Nuusbrief 28van 2012

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Tel: 023 347 0663 / F: 023 342 2766 / Posbus/P.O. Box 193, Worcester, 6849 / Krigestraat 8 Krige Street, Worcester
Newsletter 28 of 2012 31 Augustus / August 2012

Teaching Kids Money Skills: Five Golden Rules for Parents By: Kim Daley
April hath put a spirit of youth in everything, said William Shakespeare. Little did he know that this would also apply to financial literacy. In 2003, Congress unanimously passed a resolution naming April as Financial Literacy for Youth Month. Just as caring for a young plant in spring is critical to the development of that plant, teaching our children money management skills is essential in raising financially literate adults. Teaching money management skills to children can seem a bit overwhelming at times. Yet, with careful planning and a good attitude, it can be an enjoyable experience for both parents and youth. It is not only a great time to commit to teach our children, it's also a great time to recommit as adults to a financially fit future. Most commitments require a process to complete. Teaching our kids to be good money managers is no different. To help in this process, Kidbudget has come up with five golden rules for parents as they teach their children money management skills. Below are the five golden rules: Golden Rule #1: Make it Fun! Use games, activities, and even jokes to teach your kids about money. Go online and you will find dozens of activities and money games on the subject. Even toddlers enjoy tossing coins and counting change. There are videos on the internet that show the process of coin making and printing currency. Use play money and set up a store where your child can purchase small items. It is true that kids learn faster when they are having fun. Golden Rule #2: Look for Teaching Opportunities. Are you going to the store? Talk to your kids about money. Paying your bills? Talk to your kids about what you are doing. Are you getting money from the ATM? Explain how the ATM works and why you keep your money in the bank. Help your child understand that you had to work for the money you deposited and that the ATM isn't just a cash machine, but is just giving you what is already yours. It is also OK to let your kids know when funds are low. If you feel like eating out but decide you can't afford it, let your kids know that you do not spend what you don't have. Explain the difference between needs and wants and that eating out is a want. This is a classic case of actions speak louder than words. Golden Rule #3: Be Patient. Good habits take time. As you teach new concepts, realize that each child learns at his/her own pace. Some may pick up money concepts quickly. For others, it may take more time. If it becomes a battle or either side gets frustrated, it's time to cool down and try again later. It is also very helpful to have a plan in place before you begin. Using a formal teaching method or money management system will help both sides eliminate frustration. Find a money management system designed specifically for kids. Above all, remember rule #1, make it fun. Golden Rule #4: Keep at it. Your kids will be excited to learn budgeting skills. Keep the excitement alive! Help them find opportunities to earn money. As they keep a budget, it may be helpful to meet on a regular basis to go over their goals and spending patterns. Give your child an incentive. When he/she reaches a specific goal, have a special night out or treat rewarding them for their hard work. Don't underestimate the value of simple praise. The satisfaction that comes from setting a money goal and reaching that goal will reinforce the habits you are teaching. Help your child to succeed and feel the joy of success. Golden Rule #5: Mistakes are Good. This may seem counter intuitive, but it is true. Think of it like this, would you rather your child spend foolishly on a toy when he's 9 or make a poor purchase when he's buying his first car? This is the training ground and mistakes will happen. The consequences are much easier to handle while they are still at home under your roof. Allow them to make mistakes. It's OK. Help them learn from those mistakes and make better choices next time. With these five golden rules in your tool belt, you will be much more prepared as you raise great money managers. Remember to use games, talk openly about money, have a plan or kidfriendly method of teaching in place ahead of time, be patient with yourself and your kids, keep at it, and allow the kids to make mistakes. As William Shakespeare says, In delay there lies no plenty. So do not delay, start today.

Special points of interest:


Inside this issue:





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PARENTS, PLEASE PAY YOUR SCHOOL FEES * Please use your MySchool card


Belangrike datums / Important dates
DAY Saturday DATE 1/9 ACTIVITY Foundation Phase Hockey vs Voorbereiding U/7A,8A,9A boys & girls

Sportfotos kan tot Dinsdag, 4 September by afrigters bestel word teen R15 elk. Sports photos can be ordered until Tuesday, 4 September, from the sports coaches at R15 each.

Skaak / Chess
23 Augustus 2012, vs Worcester-Noord: INTERSKOLE
WPS Seuns WPS Dogters WPS A2 vs WNPS Seuns gelyk vs WNPS dogters wen vs WNPS seuns (uitnodigingspan) wen 3-3 4 - 1 5-1

Hokkie / Hockey
24 Augustus 2012, vs Worcester-Noord: INTERSKOLE
Girls: 13A 13B 13C 11A 11B 11C 10A 10B 10C 9A 9B 9C 8A 8B 7A 7B 7C drew drew lost won won lost won won won lost won lost lost lost lost lost drew 0-0 0-0 0-2 3-1 3-0 0-9 8-2 8-0 3-2 5-1 6-1 0-4 0-5 0-2 6-1 7-0 1-1 Boys: 13A 13B 11A 11B 10A 10B 9A 9B 8A 8B 7A 7B won won won lost lost won lost lost lost lost won lost 2-0 2-0 2-1 0-3 3-5 4-2 3-4 1-6 2-3 0-2 2-1 0-5

28 Augustus 2012, vs Worcester-Noord: INTERSKOLE
WPS O/13A WPS O/13B WPS O/10 WPS O/9A WPS O/9B WPS O/8A WPS O/8B WPS O/7A WPS O/7B vs vs vs vs vs vs vs vs vs WNPS O/13A WNPS O/13B WNPS O/10 WNPS O/9A WNPS O/9B WNPS O/8A WNPS O/8B WNPS O/7A WNPS O7/B wen wen verloor verloor wen verloor wen verloor verloor 20-13 40-0 0-15 1-4 2-1 1-4 4-3 0-5 1-3

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PARENTS, PLEASE PAY YOUR SCHOOL FEES * Please use your MySchool card

Newsletter 28 of 2012
Netbal / Netball (Interskole/interschools) 28/8/2012
WPS O/7A WPS O/7B WPS O/7C WPS O/8A WPS O/9A WPS O/9B WPS O/9C WPS O/10A WPS O/10B WPS O/10C WPS O/10D WPS O/12A WPS O/12B WPS O/12C WPS O/12D WPS O/13A WPS O/13B WPS O/13C WPS O/13D vs vs vs vs vs vs vs vs vs vs vs vs vs vs vs vs vs vs vs vs vs vs WNPS O/7A WNPS O/7B WNPS O/7D WNPS O/7C WNPS O/8A WNPS O/8B WNPS O/8C WNPS O/9A WNPS O/9B WNPS O/9C WNPS O/10A WNPS O/10B WNPS O/10C WNPS O/10D WNPS O/12A WNPS O/12B WNPS O/12C WNPS O/12D WNPS O/13A WNPS O/13B WNPS O/13C WNPS O/13D verloor verloor wen wen verloor verloor wen verloor verloor verloor verloor wen wen verloor wen wen wen wen verloor wen verloor wen 0-4 0-1 3-2 0-1 0-6 0-2 6-1 1-4 0-1 2-5 6-8 3-4 9-3 1-5 14-4 11-3 11-4 8-1 13-16 8-5 1-7 9-4

Elektroniese betalings / EFT Payments

Aandag alle ouers: Indien u elektroniese betalings aan die skool maak, moet u asb.die volgende verwysing gebruik:

Skoolfonds: Rekeningnommer Enige ander: Kind se naam & van en waarvoor betaling is.
Attention parents: When you make EFT payments to WPS, please use the following as reference:

School fund: Account number Other payments: Childs name & surname and what the payment is for.

NB!!! Toetsreeks begin op 11 September en eindig op 19 September a.g.v. die ANA-toetse. Teken asb. die datums aan op u kalender. The test series will run from 11- 19 September due to the ANA tests. Please mark these dates on your calendar.

SOS-Kamp / SOS Camp

Vanaf 27 tot 29 Augustus was die graad 5s op die jaarlikse SOS-kamp te Villiersdorp. Vanjaar was ons gelukkig om lieflike sonskynweer te h. Die leerlinge neem deel aan aktiwiteite soos n bundu-vasbyt, kanovaart, rotsklim, hindernisbane en toubane. Daar word deurentyd in groepe saamgewerk en samewerking speel n groot rol. Die leerlinge kry geleentheid om self vuur te maak (met slegs 3 vuurhoutjies tot hulle beskikking) en hier braai hul ook hul eie stokbrood en wors. Hulle onderneem n nagavontuur en leer meer van ons plante en diere. Thank you to all parents who made this experience possible for our learners. To the principal and staff who accompanied the learners, we would like to express our sincere gratitude. Thanks for your time and dedication.
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PARENTS, PLEASE PAY YOUR SCHOOL FEES * Please use your MySchool card

Dankie / Thank you

Baie dankie aan me. Jolize Groenewald en Marize de Wet wat nie-bederfbare kos vir ons brood-projek geskenk het. Hierdie is deel van die Hoop in Nood-projek van die Vryburgers. Baie dankie aan mev. Vawda wat ook n groot bydrae tot die brood-projek gelewer het. Dit word opreg waardeer! Die Gr.R2-maatjies wil net baie dankie s vir tannie Chatelle wat vir ons die lekkerste belongings gestuur het. Nou kan ons weer lekker werk!

BIG BRAG - Baie dankie aan Juanita Lacock wat die organiseerder van die Big Brag was. Dit was n reuse sukses! Die saal het pragtig gelyk. Baie dankie ook aan Helene le Roux wat die heerlike hoender schnitzels gemaak het, mev.Thiam wat die halaal voorberei het, Candice Barrett vir die dek van die tafels en Therese du Toit vir die rel en uitdeel van die kospakkies. Dankie aan elke gasvrou wat verantwoordelik was vir n tafel. Baie dankie aan elke ouer, ouma en oupa wat die aand heerlik saam met ons gekuier het. Baie dankie aan WPS se onderwysers en admin. Personeel vir hulle bydrae. - Ilse Karsten, OOV INTERSKOLE - n Groot dankie aan elkeen wat betrokke was met die verkope tydens die Interskole. Ons sal in volgende week se nuusbrief meer inlingting kan gee oor presies hoeveel geld ingesamel is. n Spesiale word van waardering vir die volgende ouers wat as konvenors opgetree het: Liezl Havenga, Ester Petit, Tania du Toit, Juanita Stanbridge, Theresa du Toit, Phillip du Toit, Erik Stanbridge, Elsab Minnie, Marianna Smith, Madelein Burden, Marietjie en Marinus Mathee. Dankie Ilse Karsten vir al die hulp en bystand met al die relings. Debora Damant, dankie vir die rel van die koeldrank. Ilaam vir die rel van die halaalstalletjie vir ons kinders se etes. Baie dankie aan alle ouers wat gehelp het met die verkope van chips tot koeldranke. Die twee dae was n groot sukses met julle hulp en ondersteuning. Laaste maar nie die minste nie, dankie aan Bart OOsthuizen en sy span werkers wat ons gehelp het om al ons tafels en benodighede rond te dra en te skuif. Dit word opreg waardeer. - Andrea Vlok, kordineerder
Baie dankie aan die volgende rolspelers tydens die afgelope Interskole byeenkoms tussen WPS en WNPS:

Boshoff Visser en Vennote - Hoofborg Muller Terblanche en Beyers Prokureurs - borg van programme Pool Vervoer - vervoer van paviljoene en hokkiehokke Worcester Gas & Sport - Opblaas van helium ballonne PA Venter - verskaf saagsels vir droogmaak van velde Prima Klipbrekers - verskaf digger loader om saagsels te versprei AC Security - verskaf van sekuriteit op Donderdag -en Vrydagaand BC Wines en Lourens de Wet - wynskenking en sambrele Merwida Wynkelder en Badsberg Wynkelder - wynskenking Jeff Jones - Huur van mobiele toilette Winterbach Broers BK en Daniller Grondwerke - kontantskenking Best Event Hire (Peter Basson) - Messegoed, glase, Braaier en cocktail tafels Worcester Minerals - can van, Coke-trok en signwriting Mr. Soma - collected extra hockey goalboxes from Worcester Noth Primary OOV- Andrea Vlok: kordineerder van die OOV-Interskole Sportdag en alle betrokke ouers Personeel - Bart Oosthuizen en werkers vir die terrein; alle onderwysers en admin. personeel Leerders - Baie dankie vir julle wonderlike gedrag, julle is voorwaar n waardige advertensie vir WPS! JEUGWEEK 2012 begin 14 Oktober 2012 Plek: Worcester Moedergemeente Spreker: Jaco Strydom- predikant, skrywer, avonturier en CEO van ECHO Jeugontwikkeling Vir meer inligting skakel: Ds Stefaans Burden by 082 564 9478 of Dennis Kirchner by 082 770 2960
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PARENTS, PLEASE PAY YOUR SCHOOL FEES * Please use your MySchool card

WPS Greetings

____________________ Mr. AM Peens (Principal)

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