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Microsoft Intern Interview Questions

1. Implement stack using linked list. 2. Give 5 test cases when it will work and when it wont. 3. How many matches will be played in a knockout tournament between 9 teams (get the general formula for n teams). 4. What are greedy algorithms? Give examples. 5. Given the English dictionary and a string, find all the correct English words possible with the letters of the string. 6. Given an array of strings, print them vertically. E.g. cat, an, cool cac ano

to l 7. What are the parameters required to implement a strcpy function? 8. An array is of size N with integers between 0 and 1024(repetitions allowed). Another array of integers is of size M with no constraints on the numbers. Find which elements of first array are present in the second array. (If you are using extra memory, think of minimizing that still, using bitwise operators),9_KO10,46.htm ft-interview-questions-for-internships/

Microsoft's Internship Questions - 2011 2011-02-21 18:12 1. Given a matrix of dimension m x n and the elements are random enough. Find the element which occurs in all the m rows of the matrix. 2. Test a code which gives you the english format of a number. Eg. For input "546" output "Five hundred and forty six" 3. Delete a node from the doubly linked list 4. Given a matrix and print the spiral form of its values. Eg. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Ans: 1 2 3 6 9 8 7 4 5

5. Two different linked lists join at a particular node. Find the node where they join together and makes a commom list further Eg. node0 -> node1 -> node2 -> node3-> NULL node4 -> node2 -> node3 -> NULL 6. You need to compress a file which has got unwanted whitespaces. If you find any tabs, new lines, carriage returns or more than one space, replace it with a single space(" ") Eg. This is a new car! O/P: This is a new car! 7. Using Stacks implement Queue! 8. Find the nth node in a linked list from the end 9. Few more simple Questions on Construction and Searching BST. 1) You are given a character string . Write the algo to print the character with maximum occurence and print that number of occurence too. Eg: i am an hacker --> output should be 'a' 3 times 2) Give the output of the following code: #include using namespace std; int main() { int a=10,b=2; b=a+++a; cout<<b<<" "<<a"\n"; return 0; } 3) Give the pseudocode for finding the factorial of a given

integer.Make sure that the number should be of atmost two digits. 4) What is Early binding and Late binding. 5) You are given with a tree. Write the algo to make sure that it is a binary tree. 6) You are given with a software application to send an email. write the testcases to check the working of the software. (There was a picture here ..showing the working of email sender application.i cant waste time by drawing it.)

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