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Questions for Class 1 Coal Use

ChEn 733 Coal Combustion

1. Compare the types of electric power generation in the United States by region versus the population (i.e., demand). 2. Describe the main features of a pulverized coal-fired utility, including the cycle used for power generation. Why don't utilities use more advanced cycles or combined cycles? 3. Describe how coal is classified according to rank in the United States, including how the appropriate ASTM analyses are performed. What are the pluses and minuses of this system? 4. Where are the main coal fields in the United States located? 5. Describe what the Argonne Premium Coal Samples are, how they are used, and what other coal sample banks are available. Why are these coal banks valuable? Possible sources:
Chapter 2 of text Perry's Chemical Engineering Handbook National Geographic (Aug., 1991) (I have 3 copies of this in my office) Scientific American (Sept. 1987) DOE Annual Energy Review (

Question 1
Compare the types of electric power generation in the United States by region versus the population (i.e., demand).

U.S. Satellite Image at Night

National Geographic (Aug., 1991)

World Energy Reserves 2003

7000 6000 5000 4000 Quads 3000 2000 1000 0
US Rest of N. America Central & South America Western Europe Eastern Europe Middle East Africa Asia & Oceania

Coal Gas Oil


Source: DOE EIA Pages, World Oil

World Satellite Image at Night


from IEA web pages

US Electricity Production 2001

Geothermal & Other 2%

Nuclear 21%

Hydroelectric 6% Thermal 71%

from IEA web pages

from DOE EIA web pages

France Electricity Production 2001

World Electricity Production 2001

Geothermal & Other 2% Nuclear 17% Hydroelectric 17% Thermal 64%

Geothermal & Other 1%

Thermal 8% Hydroelectric 14%

Nuclear 77%

from DOE EIA web pages

from DOE EIA web pages

US Electricity Production 2001

Geothermal & Other 2%

Nuclear 21%

U.S. Electricity Generation

Thermal 71%

Hydroelectric 6%

Renewable 10% Nuclear 21% Petroleum 2%

Thermal 64%

France Electricity Production 2001

World Electricity Production 2001

Geothermal & Other 2% Nuclear 17% Hydroelectric 17%

Geothermal & Other 1%

Thermal 8% Hydroelectric 14%

Coal 51%

Nuclear 77%

Natural Gas 16%

from DOE EIA web pages from DOE EIA web pages

World Coal Production 2001

Recoverable Coal Reserves

Others 19% Africa 5% Australia 6% India 7% Western Europe 10%

China 27%

Africa 6% Australia 8%

Others 15%

China 12% US 25%

Russia 6%

US 20%

India 9%

Western Europe 9%

Russia 16%

from DOE EIA web pages

from DOE EIA web pages

Steam System


Question 2
Describe the main features of a pulverized coal-fired utility, including the cycle used for power generation. Why don't utilities use more advanced cycles or combined cycles?

Coal Storage & Handling

Flyash Collection

Sulfur Removal


Question 3
Describe how coal is classified according to rank in the United States, including how the appropriate ASTM analyses are performed. What are the pluses and minuses of this system?

ASTM Standard Tests

Proximate Analysis
104-110C for exactly 1 hour, swept with dry air Volatile Matter 1g coal in covered crucible, inserted into furnace (in air) at 950 C, 7 minutes Ash From moisture sample, heat to 500 C in 1 hour, to 750 C in 2 hrs, and remain at 750 C until constant weight Fixed Carbon 100-% Volatile matter (on dry, ash-free basis) Moisture

ASTM Standard Tests (cont.)

Ultimate Analysis
Carbon Hydrogen Nitrogen Sulfur Oxygen (Usually by difference)

There are several instruments available for ultimate analysis, but usually C, H, and N are determined on one machine and total S is determined on a separate machine. Note that the ultimate analysis does not distinguish between organic sulfur (bound up in the aromatic ring structure) and pyritic sulfur (iron pyrite, FeS2).

Heating Value
Calorimeter moist, mineral-matter free basis

Proximate Analyses
What are the main points?

Question 4
Where are the main coal fields in the United States located?

(from Smoot & Smith, 1985)

U.S. Coal Fields

Question 5
Describe what the Argonne Premium Coal Samples are, how they are used, and what other coal sample banks are available. Why are these coal banks valuable?

Argonne Premium Coals Argonne Premium Coals

Pocahontas #3 (VA) Low Vol. Bit. Upper Freeport (PA) Med. Vol. Bit. Lewiston-St. (WV) High Vol. Bit. Pittsburgh #8 (PA) High Vol. Bit. Illinois #6 (IL) High Vol. Bit. Beulah-Zap (ND) Lignite Wyodak-And. (WY) Subbituminous Blind Canyon (UT) High Vol. Bit.

Pocahontas #3 (VA) Low Vol. Bit. Upper Freeport (PA) Med. Vol. Bit. Lewiston-St. (WV) High Vol. Bit. Pittsburgh #8 (PA) High Vol. Bit. Illinois #6 (IL) High Vol. Bit. Beulah-Zap (ND) Lignite Wyodak-And. (WY) Subbituminous Blind Canyon (UT) High Vol. Bit.

Biomass Potential Bottom Line

Coal will be used for a long time!

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