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Lesson Plan Science 1-3 Primary

Vocabulary chemicals, recycling, to save energy, national park, chemicals, solar energy, litter, waste paper, segregation, environment, poison, too late!, not again!, water supply, security, President of Europe, Not again! Too late! Materials The text of the story with gaps (one for a pair of students) Three sets of tasks from the story (handouts) 1 WARM-UP Singing a song The teacher encourages all students to talk Where do you live?, Is there a lot of litter?, What can we do with it? THE STORY Listening and reading the story in students books The teacher asks students to tell him what happened in the previous episode of Space Station Supernova. He asks for a volunteer to tell the story in Polish and asks if anyone remembers any phrases or words which they were learning during that lesson. 2 PRESENTATION The teacher says: Open your books at page 26. He asks students to look at the story in their books and try to tell whats happening in the new episode. He listens to their ideas and checks if they remember the names of the story characters. The teachers says: Lets listen to the story and he plays the story from the CD. The teacher asks students to tell what the story is about. He explains the new words and phrases (chemicals, recycling, to save energy, national park, chemicals, solar energy, litter, waste paper, segregation, environment, poison, too late!, not again!, water supply, security, President of Europe, Not again! Too late!) and asks them to repeat the pronunciation. The teacher plays the story on his CD player once again. ROLE-PLAYING Speaking comprehension The teacher divides students into three groups and gives a role of one story character to each of group. Each group reads their lines aloud. After the reading of all the line, the groups exchange their story characters. The teacher asks one student from each group to stand in front of the class and role play their story characters for the rest of the students.

Lesson Plan Science 1-3 Primary

READING & WRITING Reading & writing comprehension The teacher makes sure that students sit in pairs with their book closed. Then he gives one handout with the story. The text is with the gaps and the students task is to fill in them without looking into the book. When the students are ready, the teacher asks one of them to read the text aloud and the rest of the students to listen carefully and help (if there is a need) The students open their book and check the spelling of the words from the gaps and correct the mistakes. 3 HOMEWROK The teacher asks students to memorize the new words and phrases and tells them to be prepared for a short test for the next lesson.

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