Get Set, Read-Y, It's Time To Read!: Education

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Sunday September 2, 2012

Get set, read-y, its time to read!

BACK for the fifth consecutive year, the READ2012 campaign is looking at promoting and fostering appreciation for books in schools. Organised by Scholastic, publisher and distributor of childrens books, this years theme is Every Flip of a Page Brings Knowledge. Held in partnership with the Education Ministrys week-long 1Malaysia Reading Campaign, READ2012 is the largest reading event within schools and encourages students to set aside 2,012 seconds or 33.5 minutes to read together. Scholastic Asia director Selina Lee states that reading is the single most important activity for building knowledge. It not only improves writing skills and enhances critical thinking, it also encourages students to gain knowledge. Developing good reading habits is vital to a childs future, not just academically but in everyday life as well. As such, the campaign is our concerted effort to set the right trend in schools, said Lee. In 2011, the campaign saw approximately 641,641 students from 1,525 schools across Malaysia reading together. Lee hopes to break that record this year with a target of 2,000 schools nationwide. Since its inception, the campaign has received tremendous support from local celebrity ambassadors such as Jojo Struys and Wardina Safiyyah.

Schools interested to participate are required to register by Sept 30. Scholastic will be contributing 50 English storybooks along with a READ2012 School Kit which consists of bookmarks, posters as well as other goodies. Schools that register after the deadline will also receive 50 English storybooks but without the School Kit. For more information, visit


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3 September 2012 / 16 Syawal 1433

Pendidikan Sekolah

Buku percuma galak membaca

SYARIKAT penerbit dan pengedar buku kanak-kanak, Scholastic akan menderma 100,000 buku dalam kempen READ 2012 bagi menggalakkan budaya membaca di kalangan generasi muda di negara kita. Pengarah Scholastic Asia, Selina Lee berkata, sebagai galakan dan penghargaan, setiap sekolah yang menyertai READ 2012 akan menerima sumbangan 50 buku cerita bahasa Inggeris. "Kempen kali kelima ini akan diadakan di Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Seksyen 9, Shah Alam, Selangor pada 24 Oktober depan," katanya dalam satu kenyataan baru-baru ini. Sekolah lain yang berminat untuk menyertai kempen membaca secara serentak selama 2,012 saat atau 33.5 minit di sekolah masing-masing boleh

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