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Grade 11 and 12 Parents Handbook Classes of 2013 and 2014

Welcome We want you to feel part of the team working to help your son or daughter become the best they can possibly be in all aspects of their lives. We recognise the importance of a strong partnership between school and home and want to do all we can to ensure we work together in the best interests of all of our students. Each Grade has a Head of Year - Edward Dafnis (Grade 11) and Marc Starr (Grade 12). Their offices are located upstairs above the Spanish Department office, between classrooms 46 and 47 and they can also be contacted through Lissett de Castro on 2241 4436.

IB Advisors Teams for 2012 - 2013

Grade 11 Mr Dafnis (Head of Year) 11th A1 Mrs Valiente 11th A2 Mrs Granados 11th B1 Mr Argueta 11th B2 Mrs Galdamez 11th C1 - Ms Sanchez 11th C2 Mrs Emerson Grade 12 Mr Starr (Head of Year) Aztec 1 Mr Murgatroyd Aztec 2 Mr Flores Inca 1 Mrs Deane Inca 2 Mrs Vsquez Maya 1 Mr Navarro Maya 2 Mrs Escalante

The IB Programme There are 35 lessons in the school week broken down in the following way: IB HL Subjects IB SL Subjects IB Theory of Knowledge National History and Civics 6 lessons 4 lessons 2 lessons 2 3 lessons 3 18 12

To earn the IB Diploma, students must have a minimum of 24 points overall with at least 12 in their HL subjects. Due to the recent change in the date of the PAES, at the start of Grade 12, Theory of Knowledge lessons are used for extra preparation for the PAES. Upon completion of the PAES some of this lost lesson time is returned to TOK to ensure that we meet the required hours of the course. There is also a compulsory period 8 from 2:00pm 3:00pm on Tuesdays for Grade 11 and Thursdays for Grade 12. We will cover vital areas of importance for students including university applications, CAS, Life Skills, and other information.

The School Day Organisation and Timings Student Attendance and Punctuality (New please read)
1. All students are expected to be at school from 7am to 1.50pm or to the end of extra-curricular activities including period 8. 2. Students who arrive late to registration should have an L recorded on the electronic register by their tutor. 3. Students arriving to school after 7.15am do not report to their tutor. They MUST report to the school office (they must NOT go straight to lessons). 4. ALL lates to school count equally including lateness due to a medical appointment. If there are special circumstances such as an accident outside school which delays all students there may be a "late amnesty" announced for that day so that late does not count. 5. Punctuality will be monitored on a MONTHLY basis by tutors. 6. Tutors will warn students and record in their Planners on the 3rd late in one month. 7. Five lates in one month= Saturday detention (2 Saturday detentions (or one sat detention and one suspension) in one cal period= ROC failure Secondary students move from one room to another during the school day, they should not carry all of their books and equipment to lessons. They are provided with a locker per student or in some cases a shared locker for books, lunch boxes etc. Students should bring a padlock with two keys (a spare one for the tutor in case they lose their key) or a combination lock and they should keep their locker locked at all times. Students need to pack their school bags with appropriate books and equipment at the start of the school day, break and lunchtime as they should not go to their lockers during or between classes.

Each subject has a Head of Department.

If students have a problem, then they should talk to the subject teacher, the Head of Department, the IB Advisor, Head of Year, or Raquel in LSU depending on the problem. We encourage students to be proactive in dealing with concerns or problems and to ask for support from a member of staff. Department Art Head of Department Lucila Gonzalez (LEG) Teachers M.Mercedes Escalante (MME) Carmen Chavez (CEC) Jonathan Arnold (JAR) Ed Dafnis (EDA) Sally Forsyth (SFD) Jennifer Horan (JHN) Jessica Henry (JHY) Shari Nixon (SNX) Natalia Sol (NES) Manjit Virdi (MVI) David Navarro (DAN) Carlos Cabeza (CRC) Amy Nott (ALN) Eric Quijano (EQT)


Helen Ralston (HLR)

French Humanities

Silvia Escobar (SNE) Andrew Murgatroyd (AMU)

I.C.T. Mathematics

Silvia Serrano (SFS) Robert Clare (RCL)

Music PE

Dee Yinn Leong (DYL) Silvana Winter (S1W)


Julie Emmerson (JEM)


Mara Eugenia Rossi (MER)


Jennifer Garcia (J1G) Victoria Keilhauer

James Rombout (JRM) Marc Starr (MSS) Carmen Duarte (CVA) Marta Vsquez (MMV) Jos Martn Cortz (JMC) Jennifer Garca (J1G) Stuart Gray (SGR) Judith Shorrocks (JSH) Karen Bradburn (KMB) Sandra De Leon (SDL) John Paul Green (JPG) Graeme Keslake (GKE) Magdalena Valiente (M1V) Lorna Snchez (LSC) Eduardo Chandiere (ECH) Daisy Flores (DCF) Xenia Hernandez (XGH) Erick Garcia (EDG) Sara Suster (SSR) Walter Arvalo (WAO) Luis Argueta (L1A) Miriam Castellanos (MCT) Janet Deane (JND) Brian Frost (BRF) Andrew Hennigan (AJH) Ken Horrocks (KGH) Graeme Monk (GRM) Giles Whittaker (GWH) Cecilia Galdmez (C1G) Gladys Granados (AGG) Silvia Snchez (SDS) Mara Haydee Daz (MHD) David Flores (DFL) Orestes Valencia (OVA) Yensi Vides Hilda Gomez Raquel Zepeda

Homework and Student Planners

At the IB level, students no longer receive a homework timetable and we ask parents to ensure that they apply themselves sensibly to the work set each evening. Attitude and effort are important aspects of school life and we expect homework to be done to the best of the students ability. Organization and time management is the key to success in earning the IB Diploma. Our expectation of homework at IB is the following per week 3 hours for each HL subject (9 hours total) 2 hours for each SL subject (6 hours total) 15 hours per week is expected in order to develop the ideas discussed in class and to keep up to date Please keep in mind that this does not include homework or requirements for Local History (HNC), Theory of Knowledge (TOK) and Community Action Service (CAS)

Creativity, Action and Service (CAS)

As part of the IB Diploma programme, students must complete the IB CAS programme. This allows students to pursue their creative and sporting interests and active participation in the schools team sports programme is encouraged. It also encourages students to give back to the community and get involved in areas of social service. The IB (and the ABC School) value our CAS programme highly and in order to earn the IB Diploma, students must complete their CAS programme. The CAS coordinator at school is Mr. Luis Argueta.

Library/ Learning Resource Centre

The Learning Resource Centre is open from 6:30 a.m. until about 4:00 p.m. every day.

There are two cafeterias for student use in the Secondary School; one is located next to the auditorium and the basketball courts. It is open each day at break and lunch-time. It is also open after school from 1.30 until about 3pm. The other is near the Lecture Theatre (ABCLT).

Uniform and Jewelry

Girls: school skirt (no more than 2 inches above the knee), white short-sleeved blouse with school badge (only top button can be undone), blue tie, white socks (with a proper ankle) and formal black flat school shoes. Shirts are to be tucked in properly. No make-up or nail varnish may be worn. One pair of simple stud earrings, a plain bracelet, a signet ring and a wristwatch may also be used. Boys: navy blue trousers, white short-sleeved shirt with school badge, blue tie, black socks, formal black school shoes and black belts. Top buttons are to be done up and ties properly tied with shirts tucked in. A wristwatch may be used.

For all students hair should be clean and tidy and appropriate to wearing school uniform. Boys hair should be smart and cut around their ears and not extend over their collar. We ask all boys to be cleanly shaven. Students may also wear the school navy blue sweater with red trim but no other sweaters. Our IB Students are seen as positive role models for younger students and it is vital that they wear their uniform according to the rules at all time.

Mobile phones and the use of technology

Phones must be off and away between 7:00am and 1:50am. If a call is to be made the student should speak with Lissett Castro at break or lunch and use the office If used for information during a lesson the teacher should be asked first. Phones will be confiscated if these rules are not followed. Laptops are to be used appropriately in school time and not for Facebook or to chat The use of Facebook, Twitter or blogs to post inappropriate, unkind or malicious information will be dealt with severely according to the school policies.

Communication with Parents (Cal Grades and Reporting)

There are four Cals grade 11, three for grade 12 in Secondary. Important Dates (All meetings start at 6:00pm and are in the PAC)* 8th Oct 2012 Know your school for IB (Grade11 &12). 25th 2012 6th 2012 7th 2012 23rd 2013 29th 2013 Oct Dec Dec Jan Jan Careers Day and University Fair Time to be confirmed. Grade 12 Parent/ Teacher Meeting and CAL 1 Reports issued. Grade 11 CAL 1 Reports issued. Grade 12 IB Mock exams start. Grade 11 Parent/ Teacher Meeting.

1st March Grade 12 Mock Exam CAL Reports issued. 2013 11th 2013 15th 2013 3rd 2013 9th 2013 April April May May Grade 11 Exams start. Grade 12 IB Art Exhibition. Grade 12 IB Exams start. Grade 11 CAL 2 Reports issued. 5

21st 2013


Grade 11 CAL 3 Reports issued.

Reports indicate academic performance in each subject, Work Skills in each subject and an overall Responsible, Outstanding Citizen (ROC) merit, pass or fail. We expect all Secondary Students to be respectful, responsible and enthusiastic members of our community. Students can fail their ROC in a CAL if their behavior or attitude does not meet our expectations. Failing the ROC in two out of the three CAL periods results in a failing condition for the year leading to either failure of the school year or probation. Students who excel at being respectful, responsible and enthusiastic are awarded a ROC merit at the end of the CAL period. Converting marks CAL grades are made up from marks given for different assignments (including tests, class-work, homework, projects and special assignments) that are done in each subject in the CAL. Period. In Secondary the grades are awarded using the following guidelines. Comment Report Grade 7 Excellent 6 Very Good 5 Good 4 Satisfactory Passing boundary Unsatisfactory 3 2 Weak 1 Very Weak Related Percentages 80+ 70+ 55+ 45+ 30+ 15+ <15 A.B.C. School Grade Equivalent 10.0 8.8 7.7 6.5 5.3 4.2 3.0

These are approximate grade boundaries and may be adjusted up or down In order to pass Grade 12 and graduate from the ABC, students need an academic average CUM of 6.5 or more. Other passing requirements Students cannot fail more than two individual subjects even if the overall CUM is more than 6.5. The Work Skills overall average CUM must be greater than 6.5 Students may not fail more than one ROC Cal grade in the year.

If a student fails any one of these other conditions, he/she may go into grade 12 on probation. If a student fails more than one failing condition then he/she may be required to leave the school It is important to emphasise that students should be aiming for an average of 7.5 or more as we believe averages under 7.5 indicate that the student is not comfortable with the academic programme and such students may have problems later as courses become more demanding. Students with a CUM of 9.0 or more will be on the Headmasters Roll of Honour at the end of CAL 1 and at the end of the school year. 6

Sanctions: A Summary full details on abc-net Google site Actions & Sanctions Policy. Inappropriate behavior at school is dealt with at three levels; at the Classroom level by the teacher with the support of their Head of Department (HoD); at the Administration level by the Head of Year (HoY) and the Head of Secondary (HoS) and at the Director level with the involvement of a Disciplinary Committee and Mr. Hobson. Classroom Level 1. Homework If a student does not complete a Homework task satisfactorily their teacher will offer advice but also warn them about their future conduct in this area. If a student continues having problems submitting homework in the same subject and the teacher feels this needs further action they will inform their Head of Department who will send a standard email to the parents of the student to inform you and ask for your help in finding a solution to the Homework problem and asking you to monitor future Homework. If necessary a student can be required to attend a personal or departmental detention after school but you will be informed in advance. 2. Behaviour Students who show inappropriate behaviour in class, including lack of respect to other students, rudeness, inappropriate language or unkind behaviour will in the first instance be given a warning. If the behaviour continues to be inappropriate with the same teacher a standard email will again be sent to the parents to ask for your help and support. At school the Head of Year and IB Advisor will also be involved. Consistent poor behaviour may lead to a Friday or Saturday detention. Further instances will lead to internal or external suspension from school as well as failure of ROC grade.

Administration Level and Director Level Serious breaches of discipline including rudeness to a teacher.
These will result in a Saturday detention, internal or external suspension (see Actions and Sanctions policy). Fighting or bringing weapons to school will result in an immediate suspension and possibly further consequences. Alcohol, cigarettes and drugs are banned from the school campus including on any school trip and possession or misuse will lead to an immediate suspension from school. In case of serious breaches of discipline any action which might cause a permanent exclusion will lead to the formation of a Discipline Committee and the involvement of the Director, Mr. Hobson.

Attendance is reported each CAL. Please note that we define good attendance as 95% or above and expect most students to meet this expectation. If a student has an attendance rate below 90% we will be contacting you to discuss the issue.

Work Skills Guide

Each CAL students receive a Work Skills grade from 0 to 4 in each subject for the following categories. If a student always meets the criteria they get a 4. If they regularly meet them they get a 3, if inconsistently they will get a 2 and if they rarely meet them you will get a 1. Students need a 2.5 average or higher to pass Work Skills. Category Effort and Enthusiasm Criteria You are hardworking and focused and contribute to lessons in a positive and appropriate manner. You take a real interest in your own learning. You produce work on time, independently where appropriate and to the best of your ability. You take a keen interest and respond to the feedback provided by your teachers. You are punctual and well prepared for class with the right equipment You show respect for your teacher and other members of the class and you are willing to work with others in a cooperative manner.

Homework and assignments

Preparation and Punctuality Respect and Cooperation

School and Secondary School Staff and Phone Numbers

School Telephone: (503) - 2241 - 4400: Roxana Hall: 2241 4461, Marielos Soto: 2241 4473, Lissett de Castro:2241-4436 Fax: (503) 2228-2956 Headmaster: George Hobson Head of Secondary: Graeme Keslake Director of Studies: Judith Shorrocks Head of Grade 11: Edward Dafnis Head of Grade 12: Marc Starr School Reception: Sandra Acosta Headmasters Secretary: Elizabeth de Rivas Secondary Secretary for 9 12: Roxana Hall Secondary Secretary for 6 8: Marielos Soto Secondary Secretary for 11-12: Lissett de Castro 2241-4428 2241-4411 2241-4461 2241-4473 2241-4436

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