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1) Favourite Book What is your favourite book?

Prepare a talk explaining to the audience what it is that makes the book so special. You may even wish to read them a short section.

Extension: Talk to an adult about their favourite book and prepare a short summary of what they told you to hand in. Remember to ask them why it is their favourite. The adult may even be a teacher or other member of Knox staff. 2) Pets What is your favourite pet? Produce a How to care for guide. You should aim for at least 5 pages. Extension: Imagine a day seen through your pets eyes. Write about it from their point of view. 3) Latin phrases

Here are some Latin phrases which are now in common use in English. What do they mean? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. When children go on trips, teachers act in loco parentis. The student received his degree in absentia. He was determined to pay off his debts in toto. The archaeologist examined her finds in situ before removing them to the museum. Above the names of those who had been killed in the war were the words In Memoriam. The hope is that the memory of those heroes will last in perpetuum. She earned 30000 per annum. How much is that per diem? They charged us interest at the rate of 9 per cent(um). The footballer was suspended sine die. The school received a per capita allowance of money to buy books and equipment for its pupils.

4) Great Outdoors Spend some time outside. Focus on the 5 senses. What do you hear, see, smell, feel and taste? Write about this experience in any way you wish e.g.: descriptive passage, short story, poem, personal experience piece, diary, informative article Extension: Choose a book with an interesting setting and read it. Take an Accelerated Reader quiz.

5) Learn a Language Learn how to say hello and how to tell someone your name in 3 other languages. Extension: Find out about the country/countries who use the language and prepare a short talk about it.

6) Reading Non Fiction Choose a non-fiction book from the library and read it. Now either: write a review of the book focusing on the usefulness of the information, the layout and the authors style or prepare a short talk for a small group outlining whether or not you would recommend the book. Extension: Write a short autobiography, focusing on one or two interesting moments in your life.


Complete these sums and questions using Roman numerals. Roman Numerals - 1 to 100
57 = LVII 58 = LVIII 59 = LIX 60 = LX 61 = LXI 62 = LXII 63 = LXIII 64 = LXIV 65 = LXV 66 =LXVI 67 = LXVII 68 = LXVIII 69 = LXIX 70 = LXX 71 = LXXI 72 = LXXII 73 = LXXIII 74 = LXXIV 75 = LXXV 76 = LXXVI 77 = LXXVII 78 = LXXVIII 79 = LXXIX 80 = LXXX 81 = LXXXI 82 = LXXXII 83 = LXXXIII 84 = LXXXIV 85 = LXXXV 86 = LXXXVI 87 = LXXXVII 88 = LXXXVIII 89 = LXXXIX 90 = XC 91 = XCI 92 = XCII 93 = XCIII 94 = XCIV 95 = XCV 96 = XCVI 97 = XCVII 98 = XCVIII 99 = XCIX 100 = C

1=I 2 = II 3 = III 4 = IV 5=V 6 = VI 7 = VII 8 = VIII 9 = IX 10 = X 11 = XI 12 = XII 13 = XIII 14 = XIV 15 = XV 16 = XVI 17 = XVII 18 = XVIII 19 = XIX 20 = XX 21 = XXI 22 = XXII 23 = XXIII 24 = XXIV 25 = XXV 26 = XXVI 27 = XXVII 28 = XXVIII 29 = XXIX 30 = XXX 31 = XXXI 32 = XXXII 33 = XXXIII 34 = XXXIV 35 = XXXV 36 = XXXVI 37 = XXXVII 38 = XXXVIII 39 = XXXIX 40 = XL 41 = XLI 42 = XLII 43 = XLIII 44 = XLIV 45 = XLV 46 = XLVI 47 = XLVII 48 = XLVIII 49 = XLIX 50 = L 51 = LI 52 = LII 53 = LIII 54 = LIV 55 = LV 56 = LVI

i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x.

How old are you? Write down the number of your house or flat. Write down your date of birth. How many people are there in your class? III + V = IX + XI = XXV + XIII = XIV + L = LV + XLVI = LXII + CV =

8) Be a Teacher What are you good at? Do you fancy learning a new skill? Your task is to prepare a 5 minute lesson for your classmates in which you teach them to do something.

Extension: Design a homework exercise for your classmates, based on the lesson you taught.

9) Up For Debate Choose a topic which interests you. Try to choose a topic which can be debated e.g.; has 2 sides. Make a list of all the arguments you can think of on each side. Now either: prepare a short talk to persuade the audience to agree with the side you support OR produce a piece of writing clearly outlining the arguments on both sides. Extension: Produce some materials for the library to raise awareness of your issue perhaps some posters and leaflets or even a guidebook.

10) Hobbies What is your hobby? Tell us all about it. Produce either: an information booklet, a short talk or a leaflet. Extension: Research a famous person who is interested in your hobby and write about them in any way you wish.

11) Holiday Brochure Produce a holiday brochure for your favourite place. It doesnt have to be exotic it could even be Haddington! Extension: Do some research about your family. Find out if anyone in your family is from/ has travelled to somewhere interesting. Be ready to share the story with a small group or with your class.

12) Create your own superhero. Create a profile of your superhero and an illustration. Include important details such as name, origin, powers, enemy, weakness Extension: Create a villain to be your superheros enemy.

13) Copy out the alphabet: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Now find a proper noun beginning with each letter. Extension: Find a verb for each letter of the alphabet OR Find an adjective for each letter of the alphabet.

14) Become a Better Reader Aim to read two books over the course of the month. After each one, take a test on Accelerated Reader. Aim for 100%. Extension: Try to become Accelerated Reader of the month by reading as much as you can and taking quizzes.

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