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A victim of West Yorkshire Police Racism

David Blair Was born in Leeds in 1969 and during his childhood watched two of his older brothers join the British Army, so he knew from that moment that he wanted to follow in their footsteps and serve his country in the army. Once David had reached the age of 16 he was old enough to join the army and serve his country as he had always wanted to do. David was and still is a keen sports and fitness enthusiast and during his childhood and army career he achieved many awards and certificates for his sporting achievements, including army 100 and 200 meters under 21 champion for two years running.

David also joined the Corps of Drums and underwent training in York.

David successfully passed the course and joined the Regiment and performed for members of the public in many locations.

Following a successful career in the Army serving both Queen and Country David joined West Yorkshire Police and served his local community. In 1992 David was extremely happy to join the West Yorkshire Police and worked as a Police Constable in Normanton, Castleford and Chapletown.

David served over 17 years in the Police and always enjoyed all aspects of Police work and had gained not only the respect of his work colleagues, members of the public but also of the arrestees he had dealt with. This showed that he had developed all round as a Police Constable and was a great asset to the Police Service. During these 17 years David was presented with two commendations, one of these was for risking his life to rescue a burglar who had attempted to avoid arrest by fleeing into the River Aire but due to the underwater current he got into difficulties and nearly drowned. The other commendation was a Crown Court Commendation for conducting a detailed investigation which resulted in two dangerous drug dealers being sentenced to a term in prison along with the confiscation of an arsenal of guns and ammunition.

From 2003 David experienced a prolonged period of racial discrimination by his Line Managers. David knew that he was being treated differently and less favourably in comparison to his white colleagues. David raised his concerns but no positive action was taken. Despite raising a formal grievance his complaint was brushed under the carpet even though he suffered a prolonged period of discrimination by the same line manager. David soon realised that West Yorkshire Police were not willing to challenge bullying and racism. As a result of these events David became isolated, depressed and he became ill as it was too much for him to cope with.

While David was off sick he was falsely arrested and subjected to a protracted investigation for petty matters (i.e. renting his home on a residential mortgage). To this day David believes that he was arrested because he had made a complaint of racism. Having spoken to other BME officers within West Yorkshire Police this certainly seems to be the pattern repeating itself in many cases. As the events became too much David attempted to commit suicide by jumping off a bridge. West Yorkshire Police offered him no help or support through this difficult period. David was cleared at Court of any wrongdoing and he was duly acquitted. Despite such a stressful ordeal West Yorkshire Police then took David to an internal discipline panel for the same matters and he was dismissed (so 3 people over ruled 12 people.) In David's case the West Yorkshire Police Professional Standards Department (PSD) falsified witness statements, suppressed evidence, harassed and intimidated witnesses, and made up lies in order to remove David from the force. The PSD Officers took hand written statements from witnesses which the Officers then later typed up in the absence of the witness and fundamentally changed what the witness had said thereby effectively changing the evidence and perverting the course of justice. Despite serving his community, his country, his neighbourhood for a lifetime - this is how West Yorkshire Police treated David Blair - they hung him out to dry. As you read this article there are many other Black and Minority Ethnic officers like David who are unfortunately experiencing the same treatment at the hands of West Yorkshire Police.

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