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Coming Russian Nuclear Sneak Attack on America

December 14, 1985 Henry Gruver I saw a massive military movement coming out of an area up by the Arctic. And I couldn't figure out what this was, what was going on. WHY a military, Navy, and Air Force WHY it would be going out between the United States and Europe up above Finland going out through the Icelandic Gap and heading down between the United States and Europe. And making a curl all the way around the Horn of Africa towards the Persian Gulf. Now that's significant. But all of a sudden I was alarmed because of that, you would have been too. I looked over towards the United States and I saw something I have never seen in my life, I have never even preconceived the thought of it. I had always thought that the United States was WISER and MORE POWERFUL than to allow Russian subs to be parked right almost on our beaches per say. What I mean by that is you could see the submarines down under the water but there were areas that the sand still had drifted on down from the beaches into the depths. And the submarine was sitting there aimed at America. I saw them sprinkled all the way across the East coast. When I saw that, my family at that time lived in Portland, Oregon. I was alarmed of course and I wanted to look over towards Portland to see what was going on. And as I looked across the continent of the United States of this globe I saw the submarines from way up by Washington the top of Washington all the way down around towards San Diego poised in the same way all the way along

our coast on the North from the Pacific side. Than something else caught my Attention. I began to see Radio Towers going up all across the Nation and these Radio towers as they went up (dut dut-dut dut) the dotted lines begin going out as though they were transmitting and than there an alarm went off in me. They're sounding the alarm. We're going to be under attack. The siege has been waged. When all of a sudden I was watching these Radio Dots going out like the transmitting of a warning and instead of the people being warned they sprinkled to the ground like dust. And an alarm went off in me and I cried out in the Heavens and I said "Oh God THEY WON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT HIT THEM !!!" And at that time all of a sudden I looked down on the eastern seaboard at the submarine was drawn to that one right off from New York City and I saw the missile come right out of that submarine and go right up and come right over the City of New York and the entire City disappears. Image: Video grab map of the cities seen annihilated by nuclear strikes. Than I looked down, on down towards Florida, down there I could see another explosion take place. I looked across because of my family being in the Pacific Northwest. I looked across another explosion took place up by Seattle/Bellevue. And than another one down by San Francisco. and another one down towards Los Angeles, and another down towards San Diego. There I stood in shock as I watching these explosions take place and these cities literally disappearing from off the face of the earth. The next instant I was standing back down on the Eagle Tower and I found myself looking down in the Village there was no alarm going off, the cars were going the normal speed, people were walking.

I looked out over the Bay where there were some British ships; warships. And I watched them and studied them for a few seconds, there was no alarm there. And I found myself saying this, "Oh God, if this has not happened. What will be the sign of it and of it's Time?" God spoke to my spirit and these were the words He says December the 14th, 1986 before Glasnost, Perestroika the Berlin Wall was still up the Cold War was still in full around We supposedly were still on alert. The words were spoken to me, "When Russia opens her gates and lets the masses go. The free world will occupy themselves with transporting, housing, and caring for the masses. We'll begin letting their weapons down crying peace and safety. And that's when it will happen" Now the question I submit to you is this: Where are we on that scenario? Where are we in that Prophetic Timetable? Is that Vision being fulfilled before our eyes? Are we seeing it literally take place? The Bear Has Become Enormous and the Bear is in cahoots with the Arab countries 12 to 14 of them and there is high activity in and out of sight. It's January of this year it looked like we were going to build up again and have another Desert Storm didn't it? And I cried out to the LORD because I was getting ready to go to Europe and the LORD said "Tell the people that this is not the real thing this is only a Policing Action. There will be Policing actions but WATCH. Because that it will happen what you said". And I said we will be drawn again to the Middle East in mass. We will be drawn to conflicts like Bosnia and like Taiwan and like North Korea. Conflicts are going to come up to draw us away from Home Base to deplete our Home Defense mechanism. That's the Strategy.

Than Revolution breaks loose inside of our Nation. Why? To throw us into CHAOS AND CONFUSION Because out of CONFUSION AND CHAOS THE COMMUNIST SYSTEM says they gain Strength and Power. And I've shown you that in the mentality of these people. They don't mind Revolution. They don't mind it at all. This is some of the things that we are facing. We're facing very Serious Times.

Report- Russia Moves Nuclear Missiles to Cuba

Cuban missile crisis part two? Paul Joseph Watson Thursday, August 2, 2012 A report out of Pravda quotes President Vladimir Putin as saying that Russia has moved strategic nuclear missiles to Cuba in response to the United States continuing efforts to encircle Russia in Eastern Europe.

The article, written by Lyuba Lulko, explains how Russia is reviving its military operations in Vietnam, Cuba and the Seychelles. In October 2001, President Vladimir Putin announced that the Lourdes radio-electronic center on the island had been shut down as a gift to President George W. Bush on the basis of promises given by Bush that the U.S. missile defense system would never be deployed in Eastern Europe. However, with the missile defense system under the auspices of NATO now reaching interim operational capability in Europe at the end of May, that promise has been shattered. The Russian Federation has fulfilled all terms of the agreement. And even more. I shut down not only the Cuban Lourdes but also Kamran in Vietnam. I shut them down because I gave my word of honor. I, like a man, has kept my word. What have the Americans done? The Americans are not responsible for their own words. It is no secret that in recent years, the U.S. created a buffer zone around Russia, involving in this process not only the countries of Central Europe, but also the Baltic states, Ukraine and the Caucasus. The only response to this could be an asymmetric expansion of the Russian military presence abroad, particularly in Cuba, the report quotes Putin as saying. With the full consent of the Cuban leadership, on May 11 of this year, our country has not only resumed work in the electronic center of Lourdes, but also placed the latest mobile strategic nuclear missiles Oak on the island. They did not want to do it the amicable way, now let them deal with this, added Putin. According to the report, Cuba, which was angered by the original decision to shut down the radio-electronic center, has agreed to allow Russia to locate the missiles on Cuban territory because of its fears over new U.S. military bases in Colombia. Whether the quotes attributed to Putin are accurate or not remains to be seen. They appear nowhere outside of the original Pravda piece.

Once the primary mouthpiece of the Soviet Communist Party, Pravdas influence has now declined rapidly. The online version is managed by former journalists who worked for the original newspaper but other than that the two versions are separate entities. Speculation that Russia was re-building its nuclear infrastructure in preparation for a potential future conflict came with the news that 5,000 new nuclear bomb shelters were being constructed in Moscow to be completed by the end of 2012. Officials justified the move by saying they wanted the entire population of Moscow to be able to reach a nuclear bomb shelter within minutes. China has also built huge underground bomb shelters, outpacing the United States whose bomb shelters from the cold war era still remain as they were at the time or have been decommissioned. The prospect of Russia moving nuclear missiles to Cuba obviously harks back to the 1962 Cuban missile crisis, which marked the closest moment that the world came to World War III and a potential nuclear holocaust. Given the gravity of Putins alleged statements, dont expect to wait too long for Russian authorities to deny the quotes featured in the Pravda report. ********************* Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News.

Russia to revive army bases in three oceans


The Russian government intends to restore the military-technical support of their ships at the former military base in Cam Ranh (Vietnam), Lourdes (Cuba) and the Seychelles. So far, this is

not about plans for a military presence, but rather the restoration of the crew resources. However, a solid contractual basis should be developed for these plans. The intentions were announced on July 27 by the Russian Navy Commander Vice Admiral Viktor Chirkov. "At the international level, the creation of logistics points in Cuba, the Seychelles and Vietnam is being worked out," Chirkov was quoted by the media. The issue was specifically discussed at the meeting with the leaders of all countries. President of Vietnam Truong Tan Sang has recently held talks with Prime Minister Dmitri Medvedev in Moscow and President Putin in Sochi. Cuban leader Raul Castro met with Putin in Moscow earlier this month. A little earlier the President of the Republic of Seychelles, James Michel made an unequivocal statement. "We will give Russia the benefits in Cam Ranh, including the development of military cooperation," the President of Vietnam told the media. Cuba that has an American military base in Guantanamo Bay and is protesting against the deployment of new U.S. bases in Colombia, of course, wants to acquire an ally in Russia to be able to contain the United States. Seychelles in the Indian Ocean has always been in the zone of Soviet influence. In 1981, the Soviet Navy helped the government to prevent the military coup and before the collapse of the USSR the Soviets had a constant presence in the area. In June of 2012, at the opening of an Orthodox church in the capital city of Victoria, James Michel spoke of Russia's role in combating piracy and supported the Russian idea to build a pier in the port of Victoria, designed for the reception of the Navy warships of Russian Federation. Following the statement by Vice-Admiral, Russian Foreign Ministry and Defense Ministry made it clear that they were talking about rest and replenishment of the crews after the campaign in the area and not military bases. It is clear, however, that Russian warships could do both without special arrangements, given the good attitudes of the leaders of these countries toward Russia. It can be assumed that the Russian Admiral unwittingly gave away far-reaching plans of the Russian leadership. That would be great, because from the time of Peter the Great, Russia had a strong fleet and army. In addition, it is worth mentioning Putin's statement at the G20 meeting in June. After the meeting with U.S. President Barack Obama, Putin made a sudden harsh statement to the press. "In 2001 I, as the President of the Russian Federation and the supreme commander, deemed it advantageous to withdraw the radio-electronic center Lourdes from Cuba. In exchange for this, George Bush, the then U.S. president, has assured me that this decision would become the final confirmation that the Cold War was over and both of our states, getting rid of the relics of the Cold War, will start building a new relationship based on cooperation and transparency. In particular, Bush has convinced me that the U.S. missile defense system will never be deployed in Eastern Europe. The Russian Federation has fulfilled all terms of the agreement. And even more. I shut down not only the Cuban Lourdes but also Kamran in Vietnam. I shut them down because I gave my word of honor. I, like a man, has kept my word. What have the Americans done? The Americans are not responsible for their own words. It is no secret that in recent years, the U.S. created a buffer zone around Russia, involving in this process not only the countries of Central Europe, but also

the Baltic states, Ukraine and the Caucasus. The only response to this could be an asymmetric expansion of the Russian military presence abroad, particularly in Cuba. In Cuba, there are convenient bays for our reconnaissance and warships, a network of the so-called "jump airfields." With the full consent of the Cuban leadership, on May 11 of this year, our country has not only resumed work in the electronic center of Lourdes, but also placed the latest mobile strategic nuclear missiles "Oak" on the island. They did not want to do it the amicable way, now let them deal with this," Putin said. It is obvious that Russia will not stop simply at "resting" their sailors in the area. Now back to the statement of Chirkov. Americans have not officially resented it. For example, the Pentagon spokesman George Little said that Russia had the right to enter into military agreements and relationships with other countries, as does the United States, according to France Press Agency. The reason is simple: American analysts believe that Russia now cannot afford to create its own military bases. The Americans talk about Russia's lack of influence, money and the actual fleet. Western media quoted an "independent expert on the defense" in Moscow Paul Fengelgauer. He said that Russia does not have the necessary naval resources to provide constant presence outside its territorial waters, as it has only 30 major warships that serve five fleets. Therefore, the possibility of placing an additional station does not mean the expansion of sea power in Russia. This is largely an objective assessment. But since the crisis in the West in 2008, Russia began to recover part of its navy. The loss was not that great - about a quarter of the Soviet reserve. Another thing is that we should talk about the modernization of the fleet. There is much to maintain. On Thursday, Chirkov said that this year Russia's naval forces can be replenished with another 10-15 warships, including destroyers and nuclear submarines. As for the influence, judging by the words of the Russian President, Russia is also actively growing in this regard, although work in this direction has only begun. As we can see, Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Oceans are involved. This is due not only to geopolitical reasons, but the growing economic presence of Russia in the regions. For example, "Gazprom" is actively working on offshore Vietnam. In the Caribbean, it also participates in the construction of MesoAmerican pipeline and field development in Venezuela. An ammunition plant is under construction in Cuba. However, one should start with a solid contractual basis. Take, for example, agreements on mutual defense that the U.S. has with the Philippines, Japan, Colombia, and Mexico. In the presence of such agreements military bases cannot be challenged as a military expansion. Russia has room to grow - of the 16 operating in the Soviet era military bases today there is only one left - Tartus in Syria, or two, if we consider the base in Sevastopol. Lyuba Lulko Pravda.Ru Read the original in Russian

My Experience With God Last October Concerning The Future Nuclear Attack Against New York City
Alright, this thing that happened to me was really awesome! Last Fall I was hitchhiking to Vegas, and I got a ride there from Laughlin. As we were getting close to the city, yet a ways out in the desert still, the Holy Spirit fell down on me! I could feel Him come upon me and in to me while I was riding towards Railroad Pass, and I was shocked to feel that God was angry this time! The next day I was waiting for the bus at this casino at the edge of Las Vegas, and in the darkness before dawn, while I was praying, I felt the Presence of God! He spoke to My heart, "Terrorists will nuke New York City!" And every time that I would think about that word, I felt the joy of the Lord there! Such a shocking prophetic word, yet so awesome to hear it from God Himself there! 1 Praise the LORD. Sing to the LORD a new song, his praise in the assembly of his faithful people. 2 Let Israel rejoice in their Maker; let the people of Zion be glad in their King. 3 Let them praise his name with dancing and make music to him with timbrel and harp. 4 For the LORD takes delight in his people; he crowns the humble with victory. 5 Let his faithful people rejoice in this honor and sing for joy on their beds. 6 May the praise of God be in their mouths and a double-edged sword in their hands, 7 to inflict vengeance on the nations and punishment on the peoples, 8 to bind their kings with fetters, their nobles with shackles of iron, 9 to carry out the sentence written against them this is the glory of all his faithful people. Praise the LORD. Psalm 149 New International Version (NIV)

If at any time I announce that a nation or kingdom is to be uprooted, torn down and destroyed, 8 and if that nation I warned

repents of its evil, then I will relent and not inflict on it the disaster I had planned. Jeremiah 18:7-8 New International Version (NIV)

Terrorists Will Nuke New York City Collected Intelligence and Serious Prophetic Warnings
Read about the committed and ongoing efforts of terrorist organizations and foreign governments to nuke New York City!!! Can you imagine a world where there will forever be no more Yankees baseball, nor any more big money banking either? No more gruff Brooklyn men saying, You got a problem? or Who you looking at? No more snooty high-class people snubbing you, nor any more crowds of school kids and tourists at Times Square, for the Big Apple will someday be gone forever, suddenly wiped off the map by a huge nuclear bomb explosion!!! FREE Microsoft Word Doc DOWNLOAD!!! Terrorists Will Nuke New York City Collected Intelligence and Serious Prophetic Warnings FREE PDF Download!!! Terrorists Will Nuke New York City Collected Intelligence and Serious Prophetic Warnings FREE Microsoft Word Docx Download

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