Moraga Rotary Newsletter - Aug - 28 - 2012

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The meeting was started by some thoughtful comments by Nora Avelar. Then President Frank called for several announcements: 1. We were reminded that: E-Waste Collection is scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 8th at Moraga Shopping Center. Do-nuts as usual!! Help is needed for this fundraiser. Sign up on an email request to come. 2.Rotary Day at Golden Gates Fields, Sat. Nov. 17. It is a fun event with entry to the Turf Club facilities. A sign-up sheet will soon be coming! Cost is $35 per. 3.Frank May, Debbie Roessler and Nora Avelar were the representatives of Moraga Rotary last Saturday at the District Summer Seminar in Vacaville. Short reports were made on the main topics of Membership, Rotary Foundation and Public Relations. 4. President Frank gave a good report on the meeting of the Clubs Board of Directors held last week. 5.It is still possible to make a $10 donation to the Kenya Smiles dental care project. Tax deductible check payable to The Rotary Foundation. 5. Barb Bruner reported on the project of our Club to give subscriptions to Scholastic Magazine to students in the 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades instead of dictionaries this year. Apparently the dictionaries are pass today since most students have computer spellchecks.

AUGUST 28, 2012

Next Meeting: September 4 Candace Anderson Newly Elected Contra Costa County Supervisor Invocation & Greeter: Al Sperske
~~ COMING UP ~~ Sept. 8 E-Waste Collection Day Moraga Center **Sept 11 Dave Hatfield Living Stone Foundation A PreSchool Project in Nakura, Kenya (6:00 pm Meeting) *Sept.18 The Moraga Road Initiative Sept. 18 Board of Directors Meeting at 5:00 Trinity Hall *Regular weekly luncheon in Soda Center **Monthly evening meeting at Soda Center

Randy Bradley Guest Speaker Larry Tessler Chamber Representative to Employee of the Month Committee Marv Ellenberg Former East Oakland Rotarian


Nora Avelar had a happy buck for clarifying her comment last week when she announced that she was on a 30 day yoga program. Debbie Roessler apparently misunderstood, and was amazed at Noras commitment for 30 days of yogurt! Frank May had a high $5 for all of the good work of the Moraga Fire District covering his home fire, some calls for paramedical services and for taking Frank to the hospital when he had his bicycle accident a couple years ago on Moraga Way! Once again, Al Simonsen had the lucky red ticket but alas could not find the white marble this time and settled for $10.


Today our program was presented by Randy Bradley, Chief of the Moraga-Orinda Fire District. The Chief reviewed the status of the fire district which has 5 stations serving an area of about 40 sq. miles and over 40,000 people in Moraga and Orinda. Consequently there are many open spaces with difficult terrain to cover as well as high value properties. One of the primary demands upon the District is to provide response time within 5 minutes for both fire and paramedic services. The speaker reviewed some of the interesting history of the District and discussed several issues of public interest, such as: --the need and value of the paramedic services; --the pension system reforms; --the public demand for outstanding Fire Department services vs the community needs for roads and other town services; --the process in responding to 911 emergency calls; --the Contra Costa County Fire Districts in providing county-wide services; and, --the value of having a central headquarters for the Fire District. Chief Bradley answered a number of questions from the audience. Moraga Rotary appreciated an excellent program.


Thanks go to Kevin Reneau for taking the leadership in conducting the Moraga Rotary food booth at the Lafayette-Moraga Youth Association soccer sign-up last Sunday. A great team of workers showed up to sell hotdogs, popcorn, cold drinks, cookies and other snacks. It was a beautiful day and a fun event. Seen doing the work were Al Simonsen; Louise Schopke, Debbie and Lou Roessler, Herb Wehmeyer; Tony Schmoehl, Vickie Devlin, Barb Bruner, Frank May, Rich Render, Cliff Dochterman, Ron Mucovich, Dick Vance, and of course, Kevin. There may have been others, but these were the members the reporter noticed. It was a great Club fund-raiser and good publicity for Rotary in our community! Kevin says about $1000 was the net for our service fund!


This year the day is Sunday, September 23 for the Patio Party at Sue McCaffreys home. This enjoyable event, which used to be called our Progressive Dinner, has become the social event of the season for Moraga Rotarians. Be sure to sign-up. Cost of $10 per person is to help cover expense of the food and drinks.

CALENDAR OF FUTURE EVENTS Sept. 8 E Waste Collection Day Sept. 23 September Patio Party at Sue McCaffreys Home - 557 Augusta Nov. 2-4 Rotary District 5160 Conference in Napa Nov. 17 Rotary Day at Golden Gate Fields Dec. 4 Official Visit of District Governor Laura Day Dec. 11 Moraga Rotary Christmas Party


It is that time of the year to start thinking about collecting those little bars of soap, shampoos and hand lotion when you visit hotels or motels. We will need them for our Christmas Stocking project in a couple months. The supplies for the stockings have been purchased and the cutting and sewing will begin in October.

It is axiomatic that when a tree stops growing, it is ready to die. As long as the tree is extending its roots, branches and producing leaves, fruit or flowers it is growing. However, when the tree growth slows down and stops, it will not be long till its life is over. A Rotary Club is like the tree. It must keep growing or its days are numbered. New members in a Rotary Club are essential as deep roots, new leaves or ripening fruit on a beautiful tree. How are you personally keeping our Club alive and thriving? There are people in Moraga who should be invited to Rotary. Why not do it?

MORAGA ROTARY BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2012-13 President....Frank May President-elect ..Nora Avelar Secretary.........Kevin Reneau Treasurer..Louise Schopke Community Service Chair.Barbara Bruner New Generations...Rich Render International Service ChairTony Schoemehl Rotary Foundation...... Lad Lynch Public Relations Gary Irwin Director at LargeDebbie Roessler Director at Large..Mary Elena Dochterman Director at Large...Cliff Dochterman President, Rotary InternationalSakuji Tanaka District Governor, 5160..Laura Day Assistant District Governor.Jose Avelar
Newsletter Editor for August Cliff Dochterman Newsletter Editor for September Nora Avelar

Rotary International Theme for 2012-13 PEACE THROUGH SERVICE

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