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00 - Build Summary 070122 061102 061005 060707 060426 060301 Released Jan Nov Oct July April March Oct 22, 2, 5, 7, 26, 1, 25, 2007 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2005

************************************************************************ CAESAR II Version 5.00 - Build: 070122 (Revised) The following modifications and corrections are included in this build. ************************************************************************ ==================== CORRECTIONS ======================================= caesarii.mdb - Corrected the ODBC MDB template for restraint type mapping. outword.dll - Corrected report generation to MS Word when "general reports" preceed "load case reports". pipedll.dll - Corrected restraint type mapping for ODBC export.

==================== ENHANCEMENTS / MODIFICATIONS ====================== prepip.exe - Re-initialized "hot modulus" values for pre-5.00 jobs that were created by CAD interfaces.

************************************************************************ CAESAR II Version 5.00 - Build: 070122 The following modifications and corrections are included in this build. ************************************************************************ ==================== CORRECTIONS ======================================= CMAT.BIN - Corrected the allowable stress entries for "B241 6061 T6" for B31.3.

DYNOUT1.EXE - Modified to avoid checking the "last usage date" on network ESLs. - Corrected time history time-step/report alignment. OUTP02.EXE - Modified to avoid checking the "last usage date" on network ESLs. - Corrected to properly report (positve) octahedral stresses.

- Corrected the cummulative usage report generation in extended mode. - Corrected the cummulative usage filter to include the last load case selected. OUTP01.EXE - Corrected the determination of the governing "code stress" for combination load cases for Offshore, Z662, and BS-7159 codes.

OUTWORD.DLL - Added handling for MS-Word execptions during formatting. PCFDLL.DLL - Corrected the import of "restraints at bend midpoints" from PCF files. - Changed initialization of hot modulus slots 1-9 to allow auto-updating from the material database. - Changed the way units are handled for lengths, diameters, and thicknesses. PIERCK.DLL - Corrected the node number display for reducer (error and warning) messages. - Corrected the auto-computation of the B31.3 "Wc" factor for the Sustained case allowable when over 950 degF. PIPEDLL.DLL - Corrected diameter value used to determine the bend radius for ISOGEN export. PREPIP.EXE - Corrected "file existance check" to allow access to the Load Case Editor (from input) once Error Checking has been passed. - Corrected "jobname check" to allow "Save-As" to overwrite the current job. ==================== ENHANCEMENTS / MODIFICATIONS ====================== C2.EXE - Modified "build date"

C2SETUP.EXE - Modified to allow RAM allocation up to 512 Mbytes DYNOUT2.EXE - Modified to avoid checking the "last usage date" on network ESLs. NETUSERC2.BAT- Added DLL registration for htmlhelpunits.dll. OUTP01.EXE ROT.EXE - Modified to avoid checking the "last usage date" on network ESLs. - Added an explanitory note to the "overall pump status" indicator for vertical in-line pumps.

Removed "richtxt32.ocx", "sssplt30.ocx", "scrrun.dll", and "vbscript.dll" from the installation.

************************************************************************ CAESAR II Version 5.00 - Build: 061102 The following modifications and corrections are included in this build. ************************************************************************ ==================== CORRECTIONS =======================================

C2SETUP.EXE - Corrected the handling of pathnames to properly work with network mappings that mapped directly to a folder. C2ZIP.DLL ELEM.EXE OUTP01.EXE - Corrected to prevent recursive storage, and possible loss of the piping input file on Win2003 Server drives. - Corrected the determination of "cold spring" forces when various "hot modulii" are used in the load cases. - Changed the determination of the allowable stress for B31.3 Appendix P for load cases designated as OPE without a temperature component from "minimum Sh" to "Sc". - For EN-13480, corrected the SIF computations for sweepolets, weldolets, and extruded tees to use the same computations as UFTs, only for Table H.1. - Corrected the usage of "wl" for the minimum wall thickness calculation of bends for B31.3 PREPIP.EXE - Corrected "chain file name" to include the USER_ID suffix if running from the "Load Case Setup", from the input. - Added hooks to allow interfacing with CADWorx 2007. ROT.EXE - Change output labeling to refer to Figure 6 instead of Figure 8.


==================== ENHANCEMENTS / MODIFICATIONS ====================== C2.EXE - Modified "build date"

************************************************************************ CAESAR II Version 5.00 - Build: 061005 The following modifications and corrections are included in this build. ************************************************************************

==================== CORRECTIONS ======================================= ANAL1.EXE PCFDLL.DLL PIERCK.DLL - Corrected dynamic data storage pointers for response spectra read in from files. - Corrected to avoid storing the bend radius as a "fixed value" when importing PCF files. - Corrected a number of error messages dealing with PD5500 nozzles. - Modified the warning message dealing with minimum wall thickness for bends. - Corrected the computation of the "I" factor for the B31.3 bend minimum wall thickness calculation (to use nominal instead of actual diameter). - Corrected both EN-13480 and CODETI to allow the use of Zeff for reduced tees. - For EN-13480, corrected the SIF computations for sweepolets, weldolets, and extruded tees to use the same computations as UFTs. - Modified error handling when checking "wl" on bends. - Modified "abort message" communication and display. PREPIP.EXE - Corrected the units displayed for repad thickness. - Removed all references to the file "screen.txt". - Modified to prevent two Error Check sessions from starting.

==================== ENHANCEMENTS / MODIFICATIONS ====================== APPRVD.BIN C2.EXE - Updated the Stoomwezen Approval Certificate. - Modified "build date"

C2ERROR.EXE - Modified to optionally disable the ability to display a second error description. C2GRAPHICS.DLL - Minor reference updates. C2ZIP.DLL - Moved the "file delete" operations to the very end, after the ZIP archive is closed.

DYNOUT2.EXE - Modified to use an alternate "abort message routine". MISC.EXE - Modified error checking for lap joint flanges to override "gasket OD" with "flange face OD" if necessary, instead of flagging this as an error.

OUTWORD.DLL - Modified to use the "paper size setting" in OUTWORD.DOT instead of what the printer is using. This allows users

additional formatting abilities with their reports. PIPEDLL.DLL - Updated program version label string.

************************************************************************ CAESAR II Version 5.00 - Build: 060707 The following modifications and corrections are included in this build. ************************************************************************ ==================== CORRECTIONS ======================================= ANAL1.EXE - Modified to avoid printing a depreciated wind load (topographical) value to the _M file. - Corrected dynamic data storage pointers. C2.EXE - Modified "build date" - Corrected the update (of the on/off state) of the input tool bar buttons on the Main Menu when switching from structural to piping input. - Corrected handling of "C2" archives to avoid extracting job files when invoking non-job-specific program modules. C2PIPENET.EXE- Corrected the file handling mechanism dealing with the .C2 files. C2PP.EXE C2S.EXE - Corrected to properly handle a missing neutral file name. - Corrected a problem where the "Section ID" definition for structural models didn't accept decimal points.

C2SETUP.EXE - Corrected "default code count" so that DNV, EN-13480, and GPTC-192 could be set in the configuration as the default piping code. CMAT.BIN - Updated the modulus of elasticity value for B444-N06625 at 100 deg and "cold". Corrected the expansion coefficients for A789-S31803. MISC.EXE - Corrected the file handling mechanism dealing with the _A and .C2 files in the EJMA module. - Modified the "flange rigidity" computations to consider lap joint flanges with "specified hubs". PCFDLL.DLL PIERCK.EXE - Corrected to handle both the "WEIGHT" and "Component_Attribute" designations for rigid weights. - Corrected the minimum wall computation for B31.3 bends, which could have had a non-specified bend radius. - Corrected a problem when setting up the new B31.3 "w"

term on elements where an expansion coefficient was specified instead of a temperature. - Corrected the handling of temporary material files to avoid possible crash with repeated error check passes. PREPIP.EXE - Removed extraneous text from "allowable stress LIST" title line. - Corrected the handling of temporary material files to avoid possible crash with repeated error check passes. PIPEDLL.DLL - For ODBC export, corrected "bend data pointers", and coordinates for "Z-up" models. OUTP01.EXE - Corrected the computation of the "allowable stress" for the CODETI code Expansion case. - Corrected the computation of the "code stress" for B31.8, restrained elbows, in the Sustained load case. OUTP02.EXE - Corrected the generation of the "Stoomwezen Certificate" when the output device is a (text) disk file.

==================== ENHANCEMENTS / MODIFICATIONS ======================

************************************************************************ CAESAR II Version 5.00 - Build: 060426 The following modifications and corrections are included in this build. ************************************************************************ ==================== CORRECTIONS ======================================= C2.EXE - Modified "build date" - Corrected the "file cleanup" routine to recompress all job files. C2_MAT.EXE - Corrected the EN-13480 name reference in the Material Database Editor so that materials can be added for this code.

C2PIPNET.EXE - Corrected to handle complex filenames. C2ZIP.DLL OUTP01.EXE - Corrected to address mixed case filenames. - Corrected the computation of the allowable stress for the EN-13480 code Expansion case. - Zeroed the EN-13480 Operating allowable stress value.


- Corrected the elimination of "filtered elements" when only one node meets the filter criteria. - Corrected the input echo of the hanger data report. - Corrected the "miscellaneous" report to avoid extra headers. - Removed the printing of frame borders around reports. - Added title lines to the report headers. - Corrected the generation of "filtered - summary" reports. - Added ability to use "user load case names" in report headers. - Added ability to automatically include improvements to the standard report templates (without requiring a user reset).


- Corrected "from/to" node numbers in ODBC export of the local force report. - Corrected to eliminate "case sensitivity" in PCF file labels. - Corrected "FileSaveAs" to address data files generated by CADWorx. - Corrected infinite update looping (between cosine dialog, the spreadsheet, and the graphics) when changing element data in the "direction cosine" dialog box. - Corrected the input echo of the hanger data report.


- Corrected storage of internal pressure input value to re-align with CodeCalc DLL. - Corrected the reset of the "vessel type switch" following the use of the material database.

==================== ENHANCEMENTS / MODIFICATIONS ======================

C2ISOGEN.EXE - Modified to build the XML output for ISOGEN annotations. INCORE.EXE OUTP01.EXE - Modified usage of hanger stiffness values when using the "as designed" option for hanger design. - Modified to avoid building the XML output, for speed purposes.

OUTWORD.DLL - Added additional handling for quote marks and landscape / portrait switching.

- Added additional messaging and error handling. - Modified "MS Word" formatting routines for speed improvements. OUTWORD.DOT - Removed all shading and grid lines for table reports. PIERCK.DLL - Modified to delete the XML output upon Error Checking. - Modified messaging for SIFs to include the associated element's node numbers. STRESSISOPROJECT.DLL- Modified to assist in building the XML output for ISOGEN.

************************************************************************ CAESAR II Version 5.00 - Build: 060301 The following modifications and corrections are included in this build. ************************************************************************ ==================== CORRECTIONS ======================================= ANAL1.EXE - Added help for the "mass matrix" type selection. - Corrected a verification check on the number of "hanger design operating" load cases. CMAT.BIN C2S.EXE C2U.EXE ELEM.EXE - Corrected elastic modulus values for A691-5Cr for B31.1. - Corrected the operation of the NFILL command. - Corrected to avoid meshing reducer elements. - Corrected a problem with the band width minimizer when analyzing jobs whose load cases implemented more than one elastic modulus. - Corrected the system weight distribution in the "restrained weight" case when hanger operating loads are defined by the user. - Corrected the calculation of the section modulus for the torsional moment in B31.3 Code Case 178. - Modified the load stored at the designed hanger location in the "hanger hot load" case, normally disabled from viewing. - Corrected the element force computation on reducer elements for B31.8. OUTP02.EXE - Corrected the setup/display of the load case-report navigation tree when displaying the report grid in the graphical output view. - Modified Windows messaging for plotting of large models.



- Modified so that manually added Word reports go to the same document. - Modified to construct summary reports even if some data has been disabled. - Corrected the "stress summary" reports so that data lines are not cut off. - Modified report headers to allow scrolling of summary/header text. - Modified report headers to use "short pathnames". - Modified to avoid sending "table styles" to out-dated versions of MS Word. OUTWORD.DLL - Modified to insure styles from the "" template work/exist in older versions of MS Word. (Note that Word 2000 has limited capabilities with regard to export formatting.) - Modified to "right justify" the data in all Word tables. PCFDLL.DLL PIERCK.EXE - Modified to handle 5.00 data initialization when importing models from PCF files. - Corrected "error 71" to point to the proper element. - Added a (user controlable) display limit on messages. - Included check for hanger connecting nodes against the list of bend mid-side nodes. PIPEDLL.DLL - Corrected the usage of "global coordinates" for the "Isogen" module. - Modified to handle 5.00 data initialization when importing models from PCF files. PREPIP.EXE - Corrected the operation of the "graphical restraint" button so that it displays the restraint auxiliary instead of the allowable stress auxiliary. - Corrected to reload the "units labels" following the opening of a new job within the input module (so the help system displayes the correct units). - Modified the "File Save As" dialog to remove options indicating data could be saved in "pre 5.00" formats. - Corrected to allow graphical modification of pipe properties when a "group select" is active. - Corrected the labeling of "tees" in the input echo. ROT.EXE - Corrected to avoid a "crash on exit" following usage of the "print preview" option.

- Modified handling of "title bar" content following the "print preview" option. STRESSISOPROJECT.DLL - A number of corrections and modifications for Isogen export. ==================== ENHANCEMENTS / MODIFICATIONS ====================== AISC.EXE - Added data column headers for Word export.

C2ER01B.EXE - Updated error message text. C2ER02B.EXE C2.EXE - Modified "build date" - Corrected "FileNew" so that it enforces a new ".c2" file instead of a new "._a" file. - Modified to enable access to the on-line documentation, from the menu, when one of the CAESAR II applications is running. - Modified the "file clean up" operation dealing with the new "c2" suffix. - Added menu option for the display of the documentation for the ISOGEN export facility. C2ZIP.DLL - Modified to work with CAESAR II archives containing a "period" in the file name. - Added ".c2" and ".c2s" to the list of knows suffixes. DYN.EXE - Modified to work with CAESAR II archives containing a "period" in the file name.

DYNOUT1.EXE - Modified to work with CAESAR II archives containing a "period" in the file name. ELEM.EXE OUTP01.EXE OUTEXP.DLL - Modified to work with CAESAR II archives containing a "period" in the file name. - Modified to work with CAESAR II archives containing a "period" in the file name. - Modified to detect insufficient memory and throw an error, instead of crashing.


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