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*Nialls POV* I wake up to the sun streaming into my room and I groan- its way too early to be up and

the fact that I wouldnt get to see Courtney today makes it so I dont want to get out of bed. After an hour of lying there I sigh and pull the covers off. Ill call Courtney. I mumble to myself as I walk to the kitchen. As I sit down at the table I take out my phone and dial Courtneys number no answer. Huh, she usually always has her phone on her. I take out a bowl and pour myself some cereal, letting my mind wander. Of course, it wanders to Courtney, that night a week ago which will always be in my mind until the day I die. I feel myself getting worked up and turn my thoughts towards something else: the album, the boys, anything that will make this tingling in my stomach disappear. After I eat I get into the shower (I couldnt resist guys.) and let the hot water run down my back. I feel myself imagining Courtney in here with me; her hands sliding down my back instead of the water, her lips on mine, our bodies pressed close together. I snap out of my trance when I hear my phone ring, I turn off the shower and quickly put a towel around my waist- running the get the phone before I miss the call. I see that its Harry; Niall: Hey Harry, whats up? Harry: Hey man. Have you heard from the girls lately? Sierra hasnt called me in over a day. Niall: No I havent, but thats ok right? Theyre probably just out. Harry: Ok youre right. Im going to go, see you at the studio. Niall: Bye mate. *Sierras POV* I wake up with a start: why am I? I try to look around the room but its pitch black, my hands are tied behind my back. Memories of the hallway in the mall and being taken into a van flash back to me, causing my breathe to hitch. Courtney? I whisper into the darkness. I hear someone shift and after several seconds I feel someone next to me: Sierra. Are you ok? Courtney asks me. Yeah Im fine. Where are we Courtney? Im scared. I whisper as tears start to fill my eyes. I know I am too. Someone will come for us I know it. Harry and Niall will notice were gone. She says sternly, probably trying to convince herself as much as me. After what seemed like five hours the door opens and light floods the room, I squint against the sudden light and see a huge guy standing in the doorway. Hello girls. He says in a low voice. Niehter of us say anything, we just stare at this man who kidnapped us. Not very talkitve are we? Well Ill make this easy- you two are dating Niall Horan and Harry Styles correct? If we dont get one million dollars by midnight tomorrow well kill you, got it? I nod, scooting closer to Courtney. Why are you doing this? Courtney asks the guy.

We need money, and since your two boyfriends have a pretty good amount of it, we kidnap you and send a ransom note. Its quite simple really, they send the money, and we let you go. If they dont well your luck isnt so good. The guy says. I whimper, fresh tears starting to fall down my cheeks. Theyll send it Sierra, dont worry. Courtney whispers to me, but her eyes show how shes really feeling; scared and nervous. *Harrys POV* Its been two days since Sierras called me and Im starting to get nervous. I walk around my apartment nervously, trying to figure out what to do. Ill call some of her friends! I take out my phone and scroll through the contacts until I reach Lili a number Sierra gave me. Hitting call I sit on the couch and wait for her to answer. Lili: Hello? Harry: Lili, hey. This is Harry Harry Styles? Theres a long silence. Lili: Oh, hey Harry. How can I help you? Harry: I was just wondering if youve heard from Sierra in the last couple of days? Lili: Well she called me three days ago but other than that no I havent. Why? Harry: Oh I just havent heard from her, Im getting nervous. Lili: Dont worry Harry, she probably just lost her phone, that happens a lot. Harry: ok, thanks Lili. Ill see you around sometime. You and Vicki are coming to visit soon right? Lili: Yeah! Next week actually. Ok, I have to go. Have fun with Sierra.. haha. Harry: Bye babe. I sigh, so Lili hasnt heard from Sierra either. I guess Ill try Vicki now. I call her and she answers on the third ring. Vicki: Hello? Harry: Hey Vicki, this is Harry. Vicki: Oh right, Sierras man. Whats up? Harry: I was wondering is youve heard from Sierra or Courtney lately. Vicki: Uh, no, not since Sierra called me to tell me about- yeah no, havent heard from them. Harry: Ok, thanks anyways. See you next week then. Vicki: Bye Harry. Where is she?! *Nialls POV* I hear a knock at the door but when I answer it, no ones there.

I sigh, this happens a lot- probably another fan coming to see me but then chickening out at the last minute. When I turn around I see an envelope on the ground. I bend down to pick it up and unfold it, seeing the words: Bring one million dollars to 2557 346th PL by midnight tonight or they die. I see theres a DVD in the envelope also so I walk inside and put it in. Immediately I see Courtney and Sierra sitting on the floor of a dark room- both seem to be crying. Tell your little boyfriends what to do. A harsh voice says. My heart hammers against my chest and panic rises in me. Niall. Harry. Please, you have to take the money to the address or well die. Courtney chokes out. Sierra nods her head: Please just do what they say. Were scared. She says in a quiet tone. The camera moves and focuses on a big man: So, if you dont want these two lovely girls to die, bring us the money. The screen goes black. I scramble off the couch and run out the door to Harrys apartment and barge right in. I see Harry on the couch- not moving at all. I see the DVD playing on the tv and move to turn it off. Harry. We have to go. Come on, lets go to the bank. I say. He still doesnt move. HARRY! Lets go! I pull him to his feet and tow him to his car, put him in the passenger side and slide over the hood of the car. Pulling out of the driveway I drive quickly to the bank where we withdraw a million dollars. Shouldnt we call the police? We could go but then the police could catch them. Harry suggests. Why hadnt I thought of that?! Yeah, you go call them while I get this money ok? After ten minutes we walk out of the bank and make our way to the address- the police on their way. When we reach the place were supposed to meet the kidnappers my heart starts beating faster with anticipation. Come on. I say to harry. Looking around, I see several police cars hidden from view near by. We walk to the side of the street and a car door opens up- two guys getting out and making their way towards us. *Courtneys POV* Im dragged out of the car along with Sierra. Immediately I see Niall and Harry standing on the sidewalk, watching our kidnappers make their way over to them. When Niall sees me his face softens; I love you. He mouths to me.

We stop a few feet away from them and the guys holding us speak. Wheres the money? one of them asks. Its in this bag. You give us the girls first though. Harry says. No way. The man holding me says, pulling me back. A phone starts ringing and Niall answers his phone. Yeah. Yeah go ahead. Put your hands up! Youre under arrest for kidnapping. A police man says as he runs towards us, followed by several other police men- all carrying guns. The men holding us let us go and make a run for it. The police take off after them, catching them after a short minute- putting them into the cars. I sigh and hug Sierra, happy tears streaming down my face. Thank God. I say as I pull back. I turn around and see Niall standing next to Harry, looking as f hes going to cry himself. I walk towards him and bury my head in his chest, his arms wrapping themselves around me, enveloping me in a bubble of warmth and safety. I love you Court. I thought Id lost you. Niall whispers into my hair. He pulls back and looks me over, checking for injuries. I smile through my tears. I love you too Niall. So, so much. I bring his mouth to mine and kiss him with everything I have in me. *Harrys POV* As soon as we got back to my apartment Sierra said she needed to get into the shower. 20 minutes later Im sitting on the couch texting my mom when I hear footsteps coming down the hall. When Sierra appears in the doorway wearing a hot pink robe my heart hurts from how much I would have missed her if our plan didnt go right. Hey babe. How are you feeling? I ask her, making my way to her. Im ok. Might have some nightmares. I just called my mom and she practically died when she heard about it, so she and my dad are coming down her next week. She says. I love you Sierra, I hope you know that. I whisper. She moves into my arms and kisses my cheek lightly; I do know that Harry. And I love you too. She says softly; idly playing with my hair. I bring my lips down upon hers and my heart twists with a million butterflies, I bring her closer to me and hold her tightly. I pull back and pick her up softly, carrying her to my bed where I place her down softly, cover her with a blanket and kiss her forehead- determined not to let her have any nightmares.

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