Exp 7

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EXPERIMENT # 7 TITLE: dc Shunt Motor and Familiarisation OBJECTIVES To understand the principles of dc motor operation To be aware of the parameters

ers used to measure dc motor performance To know where to use a dc shunt motor

EQUIPMENT o o o o o o o o o Universal Power Supply Dc Compound Wound Machine Torque & Speed Control Panel Dynamometer Machine Switched Three Phase Resistance Load Shaft Coupling and Key System Frame Standard Set of Patch Leads Two Voltmeter and Ammeter

THOERY/ BACKGROUND Introduction A shunt connected motor has its armature and filed windings connected in parallel across the dc supply. Figure 1 shows the equivalent circuit of a dc shunt machine.

Figure 1: Equivalent Circuit of a dc Shunt Machine Where V is the voltage applied to the terminals E is the motional or back EMF L is the self inductance of the field winding is the flux in the armature circuit The magnitude of E is proportional to the flux and speed E=KEN---------EQ 1

where N is the speed, KE a constant referring to the field windings. The armature current is given by Ia= --------EQ 2

Where Ra is the resistance of the armature and Ia the current through the armature. The torque produced on the rotor is proportional to the flux and the armature current. T=KTIa---------EQ 3 Where KT is a constant relating to the armature winding. Under steady state ideal (light running) conditions if we assume there is no friction or other losses in the motor, the torque is zero, and hence from EQ 3 the armature current Ia is zero. This implies from EQ 2 that: V=E=KEN---------EQ 4 From EQ 4 it can be seen that if the magnetic flux is reduced, the speed will correspondingly increase in inverse proportion, until the motor is again at a higher equilibrium speed. Consider how the speed varies with an increase in load, if the terminal voltage is kept constant. When subjected to an increase in torque, the flux in a shunt motor is virtually independent of the armature current. Therefore the armature current increases proportionally with torque, leading to a fall in motional EMF, which causes the speed to fall linearly with increasing torque. Flux is proportional to the field current, hence speed can be controlled by the field current, if the terminal voltage is kept constant. The practical in this assignment will demonstrate the basic laws governing the behavior of the shunt motor and will investigate the relationships between applied armature voltage, field strength and motor torque and speed. Efficiency Input power to the motor Output power from the motor Efficiency Pi=VfIf+VaIa-------------EQ 5 Po= 2TN/60------------EQ 6

= ----------EQ 7 Where Vf and If are the voltage across and the current through the field winding. Circuit Diagrams and Wiring

Figure 2: Circuit Diagram with resistance shorting link fitted

PROCEDURES: Preliminary Set-up Switch off all power by setting the 3-phase circuit breaker with no volt release on the universal power supply to the off position. Make up connections shown in circuit figures. Practical 1- Speed/ torque characteristics On the universal power supply unit, ensure the variable output voltage control is set to 0% and then set the circuit breaker switch to the on position. Power is now available as indicated by the power on green indicator being illuminated. On the universal power supply, increase the variable output voltage control, until the motor speed is about 3200 rpm with a maximum voltage of Armature volts (V1) Field volts (V2) Armature current (I1)

Field current (I2) Torque Nm Speed rpm

Note: should the readings fluctuate significantly when approaching the maximum torque values, record the meter readings for the highest sustainable torque in the appropriate line and column of your results table. Switch off all power from the universal power supply by setting the circuit breaker off. Exercise 1 Calculate the input power, output power and efficiency from EQ 5, 6 and 7 and enter them in the table. Draw graphs of speed, armature current and efficiency vs torque, using the axes suggested by those shown in practical 1.1 results table. Practical 2- Effect of field Current on speed/ torque characteristics Reset the control settings as previously described with the following differences. Remove the link across the resistor box shown by the dotted line in figure 2 to 5.

Figure 3 Now set the resistance panel to change the motor field resistance to a new value so that results can be found for the set 2 column of your table.

Practical On the universal power supply unit, ensure the variable output voltage control is set to 0% and then set the circuit breaker switch to the on position. On the universal power supply unit, increase the variable output voltage control, until motor speed is about 3200 rpm with a maximum voltage of. A. Using conventional instrumentation, take the following readings for values of the applied torque from the minimum possible value to 1.2 Nm, in increments of 0.1 Nm and enter them into set 2 column of a copy of the appropriate practical results table at the end of this assignment. Field current (I2) Torque Nm Speed rpm B. On the universal power supply, turn the variable output voltage control to 0%. Switch off all power by setting the circuit breaker to the off position. Now set the resistance panel to change the motor field resistance to a new value so that results can be found for the set 3 column of your table. Using this new value for the resistance in series with the field winding, which will have the effect of reducing the field current, follow the same sequence of operations you previously carried out between: A and B entering your results into set 3 column of a copy of the appropriate practical results table. Finally enter the corresponding values from your copy of the appropriate Practical 2 results table. Exercise 2 Draw a graph of speed vs torque for each of the three values of the field current using the axes suggested by that given in practical 2 results table. Compare your results with the theoretical predictions at the beginning of this assignment.

RESULTS/DATA/GRAPHS Practical 1 results Table Armature Armature field Field Torque Speed Input Output Efficiency voltage Current voltage Current Power, power, V1 I1 V2 I2 W W 220 0.15 220 0.6 0.107 3228 165 36.16986912 21.92113 211 0.14 211 0.6 0.11 3108 156.14 35.8016736 22.92921 207 0.14 207 0.6 0.107 3060 153.18 34.2874224 22.38375 198 0.13 198 0.6 0.109 2963 144.54 33.82110424 23.39913 185 0.12 185 0.6 0.115 2825 133.2 34.02091 25.54122 145 0.11 145 0.6 0.448 2658 102.95 124.6989005 121.1257 154 0.1 154 0.6 0.114 2479 107.8 29.59450032 27.45315 134 0.09 135 0.6 0.11 2262 93.06 26.0564304 27.9996 110 0.07 110 0.6 0.124 1990 73.7 25.8407072 35.06202 96 0.06 96 0.6 0.123 1844 63.36 23.75175264 37.48698 75 0.05 75 0.7 0.13 1654 56.25 22.5168944 40.03003 22 0.02 22 0.2 0.131 906 4.84 12.42879792 256.7933

Set 1: Set 2: Set 3: No resistance 182 317 in series in series in series field winding field winding field winding Torque, Speed, Field Torque, Speed, field Torque, Speed, field Nm rpm current Nm rpm current Nm rpm current 0.107 3228 0.6 0.113 3308 0.12 0.105 3069 0.1 0.11 3108 0.6 0.113 3055 0.11 0.114 2865 0.07 0.107 3060 0.6 0.116 2891 0.1 0.111 2682 0.07 0.109 2963 0.6 0.107 2624 0.09 0.105 2465 0.85 0.115 2825 0.6 0.117 2467 0.08 0.112 2277 0.07 0.448 2658 0.6 0.11 2275 0.07 0.12 2040 0.05 0.114 2479 0.6 0.126 2068 0.06 0.125 1878 0.04 0.11 2262 0.6 0.124 1846 0.05 1330 1627 0.02 0.124 1990 0.6 0.135 1654 0.03 133 1427 0.02 0.123 1844 0.6 0.13 1483 0.02 0.132 1208 0.015 0.13 1654 0.7 0.127 1235 0.01 0.124 1046 0.01 0.131 906 0.2 0.13 1118 0.01 0.14 616 0.01



Analysis: The shunt motor is different from the series motor in that the field winding is connected in parallel with the armature instead of in series. You should remember from basic electrical theory that a parallel circuit is often referred to as a shunt. Since the field winding is placed in parallel with the armature, it is called a shunt winding and the motor is called a shunt motor. A shunt motor has slightly different operating characteristics than a series motor. Since the shunt field coil is made of fine wire, it cannot produce the large current for starting like the series field. This means that the shunt motor has very low starting torque, which requires that the shaft load be rather small. When voltage is applied to the motor, the high resistance of the shunt coil keeps the overall current flow low. The armature for the shunt motor is similar to the series motor and it will draw current to produce a magnetic field strong enough to cause the armature shaft and load to start turning. Like the series motor, when the armature begins to turn, it will produce back EMF. The back EMF will cause the current in the armature to begin to diminish to a very small level. The amount of current the armature will draw is directly related to the size of the load when the motor reaches full speed. Since the load is generally small, the armature current will be small. When the motor reaches full rpm, its speed will remain fairly constant. Conclusion: As the toque increases the speed of the motor decreases but also the current in both set 1 and 2. The armature's torque increases as the motor gains speed due to the fact that the shunt motor's torque is directly proportional to the armature current. When the motor is starting and speed is very low, the motor has very little torque. After the motor reaches full rpm, its torque is at its fullest potential. In fact, if the shunt field current is reduced slightly when the motor is at full rpm, the rpm will increase slightly and the motor's torque will also in-crease slightly. This type of automatic control makes the shunt motor a good choice for applications where constant speed is required, even though the torque will vary slightly due to changes in the load.



EXPERIMENT 7: DC shunt motor and Familiarisation



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