Phaedo Lecture 5

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Socrates, Love and Death Lecture 5 Why did Socrates only write poetry at the end?

Has to do with what is philosophy for them.


Geographical division



Almost scientific explanation (Thales, Anaximander, Anaxagoras) Parmenides- lived in Sicily but came from the Ionian tradition. These divisions are not clear and precise. Western- mystical. Pythagoras Phaedo is mystical. Philosophy was not seen as simply science but as a way of life/lifestyle. Philosophy as a way of life Philosophy as a contemplation of the truth Cebes and Simmias- objections- long discussion. 2nd part of the book Metaphysics- forms Phaedo + Symposium- usually sees as contrasting but they are linked. They offer different views on philosophy Hume- Tract on suicide criticizes 62a Ancient Greeks used to talk differently. Attic- Athens Ionian- turkey/asia minor Doric- Spartan Translation in itself is an interpretation (of some meanings etc) On suicide- similar to the Christian argument koine

Thales- absent minded reputation. Thinking on stars too hard, fell in a well Archimedes- Found the formula to weigh a ship using water- in joy went out naked. Subject of death- for atheists this is the whole human Socrates- soul dying- existing in a separate place Ambiguity Soul is deathless- conclusion at the end Argument- even coke is universal doesnt mean its deeper Subjectivity could be large (but still it is subjectivity) Nietzsche- you cant believe its something because its useful Athenian tragedy+ Wagner. 10 years living alone by choice. Tolstoy- The Last Memories Meaning of soul- substance- from air (inspire- poetic meaning) Rational element, reasons, early dialogues What gives a body motion- life principle +others

Separation of soul and body through intellect -contemplation Importance given to soul mainly. Ascetic dialogues , Discouraging to body Relationship between body and soul is different in different dialogues No akrasia- soul is all intellect- will do good unless in ignorance But Body represents desires and is against the soul Phaedrus charioteer + 2 horses. The evil horse represents the lower part of the soul- not the body.

Division in the Republic

This relationship became more complex with time. This could be due to change of ideas and decreasing influence of Socratic philosophy Soul- primary intellect- epistemology Ethimology -philo. Sophia. Wish with all soul to attain wisdom. Contemplation done through soul. Philosophy is like death- its separation between body and soul Senses are not important. Scientist- separation of senses and soul. Not only pleasures but ignores senses Descartes- correct yourself. Retrospective. Plato- deceitful information+ you cannot achieve the knowledge of equality through senses (abstract concepts). It only goes so far recollection The soul functions better alone Importance to forms. Orphism- death- birth cycle. Why seek a new body, if found something perfect? Hint that this cycle will end. Hegel/ De jarden- history moving towards perfection. Culmination of absolute will Philsophy love because of need impulse to own what you dont have Unity in Platos works of thought How can a master be imprisoned by a slave? Agathon- rhetor. Gives a beautiful but shallow speech in the Symposium Cicero- In each of us, innately, we know what sounds good Philosophy midway between knowledge and ignorance. Opinion- you give no reason why Hide reality from philosophers

Death draws us to the eternal- mystical union

All forms

see truth 1 to 1/intuition

Symposium from love for beauty to seeing form of beauty (form in the end)

External shell to the form of the good It is the visible (soul) aspect There is an escalation of abstraction Beauty of one body to beauty of all bodies- since its the same beauty of other bodies- it is not important. Soul here is the rational self and other (love is not so rational). In every step there is the realization of a previous mistake. There are instances of truth, not forms. You need a quantum leap/lots of faith My= the scale could be a classification of professions? Revelation- instant vision- what you see when you die Mystics- in this world Form vs instance of form

External. Oneness. Different, Exists in Itself. Persistent

Words. Face/flesh

Opening Closing to 1 thing again

Sanctuary of love Forms become almost numbers at the end of his dialogues (Pythagorean influence) Popper- on Parmenides

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