State of Auckland Quality of Life Southeast

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South-eaSt reporting area

State oF auCKLanD

juLy 2012

QuaLity oF LiFe report CarD

Aucklands goal is to provide people with a fantastic quality of life. Results from the 2010 Quality of Life Survey indicate that while residents of the local boards across the south-east of Auckland are generally satisfied with their life and are proud of their local area, social issues are of concern to some respondents. The south-east reporting area is made up of six local boards, constituting 844 respondents to the survey 31 per cent of the total number of Aucklanders sampled.

felt safe in their city centre after dark (55% regionally)


have a sense of pride in the way their local area looks and feels (64% regionally)


felt a sense of community in their local area (61% regionally)


perCeptionS oF QuaLity oF LiFe (%) (2010)

2 6 2 7 2 8 2 7 1 7

felt vandalism had been an issue (53% regionally)


felt safe walking alone in the neighbourhood after dark (68% regionally)


rated their overall quality of life as extremely good or good (91% regionally)


(All compArisons presented here Are for the AucklAnd sAmple, not the nAtionAl sAmple)


South-eaSt reporting area

number of respondents for south-east reporting area

Local board Howick Otara-Papatoetoe Mangere-Otahuhu Manurewa Respondents 231 143 118 135 101 116 844 2716





64 69



Papakura Franklin Total south-east Total Auckland sample





29 27 21






0% South-east reporting area (844 respondents) Central reporting area (942 respondents) North-west reporting area (930 respondents) New Zealand (6249 respondents) Auckland (2716 respondents)


Extremely good


Neither poor nor good


The Quality of Life Survey is part of the broader national Quality of Life Project, which was initiated in 1999. The study started after concern about the impacts of urbanisation and its effects on the well-being of residents. The 2010 survey was a collaborative project between eight councils from Auckland, Hamilton, Tauranga, Wellington, Hutt City, Porirua, Christchurch and Dunedin. The survey aims to gather residents perceptions across a broad range of areas, including satisfaction with life in general, feelings of safety, perceptions of health, transport and local issues.

The survey has been conducted every two years since 2004 and measures the perceptions of more than 6,000 residents living in the countrys largest cities and districts. In 2010, a total of 2,716 Auckland residents were interviewed by telephone. Each of the local board areas had a minimum quota of 100 people. This excludes residents of Waiheke and Great Barrier islands, who have relatively small populations and were therefore combined. Results from the 2012 Quality of Life survey will be available in early 2013. For more information on the Quality of Life Project go to

Key iSSueS oF ConCern For reSponDentS in the previouS 12 monthS % (2010)

Dangerous driving incl. drink driving, speeding or hoons Graffiti on walls, schools, shops etc Alcohol and drugs Car theft, damage to cars or theft from cars Vandalism incl. broken windows in shops and public buildings Litter on the streets People that make you feel unsafe because of their behaviour, attitude or appearance Water pollution including pollution in streams, rivers, lakes and sea Noise pollution Air pollution

North-west reporting area

(930 respondents)

Central reporting area

(942 respondents)

South-east reporting area

(844 respondents)

(2716 respondents)

New Zealand
(6249 respondents)

79 63 66 63 50 47 47 49 35 26

77 65 66 63 54 48 49 46 42 30

81 75 72 73 68 65 65 53 52 35

78 67 67 64 53 49 51 46 40 28

75 68 65 60 49 68 48 46 35 23

Note: Results from individual local boards (shown on the front of this report card) have been combined for reporting purposes, due to small sub-sample sizes for each local board.

FinD out more

This report card is part of a series prepared by the Auckland Councils Research, Investigations and Monitoring Unit, which undertakes monitoring and research to provide information and evidence to inform the councils activities and reporting. Aucklands environment must be healthy and resilient in order to support life and lifestyle. More report cards can be found at The report card series includes reporting on freshwater, terrestrial, marine, demographics and air.

For more information: e-mail or call us on 09 301 0101.

These report cards are printed using vegetable based inks and environmentally responsible papers from sustainable forests, and is manufactured under the strict ISO 14001 Environmental Management System.


QuaLity oF LiFe Survey

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