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Q1. Which of these words is closest in meaning to the word provided? 1.banish a. exile b. hate c. fade d.

2. fraud

a. malcontent b. argument c. imposter d. clown

3. drag

a. sleepy b. crush c. proud d. pul l 4. jovial a. incredulous b. merry c. revolting d. dizzy

5. indifferent

a. neutral b. unkind c. precious d. mean Q2. Which of these words is most nearly the opposite of the word provided?

1.withdraw a. reduce b. need c. advance d. want

2. secret

a. friendly b. covert c. hidden d. overt

3. pit

a. group b. peak c. select d. marry

4. talent

a. ungrateful b. silent c. show d. inability

5. brazen

a. bashful b. boisterous c. noisy d. heated

Q3. Choose the correct word to fill in the blank from the choices listed in a and b. Example 1. I am doing ___b. well___. Answers are at the bottom of the page. a. good 1. I am doing ___________. b. well a. beautiful 2. You play the piano __________. b. beautifully a. milk 3. I would like two glasses of ___________. b. milks a. Her 4. ____________ is coming to the concert. b. She a. play 5. Yesterday, I ___________ for two hours! b. played a. more better 6. This song is ___________ than that song. b. better

a. in 7. I sat ______________ the coffee shop. b. between a. is learning 8. My sister ____________ to play the flute. b. have learned a. are 9. I ____________ sleepy. b. am a. more organized 10. This closet is ___________ than my closet! b. most organized

Q4. Circle the correct form to complete the sentence.

1. The student wanted to finish her homework quick / quickly . 2. Todd walked very sneaky / sneakily down the hallway. 3. The student was in such a hurry that she did bad / badly on the assignment. 4. The girl sang beautiful / beautifully . 5. The classroom was very noisy / noisily . 6. Antonio wound up and threw the football hard / hardly . 7. Whoever made the cake did a wonderful / wonderfully job. 8. She was running down the hallway crazy / crazily . 9. She answered the question wrong / wrongly . 10. The flowers smelled good / well . Q5. Put in a/an or the. 1 This morning I bought .a..newspaper and.................magazine................newspaper is in my bag but I dont know where I put....................................magazine. 2 I saw................accident this crashed into..............tree. ....................driver of ................... car wasnt hurt was badly damaged. 3 There are two cars parked one and..............grey one. one belongs to my neighbours; I dont know who .................owner of..................grey one is. 4 My friends live in................old house in..............small village. There is..............beautiful garden I would like to like that.

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