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Saturday, September 1, 2012

International City/County Management Association (ICMA) 777 North Capitol Street NE, Suite 500 Washington, DC 20002-4201
Timothy "Chaz" Stevens MAOS Media Partners LLC 1600 S. Dixie Highway #300 Boca Raton, FL 33432 RE: City Manager Jonathan Allen, City of Lauderdale Lakes, FL Dear Sir or Madam: Good day. Mr. Jonathan Allen is a registered member of your organization and as such required to follow the ICMA Code of Ethics (attached). As stated on the document these principles are enforced and are to govern the conduct of every member of ICMA. Request you review all of the information below and take appropriate action accordingly. I stand ready to assist. Upon review of the Tenets, it can be determined that Mr. Allen has continuously and willfully violated virtually every Tenet. First the State of Floridas Constitution and Statutes mandate that the State operates as Government in the Sunshine and further mandates that virtually all records are Public Records and open to review by all. Under Mr. Allens Administration there has been a concerted effort to deny the public access to the governing process by not properly noticing legislative actions and not allowing public commentrequired by both the City Charter and Florida Statutes (FS). Case in point was the recent debt refinancing that was not properly advertised or noticed or scheduled for a public hearing for input as required by FS 166.041. Another instance was a major amendment to the FY 2012 budget that was enacted by a resolution although FS specifically requires an ordinance (two readings) to amend budgets along with a public hearing for residents and interested parties to provide input. Again no public input allowed. Also under Mr. Allens Administration, the term public records has been redefined from the legal definition in the Florida Statute as all those not specifically exempted by FS to only those records Mr. Allen wants to release. A new category of damaging public information primarily to himself and sometimes the City seems to be in place for exemption. I can attest that there was a concerted effort by Mr. Allen to withhold public information and also to charge outrageous costs for public records to myself and can provide details if you would like. Mr. Allens actions in both the sunshine aspect and public records are under review by different agencies at this time. Under Mr. Allens Administration there have been numerous financial reports provided to both his Commission and also the Broward County Commission that contained incorrect and also manipulated information in an attempt to mislead. Case in point is that all financial reports prepared in FY 2012 had different beginning balances brought forward from FY 2011.There are also other reports of Mr. Allen not furnishing the same information to all Commissioners favoring those voting together in an apparent block rubber stamping all of his actions. There are other reports of not providing information to a Commissioner even after numerous requests for such. Mr. Allen was cited in an Inspector General report for many procurement related actions such as bid

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rigging and violating City and State of Florida procurement laws. This was after Mr. Allen terminated the Purchasing Manager who would not go along with his actions. There are other numerous reported personnel related actions by Mr. Allen- giving raises to cronies, terminating experienced personnel in favor or less competent people he can control. In addition to the Purchasing Manager above, as of most recent he terminated an experienced City Clerk with numerous certifications and outstanding reviews. Reports are that she would not go along with the violations of sunshine and public records law. Also of recent he forced the resignation of the Executive Assistant to the City Manager (also extensive experience and excellent reviews) and in his own words from a 2013 Budget Workshop- expects to fill in 2013 with the right person. Take a close at his replacements- Finance Director, Interim City Clerk, Human Resources Director, and Parks and Services Director. All appear either incompetent (or next to it) or a trusted crony with little to no experience. Also numerous reports of personal relationships with these trusted cronies. Happy hunting;

Timothy Chaz Stevens 818-468-5433

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