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JUNE 1 ~ 4 5
10 .ruly 1 ~ 4 5
F'LO'iN DtmllC JUliE, ] Cl4i
Metal in
':S of Airborn Fc.iHng to Banb
P:"lDlnry ltIrget,s Ih:o To:

J. All entegorics of foilurcfl shoovd n favorable trend for the r.!onth
excapt engina fnilures "hieh incronsoo sdghtly 10. rolntion to tho nlLber
of nircraft nirborne. An unusually nu;.bor of valves cc.u:;(,d failures
to bodl primnry targets for the month. w:'il'J evidences of internal 01510.-
tegrntiCl'l of the engine (metel 10. sum" incroosed sharply.
1. D\n"ing Jme the low pcrcenu_go of abort-ive slr.t1"s gxnl"yit>ncoo
established a new reCor'd for the XXI BodJer common::!.. tc bom'l
primRry tOJ'ets for all. rensons tIIIIO\l'lted to ooly 9.4' of '.Ie:;
ngninst 10.6S for Yny and for April; _hile fnilw'c!J t') blX.lh
tOJ'get d1lrlnished to ff1, of totfol aircrnft I!.1rborne as CCJ1ltyreL with 7.ff1,
for end for April.
2. Rensms
for failures to bodJ nro
outlined by DSjor entegQ:7 in
the tcble below:
XXI BalDER C'J,.."Wrn
1" of
pL,nc8 Airborne
to Bom
Mnintenance ond Materiel

!Jlgine Feilures '.8 '.8

4 , ,.2 ).2 '.2
Mechanical Failures
1.9 2.4 1.7 1..:.; 1.8 1.1
Mnintenance Personnel Fnilures 1.3 1.5 1.0 1.1 1.4 .9
7.1 7.7 7.1 5.7 6.4 5 2
Air Crew Failuros
2.1 1.9 1.0 .6 .8 .5
"eathor '.8
.5 .7 .1 .1 .02
mom Action
.10 .2 .2 .2 .1 .1
Other Rell;Sons 1.9 .5 .4 .3 .2 .2
Grtlnd Totnl 15.3 10.6 9.4 7.0 7.6 6.0
1,. .111' __ , ... T-.
%of Airborne Fniling to Boob
PriMry Tnrgets Due to:

- 2 -
4. Apc'.rt from the engine, tt) principle> S"/EtCtlS ct'using fcilures
to bOClb prUmry tl'rgets were tho eloctric:.l pr"1poUer. r.htle pr:)pellcr
control tlssedllies seomed to fUlCtion llit.h 1 ;5S Clt.fflcul;;y in !un::lo tht'L 1[,
Mn)", fnilures !fere still relntiyoly biKb. c.nt: prop pove.rnor ft'.ilt:es sl::n i
eo =ked incroose.
5. In Yiewing tc bOlllb priJluu"y u-rgets by :ring, tne 73rd

tlYernge of 7.8% of its nirborne nircrr.ft fdling to bonb pril'1f'-l7
The Wing hnd th.;! highest percent or rirbom.e fniling to b:lClb pr-!aC::")
tnrgats mth tm nyernge of 11.5% for th.::: month. :('11
failures to bO!:lb primnry t'U'g.:::ts {'.lid folilures to 1:000 ('fly tf'TCet ('.!'O 1--
dicated by wing in the tr.bles fWJ.arlng.

FJlWJP.E TO B'!'.R '".I!W:G'l'

--------- _. -, --""'"'.

_ _:::..e.!:J..'C___ _ .;lmb...."2::
__ ___-
.An:Ci::' Mi.:U1.
A:'ll.. 111:
Anf..J.. 1ffo/. ....tV'r

916 1.30.3 1296 1155 1392
1104 116.3 1346 943
1182 1285 71 3343 44"
- ---- - -_. --
",10.!lel Failures
,---------- --

Eneinu railures
29 47 46 45
67 49 42 47 33
128 167 2
Mechanioal Failures
17 22 18
2 15
28 3
6 30 18 21 25 1 64
Maintenel ce PersOIUlel Fa.ilures
17 7
16 15
16 2l 2
8 10 18
45 65 56

63 76 80 92 98 98 101 92 59
82 113 4
237 33
r; -Tl""1' :::1 <J '
10 2
3 4 4 5
15. 11 2 1
10 10
- . " , -
- -
- -

\J,. - __ "
t'1'.,:r-, ...
.. 2 1 16 2
.. 1
19 4 3
D'':!' .. --" .-:
1 6 1
.. 1 8
.. 11 1

20 2
K..,,';'\:>> , .....
- - 1" -
5 3

1 5
17 1
HaO'-l__rla'lio Operator
1 2
- -
1 >

3 5
.. .. .. ..
2 1
.. ..
. 2 1
12 27
lO 8 7
32 37 5 27 25 12 1 Iii
82 52

1 7
67 1 1 46 5
20 13 14

126 2l
1 2 2
8 1
3 4
1 9
8 13

&na11 Fol'tlJ:ltion - - -
1 2 22
. 2
.pitched Enroote
. 1, 1
1 .

2 1 .
Circled Survivcrs
2 2 2 1 1 1
. 1 1 3 3 5
2 4
2 2
27 8 8
4 4
Total 4
6 5, 5 3 51 8 D 9 4 :>
1 65 21
117 164 108 109 235 152 130 112 126 148 6
5ll 470 510

-.3 -'


58th We 73rd \16
113th I7g 114th i"g '18 Total


April lune
Eng;lne Fdilures
3.2 3.
35 39
4.8 4.4 3.
6 3.5 35 4.3 5.4 42 3.8 38 4.3

Mechanical Failures
1.7 14
2.8 1.1 2.5 31
2.2 19
1.8 1.9 1.4 1.9 24 1.7
Personnel Failures
109 0.5
1.2 103
101 1.9 2.0 1.1 0.8 0.8 1.4
13 1.0
6.9 5.8 6.2 8.0 7.0 8.9 8.7 6.8 6.3 6.9 8.8 506 7.1 7.7 7.1
!J.r ere" Failures
A/':, CY."lIflIlder
1.1 1.7 03 03 04
1.4 0.9 0.1 2.0 0.8 0.8

0.8 0.7


. .,

., 0.2 0.1 1-4 0.2


., 0.6 0.1 0.1
Bom":lanUer -
0.1 005
0.1 0.1

0.2 0.5 0,,4


... 1.1
0.5 03

0.1 004 0 .:>2
Rad8l."'"Radio Operatcr
0.1 0.2

_,0.1 0.1


., .,
0.1 001
., .: .:

0.2 0.1

- -
0.04 0.02
1.3 2.1 0.8 0.7 0.5 2.9 3.2 004 209 201 0.9 lo4
201 109 100
0.1 0.5 502
0.1 0.1 4.2 0.4 1.5 ,'-
1.2 0.9 -, 308 0.5 0.7

Enemy Act ion

0.1 0.2 0.2

0.7 0.1 0.2 004 0.1 07

0.4 0.2 0.2

small FOI'IIIltion

0.1 0.1 0
0.1 0.5
0.8 0.02 0.1
Ditched Enroute

0.1 0.1


0.1 0.02
0.2 002 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1
0.1 104
0.1 0.1 0.1
0.2 03
0.2 0.2 -:
2.4 0.7 O.G 004 0.3 o.a
1.0 0.4 0.3
04 0.5 004 004
0.2 4.6 0.7
0,;; '.0 03
0.2 104 109 0.5 004
92 90
12.7 9.J, 708 21.3 13.1 97 119 1007 U.s. s.s 1503 >0.6 9.J,

... 4 ..

FAIl,!.,J,"E TO jJ,T'[ T.Jif}]",T \ %OF HFl:90RNE

75fd \1g J:.Jth Vlg 314th I7g 315th (IS Total
!Jgy Iill:1l. ..'1P.
June Wi!.
':U"::'.J: '""r i '.u:o:-es
nt...;i "1,-: :"'10'" 1'\'-<'><' 2.6 2.8
25 32 33 42 34 29 32 305 4.0 4.2 32 32 32

.,i.e.I....,':',:,;.1 la.-J. :res 1.1 1.2 0,9 2.2 09 2.0 2.2 1.0 1.1 1.6

1.3 1.8 1.1
:Pez'sonnel Failures 1.7 05 1.1 13 1.1 14 17 0.9 0.8 Q...a 1.2

1.1 1.4 0.9

Totel 5.5 44 4.5 6.7 5.3 7.6
73 4.8 51 509
6.;;, 402 5.7 6.4 52
05 03 0,3 0,2
04 0.5 0.2 0.1 0.5 0.1 0.5 0.4 002 1'1 f;nmnarrler

.... t

.. 0.1
- - -
- -

0.2 0.1
- 002
0.1 0.1 0.04
Bo':lt>'lrdj.tH' -


0.1 0.2
0,,03 0-.3 0.,",
Nuv.i.{. ':;'c'


1.4 0.1 0.1 0.,",

0.1 0.1


. .
0.1 0.1

. ( -
0.1 0.1

- -
0.02 0.02
T..,tdl 05
03 0.5 05 05
04 1.2 1.2 0.6 14 0.6 0.8 0.5



04 0.1 . 0.1
0.1 0.1 0,,02


0.2 0.1 0.1

0.1 0.4 0.1 03

0.2 0.1 0.1

Ditched Enroute

0.1 0.1

. .
- -
0.05 0.02
Circled Survivors 0.2 0.1


- - -
14 0.03 0.1

002 0.2 0.2

05 0.2 03 0.1
03 0.1

0.2 002 0.1

Tota], 0.2 0.2 0.2 03
.. 0.6 002 03
03 0.1 1.4 03 0.2 0.2
6.6 5.1 52 7.7 5.8 9.2 8.3 5.6 6.9 74 7.5 7.0 7.0 7.6 6.0

58th Ug ...13rd ':1g 3l3th Vlg ' i'78

315th \18 Total
June April M!!.Y. June b.pri1 ~ lune April 1&1 June JUn. April
'loy ...-!!!!l.
No.. %of N ~ %of No. %af
:.:1r- Ai,...
borne borne borne

3 7 15 11 18 12 12 10
13 20 22 1 40 1.20 46 1.04
58 1.07
3 9 11 12 16 6
11 15
- 24 0.72 31 .70
52 0.96
3 3 1
1 1 1
3 3
3 09 7 0.16
1 0,-13
Oil Leake
- - -

Metal in SUmp
1 6 2
5 11
5 7 9 - 4
7 0.21 17 039 36 0.67
liagna'.o & Spark FlUBs 1
4 2
1 2
- 3
1 2
7 0>21 10
O ~ 2 3
7 O ~ 1 3
Pll'lt'.X\S 15< RU18S 2 1
4 -
- - -
2 1 1
0.12 6 O.:L4
7 0013 Push ROO3
2 1 2
1 1 2 2 1
- 4
O.. lP.
4 0,9 7 0,13
Crank: Cwe Section
- -
> 2
1 1
- - -
2 0..06
3 0.. 07
Accessory Drives
- - -
- - -
1 0.03 1 0.02
011 Pw:iIp '" SUmp 4
2 2 2
- -
2 0.06 6
014 6 0.... .:.
Rocker Lrmi&
-. -
- -. -.
1 0.02
3 0.06
Cam Ii Cam Dri. ve
- - - - - - -
- - -
- - - - -
- - - --
1 1
- -
4 0.07
. Air Detlectcr8
- - -
- 1
- -
- -
- - - - -
1 0.02

Miscellaneous, Unknown
10 13
6 10 15 8 11 10
9 11 1
29 0,87
35 0.79
46 0..65
29 47 46
45 67
49 42 47 33 51 70
126 167
;( OF JillIDOR.'E
32 3.6 3.5 39
35. 3.5 4.3 504 4.2 3.63 3.78

. .<I'd.
, ,.
. .:.rI.T;;;'tJKCTiom CI.IJS::J:l Fl,nmm TO BOUB PRJ?,;!,.:!
J.l.Pril June
2 2
4 9
0.21 0.34 0.70
4 3
- -
- ,
4 3
0.12 0.34 0.23

4 2
3 4 3
0.32 0.34 0.23
> >
2 >
0.16 1-41
>3 22
5 l2
0.45 0.66 0.50
9 15 17
0.27 0.34 0.31
3 2
11 6 2
9 4
0.36 0,.20 0"",
2 2 6

1 2 2
1 1
4 5 l2
0.J.2 O.U 0.22
5 1
4 2 2
7 3
0.J.8 0.16 0.06
2 2

2 1
5 23
1.91 2.40

0.21 ...
2 2
3 2
0.32 0.17
3 6
lB 21
3 3
0.33 0.46
- -
0 .55 0..46
, ,
- -
2 2
> 4 >0 8
4 4
2 6
7 3
>7 22 ,8
32 >5 28
1.86 1.69
.9 2.n 1.08 2.54 30J.0 2.22
... 8_:
Prop Control J"Ssemb ly
Prop Govt!rnor
:c of Airborne
Aldl .E;;',Jt.x:
Fuel Pvlnp
%'of .t.irborne
ED1l.1l1st Ring &: Stacks
Turbo Slpereharge.r
% of Airborne
Bcmb Racks
Banb Bay Doors
% of Airborne,
Electrical SystEm. General
Electric Motors
.Flap .Actuator
Land ing Light5
%of J.1rborne
Landina Geara ,
Ne.vlgation Instt"ulQf:ot,s
other Meohanical

Office of the "C of 5, ,,-2
hPO 234
19 h.ugtlst 1945
SUBJECT: Foreic;n Rudio Reports.
&.. OF THE lCl'IRE (l'okyo 17 nU;;).
"In facing this :;rave and unprececented of the a-rtpire
l Un-
lster Hirose made the followinc
lOur has corne face to with the nost cifficult era
in its histor}-. The road which our national should toke is the one
leading to the os.intl:ll'lllnCe of order, to u pL:l.Oning for the stablliz.:I.tion of
nc.tional life and to the speedy recovery of our econooy. The 30verru!nt,
.in order to do this, is deternined to do possible to stabilize
currenc;r. Therefore, the ut::x>st sibil1ties \ull be t=.ken to guarantee
the security of sav1n3s and deposits anc. l!lCasures such the oorntoriun
definitely 1'lill not be taken. t :Oreover, concrete adjustnents \lill be rede
in the handlin6 necessar}" for the increased production of food, for
the and stability of life, for the receneration of
war Victims, and forth.
I:ext, as for the conversion of i=lportont industries, concentraticln of
necessary capital will be guaranteed ..!l.d at the sane tine ap?ropriate adjust-
uents and the establishment of leans und (word) for will be pl.:;.nned.
Furtheroore, in order to cal.ntain the sto1.bilityof currency, strict
censures to prevent inflation will be planned and redlizeG.
I strongly request you people of the nation actually to erasp the sit-
uation, to ha,e un understandinc of the measures which the
nation undertakes, anG to face the difficult tusks of the reticn (word)
self esteen, cOr.JPosure and cc.1m.'1ess."
C..BlliET, or: COtlFROiITn:G F.:EfCD;CY SITUATION. (Os=.ka 16 AU3).
Itln last nieht 1 s broadcast address Prinier Suzuki said that the way
for the people to his is to eXbrt thQir efforts in prog-
ress in science and techniC:Lue and in building up a culture wnich will con-
tribute to 'World civilization and this can be cJ.O!l.6 by our forf!,;ettine
U... (word) of the post and witt: an eilterness to foro a n'K Japan.
President of the Oai Uip?On st&ted
that we (people of Jc.pun-tr,;ms) l"IUst not lead astr_y OUi' sulerm c.ttitude
and (word) but strive for (word) courr.[;e and exert our efforts for safe guid-
ance. ....t this ti.r.m we should. actually exercise the rescript on
educc.tion and abide by it. Thus our descendents will certuinl.;. welcor.te the
[).OriOU8 which will (word) in histor/.
In this my: "the cabinet's 0('<"5 instruction, Pre.!nier Suzuki and
President of the oat Nippon Society expressed clearly the
path we should take in confrontir-'3 this situation.
FIRST C,Jnt!ET ;1EE:rUlG. (Tokyo 17 ...US).
ttHis Imperial HiGhness Prince Higashikuni had this to say at the first
cabinet meetine held today; 'Yesterdcy I pruceeced to the palace
after bein3: su::noned b) his !I:l.per ial I--D.jesty !hperor MU YIIlS .Jrtiored to
f'Jm 8 new cabinet. Today the investiture cereoony was held. :'/hen I received.
the i.q:Jeriel COI:lllla."'ld, I was especilllly honored with the ::''1' ir.lperial
wurds. His !r.:perial state(: that I should respect the constitutiun,
exert efforts to reUJ.lll.te the arEled forces, lll/iintain order nnd recoverine from
th.. proA"''''n+, "'H.nAt.ion. In connection with this, sinc" the situ::ltLm will
be f",ced with further difficulties, I hope to exert I:\Y efforts to recover !rOI!l
the present situation in COLlplying with the wishes expressed in t..,ese words. U

Office of the "C of S. ....-2
"pO 234
19 hUo-ust 1945
SUBJECT: FOl'eisn Radio Reports.
mwRt:CEDu-1I'ED ER,.. OF THE E.:PL'lE (Tokyo 17 nug).
tlln facing this 3l"<lve and unpreced.enteG er3 of the cn,ireJ Finance lln-
ister Hirose cade the followinE stateuent:
lOur e:::pi;'e has c:ctually cone roce to io.ce with the nost difficult era
in its historj". The road which our economy should is the one
leading to the oaintenanco of order, to for the stabilization of
notional life and to tho speedy recovery of our The aoverruilent,
in order to do this, is deternined to do everything possiole to stabilize
currenc:r. Therefore, the ut:JOst responsibilitiE:s \7111 be tu..1ten to guarantee
the security of savinJs and deposits <me neasures such as the lXlr3.toriuo
definitely will not be taken. LoreoverI concrete adjustnents '.i.ll be oade
in the production food
the establish!:lent and stability of national life, for 'the re.:ener3tion of
tleI' victins, and so forth.
Next, as for the conversion of of
necessary capital ,till be guaranteed and at the sane odjust-
uents and the establishment of loans and (word) for conversiCl:l will be pl.:m.'1.ed.
in order to the st.:lbility of currency. strict
oeasures to prevent inflation will be a.nd realized.
I strongly request you people of the nation actually to erasp the sit-
to ha-/e an ao;>le uncierstandinc of the vnriDus Dell.sures which the
nation Wluertakes, <lnl::. to face the difficult tolsks of re tion >lith (word)
self esteem
cOLlpOsure and caln.,ess. II
cnaINET. 0:; CONFRo.'ITL\'G EiEGFl:CY SITU"TION. (Osc.ka 16 ...u.:;).
"In last nieht I S brOlldc.:lst address Prinier Suzuki said that the way
for the peoplt:l to repay his 1:v.jcsty is to eXurt thuir efforts in r..o..1{ing prog-
ress in science and techniclue and in building up 0. cultu:ce which will con- .
tribute to world civilizotion and this can bEl done bj" our forlSettine evory-
thinS (word) of the past and 'hi.til an eQeerness to forn e. new JUp.3n.
nlso President :.u..nam of the oc.i Nip?On Jl.ssociatbn stlited
that we (people of J<l.plln--trll.ns) lead .:lstr_y our solettn nttitudo
and (word) but strive for (word) cow-r."e an.! exert our efforts for sare e;u1d-
ance. "t this tine \1e sh;)uU. actually exercise the rescript on
education and abide it. Thus our descendents 1,i.ll 1'I'elcDna the
t.!ori.)us dny which will (Hord) in
In this way: "the cabinetls official instruction, Premier Suzuki and
President Linaci of the Oai Nippon Political Society clearly the
path we should take in coni"rontine this situation.
FIRST C"BH!ET liE1"TING. (Tokyo 17 hUB).
Ill-Us lI::perial Hic,hness Prince Hi "ashikuni had this to say at the first
cabinet meeting held today: 'Yesterday I pNceec!ed to tho L4'Cria1 palace
after bein6 sw:r:lOned b) his ial Io1l.jesty the f..bperor nnd wus orci.cred to
f?:n:1 a new cabinet. Today tho investiture cerer.L:ll\Y" was held. ilhen I received
the ioperial clJml8..'1d
I was honored nth the itJperial
words. His Ir.:perial :!.8jesty state( thdt I shDuld respect the c.:mstitutiun
exert efforts to ref,ul..ote the armed forces, oaintain order end recoverin.::; frol!l
the present situation. In connection with this, since the will
be with further difficulties, I hope to exert cy efforts to recover froo
thfl present situation in cOll!p),yin;;: with the wishes expressed in these words. II

SUBJ2CT: Foreli;n Ri.u.o Reports.
the in front of the
'l'her :)led:;ec. to beEU" the un-
::l.1rnin..:; LlD.i',J" peo;Jlc filled
th6ir resptlcts the
defend the
nYesterdt,y we heard His i..ajtlsty bro<1dcast. His ":'jtlstr us
the way. .ie C<ln not ima.:!;in& how it wifl. be in the futUT6 but WE:
fi2ht hard to open the .Iay. Our roc.d is to follm/ his .ajcstJ" s instruct::'ons:
lie J:IUst defend our nc.tioool structure. Yesterd.lY's C!'\....t dl:.clc.ration t&lls
us we not f411 behinL rest of the world. LLst 3uzuki told us
to stuct,;- science herd. ,..inl;u said to carry out the I:..;:oeriel rescript on
Since this
beaN.ble and to
Kusunoto, is stationed in issue2 a
terdol] the title uTo You J(,poJnese Residents (in un t..'1e
prepar.:tions in rLind for the Jup.lnese n.sidents t;) cope with the nt!l'j sit:L:..tion
followin.:; the ...tion of the L:.Jt)EIri.... l Rescri<Jt.
It m:.s finulJ..,y decided uros be lLid c.:m so th..t nutione.l
policy of three thous<mc. frod the dawn of history ane so th.J.t the rt.ce
und the culturE: of ..nnkinc e<m be preserved. ".le UlSt .Jvercooe the c.'.ifficulties
which lie before us in th6 future by havin.; cor.:rudes hoI? each ot.."er, \:)r
further stren heni.'1<, ties of friendsh!? wit." the c.'1inese and b;r COf..;Jl,yi.rl.:.
with the Ioperi<1l will. rois is the essence o')f the Japonese spirit. I < ._t
Y0U (tWJ words) 8djestic.:.Uv', (words) ;Julntain of the Jcpcnese
people, be Cll!:.' lnd conscientious take sUtelJ actions."
HnPPY TEl, THOUS,J:U TL1S (Shcn2.hai in i..a.ndarin ....usust 16 to Interior China)
lISince the nows of the official en.:: of this wlIr re..:ched Shon,:.hoi tot n')on
of ....UE;Ust 15, all tht; i:uwbit&nts in ..unici::::>ality were happy ten
t.!.l.!tl tJ
" a,:>TiqcTED

um:Till ST.. ..R..Y Srrtr.'I'XIC ..IR PORC:..s
Office of the ne of S, ",-2
,J>() 234
lIOur tried to brit1& about pe6.ce 'tilth ...nerica o.nd, throu.:::,h
Soviet Russi... "'Ihich was a neutrc.l nation at th""t tLle. On July 26, the tl'.reo
nations, n...eric,-, 3ritain dnd the Chunl:Xin5 Goverru.>cnt, suc1dcntly wde ;.uJ;.lic
the Potsdi.;.!.\ Joint Dec1..:lr<.tiun ... ncl ..:ada it thclt this Lecl<lration ;:;dS the
finnl notific..tion to Jd;')ll.n. The three llutions I joint QlIclc.rl1tion \.<'5 i,sTIONC:
first by the uJPcror. Lut the diplonutic interpretation this
word "i!porell becaue the recl.son for the Soviet declaration 0;: wC.r, unci this
us a little. That is, in the 30viot
issued on 9, the Soviet stated because had rejected tho
joint de-claration, the Japanese pro;:>osal which was sent to the Soviet Union
conce:-nin,:; the redistion of the Greo..l.ter &ost. hsia h.... s lost its entire (f;.")rd)
she entered the war. In this it is clear tiklt the
tried to (word) ir. shEJrin.:; honds nith ...oeric<:. a..'1d titrougl: Soviet
(mrd). These ceaseless effort:;; cc.e:!e by the circles of the 2:Jpiro
ended in fnilure, due to the Sovit:it declar;,tion of l'l.:!r.! cue to the s!'?f!<:r-
LOce of the nerciless since then, it becaUe to trir.
about the end of war in t e u.sual nan.!1er. Thus, the not-
ification of of tpe joint was
four nati..:>ns of ..nerica, Britain, Chin.. and Soviet Russia on ..u::ust 10."
13 "u3Ust 1,45
i. ..Il.T..I .. DIGNITY OF J . P'::OPl,i. (Osal<a 16)
JOINT D.L.11.nTIO:l IGm:n:;u .,T FIRST (Tokyo 15 hu;;ust)
THE FOUiJ ;r;'G kEPORTS '.ilL V".i;-"E....TL TR..t-.3L..T:i:O:\S
OF EkO..!lC..sTS HO...!.. COr.;aU.P'lIO; . .::u
T.IE 1;0 ....GE FItOP...G"iiC....
Pace - 2 _

CnIDIT TO SCIENTIFIC SUPERIORITY (Tokyo in Enslish 16 u",ust)
However, all places were well in order ond. everyone was l:J.lch better be-
haved thnn they first heard the news on 11.
TodayJ every single house and every buildin.... hoisted the "Blue Sky.
I,bite SWl" National flag_ ill the stores are openin,3 for business <loS usual
and the Japanese soldiers are teoporarilJ' helpinG to keop peace and order.
No incidents broke out within the City. II
G-2, UShf'.L1DP"C 1
Hq. US"ST..F
cis 2
Dir of Co!;:ln 2
Dir ,jf Intel! 13
Dir of Opns 2
Dir of Pums 1
Dir of ;i!::.:l 1
Stat Control 1
G-2, ISCOJjl 1
,.-2, 20th t>.F. 120
...-2, VII Ftr Com 65
G-2, hGF, nPO 86 1
Foreign Redic Reports, 18 45. Cont1d.
nSince the Cabinet system Ylas established, t.l-tis is the first tine th<lt
a Prince of the Blood has been given I!:lper1al t::l a C< the fact tho.t his lLrperi.:ll LiJ,jest'l O'dciousl orG.l:N"d hi!; I!. ;.o;::-i..l!
Highness Prince I-ii.;asr-.ikun.i. to form a c<:.cinet without c.
r..eetL"'lg of the llder St.::.tes!.l<l.n sponsored by thp. :L.ord of tht: r::,
t;'e s'!e:ction of the 1e'"-der for the forcution of the succeecir"... u::, tj
the tine, is truly an unpreceeented t!linr,_ truly f:.:1(;..1 1'Ii'Lh
F... E. trepidation by, the gracious concern of His . .o.jesty ner t!:e
situation. II
PiUNCE CQ;,.......,JIDtD TO GitBIUET (Oscl<a 16
liThe ''Yomuri Hoci'.i", in a speci.:.:!. coluon, ur[:eu the ?Cople to cast <::.!:ile
e.ll of anguish over the factorc; thdt led to Japan's defe"t rathf>r
accuse those who used the fateful It be much
according to Bushido (Soldiers' cJ<l.u) to &1"'" ..:1I:e credit to the sch:nti:ic
superiority of those Ylho ere capable of pr'ldu'::inJ such a. weap:m. It ;>;:ml':'. 1:::
rdUch to our eood if we can accuse cf so the
"Yociuri" ar+,icle s&.id.
The Japanese !:!Ust now learn to look at a ph<lse .;Jf There is a
reeson for victorjr just ,).s i.nlch as tiero art; for t:.ofeat. !::l.VG
fililed t.:> gauGe our linitati":)ns GOO ;mew n"thins of our adversary. 'i:1at
the articlt; which in the newspaper uY.miuri

rlADqIlMT&<S, Guam
ase: Immediately
1. In the Superfortress strike asainst Japan in the early hours of
2 (Guam Time). 820 Narianas-based attacked the Of
-'\.M. L-i4... <..C' .,.u 4._ ..............
this number 778 bombers struck at the cities of Hachioji. Toyama, Nagaoka
and Mito and at oil storage and refinery tarsets in the petroleum complex at
Ka.\' The other 42 bombers mined enemy waters aro"tIQ the

Strai'is and off end iaerIMuthe'rtuJii(fs6Si:oas.t

A tote.l of 6632 tons of bombs and mines dropped. Returning
crews reported to excellent bombing results, with general conflagrations

observed in the tarset Enemy fighter opposition Ofr thg t=x8P.t
:cities ranged from none to slight, and anti-aircraft fire from noDe to mode-
rate. Over ..... petroleum :ter opposi tiOD r -e-a froo
moderate and a
is missin.:::.
"'&8 mo<lera't"e. One of our
2. The P-47 Thunderbolts recently anded to our on
Iwo Jima made their first attack on Japan on 1st (Guam Time), joining
P-51 Mustahgs in a small sCRle mission against the area. The
strafed and launched rockets locoootives and cars in the
Fukide rRilroad yards and and factories at the Itami Nagoya
East airfields. The operation w s carried out under adverse weather con_
ditions. No enemy opposition was encountered. Four of our
to return.
General. U. S. Army,
States Army
Air Forces.
L.. __ __ - - .. -------. ----
u. S .4NY SrrnA.TIDIC AI:i, FOnCES,
For aelease: 1330,
3 August 1945.
1. A force of 139 P-51 Mustan;:;s from 1.....0 Jima struck Japan around noon
of 2 August (Guam Time), and launching rockets against five airfields
end of opportunity in the Nagoya-Kobe area. Our force sighted one
airborne enemy aircraft, which fled, and eiGht operatione.l enemy aircraft on
the ground. :neturnine pilots reported that they destroyed one enemy fifihter
on Kiyosu airfield and seven locomotives in the Nav,oye-Toyohashi yards, and
damaged two aircraft, airfield hangers end buildings. four factories. one
refinery, natural gAS tanks. power lines, seven locomotives, railroad cess and
stetions, and 14 small vessels. Anti_aircraft fire rpnging from meager to
moderate caused minor to 11 of All of our airplanes
2. Mission summaries for the B-29 Superfortress strike in the early hours
of 2 (Guam Time) show thet our forces encountered 20 enemy
attacks which resulted in damage to two of our bombers. Four bombers were
damaged by anti-aircrRft fire. No additional reports on the results on our
bombing are available Rt this time.
General, U. S. Army,
Commanding, United
States Army
Air Forces.
IITOllIC BO;.:B INHuu,.,lllE. (TOKYO IN SNGL!SH TO POiIT1.1m OIlliC.QN, 8 hUg).
ST..TW:NT BY PREL!.ER SUZUKI. to Greater East Jlsia, 15 J,UB).
15 "\.\gust J.91.5


Office of the he of S, s-2
itPO 234

"Since the beginr'inr; of thE> war thl.: of officers D.nd men sacri-
ficed has be"n I7but. HowE;ver, the of the war coulri not be ochie'/ud.
The Sovibt Union on liU;ust nine decw'eri war on the J.-:.panese nation.
Thus, the r.esso.E5e vms grantee:.. The of J<tpun h.$ CO,l::'le to
face further difficulty.
It is our duty to defend the national policy'. The ITi,6J:'l1:Jers of thl;;
bereaved families ,..-ill be given all possible aid. Govorr,,''iE>nt offici<:\ls, as
h""rocs of thv &1peror, are asked to ,further exert their f.lfforts.
J.u=JJ7.SE HOtili S}iJtVICE (Tokyo II hUg).
It;ill importat1t annour.cenent will be made at noon tomo;,cro",v. IncidentallyJ
at th<'l.t hour tOf.J.orrow, electric current vlill OC fed to .,.,.:nere daJrtir.:18
distribution of electric current would not otherwise be- mace. II
OF J.n1?'a"IJESE BROnDC"...STS FOR HOllS CO:NSv;.,p7IOlj hiJD CON-
'I'.,n; NO PR0P"G,.NDJ
IIEnemy hfficr'ica cllrried out an attack on the citj'" of Hrn.a."mnfJ. with a new
type bomb. The results of investigation of the power of this bomb by
our scientific circles have. proved conclusive).:; th.t this an ator:lic bomb.
\Vhat is the This bomb utilizes the enersr released when
the nucleus of an atoLl. of uraniwn, an element, is complekly desl,royed. In
the past scienco h<:.s utilized t.he r<:le,:::sE:d in t:,8 chl;;lnical reaction of
(two words), which is outside the nucleus of an atom. The of th8
atomic bomb is funda.ment<.llly different from the science of the past in this
respect. This energy is from GENeral thousand times to several (tens of
thousands) of tiJnes ffiO!'e powerful than radiant ener({Y.
Separate the nucleus of an (nrone), which is of the weicht
as the (hydrvgen) ator.l and which has absolutely no \ word), is mude to colliee
with thE: (h;;rdrogen) a'com. Hhen the nucleus of an .:.tom is thus separat6d, two
or three neutral (SUbstances) are and these neutral
aGain collide ,..ith other atomc nuclei and cause thef.l to separate. The
tior. occurs time aftf:lr time in this :"l.annt:'r (s0ve:.-al words) so t.hat even though
a ninir.llm of is used, the released from it is so powerful uS
to ""qUi:.l twenty thvusand tons of ordinary explosives. II
SU'.JJECT: Foreign Radio Reports.
llRegarding tnt... use of the ne'll type bow by QnE::!i\y" nrn.erica, the authorita-
tiVE> circle on international law in TCKYO tod&y pointed to the fiffierican way
of doin/), disregarding the principll:l of hUJ:1anity, as fonows:
In the first place
it is a fund8.ffiE:ntlll pri."lciple recognized by inter-
national law a belligerent does not possess unlir.uted right in regard
to choice of measures to hurt the enemy. For this reason the action
such as killing or woundin[; a large nwrher of the general populaco bj' dropping
particularly such a bOfim is not fron the standpoint of

"'<'Y'; 11 nnt. fnrect. t.he thdt. at one repeat-
edly protested. the mattur of th<; extrtohtely sr.u:.ll-scalb' bombing in the
course of action in China at the time of the China incident, clair.l-
ins th...t the protest "JaS made from the vievlpoint of humc.nity.
The h::lerican action nt, this time is cOMph,tely contrD..r"J to the principlu
l.. ......... ........... \....."'..,. ,' .... ... II
SUBJECT: Foreign Radio Reports.
.li . __

. l'The Japnnese residents of the (lroHAN) District (severul words) have had '"
determined wish for the destruction of the enemy since the great bombing of thi
district by the eneqy. hS n result of the outcome of situation in OKINAifA
and in line with the establishment of the People's Volunteer Corps in the home-
lend, the residents initiated an IArm;? Comrade Volunteer Drive. 1 &J.1Jlo,P
above fourteen will be given combat training and (several words) will take up
arms. Ordt:rs wi.ll also be gi.ven to women in the near future. It
"Just before dawn on July thirty-one, our ldr Force attacked the enelIW
bases on OKINhWA the enemw war vessels in the surrounding waters of
and set on fire several places on the airfields and sank one unidentified
worship and one transport."
"Between last night and this dawn, about six hundred B-tweflty-nines carrie(
out scattered raids against Eastern Army Jurisdictionnl Area. Amoung these ob-
jectives, considerable d<.Ui1lge w<-s sustained at TSURm.I, Kn.";nSj..KI, Nn.GAOKh, MI'l'O,
HACHOIJI, T",CHIKA.,ih and TOYA1JJl.. But places other than those mentioned above
sustained light d3Jll8ge. II
OKINAHi1. ATTACKED (Tokyo 2 Aug)
EuPIHE ATTJ..CKS (Osaka 2 Aug)
3 hUgust 1945.
rr,lith political and strategical intentions, the enemy is carr;ying out bomb-
ing attacks against. the various cities of our Recently the enelny has'
been taking an extremely elaborate propaganda lnethod of naming the cities in
varidus of the homeland by giving advance notice of the bombing attacks ar
warniqg the residents to take refuge. ..t the present time the number of cities
which have the appearance of cities without being harmed has become extremely
small. Therefore, the enemy lists the names of remaining cities and it is nat-
ural that any of these cities will suffer attacks.
hS an excuse for making the indiscriminate bombing, the is attempt-
ing to hoodwink us such expressions as lAmerica does not want to hurt the
innocent people. However, since bombs don1t have eyes, we cannot tell where
they will falL'
It is needless to say here that the recent bombing attacks which the
who advocates of humanity, is carrying out in actuality are
different fran he is saying and what he is actually carrying out. In the
bombing second class cities the enemy is taking the method of
first of surrounding areas the cities arc
after blockine u the way from which the residents can escape, the center of tr.
cities are bombed. Examples of attacking schools and hospitals are truly
erable. For instance, in the liCASSnR and HONGKONG homes for women and children.
camps for the British are being bombed or strafed persistently.
However, there is no doubt that such beastly attacks by eneqy America wiL
be carried out fiercely, further toward wiping out we Japanese people
without place and time being the question. II
Office of the AC of S, A-2
APO 234
App.,.;ze4el, 70 Marianas-based B-29 Superfortresses dropped heavy
10 August, 1945.
FOR rtELBaSE: 1330
by late fternoon of 9
the smoke
Communique No. g that a co
Scattered fires were visible au
1. Damage now availaolc
u. S .AiOO' STi\.b.TEGIC .ill\. FOnC3S.
demolition bombs on the Tokyo arsenal area in the late of 10 August.
The bombers were escorted by p-47 Thunderbolts and P-51 Mustangs from Iwo Jima.
'ITI_'et of 90 13-29 Superfortresses dropped heavy demoli tion bombs on
the Nippon Oil Refinery Company at Amagasaki in the hours of 10
Enemy interception was fire ranged from meager to
Reconnaissance photographs show the_t the Ube Coal Liquefaction Company
was left completely inoperative by the 3-29 mission reported in Communique No.4.
All of the refinery units were destroyed or damaged and a seawall protecting
the plant was broken in several places, flooding the plant site.
General, U.S. Army,
,.... f ,,",
." I v
.:. . .
lllOl'OS!:D Jl'IlfAt COlll41lJlIQ
G,ilIE1ut SrAATZ V
the tIM ot the Pl'es1dent's Pl'Ocla t10n, Il9 a1 -..ft
.... land'.... tar-I a.. af"te!' l't')'1na out a napt
..'ut Japul. lUI' a pel'1Od or 26 boU1'a 01" to aeeeat1aB
.t bD8UUU... a toIli or 9M we ot .0.. st!'6te 0
AU PoPe... oorapoe.11 ot 888 B-Iil9'1 d 11'1 he- sed exeort f'1gh PI
avau au1 11 ..USta17 obJ.ctivea thl'ougbOut onahu. OW!' l'
tou or tle ..N Uftel1 dUl'1na thie ope tion, Jet no b
Nl..M4 aullleqaat to JlI'OCI t10n. 29 a1re ...
NtuPDi4 .. lIWr f'1sbte!' abo tt _ 10 .' NI f'1Jla1
.,tack, 1ImlttDi '1'4 .bbol'll8 bat ONlf pe a0lllle1 1'1ted tbe
.1 or ,,"tocSo aU opnatlOIl8 .ptnat hi all
. opeatS... -1ot1T. tho ttlllo b1abl1!ltl are polJlt04
Da tbob oJlOreUo.. ap1Dlt JaJlU, '. tltollI India ant
. '
II&Ps- n....... 100,000.000 anA ... 4Joo po4
IIe.I21 ot 110 All &lIN to ot 2,111 t11 t 1n41Y14la1
......,. C...u.) ... b ".lItot 'lI8t ob3ocU.... 1lh.tob PO
e.lIlS.-lI'Ul' 1M .. tbo 1lO1JIt ot ---.rr

...... SDeS"at to.. '01'0 UoIUI 48., at at

A ., 1ft lMt. Aa. .... ot a1HMft
eIl...._ , ..1ena. tile a .0 to. aU-
1 .. ON 0..,. total ot ....
....... 1.... a1d rooocnio tea.
P1Dal and accurate evaluation ot results or 29 operation.
t await co pletion of photo phic reconnais5,nce and ground
lUI' er. ftUable intelligence confir s the following dalap.
The indUitrialproductive capacity or Japanese citie. has
....Ii cle.trOJ7ed. r 6 additional cities, the industrial
, .
_paoity has belA destroyed. Damage to two urban in-
4altr1&l areas hal not baIA aBse.sed. total of 178 sq.

(llZ.920 acr..) ot Japanese urban industrial area have been del-
t1'Oyl4. total or 581 important factories engaeed in1production
. .
ot.. ter1&1l have been either totally destroyed or
".114. 1JIclUlled in thi. llUIIber are 23 IIl!ijor factories .of Japan'.
a1rcraft in4Ul1tl7 1lhich'1llltion has r .sulted in an cstiated
fJIf reduction in. bet' COlllbat aircraft productive caJl6city. Also in-
el_d ape .ix, ot J'apan'l jor. arsenals. Also included are two
plan" rroduc1!lg tetra e_l 1.... In addition to the above ClamaS-.
he jor steel plantl weN 4&; ged to an tent resulting in a 1 f.
....t1OD in .1....'. oapacity to produce Iteel. In addition, a total
.,.1 'p 11*1 .11 lto1'&ll refinery in.tallatioDS weN .
......,.. OJ' .... ".pd pelulting 1n II d structton ot Japan'l
..... 111 ztetin:q capectt)'. On the bash or J'aJl6n8.e tnde di-
.......1 it 11 bo. that the nUl8ber of I.U reeder-type fao-
_.11 ._1)'1111 a _U _bel' ot people. destroyed bT 1a-
_. _\tim I'WII 1Jlto the thouandl. Included in the aboft
tba two urban industrial areal or and
e ..... OJ' 1""Nl)' ....ced lIT e..
aw. 811 broh 45. l ~ 5 B-29 tl1ghts have laid 12.049 lline.
Sa _lIT _ter.. Japanes. home hlands have been nrtua1l1 88vsrecl
IJoOII IOlJI'C ot ntal toods and raw teria1s on the Asiatic con-
tt_t. .nUon tone ot .nslQ' ocean-going ftsse1s 1l'llPe .unk or
..nlT dR.pd '" 1I1n... The close or the war t1nds great qlIIIJlti-
ti ot coal Ul4 raw .taria1. intended tor wa1' industrie. ot
JaJlUl piled up at popt. ot I:o!'...
In their operations a 1nst .Japan. 29's have dest1'07ed O!'
..... 19S!l .1Ib1 ai!'cNtt in the ai!' and ove!' 350 on the ground.
D1JI'ing th. pviod 11 Ap!'il to 11 Ka,. 1945. a total ot 7850
tons ot 110 "1'. oam.d lIT B-29" against ai!'fields and aufie14
ins-natiOn in Jt:yushu foro the pu!'pose ot n.utral1zing the
ti.lda in OOOPcl1nation with the invasion ot Okinawa.
1-1 l'&1litNt.1ie _t filbte1'. based at Iwo .Jua haft
I .
mi. 1011 tl1lbts to Japan. totaling ove!' 88.000 hOlJl'.. In addition
.. " ' ~ " " .H01't Jll'otectlon to B-29 1in1ts operating ovsr .Japan.
ap....ft ..!'1.1 oat attaekl apinst _1141/17 U!' AI
...-1\ ot :r-.... fiChtv operations. 1047 .1141111 ai!'INtt haft
_ ~ ~ -'"Tat or ".sad at a co.t ot 106 ot 0lJI' fipte!'l. Thi.
1-.. NJ'N8e..t. ot th. u!'bo!'ne .tto!'t ot OlJl' long l'llD.P!'t
-. ! -
At tbe tl. of Japan' I IU1'rendel', Itrengtb of B-It WI! til
-.s-. ba4 ".cbM 1011 t.1l'Cl1'att .. 'rbe strength tit
tscb'-' and at rwo J1la ha4 l'lI8cbd a total of 268. A total of
... 11._ I'IOnneJ. wen a181gne to un1ts of the r1anas aa4
1110 ..4 l'ate&1c Ail' Jb1'cel. Following figures ind1cate
.., of tbe ..It effort I
AnttAOI AlllClIAPr
ftoa. IuDe 44 to 4e :Lt9 11,447
IIOft:'lber '44 93

Dece::lbel' '44
January '415


IIUOh '415

April '4!11
16,:3 2

24 ,119!1

1-1- '4
torAL TO G 169,421
For Release:
17 August
NO. 12.
1. From the operations against Japen on 14 August end in the early hours
of 15 AUo=ust all of our bombers returned. Four fighters are missing. Strike
photographs indicate excellent results.
2. Summarizing strategic operations against Japan: B-298 from India
end Marianas bases have flown over 100,000,000 miles and have dropped 169,421
tons of bombs. An aggregate of 32,612 flights by individual aircraft (Sorties)
have been executed against objectives which were ordinarily 1,SOO miles or more
from the point of take-off.
Losses incident to combat operations were 437 B-29 eircraft. A total of
297 B-29 crews were lost. A total of over Goo combat crew personnel was rescued
by naval rescue agencies.
Final and accurate evaluation of results of B-29 operations must await
completion of reconnaissance and ground survey. Available intel-
ligence confirms the following damage:
The oajor portion of the productive capacity of 59 Japanese
cities has been destroyed. Of additional cities, the industrial product-
ive capacity he,s been partially destroyed. Damage to two urban industrial
arees has not been assessed. A total of 581 important factories engaged in
production of war materials has been either totally destroyed or severely
damaged. Included in this number are 23 major factories of Japan's aircraft
industry, destruction of which has been resulted in an estimated 60% reduction
in her combat aircraft productive capacity. Also included are six of
major Also included are two plants producing tetra ethyl lead. In
addition to the above two major steel plants were to extent
resulting in a reduction in capacity to produce steel. In addition.
eight principal oil storage ana refinery installations was destroyed
severely damaged, resulting in the destruction of Japan's major oil refining
Included in the above figures are the two urban industrial areas of
Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which were destroyed or severely damaged by one atomic
bomb dropped by a on each of these targets.
Since 28 Mo.rch 1945. 1.435 flights heve laid 12.049 mines in enemy
In their operations against B-29s have destroyed or damaged 1,935
enemy aircraft in the air and over 350 on the ground.
During the period 17 April to 11 May 1945. n total of 7.850 tons of bombs
was by B-29s against airfields and airfield installations in Kyushu for
the purpose of these fields in coordination with the invnsion of
Long strategic escort fighters based at two Jima have made 8,012
flights to Japan, totaling over 38,000 hours. tn addition to providing escort
protection to B-29 units operating over Japan, fighters have carried out attacks
against enemy airfields and lines of corounication. As the result of two-based
fighter operations, 1,047 enemy aircreft have been destroyed or dRmaged at a
cost of 106 of our fighters.
General, U. S. Army,
2 -
For Release: Immediately
15 August 19
1. Over a thousand aircraft of the United States Army strategic Air
Forces operated against Japan in the last 24 hours. More than 800
Marianas-based B-29 Superfortresses dropped approximately 6,000 tons of
demolition and incendiary bombs on Japan during daylight on 14 AUoPllst and
in the early hours of 15 August. Targets hit were the Hikeri Naval Arsenal,
Oseka Army Arsenal, Marifu railroad yards, the Nippon 011 ReflDery at
Akita And the industrial areas of Kumagaya and Nearly 200 fighter
airplanes from Iwo Jima escorted the bombers over and struck airfields
in the Nagoya area on the afternoon of 14 August.
General. U. S. Army.'
L __'
IC AIl! J'OllCJ:S,
COllljUNIq,UE 110. 10.
For Release: l330
11 .August I
1. Reconnaissance photographs made on 10 August after the atomic
reported in Communique No. g show that at least .98 square mile of
built-up area of 3.3 square miles was destroyed.
2. A force of 102 P-51 from Iwo Jima was over the Tokyo area on
the morning of 10 August as escort for the B-29 Superfortress mission reported in
Communique No.9. OUr pilots 18 Japanese fie;htcr airplanes in combat.
destroying six. probably destroying one and dama;;inp' 11. All of our Mustangs
3. Mining of enemy waters by 3-29 Superfortresses continued on 10 Aur,ust.
General. U. S. Army,
10 August, 1945.
1. Seventy B-29 Superfortresses dropped demolition
bombs on the Tokyo in the late morning of 10 August. The bombers
were escorted by p-47 Thunderbolts P-51 from lwo
2. Ninety B-29 Superfortresses dropped demolition bombs on the
Nippon Oil Refinery Comp.ny qt "'''''&I\s,.kl in the e-.Tly hours of 10 August. Enemy
interception slight and fire rAnged from to intense.
3. ReconnaissRnce photographs show the Dba Coal
left completely by the ]-29 mission reported in Communique No.
4. All of the units were destroyed or qnd protecting
the plant was broken in flooding the site.
GenerJ\l t U. S. Army t
fi.JI " ( t
For Release: 1130, .Atlguat
10, 1945.
General Carl Spaetz announced this that<!e assessment photographs
made and one-helf hours after the atomic jombing of showed that
the city completely covered with smoke rising to 29,000 feet.
Scattered fires were visible out Bide the smoke area.
No further reports on results of the bombing arc available at this time.
t J ? ~
For ease: 9 August 1945.
1. The second use of the atomic bomb occurred at noon of 9 August at
Nagasaki. Crew members reported good results. No further details will be
available until the mission returns.
General, U. S. Armyt
Commandi ng.
For Release: 9 Augu.t
1. In the first hour of 9 August, 92 B-29 Suparfortresses
dropped upwards of 500 tons of incendiary bombs in the industrial areas of
Returning crews reported excellent results, with general conflagra-
tions observed. No enemy interception was encountered and anti-aircraft fire
was meager. All of our bombers returned.
2. A force of 67 Superfortresses struck at industrial tar-
gets in the Tokyo in the afternoon of 8 August, dropping 400 tons of
demolition bombs on the aircroft plant and the Tokyo arsenal area.
Good to excellent results were reported. No enemlf were encountered
but one of our bombers lost to intense fire.
3. In the mission reported in Communique No.6, 233 Superfortresses
dropped 1,400 tons of demolition bombs. Returning crews reported excellent re-
sults, with several large fires Observed. Enemy interception slight and
fire moderate. Two of ourbombers failed to return.
4. A force of 78 P-5l Mustangs and p-47 Thunderbolts from Iwo Jima struck
four airfields and of opportunity in the Osaka on the morning of 8
August. Pilots reported that they destroyed a bridge, a locomotive and
ten set a factory afire, various shops, har.gars,
racks, and shipping. No enemy were
in the air. fire from to intense. Six of aur
to return but throo of the pilotR were rescued.
1. Reconnaissance made over Hiroshima on the mornins of 6
show that 4.1 square miles or 601 of the City;'s built-up area of 6.9

se: S 1945
square miles were completely destroyed hy the Atomic bombing mission, Five
major industrial within this area were destroyed. Additional
was shown outside the completely destroyed area.
2. df 225 Marianas-based ?-29 Superfortressds .truck the industr-
ial areas of Yawata with heavy demolition in the late morfiing of 8 Aug-
ust. The bombers were escorted by p-47 Thunderbolts from Okinawa.
3. On the 3-29 mission asainst Toyokewa Naval Arsenal on 7 Ausust, 121
bombers dropped 750 tons-of high explosives on the with reported
by crews to be generally excollent. No enomy interception was en-
counterod and anti-aircraft fire was OnG bomber was abandoned
on the return trip. The crew was rescued.
4. ],29 mission Toyokawa, 97 P-51 were over
JapaJl. Half of the force escorted the bombers. The othor half strafed targets
in the erea, exploding a 20D-foot freishter, setting two oil tanks
afire and three locomotives, 25 cars, two railroad stations,
radio stations, power lines end transformers and 19 small vessels. No enemy
interceptors were encountered. fire from mCaf,or to intense.
One of our airplanes was lost on the way to the but the pilot was rescued.
5. Mining missions by 3-29s were conducted on the nir,ht of 7-S Ausust
in enomy waters.
6. Small forceD of D-29o droppcd 92 tons of explosivcs on MArcu8
Island and S8 tons on the Dublon basin at Truk on the afternoon of 7
For Release: 7 August 1945,
1. Approximately 125 Marianas-based B-29 Superfortresses struck the
To.rokawa Naval Arsenal with high explosive bombs around noon of 7 August. The
bombers were escorted by fighters from :Iwo Jim...
2. P-51 Mustangs from lwo Jima attacked airfields in the Tokyo area
on the morning of 6 August, destroying one enemy aircraft, probably destroying
three and damaging 21. Targets of opportunity damaged Oil the mission were air-
field installations, hangars, factories, railroad yards and a 200-foot vessel
which was set afire. No enemy interceptors were encountered.
fire ranged from meager to intense. Of the 97 airplanes which participated in
the mission, six failed to return. Three of the pilots were rescued.
3. Final reports on the B-29 mission of the night of 5-6 August show
that 572 bombers struck the primary targets, 28 dropped mines and nine bombed
targets of opportunity. The crew of the B-29 which failed to return has been
General, U.S. Army,

For Release, 1330,
6 August 1945.
UE NO.4.
1. At least 580 Marianas-based B 29 f
- Super ortresses struck at Japan during
night of 5-6 August, dropping approximately 3,850 tons of incendiary and
explosive bombs on the Ube Coal Liquefaction Company and on the indust-
areas of/Nishinomiya.-Mikage, Imabari and Saga, and mining the waters
around Geijitsu, Tsuruga, Hagi-0ura and Rashin. Returning crews reported good
to excellent results, with large fires observed in several of the target areas.
Enemy fighter opposition was light and anti-aircraft fire was meager to moder-
ate. One of our bombers failed to return.
2. A small force of B-29s dropped 45 tons of bombs on Moen Airfield No. 1
at Truk on the afternoon of 5 August. No opposition was encountered.
3. A force of 98 P-5l Mustangs from Ivro Jima strafed and launched rockets
against airfields and targets of opportunity in the Tokyo area shortly after
noon of 5 August. Returning pilots reported that they destroyed two enemy air-
craft and six locomotives, probably destroyed one aircraft, set tv/o oil tanks
afire, and damaged one aircraft, several factory buildings, four locomotives,
railroad stations and cars, seven small boats and various miscellaneous targets.
Our force encountered one enemy interceptor, which fled, and anti-aircraft fire
ranging from meager to intense. Two of our airplane s were damaged and three
failed to return. One pilot has been rescued.
4. Around noon of 3 August, P-5l Mustangs from lwo Jima struck the TokyO
area with the following results, Destroyed, two enemy aircraft in the air and
eight on the ground, 14 locomotives, several trucks, gun emplacements and a
transformer. Damaged, seven aircraft, six locomotives, 50 railroad cars,
interceptors and anti-aircra fire ranging from
intense. Of the 97 Mustangs which participated in the mission,
five were damaged and six failed to return. One pilot is known to have been
5. A small force of P-51 Mustangs from Iwo Jima made a neutralization
strike against air installations on Chichi Jima the afternoon of 3 August,
strafing the target and dropping four tons of bombs. All of our airplanes
6. The first photographs available on the results of the B-29 strike in
the early hours of 2 August show thAt the industrial area of Toyama was totally
General, U.S. Army,
-TEAS Guam
, .
For 1330,
3 August 1945,
I, A force of 139 P-51 !.!ustanss from Iwo Jima struck Jap..j'l around noon
of 2 August (Guam iime). strafin3 and launchi" rocket, against five airfielc
and of opportunity in the lTagoya-Kob(, are... Our force one
airborne enemy aircraft, which fled, and enemy aircraft on
the ground. pilots reported the.t they destroyed one enemy fifihter
on Kiyosu airfield and seven locomotives in t1e yards, and
damaged two aircraft, airfield hangers and four factories, one
refinery, natural gas tanks, power lines, sevet locomotives, railroad cars an
st tions, and 14 small vessels. Anti-aircraft lOire renging from meager to
moderate caused minor to 11 of our S. All of our airplC'.nes
2. Mission for the B-29 Superfortrllss strike in the e..rly hou
of 2 (Guam Time) show the.t our forces 20 enemy fi&hter
attacks which resulted in damage to two of our Four bombers were
damaged by anti-aircraft fire. No additional reports on the results on our
bombing ere available at this time.
Ge1.eral, U. S. Army.
COO\ lll'.ndinit. United
St", 'es Army Strategic
Air Forces.
I;;' FQ;;'CES
Fe 1elease: Immedi
1. In the Superfortress strike against Japan in the early hours of
2 A = t (Guam Tine), 820 !!arianas-baseci 13-29s attackeci the tar;;ets. Of
this number 778 bombers struck at the cities of Hachioji, Toyama, Nagaoka
anci Mito anci atoil storage anci refinery targets in the petroleum complex at
Kawasaki. The other 42 bombers mineci enemy waters arounci the Shimonoseki
Straits anci off the cities of Seishin anci Rashin on the northernmost coast
of Korea. A of 6632 tons of bombs anci mines was dropped. Returning
crews reported to excellent bombing results, with Reneral conflagrations
observed in the target cities. Enemy fighter opposition over the target
cities ranged from none to slight, and anti-aircraft fire from none to mode-
rate. Over the Kawasaki petroleum opposition from
none to moderate and anti-aircraft fire was moderate. One of our airplanes
is mi ssine;.
2. The p-47 Thunderbolts recently adcied to our on
Iwo Jima made their first attack on Japan on Ausust 1st (Guam Time), joining
P-51 Mustangs in a small mission against the Nagoye_Kobe area. The
strafed and launched rockets against locomotives and cars in the
Fukide yards and and factories at the Itami Nagoya
East airfields. The operation was carried out under adverse weather con-
ditions. No enemy opposition was encountered. Four of our air-
planes failed to return.
... -
('IAi:T A ,.. ...... .......

For Release ~ ~ t h last element's

bombs away signal.
1. Approximately 800 Marianas-based B-29 Superfortresses struck in the
early hours today, 2 August (Guam Time), at the Japanese industrial cities o.
Hachioji, Toyama, Nagaoka and Mito, and at petroleum installations at Kawasal
Approximately 6,000 tons of incendiary and high explosive bombs were dropped
on the targets.
General, U.S. Army,
Commanding, United
States Army Strategic
Air Forces .

UD.4.1' ..RKS TO
rot-PlItt r :'!jllM I
1114 Mat A-2 I CG Attached heretc five sheets ccvering
I 1945 I I recent Japanese broadcast. reproduced
" , I , according to your instructions. This
I t sheet was made a regular part of the
I I weekly "Air Intelligence Report". In,

addition, 500 extra sheets were made up
I I. and were disseminated with the Report tc
I;,' : 6MA I I units of this Command so that they might
r _ I I be made available tc all personnel.
:'., :, 1 I (7- 4
" I ri. GARCIA
I '. I Colonel, G. S. c.
1 I, IL -!Ai,:-:=2 _
I : r
I I I ;1
I I I i
1 I I , I
. 1
I I , J
I. I
i I l
I I I t
I r I I
I I :I
I I , 'I
l I I
1 I I I
1 ( , ,
..: t i
I I I. ,j.
I til
I I 1
I t ,-
I, I -
l I I' " '.
I : : I
I l I ' 1,
I : (litE :
XlI iIJ Q. , ---'=--=-.::.;.. ........J
26 June 1945
APO 234
1. In a Weekly Review of the war situation over the Toky"o
Radio the evening of 2) June, the following interesting reference to
our Coman:ling General liaS made:
~ ~ 4 ~
Major, MIS,
Special Security Officer,
XXI Bomber Command.
SUBJECT: Japanese Home Service Broadcast.
"LeMay, who boasted that he would crush every city in
Germa.ny with a population of 100,000 or more, is now trying to carry
out the same strategy against our homeland. furthermore, we can perceive
in this LeMa{ts tactics against our homelarxl that his objectives are
not-,:unted 0cities with a population of lOO,OOOor more blt fV
tn medium ani small city there is, because such are the tactics 0 s
LeMay. II
2. It should be noted that this was a broadcast in Japanese
for home consumption not a propaganda broadcast for Allied consumption.
It is a rather ominous pronouncement to make to the citizenry.


1. !M lOC ... *d'eJ'ill& \. CIlWI. p1eh4 lip \lie taUaodq.

"M _I s, \ '-I..,eftal ., 2000 (-9)
au *\ 6lIO -rur ,.,.....\t.rIM \lie IAI'lO (TOI!O plUa _)
\lie t. If., 2S .... \., 130 &-a9" .tt.oIoed
ama'll ' MAn-. 1& IIeeclqooar\ere
.J.'m' ....... et \lie t1rM _ ,., , llr 11\0
....,'.'7 pol \lie emu Pel
lip) .........I......t lit lle \elera\e4. rre.1er lOIllO 100 \0
.......- t. \lie 0....-, \0 u.. llsipeftr tor \be '.-p Sa-
t11aeIII ,.. CIIIta pel s
a. 1M emu Pelll. 100 .......- .,'011. \lie ree:l_. et \be
pll' I ......... 100 ,"-\II 1& 'DSAI' _, _ Ale """It of
__ '-tM Jar rUl "'leM 1& \lie et !\Ino 01'7. III 1\0
...." aN tile te11wl , .., c:ou.P .., llr 1Ieedquar\ere.
U/I(f ........... 1-' Weau, .. \ ................ 1Iee4
........ et \1M ",.. 'All ,.\. )I'll Weat.17 Blp .\ 1IenaoIur. 1I1ll\ol7
..u .............. tM 1I1ll\ol7 Md 4 .... ,lie 7fe1J1 lIIIriM. Claw

r /
' ..:. i .. .' '. "....
.' . '.'
v f;
\.( r ,
LJ 1
J rP (/
r) L,

..pen or ColoM1 C. s. rrna. aDd stan ...
r-p0nr7 Dut.T ~ . __ 31 Oa\obar 1944
!ba ",pen 1. _pared \0 ...ord tar_t,1AlIl oIIot.a'_ at.
Ula ftri_ a\opa _. \0 t\IrD1ah ~ or .1lI'PlT. ton_
ponaU &lid ~ probl, \0 ",pen acUOIl t.aba \0 ~
_ , aandiUcea to_ aDd N-llT. \0 __to .0\1...
j .. aa--l O. P. 101101&
~ , Chi.t or ~ Stan
A.-4. II .ur _
1Ir1C. 00u0n1 Iaar1a ___
Chid or Stan. IX.ur_
L """R gr IIlC
1 Doel

C. s. Dl'fn.,
C o l ~ . llr Corpa.
Chiar. W D1Y1ai.... IIllr _.
arn-. Il'./IJJ\azUl aarn-.
,.. .
"Ill" "- .
t1II&I. "- 1artaaa8
"v bn
III .ad ! .
' T.B
rmm, "1'"_nt.o, Calltorn1a ..
U"llt ..

0.""., C&lUOftia 1QIIll. JlR(.Il :BiIJBi8....
ucrIOII 0.
!M tolloriDc ftClc U wl-UOIUI ""' .... with rete...".,. to
hl1"'.tac .utMwrteel. TftDllpartatlOD, htll1DC,
"W1JI& aDd TftIDtng ot tI>e UI BoMber C_ncI.
1. !lat a .... lmDdred o.ncI \weot;}' (120) da,. nook leftl
01 YJa and to '" euppUee be _thar1.Md tar the Ur Depot at
Qou and thet the Air Depot at _ be autharisM to requ1a1Uon
t.brooIP PlIMC 4u..t to cOD\rol and apeoLall .... depot. tar both
e' s or 1.... and ,m """pliea.
2. !lat one luMlriid aDd aUt,. toot Il7 t.o IsiailIre4 too\
(160' " 200') ..0 ..... be IZ'<'Y1decI tar the Air Depot at OUU.
). !lat the requ1re_ ot the Ur Depot at OUU
_ .-1-.1 with a n.. _ tI>e author1aaUOD ot ausb add'_
tl_' tar euPF17 and .-tawu_ lUll! ..
..wit'_, ,.._1 sa are required to _ tllDcU ot a
CIlIsOitLl Air Depot and AfttT Air 1Is_.
4. !lat eul't1olnt air tzoaDeport be placed UDder the control
at tile Air Depot and _ III .._ C_ ... to ""..-it a piD'
of t.o (2) da1l;r __ the Ur Depot and a"l'J>17 act1T1t.1M
., TtaiM .. SalJIID.
5. !lIst...rn.s-t _t tzoaDepartat.1<m be pis ... UDdar tbe
_tnl at _ Air Depo\ and the nx _ e. .... to pers1t
taUT betalls Qou and anwlT aet1Y1t.1ea on naiaD and Saipan.
.. !Mt air pr1ar1t;}' _trol tor air ah1_t ot euppllAe
fw u.. m Cu Del be d1reou,. UDdar tile au_
91". of Depat;r Chiet ot statt tor SuwlT lUll! ..1Dw,,_.
III ..... Cam p',
.. fta\'" Deplt,. Chiet or S\att t", SuwlT and ..
01 .... m I _r C. 1M! _ au\horbed to \rEo-U ... .- atoot
._,. ..part ot Col....l C. S. !:r'I1De
Secrt.1oa o I.,ow ndatl0D8
I.ftl aDd C....-pUOII data """"lIb tile 41r De and
ehanDela or com_nd tbe Com'ndlng ael>8raJ., 41r
fM}m1al s.m. Co net tar }Ot"OO. , plenn'nc_
9. tile tull faoiUt1e. ot tile 32Dd Control
....ta wUh UI ''*-r Co ad tor ool.T ta
cou..,u"g aDd pre_nUng data 00 1 1. end ooos\l8PUoa,
_ &1.. JlNJ8ft al.rcrst't eag1De and accessory operaUnc u.s
and .. oparaUoaal and pl.rm1ng data.
10. tile ..-quill nnu ot tile 41r llt
_ be _lad br per'lOOllMi and tr.. ""not. aDd tile
111I1_ Mau tile ....1stan.,. ot tile 32Dd S.C.D. tor peU:
loads ool.T.
U. tbe Serriee centera ot tbe III _r Co nd be
aut.llor18d aiDta1D _II: l...u at euppl1e. aDd obta1a
and _bUsh tile
ot 0 .1a'aac tor MOh 1I1ag 011 saeh Islanll.
12. a eriU.&1 ..n.. be _ ot the 1....10.
-tate_ and rsjalr aow outhorlMd
tor tbe Sernos _pe or tile III 'Cllber C.......d in the Ught or
tbe _i._ that .... _ pined in tile ..tabU._at ot the
."... 1I!IIct aDd tllet tile Table. ot ot tbe serrtce aroupe
or _ ....lor lIlnp be' ...n.d in 00_ the torarning.
1). !!Iat .tepe be _0 0_. tile 1nell18iOll in tile
1a1ti&1 Tabl.. ot tor _ aroupe and QI'oupe
or aU _ it_ t'arn1ehe4 in the put br _r Ares and Soft'1c...
SIll! tat \los aDd deli.....,. ot _h _teriel be _ 41r
....... Coataool.
14. !!Iat \los requ1s1U tor both 1_e pecuUar to the 1-29
SIll! &1.. oue .. U... be wor and _ b7 ool.T __7.
!!Iat ...147 be fbill.ar1_ and equ1pped with _
-s*s.. "ta. prOOID. I"t data aDd _raJ. operaUoaal requirsoanta
tor YI& a1rsI&ft.
15. !!Iat tbe 1.-- ot part.s U.U, technical orders and
_!w,..1 I.a8WMUzss 0111-29 a1.rcratt be thoroDcN7 _
SIll! _, and O4Ioq..te b-.... or lIUCh tbe UI
.,.... CI .... orit1cal1T reno_ b7 42lIC oach -'h.
. ., ...
, of -e.-

labj. "porl or ColOllOl C. S. IftiDe

"Uoa O. - _, ....u_
16. That .pare. l"aqU1.nd rar tha a1Dta...... or all ton-
and Id.ada or _porta,Uoo. crOWld "'''''lIn, aDd M1.ntananoe
be ahlppad 1mdar tba oupanla1on or tho llr Depot to
tba using actl'f1t1eo or the XII Boober CO"""nd.
17. !bat a _toot leftl ot ...1n1.". ot one m.l1th'. requtr.-
Mat. or oer'f1.-blo "'3350 -.cI1MO be a1IIta1Decl ror each -!.Dc
or tbe XII -.. 00 .... in odd.1t11Xl to or
_blo .nd ... palrablo anglno. ln tbe .nl'P1T.
18. !!at lobar aDd .....truotloD __1 be
.......... 4 to tbe opaftt1.., _tro. in -.- of tho cro- ODd
air ..baloBo in _ to .U"-ta tho __lV ror the
.tiGa or toobDl-.l pa.--..ol for ._lobor.
19. !!at tbe _'u!1lI or 1.Il botIo -.s ....konl",
eqIl1...- ...d tbe _ .r ellul_t _b .. API ODd LaraD
be upllAod and ren.o4.
20. !!at tbe tnlnlll( or pUot. and be .....
__pu 1:; _ '_7 In". '" ODd in tbe _
III FElSIU7 r. .... ope:ra\1..c.1M.
21. !lat tbe ODd -1u1"I or ...... prior to atoCS.
_ ""'ng final ltaging It the Staging Fiol'" be _,..,...
... ..,urled to include more thorough !IoreeD1Dc of 1Dd1ft.dDal
___bers before dep8.rture.
:zz. That ..oh VIR. V..W be elllll.pped with pacDmMl
_ tor tbe .... '1111 ot Mob .... n_"""
that tMo ens rdl", om.. or tbe strel"1 r1eld be .. to
....... tor turtbsr _,"IDI Ul' ..... ..r _

2). !Iia\ A!C t'wiT1nc _s aJAo be __ bT tbe _ .....

e_ , .t
__ "III tIl Ol.a.
24. .t._tloa eort ho _ps4!_ at Plald """
Callton1a """ that awCS. ot __ than r_ .."u.
DS waft at IIatW n.ld be dae ts-d.
a,.t _1\1_1 be at lllaja
_ tat be to uo ma_ Pleld to 0IlpP1 III JI5I'k1sc
, a.
lIeport ot Colonel C. 5. Irr1JIlI
8eGUoa O. - R_as Inc'etto.
26. !bat tac1Ut1eo tor VU; alnl'&1't be arU'.JlT
rerined, with a va. t.ard. -z1-. PN.1bl.e 1a}a"09....t smt1
or _...,t neldo ODd the po.'!>la 1It1l1at1<Ja ot eolltborn .......
27. tbot the VUl Stq1llg fulde be dIIr1IIg the _
_ ther to diopatoh 'U; a1raratt at IUJ hoW' ot the doT ar
Digllt. .bon the ...thar ODd tora1nal tacil1t.1N are ou1tablo, al_
ta P(S or tntemldl.t. po1Ata.
28. !bot A!9C aaod _n-od SllpplJ' XU_toro \lIrouP
S"p", .\nu, to PQt.SC, Iktbor n.u. ZaID , _jolA'
1&1... aDd __ -.II _til to aMok 8Ilppi,y l.roBU aDd pplJ' ,-
qa18!.-t1 nat DC Jll"ooedlllJ'U.
29. fta\ a ftJa"IIiDtat1:" or the XXI .... Ca Ind be
led to po....d .1 the ftIn7 rout. aDd to A29C tar.-eJ' a.
lIDd 81IP""",..lI .rer -ala aaat.Il.
)0. tIlat. drut10 toll _up be _ or del1ftl'1M ot
tooU tor a1natt &lid _ p1aIn. a1A_'",
)1. !llat full aathorl.v far _ poI .t or
....'1 a.1ftI'a.ft a1At-aec
l too.1JI &lid tN_1.}.,
.. cl- to the _ Il1naon. or .UlIC. -
talat the allz'.-t1<Ja _ apPr-J. or .urDI: MDt be
)2. tbot 1lIIJ*'h1 __... _a... to
...,_'. haWU- tar beau at ""M.
D. ilia, .. lid, ...ar1V ....,.u.. lie zoe' \0 ......'
requ101tsmt,,, or ftqII1re4 tU _teriol aDd -.J.-' 18 to'-
... to ponit the arI<1IIIl aDd oIdpplac or _ atar1al ... ...
_t 1Jl tala elar 1Jl w's. to ....u the". t , ..
18.' ra..- .........


(14 November 1944)
.. n.. _1D _ With tiDal operati_ DMr-
1Dc. viet-ion on ebouldlen and approaoble to r1n
(5) _tarm aro aotuall;;r o..-plota, wlth apprazUateq .....ntr-
n ... (75) othero in nrioua .t.qo. ot troo b1\1Opr1Dt to pertial
Aot\l&l terr.1D ooad1tiono woro toUDd to bo lMtt.ront
trwa \lie or111Dol plon. Ivo..,. eftort will bo _do to tako 04Yanto&e
ef ....n.bla terrain tor tho oo..t.ruotlon of ton (10) or oddi-
!'be com.rol tower hal bMn How..., no perMo-
_ l1& iIIOt.allation hao boon _do lOt. I. one ODd one-
Ilalt "'11on (1,500,000) .. _ otorac. hao boon prodded, nth
tar (4) _ntT \h_DlI (20,000> lallon roadT _. QuollDo
will bo oord_ to tho o1rp1... tv truok. It appearo to bo \he
Inu of op1a10D of operatlnc per.oonel that wbile truck
10 o-.t _ro ditt1ou1t and o1_r \han lnlUt-1a pipe
.,._ to , it 10 -.. do.1roblo. It appooro that
titf1Rl\7 hao boon uporlo_ nth oollooUon ot __ 1a
plp1nc 070- w1110h oro god on1T 1DtolWittentl7 tor
1M1.u-' a1rpluoo
.. !W (I> .ur Dopot. ba... arrl_ aDd tholr peroomel
ad equ,.nt ualoodod. It 10 ..-otooc! that third lrouP 10
ill ..'t' at. Pm.!7 the Il1PrMllon bu p.1Md. orMilnoe
\110, pe\1aI t...... (,) o1r dopot. croupo t ....thor __ a Donorol
AU IIopft and Air _. Proot.loa1l7, th10 10 ..,. tar troa _.
1\ 10 1oIoeroU... ,bat __ldoroUon bo 11 n to tho taot \lie,
\be Urtlopot. at llMII w1l1 boo_ in \he aUt tflft .._ tho _,
ut1", ... tho _t ao.-ral Air Dopot ln tbo
IIIM_. 1lle _11on Air Dopot 10 tarthor troo tho 1Jar 1a
\ban Jlattoroon rlold 10 t .... tho War in lur'opo.
JJo tI110 _oUoo, tba _11&n Air Ilopot. _t bo 1.-
....... aDd .... in tho l1&ht ot I'OJ.SC and USC at
.-a,,-,_ rs..ld. IJl other wOl"d8, it eho 14 beCo. planni"a and
ti8\r11NUan oontro1 aothitT nth rolathoq llm.tod peroonnol
ad NlaU"1T l1.II1t.c1 nPP1T aoUdt1oo. I. thoroaeb otUllT ot
,on s1 roq.uro-nu at lIuaa _t bo _do wi th a 'I'1fIft waN _1dJ..Dc
" ..,
" .; .'/ ,. ",; I' ! .... l.
. . .' ,- ..".,.....
, . ,' ,.1 ; '.:
;', . , 1.', ' ..
SubJ. "pon at Colanal C. S. IrrlDe
5ecUan t. - 0.-.
"'*Iu&te _ o""rating ""reoonel, 1ncluding sufficient ......nee
group to handle f1.nt and c:>Dd. eo.belon or aaintenance
tor W"ana1ent. tr&n8port and tactical a1rcra.Ct, and sufficient
""....,.....1 tor iU&rd, labor end cowotrucUOIl dutie. (colored troope
cou.l.d. be u.ed here). Top-eide .dw1n1atratlT8 pereoanel for the
adw1nt-traUOI1 or Oftrall depot aDd. bu. actiT1.t1et and top-e1de
""re_l tor BUPPl7 pleonlng end dietrlbution actirtt1e
...t be prvri.cIecI.
a. rb. (5) hangere be... b.., cc.pleted ..Uh twr (4) othere
in proal of It wUl be oeC:eaMr'y too ut1l.1ae the..
hangera (which .... re 1ntended tor .hop tacillt1e.)r.....
handling tor quj.te 8bile until ....thing ITf8r on. _ (100)
_ucr auPP17 baSIdiap haft been conatructed. Ptreormel are boued
10 ttnt8 at the pre.tnt t1ae under caodlt1.00a whioh are pl'1Jd.tlTe, but
5. S1lPPLY
a. Tbe _rial wb1ch ... &hipped tor the two (2) Depot Gronpe
baa _ wl .....ed. Our ""re_1 ...... \Ul&ble to obtain an 1IIll -
ing _ d1etr1lNUall area Dear the d_ trca the leland Co r
_ it. .. theretore '_.ible to rrrf out the original ...load-
1n& plaa. Tbi. plan, .. _ 1n the State., .. to unload _ Mar-
pte _t.er1al lrT u-... at a d1e""raal po1nt near the doc.... It ....
'-- pl_ to fltrther _gate the _tert.l by clu__ ._
cl ..... 1n the Depot area. it .... _ &IT tor ... to fur-
n1ah the -.lortty ot tranaportat1an and pere......l tor both llIl1oed1Dg
and ...."n&. In the cu.. where leland tranaportatlca ... utilised,
1t. _ nH17 tor Depot Ccl mrt'r to place one or our per.omwl
.. _ tnck to noW th. cc.pleta 1... ot .nUr. truck loeda ot
be Tbe t1nal ...sult. ... the d1aperaal alone the edge ot appr<Jl<1-
- a1le ot -,. Jun&le road or thouanda ot bCllte. ot both "QQ"
_ -JIl' u ....-.It ot the _ ...... ot dock ""raannal to
pt. _t.er1al pnl __a__ n- the dock .ida, ... bed the
_t.erial tor _ (2) alone the .ida ot a road tha
J-cla with no clu.it1caUan or 1dant1!'1caUcn.
lIubJ' .._t ot Col.-l C. S. Irn.De
lIeort.lon I. - ()Ma.
It 10 loIpo"'U.... tbat our tutUN p!&la tar the a.- Ur Depot
.....ulon a ...,h _ter ouwl7 d1otrlbuUon than tbat """ plannad.
,1aDe tar ouppl,. ..-qulro.ote obould bo o""orod tul1T. .. ...t t-
el_ nat oool.T ...r,. 1011& ranp __nt, but alao the Mdl.__
ud I nt, llgbt bo<sbu_ and tbo fibtor tTPM tbat rlll _oonUT
be lIt.lllaod. otoeb ot o_n lte.. ot .upolT tar all tTPM
or a1refttt ..bodulod tar UOII 10 tho area obould bo broUlbt t......-d
10 _plote _\.-load aid_to trOll tho _Uan liZ" Dopot on a
p'aruwd sroduotloD rather t.b&n by order1Dg p1.eo1 ,.1. n.u
ot ouPP1T pooullar to the a-29 ...t be a1dppod b,. tho fa.teat
_te cIb'oot trOll to _.
do I_ot 0_ loa... that 0&JU>at bo loroucht t..-rd 10
larp q....uU.. troo _U obould bo a1dppod 10 _t load
tl.. cI1rocIt trOll to Ckaa. Tbo _Uan Ur Dopot la booalng
..... and ..... a tw.., atop tor a1rplaJ>o. onroute to aDd trOll tho
utual _t arou. Stock to....l. at 11I_11 obould be ......._ to tho
t.ftlo ..-qulrod tar thot _pooo aDd &ll7 .rrart _ to 100""00
elt..Mr tor a..29 or oc.on wpplJ ttelU, __to be r-U.w.
It 10 loporaU.... thot at 1_ '-0 (2) daUT round trlpe
bT a1r t.rao.part be utlobllahod be'-oon Ckaa and tbe ttoldo
at flnlan aDd Solpan. It 10 bol1_ thot .Uhta _ () oootho tho
a1z (6) c-47'. _ oot IlP tar thot purpooo, .Ul be .nt1rolT
_t -..partaUOll troo Ckaa to T1n1an aDd Solpan at tbo _t la
_t1oollT """ ,atont.. Tbo at tho ttoo ot M. deparluro
,.,. Solpan IIad boon tor u.-t. \on (10) da.T- to .........
tor tho _to oblpooot or tb1rV ()O) _ ot ODgj .. l>J.1l41p ot.anda
,.,. _ to Solpan. At tho u.. ot departure, DO ,...utt. hod boon
...' ... aDd _lAIoraUon .. .. a la.t., to tho
nLu.Uoa ot \be ropa1r oh1Po tbe R.o-. Luk1n., tor tbe purpooo
tIC t.nnepartIq .net- bull.4llp .tand<I, toaothor alth a n_r ot othor
1_ 1Ih10b ooold ""t be .....04 bT air troo a.- to Solpan.
t. fto aU11ooUon at tb1. ropalr .hlp tor ard1IarT tftrwpor\
_loa a'- it. roJ&ir twetlltlo. and te.t oqu1poont are 00 !lIod1T
".1Iodo la ladetwnalblo. It au r>a>rod tbat _ 0) III _to
..... .._'04 tar arrtftl ....u.. 10 tbe rut."... Positl... aoUoa
_ be to_ to 1nouro 011O\I&Io _to troDIIpart&Uon to ueoopUab
.'11_ ot l800t daUT troo Ckaa to tho otbor '-0 lalande. Tbo
,. and th. d1rootiOll ot tho.. _to t be UDdm" tbe oontrol
et .1t.Mr tho Depot or \be In __ C Dd
.. AmIaIIa
. . " ',f" '.
. I . :'.,. '''''\i'%' .
'.. . . .{ .' I" -,."1 . ,.!!i!$1.
. ".;. . . . .' ':\flt
SubJ, Report. of Colonel C. S. In-1oe
Sectlon I. - Oua.
r.ached betn Colonel Irvine and ColoMl Carleon that no etten
be made by the Dtpot. to accorapliah any fourth echelon -.Lln-
tena.nee work ot any u.Knitude for approXi_tely tour (4) .antha.
Part ot the ahop haDiere w11l be U8ad for the tAftiporal7' binnine and
d.1.atribut!on of the a.u.ller and .are critlcal and. .ar. periababa
itA_ of .t.ock unt.1l auch ti. aa the auller auppl,.. buildinga haT.
been corwtructed. At l.a.t one of the h&ncara 11'111 b. ue.d tor the te_
ponry ho\Winc of 73rd WinK cc.bat pereornel a reeult of night
returnll fro. auelonl and the utlli... tion ot the Depot Field.
b. Tha _in'tenanca aepect in Depot rill be, of naOMleit,..,
.ubord.1.nat.. to 1te aupplJ act1ntlee. The _jar ..1nt.enance &ctl-
rtty of iaportanoe rill be t.ha overhaul and repair at aceeaaoria. and.
related auch aa 1natrumenta, tarter., carbureton, pro-
pellere, genera tONI, _&Mtoa., apark plup, hydraullc and.
equl_t. TM ...palr ohi"" and _intenanoe ohl"" preaont1
plan:necl to be .tatloned at Saipan and T1.n.1an ..-ill be able to pertom
a ll....t doal at tho repalr and "".rbaul or -DT or the 1tea rererred
to aboY. and rill be alch "n cODT.nient17 located.
a. IIorMl tranaport tratfic bT .ATC and TAO, u _11 a. tralWlent
"Ul not b. handl.d at tn. Dopot Uold but "111 b. routed
to tho --rb7 r1o1d at Apno. Th. Dopot U.ld w111 be woed ntually
b7 unit. or tho , .10&. In tho _nth., it will be wo.d _-
by and rll.DOY operltiono at tho 7}rd .10&. Pla...... und.r -7
at tbe nt tor the lIIOVe.nt of the 11th Group ot the Seventh Air
foroe to W. t1eld for oparat1ona. fbi. field ha. no "ic. croup
and 1t will be neca...I7', theretora, to draw on either Dtpot paracnmel
.. pel"8oanel trOll the operat1D& W1.n&a to cO"Yer oparat1n& requ.1..re_nt..
and tint and aoneS echelon ot _1nt.nance. "lther ot 'the.. alter-
-.t,1.... are da81rabla.
a. Tbo 1n1tlal plano or tho II Alr Foroo ollY1010l1ld ln tho xn
a-bar C 'ncl, a 1ntearatad. cc.and, which incOllPUMd
cI1J'e.' OOI>t.rol ""or all ta.tloal and oupply ....1001 1DOlud1o& tho
41r Dopot.
aabJ. Ilapt. or Colo...l C.S.Irrtno
leot1on I. - Iluaa
b. .. recent ca..and dec1elon haa placed the Air Depot under tbI
oontral of the Theatre Air SeTTle. C o ~ n d . Thi. deci8ion 1_ con- aO\Uld and re.sonable in Tie_ or the tact that the Air Depot
.t. Ouaa, both DOlI' and in the tuturtl, wU1 be called upon to nice
other than YLR airplane.. Ho-.Tlr, the paration or the Depot
troc the DI "ber C ~ n d control required Ixtenalve charlie.
1D oOlll&nd oharuwlA and 1n operat1n& procedure.
e. 1.D. cone.renee bet...n Colorwl IMine, Colonel Ronblatt
and Colarwl caruon, an operatinc procedure ..... drawn up tor eOn8lara-
Uon by hl&hlr authority_ Eantiall,., the &ar...nt tollow. the
broad ouUiDe. or J.J.F C1rculor 2Qo.51. dated A"iWlt 1944. In ordor
to al&ril)' and UPlil7 tbe bu10 or tho procedure outliDed, tho Air
Dapel. at Cilia and ito C-nd1nl: Orr1c.r cOlIpInod to tho t1rkI>.-
CitT Air Dapot and ito Ca.lIndinc Or!1cor with .uppl, llIinte-
...- and tra..portat1oD re.po..1b1Ut1a.. Th. UI lloaber COlllIIIIlld
and ito Dapaty Chiar or storr ror Suppl and Ilaintonanc. are c ~
to tbe Stlcoad Air Foroo lloadquart4lro at Coloredo SpriD&' and ito
D1tputT Chi.r or starr ror Suppl and lIainte... _ and Tra..pcrtat1oD.
The Stlntoo centero .... oporatiD& on Sa1pan, 1ncladinc th.1r 'upj)Gl"t-
1"1 NpaJr and, are c_r.d to tho ''-poto,
or air ......, 1D \be 8100nd Air Foroe.
.. Tbo upon functiona, procodure. and re.pono1b1l1U
wUIl ror..._ to SIIPPlT and *intononoo w1U be u rou....
All aupplT roqui.1t1ono Cror otb.r than SOS lltor1al)
r .... t" III _r C_nd -rill be precd ~
tho oUr Dapct to I'OASC.
'I'ba Ur o-pot will enrol aupen1810n arer the
o'-ul1ac and di.tr1but1oo .or 1Dlloadac and cut-
i01DI .torial.
Tho Air D1tpel. wUl ..ro1 ll.... ral technical
._"10108 Oftr .U pita cr .uppl in D1tpot
and III _r C_nd acUnt1o.. The ab....
tootul1oo1 ._nt.10D or ,uppl in UI --
eo."nd act1ntill wUl be oorr1od 00 oalT thru
tbe D1tput CIliar or lI""rr ror Supply and 1101.......
no_. or h10 Cbior or Suppl in tho II! __
e-nd HMdq-.'""'t.en.
lIubj. Il8port oC Colonel C. S. Irrlno
!ect-ion I. - OUU
(d) The Air Depot will collect coneUlllption data Cram
.ach requisitioning activity or XXI Bomber eo.-
_nd Cor IUPPly planniOl:. lbl 01 B_er CCll!lIIlIlDd
will cOrdlolldate dat& on I tock level. and
tion fo:" u.e in .upply plann1na 1n coord.1.natlon
with tactical pl&nniOl: oC oporltiono.
(I) SOS Mtorill will ba requilitioned b,y 01 _
Ca-and thru ""ch liland C_ndor and tho.- tbru
(f) Tho Deputy Chi.C of StaCC Cor Supply and lI&1nto-
nanoo of thl 01 Coaaanl! will _rc1M
direct luperrlalon onr all ,uPP17 act1T1ti.e.
the Ca.bat Groupe, Senlc. Groupe, SIIrrlce lAnten
and 5ol"\'ioo Squodrono of thl DI _bar C_.
(I) Tho Ibooo lupaM'1aion, inclucl1111l thl lltabU._nt
or leneral polloi, nIl norMlq be oarr1e4 OIl
thru tbe Deputy Chi.! of Start for SUPP17 and
1Il1lltlllln.. of lach 1'1IlIl. Direct contact ba_
tho Deputy Cbilf of Statf for SUPP17 and 1Ia1lltlnl.DOl
ot the DI IoIItMr CO_nd, or the CoG ,nding Ott1ear
of tho Air Depot or thlir aoalotanta Cor Supp17 and tbe
"""17 Chilf of lOeb Sel"\'icI Group and SeMi..
Center ia aut!lcrisld Cor rout1no IUPP17 ..ttoro ....
(b) 501"\'i.. Groupe and SorncI Centlre arl authort..d
to roqu1aitiOD direct on tbl Air Depot. Supp17
ao't.l",lU OIl Sa1pan and TiDieD w1l1 coorc11Date
ltoel< laYall and requ1aitiono with thl 1..lntual
objlcUYa oC baT1.n& only ono requ1aitionil1ll and
reoelY1n& aotlT1ty on .ach
(a) Tho noral obannall Cor technical or_ro, data and
1notruaU_ to tho 01 _r C..-and will be t ......
Ul. &lrDllpot.. or arollrvllQi techn1.oal
1DIItruot.lo_, or UlpeJratlft el\l1DHrlnc _tt.en
ItClaUIII taaUaal oporotiono -1 ba tronoait_
direot to DI Beabar Coaaoncl with ioforaotiOD 1.,111
to tho Air lJopot.

SubJI he.ort of Colonel C. 3.

Section I. - Oua.
(b) All dec1.ione with reference to action on the
de.lrablltty of, or neeeaaity for 1..
technical order
compliance, field instAllation kit. wi.l be
_de by the put,.. Chief of Stalf lor 3upply
and tta1ntenance of the IXI Bomber Command for
alrplan.. wi thin the coarnand, eubject to
polieie. and directlve. of hl,her authorlt7.
The above decision. nll be IUd. after thorough
conalderation or tactieol plana and requirement.
in consultation with the :put)' Chi.l of Statl
for Operltlona. Dl Bo.ber COiDllrd.
(0) Technical "pre.antative. aeall!CMd to, or
with the IXI Bomber C-..nd will be under the
lupervl.1.on of the rput)' Chi.! of S'tat! tor ..
Supply and J.iaintenance and will report diractly
to the Chlef of Y.alntenance, III Bomber Command
tor ueiinwnt and lnatructlonl. Each manufac-
ture" "roup will appoint a .Inior reprantative
who w111 act .. a apeeial advilor to the Chief of
Maintenance. Aa.ia:m.nta of individual repreMn-
tath.a to Combat Groupe, Service Groupll, &.Dd.
SerT1c. OIInte" will be IUd. u circuutance.
(d) Repeir eh1pe end ...1ntonance eh1pe fell under the
piDlral .uperviaion of the Air Dlpot, how.ver, thee.
ahipll when docked adjacent to Ionic. iToupe and
.lrv1e. centera, rill work directly with such rv1ce
aotlY1tlee, unddr the luparv1aion of the Wing and
Co_nd lleputl' Chief 04 Steff for Supply and 1....
ell) In ,enerel, the Air Depot will oxerc1.. direct
_in't.enance aupenl110n OTer the aircraft under
Dlipot control and UI Bomber COlmand will exerol"
direot _int.nance luperviaion over aircraft UDdu'
can'torol of CoIIbat Groupa. Serna. Groupe <:W' ur
_ber C_nd HMdquartere.
" '.' .... '.,
f' 'J' . . .....f "1',
, '._ ,' " ,!.
" '. ,
Subj. It.port. of Colonel C .j. In1,.
$ect.ion I. - Qua.
(f) Such variationa 10 the procedure a8 ctrculUtarCl!& re-
qu1.J:oe w111 be de by direct agr..:oeat betwsen t.he
ComrDAnding Officer of the Air Depot and tM neputy
Chief of Staff for and wa,intenance of the
nl Bomber
(3) A ffiOVAL 01' PRQC<'..Dl,",p;
n"e procedure outlined .bare ... diacud wi th and ,
apprond by General Haraon,General ar..,., and
o.... ral HaMell.
, .
(12 to 22
a. The orli1na1 plall!l tor the layout of runway'S nnd hardstandIJ
on S&lpan W8re found to be in part impractical becaWie of the roll-
ing and !lountalnou. Mture of the terrain. So_ planned locations
had to be abandoned and considerable 1"8,,181008 lI8de 1n those that
were retained.
b. The ata't\lll of runways ls 8.l5 fallon. The strip at uley NO.2
1a now in operation and being utU1.&ed by ATC, TAG and Seventh Air
Foroe. Strip "A" on 1818" No.1 1s now be1nt; \lII8d for the tactical
operatlorw of the 7'rd "fing. Strip "8" 18 Itill UDder construction.
It that itll cOlIplotion datil will be dolaY"d
three c,) ...k. as .. result of the for conalderably more than initially planned. For ex.ample, it wu found
neceeaary to ral one end of the rumr&l"' about .u (6) feet aa a re-
ault, the taxiway betnen Strip "4" and Strip "B" alao ha. to be

o. The atatu. of hanBtanda .. or 22 NoYellber u followw.
Iala,. 110.2 had WI hardotanda, with. pl.nned tuture .chodulo of 5
......,. 4 cIaya until total of liO i. reachod. Ido,. NO.1 had 120
hard8toandIl with a pl.nned future .chedule of 60 additional in 8iz
a. .in air bu. wat.ab1i.hed at Salpan under the
73rd "inc. Since tho la)'Out 1ncloo.. two (2) air atripo each with
.upporUna bardotan.U. tho .upp:Q" .nd aintananco actiT1ti.. of tho
air baM ro diT1dad into Wo (2) .oparata unita, both phyaical:Q"
and ora:aD1..tionall7. n. unite are known a. Strip "A" and Strip
"ll". Strip "A" incloo.. tho 497th and 4911th C_t Groupo,
clud1D& .irpla.... poroonnol .nd oquipMnt. Strip "A" .100 incl_
tho 65th .nd 9lat Son-ice Groupo 1ntoirotod in _jor port undar tho
C ad,. Officer or Serrloe c.nter "A". The _joritT or the tn&1.D-
tona_ .qui_nt of all lrindo hu _n int&ir.tod iM-.. .. _
U_bla and tho npp:Q" acti... ltioa ha.. boon cOllplaaoJ;r 1nt&V.tod.
b. faU_1II tho __ prooodura. tho 49'.1th .nd 500th _ C.r_
and the 30.5rd and 33Ot.h Servic. aroup. are ....e1ed on St""lp "0" with
U. "'0 Seniae toraiDi servic. c.nter "B". The Photo F..-ooo-
_t,DOe Squadron i. tellPOl"arUy locatAd 1n the Strip "S" ......
Itt la plaruwd t.hat oon u the Se'V.nth Air 'oroe &-24I. are lIIO'ftd
oat., 1t. will be located on a aond t.ellporary loc!lt1on on Strip "A"
,.W .UGh t.1_ ita pirwaJWnt faciliti at th. Air o.pot Field
_ _ .... ,...q.
',.I ' ' .'.
, "II.' I', 'I,' t1 ""i,"", .,10 ,;,
. , 'I' I ' .. 1 ' , ,. ", ,'I'
, "t ,'" .:. ;,' . (.' ". 'r_,' ,,:
.1, , ,j . I,"
Subj, Roport of Coloool C. S.lrTino
Sec:tion II. - seipen.
o. The four Bomb Group. are houaed in tentl alofli the ehore
liDO weot of Natuten Point, with tho 73rd Wing Hoodquortero am
the temporary XXI Bomber COlIlo1lo!U1d Headquarters per.annel in the
d. The four Service Group'. whU. inte&r&t.ed into two service
Centen .. IUpply lim _intAnance activit! are concerned..
have retained their original identity U oraaniaatioM and. are
houaed _parately in the &rea aban the BoJib Group." bet..en the
Groupe and Strip "BM.
&. The persoruwl required for the operatj.on of the Air au.
hao been dra1m frOll tho Saniee Group Hoadquarters arxI SoM'ioo Group
faoillti.. Unite. Thi. peroonnel i. inadequate to C&rt7 out tho
guard, labor and cOlWtructlon &IXt trarwportatioD requir.-.nt8 far'
tho _0, in addition to their nol'll ro.ponoibUiti.. with tho
senioe Groupe. Upon arrh..l of the III sc.ber unita, it
waa _oe...ry in each 1nI:tance for their peraonnel to tablah
their om> liYinll and .oo1n& facUitio. am to ..olot in tho c..-
etruotlon or roada.
b. A cODillderable nu.berof pertlOl'Ulel .en d1ftrt.ed, topther
with tr&JWport.atlon. to ilt in tbII cOnlltructlon of nland road8
and fac111t1el, Ia. of which bore DO relatloMh1p to vtK conatruo-
t.lon or require_uta. Otbera were d1...n..d to auard anet labOl" re-
qu.-nto of tho 101&00.
o. Tho full facil! tieo of tho ona1noor OI'lanioatiOD am their
..... requirod for tho conatruction of larxI1l11 otripe,
bardat.e.zda and roacM. Sa. of the 181.00 roacl8 .ere re-
quired 1D connection 1f1 th V1Jl actintie., but otharo purolT fvr
the I8larx1 lIoadquartoTO and ito oupport1n& Wlito.
d. No per.onnel ... available frca .ourae. out..1de ot the nI
_r e-nd for 1M cunotruction of oaintonanoo obop facilit100
and ouppq _rehouo... Sinoo tho pero_l of tho 8oM'ico
_ro doplatod - firot, for proparotion of thoir "'"' personal
hOl.Wlng and 1"& require_nt., com., tor the pure17 leland re-
quire_nt.a, and third, tor the unlQlld1na and aOrUQi or their
IIUppl.1e. and caL equ1pMJnt, the,.. wr. not .,.llable to
u.uro tho c_lotion of their _intonaMe ohop facilit100
and auPPlT _robowo1n&
... , .
'J . :.. ,; .. ,. .,.\ .', it.'"" .
I' I""+r .t. ...., ., 1'1'1, ... ', ': ,:,.,
, ' 'r ,,'.. " I" J. f., I
) ,'.' "".t", ,' ... I,'" '
, . ',' I, .:;.', " I . l .
.....,. ot COl....l C. S. II"ou..
seau.. II. - S&1j:aD
U to.. tao ot &TThal ot the about -t.7-
n.. POrelt (7") ot al..rp1ADe unlt lICIulpoont had arrlwd and a
eoo-1dIIJoah1e requlre.-nt tar wpp.1J' and MinWl\&QQ. ....lpport tar
tbe _ Ck"oupe bad been .0tabU.bed. !hi. noNal lDlld on tbe
Serrtoe Qroupo lDoreaoed da1l7 oUb the arrival of additional aU--
plaaeo. sltil the Ilftata.t po..lble preosure be1D& brought torth to
.t as _ plaaee ... po_thle \.J1 C.-1loeloo tor tbe t1rst .trite.
t. rile tollce1D& ._la.oton is theretore ...... bed. l.uot\lr as
_1b eoncemed. Tbe Jroso"n,.. .......ried out tor tbe 73rd
I1Illl as eot.1rel.7 WlAtlatactOlr7 as aDd Miotananoa pononnal
..,.. tor tbe _t part ut111_ tor oleoat awry other purJlOM than
tbat tor micll tbe7 aere tre'_. Tberetore. 0_ tile aI..rp1ADeo
vrI._.tbe Serrloe Qroupo _re oot reed7 to oupport thea. .u a
...w.'o .ttlng tbe a1.rpl&Me into _ ..1oD 011 arrlnl OU ..,.t
41ttleult aDd too moh dela,r aUl be exporlanoed \.J1 returll1.nJ tbe
a1rJ>1- to coI ..10ll attar e .\rllte.
a. Aa e eolat1oD to the tCll"eC01D& probl.... tAo t011..1o
&1_U... are Jr"eented.
(1) Tbe Ialand and the supporting sas and Kng1nMr erpn1-
should JZ"7rlde sutt1c1eM per.onnel to portara
tbe oorMi tunetlo... ot JrOY1d1D&
ouP'" _tar and hODolDa. ll\&rd and 0"-
_. U tbe rlICIulr_o ter the lD1tlatioo ot 0 __
bat _roUono 10 gi... Jr\.J1rlt7 owr
l'eCl.u..ota. tho abow -7 be 1n
(2) U the Qroup crpn1aUontl _t port""" all
.po..U lJm>1_ with tbei>' .." Iloa.otng. eonatruct1oD
ot their ..-. IUld the construcUoo or thei>' ....
IUld euppi7 taoillU a...U ... support
Island aotiY1Uo tt-.;y !Ol1.t at _.01t7 arr1.. at
tho ._t _tione approocu.talJ' three (3) _tlu \.J1
_ or the tligllt ..
(3) In '11._ or tbe ditt1cult,7 '0 tar _rie""ed. tho
...1ftbla oollltioo ap-" to 1>0 to ..nd tornrd
labaronetruoUOIl IUld air onginoor battalllono.
__ the ..-lIlta oontrol ot the llr Foroe 0 J odor.
te pre..... DDt 0DlJ' tAo land1Dg otrip oitb lta _
........ bet al8e the ......hte. 1'OIId8. -ate...... .... I lI.port of COlODel C. S. Irr1.I
5eoUOIl rI. - Saipan.
euPPlT !acWUe. for tho enUre e_t .1Dg.
UKI In "Dera!. the Serrlc. Group por.onnel haft
bod 1DIIutriot.nt tr&1.n1Dg to perfora all ot
their teobntcal tunoUon.. Ilathor than Mod
t_ to a tbaat.!'e ~ ~ to act ..
labor battalion it appear. """0 logical to
boll technical per.onnel 10 tro.1ntng 10 the
Stewe until their operational aoth1.t,y to roadT
tar th... and use oolored labor battaltOllO for
the tnittal pbue. at the oporaUon. Such of
the. labor l:attallcma u are nnded. M be Mld
....r tor __tntenano. and guard dutt...
4. :BlPf!.J
a. The Air r.......uppl1e. and ~ L w1Uch bad he.n brought 10 bT
and tar the toar Serr10e Qroupe at Saipan, ..... tound to be 10 oa1T
fair eandttloD ... re8Ult ot the jrObl tared b,. the S...n.o.
Oroupo. It t. cIa.ired to polot out that both tho otficer and the
eD1toted per.onnel ot tho Serrlce Groupe haft ..rtorMd a ,...ut1ceDt
and ontetaDd1J>c job. 10 banelling their _ter1el ....11 as tho,. baw
10 Yi.. at their ClI1lJ' other ....pona1bl11tl... Under the .upervio1""
ot Lt. ColClllOl IIoDcolild. arrange"",nte re Clade to have all oupp11..
anloaded, brought to a cOl1llllon dl.pel'O&1 po1nt and h'o:ll thi. polot
d1etr1buted to tho teo Servloo Contor area. by cla.... and t.rpoo .0
that _l.....rT lnoaU"" ot _ter1el could he ado tor 1.._
b. Tho job of _1*1"1n. bln card. and a tirst ;aontblT !JrnInto17
bod he_. The undoroign04 the _olute De....1V of ..
poditl.Dc tint, the oollp1otlOD of .u1tabla boua1Dg or c""'.... ot
IIlJ,ppls -.coDd, the completion or bin carda, third, the taQl1.UOll
ot _teri.l 10_ tor _ 10 oo......pt1on date, tourtbo tba 0'-
plettoa at tba ....11o.t _t'"". U- of a I'I\7010al !JrnIntor,. and
t'ltt.b, tho _l*raU"" ot .tock reeord __ an that tho .tock reo....
10 strip could ho cOlll!>1ned 10 a central supply technical control
tor tho t.o .tr1pe.
e. "t U. s:re..nt tt.-, tbe p-el'.'IW". pl 'ng tor 'two dri.-
.. to retain tho.. teo arpnbationa as completely '.I*roto e n ~
ti tnaotar u requ101tloning and rec.lpt of .uppUes trom tho De"'"
are oonoel"l*1. In conterencea with General Harmn on the ~ n e r a . l
_"eot ot nPl'1,T and al...1t.b Col_l carlaon at tho Depot, it ...
... Ell tIlat it au illpm'aUw to hoft a atnele teo"", oal euPPlT
SubJ. II8pcrt of Col-.l C. IS. lrrtne
_u... II. - Sa1pan. to ._requia1tlon1.l>&, r_lpt, foUoo_p and dl.tr1butlon
nf _ YIJl and o_n .upplle. far .ach leland.
.. It bu alnaq beo_ .pparent that tha nook l le ..
oot up for tha _ Qroupo oro 1nadequato. Th1a l...soq y bu
.-. up .. YIJl lto_ tho oonouapUon cIurlnc f.rry-
1Jac and 'd"l opera"om bad been Maher than .,tt_ted. Tb1a
bu _ part.1nlar17 true CD it... thot aro part of, or oro
aff_ bT, rootl7 1notltuted .cd1!lcatlono, partlcular17 thOM
r to tha WUc. Ou.r .upply _teo frna tho boc1JuWll
fill tho YIJl I'"'Craa bu toto1l7 f.11&d to r .....n1... in tt. ar
qaAllUv, the _ter1el ... in connection with
POI "'Iple, there re DO O",u-o'f'er tubea, ctuctad
baftle., or __t _too ball Jointo .....11&bl. for rople_nt.
Tbo oooond -Jar 1Da4oquaq of the aupplla. allotted to tho
101t.1al oqul_nt for tho Serrloe QroUl'" .. 0_it_ of .uppl7.
_ It_ Inol" not CDl7 1_ 00_ to all a1rnraft, but aleo
the 0 OIl it,_ nllded tor ,eneral utll.1satloo.. ror eZUlple, a
l..-ul fill -...,. na11& nre at a C tor pru1_ on tha
laland nf S01p&o than handrul nf rublea could ha been. Ito.
.... noroal17 _ted to 110 tl1rnUbod bT :sos ..r. in the _in
DOt _.Hehle.
t. It 18 ...".,..nt in thlo theatro thot it .n .L1r F01"00
18 to ....reto ......r proper oond1tl_ With &<Ie<iuato .llppll00, it
.110"101 _. ln1t1allJ' lnDl_ in lto Tabla. of iqui_ot all thOM
1_ nf..,r, that .... tl1rnUbod frca, or proovod bT, otllor _
and Ionl_. oInot prior to tho d.parture of the undore1Jnod fro.
sotpa... ftperU ware r_1YWC1 to the .tr.ot that ....ooot opareo for
...... ., , li.r Foroe yeblale. and C'C NI pi.... of tran8partation,
_ th ....- for "ll"...... not belnJ reoolYed bT tha _00
OIl..... _ 1_ nf _ 110101 approprtated bT the
01 tha lelend _ lea_d 10 _cla.- With hl. 1cIau nf the 0'IU'&l1
"" fill leland.
I. It 10 .... thot .0ritioal reY10w 110 _cia within the
_ t.Id.rtir __ of the .uppl7 r..ral. 101t1aliT by the
l- fill Iqu,.ot for. n.a sernoo Oroup, 10 onIor thot p_
811)' 110 _do io tha OrO\lPO Wlioh hay. not .. doparted 11111\0. 101\1&1 requi.ltlona haft al ....c17 boon _
.. \M _ 101"1'100 Ocoton Oft SOipan for add1tlonal _tori.l. tho
.... t .. whi'" bu a1roadT doftlopecl. The.. roqu101tiono ..... 101-
ua_ .t tbe d1rooU_ of the undoroiJOOd.
; ' -.. ;. .' .. .
'-:. - ':d'tt"-,i ',....:;.;..
'1/;:,/::,:;1"'/,,. 'f;,
. - . ..' .,. t .. .. 1'1:, 'I. . .. j , . ,
" ... .,. ' .. ;."
Subj. Raport at Colonel C. S. Irrtno
seat10n II. - S&1pan
h. 'lbe R-"50 all&1.- aupP17 aUuat10n 10 .cWqllate. en 10
____ there ware 269 apara a!lll1ne. on hand, at .,1ch 260 ware
aarrt_la. Th1a 10 one .onth'a wPP17. In rt_
at tIlB t.ot that the major itT at the eng1na. ha....pproxi.ta17
100 1l0Dl'll tl71ll& ti_ .t the bei1lal1ll& at tactical oparat1ona, it
a __to tW'tunate that the.. lnal.nll are on hand. Incidentally,
halt ot the lna1nel arr1Ted .1 p1D-upe. A. nnbrwa .took lewl
of one math '. IUpply 11 abeolute1 necery in tJ11. th..tre. It
rill, therefore, be l11poellble to d1a:contlnue plo-upe at laut tor
tIlB unit equip_nt at tuture .1nca, unlau!!1c1ant ......!'li1.- ....
aft11abla in tIlB Ull1tad Stataa to p.na1t -.kini ....U.blo tor
aM_nt 10 t1ae to. (1) _inta1n one .onth'. aUPP17 tor uIl1Y
_ 10 the theatre. (2) he.. aft11ablt loaat tittT paroant or one
aaDth'. IUppl.7 at tot. ot uri....l of eaoh JWW Group.
a. The .clt rioua detlc1eng;r in the Intire picture on
SalP"" .. the at the repair and ta.t t.oU1t1a. ot the
..un-- ..otion 10 the serv10a oroupa. Th1a ....
__a abrtoua 10 rt_ at the or1t1oal ahortaia or -n;r ita. or
panloular17 aceory ..-,1..-nt that wa. not carried. on
the fablaa tor the Samoa oroupa. 'lbe.a 1ta_ weuld norMllT
!laTa been turn1a_ in tIlB Tablaa ot SUPP17 tor tile Depot. bad it
baeD in plaoa and in operetion on achadula.
h. !bere ara 1101_ it 10 daa1rabl. to teat betore
a.tal1at,loa, efta 11 tJwT are re.lnd nIW tr.. the _nutact1ll"U'.
1_ or thlo tTpa are oarburatore, _ and n1&ht 1nat....nY.
t.IIe.. da1'1a1aDOi.. in aqu1pant w1ll be ada up in part bT
the repair ahip. it .. _1darad 1aparetha that __ 1te_ be
'1'74. be,. ot the tn- of conalderwd ".1rable. an
.. taU_.
_uretor now Bench - Fuel and Jl1draul1c ru-p ro.t llano_
lnet.....nt TraUar
__11 Toeter
loci .. IIuUd_ - a_late with oowl1ll&a and .11 aa_or1ea
Radar 1l00k-up and teat aquip-.nt
Propeller Balanoer - propeller loyemor t t stand
rahr10 .0rll111l1 Iquip_nt
lI1aaallanaoua abeat _tal and _china .hop 1t_
S j. Relort of .:.
:)ection II. - S&ipau.
o. In .eneral, the 51-orUiSeS a:,' be cryatallzed 1n the
s!J:l le stat.e1'lent that each Center tlUst be a cO:l:lplet.ely
l!Iub-depot for the proper a\.lpport of tactical operation.
It is not considered desirable to attempt the major overhaul of
instru:ll8nta or accessories in the Service Center type of sub-depot,
but oertainl)' the necessary tools and test equipment C1ust be avaihble
to detera1ne the 8erviceability of acceBsory equipment, or instrumenta,
and to MJe.e a.1nor repairs. Ful.1 and complete equipltl8nt anat be avail-
able for propeller, .n.cine and nacelle cowling handlilli and ror the
teatlnb anc! minor repair of landing g.en. FacUities :mJst be
ava.1lable for the replacement. of engine cylinder &luemblies. ':'he
pre..nt facilit.ies for the of bomb. is to.:> 8110.... am wute-
f'uJ. of both tl_ and 'D&npowor.. I.natallatlon of the new c-6 Boat>
Hoat and related power equipm8nt, will .olve this proble
d. 'n1e _Jority of the b&.rdat&nd. were coneiderec:. inadequate
tor the proper \1118 of Jac.k1r1i raclli tiel, and 1 t was further be-
lieved that jack1l\i a B-29 without a .ui table windbreak, ..... dangeroua
in view of the tropical ettort is now bell1i made to
accelarate the completion of .t least one windbreak for &rip.
Stepe suet be taken to insure the completion of additional wtndbrealc8
lor land1n& gear retraetion telte, concurrently with the completion
of ot.'wr aui.., and related hardltandl no. under cOll8tructlon.
e. facilitie. tor the teet aoo repair of Radar equip..nt ...,..
DOt oonaidered. adequate. 'acilitiea .ere not aYailable for the
of the .tandard R-l Qerrator for the 8-29 alrplarw and
it s.. queat10nable whlthllr the.e facilities "ill be ayanable in
Air Dlpot .tock
r. Ali lWUal, aurriclent electric power aourc.s .... re not aTail-
abU tor the _tin;: ot tho electrical equip-.nt in tho airplane.
ee..iCratlon i.e being liven to the re-working or cletrae tracton
tv the or the Winch and the inatallation or t ...o R-l pneratora,
'-Pther with a auitable control panel, such a. baa been dOni a-
in the S-cond Air Force. The rt ,...ult of this ahortace
of eleotric _r will in....itab1;y ahow up bT haY1n& the _Jorit;y of
.all electric unite out of ca.m11on.
a. 'l'be naUability of hut.- I1Nded lor both
abap taonU,1 hu been t.ld back for ..eke by the of
I 11& ft'aI\ in lIUlfic1.nt quanti tie. lor the baa of the.e huta.
Subj. Heport of Colonol C. S. lrvine
Section II. - $ti1pan.
Group Conwnandors expressed a doe1re tor t ....o(2) BL.tler warehouse.
(or pro-fabricated buildings Lo' x gor) for Service Center to
be used tor sheet _tal shope and propeller shops, particularly'.
In thl. connection, it must be pointed out that even in the drj.
S88.800, it rains moat of the time. .
h. S\lbject to further checking, it app8ars that a cODlpleto
"bU8t" has been attained by our 8uppl)r people in the matter of
el"l.biJ1fl tool kite and airplane spare parts kite: The airpla.:w .ptr.n'
kits were ori.1na.lly left out of the airplane at as re.ult
or OCt.:Rt. deeire to cut down n1Ght. Some 450 pounds were aaved
wi th t.he underetandlJl& that the spares included therein ..ould be
.potted W1ht et leut five leta each at the rerr:; atopa and the
balanc. or the apares included in the service Group lh1pllltnta.
Tho tita lAid dawn at tile tarry .topo ....... 1nc""l'1.t.e ...hipped.
and W!'Te further lneuftlcient 1n that no engine hand11.n& equip_rrt
IUch 31 alina' were included. The .nt1ne tool kite were wen ori-
ginally Ihipped, 001 nth each elliine, han appanntly been elbdrated,
but the neoeelal')' toele were not .hipped to the terry Itops, nOE'
........ tlw)' 1nclwlad with tho SOlrt1ce Group tooa.
1. It wu touncl that p1.n-up .1lIl1ne... r.cei..... d hod not
bean prq>erl)' protect.d. They ha<! not be.n shipped 141tall)' 14
pllotila bail and no bap were available to put thea in on arriY&l.
tn tha ruah ot other work, the ene1ne15 Deilonc1ni to one Serrt.oe
O< bad not be.n proper17 ra."icltlacl on arrhal and ....... raJ. at,
thM hacI becun to .haw at ruat on the inaide C)'lloo.r .url....
In S&lpaD cU.ate, it 11 rw:ceary to inspect the conta1nlln,
the aU10a Jfll and re-pickle el1i1nea every t." weed
1- The _jor ..1ntenance dil'ticult,10 tar aperienced are
.. toUon.
c.) C)'l100.r tailur... Four 0.... at tail.... at NO.2
C711llcler Mad at point at atta_nt to C7l1nder
barrell were obIened. One failure ... obeerYed
on Mo.12 C)'l100.r Mad. Tho.. tailurM ""."".....
be_n .nd U, bOllMl tl111lC
(b) IlNr ..ction t.Uura at .tatiOlar7 pr_llor
,ear .print:: ret.aJ.ner, after 90 boura.
4 . j : /,.ll'/;.,if''
, , ; I, :,.' ;, "'" ';'!!"; "'I'; ,,,,,Ill!
., ., , f f\.. "l ,r HI.l
_- . ,.... ,',r.,.:_';"
S"bJ. Report of Colonel C.S. !nine
Section II. - S&1pan.
(c) Pi.ton failure. TWo case. were cb.erY.d. TheM
failure8 were typical detonation railure. in
which a hola bad been burned in the piaton head.
The r.Uuroa in all probability were brought on
by operation at excive power in auto lean, ca-
by operation with one spark pIu&: out. It 1.
poe"lble that cylinder head failures may haTe been
cau.ed by tne 88me t)-pe or operation.
(dJ L1nIc Rod ... failure. Thi. failure appeared
to have bean c&UIIed by the loas of the knuckle
pin 1n tho ....ter rod. Thi. i tom .hould be
up to -.k. oertain that link rod knuckle pine are
tn.tallad with the proper tit at tactori
Ca) Oeneral. Tha engine failure. experienced during
the ",""".ent of the Hrd Wing .nd in ita initial
operationa, have been few conalde.r1.n&
tha nWlbar of ene1nea 1n operation. However.
it 18 L.peratlva that a thorough inv tisation
be _de in db cu. in order that the
c1N both 1n sterlel an::t operatin& techniqUli
.y b. oorrect.d. The dUficultie. experienced &&V'SYated by the tact that none of the air-
craft arri".d at thlo ba.. aquipped with an eng1Jw
tool kit. For examplar The Wr1&ht repr..entati..
...ported that only four cylindor hold-dOlm cap
1c:J"en wrencbN and thr.. intake pipe wrenchea
ware a...ilabla in the 5aipan area. It the ..
tt.. onl7 two Wriaht repreMntath' are a 1.1able
for the 73rd Wing. Supo .... be1n& taken to oa1.l
in Wr1&ht repr.entatlve. at Xwajala1n and Honolulu.
At aut .1& Wrl&ht repre.entatlYe. are rweded tor
the 73rd W1ne. one for each or the tour Boab
OM to OOftr the two service Group. and one far
W1. HMdcpl.lrt.en. the.e additional reprentat1T"
baTe been reque.ted.
(aJ I. ....11 ..auot of propollar dUn-
cult.1e. han been uperienced. How.Yer, the..
haye _"rented by the lAck of balano-
1na racUi tie., .ui table encloaure' to cUa-
....labl. and work on propell.r rDechan1.aa, lack
Subj. Report ot Colonel C. S. IrT1ne
sect10n II. - S&lpan.
or propeller aanrnor te.t racilltle lack ot
.pare propeller iavernore BOO ccaplete lack ot
apare propeller governor .pring. or the 2800
RPIl type.
(b) Tb. cOOlblnot10n propell.r wrencho. o1.tb wh1cb
the un1to. are equipped are not de.iined tor
e.,..ryda,y u.intenance work: arti .re not adequate.
-'I)" duty propell.r lnatollotlO1l toelo inolud-
l.n& dome nut wrench, 11-646, propeller
retaining nut wrwnch. lI-667nd. YU'1'e hou.1Drc
wrench, 11-649, are required 011 tIto ba1110 ot a
of one ..t per Bcab Squadron. ard c-.
Nt ,.r Sen1.oe Group. OIW te.t _taDd.
1a requ1red per center. Spare Parte t.
electria &OYernor hea<ta and otJ'ler a.l1 propeu..r
and iovemor par\a .ere cona1dered inadequate and.
requu1t10a. prepared to cO"'er.
(a) App.....u.atal;y ....nty percent ot tho API
equipoent 10 .. a ro.ult.or tIto _
plata look ot .par tor n_ta and API uaita.
1lto _jority ot noYiption pera.......l .troa..4
tIto claalrabUity ot b..,l.n& thl. III
operation 4ur1nl1 lnd1.,I4ual tU&bta ouch .. a
pboto ra.-1o_o n1&bt and tor tanoation
loa4ora on boobilli 04..10... In Yi.. or t!w ab-
.0'- ot o!wok point. In tho broa4 llloitl0.
(b) 0Itl;y 0.. Pi_r tachnical reprooontoU.. _
a.,.1loblo. It 10 laporath. that at lout 011&
ad41tlonal ro_ntatl.,. bo _40 a.,.1loblo tor
tIto 7:5r4 "l.n& .. won a. ad41tional tral..4 FOUIIl!
peroonnol. Apparontl;y t!w troin1fl1 at our croUllll
on t.h1.8 equip.-nt h.u been entire17 1......
quat.. 'rtw tra1n1ne or our nAY1&.t.ora 1n tJw UN
ot tho API and in tho accc.plloa.nt ot o4nor
_lnt4nance. auch the locat.ion and l ..t.allat.1OD
ot U. tu.... ..t be 1JIproftd.
NOTIr The additloJWl Pioneer repreMntatl.,.. hu
already boon requa.tad by tIto un:IorallP*!
and taken to fabricate local17
upa and bonch t t1ni .qu1_nt tor UN by
_1nt.nanoe per.onne!. .... alao bel.. ta.ken
3ubJ. "port at Colo..l C. S. Irrlno
Sootion II. - Saipan
to ..t.&bliah TOIl in ordltr that
_,. be c1... en ton. accurate ad-
Juet.-nt needed tor 10na rallie na:Y1&atlon.
(c) Woral 1otor_tion 1nd1oat.. tbot tile Table 3 f ...
tl\lll&ate cocpa.. and API for 58 &1rple..o for 90
inc1ud.. threo (}) coaplete ca.puo and
ropaayr un1te "itll no ind1Tidual API porto. Hoor
ridiocloue tIllo 10 -:r be broU&ht out by tile
that airplane ba. thr ach ot the _bOTe UII1ta
1notallecl in it. Tho on1 on tho _Jority of tile
oqu1_nt 10 otill 1D oporoUon 10 tho fact that tho
t.cM.1oal repre..nta:\l.... brou&bt alona .cxIeet
ot .pare
(a) A _t cIolal of difficulV hoo been _nenoed al_
tbe ter'7 route and at S&ipan with tailu... of t&llr1.
on ttw fabric QO'Nnd eurtace., particularly the rudlIIlr.
!h1. ditticclty hoe been oompl.tely by WllAts.-
taotory 101tial tabnoation by the anutact.....r. A
oull&1 la.peot!OI1 .hon that lDltuttlo1ent nintoro1Dc
tepa we _d and tho poo..-ot aort at dopa teohnique
_101"C!. 11tiler tho dopa ... ot poor quality. or 1t
we .Uoored to ai" and thioken betore appl1cat1.... !h1e
_t be toll_ r1&bt back to tile -nufaot.....r ot the
....u1e Sparu in .took u ..11 u porto 1D
a1:tplaMe .till 1n tile 1Jn1tec1 stet.. _t be i_o-"
(5) run uu.1llIFIIl PI1IIRI
(.) A _r at .U...... ot tho oarbon Tein type tuel vane-
Ter p_ baTe ooourrecl botll &1_ tba terry route ODd
at Soipan. It belioTecl that tile _Jority ot _
taU...... ... oauecl b;r tile _ t,ype ot dittioo>l.V
tbot ooCNJ'l'Od durinc tho 58th W1D& tile .....-
le.neao or at tile aillllone....... III
tile oarilon Te1D type fuel tra..t.r _. tho nino
break ott it operated .C&1JWt a olc.ed Tal.... or 1Ib_
air fro- an e""ty tonk. Subetitution of noel
_ will not cure tIlie dittioclty. oinoe tile otMl
P1OIP. _n not lubnoatecl by .uo11no n"", rlll ..1M.
!lle 1notollot1on ot tuel tloor indicato" ot tile e"l' _r 'e
poeition .booUd u.lot in tbolution of thio dJ.tt101ilty
.1Doa it wUl _ be umooo.oar.r tor _ at the 0.- to ..
ot h1. _t ODd look at fuel "UP to do__a
the to.... i. It 10 tbat tho "&'_ .nd
SubJ, of Colonol C.S. Irl1no
seCUOD II. - S&lpan
t let one other .aber or the cr.w be properq briefed
at ata,lna in the operation ot the B-29 fuel aywwlI be-
tore they are al.lowed to dAlp&rt.
<a> d1ft1oult ba0 for bo.n oxperloncod nUl C7C
equip_nt .inee operatio,. haT. not l"'IIa1.l.T belUDe Tbe
te.t on hand appel" to be ada-
Q.U&te. HCJIW'IVlr, tIM QuanMtt huta are not partloulu'lT
lult&bl. for repair .crk on thu equip.nt, pea1&1lT
in caao of Th. larpn b.,., .1&/It.
Yaut, if aod1t1ed by relllov1nc certain IqulpMl'It,
would be au1t&ble tor cOllpUtor Npair. em. per s.rn.-
Group 10 nlqu1nd. The part.o 110u for C7C .qui_at.
an inadequate and. obliol.te. Tbi. uJ<: the requialtlen-
inc of .uppl1 "'rr Tho die-
trlbut10n of part.o 11ot, T()-1l-7Qo..A-' 1. nocouuy.
(b> Acld1t1onol Qonoral lUootrlo taohn1oal
"1""8 NquUted. A requl"_nt .....tabll11lwd. of 0.-
technical l"'IIpre_ntatift per Bcab Group.. one per SUT1.oe
center and. 0,. to ocrrlr the Wlna headquarter-. and.
Repair Shop. Th1. 10 total "*Iuir_at of ....a (7)
NO per .1D1_
<a> lIev.rol a1rp1anoa ba... bo.n out of o__o1on far pane
due to I:lurMd out 11eotrloal w1r1.n& and aeee.lor1ee.
In each _ wODi polarlty, or poor volt&ti:., of .....
nol aua1liary _r oqu1_t baa _n tho ....-.
epenUDi pononnol "TO advia.d u t.o tho no_ait.y
of p.......talWimUon of correot polarity a'!'! ...
nplatioa oa DC oqui_nt and voltap -and troq-ClT
of AC oqu1j.ont.. Auo:lliuy _ar aqu1_nt. 1. atill
DOt. ava1labl. in ouf!
<a> to.. ""..-l ...,unt of falluru ho.. ooCOlrnd
on _. 1_. -...r, teat. oquiJlMnt ... not. ava1l-
able to ohook C1uuUonable ita.. A opoo101 ....,.u1-
Uoa .. pr...... wh10h iDoluded .peo1&1 '-to equ1p-
_at bonch ohocIr IJrO h.orloon 1nd1oatora and
dinotioaal 1__0. To.t aqui-" to ohack .ala
-.,. bport oJ Colenl C. S. In1Do
Seou"" II. - 5a1pan.
par, nOlle wheel. tlap, bOllb--bay door and atarter
.awn _roe tloned. A. pnerator tut benoh
h&T1.a& .pprCll<i_teJ;y 18hp capaoitT wi. t.h peed ""lle
01 lro. 4000 to l2000 RAI lor oh.ck1n& R-l naratora
..a requ1altiolllld.
(.) 0n1T aiDOr dilti.ulUe. he.. boon axpariencocl Wi t.h
rubber _t.eri.l in .aneral. HCJqIver, at the ti..-
at thu lDlipectlon by the u.nden1aned, there
.. ,..t no tu.l oelh or repair _teri.l .....U-
(.) Be Nr10u.0 ditticult.1e. he.. boon e:r:paranee4 .. TOt., teat equlpM:nt for t ..tlni 011 cooler. and
iat.e..-oolero .....ll .. their n.p .ctuat.1D&
_ohAni.. 1. not av&.1labl.e. rn.truotlorw wre 1aalMd
to ....... the local tabr1cation oJ teat equip_at. ler
t.he &bon 1..... , ....11 the a.biD. preNure replat.cwl.
!he oupp1T oJ .pare porto .... not .onaiderocl ocIaquate
and a441t.1onal it_ roqv.1oiUonod.
(U) run QUJ.JlfITf QlUau
(.) 5er1..... ditticult,r a .t1ll bei"l upu1eDOocl Wit.h
luel _. It a bela...d thet portion or
the \rouble a aouaocl b)o l.ultT Jaintenanaa. Tho
iMt.ruot.1Cl1>O .ft1loble '"' not .dequate ler tho
propar _inte_ and ropair 01 tlI10 equi_at.. :t-
a t.1en ..... loouocl repr41n& tho requ1a1 t.101l1Jll
or tho _....,. _ter1Atl lor "tho 1_1 amar......
of tho --"17 teat .... repair It 10
conaiderocl ......ual thet en .dditional te.hn1oal
rop....nteti... be ordarocl to tho t_tro .... tbat ho
ba aupp11oc1 b,r tho 1tol7 .1th taot aqu1_nt and
apare parte. ror the t1JlO 01 aiaa10n noon b,r t.h1o
00 .... it 10 thet t.h. 1..1 _a be in
operable condition, or we nIl 10M too mAJV ai.rpl.a,...
11' naw _tero can pooa1blT ho abte1nocl. thaT ahoul4
be proourocl in aurtioant quantitT to equip tho 7""'"
ftJtc ADd aho 8 edina W1np.
hb3. .pon of Coloool C. S. Irrloo
S.OUOII II. - S&ipao.
(a) _ ditflcultJ 18 be1nj;; oxperlon0e4 wlth burnocl
pl8tono. It 18 oorwldarod for USC to n-
_nd to tho 7}rd 1110& that tlwT conduot _te of
h1&b p"""r auto loan cruia1nj;; 1Ib1lo t1.71D1 WIll..
oOllbat conditiem. on -*'.. ranee ai..10nl. tJnl
our 1n&1noor10& Il1Y1alon at 1lI'1&ht Fiold 18 ablo to b7 thoir DIm t.eoto """ther a ratlo& ia
propor or not, thoy ohould quit tolldD& about it 10
reporto and oortoinlT ohould not aok an aperaUnc
or&&nlu.tlon to run teat. for thea. There appean to
be too D1ch queoUon 10 tho od.nda of toO.IV pilote
about RPII and lIaD1to!d Proooura oollblnaUolW. It 1a-
lUll the tondency of too _ of thoI pilote to w....
to roduco RPII to the opt.1&1a IOtU,,& fOIl' lone ......
fl1&ht. It 10 l_ratlyo that turtber OduooUOII of
bot.h pilot. and enaimera be oarrltH1 out in thU CaD-
MoUon. The pre.ent t.chn1oel 1M\ruct1oDII .wt be
Ca) A relothaly _lJ AlOOUI1t of bello a1rplana a1nte-
D&nM trouble hu: been encountel'*1. BCliW...r. t.ta.
_ BooiD& rop.....otoUYM ....liable at Salpao and
tbe othor two _n """ belD1 o..-...d 10 troa X-jaloia
and Qahu, ban been 1Dnluablo. Additlonal BooiD& repr..-ntatiy.. Day. been NqUMted _
tho buia of OlIO OoIWral SImco _n fOIl' oaob _
Group, OIW Ilootrioal Spoclaliat, OlIO S_I s..cs-
.nd OIW Sloior Rop...lOntetho f o:r oaob WiD&.
.. T!lo Co MiD1 Oonoral, UI _r Co hal arranpcl thot
tho DoJ111t7 Cb10f of IJ\atf for SVpply and ..loto , or hia aoa1naDt.
be .....IIn. at all _t briofiD& of cron prior to oaob o_t od.a.l.....
and dlIJ1.a& \be plomiD& for oach od.ao1011. Dlia _t _iroble p_
__te __ Plann1.a& of aal_ work ond _0datoredMUca
of NCju1n_nto with tho objooU.. that tho ..1_
_ .. of auoratt _,. be _ ...a1loblo for oach 01111100. It aloo por-
Gte \be proper one1nooriD& luporv10101l and lIWtrucUOII of _t ll..-
ia aSp' ",_or
1.. ... ,
Subj: Report ot Colonal C.S.lrvin.
SacUon II. -
7. SRl 01' FE; Y ';RL"S
&. l'xperlenoa gained alol1 the terry rO.Jt.e indicated t.hat there
1. a co.rini t.ft nNid for a lGore brief1ng of cr..... at t.he
1l1f: arear; and at najor :U!lp-ott points. Briefing in radio alld eoa-
.Wl1cat .. c:lII aat.a in general hOis been insurficient a.'ld. inaccurate. on ...ther both alool t.he terr-r route and in bor:abar CO-Nod
operatlor,s ::>een insu.tC1c1ent. This 1s primar11y due too the
ot exporienced ...thftT porsormel.
b. The t:"ainL"1g of Creft prior to staging and. during the
period 1n ..IU"len07 and ditching procedures bave e1 the" been inco:npletA.
or the cr... have not boen sur1'1oienUy int..rested t:" l-.rn.
o. were JUde to the AcUna: Chiet at StaEt, n.I
Bal. Ul.t steps be taken to pertorm A shak.....clown brlet-
ine ot all oe.17 arrived. or... at the nI &c:.ber COEWld bu... A
repr.entative ot Operationa and at Suppl,. and "a1ot.-l&nce ot the line
Ibo'lld be pre .,t 1n order to discuss all phu ot t.he trip tram the
.\lging bao. to tho = _c.r Wing b.... B7 tollow1nc tb1. proceduro.
a eontinuoUlt check .., be _ de by the Bomber Co.-and on the brie/in&:
ot u well ....rriee and maintclance work alona: theterry route.
In Ut1. aanDS- an:t detic1mci_ 0&7 ba brcueht to the att.eot1on ot
hiah.. authority for oorrectlon.
a. .. a r_ult of data received locally trom the Shell Oil Ce:--
_. a ..1cht ot approxiuto1, 5.7 poWldJl per la1)OI> hu b.., ..o.d tor
wtch' oaloulat1o.... the 1. a t"UIlI on tJ>e pan ot Il&J11 pUota
\be b..10 weip" oaloulat1ona tor the airplane it.ell are in error.
1ft to aoouratel,. d.teMne w18bt and balanoe ot oe:.-
bat loaded aircraft, 1t ls 1mperatiYe that eleatrio .cale. be prooured.
... s...UIId on the but. of one s.t per OOibat croUP.
a. !he Air IMpMlt.or'. orranit1on 1n Cor.ur.aDd Headqua..n..r.,
W1DI and OI"oup. bae no. been approYed under a ne. T.O.
!be 499'" Group 1. t.h. on11 orwan1aat1on wh10h no. bu an Air In_tor'
tatt. lb. 499t.b Group 1. aloo tho on11 IroUP in '*lob 1nopootlon 1a
..m..d Ollt. 1A the proper It 1. 1aperattYe tbat aD adequate
Is....\1_ Q8'- be _MbUahad 1n the r-watntnl lID,.. ot tbe 7'"
1I1Jw. _t.her tb. t ..bnloal 1nopooUon ot a1rorat, 10 oarrled 0'"
__ "'" oUr Inopeotor tor tho C-.and or UDder tJ>e !lop"'1 Chi&! ot
Itatt t.., an4 10 ..uaponaat.. 1Io....r. l' 1
U7 \ba' .......te t-Mioal iMpeot1aa be e.\PUabecl.
labJ I "part or Coloael C. S. IJ-r1l10
leotiOll U. - Saipuo.
10. WI!!!!!, UDUCIIOI
a. A MeU.Dg .as held at the Ccwund:1 ng Ot'ticers ot the Bo5b&J+.
_lit Qroupo end t.beir onctnoenng orricol"ll and engiMoring Llld 0_
t100w por-.nol t'roa the W1Dg and C_nd Beodquortol"ll ror tho pur-
PO" or tho itemo whleh oight he ,....,Wli by tho 13rd WtDc
ror nlght reduetiOll. ODd tor the purpose or dloeuos1Dg an:T other
chaDgoa. \.ap'....lllOOto or _Uieotlo"" considered to he toeticallT
b. Io pnoral. it ... the attitude or all poroonnol _aent
that the7 did Dot wiab to -.lee an,. reooms
.tlons oonring change. 1D
the airplano. portleularlT with reprd to the or .........t.
UDtU they had. :run rw m ions. It ... the ot op1n1oa
that all aft1lablo naTigaU.on equipoont wu aheolutolT eoaent1ol 1.0 t.b1a
hrtloular _pbul0 ftO plAced OIl m. 8-3 DrU't _re end
o. rho 7)rd airplaooo oro equipped. with Loran. but oolT .,...
__ ototie baa boon tn.t.olled at Saipuo. ....U.on woe token by Wlllere1".oo to tho C0D8t.ructilXl or a _oDd ototilXl OIl
flo1AD. It wll1 he _e_..,. to _n _111 that a quolU104
cal Npn_ll't.atlvw, sa ..11 .a .. .-took ot a}:ar"e
porto tar Loran oqui_t arrl.... 10 the 10 the near 1\1turo.
4. rho oporat1CXlo ODd ongl.nooring poroormol or the 13rd WtDc
_toll on the return or the _eigMCi. thaT would be pre-
parocI to tI1rn1.h oore dotlolto roe....ndation. on the .ntiro weight
raduation and -.gI.noonng 10"_. Copioo or tho ..lsbt BeductilXl
Io&rd prad' np... _ll .a the W Dl....1.1011 d1reoU... at 12 October
_ 26 Ootobor. wro iurntobod to all ooncerned ror their 1or.....tilXl
aDd IU1ck"
(16 1144)
.... at 16 N'o...ber, the Island eo.aander .t.tad that ooapletl00
ot the first two north field VLH stripe, haro.etand" and othPr atn1JlnDl
"""..tional taeU1U by the datas glvan by CINCPOA. depended .nt1..J,J-
upon thft .rrl....1 of eni:lnHT torces and ftquipnlent not available at that
t1l"le. A portion of these (orces were on :tn,lwetoc at that time iUld it
w planned to call thee. to""urd In a CClnYOY on 19 Nover:abel"'.
b. In addition to the lWilalndAr 01" T1tal fIII'lglnttenng personnel
IU'ld Aqulpr.ent which hwd not yet Mrri'Y9Cl 1n the Forward Area, tllere
1s :It!ll oth'l'" equlp11ent which 1. eSlIent1al such aft of pl1-
lilt; am othur Moten!!l for hnmar develofl"f!nt. Ttl_ creation of the
now harbor and wharf 1s already bAhlnd sch....lulfll and it 1s toared that
tht> Vl.'t prot.:ram cannot be 8upport.Hd with the pl"f'iftent hRT'hor .facilities.
D1scuslIlon at the problelll. with 0",n8r&1 Hltle And General namon 1001-
cat.ell nee.ual ty of ordftTlng 1n At. IMSt. two or-
t:aniutlon8 of auph1blO\l:11, OT ducks, to he utled tnr unlOfldlnu fl"Otl
bonts 1n the harbor Wid the haulago of equlr-ent and supplies :mm the
boots onto the bench to d1apel"'l'll81 polnt8.
c. The '58th and ,59th Sel"'Y1ce Squadrons will be 11ou89() 1n tbe
Ac:on canp-.1te and it .u .,UclP8ted that scme of the ol\j;anlu-
t10nal taciliti and convenienc"8 will b. lett ....hen. the Ha-.y units
depart. The Island Coaunder reo1s that nothing can be dont! with
respect. t.o t.he canp. tor t;,he 325th Sianal CcaJ*l7 Willi and other
Yl.. R .l_ant.. scheduled tor arr1n.l in Dec_ber ... d January.
d. It the coaplet1on dates for the vtR etrip. are approached,
it. w1ll r.qu1l"'1t the of nIl pOtu,lhle enttlnflter force. on
t.hft .tripe .nd. taxi..,.., Mnhltande, etc. Conetnlctlon 'ot
..... d.pende on arn.l ot ..tart.l and the .va1leb111tJ'
ot pe,..oMttl fJ"f/rl A1 r 1'orce Un! t.
2. r-;;Ic;QWH'G.
a. 1bot llerne. OI'OUP c ."".... tor the tour (4) same.
UYO alT1..:! and haw.- be.... g1ftn t.M b8'nen' ot experience
..- lD til. QD1oadl"1l and .>tabUsloa 'n\ ot \he 15Jd 1ft,..
b. 'lIM "1"" carl')'lns the ,511tll and ,59\h Some. Oroup" and the
)l5t1l II16nal C__ W108 ......\ !!nl_tee on 19 _r. Th. XlI
IMk.. C* .eeI that v. unly be called torUt t.o .rT1'9'.
a\ ftn1aII on :a6 _bar. TM Tsland C....mer d... oot t ..l th.t
.... ant'" _ dl.cbarvl"1l .\ unUl .pproxi..taJ,J- 4
... , ... or ]a\ar. I\ 10 !>allaYacI the\ if _ (2) uph1b10\111 unlte
llab.l. Ilopo'" at COlanel C. 5. In1J>e
BeaU"" nI. - fla'.D
..... pl'M1dad. tI>A\ tile Senice Q1'OIlpe could b. celled to"""" .\
OD_ and unloadS. at an ... rl1' daw. In rl... of tM al-
..., _letA leck ot ..e1e\enoe ""icb tI>A S.niae Q1'OIlpe will
\A1n In ..\eblillh1nK \heir hcu.lllll. _aine ..d _oue1n& t.cili-
U ... 1\ ie Sapere\i_ tI>A\ VI.,. be eo\\eD In\o pceitl"" OD \he
lelaDd 80Gb .. poe.ible.

,', .,;",', ; '... . 1"

,'1 '.,:. "'." - ? . ,:il!..
" ./. , ..f...... . # .
..' .
. . . '. .',', 'To'l,' "...;.1 "

Sg;cTTON n. AJAt..'n:N I Til

( 11-1.. 1-1"" r \ al .' . t r 1 1/.1,)
1. li4,.';d
&. Th1. h .. an ft)"'cllIlleut. cor.l land11\U OYer
6000 t t running to the .ater
edi:e 10 boUl dlrQoUon
Adequat.e r.c111t1e re" tor hoodnK anl1 proCfUla1lltl: 'nUle-
lent peraonnel. Add1 1.,nn1 treraft Ittrkll\ .... 1.. n8fultllu,
b. DupUcaUon obllu,.ed 1n the .. rehou.l!"lG and ua ... Dt
IItock t.he ATe .uppl,y otrtcer was tr) lnt:; to h.u.1l. U-29 Ipare.
along nUl othpr Ate S.pIl ... fro. t.he
IWaJal.ln oub-d.pot.
e. Seftn (1) a-:,,5O efli:lne,. in . tock, aoIM of whlnn "Ie,..
not adequately pn>wcted. ...ntl weN _d. t.o .-hip .urplu. en-
G1ne. to Sa1pan and t.o obt.a1n prot.4tcUv.. plinf11J1 coYOrl. dUe. Jel,
e\e. for th. bal&ooe. PfOrllK)nnel requosted qulck-chal'\i:8 81l"lnnunt..,
howey.r. 1n new or the Ua1t.ed "WiDer of .1.:ln8::1 to bfl cha",Wed at a
t1rT7 "'Ute .top, .uch al thi If 1t 11 not con.1doNd n.cry.
Mouot1n& an 8f\&1,. OD \.he quick-chan,. unl t. ..Ir 1 to "_ry rlltttcult.
to proYidl PJ"OwcUon rn- rtw.... fo.... thaft. uulld-upi
Ihaald not be uUU'" 1n tropical 011..1.8. e.xl'ept 1n locnUonl
where there 18 e:e:m.1derable tum-o..r
b. It 11 int.e....t1na to not. that tid. ol"'.,..1\1..Uoa haud on
haN! Mch Spout< 1'1.... fbr _"1"". a\ u.. au. lit ...
\bat I.rioue 1n the _e plUj: "1"8 oblerYed at, S&1pan.
!be oh0rWc0 ot Satpan ... duo to "'. th.t sonio. Group
epafta tad Included the t,'pe - the 1.5-86. A:"''nU\I....nt.. WON
.... too \arwtor -aJor port.101'1 of the LS-d8 plU&1 rro. lWajal.ln
\0 aa1pao ........ Vt.,. _re ne_ed.
The huldl1.nG bT POASC end othor alPPlT ocUdUo. of tho N-
.,.s..-t of on olet- nacoU. C""U"ll for 0 gl'Ollnllod B-29 o1!l'lane
a' laJolo1D .... beautiJ'Ul _1'10 oL tho vp. of "'1nll "'at Ia.
In'fitod .... aorlf.od cr1ticl. of our alpplT oyotea -OIlY ttao. in tho
JIUI". fa DftC1n with, our perU lbt tor 8-29 ai",lane. 1. a. ob.o-
111M .. \.h. Wr1.4h\ Bro f1T1nc _dllne. In the I.cond place, the
_tatMaaaoe peraonnel .t bajale1..D. with the as.1stance and addce
of &II u:pertllDOld IIOe1rI& $em_ ." a COIIPl.te .et or ."-
liDo oWl1nll. TIMQ' __t th.,. noodod ..d ukod tor it. It
"'JIII." \ha' tIl. part. _r "'''' Inc:atod in 1tl. obool.'" parto If.t
... m' Mlnald. ,,1\1> tho ....t .-..... on th. U.t ut1llMd bT tbo
a1erll a\ JlOA5C ot Oakland, .0 for nUo (9) dqo P<V.SC a'llued
.Ltll laJolo1D about ....t 1""t.Md of IhlPP1nll o. roquo."'d
_ pl_ c-ua.. for. Il-29 aacoll..... plq1nc with tho ..-bero
8ubJ. ot Colonel C. s. Irrlne
Section IV. - K".jalein
.ne....rd.. A reall t, the .irplane t at 1".Jalein tor about
three ..,.... 'fWo w.,oln at this U.e ..y be cha'l:ed directly t.o
It carulOt bo pointed out too .trona:},y that. the
ot our lIuPP17 eyste. 18 to eetT1ce airplanes 1n the n.eld and cer-
t.ainl1 when a part, or allee.bly, ill reque.ted by the theatre, giv-
1ne the .erial nubHr ot the airplane, no turtber 1ntonaaUon lIhould
be necry ir our .uppl,y people .re worthy or the ra
a. Fa1lure ot the weld in an exhaust collftctor rill& c.ueed the
bllmlnc out at an 8ni:l,.. cowl1nc on one at the B-29 t.rry .h1p11.
Stepe ahould be tK.a to in.ure rigid inepoct.1on at collector rin&
b. It baa been ..e......,.
nadcHrw at .....era! .irplane
a&aIIh1p b1 the a&nutac\w"er.
to repa1r or on th.
Inspectlon 1.Ddlcated Int.rior work-
c. A .-t DC dUnculty .... been ce""ed bY tail... or
tuel t .....Cer _ .... '" b1pl'OpOr operaUoa.
SEmON V. JO:m !IlllGRS. T.H.
(10 &nd 23-24 :1"".",ber. 1944)

at this fle1l1 .Nt ent.irely *CJequate tor clay
day or -1gbt
b. .a result ot dltt'1cultlaa exporlencod with the llndine ot
six (6) 8-29 airplanes during bad at night, the tollow1nC
c<*Mnta were "at tohe underelgned 1.n comeetlan with the dlapatch-
inn ot VHB a1..rcr&tt !ra'"l .at.her into field tor night. ",
(1) In addition belng a stranee field, 1. the
added hareI ot oultltudo or 11ght.e on and around
the rleld. For 8':UO;1U" the eeapl&nol} land1nt ar...
h epprox1!'Mtely )00 yard. to tho right or and parallel
to the runwuye tho very hoavy aircraft will
uee tor To th., lett ana 000
(l) alle ."1' 1. ml al'108t parallel run...y on IUokam
Yield. Further to t.he lett 1. an eddltlonal parallel
runway on Yord Island. In add'ltl?n to th. conrualon
rOlulting fro. nWDerOWl parallel run_ytI aro t,.h,
lll-htl ot the city ot Honolulu lind t.he "1:1.11 tary 1n-
lurround1ng t.nt, luatlon.
The landing f1.eld at th1e stat10n 1a ItUl undftr con-
Itruction, not yet hay!n!:: been cOIIpl.t.N. Conl.Qulnt-
ly, there 1. consider.hle holvy on Nod
arourn:t the rtftld .h1ch conlt1tuwI oonelduralJlft
beaard, lhould an airplane Poll. off the run.y.
Since the t1eld 11 devoloped frc. cor"l up
out of the ocean, tl'Wtre are onl,. certain ar.ahich
Ire prwpared to hold at tnl1 Con-
IttqUentlr, it' a very h'fY aircraft Eet. on toO I
porUon ot the field not properly prwpllret1, t,oore i.e
gr... dane:er that it .111 11nk 1nt.o F)'ound.
It an airplane lurrer- accident on landinK at
nlght, there 1a no avallalll, tor
the runway Cor t.he reaa1nlnc airplane. in the
or tor other 11rplan". Irrlv1ne atter .uch .n accident.
It would there tore become neclary for any later
arrlvaa to change their n1ght plAn to 1I0Wt altern"te
a1rrort, "lch aight or .ifht not be equlPI...d to re-
eeiYe and ..nlce
th.1.a pr.rtlcular tLAe of tho )'tujr, the ru,1.n1' GUuon
18 b1iinninK_ Conaequentl,. J t.Jie M,JLri t)' or night
n1ghta tor nut r aontha would arrive 1.n In-
etru-ent weather.
Subjl Report or Colonel C. S. Irvine
Section V. John Rodgers, T
It should be noted that the six (6) airplane15
arriving the night ut 8 No\'ember 194h encountered
instruaent weather at and in the vicinity of the
field and it required approx1Jultely three (J) hours
to land. It e:hould .further be taken into considera-
tion that alter a crew has flown the entire trip and
arrive in a fatigued condition, they are not in top
shape tor doing an estiaate letdown or for nying
three () additional hours attempting to locate the
fiold or awa1ting tl:eir tum to land.
(6) I-.ediately adjacer.t 'to John Rodgers Yield is a cha::ln
of mountains which, at nigh t are very black since
are usually covered with a claud cap and more frequent-
than not, with rain showers. This constitutes an
added hazard fer newly arrived pilot. unfaa11iar with
the surrounding terrain.
(7) lI'hen aircraft arrive durin!: midday, the maintenance
crews are enabled. to locate any troublee: existing
and plan the ClB.1ntenance work for the time the air-
planes are scheduled to rellA1n. This Ta.ul ta in an
appreciable increase in the tiae available for aa1n-
tenance work. It i. estiJated that this increase i.
equivalent to 12 to 24 hours of time. In case of air-
craft arriving after dark, it 18 alc08t apo.sible to
8stiJute all defecta on the aitcraft during the hours
of rlarknc8s with the 11m1tell facilitiel' available.
It can, tnAre!oTe, easily cost an extra day in the
dispatching of uny aircraft, if they continue t.o arrive
during the hOUTS of darkness. I
(8) There i8 not ono 8ingle advantAge to be gained in n&T-
10& very heaT)" aircraft arrive at this station during
the hour. ot darkne
c. CCl'Ulider1og cU,_tic conditione, facilities for houaine; and.
M1Iltenance appear reasonably adequate.
a. TbR spar. parte kit. furnished were inca-plete and inadequate
in .ca. "apecta. In genoral, the p.1Tts ordored tor grounded aircraft
_n being recel...ed in approx:1utely olle (1) ek. However, t.he parts
0I'dlIred t.1l replace at.ock., or t.hat previoua coneWlpt.ion dat.a indicated &8
neoe-r'J', we,.. not. beini: handled ... _11. SQIUI ite.. "l"8 ob.erved
loh had not been THcuivl,d within a .anth'. tao artar havine been
O"'ncI. Tho l1at or delayud lte.. 1nelud,.ed Type B-3 Undine laape,
Villrat.on, Propeller .heeaabliee. Thant appeared t.o
S\lbJI JoIeport ot Colonel C. S. Irv1ne
Sect1.OC'I V. Jotm Rodgers, T.B.
be rloua lack of normal 8-29 .paree tor 50 1.aport..allt a st.opp1.f1G
a. Entinu toole and handling oquiP'lont arc lnndequate. Con-
eiderable u1n.enanca and raplaciiC.snt. i6 required on 1.nstrw:l.enta,
teaperat.ure puee- and pre. sure gauee.. ost invariably, automatic
pUot.a are aa.l-runcUoning. Maintonance problolilB ou'e aggravated by the
dela7 in receiY1ng 8lllerl!8ncy TCqucsts tor stock replacenent.s.
b. kn exces.ive aaount of fuel pUDp trouble was 1'e-
portAd. Both puape were replaced on oac 0:" three () airplanes.
18 beiCV' expcriEmced wi the failure of on rudder
near trailing odsto on several s ips. Exhaust and intake valves were
round burned 1n one eng.1na due t.o the lack of cloara.nce. 'two (2)
ql.1ndor t...s railure. occurrod. A. bunled platen due to detonation
... found em one (1) engin.. T.0.8 and 1.nIItbuctions wore found to
be ob.oJlL,e ar.d out or date.
a. At 1)00 on the day Arter arrival all crew IBSIlbers -eat.
At t1ao an ope.ratlofl8 officer 1..Mtructe crows on route to be
follc.wd and preparation ror light including further uriering schedule
and peraonal .trairs. After this lecture, the P'light Surgeon ifl8tructa
crew 1D t.ropical preT8ntative Ded1cine out the diaeues li.1cely
toO b. M\cowatared. All crew temperatures taken. Short lecture
on Flrst .lid. All but.. the pilot. co-pilot, navigator and radio operator
then eT...cueed. The radio operator Coes to a radio briefing to be
1Datr'Ucted in uae of cod... schedul lJf calis trom air to ground and
_thoda or calle peculiar to UJ. Paeific area.
b. Pilot, co-pilot and navigator are then instructed in the use
or the John lodgers to Salpan route guide arxt ita cC*ponent parts, after
wh1cn the pneral route briefing is held. in detail covering approachea
to check p....1.D";,a. ten-inal and altarnate airport8. briefing is
t.Mn bald. COftr1n
condiUcoa uaually encountered en route. but not
t1nal _t.ber to be expected. At this time a lIot1C111 pictuN of the
.ntint rout.e troc. John Rodgere to 5a1pan 18 8 hawn with diagrUllJ am
actual pictu.rea cOftrinc approach to -.ll terlRinalJl and alternates, with
c. antary or field ccniitlona and warnings or how all airporta must be
appI"OKhed to .yo1d ene.;r action. After thil the route briefing 1s
c. At 0600 the .omine ot departure. & final briefing is held
t. pllot.. co-pUot. nangator and radio operator. Clearance and weight
... heJanc:e to.... are prMented by tllpt control orricer tor pilot's
et,san. Ixpect..d _ route .ather 1.8 t.hen reTi"'" with instruction.
lubJ. "port ot Colo..l C. S.Irrt-
seaUoD ,_ John Rod&:en, T.8.
QI1 uae ot ..ather folder b,.. wu.ther officer. Br1.et1n& Officer gi...
t.bI final rout. brl.t1n& with recapitulation ot oheck pointa, alter-
ate and. tAra1..l alrporU, . ~ held territory and. approe.oh to
dutiDatlon, bajal.ein. Oper.: tiona officer then aiT take-orr and
_1 u.truot10oe.
.. Crwn an then ready tor a 0730 departure unlohan:1-.l.
or laat cau.te ..ather cUtttftl:t.7 pn..nt. the take-ott.
The br1.t1Jlc procedure at JOM Rod&.ra 1. the boat tOUDd
alGIIII the entire telT7 route.
.... -----------..,'-"""7--
(10 November and 23-24 fJovember, 1944)
1. SOP loY
a. ..a. IUd. the t a cOllplete eet of B-29
cowl1n&. plua yarioumall items luch .1 doors, etc., together
with B-O!9 Urcraft clrawinp bhipped to the Ha..ilon Air Dopot.
Th1.. recea-.ndaticn wao 1n part inspired. by t.he aerlou8 delay en-
oou.utered 10 ,lttll\& t ot cowling to the ground.ed a1rplarw
.t. lwa.jaleln. Pereonnel at HAD had not heard of thia particular
cl1.Itloult1. or aa.a ot the athere being encountered. Appaftnt1,
Ate had not drawn on the t.cilitie.ot thi. lore. depot.
b. While it 18 not C0J181dered nBcaary or de.1rable to -
!ah lar&1 rlpUc...nt .toco at HAD, it doe..... Titally 1.-
portant to ak. certain that. varied ueort_nt of lpare parte in
:u.l.t.cI quantitiu be ..... ilobl tOfl.ther with cc.plote airplane
10 that r.a1Ilti of the Dlpot may bl ut1l1d tar
100al anuraoture or perU whereTlr po.aibla.
o. It .. UJlderatood that ATC 1rU planninc to t up aub-
_pot, tor "29 tarry route lparel. Thi..... urmeoe...ry and un-
dNirabl. wh.n the per.onnel and warehoUll1rt& of the Ha_iian .ur
n.pot .... on1,y ..._It mI wo,y.
d. eont.renere h.ld with the St&tl.tical Control ott1.
&lid pononnel or the SupplT .nd Tr&llaport&tion Divioi<>nll ot llFPQl
aDd KlD OIl .a, nt or ..teriel, handline of forward Area requi.l-
Uorw and aupp17 and torarwportation prooedU1"'e in i ...rali. Copl
or n.ld dota1led and itemaed reporta COftrine the
ltelU at equl.-nt for .ach v:m W.1ng: and IIlOYement ot _ tert.l, _re
The prent plan tabu..hls the retilu1ll1tlonit1i trOlj Ouaa
dinet to tho stetea tOl' pocu11or B-O!9, and thrD"ih IWl on
a CD 1teM. th1. prooecture u excellent ln the017. Howner, it
10 _dbla that MEl .... delO1l ..,. be .nc"'!"tered 011 c-.on i
tor the Fonard A.... which IWl doe. not ha....
t. It appea..n .ore cleeirabl. to t.l'aDllt.r in bulk .h1p_nte
t .... HAD to Ouaa, thc. it. of oOlllDOn 1ue whlch are requind.
1D .p1te ot "he obrtoua de.ire ot HAD personnel t.o be cooperatl,"
&lid &1'" b1&h prioritT to B-O!9 ite_. it i. obvious that DO ite_
wIli....... at all oritioal. the .......rr unloadi"i .nd trana-ehiP_nt
_ ilwritabl,r __ dol'T. If the it_ ore th.,.. on which there
U 7 5'1. app1, thea then 1. no l"'8"OD tor not -kine 1&1"&. lb.1J-nte.
Subj I bport or Colo..l C. S. Irvine
lleot.1on VI. - fW) - .uFPaA
&_ Some discussion .... had on the subject of iett1ni all &-29
IUPPly into normal channel.. The undersigned airee. that thl1 1.
highly dirable. Hover, the definition of "normal channel." &0-
oordil'l{; to the Irvine p8YcholoGYJ meana direct requi.ltlonine, . once by tho qualified to do '0, coupled lf1th COtlt'"
plllte and iC"CUrate cOnlUllptlon data. It normal channels _an
prooe.,1nc a requiaitlon from IXI Bomber COllmllnd throuih the Quam Air
c-pot then throua:h HAD and throU6h FOASC to Patterson Field, thence to
4ontrol depots and depot8, with Icreening by personnel
unr111ar W1 th the &-29 airplane and 1ta: require_nt. in all the
varloua ,tap., then we ...y be very certein the. t the .o-oalled norwal
.upply c.'>anno1o will fon co",!,let.oly and a1rplanea will be kept in
ca.m1allon by -&ir 11ft - AGP type".
h. Atter thorouih oonaideratlon of this entire problem, it U
conaluded that the proper and normal handling of .U of luppl;r
tor the IXI Bomber Cc:.maDd. Ihould be fallon I
(1) Prior to initiation or a roquie1tlon t.o t.ho Guaa.Air
Depot by a Service Center on one of the thr.. Ialanda
d, other lir Forc. activitie. on the Ia1&D:l
will be contacted to avail.bility or
uteri.l required.
(2) Th. requial t10n will then be procd throuah t.ho Gua.
Air Dopot. 1C the QuaIIl Air 'lopot ho. info..... tion that.
the ateriel required'" at H.waU and can bhipped
exptditioualy, it should then be ordered direct
(3) Quaa Air Depot .hould be .uthon.ed too roqu1.1t.1on
direct POASC tor all required _ter1.1 ot
whatever nature to the lpec1&lised arxl control depOY.
with 1ntolWlit.ion copl on comaon iteu to the HAD.
TM .c....n111& ord/or l1a1taUon or roquia1Uono rro.
Ouaa _t not, and cannot, b. lla1ted in tt. or quaD-
qy POASC, _ith the present organization.
1. TbII queet.ion of air prlorltif. and utilisation ot the Air Wt
of 100 t.- per -onth allocot4d to th. nl Bollbor C.. lid 1r1np WU
-. ,....0111I01 or the UfPaA r ..l thot th.T .hould bandl.o tha
.u_U... of thia air pr1or1ti... It 1. difficult to ... how &rI)'
iIId1YUMl at _11 will be 01>10 to d.t.ora1.. tho 1_ that are of
........t. pr1..-1t. .nd Uportanc. to tho nI _ber eo-and ._
It i. the poeltive op1n1on of the undenl.&ned that ttw
Report of Colonel
Section VI. - HAD - lAFPOA
tactical and operational req re .. eut.8 or Mch individual Wina
.-1th1.n e Bomber Co-mand sha.ld ut.&hlish the order of 1.a-
j)orta.lce of 1.\. a at sup!"!ly tor air tranaport.a.t.ion. The
eponaibili t) rMi t.8 upon tne Veputy Chief of St.&.tf for Supply
and "'aint..enanCl!l of ths OC):'Iber So--.nd (to.ether with hi.
t.ransnorUi.t1.on aud supply personnel) to work wi t.h the Oeputy
Cr.1e! at Start tor Operat.ions on all air priorities probl ..e.
J. Durlna 1nveatleatlon of raciliU.. at Saipan, it was
apparent that a large ot C1gine. would have to b. chanied
dur1nC ..t.her conditions where absolut8lr 00 protecUoo ....
a.&11&ole to the man doing the work. IntornatioD ns received
tre. Nary persoMel at O\l&l1 the Navy IlI1ght pOlslbly have
lome nose banlera available at Hawaii. Upon arrival at Hawaii,
Kavy per.onnel contacted. and t.he aoet delight.t'ul and.
magn1.ticent oooperation obtained. I-.cl1at. water ehlpmct
... arran&e<1 tor tllO banCers for uae at Supan. In add.! ticD,
instructlona Hr. i8sued for tile ehipment ot tour hanaen to be
uaed at Quam and
k. An investiga.tion \'Iill be made of the possibility of
ob lnin:; staooard 160' x 230
haneers for the Air Depot at
Guam s1..nce the present n ers are too 5"!18.11 t) properly handle
fourth echelon work )n 8-29 aircraft.


(?-P 'j')"J .,hfor !l:"d 27 -:bt>T, t 11.4)
a. On the trip out, the attent.ion at higher authority wu
broU&ht to the tact that prQ6trc811 ot cOrultroction at hJrtl.ld ADd
)lat.her not on IIchedule.
!be tollaw1.n& are turnlahed on tleld
.1. W.ther at thft prellant. t1JM on Nturn trip.
SuperY1IOI7 perllOMal at ttl1, bu. a,.. or the
ion that \his worlc MT all bo coaplo\ed b7 1 J8I1va.,..
The or1clnal contlll at caU.s tor ce:-plet.lon aa 1
Dec_ber, with th4i Itlpu1At.lon included that one
add1tional dq bo adl\od for _ch dq of rein _
counteNd dur1nc the con1.Net period. To date,
pradMte1;r two ...kl ot 1I1cl_ent, weather hay.
o1rMdT _ exporioncod.
eonat.nac\1on work baa NlvIted 1n the tollowltli r
Ca) Haaardil \0 \adl". duo \0 o""O'NotiOll equip-
"'\, 1 , balldoMn, et.e.
Cb) Haaardil duo to oloaor porlc1". of airo..n _
...... ltillll cone_tion.
(c) Delq 1D .Unt.unae aDd retu.u.. pro aI
due \0 tile tact _t be dri_ to
th_ en.- _ in 0_ to croe_
' 1IDder COIW\NCUoa.
lIupen1ao.,. __1 tlJnhar .-'" "'"' 01"""'"
opo..U_ W1ll _oub\edq _th on in ....1'11 to
ett101enq upon capleUon of tbe enUre GOI'Ietruo-
Uon _Joo\. til.,. .... ot _ ep1D101l tIIa, _lMa
tbe now of tanalen\ aircraft iac......t. coo-
o1derabq c_tor tban tba' be.. _1"1810.
at pre....,. aU , .. mc aan be adequatalT laDdlad.
(1) A portion or tho parkinS ....p opprox1notoq 200 toot
wido ODd oxtond1n& tho ont1ro 10 still inc....
plat. and under conatruct1on.
(2) In addition to th1. area, conltnaetlon worlc aDd. aur-
!'ac1n& 11 pmpoeed and/or under .q tollOWll' Partr:-
ina Apron. Ilanaor Aroo. lui strip (Hast end) ODd
Apron llxtono1oD (Wost ond).
Subj, lIoport. ot Col_l C. S. Irrtn.
Sect.1on VII. - Mather n.ld.
o. The co._enw &J"'8 tumt.hed on oonstnJct.lon
.t 'JlIlrt1eld., Wltbr7l1&.
(1) .hould.ra on all rurorq. oo'"Pletfod
thi. date (27 Joy_.r 1944).
(2) ,"our n_ taxi....,. in Y4l'iOUI .tales of cmltnactlon.
TWo cc.plet.ed, with exeept10n 01 .tabl11Hd lIIb.ouldel'l.
One exCAftted.. Uled AI road, and .1
Nault will b. the lA.t oollpleted.
n) AD "L" .hape peridng ..-p 1nald. the "'-7. 10 .t d...loped to tile en.nt tha t the sa Ope...-
U .... Otfic.r 10 of the opln1ll11 that 1 Jon"".,. will
_rtl it. caplation.
(4) At pre.ant lt 10 noc.....,. to .... the llaet-llt rw>-
'tlai7 tor peJ"k1Aa purpo at inter...ale to
fb. O"W'lrfiw ot alrcrstt.
(5) blel_ot ...thor he. delqed the ot thlo
project. N. t.ctor cen be el1Jdneted llII1T b7 1""C
...... plem10c 10 ..... rd to fi.ld. 10 thla .rea b7
ut1Uallll tobe d". ._r .outh8 tor th1. VJMI attort.
(6) ot thla project will alleY1ate """Ction
and rad.litatoe fa.wr moine and. at .ir-
craft, althoup at pre...t DONal op8l"'.tlo.... aN 1n
d. TIle _litr. _d. ln connection with .to4I1n&
..pod. at 1Ie_,
(1) At pre.ant Il-29 _ 8-25 airc"ft .re boilnC .l.oj:ed at
lletbar n.ld. 1INnt)--a.nn 11-250 han been etapd at
w tatioa o1nc. 1 Dc_.r 1944. 8up.....101n& per-
aonnel exJ'"1 keen d."t,.. to b. JlWll ..s. of u.
dutr ot .ta.l". 11-25 aircraft.. In tact it ax-
p.....ed Ulat Ula proced.... 10 oo_t l11..lcal u.. no....1 oour U t'.-.. McClellan \0
..tllor to falrfi.ld tor d.port...... ApperentlT thi.
procedure 1. utilis.s to take 80_ lOAd. ,.1.....
1I1t.h the peraOlVlll1 now in tn1.n1na: tor -taCI. dutt,
1\ 1a baU",", in \he opln1on at ba 8uperrta01'7
Subj I *Por\ or Colon.l C. S. IrrlDe
seoUon VII. - 1Ie\h.r n.ld
per.onnol. _ t twen. W B-29w can b. banclled
da& nee."ull. --
(3) III lil. _t \bet o1reratt other tban 1l-29w .... to
be .Wj;ed at thi. fi.ld. 1t 10 .......-nded thet
on,q alrcN,1't ot au:t'1el.,t cro1atnc ndlua to
aatlahctorllT the over Yater hop, u.m.n.
W. t1ald ror final doper\u.... be routed tilrollllh
Utitatlon. Inaeuc.h nm.-.;r faoilitie., etc.,
aN adequate tor ha-.y aircraft, the WI,Nt-lon 1.
orr._ tbat tour 1rlIin' a1rplan.. on:Q' b.
(4) III onl.r to inc.......tac1.. he111U.I on tho W.t
Ca..t, 1t t. ttlat ot the tono..
lna tillde be _d.. (a) llepe AU CWI.t or Fai ....
tilld). (b) _r 1I1.ld. l'reeno. calUbm1e.
a. Il-29 hrr-r routo .toek. I to be _dIed eaU.hotorl.:Q'.
.tocdr lnwh ftN W17 low e1d COIIPlatel1' oat. on entb_q
too _ per\a. 9_ In.lAI at all r.rr-r rout.. .tope abould be
....,. ........t..:Q' <:beaked. _nUo,," peraOlllM1. N. nan oal.T
be done he'liJlll .xper101l_ pe...onnel choc:k oapp:Q' l lAI b1-
!bI.. peroonno1 ..auld _ trea III BC. d ..n .....
loa n.ld.
_ Utt1Cl1l1'" boo "-' _11.__ a. a raoult 01 ..._.t..
b7 c ..... tor \1>0 repelr.r OIIJu ...,t .t _r equJ._t. !bI.o
ot .qu1_t ..ou1d bo Oboalred out 111 __II condition betor.
UaY1Dc \h. .toc1JlI area. It 10 no t bell_ po.alblAl tic bow ....n-
obla .t _oh .toc1lll .top. _._1 qualified \0 ...pelr -.. Iqul.....
It. D1tt1cul"' .. _r1.. eecI CUI ..........t1... 01 _111. 011 _
(2) alrplanaa. It 10 pooalbl. til.t til10 trouble WOO o....ed b7 1-
p_r oartNrator tt1ll&. or by _ ..Uon or tbo _1 nape
r, che too the of _1D\.eDance s-rlannel at "\her,
\1>0 r _ c............. len opea on .n rour 0Il1U- ot _ ohlp
_ a It. _ .. bloom 1IIta \be -,1011.'" or \1>0 rooker __
Do .i.. ot tbo t.ct tbot til. o1rplaDa bad alraotlF _ riou:Q'
Subj: Report or Colonel C. IrTine
S.ct1on in. - '-I.atoher Field
delayed and UlO pereonnel at IiLather appeared unable too
80lve th("1 r probl __, the airplane order back to QriclahOQ&
Cit,. 'ntis airplane tllnce departed Cr"OGl ,Jklahoea City and landed
at. Albuq erque due too engine tailure. ha under31gnlld requested
that an l'lXper1.enced pilot fro..' u"lnoma Clt'l Depot be ordered
to Albuquerque WI. til .,1... towards going at least a.a tar .u other
with the combat cr.., and if possible, to go aU the way to the
cc.b&t arM. Due to the WlU8Ual amount of trouble experienced wi tb
thi. it i. probable there is either loc_thing in-
herflr.tly wrong with the ship, or that lhe operating techniQ.ue or the
pilot or eng109er i. taulty.
c. Wather F1.1d 1s scheduled to rocelve apprnx1aatelr 100 addi-
tional trained mechanica, and believe this additional trained per-
sonnel will help 80lve .om. of the maintenance delay. that have beeo
COOWlt.ered wit.h airplanes e.xperiencing t.rouble 1.n the fro.
tobe .-t.aging area.
a. P.oute brie!1nc. Mot10n picture of route exoellent, bo_ver.
cOUlent&ry by Briefing (}if1cer inaanuch as ooncern. radio raoi11-
u ..... yery poor .inoe there 1. an error in route 1'll&Dual whiob ...
DOt corrected. !hie error ..... on t.h. radio facl11101.. tor the
1Iaw.11&n I.lande paa. in t.h. Route A DOJ>-d1......tloual b..con
.. 11.ted 1utead ot the COlTect treq.a enc7. 1tad:1o brlet1nc ...
further 1nad.equate becau. ttwre R8 not inclwied 1n the Route uanual
a -"olnt Aza7 .a Na..,. 'ac111ty ChArt" which would. b. the mo.t &0-
CUJ"at.e and c1..- "7 to fiod r&D&e and. beacon trequeucl... All other
-I_graphed aQI\ poulblo alTOr produoing t.cU1l.7 aharta aQI\ pal"
abauld b. do... 1I1t.h. "Jolnt Ara1 aQI\ HaY)' Rad.10 Yacll1t1 Chart"
ot t.h. Pac1.tic arM .poulO b nu. cnance oan Mt be
;'''1&ad too .trobcl7. SaYaral U ... dur11l1 Rout. llrlat1D& b>' ....
or \he otCla.n, 110 ... ..n.< that the ortioer ... 0010 too .un of
h1a t...... Th1a 1nd1oatad lack ot upariano. on th. tl1&ht troa
IIatber P1ald to Jahn Roclj;ar. a1rport. It 10 turlhar ra_aQI\ad" a'" l.-t one Bri.tin: Otfioer b. on the fligbt in qUNt.lon at
1_" 0D0lI a weak ao tnat chalg. oan b. plcked up ami adequate
lar1et1aI: t.apa t.a.I<an.
b. a-lio Br1et1q 1IU good. hover, WU'-' .:rate. ot ...\her 1
.....,. oootuiD& to -oat operatora and for h ..xperi_oed rad10 opera-
.... a
_t aU t.h. t1&. in tl1&bt 10 &pet in .1pbarinl - "'"
e1pbw1ac tid. node. Stro1ll1, r_nd a1\bar a po.l Uon raport1D&
......v report.1na .;yet.. 1n the ol..r. or a _tapl. cocA. that
M pod oaQ' tar 011& c1q. or dll'l'1nc the period ot tl1pt.
SubJ, JIoport of Colonel C. s. Imn.
Sect.ion 'n. - Mather P'1eld
c. Marte-tori. Briet1Ac .... excellent. lID camaent. Pilot. and
Co-p11ot bri.l1ng fair. At thi. t1Jle ....dio facilitie. should
na bee dlac:uect in detail.

d. Med.1eal Briet11l Te17 eood. HCJIt'syar,. tdined "'l"BenCT

otticer ebould al all lecture. on .8 ot the
md It. location on VKB type aircraft. procedures ,.. 111-
edequatelT d1.""""ed b)' tho Surgoon, which indicated lUrtber
the ..eel tor a F'1...14:ht Eae1\tenc188 Orticer

l'1nel briotI.Dl fair. An "!'J>Ort.un1.1i7 one. 100.. to p".OIlt

Nd1a tao111\1 _..theI' 10 d.pondant ... auc _ the ...port ..
pree_ .t _thor briotI.Dl _0 found St""'l1 OllIlo.t
\he beat in expe.r1..ced ...ther anal;ralete b. atat10ned at. ltaUwr to
pNpare enrout.e tor depart.1n& c..... rtu.. will 1naur. ae-
C1lftt4 rwportli -.tdch will not b. depend.-at on OATC at san !'r&D.ciaco
tor tntomau.on

SICfxe- YIIL PllUC. QlC,lIlD.

(27 ...._1944)
1. -... \bo naU ot U. ...1pecI \0 Sa1pan aDd tbo
thereor or Serr1o. C.nt".. euppl;r .\OOk 1nele and
..., tAbJl_Uoo wae or the add!Uonal lpaN
..quired aDd eddlUo..1 .aintenance and \en tba\ ...
n W.
2. Up'" lftl ot \l>c _'''-<1 .\ PllUC on 27 I""..ber.
iDt....u..a 1_ \0 thttec\ \ha\ \be .pec1&l URa or
addiU-1 _pp!I. aDd bod not ;re\ be., ....1_ b:r
PllUC. A tolloa-lIP p .....n\ \0 \bo 011. In -.. C. ...
wl\1> iDt..--U oopl.aa \0 .urPQl. A!SC aDd .. in "'h1Dg\cm. tt
\h1a 18 an pte ot tba aor\ ot upedl.W euppl;r ecu..a U. III
..... CI DC' U to then it oerl4
'T 10Gb u t.hc:augb w
will bow \0 ..\ up d1rec\ ooo.-cUon _CeD u. Dei"\:r Chict or
S\ett tar SI1ppl;r aDd .1Dtet.Dc40 ot U. III _ber C_aDd \110
Cc nell". QlDWI'al or A2SC. n.yton. n boa ..,\ _n do\el'lliDod d
\b1a \1M wbe\ber \be dola;r boa __ uU ot ndl.o _ troa -. tIIroagh ..,. cbaDDe1 wbother the llR 18
'-iDe ear.. .. by the _11an Air DePG'.
). ID ...tVe..,. wUh _rat __ aDd 8Uppl;r or
1Wl, \110 au ...1_ th.\ pe..-1 or PlIASC ... uo\ 8111'-
tias..t.l;r tut U ar wi\I> U. auppl;r problu iD U. .....1t1a. !h1a
proba. ... diao_ wi\h ColoM1 8orloIl .\ PllUC aDd bo __
-.u. \0 _ .\ leu\ \eo (2) .tlwre or hi. natt al_ \110
tMi) .... \0 -. ID rlaw ot tba fac\ tba\ QlDei'al __ bod
&pSld \0 \110 do.1rabUU:r ot lNlIh a tutllariMU"
Vi,. a req_ tor _u ... iDUiaW b:r \110 tor \be
_ ...1 or a\ laaft u.... ca\ ot \110 to.... ott1cwn ..... - lIir
4. Ia tba ot .....1t1c ..... _ppl;r JIrObl w1\1>
....._1 or 1'Il&SC, U .. \110 c__ot oplnl .. \110\ \110 ah1p-
-' or all nppU.e., 1Do111ll1Dg .. 1_ .hould be _ d1rect
to ....

lubj. ot Colaol C. S. In1lte

se.U.. YIII. - 1'OiSC, Oath'"', eautoru1&
7. Tho _ral. apnaal"" pined .t both B'''''nd lQISC 10 tJat
.nUrel,T too _h U>ougIIt 10 heing 11- to nth n..
toevd ...ton>t and llsdtBU"" ot 1.."., ..t.her than do1nc .-l
job ot _1l.c1U1ng the tllUnc ot r.qu1e1U... and the toll_up or
01"'7 a and A _t cleal ot eoepl.a1nt bee _ ....111_
tJat """" .... not _ trOll the ,_4.- bT proJl8l' _
otatuN and _k 1lUIIbor. n 10 __Ulat .hen the Serw10e
Ceatsrw .t II81pan, ftIl1an and _ ....,T ..t. up and
Opwr1lUnc tJat the 1 _7 or detailscl r.qu1e1Uon1nc.m he t.o
8. too auoh delq ... been aperi...-l 1D ab\t1n1n, repl'
_t. egiae .owl u .. tor an .t. laJeJ.eill due to
......... -slature. !Id. _ ......
....Jar req1I1aUlaD 1'I'.. le1pan. n _.ight. (I) ...,. to pt the
n.....,.,. """" .. the lIT air. ill .- _ and _ (17)
...,. ill tbe otller. 0lIl l_.ppsarw to he ot Jri- ....
tJat. 10 to ._..... to eh1p wupplUa d1reot. 1'I'ca I'lS to _ ill
._, ...... _pplUa ..... he ""'._ at. S81pan and
r1tdaD it r.qu1recl tJare. n 10 dse1rebla to _ta _ the
arigl-' requ1Biu... 1'I'ca _ .bere the aJlP1Ue .... tor.
9. 0lIl ot UIe .aj... _a or deleT bee _ the JlOC'I' ehanaeJ
or " oeU_ t.IIrua&ll tbe n.d1o.__ Tbo r.qu1e1U_ -
_ IQ1l1ecI and dela7..t u ...,h .. tovr"'. .. tJat. t.IIe
___U- .... '""'u. _lacIp, __ulcI he abla to_
Air ..... eben-teo Tbo 'I._U- ot _ulcI be .Uet __
and .. gl..... to all wuppl,T _iew to _ eh1_"'"
la t.IIe el.r to _ U. and ...o1cI t.IIe 1_ or or1Uoal equ1-'-
10. Ill.' u.., It. 10 _ orpnt t.hat orI.Uoal rww1ew be
... 1IIr .... _t. _Jl8I'l_scI _ppl,T ... _1 or UIe aupp1,T ehe_ta
or III _ C nd and the _ Air Depot.. Tbo DeP1t.7 Chlat
elltatt t ... 1Iappl,T and a.1Ilte_ ot UIe UI _ .. C lud_ jirOII h1oIl will ........ t.IIe JIBU*P' and _orate
I""J. ao-' of Cot-1 C. 9. Irnae
_Uon 'fIll. - 1'tIASC, Ooklond. Cel1tornle
~ t l _ ot ouPI>1J' l I. 10 oooh 80",1.00 Contor on4 .-hI. tbo
___u -.J.auloUoa ot oo ptlO1l doto bT C.-..t Groupo, W1J>g. on4
tor tho onti" Co nd. Tbi. 1nto....t1oD .1ll be 1'1'0000- throu&I>
tbo llr Depot to tbo bigbor .hanDo1. ot ouPI>1J' outborit.T tor tho
par...... or ......," Dg wPJl17 .h1s-nt.. and p'aM' "C ...ppl.,r powuI!e-
U. It 10 iaporatlft tbot a .took 1_1 of at t-ot 1.20 .".
bo prorldM tor _ llr Depot and tst tho ........'. of _t.
nq_U- be .._pUobocl 0Il1T bT """ aotlY1t7 .h1nb 10 __IT
__Wd bT .-uapt1aD doto, proe1D',nsnt dato and adeq1ato air
ODd __ ab1pp1nc p1AM ODd cl1reoti_.


3. 0Da or tile _ ..n.... band"apa attMUac tba tl1gIlt. ..-

.' tba 41tI'oInn _tbod ot br1at1Dc ...h tat-1't polDt. tba
_10 dak ......_ 10 all r-, ftr71nc t'r<lII tba MCI radio
.......1-' tor tile _ (which 10 OIl a par wlt.b _ U. S.......
....... ) t.o .... -s ....... _. whlall 10 _Gal
__ '-d ..I\1M.e data, &lid 1a ODe 1.D8t.aDDe, YfW7 __, ftrbal
_10 t..__.. 11-. li1 n.. ..t tba tact YBB oparaU-
10 ClII aDd 10 tba _1t1o _ ..... -.. _ 10 all ......jl&ftI.
1t. 1.a bel..tArftd tbat. 1t. 1. U. M d1snrd .our1t.T I"'"
whi__ t.o ariPlll- _ ......Ung ot aDd __tba U_
or _ nJcb' __1.
4. III n.. ot tile t_tac. it 10 _1_ tba toll__
inc .. ,,"I. _old he _ t.o tho t1al ot .. __
t.o tbalr da",,- tar .......
a. enw. t.o he tul1,T iDa__loT a _,_ s ...
i 17 om- 10 tile 0': all __ 10 tba
11029 aDd lk p>e1U_ aDd ait.o 10 tba _ or
... I .........lteM lawnnc tba a1ra'aft 10 fl1&II'o aDd_
_ '., ' .aRT t .. _, dlkhlnc dr1ll taladlDi ....
or _ aDd ..... aDd all hn he _ a-U-
U -'-1ila- __ftl _ , _ oo......U_
Czwa t.o _ .... a ...- llr1at1JIc t.o n.-l
tal......... radio ..... all or
btn.... I....' ... aDd al__, ... ot __I. __YipU,..1
a1dII _t.o aDd all _UOIl pIk" _ or _ral
ass!t1.catlon cance 19if
nOD No. 5200.9,
1. IIuzo1Ac tho or tile and nio .taff t'r<lII
tile ...... alaag til. terry t.o S&lPU. p&rt1cular at-
_laD .. paid t.o tho or .. ...-, .on p>!Jot.
........ _ ot tile .ktwl or _l
g or
are.. ill .Fr....T n.t..ebt and dit.ehiJl JrCI3c1U:rM, 1Ita.. or
_tal ... ot _?1&at.ora aDd radio opa..t.ora 10 tblI .... ot __
aDd .. ooda 10 -.s lron'ng aDd u..
.... or aDd radio aida 10 p ral.
II - SfMIIIQ fIlcx:&WUS ,.
lJt) raa! cu.s
2. Ia pne...l, aone]D_!_ .. I no'" t.b&t. ..,Ja
.. __10 a _ at u.. it ..
tapo.mbl.e tor toM faber. ot n..tPt. Cd'W to ''W aDd
be... fM11tar with all tM WVUoUoa. etftll thN.
.. _ .._) "a
% I '\ .,., &lid 11M u.. _.\
_ nJcb' ..,..u., __.... p>e1U01l t.o a p_ &taUOll t

."J. ..""", of c. s. IrtiDe

Det,t.aa II. - step., PJ'cumz.-

cI. S1M. u.o IU -.. co-.TV! uporl_ bao a.h-ea4r
ob_ tbf,\ Darlp\oro bow DOt. boon odoquatol,y _'nod 10 _
roCCD'a;r _rtpUOll. U 10 aporoU.. \1>0\ .\ 1_.\ """ long doo4
root&1ac fi1cb\ 1>0 ado b,. _cb _rtp\or \1>0 I01porvll11on
ot on a.truo\or ..... O&D _ 011 \be t "1'0"-" 111 \D1a
t;rpo of
tb&\ """ &\O_reI route _,.,.1 1>0 poe_ntoCl \0 \1>0
,...lbltooar,.. of ..... .\ \1>0 o\oc1Dc ...... u\1110'. .. buill \be
.....reI 11. S. bdl.o hoiU\ilI. boolt. 1>1 u.o .ucs ro4io
boot t'or \1>0 1'ooU'10 ......
t. tlIa\ lr1ot1llc 12'-""" .\ \1>0 hrr;r 0\01'0 _to be
__ 011 tIIo .\ondarcI _od..... ial..laUT .- .\ tho at.og1IIc ......
aDd _in P'1lIor1lT of roriow ot u.o 1.IIf'orDaU..
ct- ....... ._1og u.o _\bar. lADd1.Dc tio14 aDd
P'ob1_ 1Jm>lftd 10 tho non
.. QIalU'1od tl1&b\ and ong1Door _ be _U....
a\ _ &\oct-c &roO tor \b& jlW _ ot oboolth, p11a\. oopl.1o\ """
-r! .. 111 _ ...."11 0_\1og __.. and 111 to _ .......
with """.10 011 tlIo1 oporoUOll and _ (111 VII
.. *dNd ........) ttttr laar roDp t1T1IIc-
5. 1\ 10 1oporaUw\ tl.ialI\ ur... DOt. be roloa_ it -
10 __oUOD &bou\ \hair oooplote _&\0..... of tJlol.r por\1.-
alar Joll 111 &1rpa.. It _ ill UIT _ abaa\ \be quo1J..
t1oaUoao of &DT tIIo C. !!due ottia.r or tho &\or!1II
fto14 .....ld bow tharU,. \0 return \ha\ ..... _bar tor
"_, _,as.c. or lauiftMUOIl.
IICTIlW L - xu.rv,. or TeapararT IlntT bT ColoDol C. S.
IrrlDoo, 1 _ to )0 ._1944.
COIltoronco at 0Ir'"_ CIty OIl 1.nIotallatiOll or dotl-oot1"C
It1tlo and c-6 boob boht IOOd1fiaatloD Ir1t JrOdw>t1OIl.
cancellea by
lllCl!lll'!ber ooD DIRECTIVE No. 5200.9. effective l1fJ _
Dep.rtecl Bolllng neld, D. C
.lrr1.ftd II>'1ght neld, Ohio
COIl1'eNlDCe. with .tatt per.onnel ot .ur Teclml.eol Senioe
C.,...ncl on 11-29 production, lIOdlll.eaUon, .-1nt&nanoe and
ouPPlT probl.,...
COIlt_ at Colorado S!Z'ing., Colorado with c. aMlII1C lleaODd Air """"0 and tho DeputT Chiet or Starr
tfllt .1JIteno_ OIl .-1nt__ prabu. in tho SeaODd .ur
Co1A:wwla S!Z', ColAlndo
1Irr1...... 0"10_ CitT, lJ<la_
Deputed II>'1ght neld, Cilio
.lrr1.ftd .1._CitT, otle_
ConhNlnco. with Co Dding ott1oer and Chiat at
no_ ot CitT .ur Teobnlce.l s.rrtae C_d OIl
tho otripp1ng ot 11-29 ai.....n tor _'ning and on tho
lOOd1t1eaUoo ot a1rc'af't tor tho 58th, 7)rd and ....Md-
1Dc wingo.
Deported <a:lah.- CitT, lJ<'"_
irr1n4 Ber1.Dgton, Jan-.
eont......... with tho C_
ing Officer and Ilng1JOMr1DI
orn-r ot -.r1DgtaI1 ArwtT .ur _ OIl teaha1aol W1Ier
a.-pllann, t10ld 1.JUtallaUOIl ot It1tlo and ll"..raJ.
otae1DIt probr-.
J Imab
2 1!0,...
"'J. '.pw\ or Co1oDe1 C. S. rrn-
lent.. I. - ft1Mreq.
'''' '=
(ltle_ CiV. Qlr;le_
&n1._ ..t.l>er n.ld ceutOll'llla
ccmt...o..s the C,..ncunc otttoer, o,.raUoae
....s Rr1at1ac ort1..... Inp....uc and Suppq otnooro.
41r C. n4.
Coato...._ 1f1'" t.I>e Co neI'", OUi.or. one! nart or
....1t1o Of.. 41r -.. C. ad.
DeparW ""'or no1d. cel1tWD1a
&n1._ lolln n.ld. T.L
C.,.I with C adhac otn.o.r, 3a.pp1.T QttloR,
Opo....,"- and Brt.otac ort1..... 41r rnn.par\ C_.
wltA the C...nding Qf't1oer, Ide DeJU\7 aDIl
t.I>e Cb10t ot IIL1Dt...- tor t.I>e _"on 41r DopD\.
e.t'C .11 wlt.b Qllwral kle, CleMral ......
...... ODd _ nart __1 .. AArPlll lIoodq_ro.
J In ,=
J4l-' '.
DeparW lolln ......... nold. T.'.
___Jol.1a ....-u
C-r.lUl t.M c "1JIc ott1oer, otfl...
UIII apa.,,,- Air _pw\ C, ad ODd t.I>e
C ed,,,, OU1oc ot t.I>e S.... III"",.
.....j. ---' ot Col_l C. S.
...u. %. - 1UIleftr7.
Ji .,p.r
U h, >r
Des-ted 5&1_
C_witll tbe C. nelS. Qtt1o....
Oft1oer aDd om.... ot .ur Depo' aDd o1t1l
tIloo C r ""'", ottiov &Il4 OJ*'aU'" ottiov. Ikwl
.u.r _.
14., ,. to 21 hi p'"
CIIaDIlNl -nee
1, CO, III ..-.r C DII
ea.-r.l 0'Dcnw1
CO. 73ft fiIIC
II ..&1 1a..7
", CO, S&1pu bland C. eel
o.e a&1 AAJ'PQl 1"Wps.Wt&U...
O. III 1It.1e. Opwra,t-l C' neI-. IIA .. _ (CIIClQl)
_. CO. A&nQl
C+7 nelS. Qtt1oen. '""nOr 1DI aDd S"IlP17 om-
497UIo 49ftho 499Ua. aDd '00Ul __PW.
aDd 9Jn. .3Qbod and .3.30Ua Sen10w (ft_
C pc"", ott1cer. &a ".1. Sai_
DeI"RT C....S"P!':b" aDd 1k1J>Oew_. 73ft W1"I'
C' nelS", llttl.c:..... __aDd om-
lIftn.oe c...'vw irA" .......
'''' C ..... fln
C ""''II Ott1oera or tour SerY1_ -..
.3l.3t1l wtac. fI D'
.... Do _ """"" ... toll_ GO tbe zoe""'" t.r1p ..
W" tIlII od .. bwaM t1J&b' aDd 1D tIlII _ pw.... "
..... , tw ta. ....... t4 Up fa t.IIIl OGDt'lI.
"U tIlII t!J&b'. III adtiu... _tna)nlll
_ Un aDd VauportaU. or tIloo JU ......
C. neI .. tIlII .u.r De"" n ........ 00_" 1D dMaU.
atlla.. ftelil
-.,.rw atllal' ftelil
.Irrl_ Okle" CUT, CJrle"
laltj ...~ of Col.-I C. S.Irr1De
a..u.. l. - l's.-rr
i2 lu t=
Mi ..
iI ....
~ (IIr1e" Clt;r
Afti_ ~ ftelil, CIdo
_ ~ fteli\
.......... ~ f t e l i \
.Irrl_ Ie""'II D. C.

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