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Cost Estimation:

In my project Cost Estimation Model Used: COCOMO Model COCOMO stands for Constructive Cost Estimation Model. This model is most widely used for software cost estimation. It was developed in 1981 by Barry Boehm. Boehm proposed
three levels of the model; basic, intermediate, detailed. We have chosen to use the intermediate level for our cost estimation model.

This model estimates the total effort and total time required for any project.

Estimated Size of the Project:

The size-related metrics are used to estimate the size of the project in KLOC to derive a nominal effort prediction. KLOC is lines of code in thousands.

Optimistic (O) Pessimistic (P) Realistic(R)

LOC = (O+ P+ 4*R)/6 Component Estimated Product Code Size

Therefore, estimate size of the project is 4KLOC

3500 5500 4000

(3500+5500+4*4000)/6 = 4166

Project Type:
Our project is small and normally done by the group of the people who are familiar with developing a similar type of product so our project is ORGANIC TYPE.

Additional Cost Driver:

According to COCOMO model there are more or less 15 cost drivers. In my project most of the cost drivers are nominal except the fallowing.
Cost Drivers
Required S/W reliability Size of the Database


Effort Multipliers

Very High Low High High High High

1.15 0.94 0.95 0.86 0.86 0.91

Analyst Capability
S/W Engineering Capability

Programing Language Experience Use of S/W tools

According to this model the effort can be calculated by the fallowing relation:
EFFORT = a x (KLOC) b x EAF (person-month)

Multiplying the above cost drivers we can get effort adjustment factor (EAF) Now EAF = 1.15 x 0.94 x .95 x .86 x .86 x .91 =0.70 For Organic Project, a = 3.2 b = 1.05 So, EFFORT = 3.2 x (4)1.05 x 0.70 =9.60 (person-month) Schedule Estimates: According to COCOMO Model estimate of the overall project can be calculated by the fallowing relation. TOTAL TIME=c*(EFFORT) d Now for Organic project c=2.5 & d= 0.38 Therefore the estimate for the overall schedule, M is M = 2.5 * (9.60)0.38 =5.66 Month.

Effort distribution in different phase:

Phase Percentage Distribution Effort in Person Month in different phase Analysis Design Coding Testing 20% 26% 30% 24% 9.60*0.20=1.92 9.60*0.26=2.5 9.60*0.30=2.88 9.60*0.24=2.30

The distribution of the schedule in different activities is:

Phase Analysis Design Coding Testing Time required in month 5.66*0.20=1.132 5.66*0.26=1.4716 5.66*0.30=1.698 5.66*0.24=1.3584 Time Required (days) 1.132*30=34 1.4716*30=44 1.698*60=51 1.3584*30=41

Once we have the estimates of the effort and time requirement for the different phases, a schedule for the project can be prepared. This schedule will then be used later for monitoring the progress of the project. The project will start in the beginning of July2012 and end in the end of January2013. The proposed schedule for the project is shown in the following figure 1.

A conceptually simple and effective scheduling technique is the Gantt chart, which uses a Calendar-oriented chart for representing the project schedule. Each activity is represented as a bar in the calendar starting from the starting date of the activity and ending at the ending date for the activity. The start and end of each activity become milestones for the project.

PERT (Project Evaluation and Review Technique) charts consist of a network of Boxes and arrows. The boxes represent activities and the arrows represent task Dependencies. The proposed schedule for the project is shown in the following figure 2.

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