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Lesson Plan - Integrated Education III primary

The lesson took place on 1st December 2011 and it was connected with aims of Doing Our Bit project making pupils aware of nature protection necessity. The topic of the education field: The secrets of air The day topic: Where does the air live? Main educational objectives: Developing the skill of multi-sentences statements on definite topic and given picture Developing the skill of self-editing written statements Improving the technique of quiet reading with understanding Making pupils accustom to proper cooperation in groups Developing the skill of solving mathematical problems Detail educational objectives: Pupils: Share the information got on the air topic Explain what the air and the wind are Highlight the meaning of the air in peoples life Indicate objects, places, where the air lives Emphasize the need of air protection against pollution Are aware of danger that come from strong winds Distinguish types of winds Take active part in experiments and draw conclusions Edit and write down by themselves notes summarying the cycle of the lessons connected with air Solve text mathematical problems Methods: oral elements of lecture, visual, observation, practical activities Materials: poem The air, workcards, fan, sheets of paper, water, bowls, models of sailing boat, recording with different sounds, feathers, headscarves, paints, scetchpads, straws, the weather calendar, dictionaries, boards with musical instruments. The lesson stages: Teachers activities Pupils activities Type of education 1. Reading the poem Listening to the poem. Polish language The air, which will be Guessing what will be the education the clue for pupils about lesson topic

Lesson Plan - Integrated Education III primary the lesson topic 2. Giving envilopes to pupils. Letting them to open envilopes and doing the exercise to which the task is inside (annex 1) 3. Letting pupils to open the envilope with number 2.

4. Putting the electric fan next to the sheets of papers with important information about the air. Turning on the fan, which makes the papers flying round the classroom. Making pupils to catch the papers and read the information (annex 2) 5. Encouraging pupils to search for the evidence of air existence. Carrying out with pupils the experiment, that the air is invisible but it can move objects. Dividing pupils into groups

Carring out the experiment and writing down its results: The air is odourless, colourless and it hasnt got any taste. Taking out from the envilopes drawings with: forest, school, mountains, cars. Looking at them and selfcompleting the sentence: The air is everywhere: ......................... (at the mountains peaks, at school, inside of the car, in the forest) Catching the flying papers, sitting down on proper places. Quiet reading the text: Important infromation about the air Speaking about read text.

Empiric education

Science education Polish language education

Science education Polish language education

Searching for the answer: Empiric education How do we know that the air exists? Technical education Carrying out the experiments: I group: Looking outside at the tree leaves II group: Making the paper plane and watching its flight III group: Making the paper fan and using it to move hair, sheets of

Lesson Plan - Integrated Education III primary paper, etc IV group: Pouring water to a big bowl and putting there the sailing boat model V group: Creating wind with the fan help, which will make the sailing boat to move VI group: Blowing on the model fans wings and making them to move All groups work under the teacher control. 6. Playing different Guessing who or what Music education sounds: dogs barking, performs sounds. Empiric education baby crying, birds singing, conversation, Realizing that the air childrens screaming, etc. transfers sound waves. If Paying pupils attantion to there wasnt the air, we the fact that the air has couldnt hear different got one more important sounds. function it transfers sound waves. The break between the lessons: Blowing feathers Dancing with headscarves to music 7. Learning how to paint With using a paintbrush Art education putting on the sheet of with using the air. Preparing paints, sheets paper watered down of paper, straws and paints. Creating different bowls of water. images by blowing the air Giving the works topic: through the straws Flowers on the meadow Organising the exhibition of crafts. 8. Giving pupils different Inflating given things. things that create sounds Saying different places, Empiric education (flute, whistle, bicycle where the air lives pump, balloon, drawing out conclusions. Music education swimming wheel, beach ball, foil bags). Asking pupils to fill those things

Lesson Plan - Integrated Education III primary with air. By this game showing pupils where the air lives. 8. Telling the short lecture on the topic of the air importance and of the danger of its pollution by fumes, smog and other gases directly connected with modern civilization Opening the envilope nr 3 (annex 3) and letting pupils to solve the task alone. 9. Introducing the animation technique techniques of small sheets of paper. Asking pupils to write down on the small sheets of paper ideas how we can protect the air against pollution, next putting them on the class board. 10. Asking pupils to fill in the weather calendar and indicate the weather components. Paying special attention to wind. 11. Explaining the term wind Information about the danger which comes from strong winds Playing different wind sounds: strong wind, storm, etc.

Listening carefully to the Science education lecture Polish language education Filling the chart with information got during the lecture.

Writing down the ideas. Science education Putting the papers on the Polish language board. education Reading aloud the ideas.

Chosen pupils come to Science education the weather calendar and indicate: rainfalls, air temperature, cloudiness and wind. Reading the definition of Science education wind Giving names of different types of wind. Talking about danger which comes from strong winds and damages caused by hurricanes, tornadoes, whirlwinds and about the pleasure that gives light,

Lesson Plan - Integrated Education III primary soft wind during hot day. Searching for and reading Science education the extracts from the Polish language given books, devoted to education explaination of following terms: Land breeze Sea breeze Squall Hurricane Foehn wind Mistral Cyclone Looking at pictures and reading about damages caused by strong winds. Doing the exercise from the annex 4 1. reading and analysing the diagram 2. writing down answers Singing the song. Saying the names of instruments that give sounds because of blowing up the air. Listening recording. to the

12. Preparing dictionaries, handbooks, magazines about the weather and introducing the names of different types of winds.

13. Giving pupils envilope nr 4 (annex 4) checking the correctiveness of quiet reading with understanding and analysing data given in diagram. 14. Peparing pupils to singing the song Wind the spring guitarist Reminding that to play some instruments and to transfer sounds, the air is needed. Hanging the board with different musical instruments: saxophone, trumpet, flute, ect. Playing the recording: wind instruments. 15. Giving pupils text mathematical problems connected with lesson topic. 16. Summary of the

Science education Polish language education

Musical education

Pupils solve the problems Mathematical education in their notebooks.

Lesson Plan - Integrated Education III primary lesson Pupils activity assesment Annex 1. Explore the air and write in the diagram, its taste, smell and colour. The air qualities colour taste smell

Annex 2. Important information about the air The air is a mix of nitrogen, oxygen and other harmless gases. Oxygen is needed all living organisms to breathe. Humans, plants and animals would die if there wasnt the air. Our beloved Earth is big enough to keep our life-giving atmosphere, which protects us against harmful influences. The atmosphere is a gas layer surrounding the Earth, its got about 500 km thickness. Thanks to gravity the atmosphere is kept around our globe. And thanks to the atmosphere on Earth there isnt too hot or too cold. Annex3. Complete the chart. Explain why many, many years ago the air was clean. Give several reasons of air pollution today. Why was the air clean many, many What does cause the air pollution at years ago? present?

Annex 4. Read and analyse the data in the chart and answer questions given below. The name of the wind silence speed 1km/h Symptoms on the land The smoke goes perpendicularly up, the

Lesson Plan - Integrated Education III primary water surface is smooth storm, hurricane 89-102km/h It tears trees out of the ground, damages roofs cyclone 200 km/h There are rainstorms and terrible damages light breeze 1-19 km/h It moves leaves and trees branches Question nr1: What wind does cause the biggest damages on the land? ................................................................................................................ Question nr2: What wind is friendly for people? ............................................................................................................... Question nr 3: a) What is the wind name that tears trees out of the ground? ........................................................................................................ b) The speed of that wind can be (underline correct answer): 92 km/h 17 km/h 180 km/h

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