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REASONS FOR THE BLACK OUT IN THE CITY On 31st July , the northern Grid collapsed and on 1st August , 2012, another wider black out where both the northern grid as well as eastern grid collapsed ,leaving nearly 620 million people without electricity , creating mess in the entire city and bringing the life of the people at halt . A Grid Collapse is the worst that can happen at any transmission utility; if it happens states that drew power from that particular network go without power. India has five regional grid Northern, Eastern, Southern, North Eastern and Southern. All are connected to each other except the Southern Grid. The following were the identified reasons for the same States like Uttar Pradesh, Haryana and Punjab drew more electricity than their allotted share causing Indias worst Outrage. The drought situation in the agricultural areas , due to lack of rainfall led them to switched on the irrigation pumps to sow the summer crop , drew heavy electricity led to black out . Transmission links in the Northern Region were out of Maintenance.


Among the BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China) Nations, India saw the highest growth in the developing markets. Procter and Gamble Cos listed subsidiaries Procter and Gamble Hygiene and Health care Ltd & Gillette India Ltds did well in the June quarter to support the companys 21% of Organic sales. Procter and Gamble Hygiene and Health care Ltd, sells Vicks and Whisper Products in India, and its sales rose by 27.8% to 313crore. The advertising and sales promotion cost and material consumption cost rose 2.5% and 15%, However Royalty and other expenses rose substantially. But due to lower material cost, helped P&G to cover the increase in expenses .Also the Net Operating Profit grew to 44 crore, as compared to last year . As compared to last year, profit declined because of higher depreciation , lower other and tax written back .Hence the reported increase in sales Growth and the 3.8% increase in operating profit , shows a indication that it is doing quite well . Gillette India Ltd overall sales rose 15% and its growth by 20.4% in its saving products in India. Profitability in both the countries has mainly risen due to some relief on the material inflation front. P&G focus on the developing economies like India continues to be strong and seems to contribute towards much of the profits in the company.


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