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The Physics of Musical Instruments

In this project, we will explore the physics of music by describing, designing, and creating an instrument. Here are some examples of instruments you could make, but you can also choose to build your own type of instruments just run your ideas by me so we can make sure it is feasible. wind chimes boomwhackers xylophone pan flute or maybe you have an idea for an instrument that is completely your own creation and does not exist yet

Project Guidelines
You must make your own instrument from ordinary household or home improvement store objects. You are responsible for gathering all necessary materials. If you have questions or need extra help, see the teacher before the due date. You may work in teams of two. Plan on one double period for research / writing the paper and one period for construction of instrument. All other work should be scheduled outside of class time. All papers and photographs must be turned in on Schoology (not email) by due dates.

Project Steps
1. Initial paper describing your instrument (10 points) The paper must include the following labeled sections: a. Purpose: In a few sentences, describe what you are trying to design and build. The statement should be a purpose statement (procedural steps should not be discussed). b. Description of the Instrument: The different parts of the instrument should be described in detail and their purpose. You may want to reference the hand sketch in part d. c. Theoretical Background: Describe how the instrument works. How does it produce the various frequencies? How are those frequencies calculated? d. Hand Drawn Sketch: This should show a typical instrument with parts labeled. e. References: Use MLA Style for your citation. You must include at least three references (no more than 2 from the free internet). There is no required length just make sure you include all necessary components and fully explain yourself. 2. Blueprint of your specific instrument (10 points) a. Must be neatly and accurately drawn in pencil on graph paper. b. Dimensions should be given. c. Parts must be labeled. d. Include a materials list and where the parts will come from.

3. Build a working instrument (10 points) a. Choose a song you would like your instrument to play. b. Find the corresponding frequencies that go with the song you have chosen. c. Build your instrument to be able to play the song specified. You will need to calculate what lengths, sizes, perhaps materials are necessary to produce the desired frequencies/notes. d. Plan on one double period for research / writing the paper and one period for construction of instrument. All other work should be scheduled outside of class time. 4. Final paper explaining physics of instrument (10 points) All requirements remain the same for your paper but this is your opportunity to add information and ideas as you learn more. Also, a project like this tends to evolve a bit and that is ok. You are allowed to adjust and adapt as necessary but this should be reflected in your Final Paper. The paper must include the following labeled sections (the first 5 remain the same, the last two are new): a. Purpose: In a few sentences, describe what you are trying to design and build. The statement should be a purpose statement (procedural steps should not be discussed). b. Description of the Instrument: The different parts of the instrument should be described in detail and their purpose. You may want to reference the hand sketch in part d. c. Theoretical Background: Describe how the instrument works. How does it produce the various frequencies? How are those frequencies calculated? d. Hand drawn sketch: This should show a typical instrument with parts labeled. e. References: Use MLA Style for your citation. You must include at least three references. f. Data Section: Describe the details of your instrument. For example: How did you calculate the needed frequencies? How did you tune your instrument? g. Discussion of Results: Describe the instrument you have designed and constructed. Describe your instrument and why it looks the way it does. Describe in detail any problems or difficulties you may have had. If you were to make another instrument, what would you improve? 5. Present your instrument and play a song (10 points) This will be a five-minute presentation of your instrument to the class. a. Explain how your instrument works (what is the physics behind it?). b. Explain any changes you would make if you made another instrument or if you could improve the one you did make. c. Play your song (you might want to practice this before you actually present).

Due Dates
Initial paper Blueprint Build instrument Final paper Presentations ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________

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