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In Christ

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery So I say, live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature. Galatians 5:1, 16

2012 Edition #7
Behind the Walls of the Protestant Chaplaincy Ministry an outreach of Pacific Youth Correctional Ministries

ME (Youth Guidance Center)

Question for Life? God made you and me For all of us to see We were born with sin because of Adam and Eve He sent His Son, Lord Jesus Christ, to save our deeds He died on the cross for me and you Not just us but the whole world too He rose from the dead to prove us all wrong That God is real and our Father is strong He created the heavens and the earth He made life and gave you birth We can be forgiven if we pray and confess Our sins to God, In His eyes we are the best Christian we can be and follow Gods path Read the Bible on His behalf The Holy Spirit lives in me, my heart and mind He transformed me completely and I will shine Dont wait to follow God, He will lead the way Have faith in Him and always pray He is my Savior and Father too I thank the Lord for guiding me through Its not gonna be easy, temptation is rough But the real question is Is God enough? KS (Youth Guidance Center)

BE (Accountability Commitment Program)

MH (Youth Leadership Academy)

WE NEED YOUR INPUT TO CREATE MORE NEWSLETTERS !!! To submit a testimony for an upcoming issue of Identity! please pick up a newsletter application at Protestant/Christian church service or Bible study.

Discipleship Opportunities Available The Bible teaches when you become a Christian, you are given a brand NEW IDENTITY! Do you want to learn more about the NEW YOU? If so, consider the Protestant Ministrys one-on-one discipleship program in which a committed religious volunteer will meet with you once weekly while you are incarcerated for spiritual discipleship. To sign up for discipleship, please submit a Religious Request form through your unit staff.

BEAUTY FOR ASHES There are many times in life when you are discouraged, downhearted and you may find a lot of roads that have dead end signs. It will encourage you to know that God sees you, He knows your dilemma, He understands your frustration and He desires to be your guide. God is able to sort out the tangles of your life and bring peace, joy, and purpose for you. His light will show you the way. So often you may look at life and want answers for how things have gone wrong. Decisions, relationships, failed opportunities may lead you down a rocky path. Some are discouraged and think there is no way to change. Others think it is too late to find new answers and new directions. Your longing may be for comfort, guidance, understanding, and light so you can see the truth. God wants to show you. You may have been deceived, hurt, and even may believe there is no hope. That is not true! The Bible states that you are special. Your personality, looks, talents and gifts are all the way God designed and how He reaches out to you. When you are welcomed into your new family, He can use all that has happened in your life and help others to find His love, too. But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8 God is able with His love to turn what is totally stained and make it white! He can transform what looks hopeless and make it beautiful. He can take anger and discouragement and bring true peace and love. His grace and mercy are great enough to help you find life and purpose and joy. Jesus Christ came to prove that God loves you and that because of His sacrifice you can now choose to be in Gods family. But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name. John 1:12 Take this great opportunity with the step that changes everything. Allow God to show you how much He loves you and what that relationship is worth. His gift is perfect. But you must decide to receive it. Come to your forever family and a whole new life. Joyfully, Joyce

I try to live but Im livin in sorrow Its like I look forward to an even worse tomorrow Tryin to borrow some time from the hands of death But it looks like soon Ill breathe my very last breath But its God just testin me To see if the Truth will set me free From these chains of pain That the devils got around my brain Maybe just a trippy migraine Or like an old man walkin with a cane I need help CS (Joplin Youth Center) Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing. James 1:2-4 (New Living Translation)

Protestant Chaplaincy Ministry

Gods Gift of Salvation The Bible teaches that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Sin is a wrongful thought, attitude, or action. Sin is the act of doing wrong as well as the willful desire to do wrong. Sin separates you from God. But, God does not want you to remain separated from Him. Therefore Jesus Christ, who is fully and completely God, came to this earth and lived as a man. He had a physical body just like you, but He was born without sin and He never sinned. When Jesus was crucified on the cross, He cried out It is finished because God the Father accepted Jesus payment for all of your sin past, present, and future. But the story doesnt end there Three days later Jesus rose bodily from the dead to prove that His Word is true and that He is the Giver of eternal life. Do you want to put your trust in Jesus and receive Gods gift of salvation? Then, simply tell God in prayer that you are a sinner and thank Him that Jesus died in your place to forgive your sins and rose from the dead to give you eternal life. Yes, it is that easy! Why not pray now. Welcome to the Family of God!!! We would love to hear of your decision, pray with you and give you a Bible. To meet with someone from the Protestant Ministry, please submit a Religious Request form through your unit staff.

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