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ELA Common Core State Standards Resource Materials Packet

2nd Grade Launching with Small Moments Unit 1 08/23/12 Draft

Writers Workshop Unit of Study 2nd Grade - Launching with Small Moments: Revisiting Process, Procedures and Partnerships, Unit 1 Resources
Resource number refers to the Session in which it is first mentioned. Session and Resource Immersion A - Suggested 2 Grade Small Moments Mentor Text ....................................................................................... 1 Immersion B - Detail Hand Graphic ...................................................................................................................................... 3 Immersion C - Collecting Story Ideas Paper ......................................................................................................................... 4 Session 2A - Strong Feeling Page ......................................................................................................................................... 5 Session 2B - Writing Process Steps ...................................................................................................................................... 6 Session 3 - Rehearsal Ideas Bookmark ................................................................................................................................. 7 Session 4 - Paper Choices ..................................................................................................................................................... 8 Session 11 - Revision Checklist ............................................................................................................................................. 10 Session 14 - Special Leads Paper .......................................................................................................................................... 11 Session 15 - Detail Hand for Students .................................................................................................................................. 12 Session 18 - Special Endings Paper ...................................................................................................................................... 13 Session 23 Launching with Small Moments - Editing Checklist .......................................................................................... 14 Some Possibilities for Purposeful Use of the Share Time ..................................................................................................... 15 Session 25 - Reflection ......................................................................................................................................................... 16

Unit 1 Resource Immersion A

Mentor Texts Launching with Small Moments: Revisiting Process, Procedures & Partnerships
This is a suggested list to consider when collecting possible mentor text. Please review books you have available that also meet the criteria and add to the list. 2nd grade Small Moment text criteria: 1) Small moment, focus on a real life story, 2) Readable with teacher assistance, 3) Students can relate to story (important moments from their lives), 4) Easily identifiable plot line events easy to Identify and list, 5) Details included (), 6) Qualities of good writing evident as effective lead, storytellers voice, internal thinking, heart of message, strong endings, etc., 6) High interest level.
Notes to Teacher
Use slice of story not whole book (fire part) Use to gather ideas Use for heart of message lesson (may use similar book/story) Excellent example of a small moment Small moment story out of print but may have in school library Use for small moment/zoom in lesson (may use similar book/story) Use for lead and ending Many examples of show, not tell May be used for revision of heart of the message Small moment story Pages 6-10 only Used in show, not tell lesson (may use similar book) Small moment story; good examples of action Excellent many teaching possibilities Excellent many teaching possibilities Excellent many teaching possibilities Excellent many teaching possibilities

Literature Trade Book Suggestions Title Author

A Chair For My Mother Before I Was Your Mother Best Story Ever, The *Kitchen Dance *Leaving Morning, The Lets Be Friends Again! Looking Down Moonlight on the River My Fathers Hands My Side of the Car Night at the Fair Nobody Here But Me Oatmeal One Morning in Maine Pigsty *Rain Stomper, The *Roller Coaster *Short Cut Song And Dance Man *Twister Voices in the Park Vera Williams Kathryn Lasky

Eileen Spinelli Maurie J. Manning Angela Johnson Hans Wilhelm Steve Jenkins Deborah Kovacs Joanne Ryder Kate Feiffer Donald Crews Judith Viorst Diana Noonan (Reading Recovery Wright Group) Robert McCloskey Mark Teague Addie Boswell Marla Frazee Donald Crews Karen Ackerman Darleen Bailey Beard Anthony Browne

* = favorites

Student Authored Work Author Topic/Title

Code: SW

Notes to Teacher

Unit 1 Resource Immersion A

Teacher Authored Work Author Topic/Title

Code: TW

Notes to Teacher

Common Core Author


Code: CC

Notes to Teacher

Teachers College ( Author Topic/Title

Samantha Sophie Kathy The Slide The Haircut The Roach

Code: TC Notes to Teacher

Websites Code: WWW (Teachers College)

Unit 1 Resource: Immersion B

Detail Hand

Unit 1 Resource: Immersion C

Collecting Story Ideas

Things I like to do with my pet Things I like to do with my siblings Special time with a special person Going to and from school Observation or favorite place in nature Visit to place Time I learned something new Time I learned a lesson Special time with a friend Small moment doing one of my favorite activities Small moment at school A time when I had strong feelings examples: losing a tooth, getting hurt on playground, etc

Unit 1 Resource: Session 2A

Collecting Story Ideas Through Strong Feelings





Name ________________________________________________ Date ___________________

Unit 1 Resource: Session 2B

Think of a story idea Rehearse


Get started on another story

Story hand Partner

Reread and Revise Edit

Writing Process Steps

Touch pages Sketch/picture plan


Finish/Draft Publish

Unit 1 Resource: Session 3

Rehearsal Ideas Bookmark

Rehearsal Bookmark Oral *Self *Self

Rehearsal Bookmark Oral



*Story Hand

*Story Hand

*Story Across Pages --Touch pages

*Story Across Pages --Touch pages



Story timeline -.---.---.---.---.---.---.-

Story timeline -.---.---.---.---.---.---.-

Biondo, May 2011

Biondo, May 2011

Unit 1 Resource: Session 4 Paper Choices Author _______________________________


Sample Revision Checklist

Symbol Revision Strategies Sketch ? Meaning Heart of the story Lead Setting What can I do to revise? Reread and add more details to my sketch. Reread to see if it makes sense. Reread and add details to the most important part. Reread and try a different beginning or make your lead even better. Reread and add details to describe the setting.

Physical description Reread and add what a person, place, or a thing looks like. Show, not tell Ending Mentor text Dialogue Similes Adjectives and Adverbs Character action Temporal words Verbs Internal thinking Internal feeling Reread and find telling parts and make them showing parts. Reread and try different endings or make your ending even better. Reread a mentor text, pick something the author did and try it. Reread and add details to make a character talk. Reread and add comparisons between two things (using like or as). Reread and add adjectives to nouns and adverbs to verbs. Reread and add character action feet, hands, face. Reread and add time order words. Reread and add precise action words or verbs. Reread and add thinking or feelings.

Special Leads Paper


Unit 1 Resource: Session 14



Challenge: Dialogue, Action and Setting

Unit 1 Resource: Session 16

Unit 1 Resource: Session 18

Special Endings Paper



Unit 1 Resource: Session 23

Name ________________________________________________

Date _________________ # ______

Unit 1: Launching with Small Moment Editing Checklist Title _____________________________________________

I checked that.
I have my name on my paper. I have spacing between my words.
I capitalized the beginning of my sentences.

My partner checked that

I capitalized proper nouns (names of people, places, product names and dates). I used ending punctuation correctly and for meaning. I correctly spelled word wall words and looked in my personal dictionary.

Each lesson has a share component. Modify based on students needs. The following are other share options.

Some Possibilities for Purposeful Use of the Share Time

Name Follow-Up on Mini-Lesson Purpose To reinforce and/or clarify the teaching point Method Share an exemplar model (student or teacher) Share a student who had difficulty and the way in which he/she solved the problem Share the story of a conference from the independent work time Provide another opportunity for active engagement Provide a prompt to initiate student conversation, Turn and tell your partner

Problem Solving Review

To build community and solve a problem To recall previous strategies /prior learning To build repertoire of strategies To contextualize learning Pose a review question to the class: Today we learned one revision strategy. What other revision strategies do you use? These strategies may be listed on a chart.

Looking Ahead to Tomorrow Celebratory

Introduce a new teaching point set-up for the next mini-lesson Celebration of learning Boost student morale Promote membership in the literacy club Share the work of 2-3 students Provide an opportunity for a whole class share: You are all such amazing writers - you wrote so much today! Writers, hold up your open notebooks so that we can see all of the great work you have done.
Source: Teachers College Reading and Writing Project

Unit 1 Resource: Session 25

Reflection for Launching With Small Moments Name _________________________________________Date __________________________ We have now been in school for about a month. We have learned so much about ourselves as writers, about one another, and about writing workshop. What is your favorite thing about writing workshop?

What do you do well in writing?

What is hard for you about writing?

How are you going to be a problem solver instead of a problem keeper of this challenge?

Based on Stephanie Parsons, (2007). Second Grade Writers. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.

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