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August 28, 2012

E.H. Republican Chair Demands Answers from Former E.H. Town Officials regarding Tyler Street Property
East Haven Republican Town Committee Chairman Ben Mazzucco demanded answers today from former Town officials regarding a Request for Proposals for 200 Tyler Street which the former Finance Director and prior Mayor published on August 25, 2011 - 85 days before the residents ever voted on a use for the property in the 2011 referendum. The RFP indicates that the Town, through former Finance Director Tom Thompson, was accepting proposals from development teams for the development of 200 Tyler Street. It goes on to state that [w]e feel the town should seek a contractor who would be interested in the purchase and development of this property. It explains, [b]eing in a residential area this building has the potential for rental apartments or condominiums. The RFP, which was geared toward attracting condominium developers, called for developers to submit plans which would include the number of units proposed by property, a development budget, and a detailed project schedule. Mazzucco explained, The publication of the RFP by the prior administration eighty-five days before the referendum took place is a slap in the face to the people of East Haven who thought their voices were being heard in the referendum. Instead, the former Mayor and former Finance Director took it upon themselves to push a secret agenda to peddle the property for condominium development. Mazzucco continued, More so, the discovery of this RFP calls into question the recent push by several current and former Democratic town officials to discuss a plan for senior housing and condo development at the property. Former Town officials who have recently criticized Mayor Maturo regarding the 200 Tyler Street property have praised the prior administration for its supposed transparency and for listening to the voice of the people on this issue. Mazzucco explained, This RFP, which was never announced via any press release or explained to council members, directly contradicts that sentiment. Mazzucco concluded, The 200 Tyler Street Reuse Committee was formed to explore three options for the property but it appears from this RFP, and from the arrogance demonstrated by the publication of this RFP before the referendum, that the prior administration had only one use in mind all along. However, moving forward, the Town and Mayor Maturo have demonstrated a readiness to engage in a meaningful conversation about the future of the property something which is sorely needed in light of the discovery of the dealings of the prior administration. For more information, please contact Ben Mazzucco at 203-605-6367 Attachments: (1) Copy of RFP, (2) Copy of Ad from New Haven Register

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