Team Everest Drawing Contest 2012

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Team Everest Drawing Contest-2012 Contest Guidelines:

Theme for the Everest Drawing contest is Volunteer atleast once a month A participant can send a maximum of 5 entries only. The competition is open to all national participants of all age groups (Indians). Art work can be made in any medium, like Water Colors, Pastels, Charcoals, Pencils, Acrylic, Crayons, Paper Cuttings, Oil paints etc. on any type of Paper or Canvas Sheet The size of each entry should NOT be less than 30 x 40 cm in size. Your art work should not have won any award earlier The Everest art committee reserves the right to accept or refuse any art without assigning any reason whatsoever. Last date for submission is Sep-28, 2012 Results will be announced on Oct-6, 2012 Original art drawing should be produced on demand. Entries will not be sent back to the participants and will belong to Team Everest Participation in the contest implies acceptance of these Rules and Regulation. Decision of the Everest art jury shall be final and binding all parties.


Theme for Drawing contest: Volunteer atleast once a month Take a clear picture of your art work. E-mail the Picture to with below details:

Your Name: Your Email ID: Your Phone Number: Alternate phone no along with person name: Place you live: Caption (Not Mandatory):

Make sure the image which you are sending to us should have min size of 1024x768(landscape), 800x1024 (portrait). If your art qualifies for the contest, it will be shared in our facebook page within 3 days of receiving your mail.

Share your art work from our album Team Everest Drawing contest-2012 with your friends and increase the 'Likes'. For every Like a drawing gets, Rs.10 will be added to the Total Prize money. Read Details on Prize money section for more details. The judgment will be made by a panel of judges and it has nothing to do with by the number of likes a drawing gets in the facebook. For any queries, please write to .
Details on Prize money:

The prize money can be utilized only for a social cause related to Education. Prize money will not be given as cash. The winners need to identify a cause of their choice within India and Team Everest will directly sponsor for that. The total prize money will be calculated based on Base Prize + (Likes fund/3) have got. Base prize money for Team Everest drawing contest-2012 is as follows:

1st prize -> Rs 10,000 2nd prize -> Rs 7,000 3rd prize -> Rs 5000

Likes fund = Sum of no of Likes each drawing has got * Rs 10. Maximum cap for Like Fund = Rs 75,000. Here is an example on how the total prize money is calculated:

Say 50 drawings have been received for this contest which will be uploaded in Everest Serve India FB page If each drawing get 50 likes then for 50 drawing, we will get 50*50 = 2500 Likes Now, Likes fund = 2500 Likes*Rs10 = Rs 25,000. Now 1st prize = Base prize money + (Likes fund/3) = Rs 10,000 + (Rs25,000/3) = Rs 18,333. 2nd Prize = Base prize money + (Likes fund/3) = Rs 7,000 + (Rs25,000/3) = Rs 15,333. 3rd Prize = Base prize money + (Likes fund/3) = Rs 5,000 + (Rs25,000/3) = Rs 13,333.

All the very best to all the participants!

This contest is organized by an NGO, Team Everest. Everest is a voluntary group to help the needy with its primary focus on promoting volunteerism.


To help the needy who do not get any help from others. To motivate a common man to volunteer at least once a month!

12/365 Volunteer atleast once a month

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