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August 2012 SHELTER SHORTS is a monthly newsletter intended to keep Rivers and Bluffs Animal Shelter volunteers and

supporters connected. With everyones hectic schedules, we know it is often difficult, if not impossible to attend monthly meetings or to work at all of our fundraisers. Everyone is invited to submit articles for the newsletter. To do so, please call Bev at 608-326-2914 or email her at Monthly meetings are held on the 3rd Thursday of every month at the Prairie du Chien City Hall. Meetings begin at 6:00 p.m. Please use the back door. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend. The next meeting will be held on Thursday, August 16th Phoneraiser Please continue to save your old cell phones and ink jet cartridges. Drop them off at Tender Care Animal Hospital, or bring them to the monthly meeting. Thanks, Donna for taking the time to collect, sort and send the phones and cartridges in. U.S. Bones Please continue ordering cat and dog treats from They donate 25% of each order placed to RABAS. Dr. Donna Higgins Wildlife Photo Gallery Dr. Donna Higgins continues to support RABAS through her beautiful wildlife prints on display at her office downtown PdC. She has recently changed the format to 12x12 prints in borderless clip frames. Donna feels that these may be more affordable at $35 each. She will donate $25 to RABAS for each print she sells. These prints are absolutely beautiful. Please stop in at Dr. Donna Higgins office, downtown PdC to see them. You may be able to see them on RABAS facebook page or Donnas facebook or possibly on our website Kwik Trip Gas Cards Kwik Trip gas cards continue to be our easiest and most profitable fund raiser. Once again, thank you to those who have purchased the Kwik Trip Cards and have made the commitment to purchase cards from us before purchasing gasoline or any Kwik Trip products. Again, please consider purchasing these cards before filling your tank. With just a few people from this large organization utilizing the Kwik Trip Cards, we still continue to bring in approximately $500 per month. Just think what we could be doing if more members and volunteers purchased the cards before buying gas. The cards can be used for gasoline or any items sold in Kwik Trip Convenience Stores. Purchasing gas with the cards is easy you can just swipe the cards at the pump and go, thus saving time and raising money for RABAS at the same time. Other than the $8.60 shipping fee per order, there is no expense involved such as advertising. Cards will be delivered to you with a days notice by calling Bev at 326-2914 or Jill at 326-4870 or by replying to this email. If you live out of town and would like to purchase the cards, we will mail them to you upon receipt of your check made payable to RABAS. Remember, we make 10% on each card sold. Cards come in increments of $25, $50 and $100. Please, help RABAS reach our goal through the purchase of these cards. I believe that in less than a year we started selling the KT Cards in October last year- we have made almost $5,000!!!!! Just think the profit we could be making if more of our members and volunteers supported this effort. We could do away with some of our smaller fund raisers. Please take the time to check out our website Information on it changes sometimes daily. This website is awesome!!! Thanks, Randy for constantly updating our website. A Therapy Dogs International teams remain active in the community. On Tuesdays Kathy and Digger are at Bluff Haven. Deb and her dogs Jasmine and Sami go to Walter Schmitt Home and Paula and Maggie visit Bluff Haven. Bev recently visited Wyalusing Academy per a special request. Dog Obedience Classes I have had a number of requests for dog classes and truly hope to start classes in October. Volunteer hours will be collected by Randy P at monthly meetings or you can email your hours to Randy at Mississippi River Cruise to benefit RABAS was held on Wednesday, August 22. Thanks to Brenda and Randi for setting this up. It was a beautiful evening for a river cruise. It was also a fairly profitable event, especially for the amount of work involved. We made $709.00 profit, including the cruise and donations. Thanks to everyone who participated on the cruise or promoted it. The cruise was a great way to sit back, relax and enjoy the Mighty Mississippi and the friendship of RABAS supporters. Villa Louis Carriage Classic Wine and Cheese Event is just around the corner. Mike and Shelly Rider stopped in at the August meeting to firm up plans and to give us the balance of the $500. Volunteers for this event Brenda, Jill, Deb Cross, Deb (a friend of Deb Cross) Linda and Bev will meet at 4 p.m. to serve wine and cheese to VLCC patrons. Pounds of People and Pooches Due to the heat of July and August, attendance has been down or on some nights nonexistent. Hopefully with the cooler fall temperatures fast approaching, this event will resume. We meet every Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. on the east side of the Villa Louis (just north of the Sculpture Park). The route is just over a mile and takes less than an hour. In addition to the physical activity, the walk provides socialization for dogs as well as

their handlers. It is an enjoyable evening. Please bring poop bags and water for your dogs. Due to the extreme heat the last few weeks, I believe that the dog walk has been postponed until cooler weather returns. Zinkles Piggly Wiggly Food Stand Fund Raiser was held on July 28th. Tammy manned the food stand by herself, which in grilling, selling and take down. According to Tammy, things went quite well even though she did burn a few brats in the beginning. But, she was even able to sell those. Thanks, Tammy for your h Yappy Hour was held at The Sawmill Saloon on Thursday, July 26 th. We did not make much money on this event, but this event than a fund raiser. I think everyone in attendance enjoyed themselves. The next Yappy Hour will be in October. Prairie Pool Puppy Paddle Can you believe it our 5th Annual Prairie Pool Puppy Paddle has come and gone. It was a beautif dog swim and I think our attendance was better this year than at any of the previous years. We had 62 dogs!!! Total profit was $332 which is a bit disappointing. But again, the people and dog attend had a great time and I think those people will get the word out for next years swim. I think we should be proud of ourselves for putting on another quality event for the dog community of the P year we did not have any t-shirts or towels to sell and neither Joe or Phil were thereto sell 50/50 tickets. Randi and I tried selling them, but we just dont seem to have the same knack at selling a Phil. We started the day without any tennis balls to sell, but one of Tender Care Vet Techs ran to a dollar store and purchased some for us to sell. I believe we sold most of the ones we bought. Bloo Marys School had a table set up to sell their home made dog biscuits. I think they did quite well dog biscuits were attractive and reasonably priced. Donna and I both feel that we need something else income of this event. With the number of people and dogs in attendance, we missed a money making opportunity. Any suggestions, please let me know. Thanks to everyone who helped with this fun even promoting it, volunteering the day of or bringing your dogs to enjoy the day. This is one of those events where all we really need to do is show up and everyone seems to know what to do to get the job d thanks. Another Planning Meeting was held on Wednesday, August 29. Two representatives of Iowa County Humane Shelter (ICHS) were guest speakers at this meeting. They talked to us about their history, ongoing struggles, successes and their future. This meeting was informative and to say the least eye-opening. Much of the meeting consisted of questions from members of our organization. Personally, I kept thinking throughout the evening that ICHS and RABAS are similar in many ways, except they are further along in their efforts to save homeless pets, due to the fact that they have been at this a few more years than we have. But I came away from the meeting with a renewed energy and belief that we can do this. Cheri Phillmore (Outreach Coordinator of ICHS) mentioned the fact that the number of volunteers who attend meetings and work at fund raisers is about the same size as our groups. But she went on to say that once they moved into the building they are now in, the number of volunteers who help with day to day operations has greatly increased. I have always felt and will continue to feel (until proven wrong), that if we build it they (volunteers) will come. Ideas suggested by ICHS representatives included getting out into the community more. This could involve starting a Pet Food Pantry (I know we thought about this before, but the local food pantry did not have room for pet food), a vaccination/dog license clinic and meeting with various community service organizations to let them know what we are about not necessarily to ask for money. I hope to contact area vets about the possibility of a vaccination clinic in various locations. Will also contact someone about possibility of offering dog licenses for sale at these clinics to increase compliance. We now have a storage shed that could be used to house pet food and we could have some type of pet food pantry on a regular basis for those in need. We need to research ways to get the pet food for this. I also hope to contact the various service organizations about the possibility of speaking at one of their meetings Rotary, Kiwanis, Lions, Jaycees. At this meeting, we did not mention the next property meeting, but weeks ago we had decided on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month. I feel we need to continue these meetings as now we have more of a plan and Joe has been summarizing the results we have from other area shelters. So unless you hear differently, the next meeting of the planning committee will be September 12. The meeting will start at 6 p.m. and be held in the Community Room of PdC City Hall. It is not necessary to be on the committee to come to these meetings. We welcome everyones input. I believe September meetings discussions could include amount of land, size of building in addition to Joes compilation of reports. RABAS is currently running a raffle featuring a beautiful Ducks Unlimited Print, 4 tickets for a Maiden Voyage Mississippi River Cruise a beautiful wooden bench made by Phil Dwornik and an eagle print from Dr. Donna Higgins. Bonnie Fuller (Sawmill Saloon) sold a number of them at Yappy Hour; Kris Perkins did a great job selling them at the Prairie Pool Puppy Paddle (market was right with all the lab owners in attendance). Hopefully we can sell a few more at the Chicken Dinner on Sept. 19 at Huckleberrys. If you would like to purchase any of these tickets or would like to sell some, please let me know. Sandy Kittle, thank you for printing these tickets.

Chicken Dinner at Huckleberrys Restaurant Once again, Huckleberrys has offered to help us in our efforts to raise money. We will have a chicken dinner, consisting of fried or baked chicken, mashed potatoes, gravy, vegetable, coleslaw, dinner roll, coffee and milk. We will also offer a dessert buffet (calling all bakers) for this meal. Cost is $8 per person ($6 for kids). We will also have a 50/50 raffle as well as a silent auction. We are in need of bakers, silent auction items and a few volunteers. If you can help in any of these ways, please let me know by replying to this email or calling Jill at 326-4870 or me at 326-2914. If you have already confirmed a silent auction item or baked goods, you do not need to re-reply. This is another easy fund raiser for us bake a pan of bars, show up and work. I hope to see many of you there. New arrivals: Don and Eileen are happy to announce the arrival of Molly, a beautiful toy mix who was definitely in need of a good and forever home. I am not sure who is happier Don and Eileen or Molly. Kris and Bill Perkins recently adopted a 10 week old Border Collie. She is named Daisy and is fitting well into their home. As Kris reported Let the games begin, we have a puppy in the house. Good luck and congrats to both families. Treasurers Report Treasurer Jill reports that as of August 16, RABAS now has $106,716.11 including $16,065.95 in our checking account and $90,650.16 in 4 different CDs. Kwik Trip Gas Cards continue to be one of our best and most reliable source of income - $230 in the first 2 weeks of August with no effort. Membership Renewals - Memberships are good for one year from the month the member joined. Jill will send out renewal applications to those whose membership has expired. Please consider renewing your membership as memberships are an important part of our income. There are 5 different levels of membership: $5.00 student; $15 Individual; $25 Family; $50 Sponsor; $100 Patron; $500 Benefactor. Some members choose to donate a fixed amount every month. Thanks to everyone for your financial support. Watch us grow!! RABAS Wish List Wish List Items include: Land Gift certificates to either the Courier Press or WPRE Radio Station to pay for ads for upcoming fund raisers postage stamps, paper, envelopes, labels, napkins, paper towels, hand sanitizer, ketchup, mustard. Contact Bev at 326-2914 or reply to this email if you have any kitchen or paper supplies. If you have information on land, please contact Randy at 262388-2654 or Bev at the above number. Donations All donations are recognized in the Shelter Shorts and a thank you note is written. Yappy Hour Donation Jar - $159 Yappy Hour 50/50 - $76 Dr. Donna Higgins Donation Jar - $131 Frank and Mary Weeks - $500 Walmart Volunteer Hours Julie Whyte - $250 Kussmaul Estate (Jills family) - $133.18 Ann Beilke (Deb Cross friend) $20 Current and New Members (Recent renewals and new members are shown in bold type). Kristen Kriegl $15 Single Membership Jennifer Clements $50 Sponsor Membership Janis Hein $15 Single Membership Randy and Linda Bedward $25 Family Membership Joe Hunzeker $15 Single Membership Jill & Brian Cipra $25 Family Membership Gary & Kathy Koch $50 Sponsor Membership Julie Whyte $15 Single Membership Mollee Whyte $5 Student Membership Georgia Hutchinson $15 Single Membership Marty Leeman $15 Single Membership Roberta Spires $25 Family Membership Dawn Eggers $15 Single Membership Bob & Diane Witt $100 Patron Membership Sharon Boylen $25 Family Membership Trinas Girl Scout Troop $50 Sponsor Membership Tori Armstrong $15 Single Membership Brenda Wilson $25 Family Membership

Marilu Bintz $50 Sponsor Membership Kelly Fishler $15 Single Membership Tammy Aldrich $15 Single Membership Deb Cross $15 Single Membership Kim Pinkham $15 Single Membership John & Judy Ryan $25 Family Membership Jim & Kathy Powers $25 Family Membership Jane Howe $25 Family Membership Bonnie Olson $50 Sponsor Membership Jami & Ken Quick $25 Family Membership Amy Enlowe $25 Family Membership Donna Heilmann $15 Single Membership Sue Rider $15 Single Membership Linda Munson $50 Sponsor Membership Peggy Johnson $25 Family Membership Donna Cipra $25 Family Membership Vicki & Bill Mueller $50 Sponsor Membership Shirley Wegmuller $15 Single Membership Paula Gutzmer $15 Single Membership Randi & Mike Kluesner $25 Family Membership Lu DeGuzman $100 Patron Membership John & Vicki Howe $100 Patron Membership Rosemary Reese $15 Single Membership Mike, Shelly & Kaitlyn Rider $25 Family Membership Phil and Deb Dwornik $50 Sponsor Membership Laura Nix $100 Patron Membership George and Mary Tilley $25 Family Membership Tractor Supply $25 Family Membership Bev Pozega $15 Single Membership Tom & Marjorie Bennett $25 Family Membership Eric & Betty Frydenlund $25 Family Membership Mike & Mary Jane Faas $25 Family Membership Ron Stark $100 Patron Membership John & Vicki Howe $25 Family Membership Marilyn Crubaugh $15 Single Membership June Burns $15 Single Membership Janet Lueck $15 Single Membership Lynn Moris $15 Single Membership Jeff and Chris Panka $100 Patron Membership Randy and Kathy Paske $25 Family Membership Alexis Burns Honorary Membership Ray Wrobel $15 Individual Membership Reminder: Annual memberships should be renewed 1 year from the month in which you joined. Continued Monthly Pledges Don & Eileen Klatt - $25 monthly pledge Thanks to everyone who volunteered this month in any way. Thanks to everyone who supported us through donations, and memberships. There are many jobs that continue to get done without recognition. Membership and volunteer listings are current through August 15, 2012. Please let me know if I missed your name on either the donation list or the membership list and I will include it next month. . River and Bluffs Animal Shelter Membership Form Student - $5.00 ____ Sponsor - $50.00 _____ Individual - $15.00 ____ Patron - $100.00 _____ Family - $25.00 ____ Benefactor - $500.00 I would like to make a monthly pledge of : ________ per month for a total of

$_______ per year. Name:___________________________________ Address:_________________________________ City/State/Zip_____________________________ Email:____________________________________ Phone Number:______________________ Please mail membership form to: River and Bluffs Animal Shelter PO Box 421, Prairie du Chien, WI 53821

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