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A fight to be one of Young Leaders for Indonesia

It was in a very small village 3 hours to the south by taking a ride on a bus from Garut (West Java) and it was close enough to the furthest southern of the west Javanese seashore lines, it's called Desa Depok where me and my team did our second phase of the Indonesia - Canada Youth Exchange Program. For now I will not talk about the program because I found the fact that I always got myself stuck on what to say first. In the program we learnt and experienced so many things, perhaps I will just make it a novel, one day... Amin... Back to this topic about...??? What...??? Hahahah... Loh kok??? ^_^ Okay, What I want to tell you here is about one of the activities I am doing right now, It's about YLI Young Leaders for Indonesia Wave 4. This is a leadership training and workshop kind of activity and facilitate you with the best resources by McKinsey&Company but we'll also talk about it later because I'll talk about how did I got to this group of great individuals with great resources... In my team there were actually 2 alumnus of YLI and they told me a lot about this event. After having a lot of conversation then I was so sure that I need to join this event and training with YLI. I ensured myself that I could gain so many advantages for me myself and for other people that I care of because I was told that it would facilitate me with very beneficial resources to be a good leader (it doesn't always mean people in a high position and I prefer to interpret it as those special people with positive power to do more good things). Then I went to the closest town named Pameungpeuk to find an internet cafe so that I could connect to my email and finally downloaded the YLI form of application. Yeayyy...!! ^_^ Do you even have any idea on how did I get to the market? Nope...! I had waited with the other two friends for this mini truck as the transportation but none showed up. Then we stopped a real big truck passing by the road where we were waiting at and then it stopped so we got in the truck, three of us but then suddenly this another friend of mine showed up and wanted to join us to go to Pameungpeuk but we had no other possible space left because everyone was like shrunk. Looking at four of us so it was me the only guy with the best posture to actually climb to the back of the truck and I eventually volunteered myself, a good boy eh. I climbed at the back of the truck, it was uncovered

or simply let's just say it as an open space at the back and you know what? It was all the cows' dirt and poops, OMG...!! Nothing I could do, the driver automatically started his engine and drove the truck as soon as I got to the back of the truck. It means I had to stand on those bunch of poops for about 30 minutes. Anyway that was a part of my story about my way to YLI Wave 4, piuuuhhh... After everything was done then we ate meatball (bakso) and then we went home. At home, I filled in the form. Some were just simple things to write as simple as personal details and record while the rest took me to think for a while. I wrote a couple of essays in the form about myself and also some other things and when my eyes staring at the 'personal leadership role' box I then think of EDeC English Debating Community that me and two other friends established in our university 2 years ago. It think I wrote a pretty nice story about the effort and struggle we made so it impressed the assessor pretty much, I guess heheh... Okay, February 28th everything was done so great. That day, I sent all the documents to McKinsey&Company to be assessed and what I had to do next wasjust waiting for the email informing whether I passed for the interview test or not. I waited... I waited... I waited... March 12th I was in Jakarta with my team and the other 2 teams got ready for the closing of the Indonesia Canada Youth Exchange Program as well as the farewell with our beloved Canadian friends that had to leave Indonesia that afternoon. That day we had a courtesy call to the Canadian Embassy and I realized that I got a call from the interviewer while I was in the meeting with the embassy in their office where any phones had to be secured in the safe box. As the meeting was over I got my phone back and being notified that I got 3 missed calls from a new number. Then I checked my email inbox and I found that the one had called me was Nindya, the interviewer from YLI and she wrote in the email asking my time to have the interview and I answered that I would be ready during lunch or after lunch because I was in the bus going back to our hotel at that time. Taraaaaaaa....!! Me, Aryo, Zaldi, and Kodok were together having our lunch at Padang Restaurant named Sederhana (at the end we found it expensive and not sederhana)

around Thamrin City and I was called by Nindya again and we did the phone interview there with some problems when our call disconnected couple times due to signal problem and noise, I guess. I think it was done in 30 minutes of phone call and she told me to wait for the result, she was nice... :) March 14th, I was walking around ThamCi with Kodok and eventually I got a call and felt so nervous for no reason (yes for YLI reason to be accepted or not), I answered the call and it was from Nindya again. She congratulated me and said that I should have got the email but I just didn't check it yet at that time. Huaaaaaa yes yes yes, I screamed at the mall and people automatically starred at me but I didn't care. I told Kodok that I got accepted and I thanked her for she also had introduced me to YLI, helped me, and recommended me... :) After checking my email and printed some documents, on March 16th I signed the offer letter and confirmed YLI that I was ready to be a part of a big and great family of YLI and I emailed it then everything was set. I attended forum 1 at Hotel Borobudur Jakarta on March 31st and April 1st and met great and inspiring people and trained to have a good leadership skill with leader characteristic building and many other things. I did my PLP and it keeps going and named 'we are the heroes'. I also attended forum 2 at the same place last week on May 26th-27th and theme was 'lead others' and we got BLP which my BLP is 50 Balis for Indonesia and it is on progress now. I am so happy, grateful , and thankful to get this opportunity to learn from YLI, it's great... ^_^

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