Colegio Cristiano Rey Salomon

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COLEGIO CRISTIANO REY SALOMON Grade: Subject : English Teachers Name: Leslie Hernndez.

Evaluation : August Students Name: 7 Section: Proverbios 13:1 EL hijo sabio toma el consejo del padre: Mas el burlador no escucha las reprensiones. Date:

Indicaciones: Try to follow instructions on each part of this exam. Remember to use ink for every answer. Escriba con letra legible y de
molde. Trate de seguir las indicaciones para cada parte de este examen. Use solo lapicero.

Part 1 . Escriba el nombre en ingles de los siguientes animales 50%


2 __________

3 ___________

4 ___________ 5 _________ 6__________

7 ___________

COLEGIO CRISTIANO REY SALOMON Grade: Subject : English Teachers Name: Leslie Hernndez. Evaluation : August Students Name: 8 Section: Proverbios 13:1 EL hijo sabio toma el consejo del padre: Mas el burlador no escucha las reprensiones. Date:

Indicaciones: Try to follow instructions on each part of this exam. Remember to use ink for every answer. Escriba con letra legible y de
molde. Trate de seguir las indicaciones para cada parte de este examen. Use solo lapicero.

COLEGIO CRISTIANO REY SALOMON Grade: Subject : English Teachers Name: Leslie Hernndez. Evaluation : August Students Name: 2 Ao General Section: A-1 B-2 Proverbios 13:1 EL hijo sabio toma el consejo del padre: Mas el burlador no escucha las reprensiones. Date:

Indicaciones: Try to follow instructions on each part of this exam. Remember to use ink for every answer. Escriba con letra legible y de
molde. Trate de seguir las indicaciones para cada parte de este examen. Use solo lapicero.

PART 1. Read the following article about The Amish Culture then answer based on the lecture. Ponderacin (100 %)
he Amish are a group of Christians who live in rural areas in the United States. Most live in the state of Pennsylvania. They have a very interesting lifestyle. Those who belong in the Old Order of Amish live very simple lives. They live on farms, dress very simply and refuse to use anything modern, such as electricity. These Amish do not want to be a part of modern society. They do not use cars or telephones and they dont have tv. or radios. They drive carriages pulled by horses. The Amish believe in families and community. Families work together on the farms. Neighbors help each other. They build houses and barns together. The Old Order Amish have very strict rules about clothes. Women and girls wear simple dresses with long sleeves and long skirts. They never cut their hair and they dont wear jewelry. Men and boys wear dark suits, black socks and shoes, and straw hats. Men can be have beard, but not moustaches. All Amish believe in living a peaceful and nonviolent life.

1- Write the meaning of the following words. Escriba el significado de las siguientes palabras. Farm Peaceful Carriages Long sleeves Neighbor Lifestyle jewelry Moustaches 2- Circle the correct answer. Encierre en un crculo la respuesta correcta. 1. The men can have moustaches / beards. 2. The women never / sometimes cut their hair. 3. The Amish try to live interesting / peaceful lives. 3- The following section contains 3 difficulties, ponder the following alternatives and circle the best one. True or False. A) The Amish are a musical group who live in rural areas in the United Sates. T F B) Amish women wear fashion clothe and jewelry. T F C) The Amish believe in families and community. T F 4- Underline all the verbs that you can find on the read. Subraye todos los verbos que pueda encontrar en la lectura.

COLEGIO CRISTIANO REY SALOMON Grade: Subject : English Teachers Name: Leslie Hernndez. Evaluation : August Students Name: 1 Ao General Section: A Proverbios 13:1 EL hijo sabio toma el consejo del padre: Mas el burlador no escucha las reprensiones. Date:

Indicaciones: Try to follow instructions on each part of this exam. Remember to use ink for every answer. Escriba con letra legible y de
molde. Trate de seguir las indicaciones para cada parte de este examen. Use solo lapicero.

PART 1 .Fill in the spaces with the correct form of the Present Perfect. Llene los espacios con la forma correcta de Present Perfect. Ponderacin (50 %) 1. I _________ ________(go) to Japan. 2. She ______________ (see) the movie. 3. They _____________(eat) Italian food. 4. You_____________(meet) my brother. 5. Jeff________________ (no, drive) a car. 6. We___________ (speak) to the teacher. 7. They _________________ (no, try) Mexican food. 8. Jen ____________________ (do) her homework. 9. Bob and Dan _________________ (make) many telephone calls. 10. The children ______________ (play) soccer many times.

COLEGIO CRISTIANO REY SALOMON Grade: Subject : English Teachers Name: Leslie Hernndez. Evaluation : August Students Name: 1 Ao General Section: A Proverbios 13:1 EL hijo sabio toma el consejo del padre: Mas el burlador no escucha las reprensiones. Date:

Indicaciones: Try to follow instructions on each part of this exam. Remember to use ink for every answer. Escriba con letra legible y de
molde. Trate de seguir las indicaciones para cada parte de este examen. Use solo lapicero.

PART 1 Circle the correct answer. Simple past

1- I saw/ see a movie yesterday. 2- I didn't see a play yesterday. 3- Last year, I traveled /travel to Japan. 4- Do / Did you have dinner last night? 5- She washed/ wash her car.

6- I studied/study English. 7- He played / play the violin. 8- She worked/work at the movie theater after

9- They never went/go to school. 10- We wait/ waited for one hour.

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