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manukau harbour reporting area

State oF auCkLanD

juLy 2012


Includes Franklin, Manurewa, Mangere-Otahuhu, Maungakiekie-Tamaki, Otara-Papatoetoe, Papakura, Puketapapa, Waitakere Ranges and Whau local boards

marine report CarD

overaLL graDe

what makeS up thiS graDe?

QuiCk FaCtS

manukau harbour iS the SeConD LargeSt harbour in new ZeaLanD


(about 350 km2) WIth a tIde range up to 4.6m

water QuaLity

ContaminantS in SeDiment

oF the harbour Is sand and mud FLats


important nurSery area For FiSh

LaInghoLm beach, Woody bay and French bay beach FrequentLy

It Is a home to many sharks and Is a


oF the 14 manukau harbour bathIng beaches tested durIng summer 2011-12,

The overall environmental health score from A to F is based on the average of the scores for water quality, contaminants in sediment and ecology. These grades represent an average of the results from the individual sites. Individual site results will vary.

76% paSSeD the reCreationaL baCteria guiDeLineS

FaiLeD reCreationaL baCteria guiDeLineS

manukau harbour monitoring SiteS


Auckland Airport

Clarks Beach

Marine reporting area Site type
Ecological quality Safe swim Saline water quality Sediment quality Chemistry and ecology

monitoring baCkgrounD & interpretation

Water quality: Results are classified according the Water Quality Index which was developed by the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment in 2001 and adapted by Auckland Council. Scores are based on the average of the last three years results. Contaminants in sediment: Auckland Council tests for zinc, copper and lead every 2-5 years. Other contaminants such as PAHs (by-products of burning fuels) and arsenic are also monitored. Environmental Response Criteria (ERC) are used: green indicates low levels of contaminants, amber indicates some elevation and red indicates relatively high levels (as outlined in ARC TP 168 and ANZECC guidelines). Ecology: At harbour and estuarine sites seabed-dwelling (benthic) species are counted and contaminants in sediments and sediment grain size are measured every two to five years, with the most contaminated sites sampled most frequently. Results are classified according to a five-point health index outlined in TR2012/012, which ranges from extremely good to unhealthy with low resilience. Ecology is also monitored more frequently at selected sites, every two to three months for soft sediment sites and annually for subtidal rocky reefs. There is currently no reporting indicator for reef ecology. Bathing beach water quality: Tests for microbiological (Enterococci) contamination are carried out in summer in line with Ministry for the Environment guidelines. Bathing beach water quality has not been included in the overall score as it relates to human health and is based on a different method of assessment (number of alerts). Individual results for monitored beaches are provided on the Safeswim section of the Auckland Council website.

monitoring reSuLtS
Marine water quality monitoring began in 1986. An extra site at the harbour mouth was also added in 2009. Manukau Harbours water quality has been ranked as fair. This ranking is due to poor water quality found at four sites, whilst the remaining three sites were ranked as fair. The mouth of the harbour had the best water quality of all the sites monitored. Sediment quality sampling began in 1998. Concentrations of contaminants are generally low in Manukau Harbour, with the exception of Mangere Inlet. Contamination in Mangere Inlet may be partly related to historic industrial pollution. The predominantly low contaminant concentrations in the wider Manukau Harbour are due to a mixture of factors, including the large size of the harbour, relatively small watershed with a small proportion of urban area and fairly recent urbanisation. All of the 14 sites outside Mangere Inlet fell into the green ERC category for copper, lead, zinc and PAHs. All four sites within Mangere Inlet exceeded the ERC amber threshold for zinc and one site also exceeded the red threshold. Two sites within Mangere Inlet also exceeded the amber threshold for copper. Ecological health in the Manukau Harbour varies greatly with sites in the wider harbour ranked as extremely good and moderate, and sites in Mangere Inlet ranked as unhealthy. Fine scale temporal monitoring of soft sediment ecology began in 1987. While changes in species abundance have occurred in the harbour, there is no evidence to suggest detrimental effects on ecosystem health within the intertidal flats that make up the main body of the harbour.
water QuaLity

FinD out more

This report card is part of a series prepared by the Auckland Councils Research, Investigations and Monitoring Unit, which undertakes monitoring and research to provide information and evidence to inform the councils activities and reporting. Aucklands environment must be healthy and resilient in order to support life and lifestyle. More report cards can be found at The report card series includes reporting on freshwater, terrestrial, air, demographics and quality of life. For more information, e-mail or call us on 09 301 0101.

get invoLveD
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These report cards are printed using vegetable based inks and environmentally responsible papers from sustainable forests, and is manufactured under the strict ISO 14001 Environmental Management System.

eCoLogiCaL heaLth

ContaminantS in SeDiment


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