Employee Reimbursement Policy - 09

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OBJECTIVES To define the eligibility, entitlement and usage guidelines for all employee reimbursements

INDEX 1. Mobile Policy


2. Relocation Policy 3. Medical Reimbursement Policy

58 9 17

4. Domestic Travel Policy

18 24

5. Local Conveyance Policy


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I. OBJECTIVES : To define the eligibility, entitlement and usage guidelines for Mobile Phones. II. APPLICABILITY: This policy is applicable to all employees of Cholamandalam DBS. This policy will be reviewed periodically to determine appropriate inclusions, exclusions or revisions. III. POLICY All covered employees should comply with any organizational requirements, such as providing the necessary bills for processing, responsible usage of the facility and so on. IV. GUIDELINES/PROCEDURES 1. Employees are requested to be on the Corporate User Group (CUG) network from the company authorized service provider to avail maximum benefits. This service provider will be identified by the Administration department and will be communicated to all employees and new joiners from time to time. 2. The Business Head will approve the coverage of this facility to the employees in his department and send the information to Administration and Payables (Finance). The recommendation will be based on business needs. 3. The company will bear the following expenses. i. Actual expenses including rentals depending upon the category applicable as per the entitlement grid. ii. Actual expenses would include Incoming Calls, Outgoing Calls, SMS and roaming charges. 4. The following expenses will be excluded: Personal calls - Expenses incurred towards personal calls both at location and during travel, needs to be clearly demarcated by the employee. The same would be excluded from the reimbursement.

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Value Added Services Services that are offered through the Live Portal of the Service Provider such as downloads, Information Search, Internet Browsing and Live updates would be excluded from the reimbursement. Penal charges for Delayed Payment The penal charges levied for delayed payment would be excluded from the reimbursement. Additional facilities such as ISD, Voice Mail, GPRS etc., would be excluded from the reimbursement. The same would be reimbursed if it is pre-approved by the Business Head. 5. The amount will be reimbursed to the employee upon submission of bills to Payables (Finance) department on a monthly basis. i. Detailed billing from the mobile service provider needs to be submitted for any payment processing. On Failure to do so, the bill would not cleared. V. ENTITLEMENT The maximum allowable amount for reimbursement would be as listed in the following table Entitlement Grid
Table 1- Entitlement Grid Business Business Support Grade Amount Amount MG 1 MG 2 - 3 MG 4 MG 5 MG 6 750 1000 1500 2000 2750 500 750 1250 1500 1750

1. The List of employees who would be eligible for the reimbursement would be recommended by the Business Head. 2. The recommendation would not expand to state the reimbursement limit. The reimbursement limit would not vary for the employees in the same grade. It would be as per the entitlement grid communicated to all employees. Any deviation from the stated limit, would require the approval of the President Asset Finance.
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3. In the event an employee is not on the CUG, however has a role that requires extensive coordination with external vendors, clients or candidates, the reimbursement policy will be applicable. 4. Exceptions in the any other grade/level would be dealt as an exception subject to approvals from the Business Head and Head of Human Resource Development. VI. USAGE OF MOBILE PHONES DURING INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL Mobile phones are to be used for emergency business purposes only. Although it is sometimes possible to make international calls from a mobile phone, these calls can be made only for emergency purposes and shall not exceed three minutes in duration. It is preferred that calls are made from or received on the desk phone provided at accommodation/office. Expenses incurred towards personal calls during travel, needs to be clearly demarcated by the employee. The same would be recovered from the employee.

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I. OBJECTIVES : To provide a means for compensating eligible employees for authorized relocation expenses. This document states the policy, guidelines, and procedures for paying employee relocation expenses. II. APPLICABILITY: This policy is applicable to all employees of Cholamandalam DBS. Each situation will be reviewed on an individual basis, taking into consideration the reasonableness of the proposed request. No request will "automatically" qualify for reimbursement. III. POLICY The policy would be applicable for all relocation that arises due to business exigencies or mutually accepted (both parties: employee and the company) transfers only. Any relocation from the established residence (as per company records) to another in the same location (within the same city or town or equivalent), self initiated, would not fall under the purview of this policy. All covered employees should comply with any organizational requirements, such as providing the necessary bills for processing and responsible usage of the benefits extended. The policy provides for the following entitlements on transfer as outlined in the following sections o Orientation Visit o Mode of Travel o Local Conveyance o Shifting Of Household goods and Personal Property
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o Insurance o Reimbursement Of Education Fees o Advance and Brokerage For House o Shifting Of Car. IV. GUIDELINES/PROCEDURES All relocation agreements and expense payments within the limits specified in this document require advance written authorization by the Designated Human Resource Personnel (Authorized and communicated from time to time, by the Management to approve expenses). All exceptions to the limits and items stated in this document require advance written approval of the Head - HRD. All claims would be processed only when the supporting documents and bills are produced for verification. V. ENTITLEMENT 1. Orientation Visit: On official confirmation of an employees transfer, a look and feel visit may be authorized to orient the employee and spouse to the new location and provide them an opportunity to look for housing. The orientation visit would be restricted to a maximum of five (5) days. This is lieu of, the circumstance, where the employee is not eligible or cannot occupy the company leased accommodation. When authorized, the following expenses as per the limit are reimbursed for the employee only: (a) Travel expenses; as per the Domestic travel policy for the employee and an accompanying spouse. (b) Boarding and lodging expense as per the Domestic travel policy entitlement grid. (c) Local Conveyance Expenses; as per the Domestic travel policy entitlement grid

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2. Mode of Travel: Travel that is undertaken on account of relocation by the employee along with his immediate family would be entitled for reimbursement. The mode of Travel would be as listed in the following table Entitlement Grid. Table 1- Entitlement Grid for Travel
Grade MG 1 to 3 (Self, spouse, dependent children and dependent parents) MG 4 and 5 (Self, spouse, dependent children and dependent parents) MG 6 (Self, spouse, dependent children and dependent parents) Entitled Mode of Travel Rail I class or III tier AC Rail II AC or III AC Rail II AC or III AC Low cost Airlines*

*Subject to approval from the President Asset Finance However, the spouse, dependent children and parents should travel within 12 months of transfer for eligibility of travel expenses mentioned above. This would be limited to a single travel only. If any in the family are eligible for concession, then only the concession rate will be reimbursed. 3. Local Conveyance: Eligibility for staff in MG 1 to 3 will be actual expenses incurred for travel (by auto) for all members of the family. Management Staff from MG 4 to MG 6 will be eligible for actuals by auto /public taxi, for all members of the family. 4. Shifting of Household goods and Personal Property: The cost of packing, loading, transporting, unloading, and unpacking household goods and personal property would be entitled for reimbursement. The entitlement would also include the cost of disconnecting and reinstalling electrical appliances, payable as incidental expenses of a sum not exceeding Rupees Five thousand. Quotations from two to three packing and moving companies should be procured, submitted to the HRD Department for approval and the most reasonable quotation will be accepted. Only on prior approval of the quotation, the management staff will be reimbursed as per the eligibility.

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5. Insurance: The cost of moving protection insurance for the actual reasonable value of household goods and personal property would be entitled for reimbursement. Any additional charges for storage-in-transit at point of origin, extra pick-up and deliveries, entry into pallets, and storage charges must be paid by the employee directly to the moving company. All claims against the moving company for lost or damaged goods should be negotiated directly between the employee and the moving company, or the insurance company. 6. Passenger Vehicles: The cost of transporting a two wheeler will be included in the shifting of personal goods. In addition to the reimbursement of expenses towards shifting of personal and household goods, employees in grades MG 5 and above will be entitled to the actual cost of transport of car by rail. If the employee (grade MG 5 and above) drives, in lieu of shipping automobile, payment will be at the prevailing conveyance charges (as per the Domestic Travel Policy). The family, in such cases, would be assumed to travel with the employee in the car and no alternate claim can be requested. The driver bata, if any will be reimbursed; no other claims will be processed. 7. Rental Advance: The employee would be entitled to avail a loan without interest for the rental Advance that needs to be paid in the new Location, arising due to relocation. The amount would be restricted to 10 months HRA or 10 months rent or actual advance, whichever is lower. Payment of brokerage will be intended to enable the employee to settle down in his new location. One months rent or one month HRA or actual brokerage whichever is lower, will be the amount payable to the employee as brokerage.

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I. OBJECTIVE To reimburse the medical expenses incurred by the employees and their dependents. II. APPLICABILITY 1. The Scheme will apply to all Executive Staff including Trainees who will be considered for absorption in the Executive Staff cadre of Cholamandalam Investment and Finance Company Ltd and their families as defied hereunder and to the extent covered under the scheme. 2. Family, for the purpose of the scheme would mean and include only the following i. Spouse of the Executive Staff ( Domiciliary & Hospitalisation) ii. Own dependent children of the Executive Staff up to the age of 23 years who are unmarried and or unemployed. ( Domiciliary & Hospitalisation) iii. Dependent parents of the Executive Staff. (Only for Domiciliary) 3. The scheme will apply to all Executive Staff who are on the rolls of the Company and to the Executive Staff who join the company. The scheme will apply till they are in the services of the company or retirement. III. MEDICAL BENEFITS The scheme provides the following medical benefits to all eligible Executive staff, namely 1. DOMICILIARY

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Grade MG 1 to 6 Amount Eligibile (Rs. per annum) Rs.15,000/-

1. Executive Staff shall be reimbursed medical expenses incurred towards domiciliary treatments covered under the scheme as detailed in this policy, for self and family subject to the annual domiciliary limits as applicable to their grade and age bracket. The treatment would include Homeopathy, Ayurveda, Unani or any other form of treatment approved by the Management. 2. The medical reimbursement towards domiciliary, as per the eligibility would be reimbursed to the employee based on the claims, with proofs, submitted to the HR, every month. The unutilized amount is paid, after tax deduction to the employee at the end of every financial year. 3. Domiciliary would cover the following expenses :a. Medicines, drugs, injections prescribed by the medical practitioner. Bills may be paid without a supporting prescription provided the doctor furnishes the details of medicines / injections supplied. b. Clinical, pathological and diagnostic tests prescribed by the doctor. In the absence of doctors prescription the receipts from the lab should contain the reference of the doctor. c. Fees of the medical practitioner, consultant and specialist including expense towards medicines directly given by the doctor at cost. d. Cost of medicines purchased without doctors prescription is subject to a maximum of 50 of annual overall domiciliary limit. This would also include Vicks, Iodex, etc.

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e. Cost of spectacles for self and family member should be within overall domiciliary limit. This should be supported by doctors prescription, bills, receipts, etc. Replacement of frame and cost of lenses will be within the overall limit. Such claims should be supported by the earlier original / xerox copy of the prescription of the doctor.

Cost of dental treatment and hearing aids duly supported by doctors prescription and bills / receipts for the same within the overall domiciliary limit.

g. Cost of annual medical checkup for the spouse. h. Purchases of steel belts/rest belts for back and knee caps, collars and crutches as prescribed by the doctor will be reimbursed under Domiciliary/Hospitalization as the case may be. Domiciliary reimbursement would exclude the following : i. Expenses incurred on Cosmetics and general items like mosquito coils, hair oil, sanitary towels, talcum powder, etc. ii. Expenses incurred on food items like Complan, Horlicks, Drinking chocolate and Protinules, etc, even if prescribed by doctors. iii. Expenses incurred in Vitamins and Tonics unless it is prescribed by the doctor and forms part of the treatment.
iv. Expenses on clinical and pathological tests and routine examinations that are

incurred without doctors recommendations. 3. In cases of illness requiring continuous treatment over a prolonged period exceeding one month, but not longer than six months, Executive Staff will be permitted to submit xerox copies of the prescriptions given by the doctor. In the cases of prolonged treatment, the approximate period of treatment should be indicated in the doctors prescription.

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Maximum amount for Hospitalisation Including Room Tariff for a Family (Rs. Grade MG 1 and 2 MG 3 to 5 MG 6 1. Executive per annum) Rs. 18,000/Rs. 24,000/Rs. 30,000/-

Staff shall be reimbursed medical expenses incurred towards

hospitalization for self, spouse and dependent children only. Hospitalisation would cover hospitalization within the country only. Management reserves the right to limit the amount that could be reimbursed in this regard. However, reimbursement for expenses towards major surgeries will be dealt with by Head HR on a case to case basis.
2. Executive Staff, if required, may be allowed to purchase medical insurance policy

approved by the Management for their dependent parents from and out of their domiciliary limits to meet medical expenses, their parents may have to incur towards hospitalization.
3. Hospitalization expenses would include expenses due to maternity. Pre-natal and

post-natal expenses in case of maternity will be reimbursed under domiciliary benefit limits. 4. Reimbursement towards hospitalization would include pre and post hospitalization expenses (Only two months prior and two months after) room charges, nursing attendants charges, fees of surgeons and anesthetist, operation theatre charges, use of surgical appliances. anesthesia, oxygen, blood transfusion, etc., use of diagnostic materials, medicines, injections and drugs, nursing charges, all types of tests or examinations connected with diagnosis and treatment of illness for which hospitalized, boarding to the patient by the hospital and fees of medical practitioners and specialists.

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5. Hospitalisation would not cover expenses incurred for the following: i. General Medical Check-up ii. Cosmetic or aesthetic treatment of any description iii. Boarding / stay to the attendants 6. Wherever possible the hospital may be advised by the Management to send the bills directly to the insurance company for settlement. VI. ADMINISTRATION 1. All claims for reimbursement towards domiciliary expenses shall be submitted by the Executive Staff in the prescribed format as in Annexure A supported by doctors prescription, bills, receipts, certificates and other relevant documents to the Payrolls concerned. The claim shall be submitted by the 10th of the month succeeding the month in which expenditure was incurred. 2. When an Executive Staff or any one of the eligible members of his / her family is hospitalized he or she shall notify the same to Corporate Personnel within 72 hours of the admission into the hospital giving the name of the patient, hospital, address and telephone number. All claims in connection with hospitalization shall be submitted in the prescribed format in Annexure B within one month from the date of discharge of the patient, to Head HR for approval. 3. Executive Staff availing the benefits under the scheme will furnish the particulars of

their family in the prescribed format in Annexure C at the commencement of

every year i.e. April. They shall also intimate any change/s from time to time. 4. Age for the purpose of the scheme i. refers to age of the Executive Staff as on 1st April every year ii. shall be reckoned based on the date of birth declared by the Executive Staff and Maintained in Personal Records of the company. 5. Year for the purpose of the scheme will mean the financial year. In the event of any change in the grade of the executive staff, the benefit applicable for the domiciliary treatment will be pro-rated.

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GENERAL 1. The Executive Staff alone shall have the sole and exclusive right to make any claim and receive any payment under the scheme. 2. Medical expenses incurred by the Executive Staff during their overseas travel are not covered under the scheme. 3. Any claim both domiciliary or hospitalization will be considered for reimbursement only when they are supported by all documents in original except where it is specifically exempted; it will include doctors prescription, bills, receipts, discharge certificate from the Hospital, etc.


The management reserves the right to withdraw, amend, alter, or modify the scheme at any point of time.


The medical insurance scheme and medical cash benefits extended under the current supplementary terms of service will stand superseded by the scheme and will cease to apply from the day this scheme has come into force.

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Bill Nos. & Date


Sl. No

Dental Treatment/ Hearing Aid

Clinical Pathological Diagnostic Tests

Name of the Patient



With Prescription A

Without Prescrip -tion

Spectacles C

Hearing Aid


Total GRAND TOTAL (A+B+C) = round off to nearest rupee = Rs. No. of Enclosures I CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE CLAIMS ARE TRUE.


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ANNEXURE - B MEDICAL CLAIM FORM : HOSPITALISATION Name : Employee No : Name of the Patient Unit : Grade : Relationship Designation : Date : Amount claimed for hospitalisation

Nature and duration of illness

Name of the doctor : Name of Hospital / Nursing Home : DETAILS OF EXPENSES a) Room charges, board and nursing attendants b) Physicians, Surgeons and /or Anaesthetist fees c) Anaesthesia, Oxygen, Blood, Operation Theatre, Surgical Appliances, etc. d) Clinical, Pathological, Diagnostic tests e) Medical and Drugs Rs. f) Others - specify Total - round off to nearest rupee Enclosure : ( specify) - Discharge Report enclosed - Yes / No I certify that the above claims are true. CLAIMANTS SIGNATURE Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.

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: : : :



I certify that the family particulars given above are in accordance with the Medical Reimbursement Scheme notified by the company.

SIGNATURE OF THE EMPLOYEE Note : 1. Form duly completed to be submitted to the authorized official. 2. Any changes in the above particulars furnished to be communicated to the authorized official.

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I. OBJECTIVE a. To reimburse the travelling expenses incurred by employees on account of Companys work. II. SCOPE AND COVERAGE This policy shall apply to all employees (Grades MG 1 to MG 6) including Management trainees of Cholamandalam DBS. III. AUTHORITY a. The approving authority will be as under: ROLE All Managers Functional Heads All other Employees / Branch Heads All other staff in Branches IV. AUTHORITY Functional Heads Business Head / VP / MD Respective Managers / Regional Managers Respective Branch Heads

TRAVEL ADVANCE AND SETTLEMENT 1. The requisition for travel arrangements, advance and the settlement of travel expenses should be made in the prescribed forms. The forms are available with the Finance department/in the employee portal. 2. The request for advance will be approved by the approving authority. 3. An employee going on tour may obtain cash advance to a maximum limit of one day extra expenses more than the anticipated number of days on tour. The cash advance will not exceed the maximum eligibility of boarding & lodging limits outlined in this policy. The advances may be drawn from the company on the date of travel or the previous working day. 4. The Accounts for advance drawn shall be settled with the Accounts Department along with refund of balance if any, within 7 working days from the completion

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of tour. Any further advance for travel will not be given unless the previous advance has been settled. 5. For all reimbursements of Air Travel, the boarding pass should be attached. 6. For the purpose of claiming I AC/II AC/I Class Rail Fare except in cases where tickets have been booked by the Company, the ticket number or a proof of payment should be submitted. 7. In case where the higher class is claimed, by paying the excess fare in the train, the Railway Receipt for such additional claim should be attached. V. MODE OF TRAVEL The employees on tour shall be allowed modes of travel as given below: 1. For places which require only overnight journey employees in the grade (MG 1 MG5) can travel by train only. For grades above MG 5, Air travel can be considered as an option. Overnight journey signifies journey from origin to destination station covered by rail in 10 hours. 2. For places which require more than overnight travel executives in grades: a. MG 1 to MG 3 - Allowed to travel by train only (Class : I Class Non AC / III AC/ AC Chair Car) b. MG 4 MG 6 - Train Travel (I Class Non AC/ II AC/AC Chair Car). c. MG 4 MG 6 Air travel can be undertaken with prior approval from the Business head during exigencies. 3. Should an employee use a mode of travel lower than he/she is allowed he/she shall be reimbursed only the actual fare incurred. 4. In exceptional circumstances, if an executive has to use a mode of travel higher than his / her entitlement, the same has to be authorized by Business Head prior to the travel and later endorsed by him. 5. Travel by higher class has to be authorized by the competent authority only after he / she is thoroughly satisfied that there are valid and compelling reasons for doing so.

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LOCAL CONVEYANCE 1. Travel involving same day return from outside city limits to the base station will come under local conveyance policy (and not under Domestic Travel Policy). The reimbursement in such cases will be based on the local conveyance and enroute expenses as per the limits applicable to the grade. The city limit means the distance upto 150 kms one way from the base station. 2. Travel within city limits will generally have to be by Auto for executives. a. MG 1 MG 4 b. MG 5 & MG 6 By Auto Auto / Public Taxi

3. Where travelling (outside city limits) to moffusil town areas, the travel will be by bus only. If the executive is required to travel to multiple locations with intermittent stoppages, then a private taxi can be engaged. 4. Hiring private taxi for local conveyance is permitted where the distance between the origin and destination is below 250 kms, on the prior approval of the Business Head. For distance above 250 kms, the suggested mode of travel is public transport. VII. GUEST HOUSES / TRANSIT FLATS 1. Eligible Management Staff are required to use the companys transit flat wherever possible. List of Transit flat accommodation is enclosed. 2. Management Staff availing of transit flat / guest house for lodging and boarding can claim actuals for the same based on the bill given to them by the transit flat / guest house and the limits mentioned in this policy, do not apply in such cases. 3. If an Executive or Management Staff member does not avail of the boarding facility at guesthouse / transit flat, limits as specified in this policy, for boarding will apply.

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LODGING AND BOARDING IN HOTELS 1. A list of benchmark hotels is available with the Administration department. The list of hotels would be updated and maintained by the Administration department. All executives are expected to stay in the bench marked hotels only. Only where accommodation is not available in the specified hotels, can the lodging entitlements be utilized. 2. Entitlement for boarding is specified gradewise in Annexure B 3. Classification of cities is also enclosed (Annexure A) and the lodging and boarding will be calculated accordingly. 4. The tariff specified for lodging is exclusive of taxes. 5. Additional boarding charges of Rs. 50/- per day is payable in case of city being Delhi or Mumbai. Alternatively, the concerned Executive or Management staff member may make his / her own arrangements and claim Flat Rate (referred below) applicable to his / her grade. 6. Bills for group dinner of any type will not be accepted with any travel claim and these have to be separately approved and claimed.


FLAT RATES 1. If an employee makes his / her own arrangements for lodging and boarding and actuals are not claimed as per entitlement, he / she shall be entitled to flat rate to cover lodging and boarding for each day or part of the day as shown in Annexure B. 2. Flat rates can be claimed on the following basis: a. Duration of stay at the place of visit upto 12 hours 50% of the Flat Rate applicable to the grade & place of visit. b. Duration of stay at the place of visit is beyond 12 hours 100% of the Flat Rate applicable to the grade & place of visit. c. The duration of stay is reckoned from the time the Executive or Management staff reaches / leaves the place of visit.

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ENROUTE EXPENSES Employees are eligible for enroute expenses as per limits of entitlement indicated in Annexure B for breakfast / lunch / tea / dinner.


INCIDENTALS The expenses incurred for tips / laundry / porterage will be covered under this category. For details please see Annexure B. The same need not be supported by bills. This will not be applicable if Flat Rate is availed.


OTHER PAYMENTS 1. FOR ATTENDING RESIDENTIAL PROGRAMME Where lodging and boarding are provided by host company / organization at outstation locations, the employee will be reimbursed amounts on per day basis as indicated in Annexure B. Reasonable expenses on laundry will be permitted over and above the amounts specified. 2. TELEPHONE Expenses incurred towards official telephone calls will be reimbursed with the approval of immediate superior. Wherever possible the same shall be supported by bills.


GENERAL 1. Management Trainees shall be entitled to avail the travel entitlements as would be applicable to the Executive grade (in which they are likely to be absorbed after training.) 2. All travelling expenses statements and balance cash must be submitted within 7 working days of the individuals return to head quarters, duly supported by relevant vouchers and countersigned by the approving authority before being passed on for payment.

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1. OBJECTIVE 1. To reimburse the local travelling expenses incurred by employees on Companys work. 2. SCOPE AND COVERAGE This policy shall apply to all employees (Grades MG 1 to MG 6) including Management trainees of Cholamandalam DBS. 3. ENTITLEMENT 1. Two wheeler i. All grades would be reimbursed at the rate of Rs.2.75/km 2. Car i. Grade MG 4 to MG 6 would be reimbursed at the rate of Rs. 6/km 4. EXPENSE CLAIM PROCEDURE 1. Records for actual usage with kms reading needs to be maintained properly and annexed to the monthly claim. 2. All claims have to be made within 30 days from the date of travel. 3. Actual auto fare will be reimbursed, if they do not use their own vehicle. 4. Any commuting more than 150 kms (one way) from the base station will not come under the local conveyance and for such commuting reimbursement of actuals as mentioned in the Domestic travel policy. 5. All employees upto the grade of MG 3 using their personal cars for official purposes shall be entitled for conveyance reimbursement at the rate applicable for twowheelers only. Employees from the grade of MG 4 and above alone shall be entitled for reimbursement at the rate applicable for cars, as mentioned above.

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