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Green Economy Best Practices in Catalonia

Green Economy Best Practices in Catalonia

Government of Catalonia Ministry of Territory and Sustainability http:// First edition: June 2012 D.L.: B. 20280-2012 Printed in recycled paper.

Green Economy Best Practices in Catalonia

Green economy is the focus of debate of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20). Although the concept has been defined in numerous ways, the Government of Catalonia upholds that the main objectives that should govern the introduction of this green economy model are as follows: first of all, efficient use of resources; and, secondly, to reconcile economic development with improving peoples welfare and intra- and intergenerational solidarity. Rio+20 and advancement in the formulation of the resulting green economy are an opportunity to integrate sustainability boldly in all areas and sectors, while highlighting a new, more inclusive institutional framework that guarantees the participation of the whole of society, and a governance system that includes all levels of government and all social actors. To make this possible, in the document The Future We Want, the United Nations urges the international community to take part in a knowledge platform that enables the sharing of green economy best practice experiences and policies on both a regional and national scale. This document on Green Economy Best Practices in Catalonia aims to be Catalonias response to this call from the United Nations. Green Economy Best Practices in Catalonia is the proof that many organisations, businesses and groups in Catalonia have been working for some time now to promote sustainability and green economy policies. Briefly, and in the form of case studies grouped by the themes of the Rio+20 Summit, the document presents actions taken to protect the environment, the efficient use of resources, sustainable consumption and production, gender equality and fostering green employment. These best practices reflect a shared vision of a sustainable economic model and the innovative, transforming and avant-garde will of Catalan society. This is not a comprehensive selection, but it does provide examples of initiatives, actions and political, economic, environmental and social experiences that, one way or another, make the green economy a reality in Catalonia. We hope to be able to add many more to these cases and to show the international community that Catalonia is a leader in sustainability.

Lluis Recoder i Miralles Minister for Territory and Sustainability

Green Economy Best Practices in Catalonia 5

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Green industry, material efficiency and waste minimization 8 Social sector, green jobs and employment 20 Food security and sustainable agriculture 30 Biodiversity, forests and other ecosystems 34 Freshwater and sanitation 38 Blue economy and oceans 40 Sustainable energy 42 Sustainable cities 50 Cross-cutting issues 54

Green Economy Best Practices in Catalonia 7

Green industry, material efficiency and waste minimization

Fostering of corporate social responsibility (CSR) Promotion of tools for environmental certification of products and services: Emblem of Guarantee of Environmental Quality, EU Eco-label, EMAS and the Catalan Eco-design Programme (ECODIScat) Creation of an EMAS Club to improve the environmental performance of businesses Programme to support the creation and promotion of clusters Fostering green public procurement within the Administration A digital tool for green public purchasing and procurement (GPPP) The LIFE COR (Objective Waste Campaign) Project The Bag Alliance Better than new, 100% old Greening Books: eco-publishing, an innovative way of managing publications with sustainability criteria

Green industry, material efficiency and waste minimization

Fostering of corporate social responsibility (CSR)



Directorate-General for Environmental Quality (DGQA). Ministry of Territory and Sustainability. Government of Catalonia
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is the voluntary integration of social and environmental issues by businesses into their economic activity. More businesses are proactively focussing on CSR all the time; seeking sustainable competitive advantages with a new management model that takes into account not only financial results but also ethical, economic, social and environmental issues. The DGQA from the Ministry of Territory and Sustainability of Catalonia is working to add value for those businesses that make an effort to opt for environmental and comprehensive improvement in CSR giving them access to knowledge through best practice publications, using them as an incentive for other businesses or including environmental clauses in public tenders.

To disseminate CSR throughout Catalonia as a corporate strategy that adds long-term value for all interested parties. To promote the environmental area of CSR. To provide support for the implementation of CSR in the Catalan Government and organisations.

Course in collaboration with the Club for Excellence in Sustainability. Course for CSR implementation in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with the Professional Association of Environmentalists of Catalonia. Development of the SRGencat Plan, approved by the Government of Catalonia in 2009. Publication of the CSR Implementation Guide for SMEs and the CSR promotion Guide. CSR Week in Catalonia and various awareness-raising conferences. The application of CSR implementation programmes for SMEs and other organisations.

Green Economy Best Practices in Catalonia 9

Green industry, material efficiency and waste minimization


Promotion of tools for environmental certification of products and services: Emblem of Guarantee of Environmental Quality, EU Eco-label, EMAS and the Catalan Eco-design Programme (ECODIScat)

Directorate-General for Environmental Quality (DGQA). Ministry of Territory and Sustainability. Government of Catalonia

The EU Eco-label is a voluntary ecological labelling system, created by the European Union in 1992 to promote the marketing of more environmentally respectful products and services. The Emblem of Guarantee of Environmental Quality is an ecological labelling system created through Government of Catalonia Decree 316/1994 of 4th November. EMAS is the acronym of the Eco-Management and Audit Scheme, a voluntary management tool which allows the continued evaluation and improvement of the environmental performance of organisations. The Catalan Eco-design Programme (ECODIScat) is a programme set up by the Ministry of Territory and Sustainability based on contributions resulting from a process of public participation which defines different strategic lines exhibited in over 40 specific activities to establish the added value of eco-design in the Catalan economy. It is very focused on the certification systems. The DGQA promotes the existence of these tools and the creation of new categories for eco-labels, as well as encouraging the implementation of EMAS with special grants to achieve a greater number of businesses committed to the continuous environmental improvements of their activities.

To disseminate the environmental certification systems to businesses and services. To facilitate and encourage their implementation. To increase the corporate competiveness and opportunity of Catalan businesses that have, or would like to have environmental certification tools. To include this predisposition as a positive differentiating factor in the evaluation process for green public and private procurement. To foster the consumption and production of products and services with a more sustainable performance and with environmental certification systems. To approve the 2011-1015 Catalan Eco-design Programme (ECODIScat).

Catalonia is 4th in Europe in number of EMAS registrations: 278 organisations 416 centres. Offering of grants for environmental management systems implementation since 1998. Catalonia is 6th in Europe in number of businesses with the EU Eco-label (71 companies). 27 categories of EU Eco-labels have been created, 25 for products and 2 for services. 32 categories of the Emblem of Guarantee of Environmental Quality have been created, 18 for products and 14 for services. 242 organisations have the Emblem of Guarantee of Environmental Quality, with 1,387 products and 189 services certified.

10 Green Economy Best Practices in Catalonia

Green industry, material efficiency and waste minimization

Creation of an EMAS Club to improve the environmental performance of businesses

EMAS registered businesses and entities of varying sizes and sectors in Catalonia.
Since 2006 Creation of an association of organisations of varying sectors and sizes with the common denominator of being EMAS registered, working to improve their environmental performance, developing group initiatives of interest to the organisations (studies, projects, conferences, etc.) to share experiences and information on environmental management topics and to promote the EMAS environmental management system and environmental improvement among Catalan businesses and citizens.


To improve the environmental performance of businesses in different areas (waste, emissions, energy, water, biodiversity, etc.). To contribute towards increasing the number of EMAS-registered organisations and to maintaining Catalonias leading position in business environmental management. To collaborate and mediate between the business world and Public Administration to together achieve the environmental results of the businesses and of the territory. To develop activities of common interest to EMAS-registered organisations. To promote the integration of the EMAS environmental system with other management and environmental improvement tools (the EUs eco-label, the Catalan Governments Emblem of Guarantee of Environmental Quality and others).

58 members in 2012. Maintenance of the number of EMAS registrations in Catalonia even with the current economic situation. The Catalan EMAS Club was the first to be created in Europe and there are now 7 (Spain, Italy and Germany) thanks to this initiative. Inclusion of specific conditions for the organisations with the EMAS management system in Catalan environmental legislation. Active participation and representation of the business world in the development of EMAS in Catalonia and the evolution of its regulation at European level. Diverse projects and initiatives carried out in conjunction with businesses and with the participation and support of the administrations.

Green Economy Best Practices in Catalonia 11

Green industry, material efficiency and waste minimization


Programme to support the creation and promotion of clusters

Since 2002

ACC10, the Catalan Business Support Agency. Ministry of Enterprise and Labour. Government of Catalonia
A business cluster is a group of companies engaged in the same business that share strategic challenges. It is a highly effective instrument for channelling initiatives to boost the competitiveness of businesses, as it enables the development of key skills, technologies and network relations between manufacturers, clients and suppliers. As the main characters, business owners are the basis of such clusters and they speak in terms of competitive strategy.

Work to promote clusters increases the competitiveness of businesses in accordance with detection and implementation of successful business strategies. There is ample proof that there are no successful sectors, or sectors in crisis, rather there are winning strategies and outmoded strategies in all sectors.

To strengthen the competitiveness of businesses linked to the environment sector, training in business management and innovation, the development of strategic commercial and technological alliances in markets of interest. To promote a joint foreign trade policy for the sector coordinated between the public and private sectors. Training and improvement of technological differentiation.

The appearance of groups such as the Catalan Water Partnership, SOLARTYS and the Catalonia Energy Efficiency Cluster. Green sector involvement in many competitiveness improvement projects, such as furniture clusters (responsible wood sourcing and carbon footprint), green mobility and food (organic products). A number of projects have been undertaken in this context, including Sun for MED, Be2ween, EuroPROC SMEs & Public Procurement.

12 Green Economy Best Practices in Catalonia

Green industry, material efficiency and waste minimization

Fostering green public procurement within the Administration



Directorate-General for Environmental Quality (DGQA) and Central Commission for Supply. Government of Catalonia
Green public procurement is a tool that fosters the competitiveness of products and innovative and respectful businesses along with more consistent and sustainable conduct within the Administration. European public procurement accounts for 16% of GDP. The promotion and encouragement of all public administrations to apply environmental criteria in their purchasing, drives change towards a sustainable green economy. The first step required to move towards a green economy is to establish and standardise green public procurement in all government agencies and for the largest possible number of product and service types. Secondly, this strategy needs to be exported to the private sector. The Central Commission for Supply is responsible for establishing the evaluation criteria and the compliance requirements for products and suppliers in the case of centralised procurement. For this reason, work has been on-going with this commission for several years to establish the sustainability criteria in tender documents for the products and services of the Government of Catalonias various ministries and public companies. Further, the DGQA takes part in the drafting of service tender documents in order to also establish environmental criteria that could be influential in the decision-making process for the award of contracts.

To manage and encourage environmental criteria in contracting, as established in the Government Agreement of 9th December 2009. To systemise responsible consumption within the Catalan Administration. To increase the number of Government of Catalonia tender documents that include eco-efficiency and ecoinnovation criteria. To increase corporate competitiveness and opportunity in Catalan businesses that offer products or services with eco-efficient or eco-innovative criteria. To increase the competitiveness of businesses with environmentally accredited products or services. To export this model to the private sector.

7 guides have been produced to promote environmental criteria in contracting with regard to publications, canteens, events, textiles, courier services, maintenance services, minor building work and alterations. Environmental criteria have been established in the Central Commission for Supply (CCS) contracts for cleaning products, paper, office stationery, vehicles, office furniture, cleaning services and digital machinery. Environmental criteria have been established in the contracts of the Ministry of Territory and Sustainability and other Catalan ministries. The Guide to criteria on technical solvency in business tenders has been approved.

Green Economy Best Practices in Catalonia 13

Green industry, material efficiency and waste minimization

Barcelona Metropolitan Area

A digital tool for green public purchasing and procurement (GPPP)

Barcelona Metropolitan Area (AMB)
Since 2011 A web portal has been set up to make responsible purchasing and procurement easier for the municipalities and companies in its sphere of influence. This online guide explains how to include environmental criteria in the purchasing of products and the procurement of services. It also has tips on good housekeeping practices in use and maintenance. Each product or service us divided into basic and supplementary criteria, to make the level of demand more flexible and to make the portal a useful space that adapts to the needs of each user. This website is a dynamic space that will be constantly updated as ne needs are identified (new products and services, categories, criteria and good practices will be included).

To foster sustainability criteria in public procurement by introducing environmental criteria in the purchasing and procurement of products and services, as established in the EMA Sustainability Plan 2008-2012 and in the current AMB Sustainability Plan (PSAMB) 2011-2015.

The project, which has just started, involves a total of 178 people from the metropolitan town council technical department and 61 from the companies and external organisations technical department, who at the same time publicise it in their own fields. It is anticipated that results will be obtained according to the website visitor log and the number of schedules of conditions with sustainability criteria.

14 Green Economy Best Practices in Catalonia

Green industry, material efficiency and waste minimization

The LIFE COR (Objective Waste Campaign) Project

AMB, European Commission, COMUNICOR, CONFAVC, FICMA, TMB, XAL, Club EMAS, Fundaci Catalana de lEsplai, and IMT, amongst others

Barcelona Metropolitan Area

The AMBs Objective Waste Campaign (COR) is a project financed by the European Commission with the mission to conceive, develop and monitor a communication campaign 2.0, which essentially targets young people from 18 to 35 years of age, with information on waste management but with inappropriate habits in this regard. The actions undertaken are divided into 4 blocks: 1 A participative viral communication campaign to prevent the consumption and production of materials. 2 Guided visits to waste treatment and recovery plants. 3 Talks, workshops and training activities on waste management and treatment. 4 European technical seminar to complete the project, attended by municipal waste managers from all over Europe.

To publicise the new Waste Framework Directive and its objective: to make Europe a recycling society. And, consequently, the aims of the Metropolitan Municipal Waste Management Programme (PMGRM) 2009/2016 of the Barcelona Metropolitan Area. To improve societys understanding of the resourcesproductswaste trinomial, and raise awareness of the need for a sustainable management system that enables energy and material recovery and contributes to climate change mitigation. To show that the action of the general public is essential to achieving the objectives of the Waste Framework Directive and the PMGRM. Everyone has a part to play. To encourage citizens to change their habits and include proper household waste management (segregation and selective collection of the various waste fractions) in their daily routine, and involving all family members.

Whereas in 2007 31.36% of waste was segregated, this rose to 33.07% in 2008, to 33.78% in 2009 and reached 37.22% in 2010. The rate has therefore risen gradually over the years, which means it is possible that, if things continue at this rate, waste segregation could reach 40% in 2012. Furthermore, through selective collection and treatment plants in 2007 52.20% of waste was treated, 58.12% in 2008, 52.02% in 2009 and 66.4% in 2010. If this continues the figure could rise to 90% in 2012.

Green Economy Best Practices in Catalonia 15

Green industry, material efficiency and waste minimization


The Bag Alliance

Waste Agency of Catalonia, ACES, ANGED, ASEDAS, CEC, CCC, CEDAC, PIMEC and AEFBP
2009 - 2012 The Bag Alliance proposes a series of measures to be introduced, including: 1 Promotion of reuse and recycling of carrier bags. 2 Promotion of the use of shopping trolleys and reusable bags of diverse materials. 3 Establishment of mechanisms to control the number of bags distributed (counters, dispensers, etc.). 4 Fostering of trade policies that foment pro-environmental behaviour, such as charging for carrier bags or discounting their cost. The Alliance is directed at all manufacturers and distributors of single-use plastic carrier bags and signing implies the attaining of the initiatives objective by signatory organisations.

The objectives of the Bag Agreement are those established in the PROGREMIC 2007-2012 which defines the objectives for reducing the consumption of plastic bags: 2009: 30% (compared to 2007) 2012: 50% (compared to 2007) After December 2012, Law 22/2011, of 28 July, on waste and contaminate soils, establishes a schedule of objectives for the replacement of plastic bags ending in 2018 when they are to have been completely phased out, except for perishable foodstuffs.

According to studies on the use of single-use plastic carrier bags (BPNU):
BPNU 2007 2009 Reduction

Total units consumed Units consumed weekly Units per household and year Units per capita and year

2.354.346.369 45.151.848 911 327

1.697.598.347 32.556.681 641 227 30,4%

A new study will be drawn up shortly with data for 2011. To date, 62 entities from the distribution sector have signed the Bag Alliance, some individually and others collectively.

16 Green Economy Best Practices in Catalonia

Green industry, material efficiency and waste minimization

Better than new, 100% old

Barcelona Metropolitan Area (AMB)
2006 - 2011

Barcelona Metropolitan Area

The purchase of single-use products has become widespread in recent years and has generated a considerable amount of waste. For this reason, a website has been set up to offer the contact information of professional repairers so that objects that are no longer used or need revamping can be repaired. Likewise, anyone with unwanted objects or looking for something different can check out regular and one-off flea markets. Once they have signed an agreement with the AMB, repairers can advertise their services. The initiative is publicised through a network of people interested in flea markets where one-off events in town squares and marketplaces are advertised on a fortnightly basis.

To reduce waste by repairing objects and the sale of second-hand objects through the website, the social networks and publications. To bring about a change of habits in society, so the useful life of objects is as long as possible. To extend the useful life of objects to use fewer resources and generate less waste.

66,459 leaflet downloads. 2,656 calls from the public. 448 collaboration agreements.

Green Economy Best Practices in Catalonia 17

Green industry, material efficiency and waste minimization


Greening Books: eco-publishing, an innovative way of managing publications with sustainability criteria
El Tinter Communication and Graphic Art, LEITAT, technological centre, and SIMPPLE, IT consultancy
2010 - 2013

This is the proposal of three Catalan businesses with the participation of businesses from the whole value chain of the publishing and graphic communications world. The concept of eco-publishing is an innovative way to manage publications in accordance with sustainability criteria, which consists of incorporating environmental and social criteria into the publishing process to minimise the negative impacts resulting from this activity at all stages of the process. GREENING BOOKS analyses the environmental impacts resulting from the publications, establishes basic environmental criteria and, finally, develops a computer application based on these criteria for the publishing and graphic arts sectors, providing the consumer with information on environmental performance and carbon footprints while increasing the knowledge of professionals regarding the tools available for minimising the environmental impacts of this industry. The rucksack (calculation of impact) for each product and the option for obtaining the publishing ecolabel can be found on the web site.

To improve the environmental performance of the publishing sector, minimising the environmental impact of books and magazines. To integrate within a dynamic scheme the tools already in existence, such as Eco label, EMAS Eco-design, LCA, and new technologies such as multi-calculating software. To involve different agents such as designers, raw material producers (the paper and ink industries), printers, marketing agents, retailers/distributors and consumers.

Establishment of the life cycle assessment methodology for publications: books and magazines. Best practice guidelines for media publishing production. The Beta version of the rucksack computer calculation programme (for impact calculation) and for realisation of the publishing eco-label. Involvement of managers and experts from all associated sectors: paper, ink and plate manufacturers, designers, publishers, printers and distributors, as well as Public Administration and environmental organisations involved in the protection of forests. Implementation of pilot tools developed in the experimental laboratory of the Pol.len edicions publishing house.

18 Green Economy Best Practices in Catalonia

Social sector, green jobs and employment

Innovative employment promotion projects Biannual studies on the evolution of and potential for employment in the Catalonia renewable energies sector Catalan Environmental Third Sector Support Plan Campaign for social and environmental balance, rediscovering the solidarity of the economy Development cooperation. Creation of business, social and environmental value Innovation and Occupational Training Centres (CIFO) for renewable energies Training professionals in sustainability The COAMB Business Owner Environmentalist Network Raising awareness of responsible consumption and the promotion of ethical and sustainable fashion alternatives

Social sector, green jobs and employment

Innovative employment promotion projects

Catalan Employment Service. Ministry of Enterprise and Labour. Government of Catalonia


In the new job sources area action is being taken to promote employment based in the following strategic lines: A. Structural change in sectors and businesses. Improvement of employability, professional qualification and competitiveness. B. Promotion and development of emerging sectors with high added value. C. Structural change towards equal opportunities in the workplace. D. Fostering innovative, quality entrepreneurship. E. Territorial balance and social cohesion. In the call for applications for funding to develop innovative projects 2010-2011, support was given to projects that foster green economy activities: integrated strategy projects to consolidate the emerging thermal biomass sector as a source of employment, projects on employment promotion through innovation and cohesion in ecological production and local products in Catalonia, as well as job creation projects in energy saving (creating a new professional profile).

To improve the quality of employment and social cohesion in Catalonia by emphasising job stability, qualification levels, occupational health and safety, equal opportunities, job placement for groups with special difficulties, territorial balance, competitiveness of businesses and support for economic activity, particularly fostering emerging sectors and promoting entrepreneurship.

Amongst the projects selected in the 2010-2011 call, 2 projects concern green economy: - Integrated strategy for the consolidation of the emerging thermal biomass sector as a source of employment (INNObiomassa). - Employment promotion through innovation and social cohesion in ecological production in Catalonia. ProjectesInnovadors.html

Green Economy Best Practices in Catalonia 21

Social sector, green jobs and employment


Biannual studies on the evolution of and potential for employment in the Catalonia renewable energies sector
CCOO of Catalonia. Trade Union Institute of Employment, Environment and Health. Government of Catalonia
Since 2008

The biannual studies on green employment in the renewable energies sector demonstrate for the Comissions Obreres trade union that transition towards a green economy will be principally led by the development of the renewable energies sector (wind, small hydroelectric power stations, biomass and solar energy). This sector presents many potential advantages, such as opportunities for employment distribution throughout the territory and the environmental benefits gained. Therefore, the renewable energy sector has great potential for growth, the development of which should be promoted and analysed. The study was carried out using quantitative techniques (surveys of more than a third of businesses) and qualitative techniques (interviews with key people, both from the Administration and the promoters). The first study was published in 2008 and data is updated every two years to obtain the trend within the sector in terms of employment in Catalonia and the type of businesses generating it.

To calculate employment in renewable energy facilities and establish variables with regard to their location, professional profiles, gender, etc. To define development in the sector and measure the impact of the current economic recession on each subsector. To establish trends with regard to the development of these installations in Catalonia.

In 2008, on publication of the first study, it was the first time a specific study of this type had been developed for Catalonia. The latest version of the study was presented in 2010 and shows that the renewable energy sector has also been affected by the economic crisis. However, in comparison with the rest of the Catalan industrial sectors, it has experienced far fewer job losses and has maintained a good level of activity. The main findings of this latest study are: - 6,164 jobs in renewable energy (3,851 induced jobs). - A slight reduction in the number of jobs in relation to 2008 (4%). The renewable energy facilities are withstanding the crisis better than other industrial sectors. - The majority of businesses and experts are predicting a growth in renewable energies. - Identification of risks arising from legal uncertainty, from the crisis and from NIMBY.

22 Green Economy Best Practices in Catalonia

Social sector, green jobs and employment

Catalan Environmental Third Sector Support Plan



Directorate-General of Environmental Policies. Ministry of Territory and Sustainability. Government of Catalonia

The 20112014 Catalan Environmental Third Sector (TSAcat) Support Plan is a key element in the issue of environmental governance in Catalonia, as the TSAcat has always promoted social cohesion and entrepreneurship, fostering education, co-responsibility, awareness, social confidence, participation and respect for the environment. For this reason, the TSAcat Support Plan identifies and implements measures and actions to consolidate and strengthen this sector and, therefore, facilitate the implementation of a new model of governance. The TSAcat Support Plan is structured in four areas: people, entities, society and environment.

To promote the training and professionalisation of the organisations personnel. To promote diversification and innovation in financing. To encourage the creation of innovative projects to improve the environment and environmental entrepreneurship projects. To promote the internationalisation of the sector. To strengthen the relationships between the environmental third sector, Public Administration and other social agents to improve the countrys environmental governance.

An evaluation of the extent of the Plans implementation is planned for the end of 2012, gauging each of the actions implemented throughout 2011 and 2012.

Green Economy Best Practices in Catalonia 23

Social sector, green jobs and employment


Campaign for social and environmental balance, rediscovering the solidarity of the economy
Solidarity Economy Network of Catalonia (XES)
Since 2009 The XES social balance is a simple, operational and universal self-assessment tool for social and solidarity economy entities that has been operating for 4 years. It uses a methodology based on the EFQM criteria and measures the socio-environmental contribution of entities. Social balance also has a cohesive function in the Network along with raising the visibility, awareness and recognition of the sector and of the experiences of the many small and medium-sized enterprises that form it, both locally and internationally. Social balance is accompanied by a process of assessment and monitoring and, at the end of each financial year, an aggregate social balance report is published.

To raise awareness in society of the benefits entities gain from acting in a more just, democratic, equitable and sustainable way at a social and environmental level. To provide visibility for the organisations socially and environmentally responsible activities. To have an internal perception of the strengths and weaknesses of the entities making up the Balance. To accredit the organisations that have passed the balance and make agreements to improve on them. To improve awareness of the sectors performance. To improve the cohesion and perception of the sector both internally and externally.

Participation of over 100 entities, representing over 1,500 working members and 625,000 consumer members. Expansion to associations through agreements with the Barcelona Agenda 21 and the Barcelona Council of Associations.

24 Green Economy Best Practices in Catalonia

Social sector, green jobs and employment

Development cooperation. Creation of business, social and environmental value

2011 - 2012

OECD countries (Mediterranean region)

ACC10, The Catalan Business Support Agency. Ministry of Enterprise and Labour. Government of Catalonia
This is a support programme for development cooperation projects carried out by Catalan business agents in conjunction with business organisations from a number of Southern Countries. Priority is given to technical cooperation projects that contribute to promoting and strengthening production and trade capacities aimed at sustainable human development, especially in regard to facilitating the creation and/or consolidation professional, economic and business associations, cooperatives and other groups, particularly in the most disadvantaged sectors, with bargaining capacity to defend common interests and to provide services for their members, directed at human development in a climate of participation, dialogue and agreement.

To establish marketing channels and boost local and regional markets. To foster exports from beneficiary countries provided that this is compatible with the food sovereignty principle. To promote the formation of associations, the creation of businesses and business cooperation. To foster technology and knowledge transfer to businesses. To develop the enterprising capability of the population of beneficiary countries. To favour womens participation in formal economic activity, along with access to the ownership of resources. To provide financial support and advice to improve access to micro-credit. To promote projects that, in addition to increasing income, aid the insertion, participation, environment and capacities of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in the economy.

Pilot scheme: 4 business projects undertaken successfully. Publication: La Base de la Pirmide: Casos i Perspectives a Catalunya. 1 course given on Business Strategies for the Base of the Pyramid. 28 participants

Green Economy Best Practices in Catalonia 25

Social sector, green jobs and employment


Innovation and Occupational Training Centres (CIFO) for renewable energies

Catalan Employment Service (SOC). Ministry of Enterprise and Labour. Government of Catalonia
Since 2010

The CIFO (Innovation and Occupational Training Centres) is a network of centres of reference in professional training. Of the 8 affiliated centres, 4 carry out training in alternative energies, among which the CIFOs in Santa Coloma and Lleida should be highlighted as specialising in renewable energies and sustainability, promoting training within transcendental areas in green economy such as urban sustainable gardening, waste management, water cycle management and environmental education. The Santa Coloma CIFO promotes the Eco-CIFO project which encourages the design of innovative training activities in the green economy sector with the participation of pioneering businesses, the development of professional non-labour practices aimed at improving energy efficiency in our infrastructures and, finally, the inclusion of environmental awareness as a transverse influence in all the professional training areas on offer. The Lleida CIFO operates within the agri-food sector and is mainly directed towards renewable energies in two main aspects: the first, specific training in assembly and maintenance of solar photovoltaic and thermal installations and the second, transverse training on all renewable energies and energy efficiency.

To offer technical and practical training that allows the achievement or improvement of professional skills favouring placement, or return to, the workforce in the sustainability, alternative energy and green economy sectors. To promote the transition of Catalonia towards a secure, efficient, low-carbon economy based on efficient resource consumption and the minimisation of its impact on health and the environment.

The two CIFO centres have carried out 143 training activities with a total of 33,682 teaching hours and 2,201 students trained. The Santa Coloma CIFO has, since 2010, carried out 111 training activities with a total of 33,154 hours of training. It has trained 1,707 students with an average placement of 45%. The Lleida CIFO, since 2010, has carried out 116 training activities with a total of 20,183 hours of training. It has trained 1,854 students with an average placement of 44%. The Innovation and Occupational Training Centres (CIFO) have obtained the ISO 9001:2008 certification, by which their quality in design, management and provision of courses is recognised.

26 Green Economy Best Practices in Catalonia

Social sector, green jobs and employment

Training professionals in sustainability

Eco-union networking with other organisations
Since 2008 Sustainability education integrates the principles, values and practices of sustainable development into all aspects of education and learning, in order to face social, economic, cultural and environmental problems in the 21st century. For this reason, training activities (courses, workshops, video conferences) have been developed which train people, connect agents and innovate within society to create agents of change towards sustainability. At the same time, training courses have been organised using new innovative e-learning technologies and methodologies to provide professionals with the necessary skills to work in green economy activities.


To generate new knowledge, promoting mutual learning, to create critical opinion and prepare future professionals for the change towards sustainability and a green economy.

Training of more than 1,000 people. Completion of more than 50 online courses. Organisation of 15 open real time video conferences with experts on a variety of subjects. Creation of a virtual television channel to disseminate this knowledge. Signing of 20 collaboration agreements with entities, professional associations and others. To date, 80% of the students say that their expectations have been met.

Green Economy Best Practices in Catalonia 27

Social sector, green jobs and employment


COAMB network of environmentalists entrepreneurs

Since 2011

Professional Association of Environmentalists of Catalonia (COAMB)

The COAMB network of environmentalists entrepreneurs is an initiative led by the Associations Occupational Services Committee, aimed at members who act in their own right as self-employed professionals or business owners. The Network organises regular meetings and activities of interest for the association which it aims to support. It also has a mailing list that facilitates interaction and the exchange of information and resources between members of the Network.

To establish a platform for self-employed and business owner environmentalists to consolidate and grow their business projects by sharing experiences, identifying needs and facilitating collaborations.

Since its creation in July 2011, more than 30 business owner environmentalists have joined the Network. Two network management sessions have also been organised (July 2011 and January 2012) which, in addition to facilitating face to face contact between the Network participants, presented entrepreneurial experiences and worked on a variety of dynamics to identify the needs of the group and find work areas of interest to the Network.


28 Green Economy Best Practices in Catalonia

Social sector, green jobs and employment

Raising awareness of responsible consumption and the promotion of ethical and sustainable fashion alternatives
Naturticas Association
Since 2010 The blog and activities aim to raise consumer awareness of the importance of responsible clothing consumption to minimise the impact of one of the most polluting industries: textiles. Delocalisation, resulting in poor working conditions for workers, water and soil pollution from the dyeing, finishing processes etc., as well as the large amount of clothing that ends up in landfills, create the need for a change in consumer habits regarding clothing.

Spain and International

Working by reporting on and leadership of alternatives and activities that minimise impact, such as promoting local brands that use organic and environmentally friendly fabrics, or that work with cooperatives in developing countries where decent conditions for workers are guaranteed. Activities such as clothing exchanges are organised that help raise participants awareness of the importance of maximising the use of clothing and reusing it, or taking part in awareness raising seminars for the general public within the framework of fashion social events.

To reduce the compulsive impulse to buy clothes, with the current climate and pressure to update wardrobes every season, the purchase of low-cost clothing which is the result of labour exploitation and, the ignorance of environmental regulations. To inform consumers on which brands respect ethical and sustainable fashion criteria. To promote local consumption of products made by small businesses and designers that are recovering the commercial fabric and respecting European laws on water pollution, waste, use of chemicals, etc. and who, further, have a far smaller ecological footprint. To minimise the textile waste being placed in landfill sites, not being recycled. To raise awareness that responsible consumption is part of a lifestyle that includes the reduction of energy consumption, waste management, a healthy diet of locally produced food, etc.

7,500 visits and more than 800 followers on the social networks up to April 2012 and an increasing geometric progression. Consolidation as opinion leaders in the ethical fashion sector for over 50 Spanish brands and designers, and over 40 international brands and designers.

Green Economy Best Practices in Catalonia 29

Food security and sustainable agriculture

Women farmers initiative The promotion of products grown in Land Stewardship Market areas

Food security and sustainable agriculture

Women farmers initiative

Since 2010

JARC (Young Farmers and Stock Breeders of Catalonia) Womens Group, CERESCAT
The Women farmers initiative has added a selection of agricultural products made by 10 women who live and work in rural areas with the creation of a product catalogue which has been distributed through a network of tourism establishments, giving them added value. The collaborating establishments offer the product catalogue along with a basket of samples so that the visitors get to know from a more local, gender-focussed viewpoint, the work of rural women, their stories, the nutritional value and sustainability of the products and preparation, thereby creating awareness of local products which would not normally be advertised.

Cerdanya (pilot scheme) and Catalonia

To promote information on local products made by women who live and work in rural areas and to give greater importance to the food chain. To promote the consumption of these high quality, homemade products which have strong links to the area where they are marketed through rural guesthouses, while offering the maximum amount of information on the products and their preparation.

Catalogues distributed in 12 rural guesthouses in the Cerdanya region together with baskets containing products for visitors to sample and buy.

Green Economy Best Practices in Catalonia 31

Food security and sustainable agriculture

Catalonia and the Balearic Islands

The promotion of products grown in Land Stewardship Market areas

Since 2003

Land Stewardship Network +10 entities and +50 estates under stewardship
The stewardship market is an initiative aimed at promoting and fostering products and services from estates with stewardship agreements, which fosters development of the green economy model, since it is intended to improve the general welfare of the population, favours citizen participation in economic activity, is committed to a diversification of methods of economic activity for the rural and natural environment, encourages a model of sustainable agriculture which respects the environment and fosters the production of environmental services to citizens. The market is currently a dissemination initiative with a vision to grow and become a real social economy market in land stewardship.

To reconcile conservation with the economic performance of the estate. To adapt and extend a conservation model for natural, cultural and landscape values to the current needs of private and public estates. To offer owners and managers new opportunities to diversify the rural economic base. To obtain a line of products and services with added value that ensure sustainable land management and natural heritage conservation for estates with stewardship agreements. To socially identify the quality of rural estates. To offer products grown on estates with stewardship agreements, guarantee that raw materials come from these estates and offer the opportunity to enjoy their services. To compensate, through social recognition, the work carried out by owners and stewardship entities that provide support in management of the estates. To involve the citizens so that they participate in land stewardship and the return to sustainable land management initiatives.

A stewardship market with more that 10 entities, more than 50 owners with agreements linked to Land Stewardship offering more than 35 different products, comprising 20 areas with agreements which offer environmental services. Identification of more than 10 new entities with potential to become part of the Stewardship Market.

32 Green Economy Best Practices in Catalonia

Biodiversity, forests and other ecosystems

The Land Stewardship Network: citizens involved in conservation. Biodiversity, land use and climate: 3 challenges facing businesses

Biodiversity, forests and other ecosystems

The Land Stewardship Network: citizens involved in conservation

Since 2000

Land Stewardship Network. Government of Catalonia, Ministry of Territory and Sustainability. University of Vic + 150 organisations
The Land Stewardship Network (XCT) aims to promote the development and use of land stewardship, a group of innovative strategies aiming to directly involve citizens in the conservation and good use of the values and natural, cultural and landscape resources of Catalonia. Easy to apply, of minimal cost, and of great importance in fostering synergies and networking in the environmental, agricultural and cultural sectors, land stewardship is a high added value tool when promoting development of the green economy model on estates and in rural areas of natural value around the world. By making land stewardship agreements, the owners of rural estates, together with other public or private agents, contribute to preventing biodiversity loss and to generating nature services for society, while fostering development which is sustainable, inclusive and respectful of the environment and its resources. The XCT applies land stewardship on the basis of a comprehensive strategy for networking and social entrepreneurship.

Catalonia, Spain and the European Union

To disseminate land stewardship amongst citizens and other public and private agents to foster recognition, use and development. To provide support and services for land stewardship entities and other agents involved in land stewardship (public institutions, landowners and users, businesses, universities and research centres). To boost networking of member organisations and other agents involved in land stewardship.

Successful growth of over 500 initiatives implemented with 70 active organisations within the concept of nature and landscape social value. Elements of harmony and public-private alliance for land stewardship development amongst the Catalan institutions, Spain, Europe and more than 100 social organisations. Networking within the land stewardship concept among many diverse agents for biodiversity and landscape.

Green Economy Best Practices in Catalonia 35

Biodiversity, forests and other ecosystems

Spain and International

Biodiversity, land use and climate: 3 challenges facing businesses

Since 2005

Accinatura. Fundacin Global Nature (Business and Biodiversity Progamme). World Land Trust ( CompensaNatura); Ecologa y Desarrollo (CeroCO2)

Biodiversity is essential to maintain the web of life and the natural systems that provide the health, wellbeing, food, fuel and vital services on which our existence depends. In this respect, Accinatura seeks to involve the business world in a series of biodiversity restoration and conservation projects in areas of natural interest and/or on sites belonging to the companies themselves, and frames its projects within involvement initiatives, cause-related marketing actions, environmental volunteer workshops and biodiversity compensation projects. It has also set up the CompensaNatura initiative (land cover nature balance programme) and the CeroCO2 initiative (emission reduction and compensation).

To improve businesses knowledge and understanding of (1) their dependence on biodiversity and the associated ecosystem services, (2) their impact on biodiversity, and (3) the risks and business opportunities relating to biodiversity conservation. To compensate for the area of land (in m2) occupied by organisations, business or individuals. To contribute to the calculation, reduction and compensation of greenhouse gas emissions.

Since 1997, we have worked closely with 190 companies, 80 government agencies and more than 95 organisations to implement over 60 projects and 80 studies in 15 countries, with the aim of recovering and conserving biodiversity in several areas: forests, riparian forests, wetlands, steppes and the marine environment. Thanks to CeroCO2 over 100,000 tonnes of CO2 have been offset through 13 projects in developing countries.

36 Green Economy Best Practices in Catalonia

Freshwater and sanitation

Use of reclaimed water in the Barcelona Metropolitan Area

Freshwater and sanitation

Use of reclaimed water in the Barcelona Metropolitan Area

Barcelona Metropolitan Area (AMB)
Since 2005 Catalonia and the Barcelona Metropolitan Area (AMB) are areas with scarce water resources. A basic element of the integrated management of these water resources is the reclamation of water from treatment plants for reuse. It is essential to replace drinking water with reclaimed water for such uses as the law allows. To do so we must produce water of appropriate quality and have a distribution system to take the water to the points of consumption. The El Prat de Llobregat Water Reclamation Plant (WRP) with an output of 300,000 m3/day is the most important the AMB has undertaken to produce reclaimed water. The distribution network for this water covers 39.2 km with a diameter of 1,600 mm.

Barcelona Metropolitan Area

Reclaimed water from the El Prat de Llobregat wastewater treatment plant was previously dumped in the sea and not reused. To utilise this water, the regeneration plant was built along with a distribution network to take the water to the points of consumption.

To reduce hydric stress in the Llobregat Delta and replace drinking and pre-drinking water with reclaimed water wherever possible. For this reason, the following facilities have been built: - A water reclamation plant (WRP) to produce water according to potential non-drinking water demand in the metropolitan area. - The basic distribution network to take water to as many consumption points as possible, for the greatest possible consumption of this type of water.

The volumes of reclaimed water produced have led to savings in extraction of water from the Llobregat Delta aquifer and the reservoirs and are as follows: - 4,500,000 m3 in 2006 - 15,093,842 m3 in 2007 - 28,635,206 m3 in 2008 - 13,653,006 m3 in 2009 - 6,097,713 m3 in 2010 Bear in mind that some of these uses are seasonal and are very much affected by rainfall. The years of greatest consumption were 2007 and 2008, when Catalonia suffered serious droughts. The reclamation and replacement of drinking water were key actions during the drought.

Green Economy Best Practices in Catalonia 39

Blue economy and oceans

Recovery of the first sale of fish in Sitges

Blue economy and oceans

Recovery of the first sale of fish in Sitges

Sitges Fishermens Guild. Sitges Town Council
Since 2010 The Sitges Fishermens Guild is made up of 12 boats that fish using traditional methods. The number of catches has dropped significantly in recent years and, for this reason, it is essential that fishermen receive a fair price for their catches. At the same time, we must foster fishing which is more respectful of the marine environment and make local, fresh, quality products available to restaurants and residents by recovering the first sale and social regard for this craft through the creation of the brand Peix de Sitges (Sitges Fish). For these reasons, we have prompted the construction of premises for first sale, where the fisherman can sell their fish which has been tallied and labelled at an agreed price and which will be advertised by means of an awareness-raising campaign aimed at final consumers through the creation of the Friends of Sitges Fish Association (weekly fish basket).

Sitges, Garraf

To improve the financial situation and working conditions of Sitges fishermen. To publicise respect for the marine ecosystem and environment. To foster a culture of responsible consumption. To promote traditional fishing practices as the only sustainable fishing method. To bring a quality, fresh, local product to the people of Sitges. To bring back the sale and marketing of fresh fish caught by the Sitges Fishermens Guild. To promote the potential of new boats and fishing tourism. To establish the first sale premises as a specific tourist and cultural attraction. To strengthen links between local fishermen, fish shops and restaurants.

Adoption of the brand Sitges Pesca Artesanal by 15 fishermen (which could increase), 17 fish shops and 15 of Sitges 200 restaurants. Transfer by concessionaire of Port dAiguadol of a plot, within the port area, for the construction of the market site.

Green Economy Best Practices in Catalonia 41

Sustainable energy
Voluntary Agreement Programme for the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions Covenant of Mayors promotion programme for combating climate change in the Girona region European Local Energy Assistance (ELENA)/Barcelona Provincial Council Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energies (ERDIBA): the energy efficiency and renewable energies Programme The AMB Carbon Management Strategy 2011-2015 Barcelona City Council Plan for Energy Saving and Efficiency in Municipal Buildings (PEMEEM) Promotion of the District Heating & Cooling (DH&C) network in the city of Barcelona

Sustainable energy

Voluntary Agreement Programme for the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
Catalan Office for Climate Change (Directorate-General for Environmental Policies, Ministry of Territory and Sustainability). Government of Catalonia. Also collaborating in support of the Programme, the Catalan Energy Institute, Ministry of Enterprise and Labour.
Since 2010


The Voluntary Agreement Programme aims to involve the different agents of Catalan society in the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by creating the technical and institutional framework necessary to support pioneering organisations in dealing with climate change and with the ability, therefore, to lead a shift towards a sustainable economic and energy model. Any Catalan organisation may join this Programme (private businesses, Public Administration bodies and non-profit organisations) with the capacity to reduce their GHG emissions. Through this Programme, the organisations commit to annually produce an inventory of their GHG emissions and to plan and implement measures to reduce them. The office works alongside and guides the organisations throughout this process and the Programme is based on four core principals: commitment, a voluntary nature, rigor and transparency.

To reduce GHG emissions in Catalonia in line with greater competitiveness for the country and its economy. To become a key instrument for mitigation for all public policy on climate. To provide support and recognition for organisations leading the way on climate issues. To raise awareness in society regarding the need to act immediately on climate issues, the benefits this entails, as well as the great impact of collective action. To disseminate experiences and best practices favourable to the reduction of greenhouse gas. To provide an institutional response to the high number of voluntary reduction and/or compensation initiatives following the principles of rigor, credibility and effectiveness.

As of May 22 2012, a total of 62 businesses and organisations are members of the Programme. All updated information regarding the participating organisations can be found on the climate change website, under voluntary agreements.

Green Economy Best Practices in Catalonia 43

Sustainable energy

Province of Girona

Covenant of Mayors promotion programme for combating climate change in the Girona region
Girona Provincial Council. Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (CILMA)
Since 2011

With the aim of reducing CO2 emissions by 20% before 2020, a support structure has been created, in collaboration with the regional councils, which allows the application, in both the technical and economic areas, of a Covenant of Mayors in the Girona region with the involvement of local authorities as principal agents taking a leading role. Through this agreement the intention is to carry out activities to increase energy efficiency and implement renewable energies in municipal facilities while promoting energy efficiency in residential buildings and services, as well as in urban transport.

The achievement of at least a 20% reduction in CO2 emissions by 2020 in the Province of Girona.

Signing of the Covenant by 105 local authorities in the province. Preparation of the emissions inventory for 221 Girona municipalities with the anticipated completion date, 15th May 2012. Access for the Girona organisations to funding from the European Investment Bank through the Barcelona programme for the financing of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy activities by signing an agreement with the Province of Barcelona. Notice on the implementation of the Covenant of Mayors, commissioned by CILMA, inviting all the municipalities in the Province of Girona to sign. Dimensioning a viable investment programme for this subject area (> 50 M). Involvement of the regional councils through cooperation within the support structure together with Girona Provincial Council.

44 Green Economy Best Practices in Catalonia

Sustainable energy

European Local Energy Assistance (ELENA)/Barcelona Provincial Council Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energies (ERDIBA): the energy efficiency and renewable energies Programme
Barcelona Provincial Council. Department of Territory and Sustainability
Since 2009

Province of Barcelona

The Programme is a line of support for the municipalities to facilitate the implementation of energy efficiency and renewable energy projects through public-private collaboration. Legal, technical and financial models have been developed. The replacement of fossil fuel boilers with biomass boilers has been proposed to improve energy efficiency in the heating of municipal buildings. A mixed contract model of integrated supply and service has been proposed to improve the energy efficiency of municipal street lighting. To promote photovoltaic generation in the municipalities in the province of Barcelona, the local authorities have been offered a basic model whereby they can rent their roof space to photovoltaic energy production companies. As a result of the change in regulations, activity is now focused on auto-consumption.

To provide economic, legal and technical support for municipalities for the implementation of energy efficiency and renewable energies schemes. To reduce CO2 emissions by 20% by the year 2020 to comply with the European initiative of the Covenant of Mayors which is part of climate change mitigation. To improve the energy efficiency of the municipalities. To reduce energy consumption, GHG emissions and waste production. To achieve an economic saving and provide funding for the local authorities through financing from the European Investment Bank. To generate employment and business activity.

Number of projects: 123. Investment generated: EUR19 M.

Green Economy Best Practices in Catalonia 45

Sustainable energy

Barcelona Metropolitan Area

The AMB Carbon Management Strategy 2011-2015

Barcelona Metropolitan Area (AMB)
2011-2015 With the aim of helping to delay the effects of climate change and of promoting active carbon neutral policies, a carbon management strategy has been defined for 2011-2015 to foster the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions generated by the activity of the AMB in its offices and in waste and wastewater treatment plants, both its own and those of licensees.


To update data on the carbon footprint of all the organisations taking part in the first edition. To incorporate new organisations in the areas of housing, mobility and territory into the strategy along with support services (maintenance, contracting and protocol). To improve and update the carbon management strategy calculation tool to allow the calculation of the carbon footprint of the new organisation type and undertake monitoring. To obtain carbon footprint for 2011 for the AMB and for each of the organisations it comprises, and to update global and individual reduction goals. To monitor and update the Voluntary Agreements Programme of the Catalan Office for Climate Change, of each member organisation and/or organisation that meet the membership requirements. Support for processing. To define a dissemination programme to provide periodic information for all the main stakeholders on the evolution of the strategy and attaining of objectives.

A tool to calculate the global and individual carbon footprint for all the organisation types based on ISO 14064 and the Voluntary Agreements Programme of the Catalan Office for Climate Change. 35 reports on the individual carbon footprint and reduction plans of each of the organisations that make up the AMB. A report on the global carbon footprint for 2011 for the AMB and a global reduction strategy. The results will be published in September under the following indicators: Tonnes of CO2 released into the atmosphere (annual and by facility) Tonnes of CO2 saved from the atmosphere (annual and by facility)

46 Green Economy Best Practices in Catalonia

Sustainable energy

Barcelona City Council Plan for Energy Saving and Efficiency in Municipal Buildings (PEMEEM)
Barcelona City Council. Barcelona Energy Agency
2011-2020 In 2008 energy consumption in the 2,015 buildings and facilities owned by Barcelona City Council was 243.30 GWh, close to 52% of total energy consumption associated with municipal services (472 GWh in 2008), not including consumption for public transport. This consumption of various energy sources translates to annual greenhouse gas emissions of 40,394 tonnes of CO2 equivalent. The PEMEEM, which includes both improving efficiency and saving energy in buildings and undertaking building work for energy improvement and renewable energy facilities, has become a mainstay of the Barcelona Energy, Climate Change and Air Quality Plan.


To save energy and incorporate renewable energies in municipal buildings and facilities and to make Barcelona City Council an example amongst councils of how to incorporate sustainability measures in managing its own facilities. The energy saving objective set by the PEMEEM yields a total saving of 9,360 tonnes of CO2 equivalent per year, which translates to a significant saving in energy consumption of 41,776.17 MW h/year.

Energy monitoring of 23 municipal facilities. Investment in energy efficiency with improvement in lighting, heating and air conditioning and thermal envelope in 5 municipal facilities. Up to 5 photovoltaic installations 30 heat energy collectors at Can Caralleu totalling 96m2

Green Economy Best Practices in Catalonia 47

Sustainable energy

Barcelona Metropolitan Area

Promotion of the District Heating & Cooling (DH&C) network in the city of Barcelona
Barcelona City Council. DISTRICLIMA since 2002; ECOENERGIES since 2009
District heating and cooling is a system that provides buildings or centres of consumption with heating, air conditioning and hot water. This energy is generated in a plant called a power station. The buildings supplied are connected to the power station via a series of pipes that transport the heating fluids and are controlled from the plant. The DH&C networks enable the distribution of heat and cold within an urban area to cover the needs of the buildings connected to the system.

Barcelona committed to going over to district heating and cooling in 2002 with the creation of DISTRICLIMA in the Frum and 22@ districts. In 2009 ECOENERGIES was created to develop a DH&C network in the Marina and Zona Franca districts and to receive a significant input of cold from glycolated water cooled in the ENAGAS evaporators, utilising organic material from tree pruning, gardening by-products and tree regeneration in the citys parks and gardens (some 14,000 tonnes a year) to produce electricity and hot water, which is also fed into the heating and cooling network.

To become an efficient and more sustainable city through the use of district heating and cooling systems to make use of residual energy sources.

DISTRICLIMA Cold production: 57.58 MWc and 25 GW h/year of demand. Heat production: 37.23 MWc and 15 GW h/year of demand. Area connected: 59 buildings connected (391,309 m2 heated and cooled). Length of network: 13.1 km. ECOENERGIES Cold production: 70 MWc. Heat production: 60 MWt. Clients: 1,200,000 m2. Length of network: 7 km (forecast).

48 Green Economy Best Practices in Catalonia

Sustainable cities
Network of Cities and Towns for Sustainability Ajuntament + Sostenible Programme. Improvement of the environmental and social sustainability of the operation of municipal services and facilities Sustainability criteria in the refuse collection and cleaning contract for the city of Barcelona

Sustainable cities

Network of Cities and Towns for Sustainability

Barcelona Provincial Council. Department of Territory and Sustainability

Province of Barcelona and Catalonia

The Network of Cities and Towns for Sustainability is an association of municipalities committed to the environment that form a platform for cooperation and sharing in which the municipalities have access to an appropriate forum to discuss their problems and concerns, needs and experiences and to promote and implement projects of common interest for sustainable development. With the training and awareness work that has been carried out in the area of green economy, the focus has been on improvement of municipal policies for sustainable public purchasing, procurement and corporate social responsibility of local government and of municipal businesses. In addition to this, the network has collaborated on a variety of European green public procurement projects (GPP InfoNet, LEAP, DEEP) and organises seminars and conferences on this topic with technical municipal personnel for the environment and for contracting from the member local authorities.

To share the experiences of municipalities in promoting the green economy, green public procurement, social responsibility, Environmental management systems (EMS) and occupations related to the environment. To organise conferences and publish supporting information on the topic. To advise municipalities. To provide technical and economic support for projects.

8-12 annual meetings conducted with the municipalities, bringing together those responsible for the environment and for procurement and contracting. 2 annual themed conferences conducted. Participation in 3 European projects. Development of an EMS implementation project as a collaboration between municipalities and local businesses. A variety of green procurement training activities. Sustainability criteria in the Network and compensation of GHG emissions. Participation in the European Week for Waste Reduction. Collaboration with other local and green procurement networks.

Green Economy Best Practices in Catalonia 51

Sustainable cities


Ajuntament + Sostenible Programme. Improvement of the environmental and social sustainability of the operation of municipal services and facilities
Barcelona City Council
Since 2001 A priority action area for Barcelona City Council is the environmental soundness of its own organisation. The improvement initiatives are framed within the Ajuntament + Sostenible (A+S) Programme, part of Barcelonas Agenda 21 and another example of the municipal commitment to local and global sustainability. The A+S Programme is led by the Urban Habitat Area and involves the remaining municipal sectors, districts and institutes, which much of their efforts aimed at raising awareness, training and providing information for municipal employees.

The areas covered by the Programme include from the purchasing of more sustainable products (furniture, office stationery, vehicle fleet), to the contracting of services (cleaning and selective waste collection), building maintenance, building works and the environmental requirements of events.

Environmental objectives To contribute to reducing CO2 emissions from municipal facilities and services. To progress in waste prevention and improve selective waste collection in municipal facilities. To improve water saving in municipal facilities and services. To promote sustainability in municipal works, buildings and projects. Social objectives To fulfil the basic agreements of the International Labour Organization (ILO) in municipal contracts. To foster the social and sustainable economy. Cross-cutting objectives To develop socially responsible and environmentally sound organisational culture. To establish a Programme communication strategy.

Sustainability criteria in contracts: 100% of municipal contracts include compulsory environmental criteria and 37% also include at least one optional environmental criterion. Paper consumption (% reduction and % recycled paper): 74% of paper used in recycled, 40% reduction in paper consumption compared to 2009. Responsible wood sourcing (% of certified wood): 76% of wood purchased is certified or in the process of being certified. Drinking water consumption (% reduction in drinking water consumption): fell by 58% in 8 years thanks to the increased use of phreatic water and improvements in management. Energy consumption (% reduction in energy consumption): most municipal energy consumption is in buildings (52% of the total), followed by street lighting, vehicles for refuse collection, municipal services and other fleets (20.1%, 15.8%, 8.8% and 3.4%, respectively). i

Green bones prctiques en economia verda 52 guia deEconomy Best Practices in Cataloniaa Catalunya

Sustainable cities

Sustainability criteria in the refuse collection and cleaning contract for the city of Barcelona
Barcelona City Council
2009 - 2017 Along with urban transport, waste management has been identified as an area of particular importance for the city of Barcelona, where sustainable public procurement has been applied since 2001. The reduction of emissions and the efficient use of resources are priority objectives, along with ensuring a high standard of street cleaning in the city. Service providers must demonstrate their commitment to these objectives and apply the best available technology and continuous innovation. Likewise, since 2009 a new street cleaning and refuse collection contract has been implemented with improved quality and sustainability of service: more frequent refuse collection, greener vehicles, selective collection of organic waste and recycling bins accessible to all users.


Sustainability of service vehicles: electric or hybrid vehicles, non-polluting fuels and / or renewable energies. 100% saving in treated water for street cleaning and use phreatic water for this purpose. Bin cleaning machines incorporate water-saving devices. Foster waste segregation: increase the number of recycling points throughout the city by 37% during the contract period and extend collection of the organic waste fraction to all areas. The objective for 2012 is to collect 55% more organic waste generated in the city. To extend commercial collection to other large generators, such as restaurants and greengrocers. Make more efficient use of energy in the course of the contract, for example, in the lighting and heating of facilities. Other: all other products used in executing the contract (uniforms, paper and wood, for instance) must meet the sustainability criteria of Barcelona City Councils Ajuntament+Sostenible Programme.

Increase of the cleaning service from 5 to 6 times a week. Increased energy efficiency and reduction of vehicle noise (through the use of fuels such as biodiesel, natural gas and electricity) Fostering waste segregation: increase to 1 bin per 500 inhabitants and use of new bin for the organic waste fraction. Improved access to all bins, with new ergonomic and universal design. Awareness raising amongst the public through campaigns. Employment creation (staff of 4,601 people and the awarding of the new contract has created 283 new direct jobs).

Green Economy Best Practices in Catalonia 53

Cross-cutting issues
Strategy for the Sustainable Development of Catalonia CADS strategic contributions for progression towards a green economy ECAT 2020, a strategy to encourage intelligent, sustainable and integrated growth Network of Schools for Sustainability in Catalonia (XESC): education is the basis of a sustainable future Environmental and Sustainable Ideas Competition (CIAiS) Eco-Entrepreneurs Association, Green/ Blue Economy businesses based in Catalonia Global Eco Forum, dialogue, reflection and interaction on sustainability

Cross-cutting issues

Strategy for the Sustainable Development of Catalonia

Government of Catalonia
Since 2010


The strategy for sustainable development in Catalonia 2026 is the roadmap that sets the areas of work and the key strategic objectives to ensure Catalonias transition towards a secure, eco-efficient, low-carbon economy based on efficient resource consumption and the minimisation of impacts on health and the environment in Catalonia and the world. This strategy is structured across 7 key areas covering lines of activity which specify how to ensure the effective transition from the current situation to the planned sustainable model. The specification of each guideline is assured through strategic objectives that precisely define sustainability scenarios characterised by their highly ambitious nature and guaranteed viability.

To harmonize economic development with improvement in the welfare and quality of life of the citizens. To internalise environmental costs and the value of biodiversity and ecosystem services. To repair the effects caused by environmental impacts and the recovery of natural capital and its functionality. To achieve of a true horizontal and vertical integration among the different sector policies and among the different government levels, respectively, ensuring coherence among the various sector objectives. To ensure the participation of citizens in decision-making processes. To construct a cultured, inclusive society with equal opportunity and solidarity.

There are sixty evaluation and monitoring indicators distributed across the different existing strategic lines in the strategy for sustainable development in Catalonia.

Green Economy Best Practices in Catalonia 55

Cross-cutting issues

Catalonia and International

CADS strategic contributions for progression towards a green economy

Advisory Council for the Sustainable Development of Catalonia (CADS)
2011 - 2012

The CADS is an advisory body to the Government of Catalonia, created in 1998. It is made up of 15 counsellors and the president of the Council. One of its functions is to advise the Government on its general policy directives affecting the environment and sustainable development. Currently the green economy is one of CADS principal areas of work. CADS activities in the area of green economy consist of: a) strategic advice to the Government of Catalonia. b) participation in international debates (via the European Environment and Sustainable Development Advisory Councils Network EEAC- and in its own right). c) organisation of high level meetings with renowned experts. d) dissemination of its own and of other institutions reference information on Rio+20 and green economy. .

To drive the transition of the Catalan economy towards a more efficient model of resource use; low in carbon and more resilient. To progress in the realisation of the Europe 2020 Strategy in Catalonia (in the sections relating to sustainability and more efficient use of resources), as well as its derivative initiatives. To promote the external presence of Catalonia in the areas of green economy and sustainable development, as well as information and knowledge transfer regarding the green economy (in Catalonia but also from Catalonia). To strengthen the participation of Catalonia in the Rio +20 process and encourage the application of its results in Catalonia.

Report Towards a resource-efficient, low-carbon economy (in preparation). Study based on the possible ways of promoting the green economy in Catalonia, compiled by the new economics foundation (nef). Contribution to the document Catalonias contribution to the preparation of the Zero Draft of the United Nations Conference Outcome Document on Sustainable Development of Rio+20, compiled by the Ministry of Territory and Sustainability. Joint EEAC network statement UNCSD - Rio20plus: The Green Economy Agenda in the context of SD and Institutional Framework for SD.

56 Green Economy Best Practices in Catalonia

Cross-cutting issues

ECAT 2020, a strategy to encourage intelligent, sustainable and integrated growth

Ministry of Economy and Knowledge, Government of Catalonia
Since 2012 The green economy offers great economic opportunities for industry, the energy sector, agriculture and tourism. The ECAT 2020 framework encourages the exploitation of these opportunities through promoting the sustainable use of natural resources, the generation of renewable energies, the protection of ecosystems and biodiversity and the integration of local human activity with the conservation and improvement of the natural heritage. In this way, a value is obtained that creates wealth and, especially, a type of employment that keeps the population in the territory and promotes new industry based on new energy technologies.


To promote new sources of employment in the area of green economy. To promote the orientation of the productive base towards sustainability. To promote the efficient use of energy and other resources. To promote renewable energy sources. To promote waste minimisation and recovery.

The Government approved the document on which the Catalonia 2020 Strategy (ECAT 2020) is based on the 10th April 2012. The preliminary results will not be available until 2013.

Green Economy Best Practices in Catalonia 57

Cross-cutting issues


Network of Schools for Sustainability in Catalonia (XESC): education is the basis of a sustainable future

Catalan Ministries of Territory and Sustainability, and Education, Barcelona Education Consortium, and the local authorities of Argentona, Barcelona, Lleida, Montmel, El Prat de Llobregat, Sabadell, Sant Boi de Llobregat, Sant Esteve de Sesrovires, Sant Feliu de Llobregat, Vilanova, Cornell de Llobregat, Terrassa, Badalona, Vic, Sant Cugat del Valls and LHospitalet de Llobregat
Since 2009

XESC is formed by the green schools network, promoted by the Government of Catalonia, and by local networks which promote education for sustainability programmes for education centres in Catalonia. This initiative establishes exchange mechanisms to encourage participation and communication in the educational community and enrich the activities within each network and each school while promoting the implementation of proposals that, in the long term, lead to the environmental awareness of the citizens of the future.

To establish coordination and exchange mechanisms to facilitate collaboration between networks. To promote internal debate to advance the concept of Education for Sustainability in the education sphere. To organise areas for experience sharing between schools. To collaborate in teacher training and facilitate educational resources. To promote research and evaluation on the education for sustainability process and its results. To encourage local network formation where there is none, as well as help to consolidate those already in existence. To establish links with other networks in other autonomous, European or international communities.

1,119 centres participating up to 2011. Organisation of the 1st Symposium (2010) of experts and teachers to debate proposed methodologies and of the 1st Territorial Forum (2011) to facilitate the exchange of experiences among teachers and students of the regions schools. Production of educational materials such as the updated digital version of Habitat: the Guide to Environmental Education. International Youth Conference Lets take care of the planet (Confint): The number of secondary school students taking part in the Catalan conference was 148, with 36 Catalan representatives at the national meeting and 3 Catalan representatives at the European meeting.

58 Green Economy Best Practices in Catalonia

Cross-cutting issues

Environmental and Sustainable Ideas Competition (CIAiS)

Institute of Sustainability, Universitat Politcnica de Catalunya (UPC-Barcelona Tech). Barcelona Provincial Council. Entitat de Medi Ambient AMB. Barcelona City Council
Since 1997


The Environmental and Sustainable Ideas Competition is organised with the aim of promoting innovative projects and actions that contribute to the great changes the world needs to make this century to transform the current social and economic models and move towards a new development model in accordance with the Millennium Development Goals. The ideas produced will make a qualitative leap possible in the assumption of social responsibility for technology with regard to the environment and sustainable human development and, in particular, specifically impacting our universities and our interaction with society. The 15th competition has been organised for 2012 with the project focus this year on the subject of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20 Earth Summit).

To help to recognise and evaluate the changes caused in our territories by our actions over the past 15 years, what our environmental responsibility is and what we can do strategically to contribute to this change towards sustainability. To give the university community an important role in global sustainability. To educate students and all UPC-Barcelona Tech personnel on the effects of climate change, reduction of CO2 emissions, water and material conservation, waste prevention, mobility, infrastructures and the territory noise levels of activities. To promote ideas, convey relevant information and/or activity to make visible our commitment to sustainability as academic institutions.

Over the course of the 15 competitions, 280 projects have been received, amongst which the following should be highlighted for their development: - Wetlands recovery of the Torre Girona lake (UPC-Barcelona Tech North Campus area). - Classrooms with skylights for natural light in the Rogent lecture room of the ETSAB Coderch building. - ETSAV Horta Solar followed by the creation of the Solar Cube (CISOL Solar Research Centre). - Life Menu: the first step towards the ecological food transition of the Vertex building restaurant, UPC-Barcelona Tech North Campus.

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Cross-cutting issues

Catalonia and International

Eco-Entrepreneurs Association, Green/Blue Economy businesses based in Catalonia

Eco-Entrepreneurs Association and founding entities
Since 2012 Eco-entrepreneurs is an association made up of businesses and professional individuals with the aim of bringing together companies involved in the Green/Blue Economy based in Catalonia, to generate synergies, develop projects and be a visible spokesperson with independent criteria for both the private sector and for the institutions and public administrations. The businesses involved must commit to the values, principals and criteria listed in a document known as the Manifesto, which must be signed by all members and affiliated businesses and which presents eco-entrepreneurship as the best way to do business, for business professionals and citizens in pursuit of harmony with the Planet through a proactive and regenerative approach.

To represent and bring together the maximum number of eco-entrepreneurial businesses as possible to achieve the sufficient critical size and mass to have the intended positive impact. In the long term, the objective is to act as a catalyst for positioning sustainability on the political, business and social agenda, both in Catalonia and at an international level.

The main result is the constitution of the association, its visibility to the countrys social and economic agents, and the gradual incorporation of new eco-entrepreneur members.

60 Green Economy Best Practices in Catalonia

Cross-cutting issues

Global Eco Forum, dialogue, reflection and interaction on sustainability

Eco-union + 50 organisations
Since 2008 The Global Eco Forum is a multistakeholder event that promotes dialogue, deep thinking and interaction, an essential meeting point for opinion leaders and agents of change towards sustainability in the Euro-Mediterranean Region. The active participation of all sectors of society is crucial in meeting the challenges of the 21st century. This participation and teamwork are elements of key importance so that the citizens can be the true agents of change, thereby acting as catalysts for the transition to sustainability. For this reason, the Global Eco Forum combines plenary dialogues, interactive workshops with eco-networking sessions and collective intelligence, live online broadcast, a virtual forum and cultural activities.


To create new links and strengthen those existing between different agents: Public Administration, private enterprise and civil society (NGO and citizens) so that they relate in a lasting manner to construct together, over time, responsible and sustainable initiatives. To inspire sustainable environmental, social and economic activity in the Euro-Med region, develop a network of contacts for the creation of north-south multistakeholder alliances and also to speed up the implementation of sustainable development policies in the Euro-Med region.

In 2011, the production of a final report on green economy and good sustainability governance to provide new inputs to the reports of the Green Economy Coalition for Rio +20 232 participants, 40 international, national and local speakers at the dialogue sessions. 35 speakers invited to the workshops and round tables, 198 virtual participants, plus 25 media accredited to cover the GEF2011, a social network impact, with over 1,000 followers and around 2,000 subscriptions to the newsletter.

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Green Economy Best Practices in Catalonia

Avda. Diagonal 529-525 08029 Barcelona Tel. 93 444 50 00

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