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~September Visiting Teaching Message ~

Serving one another has always been at the heart of visiting teaching. Through ongoing service we bring kindness and friendship that go beyond monthly visits. It is our caring that counts. The needs of others are ever present, said President Thomas S. Monson, and each of us can do something to help someone. Unless we lose ourselves in service to others, there is little purpose to our own lives. As visiting teachers we can sincerely come to know and love each sister we visit. Service to those we visit will flow naturally out of our love for them. How can we know the spiritual and temporal needs of our sisters so we can render service when it is needed? As visiting teachers, we are entitled to receive inspiration when we pray about those we visit. My desire is to plead with our sisters to stop worrying about a phone call or a quarterly or monthly visit, said Mary Ellen Smoot, the 13th Relief Society general president. She asked us to concentrate instead on nurturing tender souls. Maintaining regular contact with our sisters is also important. Reporting the well-being of sisters, special needs they have, and service rendered to our supervisor help us demonstrate our discipleship.

September Calendar Calendar

6~ Threads of Gold 11 am 8~ Community Food Drive and Pancake Breakfast 9 am 9~ Young Adult CES Devotional Elder Holland; 6pm MDT, 18-30 yrs old single/married 10~ FHE Empty-Nesters; 6:30 pm at Betty Flemings home 21/22~ Youth Conference & Baptisms at Twin Falls temple 23~ Invite your neighbor to Church 29~ General Relief Society Broadcast 6 pm MDT

September Lesson Schedule

2~ Presidency Message 9~ TP #16 16~ TP #17 23~ TFOT May 2012 Ensign Pres. Uchtdorf-Pg 70 30~ Combined RS/Priesthood Inviting Friends to the Temple Open House

Young Women Babysitters for Hire

Katelynn Chanhthala- 16 570-1653 cell Lexie Gold-16 887-1051, 559-8939 cell Liz Wagner-16 639-5908 Emma Stanley-15 345-5667, 371-6286 cell Katie Dougal-15 639-5949, 830-6251 cell Kensie Gold-14 887-1051, 401-4176 Natassja Yearsley- 14 887-9411 Natasha Larsen- 14 287-8272, 340-7929 cell Kaylee Oneida-13 571-2225 text Malisza Martin-13 854-7771 Grace Hill- 12 440-4171 Megan Clayton-12 288-4381, 571-5578 cell Kaylee Anderson-12 672-8556
Rachel Smith- 12 888-2657, 841-4341 cell

Happy Birthday!
9~ Natalie Yearsley 14~ Charlene Smith 15~ Amanda Dayley 18~ Sherri Stanley 18~ Megan Jones 19~ Leslie Huish 26~ Heidi Johnson 30~ Alisa Tueller 30~ Sarah Pugmire

Please visit

*Message from the Presidency* Message from the by Lorrie Maughan, First Counselor
We hope you all had a great summer! It's nice to get back to a schedule, but there are things I'll miss about the carefree days of summer! If you've been to a store recently, you've seen school supplies lining the shelves. In all, between Preschool and college, it is estimated that 88 million people are heading back to school right now. President Hinckley talked often about his love of learning. He listed it as one of the 10 virtues that will heal our hearts and homes. He often referred to the library he had in his childhood home, and the comfortable chairs, lamps, and hundreds of books that lined the walls. In addition to the books, there were magazines, books on technical subjects, dictionaries, scriptures, and atlases. One could almost visualize how this would've looked, and even how it would've smelled. I love the smell of books! The great thing about the learning process is that it is endless. No matter our age, we can all continue throughout our lives to learn and gain knowledge to improve ourselves. In addition to gaining knowledge of temporal things, we need to be studying and learning spiritual things. Ezra Taft Benson said, "The most vital knowledge you can learn in your life, is the saving truths of the gospel." This time of year, reminds me in some ways of New Years. Students are starting over in new classes and meeting new teachers, with the excitement of a fresh start. It is a good time to look into our schedules, and make sure there is time set aside for spiritual learning, both for ourselves and our families. What great things are promised as we make these things a priority in our homes. It is not always easy, but it will definitely be worth it. We express our love for you sisters, and all that you do. We're looking forward to getting to know each of you better. We hope that you have a great September! Tuscany Ward Relief Society Presidency Additional Scriptures on Knowledge: Proverbs 4:7 Matthew 5:14-16 Mosiah 2:17 Alma 37:35 D&C 93:36

2 Nephi 28:30 D&C 130:18

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