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Rudram Chamakam - An original explanation

by TheBigThinkg

The Rudram ChamakamBackgroundThis work is a culmination of my last six months or so of my effort. As usual I am not sure on how I landed into Rudra or Chamakam. But the last six months, I had been a tormented soul as I experienced a real ‘child-birth’ with these writings. I could not rest a second without working on it and felt completely restless till I completed it. It also kindled further, my interest in Vedas, to learn and explore more. (It could be simply me ego) I learnt a lot of new meanings and developed further understanding of the Vedas. I became much more convinced than ever before that Vedas were more of revelations of science than spirituality. In interpreting the meanings of the words, I have kept myself in tune with Rudram Mantras (written by R.L.Kashyap) and understandings given by Sri Aurobindo. But I had mapped them to scientific domain and explained the same from a scientific perspective. I have also taken care to check and verify the meanings of words across several scriptures and their contexts. I took some real care to ensure that some of these writings do not appear psuedo-science, but I request to point out mistakes if any, so that it can be corrected as they are not intentional. IntroductionIn the Rg Veda, the devas are external forces (Chemical elements formed of Adityas or Stellar Evolution). Asuras are powerful forces that emerged in the pre-stellar evolution and mostly (sub-atomic particles). This is corroborated by the fact that Vedas claim the Asuras (sub-atomic particles), which means powerful, did intense penance and created their own opposites (anti-particles). The Adityas refer to stages of Stellar Evolution and produce many Devas (Elements). Similarly even before the Stellar Evolution happened, there was a stage of Pre-Stellar evolution in which sub-atomic particles were formed from Amba (which I currently map to Quark-Gluon Plasma). As science progreses this mapping of Amba to QGP could change. In the Rg Veda, I map the following devas and asuras to following forces/particles as known in science. These mappings have been arrived at after a lot of study of various vedic texts. VishnuA sub-sub-atomic force/particle that forms the basis of matter (World) and even the sub-atomic particles. Vishnu also forms the basis of dark-matter (which Vedas claim as the Under World) and Plasmic Amba (which Vedas claim as Dyau or Heaven). This force is behind the Quarks, Leptons and Bosons. It is probably the String that is vibrated by the force of Rudra and it appears as Quarks, Leptons, Bosons and various other particles. Since Vishnu strides matter, dark-matter and the Amba, Vishnu is tri-vikrama. Vishnu is Vamana as Vishnu is the lowest unit of possible matter. Vishnu means active worker or one who actively separates or dis-joins. Vishnu is called so as Vishnu separates from plasmic Amba (into strings probably) that combine and recombine to form sub-atomic particle forces, which in turn form particles and matter. Vishnu is the brother of Amba in the Puranas as Vishnu is from the same source as Amba. RudraRudra is the eleven dimensional force or Space that originates from the Dyauh or heavenly region. I have explained about Rudra in my blogs on Rudra. They are in the reference sections. AmbaAmba is the name given to Plasmic substance that shone at the very early stage of Universe before the

BigBang, Amba itself is claimed be formed from ‘Atma’. This Atma, which existed inside the Amba cannot be fully understood according to the Vedas. The region of Dyauh or Heaven comprises of the Atma, Amba and the Unknowns inside them. Amba is often claimed as the ‘Mother’ as the evolution happens from Amba by the changes of Amba. Amba is said to make the ‘effort’ to give birth to newer particles. PurushaPurusha is the dark matter formed from the same thing as Amba and is formed to Guide the evolution of Amba. Purusha is often claimed as a Male, as Purusha influences Amba without undergoing any changes of its own. Purusha manifests itself as the fire on Amba to kick-start the evolution of Universe, VayuA substance of Plasmic nature (gaseous nature is a later derivation) IndraIndra is the ‘Chief’ of the elements that form out of the Stellar Evolution. I map Indra to a Baryonic ion. Indra’s Vajra are the Neutrinos that are emanated when One Baryon changes to another Baryon. I am not sure about the below mappings. They may be subject to change as I understand further. TvaStaTvaSta is also an asura. I map it to neutrinos (tvaSta is the maker of Indra’s thunderbolt. If Indra is a Baryonic ion, then its thunderbolt is neutrinos which can pierce anything, travels at speed of light, with near zero mass) MitraMitra is an Asura in the sense that it is a sub-atomic particle. I map Mitras to Photons. Mitra is hailed in the Vedas as the one who conquers for us the vastness, conquers the path to our home, harmonises all and makes us hasten forward through to the goal; guards us in our drinking of the light. Mitra and Varuna are said to increase the growth in Earth. VarunaVaruna is also an Asura in the sense that it is a sub-atomic particle. Varuna is primarily electrons (lepton). Varuna is supposed to guard the earth. Electrons in the Van Allen radiation belt guard the earth. Varuna is supposed to cause rains. Electrons have a great role in causing rains. AryamanAryaman is also an asura in the sense that it is a sub-atomic particle. It is a lepton, which I map as Tauon. I also map it to DhAtr. DhaAtr means a bearer or one that supports. BhagaBhAga is also an asura in the sense that it is a sub-atomic particle. It is a lepton, which I map as Muons. BhAga means dispenser of wealth. Muons distribute matter and are generated when protons (cosmic rays) impinge on molecules in space. AshviniI have mapped Ashvinis to Mesons, as the hailing of mesons in Chamakam tend to describe them as combination of Amshu and Upa-Amshu (similar to Quark and Anti-Quark combination of mesons). Amshu means a particle or the point at the end of ray of light. The seventh Anuvaka of Chamakam (which I map to Mesons) attaches a huge importance to these forces, much more than what science gives to mesons currently. From this it appears that Mesons are next to Vishnu in their importance in the evolution of Universe. Though I am not sure about Ashvini-Mesons mapping, I am relatively sure about seventh Anuvaka of Chamakam – Mesons mapping. Hence I expect mesons will gain larger understanding and predominance in science in future.l DyauhThe region of the Atma, Amba is called the Dyauh. It is often referred to as ‘Heaven’. The region of Dyau comprises the Atma and Amba and is characterized by discharges of energy (lightning) due to creation of newer matter. Due to this energy transactions, this region of Amba is highly illuminated and is called Dyauh, which means lightened up. Yajna (Sacrifice)The Yajna described in Vedas is nothing but the evolution of matter in most cases where I could understand. Read the detailed description of Anuvaka 1 to understand this evolution of matter as a sacrifice. The Chamakam – A Brief Summary According to the Nasadiya Suktam, the entire Universe evolution is due to the 'desire' of the 'Self' to realize itself by evolving into beings of higher intelligence. Till now all my readings of Vedas and Chamakam too corroborates that.

The Chamakam has eleven Anuvakas. Each Anuvaka corresponds to a force of Rudra, as there are eleven Rudras. Refer to my blog on Rudra, the eleven dimensional space mentioned in the Reference section. The first Anuvaka says Universe is an expression of Agni(Fire) and Vishnu (smallest unit of matter that disjoins/evolves) and explains the process of origination of matter and beings (those with finite age). It talks about the ‘sucking’ of milk by the matter and beings, thus getting fed for the energy. Thus it talks about the force of Amba The second Anuvaka talks about the pre-eminent, raw, unchanged, light generator, that influences like a mature male, overlords everything, delightfully plays with its flaming energy on the plasmic substance (Amba) and influences the creation of matter that sustains evolution. But this influencing force itself is unchanged. Thus it talks about Purusha. The third anuvaka talks about a ‘bonding’ force that is also a dispenser of matter, establishes order, creates new matter and that triggers the further evolution of matter. Thus it talks about Prana or Gluons. The fourth anuvaka talks about the widest, broadest, vast of all force that provides food and growth to every one. Thus it talks about the Electro-Magnetic Force (Aksa)/Photons The fifth anuvaka talks about the force that grows size and massive things and that provides stability to entire universe. Thus it talks about the Higgs field that provides mass and the Gravitational field that increases mass. The sixth anuvaka talks about the evolution of force of Indra (protons/Baryons) in every possible way during the pre-stellar (From QGP/Amba to gas clouds) and stellar evolution (From gas clouds to Star, Adityas). According to science too Baryons are formed in variety of ways during pre-stellar evolution, stellar evolution and decay of other sub-atomic particles. Thus this talks about the Baryons. The seventh anuvaka talks about a force that regulates the internal bonding between the baryon ionic plasma (Indra vayu). It hails this force as the regulator of Universal order, Lord of the Universe itself. Thus it talks about Mesons (which does the internal bonding between protons and neutrons). The role of Mesons is not well understood currently, given the hailing mesons receive from Vedas. But if these interpretations are true, Mesons are as important as gluons (and much more) and are almost as important as Vishnu (the basic matter which makes up different matter particles including Quarks, Leptons and Bosons). The eighth anuvaka talks about the sacrifice (evolution) that happens and the way bigger and bigger vessels of energy are created, which I map to larger and larger nuclei. It describes the process in which leptons (primarily electrons) stream out due to the stirring and are captured by nuclei to form atoms. Thus it talks about the Leptonic forces and evolution of larger and larger elements. The ninth anuvaka talks about extreme hot environments in earth in which membrane-less cell structures evolve and multiply. From this pre-historic beings, immature beings, beings with large mass and higher knowledge emerge. Thus it talks about the ziZnam the primitive cell structures. The tenth anuvaka talks about the growth of energy in biological beings and invokes the growth of energy upto 4 years of young ones and mature males and females. It also talks about various faculties that emerge in biological beings corresponding to various faculties that emerged in Physics domain. Hence it talks about Soma (the energy in physics and fatty acids in biological domain). The eleventh anuvaka talks about the growth of 33000 DNA bases (in mitochondria) and 4800 million bases (in Nucleus) of human beings that carry intelligence. Hence it talks about Apa (the base medium), as I

explained in my blogs on Rudra mentioned in the reference section. Anuvaka – 1 (The force of Amba (Plasmic Substance that existed ever before) Rudra’s 1st dimension) In this anuvaka, the force of Amba, which is the first force of Rudra (first dimension of space) is hailed and invoked. According to Aitareya Upanishad, Amba is formed of the agitations of ‘Atma’ and Purusha is also drawn out from the same. This Amba is plasmic in nature and shines and it is from this Amba the entire matter of universe evolves. Not only matter, but also the beings evolve. This evolutionary process is akin to a Yajna or sacrifice. The sacrificial bed (Khusa grass or barhis) (dried grass-Dharbai)) of this evolution is the Purusha. Purusha starts the fire on Amba (as the dried dharbai is used to start the fire on the altar) and hence is called a Male (which itself does not undergo change, but influences change). The Altar or Vedi is the Amba (which I map to a Quark-Gluon Plasma or QGP) on which this evolution occurs. Out of this Amba is dug out the mesonic clouds (like the earth heap) that are spread all around. The streaming QGP of Amba keeps feeding the fire on Amba. The fuel for this fire further are the Baryons and mesons. This complete evolutionary process is explained as a sacrifice in Anuvaka Eight.

Om Agnaavishhnuu sajoshhasemaa vardhantu vaam girah Dyumnairvaajebhiraagatamh Aum – Universe AgnaVishnu – The Fiery lowest Unit of Matter SajoSas – United together, associated together, acting in harmony Ema – course, way Vardhantu – increasing, growing, prosperous Vaam – is thought to be Gira – Expression of the Sarasvata (Molten fluid cloud) This Universe is the course of fiery Vishnu’s (lowest unit of matter, probably a string); (is thought to be ) ever increasing expression of the molten fluid cloud. Dyumnair – heavenly splendor Vajebhira - mighty Gatam – going away (that) keeps going away (expanding) with mighty heavenly splendor. This Universe is the course of fiery Vishnu’s (lowest unit of matter, probably a string); (is thought to be ) ever increasing expression of the molten fluid cloud (that) keeps going away (expanding) with mighty heavenly splendor. Vaajashcha me prasavashcha me prayatishcha me prasitishcha me dhiitishcha me kratushcha me svarashcha me shlokashcha me shraavashcha me shrutishcha me jyotishcha me suvashcha me praanashcha me apaanashcha me vyaanashcha me asushcha me chittam cha ma aadhiitam cha me vaakcha me manashcha me chakshushcha me shrotram cha me dakshashcha me balam cha ma ojashcha me sahashcha ma aayushcha me jaraa cha ma aatmaa cha me tanuushcha me sharma cha me varma cha me

angaani cha me asthaani cha me paruushhi cha me shariiraani cha me vAjah - Energy (spirit) prasavah – (Property of) Origination (pressing or pressurizing) prayati - Effort prasiti – Onward rush, extend, stretch, cast dhiti – suck, drink, thirst (Amba holds the juice (QGP..?) that is sucked and drank to create newer matter particles. Hence Amba is the Mother) kratu – sacrificial ceremony, sacrificial rite, sacrifice itself (evolution of cosmos is the sacrifice) The meaning of the above verse is: Protect this Energy (that keeps the expansion) Protect the property of Origination (Birth of newer Matter particles) Protect the Effort (of Amba to give birth to newer matter particles) Protect the expansion (of newer and newer matter particles) Protect the sucking of Amba’s plasmic energy to form matter particles Protect this Sacrifice of evolution Note that Amba is called Mother here as the juice of Amba (probably QGP) is sucked to create newer matter particles from Vishnu (the lowest unit of matter probably a string) svara – the smallest note of vibration shloka – an ordered set of vibrations of 32 syllables shrava – Higher order set of vibrations that can be heard shruti – Still higher order set of vibrations that can be heard and are meaningful jyoti - Vibrations of still higher frequencies (light) suvac – Still higher frequency vibrations – Keeper of Energy (Soma) – Quanta packets The meaning of the above verse is: Protect the smallest note of vibration that starts in Amba (Lower Frequency) Protect the ordered set of vibrations that follow (low frequency) Protect the higher order set of vibrations that can be heard (Audio frequency) Protect the still higher order set of vibrations that convey knowledge (Higher frequencies) Protect the still higher order set of vibrations that are visible (light frequency) This anuvaka talks about the radiations that come out of Amba as it starts agitating (putting effort to give birth) prana – Binding force, Strong force, the force that binds energy with matter, the force that binds metabolism with beings apana – Moving away force, Radiation vyana - force that circulates energy asu – One Unit of breathing (respiration) (that involves Prana, apana, vyana) chittam – aim, intention, vehicle of intelligence (NOT the intelligence or thought) Adhitam – Object of Intention vAk – speech, expression mana – Mind, Hidden chakshu – Eye (Receptacle of light) shrotram – Speech, torrent daksha – strong, strength (to grow) balam - power oja – physical strength, vigor saha – vanquish, overcome The meaning of the above verses is Protect the Strong force that binds energy with matter to create newer particles Protect the radiation that carries off energy to far off places Protect the energy circulation inside the QGP to create newer and newer matter particles Protect the Breathing (matter creation, radiation and circulation) Protect the aim of this

evolution (to evolve to higher and higher forms of matter) Protect the Objects of aim (new knowledge, new intelligence) Protect the expression (the newer matter particles) Protect the Hidden energy sources that propel further evolution (I map it to mesons for Matter) Protect the Eye (the receptacle of Radiations that create higher and higher energy sources) Protect the torrent flow (the Higgs field in case of matter) Protect the strength that enables growth Protect the power that provides strength Protect the illuminating vigor that provides power Protect the Overcoming spirit that provides illumination In the above verses, amba (QGP in my mapping) is stated to undergo huge tormentation (like a woman who gives birth) to give birth to newer particles. In this fire on Amba, Vishnu the lowest unit matter combines, re-combines, radiates, that radiation is captured to create higher and higher energy sources (newer matter particles). Aitareya Upanishad also talks about this huge tormentation of Amba that produces newer and newer matter. Ayu – beings with life jarA – that have a finite age Atma –that does not have a finite age Tanu – the Self (that exists deep inside the Amba which wants to realize itself through evolution according to Nasadiya Suktam) Sharma – Joy or Bliss (Protection for intelligence evolution) Varma – Protection to Body angAni – members asthAni –bones parUmshi –Joints sharirani – Entire Amba The meaning of the above verses is Protect the beings that have a life (Amba does not have concept of life, as they do not have a concept of death. But beings have a concept of limited life, as they have a concept of death) Protect the beings with the finite age Protect the Atma (Amba is another form of Atma, when Atma got tormented according to Aitareya Upanishad) that manifest on beings Protect the Self (that exists deep inside Amba and wants to realize itself through evolution of intelligence, according to Nasadiya Suktam) that manifest on the Atma of beings Protect the State of Joy and Bliss that serves as the protection of evolution of Intelligence Protect the body of beings Protect the various parts of beings Protect the bony structures of beings Protect the Joints of beings Protect the bodies of beings. Summary of 1st anuvaka This first anuvaka of Chamakam talks about force of Amba the Quark-Gluon Plasma (Some plasmic substance), the first dimension of Rudra in the following ways: Universe is an expression of Union of Agni (started by Purusha the Dark Matter) and Vishnu (lowest unit of matter particle) that keeps expanding Energy, Origination, Effort to Originate newer particles, expansion, ‘sucking’ the plasmic energy as the Milk to feed the expansion and the sacrifice are the hallmarks of Amba. Pray for the protection of this force of Amba (the first dimension of Rudra) Various orders of vibrations (frequencies) go on in Amba. Pray for their protection. Matter evolution happens through Strong force binding, Radiation that disperses energy, Circulation of energy (transfer) between particles, Keeping with the Aim of this sacrifice to evolve higher beings, Keeping with the Objects of Aim to acquire newer knowledge/intelligence, Expressions that create newer particles, Hidden energy sources that fuel evolution, Receptacles that receive energy from radiation, Flow of energy that provides mass to particles, strength, power, vigor and the overcoming spirit. Pray for their protection Being evolution happens through origination of beings with finite age, manifestation of the ‘Atma’ on beings, manifestation of the ‘Self’ on ‘Atma, Joy and Bliss that evolves intelligence further, the evolution of physical bodies, bones, joints, structures of biological beings. Pray for their protection. Since Amba is the first force-field of Rudra, this anuvaka invokes this force of Amba on all the above, seeking the protection of Amba on the above.

Anuvaka – 2 (The force of Purusha (Dark Matter/Guiding force of intelligence), Rudra’s 2nd dimension)In this Anuvaka, the force-field of Purusha (the dark-matter) is invoked. Dark matter or Purusha is formed from the same plasmic material as Amba and was drawn out to guard the Universe according to Aitareya Upanishad. Refer to my blogs on Aitareya Upanishad and Sankhya Philosophy. This Purusha is the sacrificial bed on which the evolution happens according to my interpretations of Purusha Suktam. In this Anuvaka, the force exerted by Purusha is explained and invoked. This force-field is the second dimension of Rudra or second force-field of Rudra. According to my interpretation of Rudra, Shiva is the name of Rudra that is the force of Purusha. This Rudra is called the Kala-Agni (or the Black fire) as the Purusha manifests itself as a fire on Amba according to my interpretation of Aitareya Upanishad. This anuvaka invokes this force-field of Purusha and hails its significance. It invokes the Rudra on these actions of Purusha.

Jyaishhthyam cha ma aadhipathyam cha me manyushcha me bhaamashcha meamashcha meambhashcha me jemaa cha me mahimaa cha me varimaa cha me prathimaa cha me varshhmaa cha me draaghuyaa cha me vriddham cha me vriddhishcha me satyam cha me shraddhaa cha me jagachcha me dhanam cha me vashashcha me tvishhishcha me kriidaa cha me modashcha me jaatam cha me janishhyamaanam cha me suuktam cha me sukritam cha me vittam cha me vedyam cha me bhuutam cha me bhavishhyachcha me sugam cha me supatham cha ma riddham cha ma riddhishcha me kliptam cha me kliptishcha me matishcha me sumatishcha me jyaishthyam – (Property of) Being the first one (pre-eminence) (before birth of any other matter, the dark matter evolved) kSa Cha ma – (Protect it) Protect it Adhitpatyam – Overlordship (Dark matter overrules matter, according to this verse) kSa Cha me – (Protect it) Protect it Manyu – Mind (Dark matter influences the matter or being’s mind) kSa Cha me – (Protect it) Protect it bhAma – (Property of) bringing the light (said of the Purusha with red lotus eyes. Purusha’s shining splendor eyes are called Bhamani) kSa Cha me – (Protect it) Protect it amah – Raw, uncooked (Purusha is raw and never changes) kSa Cha me – (Protect it) Protect it ambhah – the celestial plasmic substance (Drawn from the same plasmic substance as Amba according to Aitareya Upanishad) The meaning of these verses are: Come in and Protect the property of Purusha/Dark matter as the Jyeshta, the first born Come in and protect the overlordship of Purusha/Dark matter over the Universe Come in and protect the influence of Purusha on the evolution of mind of matter and beings (Mind of matter is mesons and Mind of beings is Thought and Intelligence) Come in and protect the property of Purusha that brings out Light/Electro-Magnetic field/Photons (Purusha’s eye is said to be the one that brings out light and is called BhAmani in Chandogya Upanishad) from the burning of plasmic amba Come in and protect the influence of Purusha on all

matter and beings Come in and protect the influence of Purusha on Amba (which starts the Black Fire or Kala Agni) jema – victorious power kSa Cha me – (Protect it) Protect it mahima – activity in cosmic scale kSa Cha me – (Protect it) Protect it varima – vast expanse, breadh kSa Cha me – (Protect it) Protect it prathima –vast width kSa Cha me – (Protect it) Protect it varshma – vast might kSa Cha me – (Protect it) Protect it draghuya - stretching in length kSa Cha me – (Protect it) Protect it vrddham - growth kSa Cha me – (Protect it) Protect it vrddhih – growing kSa Cha me – (Protect it) Protect it The meaning of these verses are: Come in and Protect the force of victorious power of Purusha (that influences the Amba and evolution of matter and beings) Come in and Protect the force of purusha that is prevalent in cosmic scale Come in and protect the force of Purusha that has vast breadth Come in and protect the force of Purusha that has vast width Come in and protect the force of Purusha that has vast might Come in and protect the force of Purusha that has vast length Come in and protect the force of Purusha that has vast growth Come in and protect the force of Purusha that is always growing satyam – the Original kSa Cha me – (Protect it) Protect it shraddha – The Confident one kSa Cha me – (Protect it) Protect it jagachcha – The Wordly one kSa Cha me – (Protect it) Protect it dhanam – material booty kSa Cha me – (Protect it) Protect it vazah – Mature male ( moving at will) kSa Cha me – (Protect it) Protect it The meaning of these verses are: Come in and protect the force of the Original Come in and Protect the force of the most confident one (on which faith can be reposed) (Unchanged) Come in and protect the force of the worldly one ( influencing all the worlds) Come in and protect the force of the one that possess most materials (all matter belongs to Purusha, the dark matter) Come in and protect the Mature male of a Purusha that moves at will tvishi - Flaming energy kSa Cha me – (Protect it) Protect it krida – Play (work for one’s amusement) (Purusha’s play) kSa Cha me – (Protect it) Protect it modah - Delightful kSa Cha me – (Protect it) Protect it The meaning of these verses are: Come in and protect the flaming energy of the force of Purusha (which is manifested as the fire in Amba) Come in and protect the Play of the force of Purusha Come in and protect the most delightful acts of force of

Purusha jAtam – Brought into existence, caused, arisen kSa Cha me – (Protect it) Protect it janishyamanam – (property of ) keep producing kSa Cha me – (Protect it) Protect it suktam – (property of) being well expressed kSa Cha me – (Protect it) Protect it sukrtam – (Property of) doing good deeds kSa Cha me – (Protect it) Protect it vittam – vittam is wealth of matter and materials kSa Cha me – (Protect it) Protect it vedyam – one which needs to be learnt kSa Cha me – (Protect it) Protect it bhuta - Past kSa Cha me – (Protect it) Protect it bhavishyat – future kSa Cha me – (Protect it) Protect it The meaning of these verses are: Come in and Protect the force of Purusha that initiates birth Come in and protect the force of Purusha that keeps producing newer ones Come in and protect the force of Purusha that is well expressed Come in and protect the force of Purusha that does good deeds Come in and protect the force of Purusha that keeps creating wealth (keeps creating newer matter, stars, planets, biological beings) Come in and protect the force of Purusha that needs to be learnt
Rudram Chamakam - An original explanation by TheBigThinkg

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