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Momentum Partners Management Consulting Challenge, in partnership with RAC

Win $3,000 for a 15-minute presentation

Whats it all about? The 2012 Momentum Partners Management Consulting Challenge is a case study competition which will run between 20 and 23 August 2012. Partnering with RAC, a leading provider of motoring and allied services in WA, the challenge aims to test your problem solving and communication skills to deliver a recommendation to the Board on one of RACs real-life business issues. What youll get out of it The winning team will receive $3,000 in prize money, and the first runner-up will receive $1000. In addition, every member of the winning team will be invited to a 1st round interview for an internship at Momentum Partners. All entrants will receive some basic training at the start of the competition (no prior knowledge of consulting or business is necessary) and, by taking part in the competition, you will gain a better understanding of what a career in management consulting is all about. Students can expect to perform some level of market analysis, including simple mathematical and economic calculations to support their solution. Who can enter? To enter you need to be an undergrad or honours student at UWA (any faculty) and part of a team of 24 students. Entries close by 4pm Friday 17 August. How the competition works The timetable for the competition is:

Introduction Introduction

Preparation Preparation Mon 20 - Thu 23 August

Final Presentation Final Presentation Thu 23 August 5-6:30pm Ernst & Young Lecture Theatre, UWA School of Business Finalists present to Board for 15 mins 5 mins for Q&A and feedback Strict time keeping

Awards & Drinks Awards& Drinks Thu 23 August 6:30-7:30pm UWA School of Business Foyer

Timing Location

Mon 20 August 4-6pm Ernst & Young Lecture Theatre, UWA School of Business Presentation about consulting RAC background Receive case question & materials

Students choice


Analyse case materials Design presentation Presentation to be submitted by 10am Thu 23 August

Social function to present awards Opportunity for students to meet Momentum staff

At least one team member (and preferably all team members) should attend the introductory session from 4 6pm on Monday 20 August 2012. At this session you will receive the case study question and also a pack containing all the information youll need to solve the problem. In addition, we will conduct training that will teach you important skills youll need to do well in the competition.

Following this session, you have until 10am Thursday 23 August to prepare your presentation to the Board (maximum 15 slides). We have designed the case so that you should have enough time in the evenings and between classes to complete it. You can ask questions by email until 5pm Wednesday 22 August. We will email our responses to all teams however we will not provide further information or guidance on how to complete the problem via this mechanism. We will then develop a shortlist of the top 3 teams (the finalists) and notify all participating teams by 3pm 23 August. The finalist will present their submitted presentations from 5pm and 6:30pm 23 August to the Board. Teams that are not selected for the final presentation are encouraged to come and watch the finalists present. The Board (or judging panel) will consist of representatives from Momentum Partners Director Group, RACs senior management team and UWA Business Schools academic staff. The judging panel will assess teams on their problem solving approach, the quality of their analysis and recommendations and their written and oral communication skills. Between 6:30pm and 7:30pm we invite all competition entrants to a social function where well announce the winning team. There will also be representatives from Momentum Partners and RAC at the function for you to talk to, and ask any questions about careers in management consulting or at RAC. How to enter: Email us at no later than 4pm Friday 17 August. Your email should contain the following information: Team name Designated contact email and phone number for the team (confirmation of entry and all subsequent communications will only be sent to one email address for each team) For each of the 2-4 team members: Full name Degree Expected year of completion Email address Any issues with team member availability from 4-6pm on Monday 20 August or 5-7:30 pm Thursday 23 August Ive entered, now what? You will receive confirmation of your entry by Saturday 18 August and will need to be at the Ernst & Young Lecture Theatre UWA Business School at 4pm on Monday 20 August. If you dont already know how to use MS PowerPoint and MS Excel it is well worth completing the online Microsoft Office tutorials available for these programs as you will need to use them to complete the case study. You may also find it helpful to understand a bit more about RAC by having a look through their website

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