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The Lamplighter

PASTORS PIECE Zion United Church of Christ September 2012 Inside This Issue
"Celebrating Work in the United Church of Christ"
In July I wrote an article entitled "Stress!" for the Higginsville Advance. There are many causes of stress, but the root of much stress is work--or the lack of it. Work can also be a source of great joy and fulfillment. And then there is everything in between. In addition to the work that we do in our everyday lives, there is the work of the church, within and beyond the church. We see its important in the call of God at the end of the Book of Matthew: "Then Jesus came to them and said, 'All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.'" Matthew 28:1820. St. Francis of Assissi was known to have said (and I may have shared this before--but it's so good!) "Spread the Gospel at all times. If necessary, use words." Our places of employment, or even our lack of employment, no matter what and where they are, need church, and we can be--we are disciples and apostles within them, and everywhere we go. But how can we minister to others when we may be experiencing injustice and oppression in the workplace or in our lives? How can we share love with others when we ourselves are fighting to survive, to keep our jobs, or looking to find one? What about when we're so exhausted from the hardship of physical labor, that we just fall into bed when we get home? What about time with our families and friends and caring for ourselves? How can we fit everything in and still serve God in and through the Church?

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Pastors Piece Palm of Prayer Worship Ways Community, County & Conference Clamor This Months Events & Youth Yak Butterfly Room & Expression Session

7 Celebration Occasions
Worship Whirl
"Hold the summer Festival of Harvest when you bring in the first fruits of all your work in the fields. "Hold the autumn Festival of Ingathering at the end of the season when you bring in the year's crops. Exodus 23:16 (MSG)

Zion United Church of ChristEstablished 1880 105 N. Mary, Mayview, Missouri 64071-8224 Phone and FAX: (660) 237 - 4355

There are so many dimensions to these questions, and it is always important to continue to ask them. However, within the asking of these and other questions, we must always ask ourselves about the root of God's Call and specifically the root of God's Call to each one of us. What is the root? The root is love. Love must first be received before we can truly love others. We must first learn to love ourselves through Christ, our Source. Doesn't it seem ironic that if we take care of ourselves first, we are better able to help others? How does that work? It is by allowing Christ to work through us that we are able to accomplish for God, and ourselves, things of which we have only dreamed. Don't think small; think big! As we allow the love of Christ to permeate every atom of our lives, as we allow ourselves to be consumed by Divine Love, everything changes. It may not be sudden, it may take time, but unhealthy habits may not be as tempting; dreading going to work or being overwhelmed by a job might lessen considerably; the courage to change jobs might develop; the seemingly fruitless search for a job might take a direction totally unforeseen; the chains of obligation might begin to loosen. Anything is possible through Christ. But what is this celebration of work in the United Church of Christ? Isaiah 58:6b-12 speaks of the work of the Church--the call that has been placed upon God's children "to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke...if you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness, and your night will become like the noonday. The Lord will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sunscorched land and will strengthen your frame..." Reading this entire section may be very enlightening, springs of living water in the midst of this drought. Isn't it ironic that if we rearrange our priorities, God's Work and our own can become a celebration? With God's love and peace, Pastor Kristin
Finding balance in life is not something you do on a balance sheet.

The Lamplighter

Palm of Prayer

LORD, you give light to my lamp. My God brightens the darkness around me. 29 With your help I can attack an army. With God's help I can jump over a wall. Psalm 18:28-29 (NCV)

Please continue to surround in love and prayer, those experiencing health difficulties &/or recovering from surgery & those adjusting to new seasons in their lives: Mary Miller, Leonard Goetz, Darryl Augustine, Leo and Maggie Barresi, Virgil and Verneal Koch, Brian Marry, Gladys Duffett, Hunter Vorwark, Max Tyler, Niece and nephew of Dorothy Begemann, Bill and Darlene Barnes, Rita, friend of Sharon Bertz in Iowa, Ron Wagners uncleLeroy Selle, Darrell Fiegenbaum, Mike Burns, Louis White, Stuart Starke, Christopher Benson

Lois Schmutz, Leanna Berry, Ginny Bertz's daughter Jacque is expecting a 2nd grandchild. Jami Hawthorne wed; Austin and Adele Aardema 31st anniversary, Marvin and Alice Huenefeld 50th anniversary. Our list of concerns this month is great--but the need for healing and peace is even greater. How can we be part of the healing process in the lives of others? Our joys are great and abounding, but sometimes can be covered by all the hardship and loss. Try to see the miracles all around you every day!


I'm joyfully continuing my endeavor to visit all the members and friends of Zion United Church of Christ, according to schedules, time available, and desire. You can help out also by calling me for a time to visit, or if a pastoral care visit or prayer request is in your heart. The best way to reach me is at the parsonage, 660-237-4902, and the next best option is my cell @ 660-6411038 and of course the church @ 660-237-4355. Blessings! Pastor Kristin

Zion UCC Worship Ways

Mission Committee CROP Walk
CROP Hunger Walks are community-wide events sponsored by Church World Service and organized by religious groups, businesses, schools and others to raise funds to end hunger at home and around the world. Helping to feed our hungry friends and neighbors is a continual need. Pledge sheets for the CROP Walk may be obtained by contacting Laura Nolte (660)584-3857 or Norma Mittlehauser (660)237-4303. The pledge sheet(s) and envelope (one per family please) can either be mailed or picked up in person. New this year, we introduce a contest between the young and the young at heart! Fill the Boot and Boot Hunger! Bring your spare change, dollars and coins, to church each week and help fill the adult and youth sized boots! This money will be added to the total CROP funds raised by folks at Zion. Be sure to read material about the CROP Program, you will find them very interesting and enlightening. The CROP Walk will be held Sunday, September 30th, at 3 PM, at Confederate Park in Higginsville. Please bring cookies for refreshments after the walk. See ya there!

The Lamplighter Board of Christian Ed

VBS was GREAT!! Thanks to all those that helped with set up and all of the teachers that volunteered! You made it special for the kids and that means a lot!! There are decorations left from VBS, please see Amy Hoefer if you are interested in them. The last session of our Summer Sunday School and Worship schedule will take place on Sept. 2nd, with the topic of the Olympics. A start time of 8:45 for food and fellowship, followed by activities at 9:15. We return to our regular worship schedule on Sunday, Sept. 9th. Sunday School will begin at 9:30 AM, followed by worship at 10:30 AM. Promotion Sunday is September 9th. A mission offering will be collected for the Emmaus Home on Sunday, Sept. 16th during the Sunday School session. Promotion Sunday will be observed on Sept. 9th. Group Sunday School will take place on the 3rd Sunday of each month, the same Sunday as our Contemporary Worship service. Our first group Sunday School will be Sept. 16th. Youth sponsors for 2012-2013 are Scott and Tresina Alvested and Robert and Amy Hoefer. Our next meeting is Tuesday, Sept. 11th at 7 PM.

Who Knew ?
Fight Hunger. Here's how: $25 can provide 50 baby chicks to a village, providing protein and income. $50 can provide seeds and tools to help 3 families start a garden. $110 can provide emergency food for a family of five for a month. $150 can send six women to literacy classes and empower them for life.

God made us
A little girl was sitting on her grandfather's lap as he read her a bedtime story. From time to time, she would take her eyes off the book and reach up to touch his wrinkled cheek. She was alternately stroking her own cheek, then his again. Finally she spoke up, "Grandpa, did God make you?" "Yes, sweetheart," he answered, "God made me a long time ago." "Oh," she paused, "Grandpa, did God make me too?" "Yes, indeed, honey," he said, "God made you just a little while ago." Feeling their respective faces again, she observed, "God's getting better at it, isn't he?" You don't have to be the greatest to be of great value to the Lord.

Festival of Sharing
We are just about to 27 kits for Festival of Sharing! That's great--but lists are still available if you want to make a kit of your own, or donate money. $2 per kit for shipping must also accompany each kit. Baby Bundles are also growing, and the Missions Team is working hard to put them together. Many thanks to the ongoing work of this group, which includes Juanita Wright, Jeannette Starkebaum, Norma Mittlehauser, and Laura Nolte.

The Lamplighter

Council Clippings
Meeting Highlights
Church Council met Aug. 16. Highlights from the meeting include: How exciting to hear from John Vahrenberg that the trustee's have NOTHING to report. Parrish Life will be hosting the Basement Ribbon Cutting and Dedication on Sept.9. Pastor Kristin will be attending the Persons in Ministry at the Lake of the Ozarks, Sept.17-19. Regular Sunday School and Worship time return Sept. 9 (9:30am/10:30am). Anyone interested in doing Worship service announcement and reading scripture please contact Pastor Kristin or any Council member. Next Council meeting, Sept.13, 7:30pm.

Community, County & Conference Clamor

A Call to Meeting of the Lafayette Area Womens Fellowship
The Lafayette Area Womens Fellowship will have their fall meeting on Thursday, September 27 at Salem United Church of Christ in Higginsville. Registration will begin at 9:00 A.M, with time allowed for fellowship and coffee. The meeting will begin at 9:30 A.M. Lunch will be a pot luck. Program for the day will be presented by our Conference Minister, Rev. Jeff Whitman. Snacks will be provided by Levasy, Grand Pass and Concordia churches. Mayview church will be responsible for the devotion. Emma will be responsible for ushers and a prayer for the offering. The offering will be donated to the House of Hope, a domestic violence shelter and resource center for women and children in Lafayette County. The benediction and meal prayer will be offered by Higginsville. Virginia Droege will introduce the speaker and preside over the meeting. Hope to see everyone at Higginsville on September 27.

Lets Move!
Dear Lets Move Enthusiasts! Two years ago the United Church of Christ joined the national movement to help end childhood obesity and to increase awareness among adults about the chronic diseases associated with weight gain (i.e. diabetes, heart disease, high blood cancer and cancer). The Campaign for Healthy Kids Faith United to End Childhood Obesity will scale-up engagement in the Lets Move initiative by identifying and organizing 1,000 faith leaders from a number of diverse faith congregations. The effort will leverage community faith leaders to convene health councils and implement the five pillars of lets Move!: 1. Creating a healthy start for children, 2. empowering parents and caregivers, 3. providing healthy food in schools, 4. improving access to healthy, affordable foods and, 5. Increasing physical activity. For more information please visit:

An apartment shower and regular meeting will be held on Monday, September 10, 9:45 A.M.. There are currently 47 residents in need of both new and/or gently used items (in working condition). Please bring any items to church ASAP and Pastor Kristin will deliver them. Items needed include: dishes, pots/pans, TWIN bed sheets, and towels, cleaning supplies, kitchen utensils, blankets, small appliances, lamps and furniture. Thank you! Pastor Kristin

Let's Move! Faith and Communities website at Update!

Thank you for joining First Lady Michelle Obama's Let's Move! initiative to raise a healthier generation of kids! Our goal is to support your efforts to make your congregation a place of health and wellness. Seeking an ambassador for Zion!

Monthly Couples Support Group When is a good time for you? Lets talk, share, grow together! Let me know! Pastor Kristin

This Months Events

S.S.9:30 A.M. Worship10:30 A. M.


IT'S A FISH FRY! Bring a dish to go with fish! Salad, dessert, bread/chips... After worship on September 16, we'll enjoy feasting together, with Assoc. Conf. Minister The Reverend Dale Parson, who will help bring us the Message that Sunday.

September 2, 2012 Communion September 5, 2012 Choir resumes, 7 pm September 9, 2012 Regular Worship Times resume SS @ 9:30 and Worship @ 10:30 September 9, 2012 Ribbon Cutting and luncheon September 10, 2012 Steppingstone Auxiliary, 9:45 am September 11, 2012 Missions, 10 am Board of Christian Ed, 7 pm September 12, 2012 Choir, 7 pm September 13, 2012 Church Council, 7:30 pm September 16, 2012 Contemporary Service Fish Fry Potluck September 17, 2012 Parish Life, 7 pm September 17 - 19, 2012 Pastor Kristin at Retreat September 19, 2012 Choir, 7 pm September 25, 2012 SAIL, 7 pm September 28-29, 2012 Middle School Retreat MoVal September 29, 2012 Creative Faith Kirkwood September 30, 2012 Crop Walk, 3 pm

Youth Yak
For Middle Schoolers--Missouri Mid-South Conference UCC Announces: "Can These BONES LIVE?" Do you ever feel like just a pile of bones? It's like getting a really bad case of the Blahs. Well snap out of it! We're going to look at what God did with an entire valley of dry bones. He didn't do it alone and it wasn't a one time thing. God is waiting to help Renew, Reconnect, & Revive us. So pick up your pile of bones and join us! September 28-29, 2012, 7:00pm Friday 8:00pm Saturday, at Camp MoVal in Union, Missouri. Registration details at or 877-344-2267 Western Association Churches.. Boy do we have a deal for you! $50 rebate for each person that registers and attends this event!!

Butterfly Room

The Lamplighter

United in Courage & Grief
As with so many others around the world, we have been struggling to make some sense of the tragic events that occurred on September 11, 2001 at the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and the thwarted mission that landed in Pennsylvania. These events will leave us with images--some moving and inspirational, many disturbing and beyond normal human experiences--that will be indelibly etched into our personal and our national psyche. The wisdom of Eleanor Roosevelt helps me to cope, reminding us that we gain strength, courage and confidence by experiences which cause us to look fear in the face. Even more so, she reminds us that we can take the next thing that comes along. You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, "I have lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along." You must do the thing you think you cannot do. --Eleanor Roosevelt Journey of Hearts A Healing Place in CyberSpace

Expression Session
Thank You Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, This is Mary Miller, the object of your prayers the past couple of weeks. I deeply appreciate and thank you for your prayers during my surgery. The surgery was July 24th. They took out the pancreatic cyst, 2/3 of the pancreas, and the spleen. The Lord has been, and still is, very gracious to me. I am really feeling great and am getting back into my routine, without all the housework - yet. Once they got the initial pain under control, I recovered quickly. I haven't had any pain meds since July 29th. I got out of ICU on the 30th of July and left the hospital August 1st. I stayed at my daughter's in Raytown until the 4th. I got home - home on that Saturday. I am up and around and I have walked to Wal-Mart and back twice. God has wrought a very great healing work and He isn't finished with this yet. Again, thank you for your prayer support. That you wrote your names on that card to send to me demonstrated your commitment. I'm proud of my brothers and sisters in the Lord. May He richly bless each and every one of you and your church. Love in Him, Mary Miller CONSIDERING MEMBERSHIP AT ZION UCC?
Membership is an important part of church, as it helps to reflect the commitment to relationship with God through the community of faith. Please consider what this can mean to you and your family as you grow together through God's Spirit. Being in relationship with each other and with God through Christ is what we are all about. Please speak with Pastor Kristin, and we'll get together a class.

We Remember those Lost

A blue candle of courage...for all of the rescue workers and those who faced fear. A red candle of love...for all of the lives lost too soon. A white candle of peace...for the days still to come... We light candles in memory of the courage and in love for those who have been lost. We also light a candle in hope for a peaceful future. Journey of Hearts: A Healing Place in CyberSpace Then shall thy light break forth as the morning, and thy healing shall spring forth speedily; and thy righteousness shall go before thee; the glory of Jehovah shall be thy reward. Isaiah 58:8 (ASV)


Presented as a gift to families in the Kansas City area, and sponsored by the Missouri Mid-South Conference of the UCC, this is a signature event that offers families a modern-day re-imagining of the Christmas Story. We are seeking corporate, community, church and individual sponsors to underwrite the concerts. I will be calling to ask about sponsorships from your community and congregation. All donations are tax deductible. Best regards, Rev. Stephen King Ivanhoe UCC, Raytown

The Lamplighter

Celebration Occasions
September Birthdays

Office Hours
Tuesday 8:00 AMNoon Wednesday 6:008:00 PM Thursday 8:00 AMNoon Wednesday 5:009:00 PM

Date 1 3 4 9 10 12 14 16 22 23 28 29

Birthday Rev. Herman Hudson Dustin Neher Rob Smith Laura Nolte Sammi Jo Sanders Jason Bayless Rev. Sharon Guffey-Lewis Jane Vahrenberg Shawn Engel Jeff Bayless Will Ogan Alyssa Hoefer Larry Bentsen Martha Smith Ray Begemann Emma Smith Rachel Murry Caleb Russell Diane Wagner


Serving Souls
Sept 2 9 16 23 30 ACOLYTES Leah Wagner Austin Aardema Faigh Seth Bayless Tanner Burns Donovan Aardema Faigh GREETERS Carl & Helen Hoeppner Scott & Amanda Hoeppner Marvin & Alice Huenefeld Kenny & Mildred Jungerman Vernon & Kim Koch

September Anniversaries
4 20 21 27 Roger & Mary Ellen Thomson Brian & Rachel Murry Rhett & Tricia Ehlert Carl & Helen Hoeppner

Administrative Affairs
Pastor Kristin Aardema Faigh Home(660) 237- 4902 Church (660) 237-4355 Cell (660) 641-1038 (660) 237- 4386 (660) 237- 4355 (660) 237 - 4923 (816) 633 - 4133 (660) 237 - 4246

The deadline for submissions for the October newsletter is Friday, Sept. 21, 2012. Send your submissions to: or or Call (660) 237-4923

Wayne Hoefer Council President Angie Lawson Church Secretary Jenny Holt Newsletter Editor Teresa Begemann Organist Connie Sanders Custodian

Oops! We missed the birthday of Lillie Jennings on August 15th. Our apologies!

Zion United Church of Christ 105 North Mary St. Mayview, Missouri 64071-8224 Generous - Loving - Dedicated Christians Sunday School 9:00 am Worship at 10:30 am ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED

The Lamplighter September 2012

Zion UCC Mission Statement

The avowed purpose of our church shall be: To worship God, to proclaim and teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and to celebrate the Sacraments; to experience Christian fellowship, to build unity, and to practice charity within this congregation and the wider church; and to share this witness of Jesus Christ throughout the world.

Worship Whirl
Traditional Worship Contemporary Worship Sunday School Communion Church Council Board of Christian Education SAIL (Serving All in Love) 10:30 AM 10:30 AM 9:30AM 10:30AM 7:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM Sundays Monthly - 3rd Sunday Sundays Monthly 1st Sunday & Special Holidays Monthly Monthly Monthly - 4th Tuesday

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