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Dire Dawa Administrative Council Water, Mines & Energy Resources Development Office





June 2002, Addis Ababa



P.O.Box 2561, Addis Ababa Ethiopia Tel:(251)1 614501/631890 Fax:(251)1 615371E-mail:

Water Works Design and Supervision Enterprise



Ethiopia is reach in water resources potential. Among these hydropower is the prominent one. The overall potential is estimated to be in the order of 15,000 - 30,000 MW. However, only 12% of it has been utilized up to now. An attempt to implement a hydropower project helps directly or indirectly the countries economic as well as social development. On the one hand it enhance the economic development by providing sufficient energy, on the other hand it promotes the social development by improving the living condition of the people. The existing situation indicates that the supply and demand of power is not balanced. Not only the demand being unbalanced with the supply but also the rate of demand is much greater than that of the supply. In response to this shortage in power supply as well as to increase the coverage of power supply throughout the country, the government has long and short-term plans. As a long term plan, Ministry of Water Resources wishes additional projects be studied to get adequate choice for picking suitable projects for implementation. Hence a contract agreement for Consultancy services for the Reconnaissance Study of Gilgel Gibe II Hydropower Projects was signed between the Ministry of Water Resources (The Client) and Water Works Design and Supervision Enterprise (The Consultant) in December 2001. This executive summary presents the findings of the reconnaissance study of Gilgel Gibe hydropower projects. 1.2 PURPOSE OF THE STUDY

The purpose of this reconnaissance level study is to evaluate the potential and to define and formulate the proposed projects. The study also indicates whether the potential projects appear technically, economically and environmentally feasible. The report discusses on whether to proceed with further studies and investigations on the bases of collected data. These study have enable clear recommendation and estimates to be made for:

The choice of dam type The approximate plant capacity The unit energy cost and viability
And finally the findings of the reconnaissance study will be recommended for further detailed investigations with all relevant information pertaining to hydropower development.

Reconnaissance Level Study Gilgel Gibe Medium Scale Hydropower Projects

Water Works Design and Supervision Enterprise



The proposed hydropower project is located on the Gilgel Gibe River. Most components of the project is situated in the Jima Zone of the Oromia Regional State; more specifically in Sekoru and Saja Woredas; and some of the components in Yem special wereda of the Southern Peoples and Nations and National Regional State (Figure 1). Gilgel Gibe River is one of the major Tributaries of Great Gibe river, which originates in mountainous area South-West of Jimma at maximum elevation of about 2400 m.a.s.l and flows towards North- East direction for about 200km and towards North until it joins Great Gibe River at elevation 1100 m.a.s.l. The total area of the catchment up to the confluence is well over 5000 km2. The river regulated by the upstream plant (which is currently under construction) could be utilized further downstream without constructing substantial structure. Hence there are three projects that could be looked in to two options. The 1st option consists of two cascade schemes: a diversion dam (named as Bilile diversion dam) and a storage dam (named as Tinfa Dam), both on Gilgel Gibe river. The 2nd option, (named as Fofa) involves the Bilile diversion dam and a power station to be located on the Right Bank of Great Gibe River. Both options are exclude each other (i.e., if the 1st option is implemented the 2nd option can not exist and vice versa.)



This section summarizes the findings of the reconnaissance-level hydrological investigations for the hydropower development project proposed on the Gilgel Gihbe river, which involves a storage dam, referred to as Tinfa dam, and a diversion weir, Bilele diversion weir. The drainage area of the two projects are 4200 and 4725 km2 respectively The Gilgel Gihbe Hydropower Project, which is under construction, is the major water use scheme on the river. It is located near the Deneba town, some 15 km upstream of the Bilele site. The project involves a storage dam of about 842.77 Mill. m3 capacity. The total release from this dam will be used at Bilele. Thus the flow at Bilele site is largely regulated by the upstream dam.

Reconnaissance Level Study Gilgel Gibe Medium Scale Hydropower Projects

Water Works Design and Supervision Enterprise



Ethiopia is located on the northeastern corner of the African plate, on the southwestern margin of the Red sea, close to the triple junction between the Red sea, the Gulf of Aden and the Ethiopian rift. The Gilgel Gibe2 project area is located in the southwestern plateau very near to the Main Ethiopian Rift (MER), and the geology of the area comprises rocks which range in age from Precambrian to Quaternary, more dominantly Pliocne age volcanics. As per Mengesha,(1996), the Jima volcanics are a thick succession of basalts and sialic rocks which have two units: Jimma basalts and Jimma rhyolits which show a conformable relationship but they lie unconformably over the Precambrian basement. Local geology of the area consists of Alluvium (Quaternary age), Plugs and dykes, trachyte rhyolite flows, ignimbrite/tuff, basalt, andesite, rhyolite Flood basalt (basalt, minor ignimbrite and tuff Boitit and hornblende gneiss

Construction Material Assessment The valley where the weir axis is proposed is extremely inaccessible. Considering the problem, two alternative quarry sites are recommended for the construction of the weir, tunnel and related structures. The quarry site will be used for source of aggregate production (fine and coarse aggregate), masonry and related tasks. These are located on downstream and upstream part of the axis and far 300 to 350 and 350 to 400m from it respectively. The quarries are built from fresh to slightly weathered fine-grained basalt slightly jointed (often vertical or NW) oriented. 3.3 BILILE POWERHOUSE

The power hose is found at some 7.2km, North of the Bilile Diversion weier located at the left side of the river. Surfacially similar rock types like the diversion weir cover the site, while geomorphlogically it is very steeply sloping long, denudational slope covered by undifferentiated basalts and acidic flows. Construction Materials For all construction activity in the powerhouse area essential materials (quarries) are found in the vicinity, considering distance and exploitability two option sites have been suggested for further investigation. The source (parent material) is dark grayish to black, fresh to faintly weathered, hard basalt (usually columnar). The sources are found within 200 to 400m radius from the center of the proposed powerhouse.

Reconnaissance Level Study Gilgel Gibe Medium Scale Hydropower Projects

Water Works Design and Supervision Enterprise

TINFA DAM The dam site area is covered by: Plugs and dykes of rhoylite, trachyte, Basalt, andesite and basalt intercalated by minor ignimbrite/tuff, and the dam axis has a V shaped symmetric abutments. Fossil slides are evident at the boundary between the plateau area and top of the scarp. Aerial photo interpretation indicates slopes susceptible to slide exist at downstream and upstream side of the proposed dam axis. Engineering geological conditions of the dam axis The dam axis is built from basalt intercalated by undifferentiated different flows, which are covered, by colluvial and weathered layers. The thickness of the weathered layer and colluvial may range up to 4m at the left abutment to 6m on the right abutment. The river channel built from bed loads consists of sand to boulder size; the thickest section is approximated to 6m. The river is scouring toward the right bank at the dam axis. The dam type is being compared for concrete gravity, rock or earth fill dam based on construction cost. Considering its symmetricity, short crest length and medium overburden thickness the site may favor the mentioned alternatives. Even though specific quarry sites are not located at this level, from the aerial photo interpretation possibility of quarry site in the vicinity of the dam especially in the upstream right side and downstream along the foot of the scarps looks potential. Reddish brown residual silty clay (laterite soil) is found in the plateau area of both sides of the Gilgibe gibe canyon with potential reserve above 1600m in elevation. Bed loads consisting sand to boulder size dominate the channel deposit at the dam site area. Hence to get the required amount and size of the sand for filter material it has to be screened or investigate further downstream or crush from the quarry site. 3.4 FOFA POWERHOUSE AND TUNNEL ROUTE

The Fofa powerhouse and Tunnel route is covered by: Nazareth group (Trachyte, rhyolite), Plugs and dykes of rhyolite, trachyte Basalt, andesite, rhyolite Basalt tuffs minor ignimbrite (flood basalt) and Biotite, hornblende gneiss. 3.7 CONCLUSION

The project area with one exception toward the eastern part, is a volcanic region consisting two major groups: upper and lower, where the lower part is dominated by basic lava flows commonly known as flood basalts which are intercalated by minor sialc flows while the upper part consists

Reconnaissance Level Study Gilgel Gibe Medium Scale Hydropower Projects

Water Works Design and Supervision Enterprise

of different acidic flows composed of dominantly rhyolites and trachyte flows, tuff and minor basalt intercalations. The upper and lower major groups have age and composition difference which are also known as Jimma volcanics. The project area in general can be grouped into different geomorphic units based on morphology, internal relief and morphology. The noted ones are: very long steeply sloping slopes, undulating plateau, long very steep slopes, concave hills, higher chain of undulating hills and valley bottom. Major geodynamic process in the area is landslide and erosion; each unit has one or a combination of these. In the concave hills and plateau area sheet and rill erosion, in the valley bottom sedimentation are dominant while in the remaining units gully erosion and landslide are effectively combined. Recent and potential slides specifically toppling, block slide and landslide are evident in the area. They not only by themselves are hazardous to the project sites but also are second contributors of sedimentation hazard for the reservoirs after erosion. Major factors, which trigger slope instability in the area, are: presence of different flows having different shear strength, high slope steepness, tectonic effect and high precipitation. 3.8 RECOMMENDATIONS

The project area is affected by slope instability problems; this is confirmed during aerial photo interpretation and field surveys. In both means fossil, recent and active/ potential slides were observed. Presently some slides occurred toward the end of the tailrace tunnel have hampered excavation activities in the existing (upstream Gilgel gibe hydropower construction project). Therefore, it may be vital to undertake detail geological (giving emphasis to slope instability study and geological structures) study in all the project area (i.e. alternative I cascade plant option, alternative II single plant options). The study shall be supported by geophysical investigations in order to know lithological units as well as geological structures along the envisage tunnel routes and shall take into account Gilgel gibes experience. The study shall come up with identification of slope instability, geological structures and proper mitigation measures, identification of geological units along the proposed tunnel routes at preliminary level (with the help of geophysical means of investigation). The extent (depth) and orientation of the fault at the place where it crosses the proposed tunnel (i.e. tunnel which leads to Fofa powerhouse) shall be carefully studied. Due to jointing effect, very big blocks are moving from the slopes of the Gilgel gibe valley. Some of the specific sites are the unstable slopes found on both sides of Bilile weir axis i.e. unstable slopes like the potential block slide on both sides of the valley along the weir axis shall be removed, check dams and gabions shall be constructed at appropriate and on both sections of the slopes throughout the weir reservoir to reduce sedimentation hazard. In addition, the weir design shall have provision of silt excluding mechanism. The excavation depth at the river channel of the weir foundation shall be 3meter (2m on the bed load and 1m in the rock) while in the left abutment where colluvium and bed load materials are interfingered the excavation depth shall continue until all these materials are completely avoided and 1m through the rock. For the Tinfa dam type zoned earth, rock fill or concrete are being compared. The bed loads at the river channel ranges in thickness up to 6m, for concrete dam average excavation is suggested

Reconnaissance Level Study Gilgel Gibe Medium Scale Hydropower Projects

Water Works Design and Supervision Enterprise

to be 5.5m (4.5m to 5m on the bed load material and 1 to 1.5m on the rock). While average excavation shall be 4.5m for the embankment material, at the abutments average excavation depth shall vary between 2 to 4m as shown in the x section. Channel deposits at the dam site are dominated by coarse fractions (gravels and pebbles), therefore, filter materials shall be assessed further downstream otherwise crushed filter shall be used. Table 5.2 Summary of Economical Analysis Project Sites B/C at 10 % Bilile 1.77 Tinfa 1.45 Fofa 2.85 Bilile + Tinfa 1.56

ENPV at 10 % 75.65 57.1 402 123.6

EIRR 17 % 14 % 24 % 15 %

Table 1: Summary of the Main Technical Features of Gilgel Gibe II Sites

No. 1 Features Hydrology Catchment Area (km2) Mean Annual Flow (MCM) 10,000 years flood (m3/s) Sediment Sediment inflow rate (M tonn /year Total Sediment volume (MCM) Reservoir Max. Flood Level (a.m.s.l) Max. Operating Level (a.m.s.l) Min. Operating Level (a.m.s.l) Intake Sill Level (a.m.s.l) Max. Operating level (MCM) Live Storage (MCM) Percentage of Regulation (%) Dam Dam type Crest level Dam Height from River Level (m) Crest Length (m) Total Volume of Dam (MCM) Spillway Spill way Design Discharge (m3/s) Total Length of Spillway (m) Head over Spillway Crest (m) (Hd) Diversion / Concrete culvert Design Discharges (m3/s) Internal Diameter (m) Total Length (m) Power Tunnel Internal Diameter (m) Total Length (m) Surge Tank Total Height (m) Internal Diameter (m) Bilile 4400 1676 1200 Fofa 4400 1676 1200 Tinfa 4725 1802 1326 0.45 16.59 1431 1431 1317.00 1313.00 1249.40 1237.00 314.00 278.60 81.25 Rock fill 1320 106 450 5.00 1326 90 4 569 10 993 9.3 993 99.30 20.00

Concrete 1428 15 74 0.0095 744 74 3 514 3X4 85 8.00 7500 41.00 16.00

Concrete 1428 15 74 0.0095 744 74 3 514 3X4 85 8.00 24500 80.30 8.00

Reconnaissance Level Study Gilgel Gibe Medium Scale Hydropower Projects

Water Works Design and Supervision Enterprise


Pressure Shaft Total Length (m) Internal Diameter (m) Power House and Mechanical Equipment Type of Power House Dimension of Power House (LxW) Design Head (m) Type of Turbine Number of Units Turbine Design Discharges (m3/s) Installed Capacity (MW) Power Generation Firm Energy (GWh/yr) Plant Factor Tail Water level (m.a.s.l)

97.00 6.60 Surface power house 40x20 100 Vertical Shaft Francis 2 82.16 68.5 264.00 0.44 1223.20

400.00 6.60 Surface power house 62x20 430.49 Vertical Shaft Francis 4 82.16 294.93 1136.68 0.44 974.85

147.00 7.6 Surface power house 40x20 91.20 Vertical Shaft Francis 2 105.52 80.2 309.12 0.44 1216.60


Reconnaissance Level Study Gilgel Gibe Medium Scale Hydropower Projects

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