Chat Log 020912

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(19:08:47) Eileen: *sneaks in and stands behind Fang* (19:11:12) Willie: Kinkyclawz enters the channel.

(19:11:14) Fang: *feels like he's being watched* (19:11:23) Kinkyclawz: *sneaks in and stands behind Eileen* (19:11:34) Eileen: *feels like she is being watched* (19:11:47) Fang: *feels like he's being watched by more than one person* (19:12:03) Kinkyclawz: *is wondering why everyone seems so edgy* (19:12:10) Eileen: *is glad that she feels like she is being watched by only one person* (19:12:43) Kinkyclawz: *snortlaugh* (19:12:51) Fang: *takes a step backwards* (19:13:13) Eileen: *jumps and feels squashed as she lands again* (19:13:15) Eileen: huh? (19:13:31) Fang: huh? I heard a "huh?" (19:13:37) Kinkyclawz: *is stepped and fallen on by two people* ARGH! (19:13:48) Eileen: AH!!! (19:14:27) Eileen: *falls on top of someone and fallen upon (checks her grammar book)* (19:14:36) Fang: How did I get down here on top of Eileen (19:14:48) Kinkyclawz: *groans painfully* (19:15:05) Fang: (wonders what a grammar book iz) (19:15:05) Eileen: *blushes as she realizes the awkward situation* Uhmm... (19:15:12) Fang: Eileen stop making KC groan (19:15:26) Fang: I'm just glad Genie isn't here to see our pile (19:15:32) Eileen: *jumps up and accidently shoves Fang off her* (19:15:37) Eileen: Uhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! (19:15:54) Fang: damn I was pretty comfy there, I was hoping to trap you both all night (19:15:56) Kinkyclawz: Owwwww... and oops. (19:16:10) Kinkyclawz: LOL Oh really? (19:16:12) Fang: also that hurt my ribs (19:16:23) Kinkyclawz: We were just ribbing you. (19:16:41) Eileen: Uh... sorry guys! (19:16:42) Kinkyclawz: I was lucky, all this natural padding I have saved me. (19:16:44) Fang: damn you Eileen for being so tall (19:16:45) Eileen: (19:16:47) Eileen: Or not (19:16:51) Kinkyclawz: No worries, my fault. (19:17:04) Fang: then again I'm just happy to have been able to sit down in recent days (19:17:15) Kinkyclawz: LMAO Eileen! You surely didn't tell a fib! (19:17:16) Fang: better than the week and a bit standing up (19:17:19) Eileen: oh have you been running around alot? (19:17:30) Eileen: *quickly gets a chair for Fang* (19:17:34) Eileen: sorry for the shoving (19:17:39) Eileen: how are your ribs? (19:17:51) Fang: *feels ribs* (19:17:54) Kinkyclawz: Ah, yeah. There IS that. Aww, so sweet, Eileen. (19:18:00) Fang: there seems to be a gap between some of them (19:18:25) Eileen: oh, is that normal? (19:18:29) Fang: *sits down* (19:18:31) Kinkyclawz: Hmm, I'm fairly sure that's ok. Only FAIRLY sure though. (19:18:34) Eileen: HOw are you both btw? (19:18:50) Fang: a whoopee cushion? really Eileen? I thought you were the mature one (19:18:57) Kinkyclawz: Might ahve to check my "Big Little Guide To Medicine And Flower Arranging". (19:19:21) Kinkyclawz: Nice one! *winks at Eileen* (19:19:22) Fang: Fairly sure, there's a hold between my bones dammit! we need to be sure (19:19:47) Kinkyclawz: *checks her Big Little Guide To Medicine And Flower Arranging*

(19:19:53) Fang: I prerferd the cusion I was on top of earlier back in those glorious pre-shove days (19:20:01) Kinkyclawz: Not bad thanks eileen. (19:20:03) Fang: are you sure that's a reliable book KC? (19:20:07) Kinkyclawz: How're you suesse? (19:20:27) Kinkyclawz: I do all my first aid from it, Fang. Fear not. (19:20:30) Fang: I was OK thanks Eileen, now there are holes in my upper body (19:20:33) Eileen: not my cushion! (19:21:07) Eileen: holes in your upper body? (19:21:09) Eileen: ohoh (19:21:15) Eileen: I'm fine thanks, KC (19:21:46) Eileen: came back from a short trip home for my niece school enrollment (19:22:04) Eileen: eating zucchini now, does someone want some of my zucchini? (19:22:09) Kinkyclawz: Aww, how lovely! Is it her first time in school? (19:22:22) Fang: that depends what's zucchini (19:22:23) Kinkyclawz: I can tell you how to grow zucchini, if you like? (19:22:41) Fang: did you wear a school uniform then? (19:23:16) Eileen: yeah her first time (19:23:17) Eileen: (19:23:19) Eileen: very cute (19:23:33) Eileen: no, in germany the pupils dont wear uniforms (19:23:55) Eileen: how do you grow zucchini? (19:24:06) Eileen: and why does your comment not surprise me? (19:24:10) Eileen: Fang? (19:24:11) Eileen: lol (19:24:22) Fang: oh, you've missed out there, if I was you I'd wear a school uniform to that Grimm convention or you'll always wonder "what if?" (19:24:30) Kinkyclawz: It's right next to the chapter about Zinc supplements causing diarrhoea. (19:25:02) Fang: oh yeah I remember what they are now (19:25:25) Kinkyclawz: Is it right that German schools start very early in the morning? (19:25:25) Eileen: lol (19:25:41) Fang: I suppose it's hard to know if it's under "r" for rib, h for hole, g for gap, or E for Eileen related injuries (19:25:45) Eileen: yeah mine started at 7 am (19:25:52) Eileen: hers will start at 7.30 (19:26:09) Kinkyclawz: The book says, "Most zucchini varieties grow as a spreading vine, which can take up a lot of space. You can conserve space by training the vines up a trellis, and there are also some bush varieties. Most zucchini are long and tube-shaped but there are some round varieties too." (19:26:14) Fang: that's crazy, I'll never get why they set schools against a teenagers body clock (19:26:17) Eileen: yeah interesting idea (19:26:18) Kinkyclawz: Aww, bless her! (19:26:22) Eileen: but then everyone will look at me (19:26:37) Kinkyclawz: I'll look up all three... erm four. Sorry. Can't count. (19:27:03) Fang: exactly, including the actors (19:27:22) Kinkyclawz: *continues reading* "Zucchini plants can be started from seed either indoors, or directly in the garden. You should start your zucchini seedlings indoors about 2 weeks before your last frost date. Zucchini grow very long roots, so start your seeds in small pots that are several inches deep and be very careful not to break the roots when you transplant. The seeds should be planted about 1 inch below the surface of your potting soil." (19:27:31) Fang: sorry KC, that's my poor writing techniques, should have stuck to the power of three (19:27:38) Kinkyclawz: Oh wait, I should be looking at ribs. (19:27:40) Eileen: lol (19:27:52) Eileen: would love to try a round zucchini (19:28:29) Eileen: lol (19:28:43) Kinkyclawz: Round? I thought they were... erm... shaped like.. like a.. um, a fat

cucumber. (19:28:43) Eileen: should zucchini be planted along your ribs? (19:29:03) Fang: I wonder where your mind went there KC (19:29:17) Fang: I doubt cucumber was your first thought... (19:29:33) Fang: don't encourage her Eileen! (19:29:41) Eileen: you said that they could grow round, too (19:29:46) Kinkyclawz: Apparently they like warm places so ribs might work. (19:30:07) Kinkyclawz: Helps 'em stay in rows. (19:30:13) Kinkyclawz: I think. (19:30:17) Kinkyclawz: ^^ (19:30:49) Eileen: but i doubt it would feel good for Fang (19:31:00) Eileen: and could look a bit creepy (19:31:05) Fang: so your cure is to plant strange cucumbers 1 inch below my skin? (19:31:06) Kinkyclawz: Hmm, or viney. (19:31:25) Kinkyclawz: That's what the book says. books don't lie, right? (19:31:47) Fang: what date was the book written? (19:31:49) Eileen: no they dont (19:31:55) Eileen: only if the author lied (19:32:07) Kinkyclawz: The books says. "Rib injuries can also be caused by the force of your own muscles." What could that mean? (19:32:14) Kinkyclawz: *looks innocnet* (19:32:26) Fang: no they don't (we have to say that just in case JD is reading the chat log, he'd be devastated if he found Oz wasn't a real place) (19:32:47) Eileen: oh i see (19:32:49) Eileen: hmmmm (19:32:51) Fang: oh yeah, like when I pull my chest muscles by coughing too much (19:32:54) Eileen: good questions (19:33:03) Kinkyclawz: Ah, good point Eileen. *checks the date on the book for Fang* Hmm, the date is in Roman numerals. (19:33:14) Fang: quack! (19:33:16) Eileen: oh (19:33:31) Eileen: Oz is not real? (19:33:36) Fang: quack quack! (19:33:42) Kinkyclawz: Are you feeling ill, ducky? (19:33:45) Eileen: awww a duck! (19:33:59) Fang: blatant this is blatant quakery (19:34:00) Kinkyclawz: M (19:34:07) Eileen: N (19:34:14) Kinkyclawz: Oh. (19:34:15) Kinkyclawz: LOL (19:34:19) Eileen: Puh (19:34:45) Fang: puh? M? N? (19:34:51) Fang: use words! whole ones! (19:34:59) Kinkyclawz: Like whole grains? (19:35:17) Kinkyclawz: Whole words are healthier? (19:35:34) Eileen: quack (19:35:39) Eileen: row (19:35:43) Fang: yes they wear out my brain at a much slower rate (19:35:45) Eileen: sigh (19:35:49) Eileen: tsk (19:35:52) Eileen: uhm (19:36:07) Fang: quack row, no silly Eileen the phrase is "get your ducks in a row" (19:36:14) Kinkyclawz: verrrry-good. (19:36:26) Kinkyclawz: or duck-ing around? (19:36:37) Fang: well now you've gone to the other ducking extreme and put too many letters in (19:36:37) Eileen: why

(19:36:43) Eileen: xtra (19:36:45) Kinkyclawz: X-actly! (19:36:52) Kinkyclawz: (damn, beat me to it!) (19:37:01) Kinkyclawz: Yeah? (19:37:16) Eileen: zone 1 (19:37:23) Eileen: ah! (19:37:46) Fang: we are experiencing technical difficulties, the normal chat will resume shortly (19:38:06) Fang: brb (I have some wires to tinker with) (19:38:17) Eileen: cu (19:38:20) Kinkyclawz: Erm, in the book, it says of rib injuries. "Simply putting up with the pain is not a good idea as it can lead to shallow breathing, lack of coughing and chest infections." (19:38:24) Kinkyclawz: Ohh, HB Fang! (19:38:32) Kinkyclawz: Lack of coughing in bad? (19:38:38) Kinkyclawz: is not in. Duh! (19:38:51) Eileen: duh! (19:38:59) Eileen: exactly (19:39:05) Eileen: fine answer (19:39:11) Kinkyclawz: Great news! (19:39:26) Fang: back (19:39:29) Fang: I think I fixed it (19:39:29) Kinkyclawz: WB! (19:39:32) Fang: by watching the Wire (19:39:41) Eileen: having you back is awesome! (19:39:43) Kinkyclawz: Well done! Tinkering with your Tardis makes it better. (19:39:46) Kinkyclawz: ? (19:39:57) Fang: you didn't say that when my back was on top of your front (19:40:03) Kinkyclawz: I see what you did there (19:40:04) Eileen: i like you! (19:40:15) Kinkyclawz: @ Eileen. (19:40:15) Eileen: justified (19:40:33) Eileen: knowledge is all (19:40:42) Eileen: let me explain what i mean (19:40:45) Fang: how about you KC did you like having Eileen's back? (19:40:45) Kinkyclawz: Love is life! (19:41:01) Kinkyclawz: I always ahve my Twister's back. (19:41:11) Kinkyclawz: S'why we're Twisters! (19:41:12) Kinkyclawz: ^^ (19:41:27) Eileen: My opinion is the same! (19:41:32) Fang: but I thought twisters were doing it for themselves and so didn't need somebody to have their back (19:41:40) Fang: don't tell me they lied via song (19:42:02) Eileen: not understand (19:42:12) Kinkyclawz: Twisters, plural. We get together in a pack and do it for ourselves. (19:42:14) Kinkyclawz: ahem. (19:42:39) Fang: well that's just confusing (19:42:48) Fang: Eileen would be much more specific (19:42:49) Kinkyclawz: Here Eileen... e=web&cd=2&cad=rja&ved=0CC0QtwIwAQ& %3Fv%3DHVDyv4hnvJY&ei=l6hDUKb8A_OR0QWjkoHQAg&usg=AFQjCNFlWJ3rIiY-1FVqihgZ3lDkWr0xQ&sig2=ovZf4i2x5Ck3Phz4BWFrfw (19:43:08) Kinkyclawz: Uhhh, no, hold on. >< (19:43:16) Eileen: oh, cannot watch (19:43:22) Fang: I hope her niece is taught to be as specific as Eileen (19:43:44) Kinkyclawz: Me either, just realised. This should work. *hopes* (19:43:54) Kinkyclawz:

(19:44:23) Eileen: not working (19:44:27) Kinkyclawz: Indeed, I think she shall. and one day, Eileen's niece shall inherit the chatroom! mwahahahaaaaaaaa! (19:44:36) Kinkyclawz: It's not? Hmm, (19:45:04) Eileen: lol (19:45:18) Kinkyclawz: Well, these are the lyrics. LOL ythmics/sisters+are+doin+it+for+themselves_20051745.html (19:45:25) Fang: never trust a video by somebody called "sclub7areawesome" (19:45:45) Kinkyclawz: Ah, I didn't see the username. Darn it! (19:45:47) Eileen: lol (19:45:57) Kinkyclawz: ~But they are! (19:46:18) Fang: actually it's worse than I thought, they spelled awesome wrong (19:46:26) Fang: unless it's me spelling it wrong (19:46:39) Kinkyclawz: no awesome has an e. (19:46:42) Fang: oh yes of course they are, sorry KC (19:47:00) Kinkyclawz: Good man, glad you understand. (19:47:33) Fang: (19:47:43) Fang: there you go a nice s club 7 song for you (19:47:46) Kinkyclawz: Does this link work for you Eileen? rGx7JkFSp4 (19:48:49) Eileen: no (19:49:10) Eileen: the s club 7 one worked (19:49:11) Kinkyclawz: Tsk. Darned copyright stuff. (19:49:42) Fang: yeah mine worked reach for the stars KC (19:49:57) Fang: don't let those record bosses stop you (19:50:20) Kinkyclawz: Perhaps someone will have a Eurythmics video on an S-Club channel. (19:50:29) Kinkyclawz: No, wait, Already tried that, didn't I? (19:51:14) Fang: what's that, you want more s club (19:52:51) Fang: you should get a (fake) fur coat like them Eileen (19:53:24) Kinkyclawz: Does this link work? *is trying very hard to find a German-legal copy of this song* (19:54:12) Kinkyclawz: Faux fur, very chic! (19:54:23) Eileen: why lol (19:54:30) Fang: screw that song KC, there ain't know party like an s club party (19:54:48) Kinkyclawz: Water, snow... S-Club 7 liked the elements! (19:54:59) Kinkyclawz: Know or no? LOL (19:55:00) Eileen: not working (19:55:14) Kinkyclawz: PFFFFFFFFFFFT! (19:55:21) Kinkyclawz: Another one not working? (19:55:31) Kinkyclawz: Is there a German youtube? (19:55:39) Kinkyclawz: German-only yyoutube? (19:55:51) Kinkyclawz: and also a YouTube. Ahem. (19:56:05) Eileen: (19:56:07) Fang: yes it's called "waste hours watching old videos on your computer tube* (19:56:11) Eileen: (19:56:31) Kinkyclawz: I'#ll search on there, tahkns eileen. (19:56:38) Kinkyclawz: Thanks also. Eep, typos ahoy! (19:57:27) Fang: this really isn't worth all the effort (19:57:44) Fang: we could be having a sensible on-topic discussion (19:57:59) Kinkyclawz: Probably not, but hey, you and your poor ribs encouraged me to go for it. (19:58:15) Kinkyclawz: BWAHAHA! When did we ever have one of those? (19:59:12) Fang: I think we had one near the start of the year (19:59:27) Fang: it laster nearly 10 minutes too (19:59:28) Eileen: no need (19:59:47) Kinkyclawz: no need? (20:00:04) Kinkyclawz: to have a sensible on-topic discussion?

(20:00:24) Fang: to fix my ribs? (20:00:29) Eileen: no the video (20:00:30) Fang: to have an s club party? (20:00:34) Fang: to buy a fur coat? (20:00:54) Fang: to take responsibility for that whopee cushion? (20:01:06) Fang: oh, you already answered (20:01:15) Fang: I had seven more questions lined up too (20:01:21) Fang: now they're going to be all upset they weren't used (20:01:40) Kinkyclawz: Too fast for us both. Seven? Perhaps you shoudl share so they don't gang up on you and stop you from sleeping tonight? (20:02:48) Kinkyclawz: Oh-kay Eileen. It's not on there anyway. (20:03:10) Eileen: then ask (20:03:16) Eileen: and i will not answer (20:03:20) Fang: no they can and stand in the corner with the on-topic discussion (20:04:01) Fang: and the pancake maker and all the other things we don't use (20:04:29) Kinkyclawz: We have a pancake maker?! (20:04:30) Eileen: then its okay (20:04:43) Kinkyclawz: *drools* *Kc lurves pancakes* (20:05:01) Fang: yeah at least they won't get lonely there (20:05:05) Kinkyclawz: *Lurve's 'em so much, she becomes a lower-case c* (20:05:31) Kinkyclawz: So the corner is less of a punishment than a social club and counselling group? (20:06:11) Fang: exactly it's not a punishment it's just where they hang out (20:06:18) Fang: probably dealing drugs (20:06:30) Kinkyclawz: BRB, pitstop. Anyone want a hot drink while I'm making? (20:06:32) Eileen: brb laundry (20:06:38) Fang: it's sort of like the corner Eileen used to use but not quite as nice an area (20:06:59) Fang: oh fine off you go then, don't worry about Fang *folds arms and pouts* (20:10:54) Kinkyclawz: *returns* Back! (20:11:10) Kinkyclawz: *offers Fang a beer* (20:11:22) Eileen: Back! (20:11:47) Kinkyclawz: Sorry, the pitstop was necessary. Don't pout. (20:11:49) Kinkyclawz: WB Eileen! (20:12:01) Fang: thanks KC (20:12:11) Eileen: no pouting! (20:12:35) Fang: no I don't mind one of you going it was you're planned way of leaving together, probably to talk about me in the laides toilets (20:12:49) Fang: did you want some on my beer Eileen? (20:12:52) Kinkyclawz: Ahh, what kind of drugs are they dealing in that not-as-nice-as-Eileen's-butgood-enough-for-our-unusable-items-and-topics? (20:13:27) Kinkyclawz: I never noticed you anging your laundry up in the ladies toilets Eileen! (20:13:32) Kinkyclawz: hanging also. LOL (20:14:22) Fang: I think it's aspirin (20:14:40) Kinkyclawz: *sucks air in through her teeth* Hard core stuff! (20:15:23) Fang: yep that's some hardcore sucking there KC (20:15:33) Fang: wait that's not what I meant (20:15:38) Kinkyclawz: I suck hard, my friend. (20:16:01) Kinkyclawz: I.. uh, i mean.. yeah, I didn't mean that either. Ahem. (20:16:09) Kinkyclawz: *blushes* (20:16:13) Fang: no of course not *makes notes* (20:16:19) Fang: Eileen anything to say on the subject no (20:16:25) Kinkyclawz: *tilts head sideways to read notes* (20:16:29) Fang: shall we put it in taht corner then (20:16:49) Eileen: lol (20:16:52) Eileen: who sucks?

(20:16:56) Kinkyclawz: Eileen is too good and pure to get drawn into this conversation. Yes, yes please. Let the corner enjoy the hardcore sucking instead. (20:17:12) Kinkyclawz: *coughs* No-one. no-one. (20:17:18) Kinkyclawz: Right Fang? (20:17:43) Fang: erm yeah I agree with KC (20:17:53) Kinkyclawz: *whispers* Thankyou. (20:18:15) Fang: I think the corner would like the topic, they erm.. well they sell something... (20:18:27) Eileen: what do they sell? (20:18:29) Fang: it usually involes hardcore sucking (20:18:52) Fang: well this is just a rumour but I heard they sell cough sweets, but not just any ones menthol ones! (20:18:58) Kinkyclawz: It does? Ahhh.. you have such indepth knowledge. (20:19:16) Fang: so that's um...some hardcore sucking going on there (20:19:19) Kinkyclawz: Menthol? *is shocked to her core* now that really does suck. (20:19:36) Fang: yeah I said I learned about it watching The Wire (20:19:44) Kinkyclawz: They get fresh after the mehtol sweet sucking-selling, too, huh? (20:19:49) Fang: I think the version I watched was some kind of censored daytime verison though (20:20:08) Kinkyclawz: Phew, you were spared the gory details then. (20:20:20) Kinkyclawz: And I was sapred the correct spelling of menthol (20:20:48) Kinkyclawz: I wonder where Genie is this week. (20:20:54) Kinkyclawz: Did she say she'd be away? (20:21:03) Fang: I think we should worry about that later (20:21:10) Kinkyclawz: *is proud of how she subtly changed the subject* (20:21:13) Fang: Eileen has gone queit since the sucking conversation (20:21:24) Kinkyclawz: I'm worried. Eileen? Are you ok? (20:21:28) Fang: are you Ok Eileen, something you're plucking up the courage to share with the group (20:21:47) Fang: not that I'm not concered about Genie but she's the vice of reason so should be OK (20:21:58) Fang: she never said anything (20:22:18) Fang: damn I gotta go in a minute and Elieen has fallen silent (20:22:21) Kinkyclawz: Perhaps so. I didn;t remember her saying anything about being absent either. (20:22:45) Kinkyclawz: And that would leave me talking to myself which, although no uncommon, might nto be a good thing to leave in the chatlog for the world to see. (20:22:46) Eileen: im here (20:22:51) Fang: so Eileen is silent, I have a hole between my ribs, Genie is absent... (20:22:53) Eileen: with a very red head (20:22:55) Fang: oh phew (20:23:00) Kinkyclawz: YAY there she is! Are you alright Twister dear? (20:23:06) Kinkyclawz: A red head? (20:23:10) Fang: what's wrong with your head (20:23:15) Kinkyclawz: A...another canary? (20:23:22) Fang: did you dye your hair? (20:23:23) Kinkyclawz: made of paper? (20:23:29) Eileen: no its all very embarassing (20:23:36) Fang: Eileen's hair is made of paper (20:23:44) Fang: is it to do with hardcore sucking? (20:23:44) Kinkyclawz: Oh dear, have we incriminated ourselves now? (20:23:59) Kinkyclawz: Hello Eileen's red-headed friend! (20:24:02) Kinkyclawz: *waves* (20:24:29) Fang: c'mon we need to know why you're all red headed and embrassed (20:24:50) Eileen: it sucks (20:24:54) Fang: maybe her clothes have all shrunk and are now really tight (20:24:54) Kinkyclawz: Please? We won't tell anyone. Will we Fang? (20:25:12) Fang: and due to lack of air and their constrictive nature her face has gone red?

(20:25:12) Kinkyclawz: A red headed friend who sucks? Uh-ohh. (20:25:22) Fang: I like the sound of that friend (20:25:36) Fang: no your secrets are safe with me (20:26:03) Kinkyclawz: When planting zucchinis: "Dig a hole deep enough that you can set in the seedling without having to fold up the longer roots." (20:26:23) Fang: you didn't sit on a zucchini did you? that would be embrassing too (20:26:43) Kinkyclawz: *tries to change the subject to spare eileen's embarrassment. (20:26:46) Fang: the suspense is killing me (20:26:47) Eileen: *refuses to reply* (20:26:52) Kinkyclawz: Like hanging? (20:27:04) Kinkyclawz: That suspence kills people. (20:27:09) Fang: er yes killing would kill be too (20:27:12) Kinkyclawz: Erm, Suspense rather. (20:27:13) Fang: oh riht (20:27:25) Fang: c'mon Eileen don't be a tease (20:27:33) Fang: give us head (20:27:36) Fang: related story (20:27:42) Kinkyclawz: Come on Eileen? We're not allowed to sing that. (20:27:55) Fang: that's why I cleverly changed it (20:28:18) Kinkyclawz: LMAO @ Fang. Cleverly done. I see what you did there. And changing the subject to boot. (20:28:59) Fang: Eileen seriously this slow rate of speech is starting to worry me (20:29:03) Fang: have you banged your head (20:29:04) Eileen: *holds her ears* (20:29:06) Fang: are you concussed (20:29:32) Fang: you mean you have ringing in your ears (20:29:37) Fang: get yourself to a hospital (20:29:41) Kinkyclawz: Maybe the fall when we came in and injured your ribs has caused a concussion? I can look it up ion my Big Little Book Of medicine and Flower Arranging. (20:29:59) Fang: and don't fall asleep (20:30:04) Kinkyclawz: *flicks through for tratments for concussion. (20:30:04) Fang: I can help you stay awake (20:30:22) Fang: all night if I have too (20:30:41) Kinkyclawz: The book recommends acupuncture. (20:30:44) Fang: damn it Eileen say something! (20:30:50) Kinkyclawz: Eileen? (20:30:51) Fang: have you been banged? (20:30:54) Kinkyclawz: Please speak! (20:30:55) Fang: on the head? (20:30:57) Eileen: Something (20:30:59) Kinkyclawz: *snortlaugh* (20:31:15) Kinkyclawz: Well, you did say something. YAY! (20:31:32) Fang: hooray, a response with a hint of humour (20:31:47) Fang: now tell us what happened (20:31:49) Kinkyclawz: Indeed, getting back to the eileen we know and love. (20:31:53) Kinkyclawz: Are you ok? (20:32:28) Eileen: yes (20:32:39) Kinkyclawz: Good. and monosyllabic. (20:32:55) Fang: she has mono? (20:33:00) Kinkyclawz: Which is not that good. (20:33:11) Kinkyclawz: Indeed, we need to figure out how to turn her back into stereo (20:33:13) Kinkyclawz: ? (20:33:34) Fang: well we can't fix her until she tells us what's wrong (20:33:48) Fang: ah I have to go too (20:34:02) Fang: I'm notsure I can wait much longer (20:34:10) Fang: KC will you please look after her

(20:34:27) Fang: only do what I would do to help (20:34:33) Kinkyclawz: Aww, of course. I'll stay until we can eb sure she's back in stereo again. (20:34:37) Eileen: I'm okay (20:34:38) Fang: not what's in your big book of quackery (20:34:43) Eileen: *faints* (20:35:05) Kinkyclawz: I'm not sure i can do that. My book's not quackery. Oh heck! *tries to catch Eileen* (20:35:10) Fang: KC I'd give her mouth to mouth at this poibt (20:35:19) Fang: remember do as I would do (20:35:27) Fang: goodnight (20:35:37) Fang: get well soon/help her get well soon (20:35:37) Kinkyclawz: she wouldn't respond to me as she would to you though. (20:35:42) Kinkyclawz: Goodnight1 (20:35:53) Fang: goodnight2 (20:35:58) Kinkyclawz: *tries to help the fainted Eileen* (20:36:15) Fang: *worried Tardis noise* (20:36:15) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, we're coutning? (20:36:18) Willie: Fang logs out of the Chat. (20:36:39) Kinkyclawz: Nighty night, Fang! Sleep tight. (20:36:41) Eileen: *wakes up* (20:36:44) Eileen: Goodnight3 (20:37:01) Kinkyclawz: Ah, there you are. *fans Eileen* Yes, this is what Fang would do, right? (20:37:15) Kinkyclawz: *gets a cushion for under Eiuleen's head* (20:37:25) Kinkyclawz: *and one for under Eileen's head too* (20:37:44) Eileen: thank you (20:37:54) Eileen: must have fainted from embarassment (20:38:12) Kinkyclawz: That's nunderstandable. (20:38:53) Kinkyclawz: How are you now? *continues fanning* (20:38:53) Eileen: *smiles* (private conversation) (20:45:18) Kinkyclawz: Eileen? (20:46:52) Kinkyclawz: Are you there suesse? (20:47:11) Eileen: sorry yeah (20:47:22) Eileen: im talking about the vancon with other friends at the same time (20:47:23) Eileen: lol (20:47:24) Kinkyclawz: Ohew, thought your concussion ahd come back. ^^ (20:47:37) Kinkyclawz: Ohhhh, no worries! that's why you were a little quiet? (20:47:44) Kinkyclawz: earlier, I mean? (20:48:19) Eileen: yeah (20:48:39) Kinkyclawz: Aha! ^^ I understand. Or nunderstand. (private conversation) (21:04:10) Kinkyclawz: Ah, its getting to be about that time that I have to be heading off, Twister dear. my bed is calling, btu a shower is calling first. (21:04:46) Eileen: oh sorry (21:04:47) Eileen: (21:04:52) Eileen: still here (21:05:10) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, no worries. I know you're busy. (21:05:12) Eileen: then answer the calls! before they start to pout or get angry (21:05:35) Kinkyclawz: I shall, nothign worse than angry, pouty calls, is there?! (21:05:38) Kinkyclawz: LOL (21:06:02) Eileen: or beds and showers (21:06:05) Eileen: (21:06:28) Kinkyclawz: Indeed, beds or showers too! ^^ *hugz twice 'cause she forgot to hug you when she came in* Gute nacht suesse. Schlaf gut! (21:09:27) Kinkyclawz: See you next week?

(21:09:36) Eileen: yeah next week (21:09:37) Eileen: :) (21:09:43) Eileen: *hugs twice back* (21:10:07) Eileen: see you and Gute Nacht! (21:10:18) Kinkyclawz: YAY! Goodnight hun. *waves to your red-headed friend. I'm teasing, of course. LOL (21:10:57) Kinkyclawz: Byeeee!! *saves the chat and wanders off to shower then sleep* (21:12:23) Kinkyclawz: MUAH! :-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*

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