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Mini Project CSC318: Web Application Development Report Format The report of the respective systems should be between

10-15 pages using Arial 11pt, excluding the appendix and single spacing. The content structure is as follow: 1. Introduction / Background The overview of the project undertaken, with respect to the title chosen should be in this part. A little background of the system should also be included as to provide enough information in understanding what is to be expected of the system and its capabilities. In short, this part answers the question on what triggers the initial decision to develop the project. 2. Objective Once the clarification has been made on the project/system, the objectives as to what are the benefits that could be gained from the project or the advantages of it. 3. Scope A project without a scope could prove futile and disastrous because there are no guidelines to follow. The scope should explain what are the areas to be expected in the system rather than what areas are not. In simpler terms, the scope dictates what should be in the system and the problems or total eradication of the same. 4. Problem Description This part describes and highlights the problems that are experienced in the non-existence of such a system. It is hoped that with the development of the system, there is a decline in the problems or total eradication of the same. 5. Methodology / Paradigm The choices of methodology or development paradigm that are available are Structured Approach or Object-oriented Approach. Elaboration on the chosen approach, respective of the title, is expected to provide some insights on the system development 6. Analysis and Design technique The analysis and design technique is based on the previous methodology adopted and the relevant materials should be provided for a better documentation. For a selected approach, the outlines documents for each should be made available. Structured approach Workflow, Data Flow Diagram of the system, Entity Relationship Diagram, Database Object-Oriented approach Use CASE, Sequence diagram, State diagram, Class diagram, Deployment diagram 7. Implementation Statements on any of the followings should also be supplied where ever used and applied: Formula / Calculation / Algorithm SQL statement (Create, Retrieve, Update, Delete) 8. Conclusion This part sums up all the preparation, development and findings done in the development of the system, It also provides information on the realization and achievement of the system. 9. Appendix Related diagram Source code

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