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U. P.

IN THE VISAYAS TACLOBAN COLLEGE Division of Natural Sciences and Mathematics


(1st Semester 2012 2013) Professor: Eulito V. Casas Jr., PhD I. COURSE DESCRIPTION The course deals with the analysis from historical and futuristic perspective of the nature and role of science and technology in society and of the socio-cultural and polico-economic factors affecting the development of science and technology with emphasis on the Philippine setting. Prerequisites : Fourth Year Standing Credit : 3 units II. COURSE OBJECTIVES 1. To enable the students to understand the character and functions of science and technology and their inter-relationships with society from a historical perspective; 2. To enable the student to anticipate and comprehend the impacts, implications, and limitations of the new developments in science and technology; 3. To familiarize the students with the sociological, cultural, ethical, environmental, economic, ideological, political, and gender aspects of science and technology; and 4. To enable the student to appreciate the key role of science and technology in national development and the important policy issues involved in the scientific and technological development of the Philippines. COURSE REQUIREMENTS AND POLICIES 1. Readings for the Course The readings for the course may be purchased from the Office of Science and Society Program, College of Science, U.P. Diliman. Electronic Copies of some articles are available for downloading at the DNSM Office. 2. Organization of Group Presentations The class will be organized into four recitation groups. Each group will be assigned as the presenter of one Module. Module assignment will be drawn by lot. The members of each group will select from among themselves the group leader who shall be responsible for coordinating the groups study sessions outside the classroom, the groups presentation (ILC AVR reservation and equipment preparation), and participation in class recitations 3. Conduct of the Course The class will be conducted in the form of a series of symposium. Group leaders should assign one student to present a group of topic. As the presenter, he/she is considered as the most knowledgeable resource person (the expert) in their assigned topic(s). Presenter will be rated according to the prescribed/agreed criteria (please refer to page 7). A short introduction (2-3 minutes) of the topics of the day shall be provided by a group member on a rotation basis. Two participants will be asked to act as Reactors and will be randomly chosen at every end of the presentation. Also, three participants will be requested to provide ratings based on the agreed criteria and weights. The individual members of the assigned group as well as other students who participate in the recitation will be graded by the professor based on the clarity and


soundness of their opinion. A students final grade for the class recitation will be based on the points/scores in group reports and class recitations during the entire semester. Thus, a more active participation in class recitations can guarantee a higher score; a less active participation will result in a lower score. Moreover, unexcused absences from class will result in demerits (negative points). 4. Class Attendance The following University rule on class attendance (Article 346 of the University Code) shall be strictly enforced in the course:
When a number of hours lost by absence of a student reaches 20 percent of the hours of recitation, lecture, laboratory or any other scheduled work in one subject he shall be dropped from the subject: Provided, That a faculty may prescribe a longer attendance requirement to meet their special needs. If the majority of the absences area excused, the student shall not be given a grade of 5 upon being thus dropped; but if the majority of the absences are not excused, he shall be given a grade of 5 upon being thus dropped. Time lost due to late enrollment shall be considered as time lost by absence.

5. Examination in the Course There will be three (3) examinations in the course. A student who fails to take any examination will get a score of 0% for that examination unless he/she can present a valid certificate from the U.P. Health Service that he/she was seriously ill during the time of the examination. A student who fails to take any two (2) examination shall either be dropped from the course or given a grade of 5.0, regardless of whether the absences were excused or not. There will be no final examination in the course. 6. Grading System for the Course The final grade of a student will be computed on the basis of the following percentage weights: Three (3) long examinations (20%, 20%, 25%)... 65 % Presentation of assigned topics.... 20 % Class participation (Reactor) 10 % Attendance 5% The passing score for the exams is 60. The students final weighted average score shall have the following grade equivalents: 95.3 100 % ------------------------------------- 1.0 90.9 95.2 %------------------------------------- 1.25 86.5 90.8 % ------------------------------------ 1.50 82.1 86.4 % ------------------------------------ 1.75 77.7 82.0 % ------------------------------------ 2.0 73.3 77.6 % ------------------------------------ 2.25 68.9 73.2 % ------------------------------------ 2.50 64.5 68.8 % ------------------------------------ 2.75 60.0 64.4 % ------------------------------------ 3.0 55 59.99 % ------------------------------------ 4.0 below 55% --------------------------------------- 5.0


0. ORGANIZATION OF THE CLASS AND INTRODUCTION TO THE COURSE (Day 1-3) 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 Submission of Class Cards and Distribution of the Course Syllabus Explanation of the Organization and Conduct of the Course Explanation of the Course Requirements and Policies Organization of the Class into Recitation Groups

READINGS: (a) John Ziman. Science as a Social Institution (b) Nawaz Shariff. Technology and Society (c) Roger Posadas, Introduction to Scientific and Technological Activities 1. THE INTERACTION OF SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY, AND SOCIETY (Day 4-10) 1.1 Science, Technology, and Society in Ancient Time (a) R.J Forbes, Technology and Society in the Stone Age (b) R.J. Forbes, Technology and Society in the Bronze Age (c) J.D Bernal, Science Technology, and Society in the Iron Age 1.2 Science, Technology in Pre-Colonial Asian Societies (a) Susantha Gonatilake, Pre-Colonial Science and Technology in the Third World (b) John Needham, Contribution of Ancient China to Science and Technology (c) Joseph Needham, Poverty and Triumphs of Chinese Science and Technology (d) Donald R. Hill, Mechanical Engineering in the Medieval Middle East 1.3 Science, Technology, and Society from the Middle Ages to the Scientific Revolution (a) J. D. Bernal, Science, Technology, and Society in the Middle Ages (b) Lynn White, Jr., Technology in the Middle Ages (c) A. Rupert Hall, Renaissance Technology (d) J.D. Bernal, The Scientific Revolution 1.4 Science, Technology, and the Industrial Revolution (a) J.D Bernal, Science and the Industrial Revolution (b) Malvin Kranzberg, Prerequisites for Industrialization (c) Ian Inkster, Science and Technology in the British Industrial Revolution (d) G.N.von Tunzelmann, Industrial Revolution 1.5 Science, Technology, and Industrialization in the 19th Century (a) John B. Rae, The Invention of Inventions (b) G.N.von Tunzelmann, The Industrialization of Europe (c) G.N.von Tunzelmann, The Industrialization of the USA (d) G.N.von Tunzelmann, The Industrialization of Japan 1.6 The Imperialist Diffusion of Science and Technology (a) George Basalla, The Spread of Western Science (b) Ian Inkster, Science, Technology, and Imperialism: The Case of India (c) Ian Inkster, Science, Technology, and Imperialism: China and Beyond (d) Olivia C. Caoili, History of Science and Technology in the Philippines 1.7 Science, Technology, and Society in the 20th Century (a) Peter Drucker, Technology and Society in the 20th Century (b) G.N. von Tunzelmann, Western Industrialization in the 20th Century (c) G.N. von Tunzelmann, Industrialization in the USSR (d) Alvin Toffler, From the Second Wave to the Third Wave .


2. HIGH TECHNOLOGIES:THEIR APPLICATIONS SOCIAL IMPLICATION(Day 11-17) 2.1 Microelectronics and Photonics (a) Richard Golob and Eric Brus, Microelectronic Technology (b) Juan P. Rada, Microelectronics from a Third World Perspective (c) Allen A. Boraiko, Lasers and Microlasers (d) Les C. Gunderson and Donald B. Keck, Fiber-Optic Technology 2.2 Computers and Information Technology (a) Richard Brinnan, Computer Literacy: Babbage to Artificial Intelligence (b) Christopher Barnatt, Recent Developments in Computer Technology (c) Lawrence Tesler, Networked Computing in the 1990s (d) Mark Weiser, The Computer of the 21st Century 2.3 Internet and Other Advanced Telecommunication Technologies (a) Peter Otte, Internet and Beyond: Multimedia Online Services (b) Phillip Elmer-Dewitt, Welcome to Cyberspace (c) Reid Goldsborough, Working and Learning via the Information Superhighway (d) Peter Otte, Interactive Television and Video on Demand 2.4 Automation, Robotics, and Other Advanced Manufacturing Technologies (a) Peter Marsh, From Mechanization to Automation (b) Peter Scott, Introduction to Robotics (c) Paul Kennedy, Robotics, Automation, and a New Industrial Revolution (d) Oliver Morton, Advanced Manufacturing Technology 2.5 Advanced Energy Technologies (a) Richard Brennan, Energy Alternatives (b) Micheal Zey, Future Prospects in Energy (c) Scientific American. Efficient Uses of Energy (d) Charles Harper, Energy and Society (e) Prospects of Fusion Energy 2.6 Advanced Materials, Micromachines, and Nanotechnology (a) Thomas Canby, Reshaping Our Lives: Advanced Materials (b) George Whitesides and Craig Rogers, Smart Materials (c) Richard Brennan, Superconductivity (d) Two Articles on Micromachines (e) K. Eric Drexler, The Coming Era of Nanotechnology 2.7 Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (a) Richard Brennan, Introduction to Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering (b) Edward Yoxen, Biotechnology and the Life Industry (c) Oliver Morton, A survey of Biotechnology and Genetics (d) Articles on the Human Genome Project 2.8 Advances in Medical and Agricultural Technologies (a) Richard Brennan, High Technology Machines (b) Alexandra Wyke, The Future of Medicine (c) Micheal Zey, Future Fields of Plenty (d) Paul Kennedy, Biotech Agriculture (Add readings in Environmental Science) 2.9 Advances in Construction, Transportation, and Space Technologies (a) Micheal Zey, Future Prospects in Construction and Transportation (b) Richard Brennan, Advanced Transportation Technologies (c) Micheal Zey, Our Future in Space SECOND EXAMINATION: TO BE ANNOUNCED


3. THE SOCIETAL ASPECTS AND IMPACTS OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY(Day18-24) 3.1 The Sociological Aspects of Science and Technology (a) J. Mulkay, Sociology of the Scientific Research Community (b) James Adams, The Complexity of Engineering (c) James Adams. Design and Inventions (d) Sanford Lakoff, Scientists, Technologists, and Political Power 3.2 The Dynamics of Scientific and Technological Changes (a) Gernot Bohme, Models for the Development of Science (b) Susantha Goonatilake, The Social Context of Science (c) Nawaz Sharif, Technological Change (d) Everett M. Rogers, The Generation of Inventions 3.3 The Economic Aspects of Science and Technology (a) Christopher Freeman, The Economics of R & D and Technological Change (b) G.N. von Tunzelmann, Classical Theories of Economic Growth and Structure (c) Norman Clark, Modern Views of Technological Change (d) G.N. von Tunzelmann, Modern Analysis of Growth and Structural Change 3.4 The Business Aspects of Science and Technology (a) Joseph P. Cory, A Business Architecture for Technology Management (b) Theodore W. Schlie, The Contribution of Technology to Competitive Advantage (c) William G. Howard, Jr. and Bruce R. Guile, Profiting from Innovation (d) Michael Hobday, Technological Learning in Latecomer Firms 3.5 Impacts of Science and Technology on the Environment (a) Richard Brennan, Environmental Penalties of High Technology (b) Charles Harper, Alternative Future: Sustainability and Social Change (c) Paul Smith, Industrialization and Environment (d) Scientific American. Towards Environmental-Friendly Technologies (Add: World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED), 1987, Towards Sustainable Development: In Our Common Future, pp 43 66). 3.6 Impacts of Science and Technology on the Arts (a) Jean Ladriere, The Impact of Science and Technology on Aesthetics (b) O.B. Hardison, Jr., Computers and Arts (c) O.B. Hardison, Jr., Computer Music (d) O.B. Hardison, Jr., Computers and Literary Arts 3.7 Impacts of Science and Technology on the on War (a) Harvey Sapolsky, Science, Technology, and Military Policy (b) Alvin Toffler, First Wave War and Second Wave War (c) Alvin Toffler, Third Wave War (d) Alvin Toffler, Futuristic Wars 3.8 Ethical Aspects of Science and Technology (a) Robert Cohen, Ethics and Science (b) Enzo Russo and David Cove, Science, Technology, and Ethics (c) Charles E. Harris, Jr. et. al., Introduction to Engineering Ethics (d) Charles E. Harris, Jr. et. al., On becoming a Responsible Engineer. 3.9 Ideological Aspects of Science and Technologies (a) John Ziman, Scientism and Its Manifestations (b) Helen Longino, Science and Ideology (c) David Dickson, The Case Against Contemporary Technology (d) Andrew Feenberg, Critical Theory of Technology

4. THE ROLE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY IN NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT (Day25-30) 4.1 Political Economics of S and T (International and National Levels) (a) Chris Farrands, Interpretations of the Diffusion and Absorption of Technology (b) Margaret Sharp, Technology, Globalization, and Industrial Policy (c) Francisco Sagasti, Underdevelopment, Science, and Technology (d) Francisco Sagasti, Technology Policies (e) David Dickson, Intermediate Technology and the Third World (f) Alvin Toffler, Gandhi with Satellite and The Fast and the Slow 4.2 Case Studies of S & T Policies for National Development 4.2.1 Developed Countries (a) David Mowery and Nathan Rosenberg, The U.S. National Innovation System (b) Hiryuki Odagiri and Akira Goto. The Japanese System of Innovation (c) Otto Keck, The National System for Technical Innovation in Germany 4.2.2 NICS (a) Micheal Hobday, Innovation in the Republic of Korea: Catching Up in Large Corporations (b) Chi-Ming Hou and San Gee, The National Innovation System in Taiwan (c) Poh-Kam Wong, Singapores Technology Strategy (d) Hamzah Kassim, Building a Workable S & T Infrastructure in Malaysia (e) Articles on HongKong 4.2.3 LDCs (a) Chatri Sripaipan, Technology Upgrading in Thailand: A Strategic Perspective (b) Dipo Alam, Building a Strong S & T System in Indonesia (c) Articles on China, India, the Philippines 4.2.4 Science and Technology in the Philippines: Present Conditions and Future Options (a) Celso Roque and Roger Posadas, Philippine Technological Dependence and Backwardness (b) DOST, Science and Technology Agenda For Philippine 2000 (c) Roger Posadas, Technological Leapfrogging as Strategic Option for the Philippines (d) Wiiliam Padolina, Preparing the Ground for Sustainable Development in Science and Technology THIRD EXAMINATION: TO BE ANNOUNCED


STS 40. Science, Technology and Society

Conduct of the Class. The whole class will be grouped into four groups. Each group will be assigned as the presenter of one Module. Module assignment will be drawn by lot. The class will be conducted in the form of a series of symposium. Group leaders should assign one student to present a group of topic. As the presenter, he/she is considered as the most knowledgeable resource person (the expert) in their assigned topic(s). Presenter will be rated according to the following criteria: STS 40: Criteria for Oral Presentation
Teacher Name: Dr. Eulito V. Casas Jr. Student Name: ________________________________________ CATEGORY Presentation (30%) (91 - 100) Student is completely prepared. Speaks clearly and distinctly all (100-95%) the time, and mispronounces no words. Presentation starts w/n 5 mins. and ends before time. Allows 10 15 minutes per topic. Shows a full understanding of the topic. Student is able to accurately answer almost all questions posed by classmates about the topic. (81 90) Student seems pretty prepared. Speaks clearly and distinctly all (100-95%) the time, but mispronounces one word. Presentation starts on time w/n 10 mins and finished on time. Allows 10 15 mins per topic Shows a good understanding of the topic. Student is able to accurately answer most questions posed by classmates about the topic. (71 80) The student is somewhat prepared. Speaks clearly and distinctly most ( 9485%) of the time. Mispronounces word. Presentation starts late (more than 10 mins) and finished on time. Allows less than 10 mins per topic Shows a good understanding of parts of the topic. Student is able to accurately answer a few questions posed by classmates about the topic. (50 70) Student does not seem at all prepared. Often mumbles or can not be understood OR mispronounces word. Presentation starts very late (more than 15mins) and not finished on time. Does not seem to understand the topic very well. Student is unable to accurately answer questions posed by classmates about the topic.

Time-Limit (10%)

Content (30%) Mastery/ Comprehension (30%)

Student Ratings. a. _ b. c. .

A short introduction (2-3 minutes) on the topics of the day shall be provided by a group member on a rotation basis. Two participants will be asked to act as Reactors and will be randomly chosen at every end of the presentation. Also, three participants will be requested randomly to provide ratings based on the above agreed criteria and weights. Prepared by: E.V. CASAS JR., PhD Associate Professor

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