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About JAVA

Java is a high-level programmig language, developed by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems as a core component of the Java platform. Java follows the "write once, run anywhere" concept, as it does not needs to be edited to run in different platforms. It derives much of its syntax from C & C++, and has a simpler object model and fewer low-level facilities. Java is available as a free and open-source software.

Core JAVA Training Syllabus

Note: All topics are covered in extreme detail with practical examples for all. Theoretical Classes will be accompanied by practical sessions at our computer lab. Some of the topics may have been missed from the displayed syllabus below, which nonetheless will be covered during training session. To know more, contact us via the Phone or the Form below.


Introduction Data types and Variables Operators and Expressions Control Flow Statements Methods Object-Oriented Programming Objects and Classes Using Java Objects Inheritance in Java Packages Exception Handling Input/Output Streams Collection Framework Inner Classes Introduction to Threads Interfaces and Abstract Classes Serialization Generics Annotations Reflection

Advanced Java Training Syllabus

Database and SQL Fundamentals

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Relational Databases and SQL Database, Schema, Tables, Columns and Rows DDL & DML Sequences , Stored Procedures Using SQL Terminals

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J2EE Overview Why J2EE? J2EE Architecture J2EE APIs J2EE Containers HTML Forms Servlets Overview Servlet Lifecycle: init(), service(), destroy() GenericServlet, ServletRequest, and ServletResponse HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse and HttpServlet Request-response, headers, GET, POST JDBC Fundamentals Advanced JDBC Introduction to Row Sets JDBC classes and the java.sql Connecting to databases JDBC design patterns HTTP as a stateless protocol Hidden form fields Cookies session tracking Http Session Exception handling and error pages Directives Single Thread Model interface Overview JSP architecture , JSP tags and JSP expressions Fixed Template Data , Lifecycle of a JSP Model View Controller (MVC) Model 1/Model 2 Architecture Data Sharing among servlets & JSP Request, application, session and page scope JSP implicit objects RMI overview RMI architecture Example demonstrating RMI Enterprise Bean overview Types of enterprise beans

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Session Management
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JavaServer Pages
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RMI (Remote Method Invocation)


Java Beans
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Advantages of enterprise beans The Life Cycles of Enterprise Beans Working with Session Beans Statefull vs. Stateless Session Beans Working with Entity Beans Message Driven Beans

RMI (Remote Method Invocation)

RMI overview RMI architecture Example demonstrating RMI

Struts Framework

What is Struts? Struts Architecture Struts classes - ActionForward, ActionForm, ActionServlet, Action classes Understanding struts-config.xml Understanding Action Mappings Struts flow with an example application Struts Tiles Framework Struts Validation Framework Internationalizing Struts Application Struts with Message Resources


JNDI overview JNDI API Context operations Using JNDI in J2EE applications

Other J2EE Technologies

Hibernate Spring framework JSF Web services SOA, SOAP, AXIS, WSDL, UDDI, Endpoint & Callback AJAX

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