rizal for P2.1 million. Serenos SALN also indicated she had three vehicles registered under her name: a 2005 model Toyota Altis, a 2002 Mitsubishi Lancer, and a 1997 Toyota Corolla. She had P1,185,602 million in bank deposits and P1,203,400 in investments. In summary, Sereno had P8,281,500 worth of real properties and P10,990,278.85 in personal and other properties. Her liabilities included a P1- million loan from BPI Family bank. Sereno listed assets worth P17,762,167.26 in 2010. Still, Sereno did not indicate if the money she earned as a government lawyer in its case against Philippine International Air Terminals Co. Inc. over Terminal 3 of the Ninoy Aquino International Airport was
Next page

Sereno, other SC justices bare SALNs

Pimentel denies being on leave as party head

SENATOR Aquilino Koko Pimentel III on Thursday said he would remain president of the Partido Demokratikong Pilipino-Laban despite severing ties with the United Nationalist Alliance. UNA is a coalition of the political parties PDP-Laban led by its chairman, Vice President Jejomar Binay and the Partido ng Masang Pilipino of former President Jejomar Binay. Pimentel is seeking re-election as guest candidate under the ruling Liberal Party of President Noynoy Aquino. He strongly denied the statement made by United Nationalist Alliance spokesperson Atty. JV Bautista that he filed a leave of absence as PDP-Laban president. I wish to deny the statement made by the spokesperson of the United Nationalist Alliance, Atty. JV Bautista, that I have filed a leave of absence as President of PDP Laban. Such statement has no factual and legal basis, Pimentels aid. I have not filed any leave of absence, whether verbal or written, and have no plan whatsoever to do so. He added that no one has asked him to go on leave, except Atty. JV Bautista, who is a newcomer to the party. Even our Party Chairman Vice President Binay has not directly asked me to go on leave. I also do not feel any clamor from my partymates that I go on leave, he added. I want to believe that Atty. JV Bautista was just making a personal suggestion when he issued that statement, he added. He explained that the constitution and by-laws of his party does noy give any person or group of persons the power to force an officer of the Party to go on leave.
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PH, neighbors eye joint sea border patrol

The Philippines, Indonesia and Malaysia are considering joint patrols of their sea borders to combat piracy, smuggling and the movement of al-Qaidalinked militants, a top defense official said Thursday. The proposal was discussed when Philippine Defense Secretary Voltaire Gazmin met earlier this week with his Indonesian and Malaysian counterparts, who traveled to the Philippines to visit their troops involved in efforts to strengthen a ceasefire between Filipino forces and Muslim guerrillas in the south. The Philippines has considered joint naval patrols with either Indonesia or Malaysia in the past but a three-way effort would vastly improve security in the volatile region, Gazmin said. The Southeast Asian nations share sea borders where human and arms smuggling, piracy and the movement of militants from al-Qaida-linked have long been a concern. In 2000, Abu Sayyaf gunmen crossed the border in speedboats and snatched 21 European tourists and Malaysian and Filipino workers from Malaysias Sipadan
Next page

Blue Moon. Today is blue moon in the cosmic calendar. A blue moon occurs when theres a second full moon in one

calendar month. It wont happen again until July 2015. The full moon cycle is 29.5 days so a blue moon is uncommon and has come to mean something rare. But the moon actually wont be colored blue.

Govt wont revise full-year growth target

By Joyce Pangco Paares and Anna Leah Estrada
The Aquino administration said Thursday that there is no need to revise the full year growth target of five to six percent despite an easing of the gross domestic product to 5.9 percent in the second quarter. We are very happy with the 5.9 percent economic growth. Number one, it exceeded market expectations of 5.3 percent, Presidential Communications Development Secretary Ramon Carandang said. At a time when theres a lot of economic uncertainty, our economy continues to show relative strength. So we are very happy about it, Carandang added. The second quarter growth brought the first half GDP expansion to 6.1 percent, at the top end of the governments full year target. Theres no reason for us to revise our targets at this point, Carandang Next page said.

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dominantly Catholic country like the Philippines, said Portugal had similar health indicators as the Philippines 30 years ago, when their reproductive health policies had not yet been institutionalized. Unlike the Philippine where the Catholic Church has strongly opposed the passage of the RH bill, clerics in Portugal became part of the process to draft the law, he said. In our country, the Church is an ally in providing good health, he added. The passage of the RH bill in Portugal helped people gain better access to health services and reduced maternal and infant mortality. The Portuguese parliamentarian said that as a practicing Catholic himself, he believed there is no greater act of Christianity than saving lives as a reproductive health law would do. Another parliamentarian from the predominantly Catholic country of Lithuania, Birute Vesaite, echoed Leites view, saying the reproductive health bill is a matter of social justice, especially for the poor who have no access to health services. The European lawmakers on Wednesday paid a courtesy call ment is, lets le the tax evasioncase to set examples. In the House of Representatives, Siquijor Rep. Orlando Fua, a member of the opposition, said the tax-evasion case led against Corona was not surprising because it jived well with the Aquino administrations advocacy to persecute its political enemies. Fua, a lawyer, described Coronas case as double killing looking like passion out of control. But the administrations allies who served as prosecutors in Coronas impeachment trial supported the case against him. Iloilo Rep. Niel Tupas Jr. said the cases against the Coronas should be pursued. This would further show the governments commitment in pursuing the public accountability provision of the Constitution, he said.

Other rumored contenders for the position were Vice President Jejomar Binay, Abaya, Deputy Speaker Lorenzo Tanada III and Ifugao Rep. Teddy Baguilat Jr. But Binay already declared that he had no interest in the post. The Liberals were dead set on pushing for Roxas as Robredos replacement, the source said. There was a meeting last night (Wednesday) among key LP players and they decided to push for that, the source added. Another source privy to the Wednesday meeting said the Liberal Party leaders, especially Roxas, were uneasy about the possibility that President Aquino might appoint someone from outside the party. Its not about the presidential ambition of Mar Roxas, its about the need to further strengthen the hold of the ruling LP in the local government arena in time for the 2013 elections, the second source said. Roxas lost to Binay in a bitterly fought vice presidential race in 2010 presidential elections. Ifugao Rep. Teddy Brawner Baguilat Jr. said he is the longest of the longshots as a candidate for the Local Government post. It is an honor to be even rumored as lling Secretary Jesses shoes, said Baguilat, who added that the would serve if asked. Also on Thursday, former Isabela governor Grace Padaca denied being asked to replace Robredo. No one has talked to me about the offer. I think the issue was oated by the people who kept on asking who would be t to replace the secretary, she said. Malacanang has not offered anything. I tell those who ask me, I dont answer hypothetical questions. Earlier, Lacson and Abaya were both tipped as the leading contenders to replace Robredo. Abaya had the backing of the Presidents Liberal Party, while Lacson was supported by Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile. Both are on their last terms. I do not know Abaya very well, but I know Senator Lacson quite well enough. I think if they will tap Senator Lacson to head that department, he will do very well because he is trained as a law enforcement person and the police organization is under that department, Enrile said. He added that Lacon was familiar with the requirements of the job because he has exposed to national politics and local leaders. But one Palace source said Lacsons year as a fugitive from justice worked against him. Lacson may be a good law enforcer but he also showed the public that he could taunt authorities and throw them into a wild goose chase to show he can be above the law, the Palace source said. We have here a case of a law lover and a lawbreaker. Abaya goes where the government needs him to go while Lacson goes where he wants to go and no one nds him, said the source, referring to the year Lacson went into hiding to evade arrest on murder charges that were eventually dropped. With Christine F. Herrera, Rio N. Araja and Macon RamosAraneta

A meeting in Korea. South Korean Prime Minister Kim Hwang-sik and Foreign Affairs Secretary Albert del Rosario shake hands before meeting at the Central Government Complex in Seoul on Thursday. AP

to both houses of Congress. A party-list representative for poor farmers, Rep. Sharon Garin, said Filipino lawmakers should larn from their European counterparts who fought for a law to give their people better health services. She also decried the delays that were impeding the nal vote on the bill. We have wasted too much time, energy and resources. Its about time that we as representatives express the true sentiments of our constituents. Theres no reason to be afraid. We just have to respect the will of the Filipino people, he said. But the leader of the opposition in the House said it was majority lawmakers who were holding up the vote. I think the problem with the RH bill is that their allies in the majority bloc are decided not to have the bill approved, said Suarez, who opposes the measure. Another outspoken critic of reproductive health, Senate Majority Floor Leader Vicente Sotto III said enough senators support his campaign against the bill, but would not identify who they we were. I think we have the number to amend the proposed bill, Sotto told reporter Thursday. With Maricel Cruz and Macon Ramos-Araneta Rep. Sherwin Tugna and Dasmarias City Rep. Elpidio Barzaga said the case against Corona would complete his impeachment process. Tugna said the ling of the charges only proved that the pieces of evidence presented during Coronas impeachment trial were enough and convincing. Deputy Speaker Lorenzo Taada, one of the prosecution panels spokesmen, said the case represented not the persecution of a former chief justice but the prosecution of a tax evader. He said those seeing politics in Internal Revenues move were probably blind to the truth that the agency had been ling taxevasion charges against individuals regardless of their stature in society. It is against this backdrop that the BIRs move...must be appreciated, Taada said. sion while their cases are being investigated. The BI chief said he would ask the Ofce of the Ombudsman and the Department of Justice to investigate the employees and determine if they should be criminally prosecuted for the incident. The criminal investigation is separate from the administrative probe being conducted against the two, he added. President Benigno Aquino III has earlier raised the bounty for the brothers to P2 million each. Meanwhile, two more highprole fugitives, Globe Asiatique owner Deln Lee and retired Maj. Gen. Jovito Palparan, are still in the country, according to the National Bureau of Investigation. NBI Director Nonnatus Caesar Rojas said he believes that the two are still in the country because they have no report that the two were able to leave. As far as the NBI is concerned, he (Lee) is still in the country, Rojas said. He added that Palparan is also in the country in the absence of a report that he left. Were doing everything to nd them, Rojas said. Globe Asiatique is accused of defrauding ordinary workers, who are contributors of Pag-IBIG and the hardworking citizens of Pampanga, by allegedly double-selling properties already sold to other buyers. Palparan has been charged over the 2006 disappearance of two student activists. Lee and Palparan both carry a P2 million bounty for their capture.


The BIR is not a political ofce, she said. We are a law enforcement ofce. Our mandate is to ensure that all citizens follow the Internal Revenue Code. All those who violate the code we either call their attention or sue them. Corona on Thursday denounced what he called the governments continuing persecution of his family following Internal Revenues ling of the charges against them. We have long expected this as we have been exchanging communications with the BIR and have complied with their deadlines. As a man of the law, I will abide by the processes, Corona said in a text message. I agree with the observation

of many that my familys persecution continues with the usual media overkill, and that there appears to be an immediate need to divert public attention from certain issues that are becoming too hot to handle. By the grace of God we will overcome. This too will come to pass. Corona said he, his daughter Carla and son-in-law Castillo III would wait for the subpoenas to be served and then answer the charges against them. We will respond accordingly with the assistance of counsel we will engage, Corona said. Malacaang on Thursday said there was nothing extraordinary in the ling of the tax-evasion charges against the Coronas. Presidential spokesman Edwin Lacierda said the cases against the Coronas were part of the commitment to plug in leakages in the I have in fact requested our Party Executive Vice President Joey de Venecia to handle all coalition issues. I can and will continue to handle all party but non-coalition matters, said Pimentel who has been a member of the PDP Laban since 1982. Pimentel said he cannot just turn his back on his responsibilities as party president. We have other work to do aside from campaigning, like membership expansion and chapter establishment, livelihood pro-

tax administration system. It is part of BIR Commissioner Kim Henares duty to le tax evasion cases, Lacierda said. If there is sufcient evidence to le a tax- evasion case, they will le it, and it happens that in this particular case, theres already evidence to support the ling of a tax- evasion case. This is not something extraordinary. It just so happens that the personality involved is the former chief justice. Lacierda said the administration was not inclined to settle with the Coronas or with the other people accused of tax evasion. The position of Finance Secretary Cesar Purisima and Commissioner Henares is that we need to strengthen our tax administration system, he said. As to the possibility of an amnesty, the position of the governgrams, continuing education of members, and other non-election matters that I have to attend to, he said. Pimentel left UNA after it ofcially included former senator Miguel Zubiri in its line-up as senatorial candidate for the 2013 midterms elections. Pimentel had accused Zubiri of conspiring with the Arroyo administration of cheating in the 2010 elections which he said deprived him the chance to serve his constituents. Macon RamosAraneta

He likewise called on his party mates in PDP-Laban to unite. We can nd a solution to our problems without dividing the party. Instead of wasting our time issuing baseless statements and responding to false information, we can discuss this and nd a common ground, said Pimentel. Pimentel cited as example his decision to inhibit himself in matters pertaining to the UNA coalition.

a witness as the ones who helped the Reyeses leave the country. The former Palawan governor and his brother Mario were tagged as the brains behind the killing of environmentalist and broadcaster Gerry Ortega in 2011. The witness, who said he worked as a driver for Udarbe, was presented by Sandra Cam, president of Whistleblowers Association, and former solicitor general Frank Chavez on Wednesday in a press conference at the Club Filipino in Greenhills. In his narration, the witness said he was ordered by his employer to fetch the Reyes brothers in Pasay City and take them to the airport. He also named Gutierrez as the immigration ofcer who reportedly cleared Joseph Lim Pe, the name on the passport used by the former governor in leaving for Vietnam in March. Ubarde and Gutierrez have been recalled to the Immigrations main ofce in Intramuros. Immigration bureau chief Ricardo David Jr. said the two will be dismissed from the service and criminally prosecuted if proven that they indeed aided the fugitives in fleeing the country. He also ordered Udarbe and Gutierrez to explain within 72 hours why they should not be dismissed from the service in connection with the incident. David added that Udarbe and Gutierrez would be placed on preventive suspen-

included in her asset statement last year. The high courts 13 associate justices also released their asset statements to a requesting TV station, Solar News, after about two months of processing. Other media outts had requested the justices asset statements, but the high court approved only the request of one 7.8 percent and Indonesias 6.4 percent, making the Philippines Asias third fastest-growing economy. Meanwhile, the Bangko Sentralng Pilipinas said that businesses outlook on the economy was less optimistic in the third quarter of 2012, as the overall condence index declined to 42.5 percent from the second quarters 44.5 percent. The decline in optimism was attributed to lower seasonal demand during the quarter, weather disturbances, global developments such as the risk of a China slowdown, slow recovery in the US and the protracted sovereign debt and banking crises in the Eurozone, volatile commodity prices, expectations of oil price hike, and continuous spread of banana diseases which affect the exports, the Bangko Sentral said. Businesses involved in international commodity trading such

network. The requesting parties were required to pay for copies of the statements. Based on his statement, Associate Justice Mariano del Castillo was the wealthiest of the justices with a declared net worth of P108,904,519.37 in 2011. Associate Justice Arturo Brion was at the bottom of the list with P1,498,509 in net worth. Senior Justice Antonio Carpio had P79,895,025.57, Justice Presbitero Velasco Jr. P7,264,064, as exporters and importers have positive but less favorable outlook in Q3 2012. The Bangko Sentral said that among the respondents, exporters were the least optimistic, largely due to the rise in oil prices, volatile metal prices, lack of raw materials and the uncertainty in the world market. For sectors, business outlook for the third quarter was mixed. The wholesale and retail trade sector improved while the services sector was broadly steady relative to a quarter ago as a result of a sound investment climate, relatively stable prices, new and improved products, and expectations of a more robust demand such as early orders for the Christmas season. The Bangko Sentral added that the services sector, businesses in the nancial intermediation, real estate and community and social services sub-sectors

Justice Teresita Leonardo-De Castro P7,941,000, Justice Diosdado Peralta P22,642,264.73, Justice Lucas Bersamin P18,811,447.87, Justice Roberto Abad P42,100,000, Justice Martin Villarama Jr. P19,074,165.20, Justice Jose Perez P9,380,000, Justice Jose Mendoza P27,408,152.36, Justice Bienvenido Reyes P75,146,199, and Justice Estela Perlas-Bernabe P67,101,327. Rey E. Requejo

He said the government remains alert for possible events in Europe and the United States that could impact on the countrys growth. Carandang said investments also grew by 2.3 percent for the second quarter as opposed to the 10.1 percent decline for the same period last year. We believe that this is a trend that has begun, that capital formation has bottomed out and that were going to see now investments, capital formation contributing to economic growth as we move forward, he said. So hopefully that will, to some extent, offset some of the uncertainty that were facing in Europe and North America, Carandang added. The countrys second quarter GDP was slower than Chinas

remained positive as a result of favorable business conditions, upsurge in investment for both public and private, increasing bank loan portfolio, the recent positive credit rating action by Moodys and robust consumer demand as a result of widening customer base. The construction rms outlook however was less favorable due to the moderation of construction activities during the rainy season. Firms also view that the bidding for and implementation of the planned Public-Private Partnership projects and other infrastructure projects and expansion plans of the private sector to accelerate construction activities will continue in the next quarter. However, the respondents outlook for the fourth quarter is more buoyant as the next quarter index rose to an all-time high of 59.6 percent since the survey started in 2006.

diving resort and brought them to jungle strongholds in the southern Philippines, where the captives were later ransomed off. Indonesia has also been concerned with the smuggling of rearms from the southern Philippines to Indonesia, where they could fall in the hands of Islamic militants. Gazmin said authorities from the three countries would study the proposed joint naval patrols, along with real-time information exchanges and rapid-response arrangements to deal with emergencies at sea and cross-border crimes. CYAN MAGENTA YELLOW BLACK








AUGUST 31, 2012

ManilaStandardToday Adelle Chua, Editor

sales and more frequent travels, lifting the earnings of the shipping, airline and land transportation companies. The industries and the manufacturing sector led by the electronics and garments sector remain the countrys top exportsers, but they no longer dominate the economy as they used to in the face of sluggish world demand and the cheaper labor in other countries. With a consumption-driven economy that is heavily dependent on remittances and services, the Philippines is pursuing a track so different from what the tiger economies in Asia have followed. The


The changing economy

fueled the economic expansion, as consumers continued to troop to shopping malls and fastfood chains, buy cellular phones from retailers and purchase real estate assets. The economy is drawing its strength from the foreign exchange earnings remitted by workers abroad to their relatives, the relatively high salaries of BPO workers, and the jobs created by the construction sector. These fuel consumption that boosts the sales of telecommunications companies, the megamalls across the Philippines, and the expanding fastfood chains. They also result in automotive Philippines greatly relies on domestic demand, instead of exports, to spur the economy. The strategy so far has worked amid the weak global recovery and the debt crisis in Europe. A weak manufacturing and industrial base, however, is not an ideal situation. It will increase dependence on imports and make the country vulnerable to supply disruptions abroad. The government should review its economic policies and devise a plan that will strengthen our manufacturing base. The Philippine economy cannot rely on domestic consumption for long to fuel the economy.

THE Philippine economy has undergone a major transformation in the last three decades. From one that attempted to be a manufacturing and industrial base in the 80s, the economy is now consumptiondriven, with remittances from migrant Filipino workers, revenues of business process outsourcing companies and tourism receipts powering its engine. The National Statistical Coordination Board reported that the gross domestic product grew 5.9 percent in the second quarter of the year, slightly slower than the adjusted 6.3 percent expansion in the rst quarter. Domestic spending primarily

Making smugglers happy

BRISTOL, England-based Filipino artist Ray Gaston opens a weeklong exhibit of his paintings beginning today, Aug. 31, at the lobby of the National Commission on Culture and Arts in Intramuros, Manila, near the San Agustin Church. Through the Eyes of Ray Gaston features 15 of Rays paintings and portraits, including several which have been displayed at St. Patricks Church in Bristol. Ray returned to the Philippines to complete his latest major work, a 10foot by 30-foot Last Supper, a photo of which will be unveiled during the exhibit. The exhibit will be opened at 4 p.m. today. An audiovisual presentation of Rays works will be the highlight of the opening. *** In a perfect world, increasing taxes should hike government revenues, which would mean more money for state programs. But in reality, when government increases taxes without ensuing the enforcement of anti-smuggling laws, it merely creates a thriving black market that causes tax revenues to drop precipitously, beneting only smugglers who rob the state of billions in revenues. A recent Reuters report explains, for instance, why despite the increased number of small-scale gold mining sites and a corresponding hike in production of the precious metal in the Philippines, ofcial production has plunged 92 percent in the rst quarter of this year and 98 percent in the second. And the report places the blame squarely on the seven-percent tax imposed by the Bureau of Internal Revenue on the miners, who make more money selling to black marketeers now that gold prices are at all-time highs. The Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas, which is the only ofcial buyer of gold produced in this country, is mandated to buy the gold produced by miners at near-current world prices. Despite this, Environment and Natural Resources Secretary Ramon Paje has been forced to admit that the decrease in gold purchases by the BSP clearly indicates that gold outputs are going to the black market and smuggling activities. BIR Commissioner Kim Henares has insisted that the taxes on smallscale miners will not be lifted, saying that the problem is one of governance and that the Bureau of Customs and other enforcement agencies should clamp down on smuggling instead. But Customs chief Runo Rozzano Biazon has declared that his agency does not have the manpower or the resources to stop smuggling, which means that the black marketeers in Binondo,



Enrile pushes for a tax system that is equitable, non-arbitrary and reasonable.

who use mules to transport gold in hand-carried luggage to China, will continue to make money hand over st, while the government projects tax revenue that simply does not come in. The irony of it all is that the smallscale gold miners say that they would much rather sell their output to the government because BSP prices are steady while black market prices often uctuate wildly. In the mining sites, no one is even scared that the government can put an end to smugglingthe miners just want more for their product, instead of the current regime of unreasonable taxes. *** The BIRs questionable taxincreasing programs have come under re in the Senate, which is hearing petitions of tobacco-producing farmers and cigarette manufacturers to stop the passage of a new law on sin taxes being pushed by BIR and the Aquino administration. The governments failure to collect the income it projects from gold production is often seen as a precursor of the creation of a potentially huge black market in cigarettes and no additional income for state coffers. The Department of Finance hopes to collect between P31 billion and P60 billion (depending on how high the cigarette tax hikes go) from its proposed restructured excise tax system on tobacco and alcohol productseven if it still cannot explain how it will accomplish this goal. The government wants to increase taxes on locally produced cigarettes by 708 percent to 1,000 percent, with the bulk of the tax burden falling on low-priced brands. When Henares attempted to sell the line that smuggling is not related to high taxes during a recent hearing conducted by the Senate committee on ways and means on the restructuring of the excise tax system, she was quickly chastised by Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile, himself a former Customs commissioner. We try your system, Im willing to bet you, you wont be able to collect what youre trying to collect, Enrile told Henares. Enrile warned that the government cannot control cigarette smuggling even if you employ the entire Armed Forces of the Philippines and the Philippine Navy in the effort. You will [make] the entire Southern border of the Philippines a busy corridor for smuggled cigarettes, he said. The governments goal, Enrile said, should be to nd a system that will raise taxes while protecting the interests of the tobacco farmers and the industry that supports them. The tax system should be equitable, nonarbitrary and reasonable to all parties concerned, he added. Henares and her boss, Finance Secretary Cesar Purisima, should take Enriles advice rather than just doing what they want and expecting other government agencies to do the impossible task of stopping smuggling for them. But will they do it?

Flying high with Ramon Ang

WITH one air tragedy behind us, I believe we can talk now about Philippine air travel here. Having logged over a hundred thousand miles last year, but hardly anything on Philippine Airlines, I am genuinely excited that Ramon Ang is now running PAL. He is probably the best thing that ever happened to the airline. Half of PAL is now owned by San Miguel Corporation. Ang is SMC vice chairman, president and chief operating ofcer. He sits on top of PALs operations. Not only has PAL got to be turned around, it has to catch up and compete with the worlds best airlines. Some of them are based in the region, like Singapore and Japan Airlines. Others have many ights to Manila and Cebu, like Emirates and Qatar Airways. Hand in hand with SMC Chair and CEO Danding Cojuangcos visionary leadership, PAL needs Angs proven skills. In his speech to the 2012 annual stockholders meeting last June, Danding spelled out his vision for PAL. With so many alternatives open to travelers todayno frills, budget airlines, many more carriers opening new and frequently traveled routesthe airline industry is easily commoditized, he said. The immediate task at hand, after putting in place an efciency plan that will lower operating costs, is to differentiate and reposition PAL... we expect to turn around Asias rst airline and be in the black in two years time. This is quite a challenge. From the time Lucio Tan took over in 1993, PAL has been losing. It may have suffered its biggest one-year loss in


2011P3.63 billion in nine months, as against a P3.24 billion net income for the same period the previous year. Ageing carriers have not been refurbished or replaced, in-ight service has not kept pace with standards, employees morale has been dampened by work-related issues, fuel prices have driven expenses up while revenues dropped, and industry outlook does not look too bright either. Enter Ramon Ang. Has Ang ever run an airline? To the best of our knowledge, no. But he and Danding have outdone all the pedigreed gurus from Harvard, Stanford, Wharton, Berkeley, Chicago, Kellog, Yale, Columbia, Cornell, Carnegie Mellon, MIT or Duke, and transformed SMC from a mere beer company into the biggest food conglomerateand the biggest corporation in the country today. BizNews Asia reports in its JuneJuly 2012 issue that apart from owning 49 percent and management control of PAL, and Air Philippines, its low-cost carrier sister-company, SMC now owns: 68.26 percent of Petron Corporation; 33.19 percent of Meralco; rights to operate three major power plants in Luzon, with a combined generating capacity of 2,545 megawatts; three telcos (Liberty, Bell Telecom, and AFGN Philippines, which owns 40 percent of Eastern Telecom); 40 percent of Bank of Commerce; 51 percent of Universal LRT; 46.53 percent of the South Expressway; three large mining concessions; 93 percent of the company managing the Caticlan airport; and 100 percent of Exxon Mobils 560 gas stations and renery in Malaysia. But isnt timing a bit off? Fuel prices are not coming down, the global recession is not ending, and the travel market is not exponentially expanding. PAL needs to reeet, but it must rst overcome the Category 2 downgrade imposed on the Ninoy Aquino International Airport

(NAIA) by the US Federal Aviation Administration. Ang wants to acquire 100 new Airbuses, but until that downgrade is lifted Airbus may not be able to ll up the purchase order. Even Vice President Binay saw this when he spoke to French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius in Paris last July. Ang, though, is completely unfazed. I spoke to Ang a few days ago about the Airbus A380 I recently took on Emirates from Dubai to Rome. I said it was the best seat I ever had in the air. Could NAIA take in such a plane? Of course, he said, but it would not be easy lling up its twin decks on a regular run. So PAL wont probably have it until tourists begin to spill over. But back to Category 2. For Ang, every problem has a solution, and his restless mind may have already found a solution to that one. He seems fascinated with the idea of investing in a regional airline with ight frequencies, landing rights and parking slots to the United States and Europe; that could allow PAL to go around the USFAA restriction and resume its old ights to New York, Paris, Rome, and London. What struck me most though was his plan for PALs personnel. This is something he should unwrap himself, so I shall not talk about it here. Sufce it to say that he wants to put his peoples welfare above company prot by making the lowliest PAL employee a real part of the organization. This is something Ang shares with his chair Danding, who has made it the core of the SMC culture. Individually and together, they speak of it with such deep passion. It is absolutely moving. With such conviction and energy driving the team, I have no doubt great success is on its way, and PAL will be ying high again.



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ManilaStandardToday Adelle Chua, Editor

Saquilayans 8,499-vote margin. The judge based his decision on the recanvassing of the actual ballots despite the fact that there are obvious signs of tampering with the ballot boxes and their contents. The Saquilayan camp insisted that the recount should have been based on the photos of the actual ballots stored in the CF cards. The images of the actual ballots stored in the CF cards are part of the built-in safeguards against cheating in an automated election system. Ballots can be tampered with after the elections but tampering with the stored photos in CF cards is virtually impossible and easily detectable. Over the objections of Saquilayan, Mangrobang blocked the printing of the pictures of the original ballots saved in the CF cards. He also issued a decision granting Maliksis request for the immediate execution of the decision enabling Maliksi to assume the post of mayor in December 2011. Saquilayan went to the Comelec to question Mangorabangs decision. In a demonstration of the effectiveness of automation to prevent cheating through ballot tampering, the Comelecs First Division presided by Commissioner Rene Sarmiento allowed the printing of the pictures of the original ballots cast in the election. The Division discovered and conrmed that the ballot boxes were indeed tampered after the elections. Thus, there was no basis for the decision of Mangrobang to nullify Saquilayans votes and add votes to Maliksi. In May 2012, the First Division issued a resolution saying that Mangrobangs order to block the printing of the photos stored in the CF card was arbitrary and unjust. The division nullied and voided



A red-letter day for the 365 Club

magistrate: She must rst win the cooperation of her elders in the high court. She is the youngest among them, and it is natural that they would not be able to accept immediately that she would be the so-called rst among equals. For the next 18 years, nobody among them can even aspire to be chief justice. In fact, nine justices boycotted her oath-taking. Without her colleagues respect and cooperation, how can Sereno even get started? This, I believe, is her biggest setback. *** Over a thousand CIQ (Customs, Immigration and Quarantine) personnel at Naia, Mactan and at Clark are becoming restive. Finance Secretary Cesar Purisima and Transportation a n d Communications Secretary Mar Roxas have decided to stop overtime payment. There is also the continued delay of the payment of their overtime, meal and transport allowance even though this has already been ruled upon by the Supreme Court last year as justiable. The high court said this was in accordance with the Philippine Customs and Tariff Code. Purisima and Roxas ordered the stoppage of overtime and the payment of meals and transport allowance when the employees work beyond their 8am to 5pm schedule. With this directive, three shifts to offer 24/7 services would instead be put in place. This translates to over P1 billion in funding for the recruitment of more than a thousand additional personnel. There are even rumblings among the CIQ personnel to see the consequences of a stoppage of work if only to emphasize their grievances. Santa Banana, if that ever happens, it will be an international crisis. Tourism will suffer. Its bad enough that we have an international airport considered one of the worst in the world. Must it come to this? Purisima and Roxas must realize that they need to abide by the rule of law. They must give those employees what is due them. Unfortunately, they seem to be taking the side of the airlines. The Supreme Courts September 14, 2011 ruling is clear. It is executory. What are Purisima and Roxas doing? *** Businessman-Ambassador Tony Cabangon Chua marked his birthday yesterday, Aug. 30. Instead of throwing a lavish party, he decided to spend the day with the people of Meycauayan and Obando, Bulacan, helping ood victims and distributing relief. Tony has received many blessings and now he is doing his part in paying it forward. May his tribe increase.

A litmus test for Imus

THE election controversy on who the real mayor of Imus, Cavite is turning out to be a litmus test for both the Commission on Elections and Malacaang. The case tests the commitment of Comelec not only to rendering a fair and equitable decision but more important its commitment to election automation. For Malacaang, the Imus case could be a measure of its sincerity in treading the tuwid the daan promised by President Benigno S. Aquino III when he assumed the presidency. The protagonists in this case are Mayor Homer Saquilayan who won in the May 10, 2010 election by a recordbreaking margin of 8,429 votes over then sitting mayor Emmanuel Maliksi. Just to get a better idea of how big the winning margin of Saquilayan over Maliksi is, this is equivalent to the full seating capacity of the Philippine Sports Arena. The controversy has become a national issue because Rep. Maliksi is a stalwart of the ruling Liberal Party and very close ally of President Aquino. Despite the big margin against him by Saquilayan, Maliksi led a protest with the Imus Regional Trial Court. Not a few people were surprised when in November 2011, Judge Cesar Mangrobang issued a decision that declared Maliksi as the winner. In order to unseat Saquilayan and put Maliksi as mayor of Imus, Judge Mangrobang not only had to nullify almost 8,400 ballots for Saquilayan. He also had to add new votes for Maliksi to overcome Mangrobangs order that seated Maliksi as mayor. Maliksi led a motion with the Comelec en banc to reconsider the First Divisions resolution. Meanwhile, he insisted that he would remain mayor while his motion remains pending. Last August 15, the Comelecs First Division issued a unanimous decision conrming that the original ballots were tampered after the elections and announced that based on their revision using the images on the CF cards Saquilayan indeed won the elections beating Maliksi by a margin of 8,429 votes. The Saquilayan case shows that automation can prevent cheating through ballot tampering. All of this, however, would be for nothing if Maliksi, despite the decision of the Comelec, stays on as mayor. Saquilayan is asking the Comelec to issue an En Banc resolution to immediately execute the unanimous decision of the First Division that he is the real winner. He said that it was unfair to the people of Imus to allow the remaining few months of his term as mayor to be cut short by the losing candidate who is clinging to ofce. It is still an uphill battle for Saquilayan. His political ally, Partido Magdalo chairman Deputy Speaker Jesus Crispin Remulla, says the Aquino administration is sparing no effort to protect Maliksi. Remulla said that the Comelec should show courage to do its job, do what is right and resist all pressures. As for Malacaang, they should stop their hypocrisy in mouthing daang matuwid most of the time where they are actively interfering with the job of Comelec, an independent constitutional body, in favour of their political ally, Remulla said.

THE 365 Club at Hotel Intercon is a unique club where people of different persuasions meet almost every day (thats the reason for 365). We talk about various issues over cups of coffee, expressing our beliefs and articulating our opinionno matter how insignicant they may be. The club is unique because it has no charter and no list of ofcers (although I have proclaimed myself chairman, and now chairman emeritus because of my age). There is no xed membership because people come and go. On September 22, the club will be celebrating its ruby anniversary. Another event that will have its 40th anniversary is the declaration of martial law. The late President Ferdinand Marcos issued Proclamation 1081. Yes, it was on this day that our club was founded. The 365 Club is the best example of freedom of speech. Even the Wall Street Journal, which featured our club, remarked that it is the only one of its kind in Asia, if not the whole world. Every now and them, foreign correspondents also drop by to get a feel of the times. One of the regulars in the club is Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile, who goes there for his regular coffee and softboiled eggs more often than I do. This year, no less than Vice President Jejomar Binay will be our guest speaker. The club, after all, is Makati-based. In fact, when he was mayor, Binay frequently dropped by to exchange views with us. Former Presidents Fidel Ramos and Joseph Estrada have also been invited to the anniversary celebration. *** Newly-appointed Chief Justice Maria Lourdes Sereno wants a dialogue with members of the Judiciary, even as she pleads with Filipinos to give her time to introduce much-needed reforms. In other words, the new primus inter pares has just admitted that she still has a lot to learn. I think this will be a problem. The need to restore the publics faith in the Judiciary is immediate. This is why I have been saying all along that we need somebody senior at the helm of the Judiciary. Indeed Sereno will need time to learn the ropes because she has only been a justice for two years. It follows that she still does not have a rm grasp of the intricacies of the Judiciary. After all, she spent most of her years in the academe. Shall it take 18 years for the Judiciary to be reformed? A bit of advice for the new chief

We have been talking about numerous issues for the past 40 years.

Mexican schools violate the orders of the Virgin Mary

By E. Eduardo Castillo
NUEVA JERUSALEN, Mexico Sprouting out of the corn elds of western Mexico rises a hill crowned with two arches and four towers, marking the gates of an improvised holy land that farmers built brick by brick over nearly four decades. The sprawling complex, they believed, would be the only place saved in the coming apocalypse: Nueva Jerusalen, or New Jerusalem. A cult has since sprung up around the detailed instructions that Our Lady of the Rosary supposedly left for followers, including how its estimated 5,000 members should dress and live. No non-religious music, no alcohol or tobacco, no television or radio, no modern dress and, the injunction that has landed them in trouble, no public education. That last rule is at the heart of a confrontation brewing at the complex among the sects traditionalists, its more reformist members and the Mexican government. The conict escalated into a tense standoff this week between the sect and federal and state police. According to traditionalists, the government-mandated uniforms, school books and lesson plans, not to mention the computers and televisions now used in many Mexican classrooms, would violate the Virgin Marys orders, on her own sacred ground. Organized squadrons of church followers enforced those beliefs in July when they used sledgehammers and pickaxes to tear down at least two school buildings, doused the school furniture and texts in gasoline and set the whole mess on re. Authorities in the western state of Michoacan have vowed that public, secular education, one of the few common bonds that hold Mexican society together, would not be sacriced, and they pledged Monday that about 250 children would be back in class in Nueva Jerusalen. That prompted swift reaction from conservative church followers, who formed a line inside the gates to face down dozens of police who showed up with patrol trucks and an armored vehicle, in what turned out to be a daylong standoff. Federal police commander Miguel Guerrero said he was talking with both sect traditionalists and reformists who believe in the sects central tenets but want a modern education for their children, to reach some sort of compromise. We are simply discussing the communitys situation, Guerrero said after the talks. But neither side was budging: The reformists rejected a compromise to hold classes in another town, and the traditionalists werent going to let government schools and teachers into the community. Michoacan Gov. Fausto Vallejo Figueroa pledged Tuesday that those who burned the schools would be punished, raising the possibility of further confrontation, even though ofcials have declined to provide details of specic plans for action in coming days. Punishing the culprits isnt open to negotiation, the law must be applied and those who participated in the destruction of public property like schools must face the consequences, he said. The faith of the people here is built on messages purportedly passed from the Virgin Mary to a defrocked Catholic priest, an illiterate old woman and a clairvoyant. That faith has since developed into a complex hierarchy of brightly-robed followers, with women wearing purple, red, white or green robes, depending on their order or vocation. New Jerusalem was born when the Holy Mother returned to Earth, with Gods permission, for the last time, to form a new salvation and a new creed, said Father Luis Maria, who like the rest of the clergy practices a form of the Latin Mass but is not recognized in any way by the Roman Catholic Church. Maria says the communitys rules are aimed at banishing all the vices and bad habits that condemn the rest of the world to perdition. But after the groups prediction that the world would end in 1999 didnt come to pass, it became harder to keep younger generations interested in praying almost constantly for the earths salvation. Praying is the principal activity of the sects traditionalists, aside from temple building and farming. To the reformists, the Virgins purported instructions can border on the surreal: Sports such as soccer are banned because they are played with a round ball that resembles the planet Earth, and thus represent kicking the planet. But American football is allowed because the ball is more elongated. To people such as Oscar Montero, 26, a young man who was born in Nueva Jerusalen after his parents joined the sect in the 1970s, the restrictions have grown too chang. I see these things as something very absurd, said Montero, who joined a group of hundreds of young people who marched through the community Monday to demand access to education. Dancing isnt evil, though smoking is, said Montero. Drinking too much is bad, but dancing and having a good time isnt. AP


Sottos reverse elitism

By Joel Vega
IT BOGGLES the mind that in the quicksand of illogic Senator Tito Sotto refuses to budge but stubbornly stands on the sinking rocks of arrogance. Worse, he bludgeons his opponents under the cover of a privilege speech. What to do with an elected public servant who possesses and parlays a convoluted and misplaced sense of legalism? In a more visual sense, here we have a case of a senator who when caught with his ngers in the cookie jar, grabbed the biggest, calorie-lled one, turned around and gave us all the dirty middle nger. Cheeky, yes, but also worrisome behavior from a man of inuence, from someone who is obliged to show more nesse in a case of intellectual shortcoming. One is almost tempted to dismiss Sottos clownish attempts as temporary lapses of sanity, but here we are tackling a public issue that affects the lives of many Filipinos and the capacity of many more to lead meaningful lives. In his privileged position, Sotto is not merely a passing shadow but one that holds a baton -however short-ended that stick may be. In his most recent rebuttal speech, Sotto again used the trick of identifying himself as the man of the masa, pilloried by an imagined elite and by those he described as naninira. In other words, he dismisses any rational critique of his legislative performance as mere sourgraping, done by professional dissers who have nothing meaningful to offer. His callous attempt smacks of reverse elitism, demanding immunity from rigorous thought by reason of his lack of capacity to possess one. But he himself asked and presented to be elected. By doing so, he must bear the challenge and demands inherent to that ofce. To place his credentials, past and present, under magnied or intense scrutiny is not playing offeld. It is necessary to examine where he anchored his thoughts and to assess the trajectory of his motives. His fallacy is that he wants us to believe that he has a monopoly on truth, as he spews out easy clichs and the big, nebulous words sanctity of life, divine right and other claims based on infallibility. How can you properly debate with someone like this? What Sotto conveniently forgets is that he is sworn to public ofce and is expected to exercise the duties of that ofce with a rational, unbiased mind, and certainly not to coddle and favor the holier-than-thou, self-appointed moral champions of our day. One mistake often committed by the self-disillusioned or self-righteous is this: to dismiss rational critique, sweep it under the carpet and brand all dissenting opinion as garbage. Sotto can certainly exercise and express his missionary zeal in open debate but not twist those of his opponents just to win pogi points with the fundamentalist fringe. More importantly, he should not debase a very public ofce by telling schoolchildren that they can go lax on issues of intellectual ownership, or convey the message that integrity these days can be thrown to the sewerage in the name of religious fervor and misguided empathy. Chances are the facts will hound Sotto and his parade of lawyers and legislative aides who supply him with a steady diarrhea of legal hocus-pocus. All that Sotto and his minions have to do is dismount their high moral horses, go to the streets of Manila and the corners of our archipelago and confront the consequences of unplanned parenthood, homeless children, and the reality of women endangering their lives and health by reason of lack of government services and effective information. Sottos favorite line of defense is to shoot the message and not the messenger. In his case he prostituted his status as a messenger, and when confronted by this arrogantly demanded that we pay attention to a sullied message. As Clint Eastwood said before ring the coup de grace, Make my day. Joel Vega lives in Nijmegen in The Netherlands, where he works as publications editor for the European Association of Urology. He won a Carlos Palanca award for poetry in 2010.





bidder, the resolution stated. The commission allocated P112 million for one years lease of warehouse with configuration facilities for the 80,000 precinct count optical scan machines the agency acquired from Smartmatic International. A Comelec resolution stated that the Project Management Ofce has made the lease of a warehouse as its priority in the list of the goods, services and infrastructure required to be procured for the May 13, 2013 elections considering that the terms for the free use of the SMTT Warehouse in Cabuyao, Laguna will expire on August 31, 2012. At least 82,000 PCOS units are stored in the warehouse of Smartmatic in Cabuyao, Laguna.

Lone bidder bags poll deal

By Joel Zurbano

THE Elections commission has declared the

joint venture of Storage Solutions Inc. and ASA Color and Chemical Industries, Inc. as eligible to bid for the lease of warehouse to be used as conguration facilities for the voting machines in next years elections.
The joint venture submitted a bid of P318,887,777.00 (P 98,119,316.04 a year or P8,176,609.67 a month) in the lease of warehouse with conguration facilities. Committee chairman and deputy executive director for administration Helen G. Aguila-Flores said the firm will now go through the

The Special Bids and Awards Committee in a resolution approved the recommendation of the Technical Working Group to declare the joint venture as eligible. The committee ruled that the joint venture submitted the Lowest Calculated bid and being the lone eligible bidder.

post-qualification evaluation. She said the process will verify, validate and ascertain all statements made and documents submitted by the bidder using criteria that include legal and technical requirements and ascertaining the sufciency of the bid among others. The committee also ordered the joint venture to submit within three days documentary requirements such as Tax Clearance; Latest Income and Business Tax Returns and other appropriate licenses and permits required by law and stated in the bidding documents. Failure to submit the above requirements on time or a nding against the veracity of such shall be ground for the forfeiture of the bid security and disqualication of the

Mining bill to support Aquino EO

A DRAFT bill seeking to increase the governments revenue share from mining operations will be submitted to President Benigno Aquino III by the end of September. Presidential Communications Development Secretary Ramon Carandang said a technical working group is now putting together the draft bill. The proposed legislation would support the implementation of Executive Order No. 79 that outlined the governments mining policy. One thing that was very clear even from the start was that we are not getting enough revenues from the extractive industries. And for us to make it worth it, then we need to do that (increase revenues), Carandang said. The Mining Industry Coordinating Council will study the draft before submitting it to the Cabinet economic cluster, which will then turn it over to Mr. Aquino. Were hoping to have something on the Presidents desk by the end of September. Thats sort of what the MICC has set for itself as a target, Carandang said. EO 79 threw the job of rationalizing existing revenue sharing schemes and mechanisms to Congress. Environment chief Ramon Paje earlier said the government was looking at a range of 5 to 7 percent for royalties based on gross revenues for the proposed legislation. Joyce Paares

US donates maritime equipment to Palawan

By Sara D. Fabunan
WASHINGTON has donated maritime security equipment to the National Police in Palawan under a joint proposal between the police and the United States Department of Justices International Criminal Investigative Training Assistance Program. These accomplishments are an important reminder to me of why we continue to invest in the PNP Special Boat Unit to ght transnational crime, combat the scourge of human trafcking, save lives and protect the environment, US Ambassador Harry Thomas said. Thomas was in Palawan yesterday to turn over the equipment, a special boat unit, including two sophisticated police patrol boats, two boat-towing heavy-duty pickup trucks, and an outstation to the National Police. This partnership has greatly increased the capabilities of the Philippine authorities to confront longstanding transnational organized criminal activity, Thomas said. Since it became operational in 2010, the SBU has made more than 200 arrests at sea and seized 17 vessels and a variety of contraband amounting to over $1.1 million. Arrests have been related to crimes such as illegal shing, harvesting of protected environmental products and animals, cigarette smuggling, petroleum smuggling, and possession of illegal drugs and weapons. The SBU has also evacuated more than 160 people during emergencies and rescued more than 50 people, including victims of human trafcking. In the coming months, the total amount donated by the U.S. Government as part of the SBU project will reach $9 million or an estimated P380 million, comprising the donation of six patrol boats with accompanying spare engines and other parts; the construction of and upgrades to the SBU headquarters facility; the new Balabac Outstation, along with two additional outstations to be constructed in Taganak and Bongao, Tawi Tawi; a variety of essential operational equipment; and thousands of hours of training In addition to support from ICITAP, the SBU project is supported by funding and training from the U.S. Department of Defenses Joint Inter Agency Task Force - West and the U.S. State Departments Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs.

Hot logs in Samar
TACLOBAN CitySeveral illegallycut lumbers were conscated yesterday by police operatives in Northern Samar as part of the intensied campaign against all forms of illegal activities launched by the newly-installed regional director of the Philippine National Police in Region VIII. While conducting a checkpoint in Bgy. Molave, Catarman, Northern Samar, elements of the Northern Samar Provincial Public Safety Company intercepted an Isuzu six-wheel truck with plate number XLS 554 and arrested the six people on board for violation of Republic Act 7161 otherwise known as the Forestry Code of the Philippines. PNP Regional Director Police Chief Superintendent Elmer Soria, identified the suspects as Neptali Trongcoso Tan, a businessman from Barangay Polangi; Eladio and Erwin Dadia Demakiling, businessman and a driver, respectively from Barangay Baybay; Leonardo Salvacion Mercader, 24 years old and Francisco Tonog Vilanueva, 45 years old, both helpers and residents of Barangay Polangi; Eduardo Cabacang Lopez, 47 years old, married and a resident of Sitio Hilan-agan, Barangay Somoge, all of Catarman, Northern Samar. The police team conscated the following illegally-cut lumbers: 200 pieces measuring 2x3x10 feet; eighty pieces 2x2x12 and ten pieces 1x10x10, all of Lawaan species with an estimated market value of P23,250.00. Ben M. Veridiano

US Ambassador Harry K.Thomas and Police Director Samuel Diciano pop the champagne to mark the turnover of $9-million worth of equipment and facilities donated by the US government to the National Police in Palawan.

Tobacco lobby draws fire over tax-hike bid

By Macon Araneta
SENATORS on Thursday rebuked tobacco-control advocates for pushing for a very high tax on cigarettes to bankroll health services, and warned that revenues will suffer with the imposition of a burdensome tax rate. Senator Ralph Recto described as numbers up in smoke all the hypes about high taxes and additional revenues for the governments health care programs. Today, we are collecting P30-35 billion from tobacco, and P70-75 billion from the entire sin industry- tobacco, fermented liquor, etc. Assuming that you increase the tax so high, youd still expect to generate P60 billion in excise taxes? Recto asked. Dr. Antonio Dans of the UP College of Medicine answered yes if he is supporting the bill. Dans, who made a presentation, said that smoking is a major cause of non-communicable diseases. Yes, 100%. He also said that the additional revenues from sin products should go to medicine. If we will be putting at risk what we are collecting today, forget the revenue. Assuming theres an incremental revenue, and assuming we are willing to lose the P35 billion from tobacco, would it still be okay with you? if we are to lose P35 billion, will there be another source of revenue? Recto asked. When Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile inquired into the thrust of their efforts to reduce or totally eradicate the incidence of smoking and drinking-related diseases, Recto replied we are looking for a balance here. He cited the need for the government to improve its revenue generation capability. He said that half of the bill speaks of an incremental revenue. And hopefully thatll be earmarked for health services, said Recto. He said the following consideration in the sin tax bill are: revenue generation since the government is also addicted to tobacco and alcohol taxes; getting it done responsibly, which means that it should be to all industry players, taking into account the tobacco stakeholders, the farmers, the retailers, wholesalers, exporters, local manufacturers; and health considerations. Enril said he just raised that question because he wanted to understand the essence of all their efforts to restructure the excise tax. He insisted that hes not saying he did not recognize the health hazards caused by smoking and drinking. If we are going to make the tax so high because we want to eradicate these diseases, there is a cost that we have to accept and that the revenue of the government from this source will have to be reduced. We will have to look for a substitute because the cost of governing the country and the needs of the people cannot be eliminated, said Enrile. Meanwhile, Steven Cua, president of the Philippine Amalgamated Supermarkets Association said if tax becomes too high, supermarkets will not sell cigarettes anymore. But the trade of cigarette will still be there. Organized syndicates will cut a deal. There will be a black market and proliferation of smuggling, he said. He also expressed his belief that a high taxes will not result in collection of taxes and not curb smoking.

PH-Korea labor pact inked

THE Philippine Labor department and the South Korean government signed an agreement that would expand the technical cooperation between them. Labor Secretary Rosalinda Baldoz said the signing would likewise enhance the occupational safety and health system in the Philippines. Baldoz said the new arrangement with the Korean Occupational Safety and Health Agency was signed on Aug. 25, 2012, was aimed at extending their cooperation with in enhancing the OSH system in the Philippines within the framework of its national standards and regulations. Vito Barcelo

Former Health Secretary Alberto Romualdez and Undersecretary Teodoro Herbosa testify before the Senate on the sin-tax bill with senators Franklin Drilon and Pia Cayetano in attendance. SONNY ESPIRITU

2 cops slain in Cotabato

Farm co-ops demand from NFA the release of imported rice

By Rio Araja
OFFICERS of farm cooperatives from various parts of the country asked a Quezon City trial court on Thursday to compel the National Food Authority (NFA) to order the release of their rice imports held in a warehouse in Davao City since last year. Lawyer Leah Echevaria said the farmers imported 21,500 sacks of rice from Vietnam, which the NFA detained at the port in Davao after Agriculture Secretary Proceso Alcala ordered that private importations should arrive in the country not later than June 30, 2012. The arrival date of June 30, 2012 was unrealistic since the Vietnamese suppliers said it was not viable to ship the rice earlier than August due to lack of empty container vans at the international port of Ho Chi Min City, the ofcers said in their complaint. The importation were made under the 2012 Private Sector Financed scheme, which allowed qualied importers to ship rice without paying customs duties and taxes, under a pre-determined volume and port of discharge. NFA granted the cooperatives a permit to import 21,500 sacks of rice. The farmers belong to the following cooperatives: Kabalikat Multi-purpose cooperative of La Union, Bubg Farmers Cooperative of Occidental Mindoro, Pinaod Central Multi-Purpose Cooerative of Bulacan and Samahang Bagong Anyo Development Cooperative of Occidental Mindoro. When the cargoes arrived on July 20, the cooperatives were not able to claim them, Echevaria said. She said NFA refused to release the rice, citing Alcalas instructions but it was not clear what was the basis for Alcalas instructions. Echevaria said the shipment cost more than P20 million, but they stand to lose more because of demurrage and other fees unless the court orders the NFA to release the rice. As a consequence of the non-release of the cargoes, plantiffs had incurred and continue to incur demurrage and storage charges, which has totaled to more than P500,000, Echevaria said.

TWO members of the provincial Highway Patrol Group were killed and another policeman was badly wounded on Thursday after they were ambushed by a group of armed men while conducting a checkpoint in Sitio Patulangon, Barangay Malasila, Makilala, North Cotabato. Provincial police director Senior Supt. Cornelio Salinas said the shooting happened at around 9:20 a.m. killing Police Ofcer 3 Runo Sumugat and PO1 Raul Pablo. Seriously wounded and rushed to the hospital for medical treatment was SPO2 Ponciano Pahkiat. Florante S. Solmerin






Govt eyes 5.5m tourists

By Maricel V. Cruz

Suicide at train station
AN elderly woman committed suicide Thursday morning by jumping in front of a speeding train of the Light Rail Transit at its Edsa Station in Pasay City, disrupting train operations for three hours. Police have not identied the woman, who was described to be about 50-60-years-old, wearing a jogging pants and what appeared to be a black hospital gown and rubber slippers. LRT spokesperson Hernando Cabrera said the woman jumped off the platform just as a train with body number 1113-A from Baclaran was moving towards the station. The woman did not carry any identication or any suicide note. Crime scene investigators extricated the mangled body from the stalled train shortly before 9am, according to Chief Insp. Joey Goforth of the Pasay police. Ferdinand Fabella

THE Tourism Department on Thursday expressed high hopes that it will be able to attract 5.5 million tourists in 2013 using the tagline Its More Fun in the Philippines.
At the same time, Tourism Secretary Ramon Jimenez told congressmen during a budget hearing that the greatest impediment to growth and tourism is plain and simple ignorance. The world was ignorant of the Philippines, Jimenez said as he explained to legislators the rationale behind the departments tourism campaign, using the slogan Its More Fun in the Philippines, which was launched in January. He said the departments ambitious budget would help achieve an equally ambitious target of tourist arrivals next year. Of the departments proposed P2.9 billion budget for 2013, P2.6 billion would go to the Ofce of the Secretary, P307.7 million to the National Parks and Development Corp. and P38 million to the Intramuros Administration. During the hearing, Tourism Undersecretary for Promotions Daniel Corpuz said that the department was able to chalk up a total of 3.9 million in 2011. We hope to end 2012 with 4.5 million and target an additional 1 million visitors for next year that will give us 5.5 million tourist arrivals, he said, adding that there were a total of 2.5 million tourist arrivals between January and July this year. Corpuz said the department wants to increase arrivals every year, reaching 10 million visitors by 2016. So 2013 hopefully will be a banner year for the tourism industry. We hope to achieve what Secretary Jimenez calls sufcient momentum to propel the tourism industry to a target of 10 million by 2016. The target is ambitious but we feel condent, Corpuz said. Jimenez stressed the importance of other government agencies pursuing related infrastructure projects, like the Department Public Works and Highways P12-billion allocation for roads to tourist destinations. The Department of Transportation and Communications has also alloted P3.29 billion for airports, seaports and navigational facilities.

Military chief burgled

NO less than one of the countrys security managers was victimized by burglars who broke into his ofcial residence, known as the White House, inside Camp Aguinaldo. Investigators did not say whether Armed Forces Chief of Staff Gen. Jessie Dellosa was in the house at the time, but the perpetrators stole two laptop computers, two iPods, two cellular phones, 40 Compact discs, a caliber .45 pistol and assorted jewelries. Before burglarizing Dellosas residence, robbers also broke into a soldiers quarters at Barangay Aguinaldo, commonly called Barrio, also located inside the camp. Florante S. Solmerin

From a grateful nation. Manila Mayor Alfredo S. Lim shakes hands with Samahang Plaridel president and Manila Standard Today publisher Rollie Estabillo after they laid a wreath at the monument of Marcelo del Pilar at Remedios Circle in Malate, Manila on Thursday. With them are relatives of Marcelo del Pilar and Plaridel ofcers Ed Tipton, Fernando Balagtas, Dick Pascual and Recto Mercene.

Plaridel remembered
MANILA Mayor Alfredo S. Lim led simple rites commemorating the 162nd birth anniversary of Filipino patriot and journalism icon Marcelo H. Del Pilar, also known for his pen name Plaridel, at the Remedios Circle in Malate, Manila on Monday. Lim was assisted in laying a wreath by city ofcials, students and journalists, led by Manila Standard Today publisher Rollie Estabillo, president of the Samahang Plaridel, an association of respected journalists in the country. Also present at the ceremonies were Del Pilars descendant Corina Santos-Ungson, architect Wilkie Delumen, city schools superintendent Dr. Ponciano Menguito; Manila Historical and Heritage Commision vice chairwoman Gemma Cruz-Araneta and journalists Ed Tipton, Fernando Balagtas and Dick Pascual and Recto Mercene; Del Pilar, born Aug. 30, 1850 in Bulacan, Bulacan, was a lawyer who founded the vernacular Diariong Tagalog in 1882, which became a medium for protests against Spanish colonial abuses and demands for political reform. Persecution by the Catholic Church forced the anti-clerical Plaridel, a leader of freemasons seeking autonomy or independence from Spanish rule, to ee the Philippines and relocate to Barcelona, Spain in 1888. In Spain, he soon became editor of La Solidaridad, a fortnightly newspaper nanced by Filipino freemasons and Spanish reformists. The publication soon became the ofcial organ of the so-called Propaganda Movement which would eventually result in the Philippine Revolution of 1896. Among the contributors to La Solidaridad were physician Jose Rizal, pharmacist Antonio Luna, physician Mariano Ponce, writer Isabelo de los Reyes and engineer Jose Alejandrino, among others. Most contributors to the newspaper are now members of the pantheon of Philippine heroes.

4 plumbers die in mishap

FOUR plumbers, including a father and his two sons, were killed after they were trapped inside a septic tank near the Ali Mall in Cubao, Quezon City before dawn Thursday. Superintendent Rodel Marcelo said the fatalities Romy Suarez, 50; his sons Rodel, 20, and Rommel, 25; and Marvin Aleman, 30 all employees of the RCBC Plumbing Services were cleaning the tank around 3 a.m. when one of them fell from a ladder causing the rapid rise of septic water. The four were trapped inside the tank for three hours before their bodies were retrieved by rescue teams. Jonathan Fernandez

Kidnapped girl returned to US

By Vito Barcelo
THE seven-year-old FilipinoAmerican girl, a scion of a political family in Abra province who was supposedly kidnapped in front of her school in Quezon City on the morning of Aug. 28, left the country that same evening, according to records of the Bureau of Immigration. The records showed that Nicole Ashley Ricks, the granddaughter of former congresswoman Cecilia Luna, left the country on board Philippine Airlines Flight PR102 bound for Los Angeles, California at at 10 p.m. of the same day. Immigration ofcials said Nicole supposedly checked in at the PAL counter with two other foreigners, but the passenger manifest or the immigration departure list did not include the name of her father, Anthony Ricks, who supposedly abducted the child. Luna told journalists on Wednesday that Nicole is the child of her daughter Rochelle, who was married to Ricks in the US until they divorced. Ricks, however, managed to get custody of Nicole since Rochelle was studying in England. Cecilia, the mother of incumbent Bangued Mayor Ryan Luna, admitted that they asked Anthony to allow Ashley to come to the Philippines from June 9 to August 10 last year, but Nicole later told her grandmother that she wanted to stay in Philippines. The former congresswoman was later able to secure guardianship from the Bangued Regional Trial Court and US Embassy representatives even visited her home last November to check on Nicole. But Anthony was furious at Luna for not returning his daughter as they agreed. Last Aug. 28, Anthony apparently enlisted American and Filipino friends to regain custody of Nicole and he went to the School of the Holy Spirit to fetch her. Luna said she was in possession of Nicoles US passport, but Ricks was apparently able to get another passport at the US Embassy, before they left the country. Airport ofcials said they did not notice anything suspicious when the girl and her two companions checked-in for the ight and she was cleared for departure because she was included in the hold-departure or watch lists.


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Department of Public Works and Highways OFFICE OF THE DISTRICT ENGINEER

Masbate 1st District Engineering Office Masbate City

Republic of the Philippines

Invitation to Bid for the following projects, which was published in this newspaper on its issue of August 25, 2012 is hereby cancelled for further evaluation of the request. Pre Bidding Conference Opening of Bids : September 04, 2012, 2:00 pm : September 18, 2012, 2:00 pm

The DPWH, Masbate 1st District Engineering Office. Masbate City. through its Bids and Awards Committee (BAC), invites contractors, to apply to apply for the following contracts, to wits: Contract lD Contract Name Contract Location Brief Description 12F10019 Construction of Drainage and Slope Protection Masbate-Cataingan Road Construction of Drainage and Slope Protection Along Masbate-Cataingan Road (K0001+ 700-K0015+554) w/ exception Approved Budget/or the Contract (ABC) : P 9,334,626.17 Contract Duration : 120 CD Contract ID Contract Name 12F10020 Cluster 1- Construction of 4 units 1 CL (7.0m x 9.0m) School Building Contract Location : Cabitan National High School, Mandaon, Masbate, Puro PS, Aroroy West. Aroroy, Masbate, Macabug ES, Aroroy West, Aroroy Masbate, Eastern Capsay ES, Baleno, Masbate. Brief Description : Cluster 1- Construction of 4 units I CL (7.0m x 9.0m) School Building at Cabitan National High School, Mandaon, Masbale, Puro PS, Aroroy West, Aroroy, Masbate, Macabug ES, Aroroy West, Aroroy Masbate, Eastern Capsay ES. Baleno, Masbate. Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC) : P 2,739,934.05 Contract Duration : 60 CD Contract ID Contract Name 12F10021 Cluster II - Repair of Electo Verano ES (3..40m x 3.95m) Comfort Room. Repair of (42.0m x 8.0m) Masbate National Comprehensive High School Math Building, Repair of (8.0m x 20.0m) Calumpang CS, Balud South Contract Location : Ubongan Daco, Masbale City, Masbate City, Balud, Masbate Brief Description : Cluster II - Repair of Electo Verano ES (3.40m x 3.95m) Comfort Room. Ubongan Daco, Masbate City, Repair of (42.0m x 8.0m) Masbate National Comprehensive High School Math Building, Masbate City, Repair of (8.0m x 20.0m) Calumpang CS, Balud South. Balud, Masbate Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC) : P 843,967.11 Contract Duration : 30 CD The BAC will conduct the procurement process in accordance with the Revised IRR of R.A. 9184. Bids received in excess of the ABC shall automatically be rejected at the opening of bids. To bid for the contract, a contractor must submit a Letter of Intent (LOI) and must meet the following major criteria: (a) prior registration with DPWH, (b) Filipino-owned partnership, corporation, cooperative or joint venture with PCB License applicable to the type and cost of this contract, (c) completion of a similar contract costing at least 50% of ABC within a period of 10 years, and (d) Net Financial Contracting Capacity at least equal to ABC, or credit line commitment/Cash deposit certificate for at least 10% of ABC. The DPWH will use a nondiscretionary pass/fail criteria in the eligibility check, preliminary of bids, evaluation of bids, post-qualification, and award. Unregistered contractors, however, may submit their LOIs simultaneously with their applications for registration, to the DPWH 1st District Engineering Office, Masbate City before the deadline set below for the receipt of LOIs. The DPWH Central BAC-TWG will only process contractors applications for registration with complete requirements and issue the Contractors Registration Certificate (CRC). Registration Forms may be downloaded at the DPWH website The significant times and deadlines of procurement activities are shown below: 1. Receipt or LOIs from Prospective Bidders 2. Issuance of Ridding Documents 3. Pre-Bid Conference 4. Receipt of Bids 5. Opening of Bids Deadline: August 31, 2012-September 12, 2012 Deadline: August 31, 2012-September 17, 2012 @ 9:00 A.M. Deadline: September 3, 2012 (@10:00 A.M. Deadline: September 17,2012@9:00A.M. September 17, 2012@ 10:00 A.M. : : : : : : : :

1. Brand New Chemical Firetruck with Foam Propotioner for the use of Makati Fire Department P9,190,996.00 2. Brand New First Trucks for the use of Makati Fire Department P60,181,772.00

(MST-Aug. 31, 2012)

InvItatIon to BId For The Contract for the Repair and Restoration of Busbar System at Rectifier Substation No. 4 to its Full Operational Capacity Line 2 System under ITB No. 1208-227-09
Schedule of Activities: Pre-bid Conference September 7, 2012 @ 10:00 A.M. Cafeteria, LRTA Line 2-Depot, Santolan, Pasig City September 19, 2012 @ 9:00 A.M. Cafeteria, LRTA Line 2-Depot, Santolan, Pasig City

For fast ad results, please call 659-48-30 local 303 or 659-48-03

W e d o personalized crochedted accessories (earings, necklace, belts, bonnets, etc.) for inquiries pls. contact Ms. Lerma M. Sijera at 0922-6975406

Submission and Opening of Bids

Complete Specifications are included in the Terms of Reference The Light Rail Transit Authority (LRTA), through its Corporate Budget for the Calendar Year 2012, intends to apply the sum of FOURTEEN MILLION FOUR HUNDRED SEVENTY NINE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED EIGHTY PESOS & 00/100 (Php14,479,280.00) ONLY being the Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC) to payments under the afore-mentioned contract. Bids received in excess of the ABC shall be automatically rejected at bid opening. The Contract period is thirty (30) calendar days upon receipt of Notice to Proceed. LRTA now invites bids from Prospective/Interested Bidders with the following details: Bid Security: Cash/CC-MC Description Approved Budget for the Contract Bank draft/ guarantee or ILC (2%)* Contract for the Repair and Restoration of Busbar System at Rectifier Substation No. 4 to its Full Operational Capacity Line 2 System Php14,479,280.00 Php289,585.60 Php723,964.00 Php13,000.00

Security: Surety bond (5%)*

Cost of Bid Documents

*Only those issued by universal or commercial banks Bidding will be conducted through open competitive bidding procedures using a nondiscretionary pass/fail criterion as specified in the Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations (R-IRR) of Republic Act (RA) 9184, otherwise known as the Government Procurement Reform Act. Bidding is restricted to Filipino citizens/sole proprietorships, partnerships, or organizations with at least sixty percent (60%) interest or outstanding capital stock belonging to citizens of the Philippines. A complete set of Bidding Documents may be purchased by interested Bidders commencing on 31 August 2012 until not later than the deadline for the submission and receipt of bids at the address below and upon payment of a non-refundable fee for the Bidding Documents in the amount of Php13,000.00 only. Only prospective bidders who have secured bidding documents will be allowed to participate in the Pre-Bid Conference. Submission and Opening of Bids will publicly be opened in the presence of the Bidders authorized representatives who choose to attend. Late bids shall not be accepted. All Bids must be accompanied by a bid security in any of the acceptable forms and in the amount stated in the Instructions to Bidders and the Bid Data Sheet. LRTA reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids, to annul the bidding process, and to reject all bids at any time prior to contract award, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected bidder or bidders. For further information, please refer to: Mr. Eduardo A. Abiva Head, BAC Secretariat Administration Bldg., LRTA Cmpd., Aurora Blvd. Tramo, Pasay City Tel. No. 853-0041 50 loc. 8314 Email Address: Facsimile No. 551-5946 (Sgd.) Mr. LUTGARDO C. NAVARRO Chairman - Bids & Awards Committee

(MST-Aug. 31, 2012)

Republic of the Philippines


Region IV-B (MIMAROPA) Oriental Mindoro Occidental Mindoro Marinduque Romblon Palawan


Notice is hereby given that the following companies/employers have with this Regional Office Application/s for Alien Employment Permit/s: Name and Address of Company/Employer CASA ITALIA INC. Poblacion, Puerto Galera, Oriental Mindoro Name and Citizenship Position and Brief of Foreign National Description of functions 1. MR. RICCARDO Manager / Food and MONTARULI Beverage Specialist

The BAC will issue hard copies of Bidding Documents (BDs) at the BAC Secretariat Office, DPWH, Masbate 1st District Engineering Office, Masbate City, upon payment of non-refundable fee of P 10,000.00 for project I.D. No. 12F10019, 5,000.00 for Project ID no. 12F10020 and 1,000.00 for Project I.D. no. I2F10021 for Bid Document . Prospective bidders who will download the BDs from the DPWH website shall pay the said fees on or before submission of their bids. Prospective bidders shall submit their duly accomplished forms as specified in the BDs in two (2) separate sealed bid envelope to the BAC Chairman, the first envelope shall contain the Technical component of the Bid, which shall include a copy of CRC. The envelope shall contain the acceptable form, as stated in 27.2 of the Revised IRR. Contract will be awarded to the Lowest Calculated Responsive Bid as determined in the evaluation and post qualification. The DPWH, Masbate 1st District Engineering Office, Masbate City reserves the right to accept or reject any bid and to annul the bidding process anytime before Contract award without incurring any liability to the affected bidders. (Sgd.) ELVIRA D. INFANTE Chief, M.Q.C. Section BAC Chairman
(MST-Aug. 31, 2012)

If you have any information/objection to the abovementioned application/s please communicate with the Regional Director. (Sgd.) MA. ZENAIDA EUSEBIA A. ANGARA OIC Regional Director
(MST-Aug. 31, 2012)

(MST-Aug. 31, 2012)



SAN Sebastian College felt the absence of suspended big man Calvin Abueva, but still managed to hold the fort with its trapping defense in the nal quarter to pull off a 79-71 beating of Arellano University yesterday in the 88th National Collegiate Athletic Association mens basketball tournament at the Arena in San Juan. With their ninth win in 12 games, the Stags stayed on the heels of the defending champion San Beda Red Lions (9-2), who are in the solo lead with their 9-2 record. Peter Atencio

Riera U. Mallari, Editor

Manila Standard TODAY



AUGUST 31, 2012

6/49 00 00 00 00 00 00 P0.0 M+ 6/42 00 00 00 00 00 00 P0.0 M+ 6 DIGITS 00 00 00 00 00 00 3 DIGITS 00 00 00 2 EZ2 00 00


Cotto next for Pacman?

By Ronnie Nathanielsz

Bulldogs improve to 6-4 record

By Jeric Lopez
KNOWING it needs to win to remain in the Final Four hunt, National University bucked a slow start before taking care of business against University of the East, 83-74, to snap a twogame losing skid in the 75th University Athletic Association of the Philippines yesterday at the Mall of Asia Arena. Reigning Most Valuable Player Bobby Ray Parks topscored again with a game-high 21 points, to go with six rebounds to spearhead the Bulldogs, who are now just a game behind idle La Salle for fourth place as they improved to 6-4. In the other game, Adamson University snapped a sixgame losing streak by topping University of the Philippines , 75-70, to improve to 2-8. The Maroons and Warriors are tied at the bottom at 1-8. Meanwhile, Far Eastern University bruiser Arvie Bringas is suspended for one game after he committed a disqualifying foul the other day in the Tamaraws 77-64 setback at the hands of Ateneo De Manila. With the game getting very physical, Bringas suddenly spat in front of the Blue Eagles bench, specically on Justin Chua, causing his ejection from the game as well as the mentioned punishment. Bringas will miss FEUs next game on Sunday against the Bulldogs. In addition, Ateneos JP Erram was also suspended and will miss Ateneos game tomorrow against La Salle.

for a proposal from the camp of Miguel Cotto before a decision is made by Fighter of the Decade Manny Pacquiao on who he will face in a ght set either Dec. 1 or 8.
Despite some uncertainty over the date, as well as the opponent, Arum told the Manila Standard he is condent everything will be ne. Pacquiao again said last night that he is going to ght and now its a question of sorting out who and where. There is no hurry, well get it done by Monday or Tuesday if not over the weekend, Arum said. Im relaxed about it. He (Pacquiao) said that he was going to ght either on the 1st or the 8th of December and thats the way it is. The Top Rank promoter said he has no idea really, who Pacquiao is leaning towards among the three options presented to him. We dont have a final proposal from Cotto, but we do have from (Juan Manuel) Marquez and (Timothy) Bradley and once we get the Cotto position, then Pacquiao will make his decision, Arum said. Pacquiao scored a 12th-round TKO over Cotto in their rst meeting, dropping the Puerto Rican twice en route to the victory in November 2011. At the same time, Arum revealed that he had been approached by some people relating to Floyd Mayweather Jr., but you never know how real it is. Theres been talk since Mayweather came out of a shortened prison term earlier this month that a megabuck ght with Pacquiao will take place in the rst half of next year, possibly giving way for the Filipinoos bid for reelection from the lone district of Sarangani province in the Nov. 10 mid-term elections. Mayweather himself took a step forward by lowering the anti-Pacquiao rhetoric by stating the Filipino eight-division world champion is an unbelievable ghter.

TOP Rank promoter Bob Arum is waiting

NUs Joshua Alolino looks for a teammate to pass the ball to after being hounded by UEs Roi Sumang and Jeric Hernandez in a UAAP game won by the Bulldogs 83-74. LINO SANTOS

11 bouts featured in ONE FC tourney
ELEVEN bouts, including the clash between the best bantamweight ghters in the world, will be featured when the ONE FC: Pride of the Nation champion starts tonight at the Smart Araneta Coliseum. DREAM Champion Bibiano The Flash Fernandes, who is ranked among the best bantamweight ghters in the world, is set to meet Cage Fighting Championship champion Gustavo Falciroli. Other featured bouts will see Filipino bet Edward Folayang taking on Japanese ghter Felipe Enimoto in the welterweight action, while heavyweights Andrei Arlovski and Tim Sylvia will continue settle a long-running feud between them. Universal Reality Combat Championship ghter Eric Kelly will collide with world lightweight ghter Jens Pulver, while Brazilian Jiujitsu Rolles Gracie and Tony Bonello ghts in another heavyweight affair. Welterweights Igor Gracie tangles with Korean Jung Hwan Cha, and Kevin Belingon meets Soo Chul Kim, and Gregor Gracie tackles Nicholas Mann in the 80-kg action. It will be Phil Baroni against Rodrigo Ribeiro in the 77.1- kg event, while Mitch Chilson challenges Thai foe Shannon Wiratchai in the 65.8kg side, and Andrew Benibe takes on Honorio Banario. Peter Atencio

Phils team routs James squad in Dream Match

STRIKER Phil Younghusband delivered a performance that made clear that he is indeed one of the best football players the country has right now. Ranged against his older brother James and other top players from the collegiate rank, some celebrities and the national team, who took part in last weekends CLEAR Dream Match at University of Makati Football pitch, the 25-year-old Phil stood out among them as he delivered a hat trick performance to power Team Phil to a 5-1 victory over Team James. Close to 3,000 spectators showed up to support the charity event made possible by CLEAR Philippines for Tuloy sa Don Bosco Foundation, beneciary of the event which pitted the two brothers against each other. Our global endorser is Cristiano Ronaldo and we thought it would be tting to nd here players in the mold of Ronaldo, and they are Phil and James. From here, we conceptualized this unique game where people from all walks of life will have run, said CLEAR Brand Manager John Imperial. Indeed, the fans were treated to a spectacular night of football with Phil leading the show. Phil made his presence felt after only 18 minutes of action as he outmaneuvered Team James goal-keeper Ref Cuaresma for the ice-breaker. Four minutes later, Phil again mesmerized the crowd with a magical 70-foot looper that soared just a few centimeters over the ngertips of Cuaresma. The former Chelsea player Phil Younghusband capped his impressive performance with a roller in injury time. Ossenyou Diop scored a goal in the 42nd minute, while Yannick Tuason added another in the 71st minute for Team Phil. James didnt go out without entertaining his fans as he accounted for his teams lone goal in the 62nd minute. This is my rst game since July, but Ive been doing my own training and was condent in this match. I want to thank the organizers for hosting this fantastic game, Phil said.

Vanguard end Jaguars semis bid

DASMARINAS, Cavite Champ Israel scored four charities in the endgame to lead the Emilio Aguinaldo College-Cavite Vanguard to a 67-63 triumph over the defending champion Philippine School of Business Administration Jaguars here yesterday. Israels baskets jeopardized the Jaguars (1-8) chances of making it to the seminals of the 11th Universities and Colleges Athletic Association mens basketball tournament at the Ugnayang La Salle gymnasium inside the DLSU-Dasmarinas campus. Manuel L. Quezon University gained a semis berth instead its their 3-5 record in this cagefest supported by Mikasa and Molten Balls as the Jaguars can no longer catch up with the Stallions, with only one game left in their schedule. The Vanguard, who scored their rst win in nine games, drew 12 points from Adrian Alban, while Israel had 11. EAC-Cavite was ahead, 6358, when Justin Puno brought the Jaguars closer to withtin 61-63 with his three-point play in the remaining 1:04.

Tenorio to Ginebra

Reyes to name his choices

SMART Gilas coach Chot Reyes has to name his 12-man line-up for the Stankovic Cup in Tokyo, Japan, which opens on Sept. 14, by todays deadline. Reyess task has become somewhat difcult amidst the swirl of reports of a blockbuster trade involving the MVP of the recent 34th Jones Cup in Chinase-Taipei, LA Tenorio of Alaska, who had insisted on playing for the national team along with center Sonny Thoss against the wishes of the Alaska management. Tenorio himself informed coach Reyes that he had been told he was being traded to Barangay Ginebra, while the new franchise of sportsman Mikee Romero, despite having told the Manila Standard he would release shooting star Gary David and JV Casio to Smart Gilas for the Stankovic Cup later, reportedly traded both Casio and David. Ronnie Nathanielsz

IS prolic point guard LA Tenorio out of Alaska and headed to Barangay Ginebra in a blockbuster deal that will also involve another rising point guard in Jvee Casio? The teams involved in the possible Tenorio deal are reportedly Alaska, Global Port and Ginebra. As Ginebra gets Tenorio, arguably the leagues best point guard, in the proposal, the Aces will receive Casio and future draft picks in return to ll in the void left by their longtime sentinel, while it is still unclear what Batang Pier will receive in return for last seasons top pick. It is still unknown what specic deal is in store for Tenorio and the teams as of the moment as his impending transfer is still in the process of getting nalized. However, sources are indicating that Tenorio, the centerpiece of the transaction being worked on by the said squads, is indeed going to get shipped to Ginebra. In a separate move, Alaska is reportedly working on another deal that will land it veteran shooter Dondon Hontiveros from Petron Blaze in exchange for Wesley Gonzales and seldom-used Hans Thiele. Jeric Lopez

Jackes, Tuason seek title feats in Asian tilt

THE TRS-Castrol Racing Kids Team hopes to take the spotlight anew as they plunge into another round of exciting battles in the third round of the 2012 Asian Open Karting Championship series at the Carmona Racetrack. Fil-Aussie Flynn Jackes and AT Tuason looks forward to winning feats anew in their respective classes as they will be joined by Wils Casequin in the title hunts for the TRS-Castrol Racing Kids Team powered by Castrol, Bridgestone, Coke Zero, Standard Insurance, OMP, Oakley, Speedlab, C! Magazine, Toptul and Aguila Auto Glass. The nine-year-old Jackes seeks to preserve his hold on solo leadership in the AKOC Mini-ROK class as he guns for a repeat of his AKOC kickoff victory that hoisted the Philippine ag high at the Kartodromo de Coloane Circuit in Macau. Gearing up for his fth straight winning streak this season, the rened driving and racing judgment he showed in winning the Enchanted Kingdom race will be Jackes strong weapons in his bid to get back at Indonesians Barichello Noor and Keanon Santoso, who spoiled his bid for victory in his home turf.

Bisera-Shin holds off Aunzo-Mackay, bags Davao title

DAVAORamil Bisera nally ended a long title drought in a long career, closing out with an even-par 72 with teener Micah Shin and winning the P1 million Davao National Pro-Am Presented by Samsung and Emcor crown by one at the Apo Golf and Country Club here yesterday. Bisera came through with solid iron shots to set up birdie chances and parsaving putts for Shin, the 15-year-old Korean expat who knows the Apo layout like the back of his hands, and the duo thwarted a charging Ferdie AunzoMonchit Mackay tandem to claim the victory with a 54-hole total of 218. Aunzo and Mackay, the rst round leaders, actually tied second- round leaders Paul Minoza and Francis Morilla with birdies on the rst two holes but fell back with a double-bogey on No. 7 and wound up with 72 for second at 219. Minoza and Morilla remained tied with Bisera and Shin despite a 37 at the turn but faded with an awful 41 marred by three straight bogeys from No. 17. They ended up third with 223. It was the soft-spoken Biseras rst victory since beating Tony Lascuna at Villamor in the defunct Ericsson Tour in the early 2000s and the win is expected to boost the 38-year-old Davaoenos condence heading to next weeks resumption of the ICTSI Philippine Golf Tour at Pueblo de Oro. This is a big morale-boost for my campaign on the pro tour, said Bisera, who made the just three cuts after 10 legs of the current circuit. He took the top P172,000 purse while Shin received merchandise from the sponsoring Samsung and Emcor. But Bisera credited their victory to his 15-year-old partner, who made the putts inside six feet for their four birdies and knocked in a delicate fourfoot putt for par on the 18th to clinch the victory after Aunzo and Mackay threatened last with a closing birdie. Bisera


Android Invasion


Manila Standard TODAY


AUGUST 31, 2012


Android, iOS surge to new smartphone OS record in Q2

By Marlon C. Magtira
ANDROID and iOS powered 85 percent of all smartphones shipped in the second quarter of 2012 (2Q12), establishing a new combined high for the mobile operating systems from Google and Apple.Meanwhile, BlackBerry and Symbian, two pioneers and former leaders of the smartphone market, both saw their market shares fall below ve percent. According to the IDCs Worldwide Quarterly Mobile Phone Tracker, Android amassed a commanding 68.1 percent market share of all smartphones shipped during the quarter, while BlackBerry and Symbian reached just 4.8 percent and 4.4 percent respectively. Android continues to re on all cylinders, said Ramon Llamas, senior research analyst with IDCs Mobile Phone Technology and Trends program. The market was entreated to several agship models from Androids handset partners, prices were well within reach to meet multiple budgetary needs, and the user experience from both Google and its handset partners boosted Android smartphones utility far beyond simple telephony. The mobile OS market is now unquestionably a two-horse race due to the dominance of Android and iOS, said Kevin Restivo, senior research analyst with IDCs Worldwide Quarterly Mobile Phone Tracker. With much of the worlds mobile phone user base still operating feature phones, the smartphone OS market share battle is far from over. There is still room for some mobile OS competitors to gain share, although such efforts will become increasingly difcult as smartphone penetration increases. Operating system highlights Androids success in the market can be traced directly to Samsung, which accounted for 44.0 Next page

Marco Lobregat on Challenges, Changes and Good Choices

Only a few short years after graduating from college, Marco Lobregat was at the peak of his career. Working for the World Eye Reports allowed him to travel to different countries, to interface with political and business leaders, and to gain their insight on business trends and opportunities. Then, the global economic recession hit. Disheartened that the financial world was in shambles, he decided to get out of the corporate world to find his own niche. Wanting to make use of his familys 4-hectare property in Lipa, he sought for a high yielding product that he could grow. A trip to the supermarket proved to be his eureka moment, as he conceived what was to be the Ministry of Mushrooms. I have always loved mushrooms since I was young, he enthused. When I went to Rustans, I noticed that most of the mushrooms were imported. No one seemed to be growing it locally. Taking inspiration from a friend in Spain who grew mushrooms at home as a hobby, Marco raised capital for his business and started his own research. At first, the only goal was to make sure the mushrooms grow. Armed with determination, Marco and his partners pressed on to better understand fungi and its different applications. We failed many times, he admitted. But its only thru failure that you actually learn what to do. The choice to keep moving forward paid off. They eventually started delivering mushrooms to friends and family. The business grew further as they began to supply mushrooms to shops and restaurants. Soon, they opened their own stall at the Salcedo Market and attracted even bigger clients. What started as a practical choice, quickly became a passion for Marco. I get more in love with mushrooms, the more I read and check it out, he shares. Aside from being a super food, mushrooms also have medicinal and environmental benefits. It is for these reasons that the Ministry of Mushrooms aims to build a sustainable, world-class mushroom industry in the Philippines. Carving his own niche and working hard for his success instilled in Marco an appreciation for services that deliver great value. A perfect fit for this entrepreneur is Sun Cellular, with Postpaid plans providing him more features for less. The first in the market to offer unlimited calls and text, Sun Cellular plans are also loaded with add-on service that surpass competition. Sun has been a second line for a lot of people, Marco said. But considering its fully loaded plans, reliable connection and expanded coverage, its about time people make the practical decision and make Sun Cellular their primary line. As for me, its my good choice.

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Android Invasion

Manila Standard TODAY

From A9 percent of all Android smartphones shipped in 2Q12 and totaled more than the next seven Android vendors volumes combined Meanwhile, the next seven vendors were a mix of companies re-establishing their strategies or growing volumes within key markets. Also not to be overlooked was the growing relevance of Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich with the release of numerous models worldwide. iOS posted double-digit growth, but not enough to keep up with the overall market. Demand for Apples agship smartphone has cooled off now that the device has been available since October, and the rumors around the blogosphere have fueled speculation about a new design and features. Despite these trends, iOS remained the solid number two operating system behind Android worldwide, and greater than the total number of smartphones on the remaining platforms. BlackBerry, one of the pioneers and former leaders in the worldwide smartphone market, reached share levels not seen since the rst quarter of 2009. BlackBerry has lost signicant share to other operating systems in the consumer and enterprise segments. Now that RIM has delayed the release of new BlackBerry 10 smartphones out to 2013, BlackBerry remains vulnerable to the competition Symbian, for years the worlds

most shipped OS, sunk to a new nadir last quarter. The 62.9-percent drop registered was its sharpest year-over-year drop ever The decline of Symbian, precipitated by Nokias decision to make Windows Phone its primary smartphone OS, has accelerated due to lower sales in key economically developing geographies such as China as well as Central and Eastern Europe and the Middle East and Africa. Windows Phone 7/ Windows Mobile narrowed the gap between itself and BlackBerry last quarter in its bid to become the number 3 mobile OS in terms of market share. The share gains it made last quarter are due mostly to Nokia, which almost doubled its Lumia/Windows Phone shipments sequentially. Though its closing in on the third spot, Windows Phone is still a distant competitor to Android and iOS. Microsoft will need to generate additional momentum from Windows Phone 8 devices, which will be introduced this fall, if it is to narrow the share gap further between itself and the three mobile OS leaders. Linux, a category largely comprised of Samsungs Bada shipments, declined on a year-over year basis as Samsungs smartphone sales are increasingly Android centric. In addition, Linux OS dependent vendors such as Panasonic are also migrating to Android, which contributed to the yearover-year decline.

Apps making business more accessible and trendier

By Charmaine Cunanan
WITH new high-tech gadgets and cellphones springing out every day, companies are also making ways to be not left behind with the advance society. The emergence of smartphones and android-powered phones made some companies upgrade their services in an innovative fashion. This new marketing medium lets companies reach their consumers in a more persuasive approach than traditional media. Air21 has always been known for making use of technology as their primary medium of service. With this, the courier service company recently launched the AIR21 Mobile App which allows users to access real-time shipment package information wherever they are. The AIR21 Mobile App can track shipments, locate branches, and can be used as rate calculator. AIR21 Mobile App is available on iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, Android, and BlackBerry Smartphones. Citibank also got into the techy side of the game when they launched their Mobile Banking application. This app allows bill payments, fund transfers, rewards points redemption, instant access to Citibank offers, exclusive dining and shopping deals in nearby establishments or at a specic location, as well as bank branches and ATM locator in the country and around the world. This application is available for all Android phones, Blackberry, and iPhone. Hotels and accommodations are delving into new technology as well as part of their ways to serve their guests efciently. Makati Shangri-La, Manila offers its guests downloadable smart application that can serve as a virtual concierge to help them make the most of their stay. Guests can update their bookings at the hotel, making it especially useful for those who are constantly traveling and for those who are making lastminute changes to their travel plans. Makati Shangri-La, Manilas app is available for free, and may be downloaded by accessing the Apple App Store for iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch or the Android Market for Androidpowered devices. Belo Medical Group, likewise, created an app where clients who wants to undergo cosmetic surgery but would want to have an idea rst of how they will look after a procedure. The app is called Beloed. It is a fun and convenient application that allows users to play around and

Sample apps

modify their features to their liking. It is also a good way to enhance photos that a specic user wanted to upload in the social networking sites. Aside from this, Beloed app also offers a list of all the BELO services and products, as well as Belo Medical Group contact information. Experience Wellness like never before with the Nestl Wellness App. This mobile app allows users to scan barcodes of your favorite Nestl products, to answer trivia on nutrition, use the BMI calculator

and get tips on weight management, know what type of physical activity to do and what food to eat to help you gain, maintain or lose weight, check with the Nutritional Risk Assessment tool, and learn about Nestl, nutrition, health, wellness, and more. The Nestle Wellness and Beloed App are free for download at Mac App store and is compatible with iPhone 4, iPhone 4s, iPod Touch 4th generation, iPad 2 wi-, iPad 2 wi- + 3G, iPad 3rd generation and iPad wi- +4G and may soon be available for Android powered devices.


by Carla Mortel

Nikon will be unveiling the rst camera running on Android, Coolpix S800c, this September

THERE is no doubt that the Android mobile operating system is growing popularity, especially on devices like the smartphones. As a mobile operating system, Android supports features of a personal computer such as the touch screen capabilities, cellular connectivity including WiFi, GPS mobile navigation, camera, video capture, speech recognition, voice recording, music player, and personal digital assistant among others. As of date, the latest Android version available in the local market is the Jelly Bean 4.1.1. Since the market is fast-growing, telecommunications companies are beeng up their network services to serve the growing number of Android users. With the backing of the best telecommunication networks, users can fully enjoy the features and application softwares available to Android phones. Locally, all telecommunication companies are ready and are serving Android smartphones, making them more accessible to users. The most obvious advantage of the Android is the number of gadgets that are running on the said operating system. There are smartphones, tablets, and now, even cameras carrying the Android system. The proliferation of Android products makes connectivity, sharing of les and photos and availability of applications within reach of consumers. This will easily make for a community of loyal

Android users. In the local market, many mobile phone manufacturers are jumping on the Android bandwagon, making the system more popular than ever. Android-based devices, like the Galaxy S II from Samsung, are tted with features that are excellent in terms of style, speed, and capability. Not to mention, they are user friendly and can be tted with numerous apps that keep users engaged with their devices. Unlike its chief competitor, the Android system is widely preferred due to its affordable pricing. This marketing strategy makes the pull of technology to upgrade hard to resist, thus, consumers avail of smartphones or gadgets sporting the latest technological features their spending income can afford. But that does not mean that the Android product is less capable compared than its high-priced competitor because the system delivers almost the same kind of capabilities and user experience. This is a boon to Filipino smartphone users because this allows users to engage with social media formats like Facebook and Twitter without being tied down on a computer terminal. With updates, shout outs and tweets on real time, information is more accessible to more people in a faster

rate as part of the online media. Since last year or so, an increasing number of developers have joined in the Android bandwagon and developed applications for Android. Now, the Android Market is lled to the brim with applications or apps that deliver variety, quality and entertainment. Android users can easily avail of these applications and that is a strong reason why users remain loyal to their operating system. The market also responded positively to the fact that Google is the company that developed the Android operating system. With a brand name that is solidly established in the market, users are condent that they are using an operating system that could deliver well. True enough, many consumers of technological products gravitated toward Android devices as seen by its leadership in the market. Moreover, the Android operating system had improved dramatically over the past years. If Google continues to tread toward this direction, users are in for a treat with exciting developments coming their way. With the unveiling of a much improved Android operating system, smartphones and gadget manufacturers as well as app developers will surely follow suit with more amazing products in the coming years.



Manila Standard TODAY
Ray S. Eano, Editor Roderick T. dela Cruz, Assistant Editor outlook supported by increased business condence, strong employment creation, and accelerated government spending all contributed to the continued resurgence from the 3.6-percent growth in the same period in 2011, Balisacan said in a press brieng Thursday. The National Statistical Coordination Board said this put the average growth in the rst six months at 6.1 percent, exceeding the governments fullyear growth forecast of 5 percent to 6 percent and the 4.2-percent growth registered a year ago. The gross national income, which includes foreign exchange inows such as remittances, grew 5.6 percent in the second quarter and 5.4 percent in the JanuaryJune period. Services carried the bulk of the growth in the second quarter, rising 7.6 percent. Industry rose 4.6 percent while agriculture, shery and forestry grew just 0.7 percent. The resilient services sector remained the main driver of growth supported by the sustained growth of manufacturing and the rebound of construction, said NSCB ofcer-in-charge Lina Castro. The services sector drew strength from transportation, wholesale and retail, nance, and real estate. The industry sector, on the other hand, was led by growth in construction, manufacturing and power, but dragged down by mining. Data showed that from an expenditure breakdown, private consumption grew 5.7 percent in the second quarter; government consumption, 5.9 percent; xed capital formation, 8.5 percent; exports, 8.3 percent; imports, 4.4 percent. Balisacan said the countrys growth in the rst half surpassed the 4.7-percent average growth in



Q2 economic growth slowed

By Maria Bernadette Lunas

ECONOMIC growth slowed to 5.9

percent in the second quarter from 6.3 percent in the rst quarter, the National Statistical Coordination Board said Thursday.
Economic Planning Secretary Arsenio Balisacan, however, said the growth was the second fastest in Southeast Asia, next only to Indonesias 6.4 percent. The brighter economic

the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, overshadowed only by Indonesias 6.4-percent expansion. He said the government had no plan to revise its growth target this year, remaining condent the momentum would be sustained until the second half. We are optimistic that the resiliency of our economy as reflected by the strong real GDP performance in the two quarters of 2012 will not dissipate in the succeeding quarters despite uncertainties, Balisacan said.

Coco water exports surge

COCONUT water exports in the rst semester increased 81 percent to 10.2 million liters from 5.7 million liters a year ago, the Philippine Coconut Authority said Thursday. Export earnings in dollar terms grew faster by 100 percent to $11.2 million from just $5.6 million during the period, data showed. The PCA attributed the increase to strong demand for coconut water in foreign markets such as Australia, Brazil, Canada, Guam, Hawaii, Hong Kong, Korea, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Switzerland, the United Arab Emirates and the US. It said the emergence of new markets increased the takeup of coconut water by as much as 694,179 liters. The new markets include American Samoa, Belgium, Brunei, Cyprus, France, Israel, Italy, Kuwait, Liberia, Marshall Islands, Peru, China, Qatar, Singapore, the United Kingdom and the Virgin Islands. Shipments to the US rose by almost 128 percent to $8.7 million during the period, or by 8 million of coconut water. Shipments to the Netherlands, the secondbiggest market, climbed 158 percent to 406,034 liters. Singapore ranked third, buying 331,268 liters of coconut water in the six-month period. Othel V. Campos


Ramon Ang (left), president and chief operating ofcer of Philippine Airlines, exchange pleasantries with Lucio Tan, chairman of PAL, during the annual stockholders meeting of the airline at the Century Park Hotel. SONNY ESPIRITU

Maibarara nears completion

MAIBARARA Geothermal Inc. started drilling the reinjection well for the Maibarara geothermal eld in Sto. Tomas, Batangas. Maibarara said in a statement the well would be used for reinjecting condensate uids coming from the 20-megawatt geothermal plant back to the subsurface reservoir to recharge the system. A reinjection well is used to bring water separated from the steam at the ash separator back to the geothermal reservoir to recharge and for environmental reasons, Maibarara president Francisco Deln Jr. said. Construction of the power plant is ongoing and proceeding on schedule for commercial operation in late 2013. This will become the rst geothermal power station in the country in six years and the rst under the Aquino administration. Maibarara is 65-percent owned by PetroEnergy Resources Corp., 25 percent by Trans-Asia Oil and Energy Resources Corp. and 10 percent by PNOC Renewables Corp. Alena Mae S. Flores

PAL to construct own airport

By Lailany P. Gomez
PHILIPPINE Airlines will build its own international airport once it obtains the approval of the government, the airlines president said Thursday. PAL president Ramon Ang told reporters the airline had proposed to build the airport on a 2,000-hectare property in a still undisclosed location. He said the airport would have four runways that could accommodate simultaneous takeoff and landing of various airlines. We have plans to put our own airport terminal and runway. But of course, we will have to seek the governments approval because it is a big-scale project. I will present it to the President in January or February next year for approval, Ang told reporters on the sidelines of stockholders meeting of PAL Holdings Inc. Ang said the proposed project should support the governments master plan for the tourism industry. He said once the government gave its gosignal for the new airport, PAL would tap Korean contractors to nish the project in three years. Ang, however, declined to disclose the investment cost of the whole project, which he said would also involve a viewing deck, a mall and restaurants. We have investors for this project. If the government will approve the proposal, we will start construction immediately. This airport will accommodate not only PAL but other airlines as well, he said. Meanwhile, Ang said San Miguel Corp. withdrew its unsolicited proposal to build a budget terminal for low-cost carriers at the Clark International Airport.

SM to buy GDP expansion seen boosting marts retail stores By Anna Leah G. Estrada in the south
By Jenniffer B. Austria
SM Investments Corp. is seeking to strengthen its retail business by acquiring supermarkets and other retail chains in Visayas and Mindanao. SM Investments chief nance ofcer Jose Sio said in an interview at the sidelines of the CFO Forum the company was in talks with family-owned supermarkets to accelerate the growth of its retail business, which is facing strong competition from Lucio Coowned Puregold Price Club Inc. SM Investments retail unit plans to build 30 stores this year alone. The expansion could be faster as some acquisitions are expected to transpire before the end of the year. We want to accelerate the growth of our retail business not just through organic growth but also through acquisitions, Sio said. Sio said the acquisition of retail establishments would depend on the size and location of the outlets. He said aside from acquisitions, the company also planned to expand its store formats with focus on stand-alone retail stores under Savemore brand. THE better-than-expected 5.9percent economic growth in the second quarter should boost market condence as the gure brings the government closer to attaining the higher end of its 5 percent to 6 percent target, Bangko Sentral Governor Amando Tetangco Jr. said Thursday. The Philippinesgross domestic product growth is the secondhighest expansion within the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, next to Indonesias 6.4 percent. This should support nancial markets, including the spot foreign exchange market. We will continue to monitor developments, Tetangco said. BSP will review the stance of policy and calibrate any further action taking into account, among others, the impact of government spending...and reconstruction after recent natural calamities, weaknesses in global demand, and possible further improvements in market sentiment toward peso assets, he added. Tetangco said the Bangko Sentral had sufcient room to address such factors and protect the countrys ination target. Meanwhile, HSBC economist Trinh Nguyen said in a report the second-quarter growth reected a robust scal spending, resilient remittances, record low interest rates and continued growth on net exports. With ination likely to increase signicantly in the coming months due to higher transportation costs, short-term food supply shocks and strong

domestic demand, the BSP will likely hold rates steady at 3.75 percent to buy more time for monitoring price and external conditions, Nguyen said. HSBC noted that private consumption rose 5.7 percent on a year-on-year basis while government consumption fell 5.9 percent. The Philippines remains resilient against global headwinds due to both timely scal and monetary policy as well as the fundamental structure of its economy. Despite slowing remittances, private consumption accelerated as a result of accommodative monetary policyinterest rates were at a record low, HSBC said. It added a strong domestic demand would likely fuel inationary pressures in the next few months.
Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas Thursday, August 30, 2012


Closing August 30, 2012
United States Japan UK Hong Kong Switzerland Canada Singapore Australia Bahrain Saudi Arabia Brunei Dollar Yen Pound Dollar Franc Dollar Dollar Dollar Dinar Rial Dollar 1.000000 0.0122708 1.583300 0.128944 1.043515 1.011020 0.797639 1.037452 2.65661 0.266667 0.794470 42.3520 0.5382 67.0559 5.4610 44.1949 4.8187 33.7816 43.9382 112.3455 11.2939 33.6474 5200 4460 3720 2980 2240 1500 1200 Indonesia Thailand UAE Euro Korea China India Malaysia New Zealand Taiwan

Rupiah Baht Dirham Euro Won Yuan Rupee Ringgit Dollar Dollar

0.000105 0.031918 0.272272 1.252900 0.000881 0.157438 0.017978 0.320513 0.803213 0.033415

0.0044 1.3518 11.5313 53.0628 0.0373 6.6678 0.7614 13.5744 34.0177 1.4152
Source: PDS Bridge

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P47.15-P53.07 Unleaded Gasoline


Closing AUGUST 30, 2012
40 42 44 46 48

P38.40-P41.05 Diesel P40.30-P52.20 Kerosene P27.20-P31.00 Auto LPG




HIGH P42.230 LOW P42.430AVERAGE P42.315 VOLUME 1032.760M



Business Market falls; BDO, MST BUSINESS DAILY STOCKS REVIEW Security Bank gain
AUGUST 31, 2012 ManilaStandardToday
52 Weeks



STOCKS retreated Thursday, after a twoday gain, as the 5.9-percent gross domestic product growth in the second quarter failed to cheer up investors who were worried over developments in other countries.
The Philippine Stock Exchange index, the 30-company benchmark, fell 46 points, or 0.9 percent, to close at 5,149.31, on thin trading amounting to only P4.2 billion. All six counters ended in the red. The heavier index, representing all shares, also tumbled 21 points, or 0.6 percent, to 3,432.29, as losers outnumbered gainers, 103 to 48, with 46 issues unchanged. Philippine Long Distance Telephone Co., the most actively traded stock, dropped 1.4 percent to P2,682, but rival Globe Telecom Inc. rose 2.2 percent to P1,145. Security Bank Corp. led gainers among banks with a 1.4-percent rise to P149.50 while BDO Unibank Inc. gained 0.3 percent to P60.20. Metropolitan Bank and Trust Co. dipped 1.4 percent to P93.50. Retailers, real estate companies and construction rms were also mostly lower Thursday. Meanwhile, Asian stocks also fell, wiping out this months gains, as concern mounted that global economic growth is slowing. Gloomy retail sales data in Japan deepened concern over its recovery. The Tokyo Stock Exchanges benchmark Nikkei fell 1.1 percent to 8,970 and South Koreas Kospi slipped 1.2 percent to 1,906.52. Hong Kongs Hang Seng index also was down 1.3 percent to 19,528.86, while Australias S&P/ASX 200 shed 0.9 percent

to 4,316.30. Benchmarks in Singapore, Indonesia and mainland China fell while shares edged higher in New Zealand and Taiwan. Investors are waiting for signs of fresh moves to revive the US economic recovery that could come in a key speech by Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke at a conference in Jackson Hole, Wyoming on Friday. Analysts say global stock trading will likely remain thin pending the outcome of that meeting, as investors are cautious about taking risky bets with so many unclear signals on the direction of the economy. The US Commerce Department announced Wednesday that the American economy grew at a 1.7percent annual rate in the AprilJune quarter, yet another signal the worlds No. 1 economy is experiencing a modest recovery. With Bloomberg, AP

70.50 77.45 595.00 2.20 23.90 20.70 22.00 650.00 39.20 102.50 3.06 77.80 95.00 500.00 45.50 155.20 1100.00 140.00 35.50 13.58 23.95 1.70 48.00 1.62 2.96 144.00 2.75 9.74 6.41 7.77 3.80 19.40 79.30 27.00 0.02 13.10 6.00 2.35 120.00 8.40 1.90 3.20 27.45 18.10 280.60 12.20 3.65 16.00 14.94 4.42 3.90 34.60 129.20 2.62 2.44 0.196 14.66 2.88 1.41 69.20 5.50 0.77 18.00 1.22 1.18 59.90 0.019 13.70 2.60 5.02 6.98 2.98 4.16 485.20 64.80 4.19 5.20 556.00 5.22 36.20 4.19 6.21 1.54 0.91 3.82 4.65 6.24 9.66 0.0770 2.20 0.82 4.10 0.490 760.00 2.71 0.420 0.620 0.980 3.34 24.15 5.62 9.00 2.85 2.91 1.50 1.11 0.94 3.80 0.310 2.74 1.44 4.50 2.34 0.36 0.990 0.67 19.94 7.71 2.85 8.95 18.20 0.91 4.55 0.64 4.66 4.72 42.00 18.98 0.78 10.92 28.80 102.80 0.5300 24.00 82.50 9.70 1270.00 11.00 77.00 18.40 6.80 4.70 34.50 3.87 0.0760 5.1900 3.45 10.30 3.70 2.65 4.08 22.95 8.58 3.39 10.00 71.00 17.88 2886.00 0.39 30.15 3.30 0.0083 6.20 6.22 20.80 48.00 0.345 29.00 34.00 2.23 61.80 1.21 1.81 2.070 0.085 0.840 36.50 12.84 8.40 0.032 0.033 7.05 28.25 48.00 0.062 257.80 0.029

46.00 50.00 370.00 1.42 13.80 18.50 7.95 420.00 3.00 60.00 1.30 41.00 69.00 210.00 29.45 77.00 879.00 58.00 26.50 8.00 11.98 0.97 25.00 1.08

2.12 42.00 2.30 7.41 4.83 2.80 1.00 12.50 51.50 17.50 0.0110 7.80 3.80 0.61 80.00 1.04 1.11 1.32 18.10 8.12 215.00 7.50 1.96 9.70 8.05 1.01 2.01 26.50 110.20 1.25 1.73 0.112 3.30 1.99 0.90 37.00 1.05 0.320 2.55 0.77

SMX convention. The Catholic Educational Association of the Philippines is holding its 2012 national convention at the SMX Convention Center until today. With the theme, Remembering with Gratitude, Renewing with Fervor, the event tackles Catholic mission and identity, recent trends and issues affecting private education, school administration and operations as well as public policy. Shown signing the lease agreement (from left) are Charina Casabar, director of sales, SMX; Dexter Deyto, vice president and general manager, SMX; Gregorio Baaga Jr., president of CEAP; Rhodora Angela Ferrer, executive director of CEAP; and Marivic Marquez, assistant vice president for sales and marketing, SMX.

SM, Jollibee still bullish on China

By Jenniffer B. Austria
BUSINESSES in China of two local companies, SM Investments and Jollibee Foods Corp., remain unaffected by the growing tension between Manila and Beijing over conicting territorial claims in South China Sea. SM Investments, through shopping mall arm SM Prime Holdings Inc., operates four shopping malls in China while Jollibee runs 368 stores in China across three food brands. SM Investments chief nance ofcer Jose Sio said during the CFO Forum the company planned to expand its presence in China by putting up two malls starting 2014. We expect to continue to expand and we have decided to accelerate the expansion of malls in China. Three years ago, China malls contributed 5 percent to the bottom line of SM Prime. But in last quarter of the year, China malls accounted for 15 percent and it will continue to grow, Sio said. SM will open in 2014 its largest mall yet in Tianjin, with 550,000 square meters in gross oor area, surpassing the size of SM Mall of Asia, which has oor area of 400,000 square meters. SM malls in China are located in the cities of Xiamen and Jinjiang in Southern China, Chengdu in Central China, and Suzhou in Eastern China. The shopping mall operator plans to open its fth shopping outlet in Chongqing, with a gross oor area of 147,446 square meters. Jollibee chief nance ofcer Ysmael Baysa said the fastfood giant would also continue to expand its business in China with the opening of 100 stores this year. Jollibee started investing in China in 2004. It now has three Chinese food brands in China with 368 stores located in 22 cities and ve ve provinces. Jollibees China business has been growing 30 percent a year, accounting for 11 percent of worldwide sales. Our experience in China is that the government has been supportive of our investments and ventures in China. We entered China via acquisitions of three local brands and these acquisitions will not be possible if not for strong support of Chinese government, Baysa said.
Close (P) 2.70 1.70 0.0450 5.68 7.80 0.0160 85.00 0.0180 7.80 0.590 Change (%) (15.63) (14.14) (10.00) (8.39) (8.24) (5.88) (5.50) (5.26) (4.88) (4.84)

0.65 35.50 0.014 8.00 1.80 3.00 0.260 1.49 2.30 272.00 30.50 1.03 3.30 455.40 2.94 19.00 2.27 4.00 0.61 0.300 1.800 2.56 3.40 1.22 0.045 1.20 0.44 1.56 0.285 450.00 1.08 0.101 0.082 0.380 1.70 13.36 3.08 2.26 1.35 1.20 1.05 0.67 0.54 2.90 0.10 1.63 0.98 1.50 1.51 0.150 0.089 0.41 10.00 2.51 1.81 6.00 10.94 0.64 1.80 0.45 2.60

STOCKS Berjaya Phils. Inc. Swift Pref ABS-CBN Holdings Corp. LMG Chemicals ATN Holdings A Mabuhay Vinyl Corp. Ever Gotesco Benguet Corp `A' Sta. Lucia Land Inc. Phil. Savings Bank Close (P) 25.00 1.10 25.55 2.17 1.61 1.55 0.201 24.00 0.70 87.00 Change (%) 8.70 7.84 7.13 6.90 5.92 5.44 5.24 4.80 4.48 4.19

STOCKS Jolliville Holdings JTH Davies Holdings Inc. Island Info MJCI Investments Inc. Vivant Corp. Greenergy Conc. Aggr. `A' Oriental Pet. `B' Pancake House Inc. Vitarich Corp.

STOCKS Abra Mining Philodrill Corp. `A Manila Mining `A Greenergy Manila Mining `B Megaworld Corp. United Paragon IP E-Game Ventures Inc. Boulevard Holdings Oriental Pet. `A

VOLUME 380,000,000 314,800,000 125,150,000 109,000,000 96,830,000 95,897,000 73,300,000 62,200,000 53,380,000 28,400,000

STOCKS PLDT Common Metrobank SM Investments Inc. Alliance Global Inc. Megaworld Corp. Security Bank Ayala Corp `A SM Prime Holdings Mla. Elect. Co `A Universal Robina

VALUE 337,618,610.00 332,123,227.00 316,984,480.00 226,403,070.00 215,209,020.00 192,251,068.00 169,785,756.00 166,189,812.00 146,578,666.00 126,678,103.50

1.20 24.80 1.05 0.45 7.30 12.20 4.45 0.1010 5.20 60.80 5.44 831.00 6.18 43.40 5.00 4.30 1.75 0.036 1.00 0.042 2.550 2.01 5.90 2.60 1.03 1.21 13.80 5.35 1.05 5.00 18.00 12.10 2096.00 0.25 10.68 2.42 0.0038 3.01 3.00 14.50 20.00 0.170 19.98 21.20 1.05 6.96 0.50 1.0600 1.0900 0.042 0.570 15.04 2.91 2.99 0.014 0.014 5.10 18.40 3.00 0.017 161.10 0.015


SHARES 9,730,634 150,791,425 92,733,063 156,312,330 137,170,712 1,058,806,184 1,605,544,348

VALUE 849,678,982.10 731,207,122.86 1,008,702,580.23 598,306,441.91 813,503,637.16 201,926,522.43 4,203,325,286.698

FINANCIAL 1,287.21 (DOWN) 3.60 INDUSTRIAL 7,833.64 (DOWN) 63.53 HOLDING FIRMS 4,309.10 (DOWN) 44.35 PROPERTY 1,975.25 (DOWN) 21.40 SERVICES 1,737.58 (DOWN) 15.74 MINING & OIL 20,918.86 (DOWN) 267.45 PSEI 5,149.31 (DOWN) 46.41 All Shares Index 3,432.29 (DOWN) 21.82 Gainers: 48; Losers: 103; Unchanged:46; Total: 197

50.00 580.00 109.80 11.02 116.70 1050.00 6.00 1.31 0.210

23.05 535.00 101.50 6.00 108.90 1000.00 0.87 0.62 0.00






Close Change Volume

60.20 72.80 478.00 1.93 20.70 19.52 10.70 458.00 28.00 93.50 1.90 69.60 87.00 370.00 43.05 149.50 925.00 101.80 33.70 8.64 22.40 1.38 29.60 1.39 23.70 2.50 85.00 2.60 9.67 5.85 7.45 2.02 18.60 75.00 18.80 0.0160 12.48 4.00 0.630 97.50 2.17 1.55 2.65 26.80 17.000 250.00 7.80 3.55 10.00 8.20 4.04 2.57 34.45 111.50 2.47 1.81 0.143 12.38 2.13 1.15 60.25 1.38 0.590 7.80 0.93 0.75 47.50 0.0180 11.74 2.00 4.55 5.00 1.61 2.99 417.60 57.00 2.48 4.00 536.00 4.85 33.05 2.70 5.05 1.05 0.455 2.31 4.13 5.15 5.68 0.0510 1.360 0.460 2.07 0.325 706.00 2.21 0.2160 0.3250 0.395 0.25 (0.82) 0.84 0.00 0.00 0.31 0.94 4.09 (1.75) (1.42) (3.06) (0.71) 4.19 (0.80) 0.12 1.36 0.00 0.20

Net Foreign

(39,278,765.50) (70,945,197.00) (16,362,420.00) (2,401,750.00) 7,292,996.00

Banco de Oro Unibank Inc. Bank of PI China Bank BDO Leasing & Fin. Inc. COL Financial Eastwest Bank Filipino Fund Inc. Manulife Fin. Corp. Maybank ATR KE Metrobank Natl Reinsurance Corp. Phil. National Bank Phil. Savings Bank PSE Inc. RCBC `A Security Bank Sun Life Financial Union Bank Aboitiz Power Corp. Agrinurture Inc. Alaska Milk Corp. Alliance Tuna Intl Inc. Alphaland Corp. Alsons Cons. Asiabest Group Calapan Venture Conc. Aggr. `A Chemrez Technologies Inc. Cirtek Holdings (Chips) Energy Devt. Corp. (EDC) EEI Euro-Med Lab. First Gen Corp. First Holdings A Ginebra San Miguel Inc. Greenergy Holcim Philippines Inc. Integ. Micro-Electronics Ionics Inc Jollibee Foods Corp. LMG Chemicals Mabuhay Vinyl Corp. Manchester Intl. A Manila Water Co. Inc. Megawide Mla. Elect. Co `A Pancake House Inc. Pepsi-Cola Products Phil. Petron Corporation Phoenix Petroleum Phils. RFM Corporation Roxas Holdings San Miguel Brewery Inc. San Miguel Corp `A Seacem Splash Corporation Swift Foods, Inc. Tanduay Holdings TKC Steel Corp. Trans-Asia Oil Universal Robina Victorias Milling Vitarich Corp. Vivant Corp. Vulcan Indl. Abacus Cons. `A Aboitiz Equity Alcorn Gold Res. Alliance Global Inc. Anglo Holdings A Anscor `A Asia Amalgamated A ATN Holdings A ATN Holdings B Ayala Corp `A DMCI Holdings F&J Prince A Filinvest Dev. Corp. GT Capital House of Inv. JG Summit Holdings Jolliville Holdings Lopez Holdings Corp. Lodestar Invt. Holdg.Corp. Mabuhay Holdings `A Marcventures Hldgs., Inc. Metro Pacic Inv. Corp. Minerales Industrias Corp. MJCI Investments Inc. Pacica `A Prime Media Hldg Prime Orion Republic Glass A Sinophil Corp. SM Investments Inc. Solid Group Inc. Unioil Res. & Hldgs Wellex Industries Zeus Holdings A. Brown Co., Inc. Ayala Land `B Belle Corp. `A Cebu Holdings Century Property City & Land Dev. Cityland Dev. `A Cyber Bay Corp. Empire East Land Eton Properties Ever Gotesco Global-Estate Filinvest Land,Inc. Keppel Properties Megaworld Corp. MRC Allied Ind. Phil. Estates Corp. Phil. Realty `A Robinsons Land `B Rockwell Shang Properties Inc. SM Development `A SM Prime Holdings Sta. Lucia Land Inc. Starmalls Suntrust Home Dev. Inc. Vista Land & Lifescapes

60.05 73.40 474.00 1.93 20.70 19.46 10.60 440.00 28.50 94.85 1.96 70.10 83.50 373.00 43.00 147.50 925.00 101.60

FINANCIAL 60.70 73.40 478.40 1.93 20.90 19.52 10.70 459.00 28.00 94.50 1.90 70.10 87.00 373.00 43.05 150.00 960.00 102.00

60.00 72.50 475.00 1.93 20.50 19.44 10.70 441.00 28.00 92.90 1.90 69.60 87.00 370.00 43.00 147.80 925.00 101.80 33.65 8.36 22.40 1.38 29.60 1.39 23.10 2.50 85.00 2.60 9.35 5.85 7.30 2.02 18.58 75.00 18.30 0.0160 12.48 4.00 0.620 97.50 2.10 1.55 2.65 26.65 17.000 246.00 7.80 3.50 9.98 8.20 4.02 2.57 34.00 111.50 2.39 1.77 0.143 12.28 2.13 1.14 60.00 1.37 0.590 7.80 0.93

1,775,280 1,143,870 103,400 72,000 127,100 661,200 100 200 7,400 3,547,710 5,000 697,720 20 4,290 186,900.00 1,289,280 310 108,770

(128,311,499.50) (2,414,450.00)

25,900.00 (2,298,590.00) 70,912,071.00 (194,600.00) (254,590.00) (30,419,360.00)

33.75 8.40 22.40 1.41 29.60 1.38 23.10 2.55 89.95 2.65 9.70 6.00 7.49 2.02 18.66 76.90 18.30 0.0170 12.52 4.00 0.630 98.25 2.03 1.47 2.60 27.10 17.000 250.00 8.20 3.60 10.14 8.26 4.19 2.56 34.50 112.00 2.47 1.79 0.145 12.36 2.19 1.16 60.00 1.40 0.620 8.50 0.93

INDUSTRIAL 33.75 8.64 22.40 1.40 29.60 1.40 23.80 2.50 85.00 2.63 9.67 5.97 7.50 2.02 18.70 77.00 18.80 0.0180 12.48 4.00 0.650 98.30 2.28 1.55 2.65 27.10 17.200 252.00 8.93 3.61 10.18 8.22 4.16 2.57 34.45 112.00 2.50 1.81 0.145 12.54 2.13 1.17 61.25 1.43 0.610 7.80 0.93

(0.15) 2.86 0.00 (2.13) 0.00 0.72 2.60 (1.96) (5.50) (1.89) (0.31) (2.50) (0.53) 0.00 (0.32) (2.47) 2.73 (5.88) (0.32) 0.00 0.00 (0.76) 6.90 5.44 1.92 (1.11) 0.00 0.00 (4.88) (1.39) (1.38) (0.73) (3.58) 0.39 (0.14) (0.45) 0.00 1.12 (1.38) 0.16 (2.74) (0.86) 0.42 (1.43) (4.84) (8.24) 0.00

2,037,600 37,100 13,000 409,000 1,500 654,000 16,700 50,000 10 340,000 6,500 7,151,500 1,604,000 2,000 1,802,900 540,930 10,100 109,000,000 8,700 13,000 73,000 468,430 1,109,000 100,000 20,000 237,100 3,265,800 586,710 73,500 2,035,000 2,829,800 84,200 998,000 4,000 154,900 300,890 4,117,000 54,000 1,240,000 1,236,200 14,000 3,622,000 2,100,470 703,000 1,031,000 8,800 273,000 19,736,000 725,100 100,000 19,274,400 236,000 10,000 10,000 330,000 122,000 404,690 1,062,630 2,000 87,000 53,190 210,000 755,000 9,000 11,255,800 482,000 10,000 630,000 8,358,000 100 123,200 24,800,000 30,000 140,000 10,000 220,000 448,990 685,000 30,000 1,420,000 450,000 299,000 5,263,300 2,980,000 1,875,800 258,000 32,000 20,000 2,000 1,857,000 495,000 100,000 8,314,000 10,401,000 22,000 95,897,000 6,700,000 627,000 800,000 464,100 164,000 509,000 403,700 12,034,500 271,000 200,000 181,000 6,017,000


(28,497,783.00) 9,311,234.00

(7,059,806.00) (11,527,547.00)

14,900.00 (47,424.00) (5,203,839.50) (22,200.00) (2,530,400.00) 34,000.00 (102,176,138.00) (578,513.00) 335,500.00 (15,955,112.00) 205,370.00

(5,408,928.00) 453,350.00

(56,927,558.50) (15,600.00)

0.73 48.20 0.0180 11.86 1.95 4.54 4.99 1.52 2.95 422.20 57.50 2.50 4.01 540.00 4.85 33.50 3.20 5.20 1.05 0.455 2.37 4.19 5.15 6.20 0.0530 1.350 0.460 2.07 0.325 709.00 2.27 0.2200 0.3250 0.400

HOLDING FIRMS 0.78 0.73 48.00 47.50 0.0180 0.0180 11.84 11.60 2.01 2.00 4.55 4.55 5.00 5.00 1.69 1.49 3.00 2.70 422.00 417.60 57.55 57.00 2.48 2.48 4.02 4.00 540.00 535.00 4.89 4.85 33.60 32.90 3.29 2.70 5.20 5.04 1.08 1.05 0.455 0.455 2.36 2.30 4.19 4.13 5.15 5.15 6.69 5.68 0.0520 0.0500 1.370 1.360 0.460 0.460 2.07 2.07 0.325 0.325 709.00 704.00 2.29 2.18 0.2160 0.2160 0.3250 0.3050 0.400 0.395 PROPERTY 3.10 2.95 22.35 22.05 4.88 4.69 5.52 5.44 1.49 1.47 2.81 2.80 1.15 1.15 0.80 0.80 0.800 0.780 4.50 4.03 0.201 0.191 1.90 1.80 1.28 1.27 2.11 2.11 2.28 2.22 0.1580 0.1550 0.6900 0.6700 0.450 0.450 19.00 18.50 3.60 3.56 2.80 2.74 6.19 6.06 13.98 13.70 0.70 0.69 4.00 3.97 0.510 0.500 4.380 4.310

2.74 (1.45) 0.00 (1.01) 2.56 0.22 0.20 5.92 1.36 (1.09) (0.87) (0.80) (0.25) (0.74) 0.00 (1.34) (15.63) (2.88) 0.00 0.00 (2.53) (1.43) 0.00 (8.39) (3.77) 0.74 0.00 0.00 0.00 (0.42) (2.64) (1.82) 0.00 (1.25) (2.60) (0.67) (4.67) (0.91) (1.34) 0.00 0.00 1.27 (1.27) (2.62) 5.24 (4.71) (0.78) 0.48 (1.75) (2.50) 0.00 0.00 (2.11) 0.56 1.82 (2.10) 0.00 4.48 0.00 (1.96) (0.46)



14,550.00 (96,500,588.00) (37,241,324.50) 363,200.00 974,000.00 (12,158,350.00) (14,639,808.00)

(4,691,560.00) 515.00


3.08 22.35 4.93 5.50 1.49 2.81 1.15 0.79 0.790 4.20 0.191 1.91 1.28 2.10 2.28 0.1600 0.6900 0.450 19.00 3.58 2.75 6.19 13.80 0.67 4.00 0.510 4.370

3.00 22.20 4.70 5.45 1.47 2.81 1.15 0.80 0.780 4.09 0.201 1.82 1.27 2.11 2.24 0.1560 0.6900 0.450 18.60 3.60 2.80 6.06 13.80 0.70 4.00 0.500 4.350

(12,684,510.00) (3,879,590.00)

1,167,900.00 6,100,830.00

(14,508,290.00) 23,250.00 (34,000.00) (3,945,374.00) (2,242,526.00) (23,129,876.00)


2GO Group ABS-CBN Acesite Hotel APC Group, Inc. Asian Terminals Inc. Berjaya Phils. Inc. Bloomberry Boulevard Holdings Calata Corp. Cebu Air Inc. (5J) DFNN Inc. Globe Telecom GMA Network Inc. I.C.T.S.I. Imperial Res. `A IPeople Inc. `A IP Converge IP E-Game Ventures Inc. IPVG Corp. Island Info ISM Communications JTH Davies Holdings Inc. Leisure & Resorts Liberty Telecom Lorenzo Shipping Manila Jockey Pacic Online Sys. Corp. PAL Holdings Inc. Paxys Inc. Phil. Racing Club Phil. Seven Corp. Philweb.Com Inc. PLDT Common PremiereHorizon Puregold Transpacic Broadcast

1.70 25.10 1.36 0.620 9.00 23.00 9.80 0.1470 5.80 61.10 5.50 1120.00 9.98 68.50 8.00 7.30 2.00 0.036 1.01 0.0500 3.1000 1.98 8.10 2.75 1.32 2.80 13.88 7.50 3.01 9.41 73.00 16.96 2720.00 0.325 29.35 2.55 0.0050 4.70 4.75 17.04 26.90 0.255 22.90 22.30 1.09 23.70 0.56 1.140 1.190 0.0600 0.0620 17.10 7.10 4.660 0.0170 0.0190 6.00 18.80 36.40 0.047 222.00 0.0160

SERVICES 1.70 1.70 26.25 25.50 1.38 1.31 0.600 0.600 9.00 9.00 25.00 25.00 9.90 9.75 0.1480 0.1440 5.81 5.75 60.90 59.75 5.85 5.50 1148.00 1102.00 9.98 9.72 68.95 68.00 8.00 8.00 7.50 6.62 2.00 2.00 0.036 0.035 1.01 1.00 0.0450 0.0450 3.1000 3.0000 1.88 1.68 8.08 7.80 2.74 2.62 1.30 1.30 2.85 2.77 14.00 14.00 7.83 7.50 3.10 3.01 9.49 9.45 72.95 70.00 16.98 16.34 2720.00 2682.00 0.330 0.315 29.35 28.25 2.67 2.45

1.70 0.00 25.85 2.99 1.34 (1.47) 0.600 (3.23) 9.00 0.00 25.00 8.70 9.79 (0.10) 0.1470 0.00 5.76 (0.69) 60.00 (1.80) 5.70 3.64 1145.00 2.23 9.90 (0.80) 68.10 (0.58) 8.00 0.00 7.30 0.00 2.00 0.00 0.035 (2.78) 1.01 0.00 0.0450 (10.00) 3.0000 (3.23) 1.70 (14.14) 8.01 (1.11) 2.63 (4.36) 1.30 (1.52) 2.77 (1.07) 14.00 0.86 7.65 2.00 3.01 0.00 9.49 0.85 70.00 (4.11) 16.98 0.12 2682.00 (1.40) 0.315 (3.08) 28.25 (3.75) 2.55 0.00 0.0049 4.65 4.65 17.00 26.90 0.260 24.00 22.30 1.07 23.60 0.56 1.110 1.140 0.0600 0.0610 16.98 7.10 4.720 0.0170 0.0180 5.96 18.80 34.90 0.047 219.00 0.0160 (2.00) (1.06) (2.11) (0.23) 0.00 1.96 4.80 0.00 (1.83) (0.42) 0.00 (2.63) (4.20) 0.00 (1.61) (0.70) 0.00 1.29 0.00 (5.26) (0.67) 0.00 (4.12) 0.00 (1.35) 0.00

8,000 801,300 696,000 447,000 4,000 1,000 1,238,100 53,380,000 161,500 1,589,930 87,000 80,825 79,300 386,940 1,000 138,500 26,000 62,200,000 2,378,000 860,000 52,000 2,131,000 248,800 25,000 14,000 594,000 1,000 580,500 2,000,000 26,000 43,220 1,290,900 125,365 50,000 3,100,400 78,000

(8,453,150.00) (22,050.00) (14,510.00) (37,212,879.50) 17,633,095.00


3,500.00 300,000.00 6,200.00 291,130.00

(363,900.00) (2,027,410.00) 75,750.00

(134,820.00) 600,156.00 (17,815,140.00) (11,962,830.00) 100,800.00 (220,800.00)

Abra Mining Apex `A Apex `B Atlas Cons. `A Atok-Big Wedge `A Basic Energy Corp. Benguet Corp `A Benguet Corp `B Century Peak Metals Hldgs Dizon Geograce Res. Phil. Inc. Lepanto `A Lepanto `B Manila Mining `A Manila Mining `B Nickelasia Nihao Mineral Resources Oriental Peninsula Res. Oriental Pet. `A Oriental Pet. `B Petroenergy Res. Corp. Philex `A PhilexPetroleum Philodrill Corp. `A Semirara Corp. United Paragon

MINING & OIL 0.0049 0.0047 4.70 4.65 4.70 4.65 17.04 16.98 26.90 26.90 0.265 0.255 24.00 22.60 22.30 22.30 1.08 1.05 24.50 23.60 0.58 0.56 1.140 1.100 1.170 1.140 0.0600 0.0590 0.0610 0.0600 17.20 16.92 7.60 7.06 4.740 4.650 0.0170 0.0170 0.0180 0.0180 5.96 5.91 19.00 18.78 36.40 34.90 0.048 0.046 221.80 219.00 0.0160 0.0150 PREFERRED 25.75 543.00 102.00 9.95 109.00 1013.00 1.10

380,000,000 232,000 96,000 555,800 1,000 850,000 45,500 200 52,000 141,600 11,596,000 11,949,000 7,181,000 125,150,000 96,830,000 973,300 1,843,000 156,000 28,400,000 1,000,000 8,500 2,510,100 714,100 314,800,000 105,610 73,300,000 1,653,600 2,650 19,100 500,000 274,600 0.00 51,000 120,000 50,000




64,880.00 (9,285,610.00) 140,500.00 (46,580.00)

(1,526,140.00) (1,913,265.00) 192,400.00 (6,135,528.00) (22,284,870.00) 306000.00 (1,327,330.00) 460

ABS-CBN Holdings Corp. Ayala Corp. Pref `A First Phil. Hldgs.-Pref. GMA Holdings Inc. PCOR-Preferred SMPFC Preferred Swift Pref

23.85 545.00 101.70 9.79 108.80 1013.00 1.02 1.27 0.0570

24.05 542.00 102.00 9.95 108.00 1012.00 1.00

25.55 7.13 542.00 (0.55) 102.00 0.29 9.95 1.63 108.00 (0.74) 1013.00 1.10 7.84

Megaworld Corp. Warrants Omico Corp. Warrant

WARRANTS & BONDS 1.25 1.24 0.0570 0.0550

1.24 (2.36) 0.0550 (3.51)


Manila ManilaStandardToday

challenging, he said. Ayala earlier teamed up with Mitsubishi Corp. to form PhilNewEnergy Inc. to build the P7-billion Darong solar power project in Sta. Cruz, Davao del Sur. Francia said the company would also develop wind power projects under Northwind Power Development Corp. Ayalas wholly-owned unit Michigan Power Inc. acquired a 50-percent stake in NorthWind for P512 million. We want to have a balanced



Ayala investing $2.5b in power

By Alena Mae S. Flores

AYALA Corp. is investing $2.5 billion in

power plants with a combined capacity of 1,000 megawatts over the next ve years, an executive of the conglomerate said Thursday.

Ayala managing director Eric Francia told reporters at the sidelines of the Philippine Stock Exchange Renewable Energy Opportunities Forum the Ayala Group would initially infuse $500 million as equity in the projects. [The] 1,000 MW is our benchmark. Now, if we can exceed that, if we are fortunate enough to land some interesting

acquisitions, we can exceed that. But if not, that can be tall order if it is all greeneld projects, Francia said. Francia said 20 percent of the 1,000-MW power portfolio would be in renewable energy projects and 100 MW in small hydroelectric power stations in partnership with Sta. Clara Power Corp.

Sta. Clara obtained approval from the Energy Department on several hydro service contracts with a combined capacity of 137.5 MW. Francia said the Ayala Group was also looking at solar power projects and needed to revisit the plan due to the lower approved feed-in tariff rates for solar projects. We have a pre-development plan for anywhere between 15 MW and 50 MW but given the FIT rate, we need to revisit if its going to be feasible. Its very

portfolio between thermal and traditional load and renewable technology, the executive said. Francia said the company would also pursue the expansion of the 135-MW coal project in Batangas under South Luzon Thermal Energy Corp., a joint venture between Ayalas AC Energy Holdings Inc. and TransAsia Oil & Energy Development Corp. Were looking across the country, including possible expansion of current plant thats being constructed now

in Batangas. Were looking at Visayas and Mindanao. We do know those are the two areas that need new power plants, Francia said. He said the Ayala Group was waiting for acquisition-related opportunities. Francia said the conglomerate was hoping the energy business would emerge as a strong contributor to the companys bottom line in the future. Our aspiration is to make it one of the major legs, ve to 10 years down the road, he said.

No evading Kim
IT denitely looks like theres no running away from Internal Revenue boss Kim Henares, who continues to RATERun After Tax Evadersdespite the substantial shortfall in revenue targets raised to P1.06 trillion for 2012 and P1.2 trillion for 2013, much higher than the P940-billion collection target for 2011. This time, the crack shot Henares has her sights trained on former Chief Justice Renato Corona, his daughter Carla and her husband Constantino Castillo III, ling criminal charges against the three for violating certain provisions of the Revenue Code. Henares was allegedly miffed at discovering that Corona had quietly revoked the unconditional bank waiver that he signed during the impeachment trial in Maya roadblock that the BIR chief was not happy to encounter. Yesterday, Henares slapped Corona with tax evasion charges before the DOJan agency headed by ex-future Supreme Court Chief Justice Leila de Lima, an equally feisty female. According to Henares, signicant discrepancies were discovered between the value of Coronas declared assets and the registration certicates, aside from the fact that two other controversial propertiesnamely condo units at The Fort and Makatiwere not declared. Happy Hour moles said the Coronas have reportedly been preparing to move into their penthouse condo at the Fort which only needs nishing touches, with furniture brought in earlier. Meanwhile, the revenue agency is going after Carla Castillo and her husband for failing to le taxes in previous years. This just goes to show that theres no such thing as Mission Kimpossible when it comes to running after tax evaders. Julios folly For a while there, Julio Villafuerte found himself trending on Twitter as he became an object of rage among Netizens. Apparently, the young man, who belongs to the inuential Villafuerte political clan in Camarines Sur, was ignorant not only of the admonition from responsible Tweeples to think before you tweet but also the accomplishments of the late and much respected Interior and Local Government Secretary Jesse Robredo. Been reading Jess Robredo tweets for weeks now. Someone please inform me of any major accomplishments Jess has done, coz I dont know any, he tweeted, puzzled (to put it kindly) that so much attention was given to the news of the former Naga mayors death compared to the mild interest given on the demise of rst moonwalker Neil Armstrong. That tweet infuriated Twitter subscribers from all overwho red back with hard-hitting replies and comments accompanied by insults and comparison between the Robredos and the Villafuertes, especially because Julios grandfather, CamSur Congressman Luis Villafuerte, is rumored to have blocked Robredos conrmation as DILG head. Interestingly, Jesse Robredo is La Salle educated while Julio Villafuerte (who in one interview describes his occupation as student, DJ and wakeboarder) goes to Jesuit-run Loyola Mary Mount University in West Los Angeles. Although the young Villafuerte has issued an apology coupled with an explanation that he has been out of the country and was thus not in the loop, even deleting his controversial tweets, screen caps (screen capture) of the offensive tweets continue to circulatewhich just goes to show that in cyberspace, you can deletebut you cant hide. Jeers to that! DFAs mega move After a long wait, the Foreign Affairs Department has nally opened its rst consular satellite ofce at SM Megamall for passport applicants residing in the north-east portions of the National Capital Region who nd it a drag to go all the way to the DFA main ofce in Roxas Boulevard. This mega move is denitely a win-win solution to the hassle and inconvenience that comes when people have to travel for over two hours just to apply for a passport. According to the DFA, the move into the malls is part of the public-private cooperation agenda of the government, with more satellite ofces to be opened in the coming months. Relieved Happy Hour gang members say the DFA did well in choosing SM since the retail giant has 45 malls located all over the country that can help accommodate the constantly growing number of passport applicants. Even before the formal opening of the satellite ofce in Megamall, some local executives have been partnering with SM malls for mobile passporting services, like Rizal governor Junjun Ynares who facilitated the pre-registration of residents who had their applications processed at the mall giants Masinag branch in Antipolo. Cheers, denitely! For comments, reactions, photos, stories and related concerns, readers may e-mail to happyhourtoday2012@

Manila North Tollways Corp. president Rodrigo Franco shares the key success factors of the North Luzon Expressway as a public-private partnership project at the monthly meeting of the Australia and New Zealand Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines in Makati City. Franco cited NLEXs accessibility for businessmen and tourists, good nancing structure and road facility improvements. These factors contributed to the success of NLEX as a PPP which, in turn, helped boost the gross regional domestic product in Central and Northern Luzon.

Successful PPP project.

Chinas Wen says global crisis worsening Crude prices decline to $95
BEIJINGChinese Premier Wen Jiabao said Thursday that the impact of the global economic crisis is worsening, and called during a visit by German Chancellor Angela Merkel for closer cooperation to revive growth. Merkel was in Beijing for talks with Wen and other Chinese leaders aimed at expanding trade and allaying fears about Europes debt problems. The visit comes as global growth slows and China struggles to reverse its deepest economic slump since the 2008 crisis. Wen said he had increased confidence in the eurozone after being briefed by Merkel but expressed concern about European debt and said Italy, Greece and Spain must increase their determination to reform. The impact of the global nancial crisis and the European sovereign debt crisis on the world is continuously deepening, Wen said during a meeting with Merkel. As important economies and strategic partners, China and Germany should make consistent efforts on promoting the condence of the international community, joining together in dealing with challenges and creating a better tomorrow. Later, Wen told reporters: Recently, the European debt crisis has continued to worsen, giving rise to serious concerns in the international community. Frankly speaking, I am also worried. Wen and Merkel presided at a signing ceremony for billions of dollars in business dealsa regular event during visits by European leaders. Airbus Industrie committed to invest $1.6 billion in the second phase of an aircraft nal assembly plant opened in 2008 in Tianjin, Wens hometown. A Chinese state company signed an agreement to purchase 50 Airbus jetliners valued at $3.5 billion. Volkswagen AG, Europes biggest automaker, signed a deal to invest $219 million in an environmentally friendly production facility and vocational training initiative, also in Tianjin. Ofcials of the two governments also signed agreements to collaborate in biotechnology, electric vehicles, agriculture, education, labor and the environment. A round of regular ChineseGerman meetings was scheduled for next year, but German ofcials say Wen asked Merkel to come early before the Communist Party begins a once-a-decade handover of power to younger leaders in October. Merkels two-day visit includes meetings with Xi Jinping, who is due to become party leader and president, and Li Keqiang, in line to become premier. The German leader was accompanied by a 20-member delegation of executives from German companies in the auto, chemicals, energy, commodities and other industries. The meetings come amid tension over a request by European manufacturers of solar power equipment for anti-dumping duties on Chinese products they say are improperly subsidized. Chinese manufacturers that depend on the European market have warned Beijing might retaliate. AP BANGKOKOil prices fell Thursday after a powerful storm that had shut down reneries along the US Gulf Coast started to ease as it moved inland. Benchmark oil for October delivery was down 47 cents at midday Bangkok time to $95.02 per barrel in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange. The contract fell 84 cents to nish at $95.49 per barrel on the Nymex on Wednesday. Traders were watching for any reports of signicant damage from Hurricane Isaac as it passed over oil facilities in the Gulf of Mexico. The storms heavy winds and rain were not expected to cause extensive damage to oil production and renery operations. Although a lot of the production capacity was closed down, it was a precautionary measure and were not hearing any reports of signicant damage, said Nick Trevethan, senior commodities strategist at ANZ Research in Singapore. There have been some power outages that may interfere with the restart of some onshore facilities. Trevethan said markets were waiting for US Federal Reserve chief Ben Bernankes highly anticipated speech Friday at an economic conference in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Market watchers are hoping for signs that Bernanke might hint at some kind of Fed action to spur growth in the US. They are also anticipating the release of manufacturing data out of China. Worsethan-expected numbers could put pressure on Beijing for more stimulus measures to help revive growth in the worlds no. 2 economy. AP

Scotiabank buying ING Bank unit

By Rob Gillies
TORONTOThe Bank of Nova Scotia said Wednesday it will buy ING Bank of Canada from its Dutch parent for $3.1 billion. Toronto-based Scotiabank, one of Canadas ve largest banks, said INGs portfolio will help Scotia solidify its no. 3 position in Canadian deposits. ING Groep NV, one of Europes largest nancial institutions, has been revamping its business since it was bailed out by the Dutch state during the 2008 nancial crisis. It said the deal will help sharpen its focus on core businesses and strengthen its balance sheet. The division, called ING Direct Canada, is an online bank that offers savings, checking, mutual fund and mortgage products through online access and telephone representatives. It has no physical branches, but it has about 1.8 million customers in Canada. The parent company announced earlier this summer that it was putting its Canadian division under review for a potential sale. Last year, Capital One agreed to buy INGs US online banking unit for $9 billion in a cash and stock deal. ING will continue to operate direct banking businesses in Australia, Austria, France, Germany, Italy and Spain. ING expects to record a gain of $1.38 billion on the Canadian sale. Anatol von Hahn, Scotiabanks Group Head for Canadian Banking, said in an interview that customers now have an alternative to a full service bank. He noted that ING Bank of Canada grew from nothing in 1997 to become the eighth largest bank in Canada. It adds about $40 billion in assets. The name will change within 18 months, he said. ING DIRECT Canada chief executive Peter Aceto said Canadians are doing more online and mobile banking and hes condent they will continue to grow the business under Scotiabank. Scotiabank announced a public offering of 29 million common shares at $52 Canadian ($52.55) to fund the acquisition. Shares of The Bank of Nova Scotia declined 2.8 percent, or $1.51, to $52.65 in afterhours trading on the New York Stock Exchange. The deal is expected to close in December. It is subject to regulatory approval. AP

Manila Standard TODAY
Ramon L. Tomeldan, Editor





The fast and the curious

Text and photos by Marcelle Frances

ABU DHABIMore than Barbie dolls, cars drew much of my attention when I was a little girl. Perhaps that special attachment to autos was the result of the bonding moments I had with my father, who is a certied auto enthusiast and loves to tinker with his extensive collection of toy cars, mostly Ferrari. We both enjoyed watching Formula One races on TV. The high-octane races, the hairpin turns, the at-out straightlines and the dangerous wheelto-wheel passing manuevers thrilled me no end.
So when I learned about the Ferrari World in Abu Dhabi, I immediately scheduled a trip to the legendary place. The prospects of watching upclose and in person Michael Schumacher, Mika Raikkonen and Fernando Alonzo all former Ferrari world champions and still banging wheels against F1 competitors - made me ecstatic as my weekend trip neared. There were no Schumi, Raikkonen and Alonzo to watch, unfortunately; the F1 race at Abu Dhabi would still be held in November. But that did not dampen my enthusiasm. So, one weekend, I and my friends hied off to Abu Dhabi. At the ticket booth, a glimpse of whats inside the World of Ferrari greeted visitors a vast and varied display of their famous cars from the classics to the latest, undoubtedly futuristic models. Their display concept is actually the same as the other Ferrari museums. Once youre inside, youll get to see not only the Ferrari line-up but also experience these exotic cars. They placed the rides and the car displays alongside each other thus, giving you the freedom to switch from enjoying the rides to viewing a kaleidoscope of the auto gems. First stop was Formula Rossa, the fastest rollercoaster in the Scarlet world. From the top: Ferrari F1 race car, FW Junior Grand Prix, world. Hop onto it and you will F50, the author, and Formula Rossa (signage) and coaster. courage to hop on to these ultrafast coasters. For the kids, theres the Junior GT ride. Experts will not only teach them how to drive but will also educate them on road signs and safety driving. The Junior GT is actually the rst part of the Ferrari driving school followed by the Junior Grand Prix. Aspiring race-car drivers can practice their racing skills in this ride, going through the challenges and hairpin turns as with the actual race track. Ferrari World Abu Dhabi is not only about speed. If you try the BellItalia ride, then you can say youve been to Italy. Youre not really a fan of Ferrari if you dont know that the Prancing Horses are manufactured in Italy and founded by Enzo Ferrari. In this Little Italy, you will have a grasp of Italias magnicent views, landmarks and some racing venues. Dont forget that this isnt just about the rides because the Ferrari gallery is a treasure trove. You might as well take a rest to get rid of dizziness from the jarring rides by touring the displays. Get to see old models like Ferrari Daytona 365 GTB/4, (produced from 1968-1973), Ferrari Dino 246 GT & GTS (1969-1974) or Ferrari 365 GTC/4 (1971-1972) to the 90s model like Ferrari F40 (1990) up to the latest produced models like Ferrari California (produced in 2008) or Ferrari FF (produced in 2011). Have you ever wondered how a Ferrari engine looks like? The Ferrari 599 in particular? I made sure I got to see it in its visceral glory and experience the V12 ride. It was like riding a speed boat on a running river, with the oil gushing and the 12 cylinders ring at full throttle. Hold on tight as you pass the giant pistons, pipes and chambers because it could get bumpy and rough. Then theres the 4D theatrical masterpieces like Speed of Magic, and Driving with the Champion. Just like any other galleries, the Abu Dhabi show will never be complete without any souvenirs to bring home. Just before the exit gate, memorabilia abound -- from caps, shirts, mugs, pens to exhibit-inspired miniature cars and spare parts with authenticated documents to validate your ownership of a genuine Ferrari collection. It was worth the trip and I wont think twice of coming back to experience the joys and thrills the premiere theme park has to offer. MST@Motoring

know how fast a Ferrari car can go. Prepare your timer because this 45-second ride feels like the longest 45 seconds of your life. If you crave more action, and want to experience the feel of racing with another car, then dont forget to queue up at the Fiorano GT Challenge ride. Two GT coasters, replicas of a Ferrari F430 Spider, zoom away from the starting line to the the nish, with twists and turns along the way. These two are the main attractions of the worlds largest indoor theme park but not everyone may get onboard these two extreme rides, especially the kids who are not allowed to ride or the elderly who dont have the

Protect your car from nature's acts
THE aftermath of the torrential rain that ooded Metro Manila and nearby provinces recently has left many car owners wondering: Does my insurance policy include ood damage claims? Not all car insurance policies include Acts of Nature or AON cover. For car owners who have Malayans Automaster auto insurance, their vehicles are insured against nancial losses brought by these natural calamities. Those whose vehicles were submerged in oodwaters during the torrential rain the last few days will not see their prized possessions laid to waste. Malayans Automaster provides protection to car owners against damages caused by Acts of Nature such as typhoon, ood, hurricane, volcanic eruption, earthquake or other convulsions of nature. It also offers coverage for car theft, accidents and automobile damage among others. It provides protection for the driver and passengers, and damages to third party.

Better late than never

Text and photos by Dino Ray V. Directo III
DO WE really need another compact SUV? With the dozen or more already ghting it over a protable slice of the consumer market, Mazda seems to be a bit late in the game. Or is it a strategic one, since the Mazda CX-5 compact SUV is a looker, affordably priced and designed from the ground up with no hand me down components from the existing product line up of the Hiroshima based Japanese manufacturer. Step back a bit and one will admire its new design direction, Kodo or Soul In Motion as Mazda coins it. The strong features of the CX-5 is the ve point grille design surround and a signature wing- a line that connects the head lamps across its nose which seems to make the SUV smile. As a middle child of Mazdas SUV line up, the dimensions of this crossover SUV is a close match to its rival Kia Sportage with a 106.3-inch wheelbase, two inches shorter than its elder brother, the CX-7. While the CX-7 has a sleek and swoopy prole, the CX-5 has a boxier and more practical exterior. Despite its difference in size and heft, the two siblings are about the same inside. Both SUVs have comfortable space for four adults and enough space for a fth passenger. The interior is Mazdas best in terms of craftsmanship, with driver friendly controls, neatly designed central console. The driver sits in a more low slung position than most of its class competitors, and according to Mazda engineers, this was inuenced by the MX-5 sports car. We look at ourselves as a sporty brand,

Driver friendly controls

no matter if our engineers are designing an MPV or 4x4 vehicle, adds Kristoff Arcega, marketing ofcer of Mazda Philippines. While theres a 2.2 liter diesel unit available in other markets, local Mazda fans will have to contend themselves with the 163bhp, 2.0 liter Skyactiv power plant of the CX-5. This engine stretches the bounds of fuel efciency with a 13.0:1 compression ratio, direct injection, variable intake, exhaust valve timing and a tuned four-into-twointo one exhaust manifold. The Atkinson cycle allows use of an extra-long expansion

Well-engineered crossover

stroke for optimum fuel efciency without compromising the engine power. Compared with Mazdas current four cylinder engines, the Skyactiv unit is 10 percent lighter, 30 percent lower in friction, 15 percent more fuel efcient and 15 percent more energetic at low and mid-range rpms. The new CX-5 represents the blueprint of future Mazda vehicles. Based on the global approval of motor-

ing journalists regarding the performance of the Skyactiv technology, anyone who has a yearning for driving pleasure and performance will nd themselves satised with what Mazda has to offer. They have always been known to be a bit left of center, but with a racing pedigree that stretches from the 24 Hours Le Mans and the Super GT of Japan, you can bet that the arrival of the CX-5 is better late than never.



Life @play
Manila Standard TODAY
Gianna Maniego, Editor Dinna Chan Vasquez, Assistant Editor

food travel event shopping



YOU could say that Ryan Chan is no strangers to hotels. His maternal grandfather Joseph Yu built the rst two serviced apartments in Metro ManilaTropicana on Guerrero Street in Malate, Manila, and Copacabana on EDSA extension in Pasay City.
My grandfather wanted to expand his hotels. He wanted to build mountain and beach resorts. Unfortunately, he died and my uncles decided to pursue our businesses. The hotels are still there, of course, and are being run by our cousins, says Chan. His father Johnny Chan, who is into real estate, went into the hospitality because of Josephs inuence. My dad waited until it was the right time. Aside from real estate, he was also into manufacturing, explains Chan, who is director of marketing communications for The Bellevue Group, which owns and operates The Bellevue Manila, The Bellevue Resort Panglao and B Hotel Alabang. When The Bellevue Manila opened in 2003, Chan was living in Canada. He didnt think he would come back to live in the Philippines. My dad and my brother (Patrick, the general manager of The Bellevue Manila) were running the hotel. I was okay in Canada. But my dad needed extra help so I came home, says Chan, who, like Patrick, attended the Kwantlen Polytechnic University in Vancouver to study Business Administration, then went on to attend Cornell Universitys General Managers Program and Professional Development Programs in Cornell-Nanyang Institute of Hospitality Management in Singapore. The Bellevue Group owns and manages its hotels. Chan says this is the reason why their prices are very competitive as they do not have to pay a management group to run the hotels while Bellevue, which means beautiful view, is an independent brand. Chan believes that there are three factors in a hotels success: good location, good product and good service. The Bellevue proposition is that we are a vestar hotel that doesnt charge as much as our competitors. We want our guests to say, Wow! Im getting this for P5,000! he explains. The company has about 650 rooms in its three Alabang propertiestwo wings in The Bellevue Manila and B Hotelwith an average occupancy of 70 percent. The Executive Tower is always full. Firsttime guests are surprised when they come here. Our rooms and amenities are great. We have nice neds and pillows. The facilities are truly worldclass. We want our customers to get their value for money. We think they deserve no less, says Chan. Its the quality of hotel product, the right service, attention to detail, the phone in the bathroom, the right threadcount of the sheets, the soundproof walls, he adds. At rst, The Bellevue Manila concentrated on its rooms, the bread and butter of hotels, until they realized that guests wanted good restaurants, too. The hotel hired a food and beverage director and consultants so that pour food concepts and menus are up to date, explains Chan. The hotel now has several restaurants, including Cafe dAsie, Phoenic Court, Vue Bar and Pastry Corner. Phoenix Court is considered one of the three best Chinese restaurants in Metro Manila, says Chan. The Bellevue Group recently opened The Bellevue Resort Panglao, a luxury property with 159 suites and guest rooms, a sugary white sand beach, an innity pool, two bars, a Thai spa, gym and tness center and indoor and outdoor childrens play area. The coffee shop, overlooking the ocean with an open kitchen, will be serving international cuisine. There will also be a ne dining restaurant. The Bellevue Bohol has 250 meters of sea frontage, a denite advantage versus many of the existing resorts in the area. The company will also open a B Hotel in Quezon City in the next two years. Chan recalls that when his family opened The Bellevue Manila in Alabang, there was no ve-star hotel in the area. Emerging markets, thats where we want to go, he says. Alabang, Bohol, Cagayan de Orothese are gold mines. You want to be near emergent districts if youre putting up a business hotel; you want to be near the beach if youre a resort hotel.
The Bellevue Manila was the rst ve-star hotel in Alabang

The Bellevue Resort Panglao has 250 meters of sea frontage

The Bellevue Groups Ryan Chan

Entertainment at its best

IMPROVE your already amazing Nokia Lumia audio experience with hip accessories. From the combined hands-free simplicity of Nokia and advanced driver technology of Monster come the Purity Stereo HD Headset and Purity Stereo Headset that put listening to the next level. Indulge in incredible sound with the premium Nokia Purity HD Stereo Headset. Made from the nest scratchresistant materials, these on-ear headphones are lightweight, durable and ultra-comfortable. It has a wellbalanced design and soft ear pads that are ideal for long listening sessions. The Nokia Purity HD Stereo Headset also has integrated call handing, very convenient for going mobile. It has an SRP of P7,250. Experience outstanding audio clarity with the Nokia Purity Stereo Headset which boasts of a premium design, great audio features, and hands-free convenience. It keeps background noise at bay with its isolating in-ear design, making listening more dened. Get this great-to-have gadget at P3,290. (Also comes bundled with every purchase of a Nokia Lumia 900.) Wireless music in quality stereo sound can be enjoyed on-the-go with the Nokia Bluetooth Stereo Headset. Delight in its wireless and clear calls because the earpieces t comfortably in your ears, blocking out background noise and delivering quality stereo sound. Whats more, this headset automatically switches from music to calls. The Nokia Bluetooth Stereo Headset has an SRP of P1,490. At only P5,500, you can start a club-themed celebration wherever with the dynamic stereo audio of the Nokia Play 360. Play your music on this wireless speaker and hear 360-degree soundfrom high treble to rich bass tones. Simply connect to any device wirelessly through Bluetooth or plug the cable into a 3.5 mm audio jack. For phones with Near Field Communication (NFC), just tap it on the speaker to pair instantly. Party all night long and dont let an empty battery stop your groove because theres the Nokia Universal Portable USB Charger DC-16. It ts in your pocket, so you can get back-up power on your Nokia Lumia device on the move through USB charging. Plus, other compatible devices can also get a fast full charge. Simply connect your device to start charging. A LED indicator will show you its charging status. This handy device includes a micro-USB cable and is available at P1,100.

Play 360o

Purity Stereo Headset

Universal Portable USB Charger DC-16

Ballet Manila brings back its blockbuster production of Alamat: Si Sibol at si Gunaw, which combines magic, myth and a message of love for Mother Earth on September 1 and 2 at the Aliw Theater, CCP Complex, Pasay City.

David Ng had the time of his life at 2012 Olympic Games In London where he had a front seat view of all the events.






ManilaStandardToday Gianna Maniego, Editor Dinna Chan Vasquez, Assistant Editor FRIDAY AUGUST 31, 2012

Life@ play

food travel events shopping

magic, myth

A tribute to

Phones are the new wallets

By Ed Biado
OVER the last few years, the use of virtual money has increased exponentially. Online shopping and digital transactions are now the norm and many of us are looking for the most convenient, reliable and secure electronic way to pay. Thats why Globe Telecoms GCASH, which was introduced in 2004, is more relevant than ever. The service is a mobile commerce platform that allows subscribers to accomplish three cash transactions purchase and payment, person-to-person money transfer, and domestic and international remittanceusing their mobile phones. Money senders can go to Globe business centers and partner establishments here and abroad to deposit into other peoples accounts for a service fee of P10 for every P1,000. Recipients can withdraw money for a charge of P20 for every P1000. Depositing into your own wallet is free. Your GCASH account is linked to your phone number and protected by your Mobile PIN, so the possibility of someone hacking into it is extremely low. Unlike online banking services, your GCASH wallet can only be accessed through your phone, eliminating most Internet-related security risks. You can pay for online purchases with your GCASH wallet as the service is a trusted mode of payment on Multiply,, Ayos. ph, CashCash Pinoy, Zalora and Metrodeal. It can also be used for bills payment, e-Pass reloading, delivery services and other purposes, a list of which can be found on gcash. With the new GCASH mobile app, its easier and quicker to process and keep track of transactions. To download and install the app for free, Globe/TM smartphone users can search for it on their respective mobile app store. The app comes with Facebook functionality, which makes it painless to send money or prepaid phone credits to someone on your Facebook contact list. GCASH is also accessible without the app on any smartphone or feature phone. According to G-Xchange Inc. (Globes mobile commerce arm) president Paolo Baltao, subscribers can dial *143# on their phones and select GCASH to enjoy the same experience. Because all thats needed to avail of the service is a working Globe/ TM postpaid or prepaid line, its an option that everyone can explore.

Mother EARTH
By Frangelica Valdez

WHEN I was a little girl, I took ballet lessons and I have to say that as child, I had no profound interest in dancing ballet at all. But since all my friends were part of it, I thought that it should be fun. For several years I was in and out of lessons until I nally realized it wasnt my thing.
However, that didnt stop me from watching ballet. Hence, it was with keen interest that I attended the recent event tendered by Ballet Manila. The ballet company recently announced its upcoming season of shows and new dancers. Opening its 17th performance season, Ballet Manila brings back its blockbuster production of Alamat: Si Sibol at si Gunaw, which combines magic, myth and a message of love for Mother Earth. It goes onstage on September 1 and 2 at the Aliw Theater, CCP Complex, Pasay City. Alamat: Si Sibol at Si Gunaw is based on the childrens book by Palanca Hall of Fame awardee Ed Maranan, published by Bookmark with illustrations by Ronaela B. Maranan. Taking on the lead roles are Liza Macuja-Elizalde as the goddess Luningning, Nazer Salgado as the mortal Kapuy whom she falls in love with, and Francis Cascao and Yanti Marduli as the twins Sibol (Bloom) and Gunaw (Doom) who become locked in a battle over Mother Earth one intent on its protection and the other on its destruction. Dancing as the young Sibol and Gunaw are Missy Elizalde and Elmoe Dictado, respectively. The group is also featuring other classics this season. Ballet Manila will also feature the full-length classics Don Quixote (October 6 and 7) and Giselle (October 20 and 21). Ballet Manila will then have the world premiere of Hazel Sabas-Gower's

Sinderela Atbp. on November 30, December 1, 2, 8 and 9. This modern take on one of the most beloved fairy tales sees the heroine Sinderela participating in a dance audition undertaken by Al Principe who is looking for a new leading lady. Sinderela Atbp. is also Ballet Manila's holiday offering. Finally, Ballet Manila wraps up the season with the latest installment of its Ballet & Ballads series, this time featuring

the West End Mamas, scheduled on February 15, 16 and 17, 2013. West End Mamas is a London-based trio composed of musical theater actresses Gia MacujaAtchison, Cez Campos-Bonner and Maya Barredo-Duffy. For tickets and other inquiries, contact Ballet Manila at telephone numbers 5255967 or 400-0292 or through the website or Ticketworld at 891-9999 or

An Olympic experience to remember

DAVID Ng had the time of his life at 2012 Olympic Games In London where he had a front seat view of all the events. Watching all the great athletes from all over the world come together to showcase their talents was truly an experience to remember, he said. Ng was one of the six lucky winners of the Visa London Olympics package, which entitled winning Citibank cardholders to free roundtrip tickets for two to London, four-star accommodation at the Hilton London Metropole, access to pre-selected Olympic Games events, two Visa Olympic Games-themed prepaid cards valued at 200 each, and hop-on and hophis wife, Diana. The other winners were Emil Tolentino, Anna Liza Ignacio, Victorio Tingcang III, Daniel Hisshion and Rosana Mohnani. Every P500 spend using any Citibank Visa card during the promotion period from May 1 to June 22, 2012 earned 1 rafe entry. All the winners had a worryfree trip as they had access to a dedicated Visa hospitality desk and event staff all throughout the Visa London Olympics festivities. Upon landing, they were greeted at the airport and were provided hotel transfers. They were also offered daily breakfast, allotted event transportation, and given Visa Olympic Games souvenir items.

off bus tour of London and attraction passes. I was so excited I couldnt sleep the day I found out I won, said Ng who owns a Shell Citibank Card. He won one of the ve days, four nights packages and shared this oncein-a-lifetime experience with

Search on for SM Redhead model

NOW modeling dreams can come true as SM Department Stores Girls Teens Wear Department launches its Redhead model search for 2012. Girls can join through in-store applications or online submissions of entries through Three lucky Redhead Girls will win a professional contract and cash prizes! As a Redhead Girl one can wear the cool stuff in the SM Girls Teens Wear Department, and get a chance to be a model.

DELFI, one of the top chocolate confectionery brands, has one goalto produce world classquality chocolates. Del Foods Inc. makes sure that the quality of each product that comes out of their factory is really top of the line. Precise timing and temperature of the cocoa is always carefully observed to make that signature Delfi taste in every Goya chocolate, explains Nilo Chincuanco, general manager of Delfi Foods, Inc.

Made even better

With the Delfi Quality Management System in place, plus globally recognized manufacturing standards like ISO 22000, HALAL certication, Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP), and Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) as set by the Socit Gnrale de Surveillance (SGS), all products that roll out of its factory are of more-than-adequate quality and free from other food safety hazards to protect the consumer.
ends of 20-, 28- and 45-Across 59 Island goose 60 German crowd? 61 Word after dog or lop 62 1-Across vehicle 63 Memo words 64 Franklin heater 65 Frizzy do 66 General __ chicken 67 Members of the flock Down 1 Put on 2 Wanderer 3 Adds ones two cents 4 Chicken snack 5 A headboard is part of it 6 Noted bell ringer 7 Rely 8 Drafted 9 Prefix with graphic or logical 10 Dilapidated 11 Like Vegas losers, so they say 12 Program file suffix 14 Sportscaster who wrote I Never Played the Game 21 Lash __: attack verbally 22 Belgian river 27 Not at all colorful 29 As a companion 30 __ this world: alien 31 Bamboo lover 34 Onetime Ritz competitor 35 Per se 36 SiriusXM Radio subscriber, say 38 Once-in-a-bluemoon events 39 Seed covers 42 High card 44 Online connections? 46 Change further, as text 47 Gets the lesson 48 Peter of Peter, Paul & Mary 53 Christopher who played Superman 54 Gives up 56 Take from the top 57 Fabled fiddler 58 Cant stand 59 Secretive org.


Across 1 Skiing need 5 Color Me __: 1990s R&B group 9 Wait for a light, perhaps 13 Debate choice 15 Hardly __: rarely 16 French company? 17 __ acid 18 Lamebrain

19 Behold, to 57-Down 20 2002 DiCaprio/DayLewis historical drama 23 Ending with stamp 24 U.S.s Ryder Cup foe 25 Letters from Greece 26 The past, in the past 28 1968 Davis/Lawford spy spoof 32 Me __: My name is, in Spain 33 Mrs. Gorbachev 34 Big Island city 37 Aquarium fish 40 Fed. crash site investigator 41 Assured way to solve a crossword puzzle 43 Moved, as a dinghy 45 1940 Grant/Russell comedy 49 First National Leaguer with eight consecutive 100-RBI seasons 50 Society page word 51 Pier gp. 52 Circle segment 55 1962 Rat Pack remake of Gunga Din ... or collectively, the



Page Compositor: Diana Keyser Punzalan


Schedule of Activities:


AUGUST 31, 2012


Department of Environment and Natural Resources National Capital Region

DENR By the Bay Bldg., 1515 Roxas Blvd., Ermita, Manila

Republic of the Philippines

InvItatIon to BId For The Supply of Various Signaling Spare Parts under PR Nos.RS1-0512193, RS1-0512-192and ITB No. 1208-213-01
Schedule of Activities: Pre-bid Conference Submission and Opening of Bids September 07, 2012 @ 10:00 A.M. Cafeteria, LRTA Line 2-Depot, Santolan, Pasig City September 21, 2012 @ 9:00 A.M. Cafeteria, LRTA Line 2-Depot, Santolan, Pasig City QUANTITY Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC)

InvItatIon to BId For The Supply of Various Pneumatic Spare Parts under PR Nos. RS1-0712288 and ITB No. 1208-226-01
Pre-bid Conference Submission and Opening of Bids PR NO. DESCRIPTION 1) ORIGINAL PART KIT OPK00101 FOR LEVELLING VALVE II58044/001, SV 1205GD1X03 or its equivalent 2) ORIGINAL PART KIT OPK00101 FOR LEVELLING VALVE I55029, SV1205K or its equivalent 3) DRIVER, II67224, POS.18 or its equivalent 4) PISTON, B95867/2, POS.03 or its equivalent 5) BUSH, B95882/2, POS.05 or its equivalent RS1-0712-288 6) VALVE HEAD, C87786, POS.08 or its equivalent 7) HEXAGONAL NUT, 468086, POS.10 or its equivalent 8) PISTON, B95867/1, POS.14 or its equivalent 9) K-RING 40.2, 454953, POS.15 or its equivalent 10) K-RING 22.8, 462422, POS.17 or its equivalent September 07 @ 10:00 A.M. Cafeteria, LRTA Line 2-Depot, Santolan, Pasig City September 19, 2012 @ 9:00 A.M. Cafeteria, LRTA Line 2-Depot, Santolan, Pasig City QUANTITY 132 sets 72 sets 20 pcs. 50 pcs. 50 pcs. 100 pcs. 100 pcs. 50 pcs. 100 pcs. 100 pcs. 100 pcs. 50 pcs. 100 pcs. Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC) Php1,960,200.00 Php1,069,200.00 Php82,500.00 Php618,750.00 Php330,000.00 Php1,251,250.00 Php68,750.00 Php673,750.00 Php82,500.00 Php49,500.00 Php82,500.00 Php165,000.00 Php11,000.00 Php6,444,900.00

The Department of Environment and Natural Resources National Capital Region thru its Bids and Awards Committee (BAC) hereby invites all SUPPLIERS/ CONTRACTORS/NURSERIES to submit Letters of Intent (LOI) and to Bid for the hereunder described procurement/project: NAME OF PROJECT PROCUREMENT OF QUALITY ASSORTED SEEDLINGS TO BE USED IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF NATIONAL GREENING PROGRAM : a.) FRUIT BEARING SPECIES b.) ORNAMENTAL SPECIES c.) INDIGENOUS SPECIES 66,000 PCS. 44,000 PCS. 99,000 PCS. TOTAL P95.00 P80.00 P70.00 P6,270,000.00 P3,520,000.00 P6,930,000.00 P16,720,000.00 QUANTITY UNIT PRICE PER SEEDLING TOTAL AMOUNT DELIVERY DATE OCTOBER 2012


DESCRIPTION 1. PROFIBUS OLM G-12-1300 (3 PCS.)or its equivalent Specs: Description: SIMATIC PROFIBUS OPTICAL LINK MODULES SIMATIC/NET OLM/G12-1300 No. of Ports: Electrical : 1 Optical : 2 1.) LOOP AMPLIFIER or its equivalent Desrciption: The Loop Amplifier board receives the modulated telegrams and end-of-telegram information from the transmission control unit of the balise and loop amplifier board.


3 pcs.



5 pcs.


11) SCRAPPER RING, A97200/5, POS.18 or its equivalent 12) BUSH, B95866, POS.19 or its equivalent 13) WASHER, N3502222X, POS.20 or its equivalent



* The complete technical specification is available in the Bidding Documents. The Light Rail Transit Authority (LRTA), through its Corporate Budget for the Calendar Year 2012, intends to apply the sum of a Total of TWO MILLION SEVEN HUNDRED SEVENTY TWO THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED NINETY FIVE PESOS (PhP2,772,495.00)ONLYbeing the Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC) to payments under the afore-mentioned contract/s. Bids received in excess of the ABC shall be automatically rejected at bid opening. Delivery period is required on or before 3 months upon receipt of Purchase Order. LRTA now invites bids from Interested Bidders with the following details:

The Light Rail Transit Authority (LRTA), through its Corporate Budget for the Calendar Year 2012, intends to apply the sum of a Total of SIX MILLION FOUR HUNDRED FORTY FOUR THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED PESOS (PhP6,444,900.00) ONLY being the Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC) to payments under the afore-mentioned contract/s. Bids received in excess of the ABC shall be automatically rejected at bid opening. Delivery period is required on or before 6 months upon receipt of Purchase Order. LRTA now invites bids from Interested Bidders with the following details: Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC) 1) ORIGINAL PART KIT OPK00101 FOR LEVELLING VALVE 1158044/001,SV 1205GDIX03 or its equivalent 2) ORIGINAL PART KIT OPK00101 FOR LEVELLING VALVE I55029, SV1205K or its equivalent 3) DRIVER, II67224, POS.18 or its equivalent 4) PISTON, B95867/2, POS.03 or its equivalent Bid Security: Cash/CC-MC Bank draft/ guarantee or ILC (2%)* Php1,960,200.00 Php1,069,200.00 Php82,500.00 Php618,750.00 Php330,000.00 Php1,251,250.00 Php68,750.00 Php673,750.00 Php82,500.00 Php49,500.00 Php82,500.00 Php165,000.00 Php11,000.00 Php6,444,900.00 Php39,204.00 Php21,384.00 Php1,650.00 Php12,375.00 Php6,600.00 Php25,025.00 Php1,375.00 Php13,475.00 Php1,650.00 Php990.00 Php1,650.00 Php3,300.00 Php220.00 Php128,898.00 Php98,010.00

(List of Species and Specifications included in the Bidding Documents) Eligibility Requirements or Complete Set of Pre-qualification forms and Bid Documents will be available for issuance at the General Services Section (GSS), Administrative Division or the BAC Secretariat with telephone number 394-2003. A non-refundable fee of FIVE THOUSAND PESOS (P5,000.00) will be collected. All particulars relative to the bidding process, such as Eligibility Screening, Posting of Bid Security, Evaluation and Post-Qualifications shall be governed by the pertinent provisions of R.A. 9184 and its Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR). Given hereunder is the schedule of the Bidding Process, to wit: ACTIVITY DATE AND TIME August 23, 2012, 9:00 a.m. August 26-September 9, 2012 August 26, 2012 August 27-September 15, 2012 September 1-15, 2012 September 17, 2012 (Monday), 10:00 a.m. October 1, 2012 , 9:00 a.m. October 1, 2012 9:30 a.m. October 3, 2012 BAC Conference Room, North Production Nursery, North Avenue, Quezon City BAC Conference Room, North Production Nursery, North Avenue, Quezon City BAC Conference Room, North Production Nursery, North Avenue, Quezon City BAC Conference Room, North Production Nursery, North Avenue, Quezon City VENUE BAC Conference Room, North Production Nursery, North Avenue, Quezon City


Security: Surety bond (5%)*

Cost of Bid Documents


Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC)

Bid Security: Cash/CC-MC Bank draft/ guarantee or ILC (2%)*

Security: Surety bond (5%)*

Cost of Bid Documents

Php53,460.00 Php4,125.00 Php30,937.50 Php16,500.00 Php62,562.50 Php3,437.50 Php33,687.50 Php4,125.00 Php2,475.00 Php4,125.00 Php8,250.00 Php550.00 Php322,245.00 PhP5,000.00 PhP5,000.00

Pre-Procurement Conference Advertisement Newspaper Submission of Letter of Intent Issuance of Bidding Documents Pre-Bid Conference Submission of Bids Opening of Bids Awarding

1. PROFIBUS OLM G-12-1300 (3 PCS.) or its equivalent 1.) LOOP AMPLIFIER or its equivalent TOTAL

Php1,206,720.00 Php1,565,775.00 Php2,772,495.00

Php 24,134.40 Php 31,315.50 Php 55,449.90

Php 60,336.00 Php 78,288.75 Php 138,624.75

PhP1,500.00 PhP1,500.00

5) BUSH, B95882/2, POS.05 or its equivalent 6) VALVE HEAD, C87786, POS.08 or its equivalent 7)HEXAGONAL NUT, 468086, POS.10 or its equivalent 8) PISTON, B95867/1, POS.14 or its equivalent 9) K-RING 40.2, 454953, POS.15 or its equivalent 10) K-RING 22.8, 462422, POS.17 or its equivalent 11)SCRAPPER RING, A97200/5, POS.18 or its equivalent 12) BUSH, B95866, POS.19 or its equivalent 13) WASHER, N3502222X, POS.20 or its equivalent TOTAL

*Only those issued by universal or commercial banks Bidding will be conducted through open competitive bidding procedures using a non-discretionary pass/fail criterion as specified in the Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations (R-IRR) of Republic Act (RA) 9184, otherwise known as the Government Procurement Reform Act. Bidding is restricted to Filipino citizens/sole proprietorships, partnerships, or organizations with at least sixty percent (60%) interest or outstanding capital stock belonging to citizens of the Philippines. A complete set of Bidding Documents may be purchased by interested Bidders commencing on August 31, 2012 until not later than the deadline for the submission and receipt of bids at the address below and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee for the Bidding Documents in the amount of PhP1,500.00 only. Only prospective bidders who have secured bidding documents will be allowed to participate in the Pre-Bid Conference. Submission and Opening of Bids will publicly be opened in the presence of the Bidders authorized representatives who choose to attend. Late bids shall not be accepted. All Bids must be accompanied by a bid security in any of the acceptable forms and in the amount stated in the Instructions to Bidders and the Bid Data Sheet. LRTA reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids, to annul the bidding process, and to reject all bids at any time prior to contract award, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected bidder or bidders. For further information, please refer to: Mr. Eduardo A. Abiva Head, BAC Secretariat Administration Bldg., LRTA Cmpd., Aurora Blvd. Tramo, Pasay City Tel. No. 853-0041 50 loc. 8314 Email Address: Facsimile No. 853-0041 50 loc. 8417 (Sgd.) Mr. LUTGARDO C. NAVARRO Chairman, Bids & Awards Committee

*Only those issued by universal or commercial banks Bidding will be conducted through open competitive bidding procedures using a non-discretionary pass/fail criterion as specified in the Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations (R-IRR) of Republic Act (RA) 9184, otherwise known as the Government Procurement Reform Act. Bidding is restricted to Filipino citizens/sole proprietorships, partnerships, or organizations with at least sixty percent (60%) interest or outstanding capital stock belonging to citizens of the Philippines. A complete set of Bidding Documents may be purchased by interested Bidders commencing on August 31, 2012 until not later than the deadline for the submission and receipt of bids at the address below and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee for the Bidding Documents in the amount of PhP5,000.00 only. Only prospective bidders who have secured bidding documents will be allowed to participate in the Pre-Bid Conference. Submission and Opening of Bids will publicly be opened in the presence of the Bidders authorized representatives who choose to attend. Late bids shall not be accepted. All Bids must be accompanied by a bid security in any of the acceptable forms and in the amount stated in the Instructions to Bidders and the Bid Data Sheet. LRTA reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids, to annul the bidding process, and to reject all bids at any time prior to contract award, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected bidder or bidders. For further information, please refer to: Mr. Eduardo A. Abiva Head, BAC Secretariat Administration Bldg., LRTA Cmpd., Aurora Blvd. Tramo, Pasay City Tel. No. 853-0041 50 loc. 8314 Email Address: Facsimile No. 853-0041 50 loc. 8417 (Sgd.) Mr. LUTGARDO C. NAVARRO Chairman, Bids & Awards Committee

Bids will be opened promptly on the above bidding date in the presence of participating bidders or their duly authorized representatives who chose to attend. Bids Prices shall be fixed. Adjustable price proposals shall be treated as non-responsive and shall be rejected. All bids must be accompanied by a corresponding security bid bond in the form of Cash, Managers Check, Certified Check, Bank Draft or an equivalent amount in a freely convertible currency, or Surety Bond callable on demand issued by the GSIS or by any private insurance company duly accredited by the Insurance Commission and submitted to the undersigned c/o BAC Secretariat on the Bidding date DENR-NCR reserves the right to reject any or all bids at any time prior of contract, waive any defects therein, accept the bid, and award the contract to the bidder with the lowest, calculated and responsive bid. The office assumes no responsibility to compensate or indemnify the bidder for any expense or loss that may be incurred for the preparation of bids, nor does it guarantee that an award will be made. August 23, 2012. (Sgd.) ATTY. MANUELITA C. JATULAN Bids and Awards Committee

(MST-Aug. 31, 2012)

(MST-Aug. 31, 2012)

(MST-Aug. 31, 2012)


Misamis Oriental First District Engineering Office

Republic of the Philippines


Brgy 26., Gingoog City Tel./ Fax. No. (088) 861-1185



Department of Public Works and Highways

Binalbagan, Negros Occidental Tel. No. (034) 3888-487 Email Add:

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Public Works and Highways

Sorsogon District Engineering Office Guinlajon, Sorsogon City

Republic of the Philippines

The Bids and Awards Committee (BAC) of the Department of Public Works and HighwaysMisamis Oriental First District Engineering Office (DPWH-MOFDEO), invites contractors to bid for the projects as specified below: 1) Contract ID. Contract Name Contract Location Scope of Work Availability of Fund Approved Budget for The Contract (ABC) Contract Duration Cost of Bid Documents LOI 2) Contract ID. Contract Name Contract Location Scope of Work Availability of Fund Approved Budget for The Contract (ABC) Contract Duration Cost of Bid Documents LOI : 12KK0050 : Preventive Maintenance of BCIR at Pook Pangpangon, Talisayan (Km 1343+500-Km 1343+799.90) : Misamis Oriental : Asphalt Overlay Along BCIR -299.90 Ln.m with 1,271.60 Ln.m Pavement Markings and Concrete Reblocking-13 Blocks : FY 2013 DPWH INFRASTRUCTURE PROGRAM : : : : Php 5,013,680.00 21 calendar days Php 10,000.00 (Free) D.O. No. 52 S. 2011

The Department of Public Works and Highways, Negros Occidental 2 District Engineering Office, through its Bids and Awards Committee (BAC), invites contractors to apply to bid for the project, to wit: A) Contract ID Contract Name

The Bids and Awards Committee (BAC) of the Department of Public Works and Highways, Sorsogon District Engineering Office, Guinlajon, Sorsogon City, through the SARO No. BMB-A-12-T000001444, invites contractors to bid for the aforementioned projects. 12-08-GOODS-001 Supply & Deliveries of Construction Materials First District of Sorsogon Supply & Deliveries of Construction Materials for the repair/rehab. of Various School Buildings Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC ): Php13,450,000.00 Delivery Period: 30 CD Contract ID: Contract Name: Contract Location: Scope of Work: The BAC will conduct the procurement process in accordance with the Revised IRR of R.A. 9184. Bids received in excess of the ABC shall be automatically rejected at the opening of Bid. To bid for this contract, a contractor must submit a Letter of Intent (LOI), purchase bid documents and must meet the following major criteria: (a) prior registration with DPWH, (b) Filipino Citizen or 75% Filipino-owned partnership, corporation, cooperative, or joint venture, (c) with PCAB license applicable to the type and cost of this contract, (d) completion of a similar contract costing at least 50% of ABC within a period of 10 years, and (e) Net Financial Contracting Capacity at least equal to ABC, or credit line commitment at least equal to 10% of ABC. The BAC will use non-discretionary pass/fail criteria in the eligibility check and preliminary examination of bids. Registered suppliers/bidders, however, shall submit Suppliers Registration Certificate to the BAC, Secretariat, DPWH, Sorsogon 1st District Engineering Office, Guinlajon, Sorsogon City, The significant times and deadlines of procurement activities are shown below: 1. 2. 3. 4. Issuance of Bidding Documents Pre-Bid Conference Receipts of Bids Opening of Bids Aug. 31, 2012 Sep. 14, 2012 until 12:00 noon September 7, 2012 @10:00 A.M Deadline: September 19, 2012 @ 10:00 A.M. September 19, 2012 @ 10:05 A.M.

: 12GL0015 : CONSTRUCTION OF BINALBAGAN SLOPE PROTECTION ALONG BACOLOD SOUTH ROAD, NEGROS OCCIDENTAL Contract Location : BINALBAGAN, NEGROS OCCIDENTAL Scope of Works : Construction of 132.00 ln.m. Revetment Wall Cost of Bid Document : P 10,000.00 (Ten Thousand Pesos only) Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC) : P 19,400,000.00 Contract Duration : One Hundred Twenty (120) Calendar Days

: 12KK0059 : Preventive Maintenance of BCIR at Panabol-Buko, Kinoguitan (Km 1359+100-Km 1360+164.23) : Misamis Oriental : Asphalt Overlay of Along BCIR -1,064.23 Ln.m with 4,256.92 Ln.m Pavement Markings and Concrete Reblocking-7 Blocks : FY 2013 DPWH INFRASTRUCTURE PROGRAM : : : : Php 25,411,400.00 89 calendar days Php 20,000.00 (Free) D.O. No. 52 S. 2011

The BAC will be conducting through open competitive bidding procedures in accordance with R.A. 9184 and its Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations. To bid for this contract, a contractor must submit a Letter of Intent (LOI)/ Expression of Interest(NR003) upon presentation of their Contractors Registration Certificate(CRC) in person or thru their authorized representative as reflected in their CRC with their valid IDs and must meet the following major criteria: (a) prior registration with DPWH, (b) Filipino citizen or 75% Filipinoowned partnership, corporation, cooperative, or joint venture with PCAB license applicable to the type and cost of this contract, (c) completion of a similar contract costing at least 50% of ABC within a period of 10 years, and (d) Net Financial Contracting Capacity at least equal to ABC, or credit line commitment for at least 10% of ABC. The BAC will use non-discretionary pass/fail criteria in the eligibility check and preliminary examination of bids. Unregistered contractors, however, shall submit their applications for registration to the DPWH-POCW Central Office, 5th Floor, DPWH Building, Bonifacio Drive, Port Area, Manila before the deadline for the receipt of LOI. The DPWH-POCW Central Office will only process contractors applications for registration, with complete requirements, and issue the Contractors Certificate of Registration (CRC). Registration Forms may be downloaded at the DPWH website The significant times and deadlines of procurement activities are shown below: 1. Receipt of LOI from Prospective Bidders 2. Issuance of Bidding Documents 3. Pre-bid Conference 4. Receipt of Bids 5. Opening of Bids August 31-September 17, 2012 until 2:00 P.M. From August 31-September 26, 2012 until 10:00 A.M. September 14, 2012 at 10:00 A.M. September 26, 2012 until 2:00 P.M. September 26, 2012 until 2:15 P.M.

The BAC will conduct the procurement process in accordance with the Revised IRR of R.A. 9184. Bids received in excess of the ABC shall be automatically rejected at the opening of bid. To bid for these contracts, a contractor must submit a Letter of Intent (LOI), purchase bid documents and must meet the following major criteria: (a) prior registration with the DPWH, (b) Filipino Citizen or 75% Filipino- owned partnership, corporation, cooperative, or joint venture, (c) with PCAB license applicable to the type and cost of these contracts, (d) completion of a similar contract costing at least 50% of ABC within a period of 10 years, and (e) Net Financial Contracting Capacity at least equal to ABC, or credit line commitment at least equal to 10% of ABC. The BAC will use non-discretionary pass/ fail criteria in the eligibility check and preliminary examination of bids. Unregistered contractors, however, shall submit their applications for registration to the DPWH-POCW Central Office before the deadline for the receipt of LOI. The DPWH-POCW Central Office will only process contractors applications for registration with complete requirements and issue the Contractors Certificate of Registration (CRC). Registration Forms may be downloaded at the DPWH website The significant times and deadlines of procurement activities are shown below:

SUMMARY OF MATERIALS FOR CONST./REPAIR/REHAB. OF VARIOUS SCHOOL BUILDINGS (Donsol, Pilar, Casiguran, Magallanes, Castilla & Sorsogon City) MATERIALS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Corrugated G.I Sheets 12' Corrugated G.I. Sheets 10' Corrugated G.I. Sheets 9' Corrugated G.I. Sheets 8' Umbrella Nails Roof Paint Vulca Seal Portland Cement Red Lead Primer 16mm x 6.0m RSB 12MM x 6.0m RSB 10mm x 6.0m RSB 1/4" Marine Plywood C.W. Nails Common Nails Fabricated Ridge Roll Latex Paint Roof Sealant TOTAL QUANTITY 564 3,792 262 3,918 1,237.50 632 129 5,175 32 176 680 590 4,069 696 10 163 136 77 UNIT pcs pcs pcs pcs kls gals ltrs. bags gals pcs pcs pcs pcs kls kls pcs gals ltrs.

Activities Issuance of Bid Documents Pre-bid Conference Deadline for the Submission of LOI Receipt of Bids Opening of Bids

Schedule From August 28 to September 17, 2012, 10:00 A.M. September 5, 2012, 10:00 A.M. September 12, 2012, 3:00 P.M. Deadline: 10:00 A.M., September 17, 2012 September 17, 2012, 10:00 A.M

The BAC will only receive Contractors LOI/Expression of Interest (NR-003) and issue Bidding Documents upon presentation of the original copies of their PCAB License and Contractors Registration Certificate (CRC) in person or thru their authorized representative as reflected in their CRC; Special Power of Attorney will not be accepted. The BAC will issue hard copies of bidding documents (BDs) at BAC Secretariat, 3rd Floor DPWH Building, Purok 5, Brgy. 26, Gingoog City, upon payment of a non-refundable fee of the amount stated above. Prospective bidders may also download the BDs from the DPWH website, if applicable. Prospective bidders that will download the BDs from the DPWH website shall pay the said fees on or before the submission of their Bid Documents. The Pre-bid Conference shall be open only to interested parties who have purchased the BDs. Bids must be accompanied by a bid security, in the amount and acceptable form, as stated in Section 27.2 of the Revised IRR. Prospective bidders shall submit their duly accomplished forms as specified in the BDs in two (2) separate sealed bid envelopes to the BAC Chairman. The first envelope shall contain the technical component of the bid, which shall include a copy of the CRC. The second envelope shall contain the financial component of the bid. Contract will be awarded to the Lowest Calculated Responsive Bid as determined in the bid evaluation and post-qualification. The Department of Public Works and Highways- Misamis Oriental First District Engineering Office reserves the right to accept or reject any bid, to annul the bidding process at any time prior contract award, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected bidder/s. Approved: (Sgd.) PEDRO M. MERCADO OIC Asst. District Engineer BAC Chairman Noted: (Sgd.) OMAR P. DIRON OIC- District Engineer
(MST-Aug. 31, 2012)

The BAC will issue hard copies of Bidding Documents (BDs) at BAC Office, DPWH, Negros Occidental 2nd District Engineering Office, Binalbagan, Negros Occidental, upon payment of a non-refundable fee of Bid Documents per project. Prospective bidders may also download the BDs from the DPWH website and shall pay the said fees on or before the submission of their bid documents. Bids must be accompanied by a bid security, in the amount and acceptance form, as stated in Section 27.2 of the Revised IRR. Prospective bidders shall submit their duly accomplished forms as specified in the BDs in two (2) separate sealed bid envelopes to the BAC Chairman. The first envelope shall contain the technical component of the bid, which shall include the eligibility requirements. The second envelope shall contain the financial component of the bid. Contract will be awarded to the Lowest Calculated Responsive Bid as determined in the bid evaluation and the postqualification. The DPWH, 2nd Neg. Occ. Engineering District, Binalbagan, Negros Occidental reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bid and to annul the bidding process any time before Contract Award, without incurring liability to the affected bidders. Approved by: (Sgd.) MARJORIE G. DIO Engineer - III BAC Chairman Noted: (Sgd.) RANDOLFO A. MELOSANTOS OIC - District Engineer
(MST-Aug. 31, 2012)

The BAC will issue hard copies of Bidding Documents (BDs) at the Office of the BAC Secretariat, DPWH Sorsogon 1st District Engineering Office, Guinlajon, Sorsogon City upon payment of non-refundable fee of Php10,000.00. Prospective bidders may also download the BDs from the DPWH website, if available. Prospective bidders that will download the BDs from the DPWH website shall pay the said fees on or before the submission of their bids Documents. The Pre-Bid Conference shall be open only to interested parties who have purchased the BDs. Bids must accompanied by a bid security, in the amount and acceptable form, as stated in Section 27.2 of the Revised IRR. Prospective bidder shall submit their duly accomplished forms as specified in the BDs in two (2) separate sealed bid envelopes to the BAC Chairman. The first envelope shall contain the technical component of the bid, which shall include a copy of the CRC. The second envelope shall contain the financial component of the bid. Contract will be awarded to the Lowest Calculated Responsive Bid as determined in the bid evaluation and the post-qualification. The DPWH, Sorsogon 1st District Engineering Office, Guinlajon, Sorsogon City reserves the right to accept or reject any bid, to annul the bidding process at any time prior contract award, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected bidder/s. APPROVED BY: (Sgd.) ARTURO N. LEE OIC-Asst. District Engineer (BAC Chairman)

(MST-Aug. 31, 2012)



Manila Standard TODAY

FRIDAY AUGUST 31, 2012 Isah V. Red, Editor

retention offers so I am stuck with my old phone for years to come. After all, postpaid subscribers are not in the habit of changing numbers so easily. So most likely, were bound to get inferior loyalty incentives and retention packages if any. In this war of the telcos, the rst casualties of Smarts switching campaign, in its attempt to win over Globe, are its loyal postpaid subscribers. Now its time to switch!

HE has always been compared to his twin brother, Felix, and most of the time the consensus was he pales in comparison.
the young Roco has the gift of acting from his father, Rafael Bembol Roco, Jr.

underrated no more

Not anymore, after his riveting performance in the indie movie Ang Nawawala. Dominic is one of GMA Artist Centers prized actors and he is very grateful that he has been nally given the break that he had been waiting for. In the Cinemalaya entry Ang Nawawala, he plays the lead role, and his performance earned from critics and the audience. Ang Nawawala is a story of a teenager, Gibson Bonifacio, who, after a traumatic experience, has not been able to speak. The movie with a lot indie music in the background, discusses two important topics falling in love and resurrecting back to life. Dominic says he can actually relate to his character, Gibson, since between the twin brothers, he really is the silent type. At rst, he thought that it would be easy, but the pilot taping day proved him wrong. For Dominic, this is a very challenging role. Ang hirap pala ng hindi nagsasalita! Dominic says. Unable to speak, his character has to express his thoughts and emotion in a nonverbal manner. Apart from playing the lead role, theres another pressure on Dominic, besides being with seasoned players like Dawn Zulueta and Buboy Garovillo, Felix is also in the movie. Dominics non-speaking role was perceived to be a creditable performance, and the audience are convinced

Overwhelmed by One True Loves success

Louise Delos Reyes was at a loss for words when asked how she felt about One True Love, since it is now the most talked about series on GMA-7. She merely smiles as if shes in Cloud 9. The series pits against Alden Richards and the two have been known so far as a love team. I am very happy and grateful na successful ang rst lead primetime soap namin ni Alden. I never expected that it would be this big, says the 18-year old talent known for her title role in Alakdana and her portrayal of Grace Lucban in My Beloved which somehow ensured that her team-up with Alden was no doubt bound for a starring-role project like One True Love. As Elize, Louise is making waves sharing screen time with Tisoy (Alden). Their love team tickles and caresses the heart and thrills the fans. The drama series highlights the power love as antidote to hatred and other bad things in life. As Tisoy and Elizes love story continues, viewers are expecting much more from them. Will Elize be cured from her still vague illness? Will Tisoy nish his studies and keep up with Elizes familys expectations? Will both of them know who their real family is? Will they nally have their One True Love? Ably supporting Louise and Alden are Raymond Bagatsing, Agot Isidro and Jean Garcia. I made some research po on characterization and visu-

are talking about
Gloc-9 Or Aristotle Pollisco in real life, has won every music award he was nominated for. He writes simple yet relevant rap songs that chiey tackle social injustices, poverty and patriotism. No wonder his latest single Sirena, a rather gay-themed ditty, is receiving generally positive reviews both from critics and music acionados. Even Gloc-9 is surprised. Zsa Zsa Padilla Good news! Zsa Zsas surgery to remove a tumor in her kidney was successful. Everyone is hoping that the cancer cells have all been removed. The singer-actor accepted the medical prognosis about her with calm, yet with hope that it wasnt as bad as she imagined. Jennylyn Mercado Who says you cant have the best of both worlds? Jennylyn is a living testament of a single mother who has a happy love life and a successful career at the same time. She dates Luis Manzano and is very visible on TV.

In Ang Nawawala, trauma rendered Gibson Bonifacio (played by Dominic Roco) unable to speak

alized how I will act as Elize, Louise reveals. While fame is certainly a thing to deal with for Louise, especially that now fans seeing her at public places call her either Elize or Alakdana, she still tries her best to live a normal life which she feels is necessary to keep herself from the spoils of being a public gure. Kumakain pa din ako sa mga fast food chain kasi nasanay na ako sa ganung buhay. She adds, Pag wala ako sa taping naka-off na din ang pagiging artista mode ko. She has only good words to say for her screen partner whom he values as a true professional. Sanay na ako having scenes with Alden kasi magkaibigan kami talaga. Ever wonder how much millions of pesos are being thrown by Smart Communications these days on radio, TV, in print and even social media just to harp on the alleged network problems of its main competitor? To me, that sounds like a desperate move from a supposed market leader feeling the market share loss from a smaller, challenger brand. And what about dropped calls, delayed text messages and slow Internet? Does Smart Communications really believe that its own subscribers have never experienced the same network issues they are harping about? Take a look at the blogs and tweeter feeds and youll know this isnt the case at all. In fact, the rivalry between the two telcos is beginning to look like Goliath bullying David, has grown so intense, even analysts are saying, the gloves

are off. What with declining incomes on both sides? News from the ground is that Smart Communications has launched a switching campaign to entice Globe subscribers to change their numbers to Smart. Like a guy wooing a girl, its always about placing the best foot forward and hiding the aws; owery words and sweet nothings to win the object of ones affections.

are not talking about

Charice Until now, we dont understand why ABS-CBN chose the singer to be alongside Pilita Corrales, Gary V and Martin Nievera in X-Factor as a judge. Every weekend viewers are annoyed by her inability to make sound and quick judgments. She even causes delay in the program. And who says people like her fake blond locks? Only her die-hard fans like her Bride of Chucky do. Chris Cayzer Where is he now? Chris is last spotted in X Factor Australia where he got the approval of singers Ronan Keating, Mel B and Natalie Bassingthwaighte earning him a ticket through the next round. One judge was not blown away by his singing talent though, well thats exactly our sentiment on his six-year-old showbiz career in the Philippines. Just One Summer Supported by massive publicity, the romantic movie top-billed by Elmo Magalona and Julie Anne San Jose was geared to be a blockbuster lm until it premiered on Aug 15. A day after its shown in 100 screens most cinemas decided to pull out the movie. Apparently, movie houses listened to the few moviegoers who were disappointed that they didnt get their moneys worth.

Telefeud 4

One True Loves Louise delos Reyes

The proposition is simple enough: show proof of an existing postpaid account with Globe, apply for a Smart postpaid plan and get 25 percent discount from the monthly service fee (MSF) for one year. Theres even a promise that you get to keep the last six digits of your current mobile number at no added cost. So if you are a Globe postpaid subscriber, and you apply for a Samsung Galaxy Note at Unlimited Data Plan 2000, you will pay only P1,500 MSF for the rst 12 months of your twoyear contract with Smart. Lets think about this for a

minute: If Smart is giving a 25 percent discount on MSFs for a year, thats essentially subsidizing fees a subscriber would have paid. Doing some basic computation, if Smart can potentially woo 10 percent of the 1.6 million Globe Postpaid subscribers, they get 160,000 new Smart postpaid customers. Assuming a P500 subsidy per subscriber, thats about P80 million additional subsidy a month, or close to a billion (P960 million) additional expense per year. And thats just on the 25 percent waiver! Now since I am an existing Smart postpaid subscriber who didnt know any better but to suffer the agony of their inept customer service and inexible offers for 12 years, does this much ballyhooed offer to new customers make me happy? No way! Id say to the 642,000 Smart postpaid subscribers like myself to ditch this network and enough with this hypocrisy. What the hell makes them think that being a Globe subscriber-switcher should entitle them to a whopping 25 percent off the monthly service fee that I have been paying in full all these years? Maybe thats the reason why they are throwing away good money in ads and bloggers and whatnot because that is the truthGlobe subscribers are better off with their current network! And mind you, like any business that needs to turn in a decent prot, Smart wont be shelling out this money out of the goodness of their hearts. Somethings got to give and the most likely casualty would be me and all other Smart postpaid subscribers who didnt know any better. No more loyalty and

College students all over the Philippines still have a chance to be one of the up-and-coming vocal talents to perform at The Peninsula Manilas glamorous 1930s Art Deco-inspired lounge Salon de Ning and receive up to P100,000 in cash, among other exciting prizes, by joining Sing@Ning: Search for the Ultimate Voice, the hotels rst-ever vocal competition. Interested individuals may still submit entries until 6 p.m. today. To join, prepare and upload two video clips into your personal YouTube channel. The rst video clip (maximum of two minutes) is the Personal Introduction Video, where aspirants will introduce themselves, stating their full name, age, and school, and their answer to the question: Why are you the Sing@Ning Ultimate Voice? Indicate the title of the song selected for the online audition, and the reason for selecting the song. The second video or the Online Singing Audition (also a maximum of two minutes) contestants perform their song, an original Filipino song from any music genre (except rap, grunge, or heavy metal), sung in a cappella or with background music. Finally, complete the entry form at, Grand Winner will be selected on the Grand Finale Performance on Nov. 6. Open to individuals aged 18 to 25 who are currently enrolled at any university or school, or are on ofcial leave of absence (LOA), and have never been signed with any record label or music contract. For more information, contact the Public Relations ofce of the Peninsula Manila at 8872888 or 810-3456.

Last call for entries for Sing@Ning

There are more than a thousand reasons why we should be proud to be Filipinos. The incomparable beauty and bounty of 7,107 islands of the Philippines appeal to tourists who are in search of white sands, blue waters and tantalizing atmosphere. Filipinos always stand out in different elds; be it in arts, science, technology, music, theater and sports. In Life and Style with Ricky Reyes on GMA NewsTV on Saturday, 10 a.m., Ricky interviews two personalities who earned acclaim in acting. Eugene Domingo will share her experience in performing in the adaptation of Bona on stage. The play was adapted from the lm of the same title with Nora Aunor and Phillip Salvador playing the lead characters. It is produced by PETA and runs until Sept. 22. Also Ricky talks to Joseph Bitangcol who plays a young Jose Rizal in an Indie movie titled Bayaning Pepe. Local products are now termed global and contribute positive results to the countrys economy.

Eugene Domingo in Life and Style


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