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ADMINISTRATION REPORT FOR THE YEARS 2009-10 to 2011-12 in the Division of

Item Total Opening Balance Receipts - Ordinary: GENERAL ACCOUNT:GENERAL TAXATION AND MISCELLANCEOUS REVENUES Taxation: House Tax Profession Tax Land Cess: Duty on transfer of Property Entertainment Tax Advertisement Tax Total Miscellanceous Revenue Fees on Commercial Crops: Magisterial Fines: Fishery Rentals Net Assessements in service received by Government. Share of Land Revenue due under Section 62 of the Act. Income from trees on porambokes (Encroachment Fees) Income from lees of Governemnt Property obtained by the Panchayat. Lapsed Deposits Fees Fines and forfeitures Warrents & Distratint Fees Seigniorage fee for quarrying road meterials. Others Receipts Total MANAGEMENT Sandry Receipts Law Charges cost covered Total COMMUNICATIONS Vehicle Tax Fees for numbering Vehicles Free Rents Cheultry receipts Government Grants Contributions Other Receipts Total EDUCATIONS Fees Grants and Contributions Libraray Receipts Other Receipts Total PUBLIC HEALTH Dispensary Miscellaneous Receipts Sale of Rubbish Private Scavenging Fees Fairs and Festivals: Fees Contirbutions Piligrim Tax Taxes and toles levied Taxes and toles levied under Madras Public Health Act Fees for the use of burial and burning ground Vaceination Fees Fees for the extracts from Births and Death Registers Grant Contributions Other Receipts Total REMUNERATIVE ENTERPRISES: Market Fees: Other receipts Contributions Public Halting places etc Fees: Other Receipts Slauther Houses Fees:
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2009-2010 2010-11


A. I. (A) (a)

(b) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 II 1 2

III 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 IV 1 2 3 4 V 1 2 3 4 4 1 2 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 VI.(1) 1 2 3 2 (I) (ii) 3 (I)

Item (ii) 4 5 6 (I) (ii) 7 8 VII. A B (a) (b) (c ) (d) (e) Other Receipts Avenues Receipts (Grass Sales) Rent and Produce of land and other immobvable properties Income from Licence Fees Under Act.II of 1938 Others Kudimaramat fees Other Receipts (S.B.Interest): Total INVESTMENTS REALISED Total General Account Account of special Taxes Taxes on Agricultural Lands under Section 60 (ii) Water supply Advance recoverable Drainage: Lighting Other Public Work: Total Granded Total Receipts - Ordinary Account (A&B) Receipts Capital Loans Contributions Other Capital Receipts ( Details to be given ) Total Account of special Tax Tax on Agriculatural Land Under Section 60(ii) Water Supply Drainage Lighting Other Public Works Total Total Capital Receipts of Accounts A&B (Total) Deposits and Advances Accounts Depostis - Cash Deposits Inferior and Menial Servants Libraray Cess Suspense Account Total Advances Advances recovered Refund of Permanent Advance Total Total Deposits and Advances Grand Total of all Accounts Opening Balance Total EXPENDITURE ORDINARY: General Receipts Managements General Establishment Salaries and Allowances Contributions for pension and leave Salary contribution of Provident Fund Miscellaneous Total Contingencies (Postage, Stationary and Printing etc) Travelling Allowances of Presidents and Members Establishment Law charges Interest on and repayment of debts Election Expenses Repairs to Buildings Total Engineering Establishment Salaries and Allowances Travelling Allowances Contengent Allowances Contributions Contributions towards salary allowances etc Roads maintenance Charges for anumbering Bicycles Ferries and Bridges Choultries and Rest Houses Tools and Plants Lighting
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2009-2010 2010-11


A 1 2 3 B a b c d

C 1 2 3 4 2 1 2

1 (I) (ii) (iii) (iv) 2 3 (I) (ii) 4 5 6 7 II (I) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) 2 3 4 5 6 7

Item Total EDUCATION Staff Salaries and Allowances contribution to P.F. Contingencies and equipment Contributions READING ROOM Staff Salaries and Allowances Total contribution to P.F. Contingencies and equipment including books and periodicals PUBLIC AMENITIES Radio Music Play Grounds, Sports, Clubs, Parks, Physical cuiltures etc Total PUBLIC HEALTH Medical Relief Panchayat Dispensaries Staff Salaries and Allowances Contributions to P.F. (b) Medicines: (c ) contingencies Total Veterinary Relief Veterinary dispensaires Staff Salaries Contributions to P.F. Medicines Contingenceis Cattle Shed Epidemics and Epidemic Disease Staff Salaries contribution to P.F. Contingencies Contengences and Equipment Contribution to Other Panchayats Rewards of destrucaion of Dogs Sanitation Public Conservancey Staff Private Scavenging Salary and Allowances contribution to P.F. Fairs and Festivals: Births and Deaths Magistration Charges (Staff) Salaries and Allowances contribution to P.F. Maternity and child Welfare Centre: Staff Salaries and Allowances contribution to P.F. Contengiences Contribution to Other Panchayats Total Maintenance of Burrial Land Burning Grounds Staff Salaries and Allowances Contributions to P.F. Contingencies (Water Bendals) Repairs to Tanks, Wells, Drains etc including Kudimaramat Total REMUNERATIVE ENTERPRISES: Market: Staff Salaries and Allowances contribution to P.F. Contengiences Contribution to District Board Public Healthing Places Salaries and Allowances contribution to P.F. Contingencies Slauther Houses Staff Salaries
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2009-2010 2010-11


III (I) (ii) a) b) 2 I) a) b) (I) (ii) 3 (I) (ii)

4 1 2 IV (I) (ii)

2 (a) (I) (ii) (b) (c ) (d) 3 a) I) II) III) IV) 4 5 (a) (i) (ii) 6 7 (I) (ii) (iii) 8 (I) (ii) (iii) (iV) 9 (I) (ii) (iii) 10

V 1 (a) (b) (c ) (d) 2 (a) (b) (c ) 3 (a)

Item (b) (c ) 4 (I) (ii) (iii) (iv) 5 6 VI B 1 a) b c d 2 3 A (I) (ii) (iii) (iV) (v) contribution to P.F. Contingencies Avenues Land Development (State Purchase Charges) Rent on Forests Improvement of Agriculture and Agriculture Stock and Holding of Agricultural Shows Other items Cottage Industries Law Income Grouping Schemes Total INVESTMENTS GRAND TOTAL GENERAL ACCOUNT Account of the Special Tax Tax on Agriculture Lands under Section Water Supply Drainage Lighting Other Public Works Water Tax under section 23 of the WPR Act Interest on N.S.C. Certificates : CAPITAL GENERAL ACCOUNT Management Communcations Education Public Health Remunerative Enterprices Total Ground Total of Accounts A&B Deposits and Advance Account Deposits Cash Deposits and monial servents P.F. Library Cess rufund of paid to Local Bodies Repayment of Advances Total Advances Permanent Advances Library Cess rufund or paid to L.L.A. Tax Resources House Tax Profession Tax Vehicle Tax Piligrim Tax Tax on Agricultural Landa Entertainments Tax Land Cess Duty on Transfer of Property Non - Tax Resources Magisterial Fines: Ferry Rents Total Fishery Leases Private Scavenging Fees sale of Rubbish Licence Fees Market Fees Fees on Public Halting Places slaughter House Fees Warrant and Destratining Fees Revenue Receipt Rent and Produce of Land Other Items to specified Total GRAND TOTAL OF ALL ACCOUNTS FROM A TO C

2009-2010 2010-11


C (I) (ii) (iii) (iV)

1 2

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21



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