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True Anarchy By:Heretic ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Intro ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Most people dunno what i mean when i say Anarchy(always capitalize dis).

dis). Anarchy: 1.A social structure without law and order,goverment,or authority.2.A rebelion agiasnt whats accepted as right or correct. There...right outta tha dictionary.If you still dunno what i mean then close dis shit out right now, cuz it aint for you.Ok, now that we are serious lets get on with it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tools of the Anarchist ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Explosives-Everybodys fav. There is a shit load of files out there on dis subject,but be VERY CAREFUL when you are making and using these. Flammables-Gas,areosol, ANYTHING that can burn. Projectiles-From eggs to your lil shit sister/bro counts.ANYTHING that can damage stuff when thrown classifies. Guts/Balls-if you aint got dis then close this file and delete it. Transportation-motorized of course unless u can peddle ya bike real fast. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mild Anarchy ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Most people hate to admit this but prank calls,yea prank calls is a form of mild Anarchy.Everybody has done this at one point in their life,and people still do.Even ringin a doorbell and runnin is a form of mild Anarchy. Now that you got dis, lets move on ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Anarchy for Amusement ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Of course, Anarchy can be for amusement.Real good way 2 lighten up a slow saturday night.Just grab some freinds and go wreck havoc upon society(never capitalize dis) But what do you do?Read your trusty Anarchy Handbook for ideas,if you aint got one,then print stuff from the internet. 1.Spray Paint-Very fun shit.Why dont you go around paintin the infamous Anarchy sign all over everything.Why not,you dont have to clean the shit up.This stuff is very cheap and can provide hours of enjoyment! 2.Destruction-Where the hell are those bricks i put back here?!?They would look real nice in Mrs.Johnsons living room,oh but she is asleep.Why bother her?Just throw them through the window.But

in case she didnt want them there haul ass before she can "thank" you. 3.Invasion of Privacy-BlackMail?Possibly...just fuck wit the phone box a lil and for more results bug their house,like under the table,bed(great blackmail shit here),EVERYWHERE! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Anarchy for Profit ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Anyone who told you money is the root of all evil doesnt have it.I aint talkin bout becomin a hit man for tha mob or somethin,just fun wit profit.Here are some ways to make money and have fun: 1.Protection money,some peeps dont like this,but i love beatin the shit outta people. 2.CREATE an imaginary employee at a compony deep within the conglomerate computer and send his check to a p.o. box NEVER YOURS!!...i like this p.o. box shit..... 3.Visa,MasterCard,American Express,K-mart Credit Cards,all that shit,put it on the card,after all it is the american way...just do some late night trashing! 4.Find a everything store like K-mart or some shit..dig into the bins and find carboncopies/receipts..a lot of the times they will give u a new "whatever" if u tell them it was broke and u threw it out,u only need the receipt. 5.Same ad #4 but have someone watch while you and some freinds go digging in there for computer acess codes,phone#'s,credit check phone#'s,and most of all card carbons.These will provide you with a limitless source of tv-ad goodies,mail-order stuff..this search could take from 30min to all night and WATCH FOR mean cops....... 6.Turn your tv on to MTV or some shit and before you can say shit you see 1000000 ads.write down the # of whatever item catches your eye,give them your name(off the card)and your card number and in 4 to 6 weeks ya get the shit.Now drive to a 7-11 and buy a bunch of kick ass mail order magazines,they have a lot of card order forms and phone#'s,and dont forget NEVER SEND THE JUNK TO YOUR HOME,always find drop point at a house for sale or some shit. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Havoc and Hell ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Just what you Anarchist's have been waiting for!New things and methods of destruction are made up everyday so it is impossible to list them all so i will list a my later files i will get more into this. 1.Ever had the urge to fill light bulbs with gas?No,not you,YOU want to fill them with Napalm.There are tons of files on how to do this,so read one of those after you are done with mine. 2.Tennis Ball Bomb:Materials:a shit load of strike anywhere match heads,a tennis ball,a knife,duct tape,and some gun powder to spicien it up. 1.cut a small hole into the tennis ball2.cut off the match heads and pack the tennis ball TIGHT stop and add gunpowder every so often and be careful3.Put the tape over the hole and throw at some old bitch walking down the street. 3.Hell Fire Bomb:Materials:a glass bottle,gas,oil,and a oil soaked rag. 1.fill bottle half way with gas,then the other half with oil,put the cap on and tighten it up VERY tight,shake it up real good,tie the rag to it,light and throw.The oil helps the gas stick to whatever it lands on. 4.Fragmentaion Gernade:Materials:1 film canister,gun powder,BB's,fuse,and duct tape. 1.put gunpowder and BB's into the canister and mix very carefully.2.put fuse into powder3.punch hole into cap for canister4.put it on wit fuse stickin out of the hole of course5.Tape the bitch up,if it isnt all taped up it will not explode properly.6.light,throw,run like a bitch or duck under somthin. 5.Pipe Bomb:Materials:1 pipe with threaded ends 2 caps to cap off the pipe 1 drill A shit load of gun powder 1 long ass fuse. 1.cap off one end and fill with gun powder2.put the long ass fuse into the powder3.drill hole into other

cap4.wipe off the threads on the pipe with a wet washcloth or powder in it will catch fire while you are puttin the cap on and you will be a dead man.5.put cap on with fuse sticking out of it Light it and throw or put somewhere and ride your bike or drive like a bitch.I use long fuses because i have found peices of my bomb a fuckin block away. This is all for now on eplosives look for more of my files to find more. Other ideas of Havoc and Hell are: 1.tie a couple bricks to your neighbors cat and throw it in the pool 2.Put garbage all over your victims yard and all in their pool 3.Punch a few holes in the cap of a bleach container and sprinkle over their lawn..It kills the grass 4.Shoot their window with a BB gun and push it out slowly and put some smoke bombs in there by your local police station and throw a hell fire bomb at it Thats all for now on dis chapter ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Black Arts ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Here it is,tha path to True Anarchy...Are you worthy??We will soon find out.... The Black Arts are Theft,Deception,Destruction,and every single fuckin sub form of Anarchy.To master all of these it takes time and a shit load of practice.You can see forms of Anarchy at a young age.If a kid sits around and watches barney(never capitlize shit like dis either) all day forget it.If a kid beats the shit outta things,blows things up with whatever he has,and stuff like that,he will most likly become a great True Anarchist. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Theft ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Theft is one of the most common forms of Anarchy,EVERYONE has stolen somethin at one point in their life.No one will steal the same way or have the same point of success.Two types of theft, Single Party,and Multiple Party theft. 1.Single Party Theft:Make a survalince sweep for couple days.Find out the best routes for escape ALWAYS HAVE MORE THAN ONE IN CASE OF PIGS...damn i did it agian *COPS*.When u get to the desired target LOOK FOR CAMERAS unless you are some fuckin dumbass who doesnt care if you get caught or not.When you steal stuff like candy and shit in the isles,make sure there is no mirrors,and no people around.DO NOT fumble or look at the object that you take put it in your pocket at once.DO NOT go directly to the disreied object,look around for a bit,maybe even buy somethin.DO NOT EVER steal from the front desk,they ALWAYS have camras pointed there.look behind the counter for tvs that show the desk or around the store while you are "looking" at the cheap shit they got.if they have camras around the store,find out if they cover all of it,if they do forget it.All the same shit applys with houses except for the camras,not even a major fuckin yuppie would put camras in their house.But walk around the house lookin for the security stickers that the yuppie familys like to place in full veiw.If there isnt any,shoot the gun with a bb gun at close rangeand if it cracked stick an ice pick in and then you know what to do,or u can duck tape the bitch up over the crack and push LIGHTLY till it falls,it will make less noise.DO NOT kick or punch.when you get in set a time limit NEVER more than 4 min,and please,do this at 2:30 at night when the neighbors are asleep.I know some dumbass who did it at 10:00 and got put in jail,then he went back and did it agian and got sent to juvvy or vista,i forget which.I usually never steal from a house by myself cuz its faster with 4 people,and you have someone to carry tools for enough wit single party theft.WEAR GLOVES 2.Multiple Party Theft:Funner and easier.I dont like to steal with other people in conveinince stores cuz the people always follow us,but with houses its better because you have someone to watch,carry

tools(DO NOT have the tool person pick up anything and mix it with the tools,it will slow you down),and the others pick up the cool shit.Make sure no one yells,even if they find some cool ass shit.Dont steal from your own neighbor hood either.If you got the shit to get cash,wait for one or two months and take it to a pawn shop away from the place you stole it from.If you decide you want to keep it,dont brag about it in public,and dont tell ANYONE outside the clan/brotherhood,that is the fuckin dumbass thing to do.WEAR GLOVES 3.Other Forms of Theft:Steal from the stores familys run,they are too trusting to put camaras in their stores,which of course I have no problem with : ) Cars are good too.To get in to one if it locked,get a wire coat hanger,cut out the straight park and bend one of the ends at a 90 degree angle,then the other half at another 90 degree angle.At the end of the car door there should be a break in the rubber,if not poke a hole through and get the lock on the end of the hanger,lift up till the door is unlocked.If the alarm goes off,shut the door and run like a bitch.The reason why i said shut the door is cuz they will think someone slamed their door into it accidently and not think bout it,they probably wont even notice the door is unlocked.WEAR GLOVES!!!If there is no alarm,look for good things like carbon copies,radios,cb radios,change even(hey,it adds up),shit like that.If any people happen to "wander" into the parking lot GET THE FUCK OUTTA THERE.Wear dark clothes always,unless you are in a conveince store,unless you are gothic cuz they wont care,but you actually have to look like one.When doing this in conveince stores wear short sleves and write stuff on your arms with black ink.Do Anarchy signs,satanic symbols,and shit like that.If there is more than one person forget it cuz the other will follow.If there is only one he has to stay at the desk.When you get to your car from stealing from other cars,houses,shit like that change into bright clothes like yellow,white,you get the picture,so if a cop pulls you over you wont look suspicous(wipe the shit off ya arms if you did that in conveince store shit).NEVER speed.Drive normaly.If a cop does pull you over act cool,look at him in the eyes,if you cant look at his forehead or mouth.Make sure your freinds do this too.Take the gloves off too,some of them dont think its in style.ALWAYS drive cars,no vans or trucks this just looks suspicous.Play your music loud to but not too loud,he should think you are some crazy kids goin to a party or somethin.Lockers are another good way to get free shit.look at "yourself" in a mirror while your "freind" is opening his locker.write the combination down.When no one is in the hallway tell the teacher you have diareaha and she will most likly let you "take a shit".If you need to know anything else about this you shouldent be reading this,i think its past your bed time kiddie!Pick Pocketing is another awesome way to steal..harder but good money.You need to know self defence(how to kick someones ass)...yes sad but true lil old grandma johnson could be a black belt or could be dangerous with that walker.You can either run by and snatch it(i dont like it cuz it easier to get caught),wait till they set it down and take it,or if your slick reach in while you are walking by and take their wallet.BE CAREFUL she/he doesnt feel you reaching into her purse.I have had an old lady beat the shit outta me with her cane cuz she moved at the wrong time,but some how i didnt get caught and only got two bruises,but i did get the lil bitches wallet.When you get their wallet take out money,credit cards,shit like that and throw the rest away.once you use a credit card throw that away too cuz it can and will be traced. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Self Defence ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ahhh,there is nothing like kicking someones ass.There is many ways and things you can use to do this.There is even ways you can kill someone with your bare hands or with some thing.There is a shit load of files on places to hit so im not even gonna mention them.Enough shit lets get into it. Mini-Chucks-These little bitches are fuckin awesome.Easy to make and easy to hide.There are tons of ways to make them,but i will tell you my fav.Get a small chain(1foot at the most),a solid metal pole about the size of your hand,a metal grinder,a hammer,and a drill.Cut the pole in half with the grinder and drill a hole at one end of each.grind a slit in the chain at each end big enough to fit through the hole.Put it through and hammer it so it wont fall out.There ya go!now go kick someones ass.

I dont feel like typein anymore bout self defence shit so look for more texts bout it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Deception ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Anyone who has done the shit said above will have found it necessary to lie once in a while. To get away with lying, you have to be good at it.If you kick the ground with your foot and keep your head down you can kiss your lame ass goodbye.You gotta make it seem like reality.Try to convince your self its the truth so therefore to you it is,which will make it easeir for people to belive you,but dont say some dumb shit like someone threatend to kill your grandma if you didnt do whatever.Make sure the people with you have that exact same story.NEVER stray or change ANYTHING in the story.People have gotten screwed over cuz they are dumbasses and did this.Try to have some evidence on your side too,go for relisimn.But nothing could change a bad liar into a good one. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sub-Forms ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Aside the forms listed above,there is a shit load of other forms of Anarchial behavior, like assasins or pyromaniacs.People specialize in this shit.If you do specialize in this shit speak the fuck up.People like us want to know some of the shit you specialize in.And if you are one of those lamer fucks just readin this for entertainmet FUCK OFF.People like us aint got time for pussy's like you.If you want to specialize in something there is tons of books and texts on that certian thing.If you dont know what your best at,start small till you find out.Takes time and practise to specialize in one certian thing. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------General Anarchy ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Go into a store like Best Buy and fuck up the TVs,moniters,shit like that with a magnet. Go into the bathrooms take a screwdriver and turn the water inlet vaulve to full.Flush down all of the toilet paper.Take the magnet strip outta somethin and drop it in someones purse it will set off the alarm and they wont be able to find it.Go to a place with elevators with no camaras in them.fold up a peice of paper to where it is hard and thick.Stick it in the highest number button and the the bitch up.It will keep going to that floor and will get slower and slower....Go into walmart or somethin and pick up one of the phones and dial a 3 digit number it will hook you up wit a department in a store.keep doing this it pisses them off but use a diffrent phone cuz they have those lil blackdomes all over.Light a couple smoke bombs in school or the mall.Light a M-80 in the mall and throw it up and scream "look out he's gotta gun!".This should keep ya asses busy for now..... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Outro ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Well this ends the text.I woulda typed more but my fingers hurt like a bitch.Look for more of my texts i will be typeing more soon.Later my fellow Anarchists.Stay SiC

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